03x09 - Fallout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x09 - Fallout

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Everyday heroes doing extraordinary things.

9-1-1 returns.

We're gonna find you.

ANNOUNCER: Catch all-new episodes Mondays and check out our other Fox programs.

Prodigal Son, Almost Family and The Resident.

There's more to the story than you know.

Only on Fox.

MC: Look out L.A.!

The eggheads over at JPL say there's a meteor shower coming our way.

But not to worry-- it's supposed to land smack-dab in the middle of Pacific.

So keep it tuned right here to KSXI, K-Sexy Radio.

And while we're "Waiting for a Star to Fall", here's Boy Meets Girl.

(knocking on door)

Oh, my God, finally!

Oh, wait. You cannot lift alone.

-He bring on dolly. -(grunts)

I got it, Ms. Ulyanov.

It's not that bad.

Lift with your knees, girl.


-Oh. -(grunts)

I'll slip the rent under your door later, I promise.

Oh, no, I not worry, Olivia.


You throw party for yourself?

Pity party, yeah, pity rager.

It's not every day you get fired from your content creation job because someone decided you "aren't getting the voice of the blog."

You think it's my RBF? Don't answer that.

Olivia, it's been days.

You cannot stay inside forever.

(scoffs) Yes, I can.

My forever just got totally awesome.

Because of blanket?

Weighted blanket.

It's like a perpetual hug, Ms. Ulyanov, just precisely what I need.

No, it's what I deserve.

I'll see you in the spring.

(tranquil music)

NARRATOR (on phone): You are not a receptacle for anyone's feelings.

-You must fill your own cup... (sniffling)

For you cannot pour from an empty one.



(loud bang)

(meteorite whistling)



(gasping) Olivia!

-Olivia! -(screaming)


(sirens wailing)

(horn honks)

(dramatic music)

Oh, I am one who called.

Ma'am, what's the name of the victim?

Her name is Olivia.

She is alive. It is a miracle.

I see it fall from space.

(Olivia moaning)

MS. ULYANOV: It fall all the way from heaven and land on top of her.

You mean through her.

This can't be happening, right?

CHIMNEY: Pulse is strong, airway's clear, breathing's good.

CRT is good.

Olivia, I need you to tell me your pain level from one to ten.

It's, like, a four, but it's throbbing.

How am I even alive? I have a hole in me!


-BUCK: Hey, Cap. -CHIMNEY: It looks like left lower abdomen, might have taken out the kidney or at least lacerated it.

Can you wiggle your toes for me, ma'am?

It definitely missed the spine, Cap.

CHIMNEY: Yeah, and this weighted blanket contained the blast radius.

Must have cauterized most of the blood vessels on the way through and the nerves too.

That's why you're not in excessive pain, Olivia.

-Lucky me. -Cap, we're gonna have to move her with this blanket.

BUCK: And that chaise is also fused to her, Cap.

(tense music)

Guys! Guys, I--I found it.

All the way from outer space.

-Should I grab it? -Doesn't belong to you, Buck.

(as Harrison Ford) It belongs in a museum.


Okay, we're gonna need the saws, both of 'em.

-Yeah. -I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Did you say saws?

Did he say saws? Did you say saws?

(saw buzzing)

Of all the people on the planet, the thing had to hit me.

BUCK: You know what?

Only one other person in history has ever been hit by a meteorite, and that was in the '50s, which makes you pretty special.

I don't feel special. How do you know that?

Why do you know that?

Buck was on the pier when the tsunami hit.

He's kind of obsessed with natural disasters.

You want a natural disaster? Pfft.

Look no further than my life.

Not anymore.

Space rocks do not just fall out of the sky onto anybody.

You are gonna be famous.

Okay, instant backboard on three.

One, two, three.


BUCK: All right, guys, watch your step.

Watch your step.


I can't believe Hen missed this.

-(phone buttons beep) -(siren whirs)

(solemn music)

FRANK: Still not sleeping?

Couple hours here and there, but...


Every time I-I close my eyes...

You see her face.

I relive the moment.

Last night, it was like...


I was crashing into her in slow motion... her injuries happening while the car was crumbling around her.

Wha--what is that?

EDDIE: It's not normal, right?

I have these moments that are good.

We save someone from dying, my kid does something awesome.

It's moments where I should be happy or proud or both.

