03x21 - The Happiest Show on Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Boy Meets World". Aired: September 1993 to May 2000.*
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A coming-of-age comedy follows Cory as he juggles school, friends and romance.
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03x21 - The Happiest Show on Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

Opening Sequence

[SCENE – Chubbie’s. A whole bunch of kids, including Cory and his date, Kristen, are dancing]

Cory: Y’know Kristen, I don’t mind paying Chubbie that three dollar cover charge if it means I can do this. (Does a weird 50’s-ish dance step to the following lyrics)

Juke Box Music: Watch me now. Hey! I said-a work it out, baby! Ah, you’re drivin’ me crazy! (The song continues in the background)

Kristen: Cory. I’m so flattered you found the time to go out with me. (The two walk to their booth) I mean, the whole school knows since you’ve been single you’ve been out with a different girl every night. (Sits)

Cory: (Sits) Well, I had to get ‘em all out of the way to make time for a fetching gal like you.

Kristen: And how do I know that’s not just another line from the new Cory Matthews?

Cory: (Laughs) Lines? I have no lines! ‘Cause your pretty blue eyes leave me speechless. (Smiles) So, what else is the school saying about me? (Takes a French fry and passes it through his fingers)

Kristen: They say just before you kiss a girl, you pass a fry from knuckle to knuckle.

Cory: (Freezes the fry) Huh. That’s interesting. (Throws the fry behind him, he and Kristen kiss)

Kristen: That was nice, Cory.

Cory: (Still leaning forward with closed eyes) It sure was, Topanga.

Kristen: (Leans back, angered) You just called me Topanga.

Cory: (Eyes open, terrified) Oh, boy.

[SCENE – Turner’s classroom. Class has yet to begin, as Cory and Shawn converse by themselves, sitting on desks]

Shawn: You called her Topanga?!

Cory: Now, Shawn, it’s so obvious what’s going on here.

Shawn: Yeah, you’re really bad with names. Just do what I do, write them on the palm of your hand, (glances as his palm) Cory.

Cory: No, no. The problem is, no matter how many girls I go out with, I still end up thinking about Topanga.

Shawn: So why’d you break up with her in the first place?

Cory: I don’t know. I mean, I made a mistake. I thought we could be friends like you and I are. But, y’know, when I see Topanga, I want to hug here, hold her, kiss her. When I see you, I have no interest in any of those things.

Shawn: Well, so how do you think she feels about you?

Cory: I will ask! (Topanga enters, Cory stands) Hey, Topanga.

Topanga: Hi, Cory. (Sits at her desk)

Cory: (To Shawn) She wants back.

(Enter Turner, with the last of his students)

Turner: (To class) Alright, you guys. Remember the papers for the Environmental Essay Awards I had you write at the beginning of the year?

Shawn: (Excitedly, stands) Oh, yeah! (Takes a paper from his desk) Finished mine last night, Mr. Turner. (Holds it out to Turner) Enter this puppy. (Turner takes the paper, Shawn returns to his desk)

Turner: (Throws the paper behind him) And here are the winners. On their way to Walt Disney World in Orlando are the following students: Kristen Hoffman. (Points to Kristen, class applauds, Kristen looks happy)

Cory: (Amidst applause, to Shawn) That’s good for her, y’know? A week in Florida, a little sun, a little color, a little ocean air could help her get over me.

Turner: Ronnie Waterman. (Gestures to Ronnie, who’s sitting backwards in his desk so as to talk to a girl. The class applauds and Ronnie gives a nonchalant wave to them)

Shawn: (To Cory) Well, she’ll get over you quickly enough with Lips Waterman on the same trip.

Cory: (To self, watching Ronnie woo the girl behind him) Perfect. Kristen with Lips in Florida. (To Shawn) And me free to spend the next week romancing Topanga. You know what, Shawn? Sometimes everything in my life just seems to go my way.

Turner: (To class) And our last winner is: Topanga Lawrence! (Gestures to Topanga, who smiles elatedly. The class applauds, Topanga turns to Ronnie, practically hopping, with a gigantic grin)

Cory: (To Shawn) I hate my stinking life!

[SCENE – The Dumbo Ride at Disney World. Topanga rides with Ronnie]

Topanga: Hey, Ronnie, you think this ride is safe? I mean, what if my hair gets caught in the rotor? (Gestures to the central engine off screen)

Ronnie: You’re hair is safe. (Puts his arm around Topanga) But you’re lips… they’re in danger. (The camera goes to a first-person view from Topanga, watching Ronnie pucker lips and lean in)

Cory: (Voiceover) AHH!! AHH!!

[Cut to Cory and Eric’s bedroom at night. Cory is sitting up, eyes closed. It was a dream]

Cory: (Yelling) No, Lips! No, Lips!

Eric: (Wakes up) Cory. You having that nightmare again when you’re kidnapped by the figure skaters and forced to do compulsories against your will?

Cory: No, I only have that dream every four years. Eric, look. I’m in a bad way. I need your advice. (Pushes away the covers and stands up)

Eric: (Propping himself up) You love Topanga and you want her back.

