Secret World of Arrietty, The (2010)

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Secret World of Arrietty, The (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

I '// never forge! that summer.

/ spent' e week in the old house where my mother grew up-

Planning & Screenplay by Hayao Miyazaki Produced by Toshio Suzuki Based on "The Borrowers" by Mary Norton Music by Cécile Corbel

Almost there. Feeling all right?


Directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi

THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY many times have I told her?

I'll be right back. Okay.

Haru! You're blocking the driveway again.


Where are you?

Don't touch!

These aren't for you.

Arrietty! What?

You went outside again, didn't you?

And you might clean up this room, young lady.

It's my own little garden.

If you ask me, it looks like a mess.

Oh! Is that a bay leaf?

Oh, well, I guess this means your birthday comes early.

Enough for a whole year.

But the bay tree's so far away.

If a human bean saw you...

I'm always careful.

The world is full of dangerous creatures.

Your great uncle...

...was eaten by a frog. Right?

Doesn't that sh/so smell lovely?

Yes, it does.

With a bit of sugar, I could make sh/so juice.

Wait till tonight. I'll borrow some for you.

My first borrowing ever! I've been practising night and day.

Papa's home.

Welcome back.

Papa, about tonight... There's a boy in the house.

I saw him.

No! Arrietty... He didn't see me!

I hid behind the bay leaf. Papa, we're still going, aren't we?

I won't hear of it. It's too dangerous.

But he's just a child!

Papa, I've been waiting for such a long time.

The children can be more savage than the grownups.

I'll be fine!

Youngsters go to bed early.

Thank you, Papa!

But Pod...

The boy's sick. Don't worry, we'll be fine.

But Still...

Stop worrying, Mother. We'll be extra careful.

Arrietty will be 14 soon.

Someday she'll have to survive without our help.

Sometimes I think we're the last Borrowers in the world.

Whatever you need, just ask Haru.

All right.

Haru, I'm depending on you.

Yes, ma'am.

Let's shut the screen. Keep the bugs out.

Shouldn't you wear something darker?

I already decided!

I hope you can borrow some tissue paper.

And a bit of sugar, perhaps?

We could have sh/so juice and sugar for the tea.

But anything's just fine.

We'll be back soon.

Please be careful. We will.



Hold these for me. Okay.

Hold on tight!



Everything's so huge.

The world of human beans.

The sugar's over there.

Wait for me down there.

Papa, you're great.

Now, let's get that tissue.

Papa, look.

Your first borrowing.

Be careful, it's sharp.

I Will!

Papa, borrowing is such fun!

Look down there.

Rats. Steer clear of them. They're trouble.

I'm not afraid.

I'm ready for anything. I've got this!

Sometimes it's best not to go looking for danger.

What is this place?

Human beans made it for their dolls.

It's just perfect for us!

I'm sure Mother would love that dresser over there.

These things aren't for borrowing.

If anything went missing, they'd know right away.


Don't be afraid.

I saw you. In the garden. It was you, wasn't it?

My mother told me about you.

She saw little people here when she was young.

Was it you that she saw?

Was it?

I'm sorry, Papa.

He saw me today, out in the garden.

I should've been more careful.

I hope he didn't frighten you.

Best not tell your mother, it will only worry her.

All right.

You don't always have to run. Observe them first, then decide.

We're home.

Safe and sound.


Things didn't go well this time.

This light gave out before we finished.

Oh dear.

We had to give up on the sugar.

Don't give it a thought. At least you're safe and sound.

Arrietty, you found something. Show your mother your first borrowing.

What a pretty pin.

Time for bed.

Good night.

She looks worn out.

Shall I make some tea?


Come in the house. You'll catch cold out there.

A cube of sugar? But whatever for?

He left it by the grating.

It's probably the same one I dropped last night.


What do you mean, you dropped it?

Don't touch it. Do you understand?

It's a trap.

They're trying to catch us!

We'll have to stop borrowing for a while.

Maybe they already know where we are.

Pod, we'll have to move!

This was such a lovely house.

Now we'll have to start all over again.

Well, let's see how things go.

Now eat, soup's getting cold.

Why did it have to be sugar?

Thank you, Arrietty.

I wanted to hang everything while the sun's out.

You know I love doing laundry.

I'm going to nap for a bit. All right.

"You forgot something"

You came back.

Wait, don't go.

Please leave us alone.

I wanted to tell you that.

I want to talk to you.

Human beans are dangerous.

If we're seen, we have to leave. My parents said so.

You have a family? I envy you.

Don't you have one?

Yes, but I practically never see my father.

Mother's so busy at work, she barely has time for me.


My name's Sho. What's your name?

Do you have one?

Of course I have a name!

It's Arrietty.

Arrietty. . .Arrietty...

That's pretty.

Won't you let me see you? Just for a moment.

Just a peek. Please?

What's happening? Oh my gosh, it's a crow!

You can't come in here!