I know that.

Just don't feel it.

There's no one right way to deal with trauma.

All the first responders I counsel process it differently.

MADDIE: And yet you all ask the same questions and press the same buttons.

I mean, this is my third session...

You're not finding therapy helpful?

I used to.

After Doug died, I did it all: talk therapy, group therapy, cognitive processing.

Spent six months just talking about my feelings.

I'm sorry none of it helped you.

What makes you think it didn't?

'Cause you're sitting in that chair.

I don't wanna be.

I'd rather be at home with my kid, enjoying the one good thing I have going on.

FRANK: So why do you keep coming back?

I was ordered here by my boss.

I know I need help to process this.

I don't want my kid to be like me.

I mean, Chris is always this happy, open kid, ready to share every thought in his head.

But he was in...pain.

He felt like he had to hide that from me, pretend he was okay.


(sniffles, clears throat)

I don't want that for him.

I violated Department policy, violated a woman's trust, and I am really sorry.

I almost k*lled a guy with my bare hands.

I k*lled a young girl in the prime of her life.

I survived. Doug didn't.


(light music)

So you still haven't heard anything from the chief about Hen?

I would tell you if they'd made a ruling, Buck-- they haven't.

But shouldn't the investigators be done by now?

We all know it was an accident.

EDDIE: Saw her yesterday.

I was on my way into Frank's, ran into her outside the building.

She seemed okay, just sad.

You can't blame her for that.

-Or for anything. BUCK: How's therapy with Frank?

-Haven't seen him in a while. -EDDIE: Seems good.

Though I'm not really sure he and I are...clicking.

You should try talking to Rosemary.

I went to her after the stabbing--she was great.

-Is that the one I slept with? -No, she doesn't work for the Department anymore.

-You slept with your therapist? -I was, uh, going through a phase.

Hey, didn't you just go through

-one of those? -Yeah, yeah.

-Hey, everybody. -BOBBY: Hey.

Well, look who's back on the beat!

Just thought I'd stop by, see if there's any word on our girl, Hen.

-CHIMNEY: You talk to her? -(cell phone bleeps)

No, I try, but all she wants to talk about is--

The girl, yeah, I got that too.

Ooh, ooh, May just sent me a copy of her college essay.

She emailed it to you?

I guess she was too nervous to watch me read it in person.

I remember the drama when my sister was applying to college.

Think that's half the reason why I decided to join the army.

Well, you tell a 17-year-old kid that their future depends on writing 600 perfect words, the pressure's gonna get to 'em.

I don't remember what my college essay was about.

Why don't you call Maddie and ask her

-what she wrote for you? -(Bobby laughing)

I am gonna k*ll this child.

BOBBY: "Living with the Enemy."

I thought her essay was about the tsunami.

So did I. It's not.

Wait, uh, who's the enemy in the essay?


(solemn music)

BOBBY: It wasn't your fault.

System logs show that you pushed the button.

Your light was green when you entered the intersection.

Her light never changed.

Looks like it was the circuit board on the streetlamp.

One of the relays was fried.

You did everything right.

And she's still dead.

But not because of you. I know it doesn't feel that way, that you feel responsible--

Bobby, I'm the one that drove into her.

You can show me a million pieces of paper that--that--that says it's not my fault, but it's still gonna feel like it is.

Did you know she played the cello?

It was an accident, Hen.


You've been cleared by the Department.

You can return to duty whenever you want.

Um...I don't know when I can come back.

Karen and I are going away for a few days, and, uh...


I think I'ma need some time.

Take as much as you need.

We'll be here when you're ready.


ATHENA: "My mother is a police officer.

"It's what's she's been my entire life.

"I never questioned it.

"But lately, answering the question, "'What does your mother do?', fills me with something that feels like shame."

Shame? My daughter's ashamed of me?

Um, that's not what she's saying.

You haven't read it.


-You did read it. -Well...

You knew she was writing this about me.


We discussed it.

She wanted to write about something that mattered to her, but she was worried about your reaction.

Oh, yeah, so she just tells the whole world that her mother is a good-hearted but misguided cop who has wasted her entire life trying to fix a system that's broken beyond repair.

Oh, she also said that she admires you for everything that you've done, everything that you try to do.

What am I supposed to say to her?

The truth.

Now you tell her that you love her.

You're proud of her, even if you don't agree with her.

Come on, Athena, this is the promise that we made.

When we had May and Harry, we promised ourselves-- we agreed that we were gonna raise our children to be strong, smart, and independent, you know, give them room to be their own people.

This essay proves that we have done our job.

That's easy for you to say, 'cause you're not the enemy.


So how's everything at home?

Better, I guess.

I mean, ever since the crash, Karen has been a rock.

It's like that IVF stuff never even happened.

Well, that's something.

My wife's a project manager.

Looks like I'm her new project.


She wants to take me to this new-age-y wellness spa.

She says it'll have healing influences.

Are there gonna be crystals? 'Cause sounds very crystal-ly.

Listen, as long as there's a comfortable bed and nobody trying to talk me into getting a colonic...

-(laughs) -I'll give it a shot.

And I'll try anything that'll make me feel less awful.

You know, make me feel like I can do this job again.


You know, someone once told me that the world is full of patients, but what it really needs is more caregivers.

Hen, you are the best caregiver that I know.

So go do whatever you need to do to heal you, because the world needs you back and so do I.



Gotta love an early shift.

-See ya tonight. -I'll see ya.

Maddie, bunch of us are headed out on the town.

We're thinking karaoke and wings, not necessarily in that order.

You should join us.

We can toast to your triumphant return.

I'm gonna have to pass.

I have plans with Buck.

You sure? He could join.

No, you do not wanna hear Buck sing "Eye of the Tiger."

It is painful, even with the one-armed push-ups.

Copy that. Bye.

Bye. (cell phone rings)

-Tara? -TARA (over phone): Maddie?

(sobs) Maddie, oh, God.

-I--I don't know what to do. -What's wrong?

TARA: Can you come over?

Are you hurt? Did Vincent hurt you?

TARA: You were right.

You were so right.

I--I really need your help.

-Please. -Yeah, I'm on my way.

(suspenseful music)




Thank God you're here.

(whispers) What happened?

We--we fought.

He--he came after me.

(shaky breath)

He was so mad.

Okay, where is he?

I didn't--I didn't have a choice.

(breathing hard) I had to.

You k*lled him.

I thought I did, but he's still alive.


(softly) She--she shot me.


(dramatic music)

Vincent, can you hear me?

(Vincent gasps)

-No! -Tara!

You can't. That's why I called you.

To do what?

To stand here and watch him die?

He can't die.

I don't know, I don't know. Should he die?

I can't--I can't think straight.

I need--I need to think.

(gurgling, gasping)


(Vincent gasps)

-What are you doing? -I'm saving him.

And I am saving you.

Everything in your life gets worse if he dies.


(Maddie panting)

It was--It was self-defense.

It was...

That is what you're gonna tell yourself a million times, but you will never completely believe it.


Look, I k*lled my husband.


And I wish that I didn't.

I--I wish I didn't have to.

But you--you survived, though.

I mean, you're--you're free.


I k*lled someone I used to love.

I will never be completely free of that.

(Vincent gasps loudly)


Tara, please, call 9-1-1.

(Vincent gasping)


(cell phone clicks)

WOMAN: 9-1-1. What's your emergency?

This is Maddie Kendall, dispatcher badge number 873951.

I have a male in his 30s, GSW to the upper torso.

Don't ask me any protocol questions and don't route me to an EMD.

Be advised there is a loaded firearm at the scene.


Hands up. Hands up, hands up!


I need both of your hands up.


I can only give you one.

SINGER: * Shivers running down my spine *

* And you keep whispering

* It's like you're listening

(solemn pop music)

* To me when I'm asleep

* Secret chambers of my heart *

* Carve your name in there

* It's like you're always there *


* With me when I can't breathe *

(sirens wail)

* I'm a stranger to myself

* Becoming someone else

* Mm


* I'm not in control

* I'm not in control *

* I'm not in control

* I'm not in control *

* I'm out of control


(tranquil flute music)


KAREN: See? I told you it was nice.

Yeah, well, I don't see any crystals, so that's a bonus.


Look, we don't have to stay.

You know, if you just wanna go home--

No. No, no, no.

It's okay.

Honestly, it'll be nice for us to spend a few days away from everything and everyone we know.

You know, just me and you. (chuckles)

STACEY: Henrietta?