What got into that bird? They never behave like that.

Maybe it's nesting season or something.

Now I have to replace this screen. Where do we keep them?

Are you all right?

Maybe you should take some of your medicine.

Thanks, Haru.

I feel fine.

The nesting season, eh?

Have yourself a nice long rest now.


I told you to stay away. I'm sorry.

I wanted to do something to help.

But he didn't see me.

You put your family in danger.

I won't say it again. Understand?


We'd better start looking.

It's time.


"You forgot something"

Afternoon! Package for you.

Thanks again, ma'am. It's pretty hot out there.

Listen, know any good pest control companies?

Pest control?

Here's one. "Squeaky Klean Service."

Squeaky Klean Service? Let me just write that down.

Having problems with mice?

Maybe it's mice, or maybe it's something else.

Between us, it's little people.

I've seen them myself.

A crow tried to fly into your room?

I hope it didn't scare you.

Don't worry, Aunt Sadako. Haru chased it out.

I was so astonished!

I never saw such a huge...

Excitement's the worst thing in the world for his heart.

He came here for peace and quiet.

If anything were to happen before the operation...

I know, I know.

I realize his mother's terribly busy at work.

But to go abroad on business and leave a sick child?

It must be terribly hard for you without your mother.

I don't mind.

I suppose the divorce couldn't be helped.

But why can't she be here, when he needs her so?

Aunt Sadako, who made that little house in my room?

It's amazing.

You mean the doll house?

That doll house belongs to your mother.

She left it here when she moved out.

It was hers?

My father had it made to order in England.

It was for the little people.

My father claimed he'd seen them.

He waited for so many years.

He always said that house was a present for them.

But I'm afraid they never showed themselves again.

Not in my father's lifetime, nor in mine.

Young Master, did you happen to see any little people in your room?

It's been in our family for four generations.

If you like it, it will be yours someday.

You mean it?


Have you looked inside? It's quite beautiful!

Haru, could you turn off the lights? Yes.

This is the living room.

All the furnishings were hand-made by a real furniture maker.

Isn't it wonderful?

Here's the library on the first floor. There's even a bathroom.

But the next room is my personal favourite.

Haru, could you open that up?

Let's see, I think it opens this way.

Everything is so detailed!

Detailed and just like the real thing.

That's a real oven. You could use it for baking.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

What a pity Father's dream never came true.

And it's been so long...

Maybe the little people are gone now.

Mother, we've had these pictures three years.

Don't you want new ones?

I love those pictures.

I've always dreamed I'd see the real ocean someday.

Besides, there's no point changing them now.

Papa's later than usual.

I hope he didn't get caught in that downpour.

Papa? That's the back door.

Papa! Welcome back...

Twisted my leg.

It's lucky Spiller found me.


Oh dear, you're hurt! Hurry, bring him in.

Does it hurt?

It's not broken. I'll be fine in no time.

I'll get some cold water.

Here's a towel, better dry off.

Who's this?

It's not just the three of us after all.

Got to go.

Wait, at least stay and have some tea.

I'll see to your father. Get Spiller a cup of tea.

Thank you, Spiller. Papa's so lucky you came along.

We're so grateful for your help.

Listen, have you seen other Borrowers?

You see, we thought we might be the only ones left.

This many.

Then Cousin Lupy must be okay!

Can I see your bow?

You use this for hunting.

Give that back. It's not a toy.

Got to go.

Won't you stay and have a bite?

Got this.

A cricket's leg!

Want some? It's real good.

No thanks!

Take care.

Thanks again.

I'll see him out.

You were looking for a new place.

I tripped and fell. Couldn't move. Then Spiller came.


His territory reaches past the river.

And he knows a few places we could live.

That's good, I suppose.

I'd hate to camp out.

But I doubt we'll find anything quite as nice as this.

I'm glad there are still others like us.

Do you have friends and family, Spiller?

Family? No, just me.

Well, I hope you can come again.

My mother's stew is the best in the world.


Arrietty, your stitches need to be closer together.

Pull it apart and do it again.

Why do we need such a big sack anyway?

I'm going to look in on Papa.

Papa, can I come in?

How's your leg?

I'll be walking soon.


Are we going to move?

We were seen. We've no choice but to move.

I don't think every human bean is dangerous.


Before you were born, there were two other families living in this house.

One family went missing. They just disappeared.

The other one moved away.

They were seen by humans.

No matter what happens, we've got to survive.


What in heaven's name! Is this an earthquake?


It won't open.

The frame's buckled.

The...the wall!



I always dreamed of having a kitchen like this.

Gather only the things we need.

We can't carry all that.

And Homily, take nothing from the doll house.

I'll make sure it's safe.

Stay with your mother. Yes.

You finally came.

Do you like your new kitchen?

Our house is a disaster.

But it doesn't matter. I came to say goodbye.

Can I look?

You're beautiful.

We have to move.

We were seen.