Henrietta Wilson?

It is you!



-(Stacey sighs) -How are you?

Alive and well, thanks to you.

Stacey Mullins.

I'm--I'm Hen's wife, Karen.

-Nice to meet you. -Delighted.

I can't believe you're here.

You have to let me buy you drinks--no, dinner.

Please let me buy you dinner.

Well, uh, you know, we just got here, and, uh, we haven't even checked in yet.

So why don't you give us your room number, and we'll call you when we get settled.

Wonderful. I'm in 209.


I can't believe you're here.



Who was that woman?

She's the reason I became a paramedic.

(dramatic music)

KAREN: I mean, you don't think it's serendipity running into the life coach whose life you saved?

HEN: You don't believe in serendipity.

KAREN: All right, what else would you call it?

A coincidence.

Yeah, a coincidence that offered to buy us dinner.

We should take her up on it.

Wha--do--you just want me to sit there and have small talk with her?

"Oh, Hen, how's life as a paramedic?"

"Oh, well, you know, I saved your life.

"I'm out here, you know, long hours.

I have a great team. Oh, and I k*lled a girl."

You did not k*ll her!

-It was an-- -Accident.

(solemn music)

That's what everyone keeps saying.

Or maybe that was serendipity too.

-Hen. -I'd love it if it was.

If someone could give me a reason why that poor girl is dead and why I just walked away without a scratch.


Tell me how that fits inside some grand design.

I don't know.


But I do know that you did not mean to hurt that girl.

You did everything right. The report said--

I don't remember pressing the button.

The report says I did, but I don't remember doing it.


Well, do you remember putting on your seat belt?

Every day, we complete a million tasks just like the day before and the day before that, and we don't remember them.

I don't remember brushing my teeth this morning, doesn't mean I didn't.

But I should remember.

That was an important moment.

Only in retrospect.

When you pressed that button, it was just another day.


I gotta be able to trust myself and my instinct.

That's the only way I'm gonna do the job.


Finger thoracostomy.


It's, uh--it's kinda badass.

Come on, Mads, you saved a guy's life, you know, one who seriously did not deserve it.

No. Nobody deserves to die.

WILLIAMS: Ms. Kendall, sorry to keep you here so long.

You can head home now.

Wait, you don't wanna take my statement?

Detectives talked to Mr. Dagostino before he went into surgery.

He said he shot himself by accident.

-An accident? -WILLIAMS: Yeah.

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

You folks have a good night.

(dramatic music)

(sighs) I--I don't get it.

Why would he lie for her?

Maddie, I'm so glad you're still here.

I wanted to thank you.

Thank you so much.

Tara, what is-- what is going on?

The officer just said--

He said he could forgive me if I would forgive him, if we could--if we could make things work.

What? No.

It can be different now.

We can be different.

He--he promised.


You wanna stick around in case she needs you?


I can't help her anymore.


So she sh**t him and then takes him back?


And I thought my marriage was complicated.

How's your sister taking it?

It's, uh--it's kind of rough on her.

You know, I think she thought she could save Tara from Vincent, but, you know, she's realizing that you can't save someone from themselves, not if they don't want it.

Ain't that the truth?

Especially if you aren't around to see that they need saving.

(somber music)

Look, I'm sorry I wasn't there, Eddie.

You and Chris needed me, and I had my head so far up my own behind with that stupid lawsuit--

-We're way past that, Buck. -I'm not.

I should have been there.

Maybe I could have...talked some sense into you.

(snorts quietly)

You talk sense into me?

That'd've been interesting.

I told you not to buy that truck.

Yeah, you'd have talked me into buying something more expensive.

Yeah, fair point.

Look, things got a little out of hand for both of us.

Don't beat yourself up about it.

Why, 'cause you'd rather do it?

-Excuse me? -Come on, Eddie.

If you're not gonna be honest with Frank, at least be honest with me.

Who said I wasn't being honest with Frank?

You said you two weren't clicking.

Maybe I'm just not a therapy kind of guy.

Right, right, you, uh--you prefer to work it out in the ring.

There was no ring, Buck. There was a fence.

(chuckles) Come on.

You don't think while you were going through your phase, just maybe, you were throwing your punches at the wrong guy?


You're gonna make it about you, again?

Look, I'm just saying, you were pretty pissed.

Now I thought for sure that day in the grocery store you were gonna take a swing at me.

Not that you didn't deserve it, but I wouldn't do that.

You're on blood thinners.

Well, I'd still take you.

-You think so? -I know.

(bright music)

You wanna go for the title?

-(rock music) -Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

ANNOUNCER (on TV): K.O.! -(all shout)


Yeah! This is my kind of therapy.

(both laugh)

One more round. Pick 'em up.

(whooshing on TV)

(romantic music)

KAREN: I was in the wrong bar.

I spent 40 minutes thinking that my date had stood me up.

(laughs) But then Hen came in.


I know, I know.

It sounds really woo.

But I gotta say, after my brush with death, I'm kind of open to that.

So you had a near-death experience?

Did you...see anything?

Well, um, nothing supernatural, but I have definitely seen things.

Six years ago, I saw my daughter walk down the aisle.

Four years ago, I saw my first grandchild, last year, my second.

I've seen the world.

I have visited everyone who's mattered to me, and I've told each and every one how much I love them.

-KAREN: That's amazing. -STACEY: It is.

And every day, I wake up grateful, grateful for my second chance.

I'm grateful to God, but most of all, I'm grateful to you, Hen.

Thank you for saving my life.

(emotional music)

You're welcome.

(truck horn honking)

(bell dings)

ERNEST: Anticipate. You gotta learn to anticipate.

You gotta have everything in your hand when you hit the ground.

When you hit the ground, you gotta be ready to go.

Time is the enemy. Don't ever forget that.

Yeah, they drilled that into me when I took the job.

The faster the run, the happier the client.

And the happier the bottom line.

Don't ever forget that either.

Hey, protocol says we gotta inspect the cargo on this stop.

I got it. I got it.

Pump the gas.

(mutters) Get the gas.

Young people always get on my nerves.

(tense music)


What the...

Oh, my God.


You do realize what this run is about.

Company's cutting corners, kid, a lot of 'em.

Take a look at that manifest.

Tell me what you see.

What am I looking for here?

You see any steel drums?

(construction worker yells)

Ernest. Ernest, look out!

(tires screeching)




(tires screech, truck horn blares)

(expl*si*n booms)

(people yelling)


Which tunnel, sir?

CALLER (over phone): 2nd Street, downtown.

The whole place is filling up

-with smoke. -Okay.

Can you safely exit your vehicle and get out of the tunnel?

CALLER (over phone): We're trying to help out one of the drivers right now.

Holy crap, there's a combustible sign on the burning truck.

Is this thing gonna blow?

MADDIE: Our concern is your safety, sir.

Let's just get you both out of the tunnel.

JAMAL: No, we have no indication that it's a t*rror1st attack.

A lot of calls coming in from downtown.

Okay, uh, everybody listen up.

I need you all to initiate traffic rerouting for the area around the 2nd Street tunnel.

Until we know exactly what's burning in there, we're not taking any chances.

Did you say the fire is white?

CALLER: Yeah, It's crazy.

I've never seen anything like this.

(suspenseful music)


(sirens wailing)

(horn honks)


BOBBY: Dispatch said two victims and a hazardous materials recycling truck.

I want you to grab the CO2 detection equipment, and I want everybody in full turnouts and BAs--go!


(dramatic music)



BUCK: Cap, that's a bright one.

EDDIE: Put my money on magnesium.

BOBBY: Chim, you're on him. Eddie, Buck, check the driver.

Everybody else, this entire tunnel is an exclusion zone.

Keep people away. Go, go, go!


EDDIE: Cap, he's pinned. I gotta go to the other side.

-BOBBY: Okay. -(radio interference)

This is Captain Nash on scene at 2nd Street.

We have a magnesium fire that is reactive to water.

I need a liquid nitrogen truck dispatched immediately.

Copy that, Captain Nash.

Liquid nitrogen en route.

BOBBY: Chim, how's he doing?

CHIMNEY: He's bradycardic, pupils are uneven, GCS 12 and falling.

BOBBY: Smoke's gonna get bad in here.

Get him out of here. Go, go, go!

CHIMNEY: I lost his pulse, starting compression.

-(Chimney grunting) -(Ankush wheezes)


BOBBY: What are we looking at, Eddie?

EDDIE: He's not impaled or anything, but we're gonna need a jackhammer.