Borrowers aren't meant to be seen.

Borrowers...? We borrow from human beans.

Things we need. Things they won't miss.

Soap and cookies and sugar. Electricity and gas, too.

Even my great-grandfather was a Borrower.

No one ever saw them? Probably.

It's all my fault.

Niya, don't be like that. Be nice to her.

Are there other little people like you in the house?

No, it's just my father and mother and me.

What about in other houses?

I'm sure there are some. I've only met one so far.


Soon you'll be the only one left.

Every year there's fewer of you, right?

You're a doomed species, you know.

That's not true!

There's lots more of us. Spiller said so!


He's one of us.

And he said there's lots more.

Do you know how many people there are in the world?

There are 6.7 billion of us.

Six point seven billion...?

What about you?

I don't know.

There's probably just a few of you.

Until my mother told me, I didn't know little people existed.

Lots of species are already extinct.

I've only seen them in books, though.

So many beautiful species...

But the environment changed, so they died out.

It's sad, but that's what fate has in store for your kind.

Fate, you say?

You're the one who changed things. Now we have to move away.

We have to survive. That's what Papa said.

So we're leaving, even though it's dangerous.

We'll make do, we always have. You don't know anything about us!

We're not going to die out that easily!

I'm sorry. You're right.

I'm the one who's going to die.

It's my heart.

They're going to operate next week, but it's probably hopeless.

Your heart...?

I've always been sick. I can't play like other kids.

From the moment I saw you, I wanted to protect you.

I can't even do that.

I hope you can forgive me.

I didn't know you were so sick.

What in the world is this doing here?

It's the kitchen from the doll house!

Found you!

What's wrong?

My mother...l heard her voice.

This really is a great kitchen.

You're not the only little one here, I bet.

I have to go.

Let me out! Help me!

The ceiling's tilted.

Hello? Squeaky Klean Service?

Can you make an urgent house call?

There's something small in the house. No, not mice.

No! mice? I don't want them k*lled.

You need trapping services ?

Yes, that's it. I want you to trap them.



Mother's gone!

Someone took the roof off. I think a human bean got her!


We'll find her.


Let's try the room next door.

Can't budge it. Wait!

I can fit.


No, that's not it.

There's a dirt road. Turn in there.

- Before the bridge? No, not that one!

Haru opened this.

Then she must've taken Mother someplace.

Are you okay?

What's taking them so long?

Mother! Where are you?

But the lock...


Could I have some hot milk?

Okay, wait just a minute.


I'm a little hungry. Are there any cookies?



Mother? Arrietty!

Here I am, Arrietty!



There they are. They finally found the right road.

Another human bean!

It's all right, Mother.

We'd like to take a look around first.

Take your time.

Now who can this be?

Haru? Haru!

What's going on here?

It's finally happened. The little people are here!

Little people?

That's right. And what little thieves they are!

It's really true.

They steal from all over the house.

That's why things were going missing.

Haru, what's got into you?

All these years I thought it was my imagination.

Well, it wasn't.

You certainly didn't need to call the exterminators.

We'd better hurry. The house is full of them!

You'll believe me when you see this.

This is their nest.


It looks like a pile of old junk to me.

What? I swear I saw it.

Haru, I'm sending the exterminators away.

Now, wait just a minute.

The doll house!

Young Master? May we come in for a minute?

All right.

You won't believe this. They stole the little kitchen too.

You'll see, it's gone.

It's not gone.

Such a pleasure to look at.

Wait, I can prove it! I have one of them in a jar.

I wonder what's got into Haru.


Fresh herbs, how lovely.

Someone was making tea!

It's just as my father said. There are little people living here.

Yes, there are.

So Haru really saw them.

Though she accused them of stealing.

They're not thieves at all! They're Borrowers.

I mean, I wish I could see them.

I bet they're here somewhere.

I'm sure they are.

Excuse me, ma'am!

Where'd you like us to start?

Are you all right?

It got away.

I had one and it got away!

It's not just my imagination. There are little people here!

Next time I swear I'll get them!

How far is it to where we're meeting Spiller?

It's just outside the forest. Then we head down river.

I'm already worn out. I'll never make it that far.

Let's hurry.

I can't do it...

Better have something to eat. We'll be walking till morning.

I'm so sorry.

It's my fault we had to leave such a wonderful house.

That's in the past.

We'll make another wonderful house, the three of us together.

I'm going outside for a bit.

Don't go too far, now.



Just a little further.


That's everything.

Now let's get moving.


Mother, are you all right?




We're leaving now.

I'm glad I made it.

Niya showed me the way.

Thanks. Take care of yourself.

I brought this.

I hope you'll accept it this time.

Thank you.

I have to go.

When is your operation?

The day after tomorrow.

I'm going to be okay. You gave me the courage to live.

For luck.


You protected me after all.


I hope you have the best life ever.


Arrietty, you're a part of me now.

I'll never forget you, ever.
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