BOBBY: No time for that.

(metallic scrape)


(saw buzzing)

BOBBY: This magnesium's starting to burn real hot.

We gotta get him out of here soon.

(saw buzzes)

Saw's not gonna cut it.

Ah! Oh, God!

Oh, my God.

BOBBY: Sir, try to remain calm.

Tell me your name.

Ernest. Ernest... oh, magnesium.

It's burning.

You need to get out of here.

BOBBY: Sir, it's okay.

We are gonna get you out of this truck.


That's not the only thing there.

BOBBY: What else is back there, Ernest?


You were transporting radioactive waste through the middle of downtown Los Angeles?

Company's cutting corners.

(tense music)

This is Captain Nash.

Be advised, be advised.

This truck contains cobalt-60.

Start evacuating this area in a three-block radius and order all nonessential personnel outside the perimeter now.

EDDIE: That magnesium's gonna burn through those drums.

Once that happens, this entire tunnel is gonna turn into Chernobyl.

Hazmat and nitrogen will be here any minute, and I need both of you out there

-when they land. -Cap!

Buck, it's okay.

I will stay here with Ernest.

I'll get him out of here.

You gotta get out there and put out that fire.

Now. That's an order.

I'll be right behind you. Go!

BUCK: All right, guys, let's go!

Let's go! Come on!


CHIMNEY: (grunts) Switch.

(suspenseful music)

BUCK: Chim!

Where's the hazmat and the nitro?

Delayed, too many cars trying to evacuate downtown.

Cap, no hazmat or nitro yet. We're coming back to you.

BOBBY (over radio): Negative. Negative!

The cobalt has ignited.

We're at gamma radiation level.

I repeat, we are at gamma.

Hold your position.


That's nuts. Get out of here.

BOBBY: Maybe some CO2 will slow it down before I get that nitro.

-(Ernest coughs) -(alarm sounds)


BOBBY: That's it, I'm out.

Dispatch, where's that liquid nitrogen?

EDDIE (over radio): Nitrogen's landed, Cap.

It's here.

We need it now!


-BOWMAN: Where's Captain Nash? -Inside!

-How long has he been in there? -Too long.

BOWMAN: All right, let's go, guys.

Put it out!

Hey, are you ready?

Come on!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!


BOWMAN: Captain Nash, you're done.

Gotta get him out of the cab!

I got him--got him.

(alarm sounds)

(saw buzzing)


(siren wails)

(Ernest coughing)

(grunts) The kid--the kid!

You talking about Ankush?

-ERNEST: Did he make it? -He's stable.

He's headed to the hospital.

Oh, thank God.


(dramatic music)

BOWMAN (over radio): Fire's out.

I repeat, fire's out.

Smoke's clear, fallout's gonna be minimal.

(sirens wailing)

Maybe not for all of us.

(grim music)


(sirens wailing)


MAN: This way, Captain.


Thank you.

Okay. Heart function looks good.

And what about the other tests?

So far, mostly good news-- no enlargement of the thyroid, chest X-rays are clear.

Your lungs don't appear to have suffered any ill effects from the exposure.

What about the blood tests?

Kidney and thyroid function are normal.

You said mostly?

The urine test showed trace amounts of cobalt.

Not high, just elevated.

Liver enzymes are also not where I'd like them to be, but I'm not about to sound any alarms yet.

Yeah, but you're concerned.

I'm cautious by nature.

Good, so we won't worry unless you tell us there's something to worry about.

Now, when can I go home?

We'll probably send you home later today.

You can even go back to work.

But we will need that battery of tests once a week for the next six weeks until we are sure there are no long-term effects.

So I'll see you in seven days.

Looking forward to that.

(solemn music)


I am not ready to be a widow.

-Wasn't trying to make you one. -Bobby--

I had to slow down that fire, and the only way I could do it was to get in the path of the smoke.

I didn't have a choice.

-It's my job. -(sighs)


You will not get sick on me.


-Heh. -Love you.

I love you too.


(Karen groans)

Feels like three hours in traffic just undid all three days of rest and relaxation.

I'd say next time we should fly somewhere, but--

-Airports. -Mm-mm.

It was a pretty good trip, though, despite the drive back.

(groans) Was it?

I mean, the plan was to recharge and reconnect.

I feel like we only got half that equation, and maybe you got a little shortchanged.

No, I didn't.

I mean, all the stuff Stacey said about living in the moment and being grateful for it...

I am.

I'm grateful for you and for Denny.

I was worried for a minute there.


That maybe we weren't enough.


And I was worried I wasn't enough for you, because I couldn't...

And you could go find somebody else.

I know that most of that was the hormones talking, but, uh... damn, they're loud.

I never cared about how many kids we had, Karen, just that we had them together.


DENNY: I'm done.


(Karen chuckles)

I'm unpacked. Can we go pick up Paisley now?

Did you put away your stuff?

Or did you just empty it out on the bed?

You only said "unpack."

-Oh, ho-ho-ho. -Oh, my God.

Three days with Uncle Trey, and he's nailing us on technicalities.

All right, come on. Let's go get the dog.

-DENNY: Yes! -(Hen groans)

(door closes)

(laughs) It is indeed, right?

-Hey. -HARRY: You're home!

BOBBY: Oh, this is a surprise. I didn't think I'd get to see you until the weekend.

MICHAEL: I figured you both would be tired after the day you've had.

Thought we'd come by and make you dinner.

Oh, thank you, 'cause I know I'm exhausted.

Are you okay? We saw the driver on the news.

They said he has lung damage, that he could get cancer from being in that tunnel.

Well, he wasn't wearing the protective gear that firefighters wear, and he was in that tunnel a lot longer than I was.

-But are you okay? -BOBBY: I feel fine.

ATHENA: Which is what we're gonna focus on, just being grateful that Bobby made it home safe.

They're already talking about massive investigations, State, the Feds, OSHA.

I mean, it's gonna be a big mess.

-(Athena sighs) -I hope Ernest is ready for it.

He's probably gonna lose his job.

That company is gonna make his life a living hell, what's left of it.

I think he's brave for telling the truth and standing up for what's right.

If more people did that, the world would be better.

-(oven timer dings) -Uh! That's dinner, okay?

It needs 15 minutes to rest and then we'll eat.

Long enough for me to take a shower with normal soap and water this time.

(solemn music)


I wanted to talk to you about your essay.

Wasn't sure if you had a chance to read it.

I'm a police sergeant, not an officer.

I know maybe it seems like it shouldn't mean much, but it does.

I worked very hard for that title.

I'm sorry. I can fix it.


Then I think it's all set to go out.

It's a powerful essay.

Admissions offices will be very impressed with you.

So you're not mad?

I know you're still trying to figure things out, figure yourself out.

You and I might not always agree on the choice the other makes, but I'm very proud of what I do.

I'm proud of who I am, and I just hope that one day, when you're my age, that you'll be able to look at your daughter and say the same.

That's what I want for you.


I love you.

I love you too, Mom.


That wasn't so bad, huh?

I kind of wish she just said she was mad at me.

Oh, welcome to being a grown-up.


(The National's "Fake Empire")



Mm-mm. (laughs)

Have a good day, sweetie.


BERNINGER: * Stay out super late HEN: Life hits you head-on, sometimes.

BERNINGER: * Making pies

* Put a little something HEN: There's always gonna be pain and the fallout that comes with it.

Thanks to a lot of brave souls, and one in particular, this city dodged a b*llet.

But it ain't over.

People need to know what happened.

Today, the real fallout begins.

Sometimes, it feels like the universe is out to get you.

But maybe, it's just trying to get your attention.

Who would have thought that getting hit by a meteor would be the best thing that ever happened to me?


I used to have this hole inside me.

But after having an actual hole, I feel whole.

FRANK: I was surprised that you called.

Your next mandated session's not for another week.

I know.

I just really needed to talk.




(shaky breaths)

How I really feel about k*lling my husband.

HEN: We can spend our days trying to understand the pain... and we should.

That's how we heal.

BERNINGER: * Turn the light out

* Say good night

* No thinking for a little while *


* Let's not try ALL: Hey!

(all laugh)

Hey, I heard I missed out on some pretty heroic stuff while I was away.

How you feeling, Cap?

I'm just glad to have you back.

BERNINGER: * In a fake empire ALL: Aww.


HEN: But we must always remember it's not the trauma that defines us.

(alarm blaring)

It's how we choose to react to it, how we choose to move on.


I'll drive.


All right!


(siren wails)
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