Cory: (Impressed) That’s brilliant. So very insightful. How did you know? (Eric turns on the lamp, revealing an enormous poster of Topanga over Cory’s bed. He holds up his hands as if to say, “see?”) Oh. Look, Eric. Ever since I broke up with Topanga, I’ve got this gnawing at the pit of my stomach that just won’t go away.

Eric: (Mocking) Your poor little body goes through so much… Look, why don’t you just tell her how you feel and let me go back to bed, alright?

Cory: I can’t. I mean, she’s going out of town. She won some trip to Walt Disney World.

Eric: (Sits up) Then, Cor, I gotta say. Go to Florida. Immediately. Win back your woman.

Cory: Just like that? Go to Florida? That’s insane! What about sunscreen?

Eric: (Holds up an Eric, eyes widened) I have spoken… (Falls backwards into bed, asleep)

[SCENE – John Adam’s High School hallway. Eric is at his locked holding a huge black bag. Cory, holding a smaller tan bag, approaches and drops the back]

Cory: Eric, I’m doing it. I’m taking your advice. I’m going to Florida to get back the woman I love.

Eric: I’m proud of you, Cor.

Cory: Alright, you think you can cover for me?

Eric: I am way ahead of you. (Reaches into his bag)

Cory: Why? What’s in the bag?

Eric: (Pulls a giant Cory-sized dummy dressed in clothes identical to Cory’s from the bag) You. (Cory is stupefied) It’s like looking into a mirror, huh?

Cory: Eric, you’d have to be the biggest idiot on the planet to think that’s me.

(Shawn walks over)

Shawn: Hey, Eric. (To dummy) Hey, Cor. (Eric moves the dummy’s hand to give Shawn a high five) (Sees the real Cory) Whoa!! (After a pause, steps forward and taps the dummy’s head for inspection)

Cory: (To Eric) Boy, you really went to a lot of trouble for me.

Eric: Well, I figured you’re my only brother. It’s not gonna k*ll me to show a little… (Looks around suspiciously) …affection. (Walks away)

Cory: (To Shawn) Alright. Now all I gotta do is spend all the money I have and buy a plane ticket.

Shawn: Oh, I got tickets from my Uncle Nicky. (Pulls the tickets from his back pocket)

Cory: Wait, you’re uncle who’s in the (finger quotes) “gaming industry”?

Shawn: Yeah, Yeah. (Hesitantly) And there’s a slight chance we may have to break someone’s knees while we’re there.

Cory: Wait, “we”? You’re coming too? (Checks tickets)

Shawn: Of course. I figure all the times you’ve been there for me, I at least owe you one.

Cory: Thanks, man. (Looks past Shawn to see Topanga and Ronnie enter down the stairs, carrying their baggage) Maybe if I tell Topanga how I feel before she leaves, we won’t have to do this whole thing. (Hands Shawn the tickets, walks over to Topanga) (Clears throat) Uh, Topanga?

Topanga: (Smiling excitedly) Cory, hi! Isn’t this exciting? I’m on my way to Florida!

Cory: (Bashfully) Yeah, um… Look, I’ll get right to it. You and me, we’ve been apart for three months now, y’know? And… Well, I dunno about you, but I’ve still got all these feelings for you.

Topanga: I have feelings for you, too, Cory. That’s why were always going to be friends, right?

Cory: Well, yeah, but… come on. Tell me you haven’t thought about us getting back together.

Topanga: Well, yeah, I’ve thought about it. But, I mean, it’s really hard for me to trust you when this new Cory Matthews is running around dating all those other girls.

Cory: I went out with those other girls because I hated being alone, but even with them, I was still alone because… I wasn’t with you.

Topanga: (Smiles) Cory, that’s really sweet.

(Turner steps out of his classroom carrying a huge trunk)

Turner: (To Topanga) Hey, Topanga. This yours?

Topanga: Yeah. It’s my carry-on of hair products. (Turner beckons her with a finger) (To Cory) I’ll be right back. (Walks away)

(Kristen approaches Cory)

Kristen: Cory, I thought about the other night. I was silly to run away.

Cory: No! No, running away was good. You should have run further.

Kristen: You’re such a gentleman. That’s why, when I get back from Florida, I wanna make things work between us. (Kisses a horrified Cory, then walks away)

Topanga: (Having witnessed the kiss) (Meanly imitating) “I was still alone because I wasn’t with you!”

Cory: (Turns and sees Topanga, laughs nervously) You know, Topanga, apparently you’re not seeing the humor, here. Which is surprising. (Topanga looks serious) Laugh. Come on, laugh with me.

Topanga: Cory, you know what I see? You in a robe, wearing slippers, smoking a pipe.

Cory: Wha…?

Topanga: Cory Matthews! You’re a… a playboy! (Trunk in hand, Topanga storms off. Ronnie goes to her and takes her trunk like a gentleman)

Shawn: (Approaches Cory, having seen the exchange) Window or aisle seat?

[SCENE – Walt Disney World via montage. First, an aerial view of Epcot. Then, a sh*t of the Cinderella’s Castle in the Magical Kingdom. Next, a monorail going in front of the Epcot globe (Containing the Spaceship Earth ride) and the sh*t pans to the Living Seas Pavilion, where the scene takes place. It is a huge indoor room that is filling with water. Catwalks are above the sea level, with Topanga, Kristen, and Ronnie amongst a group being led on a tour. The instructor, an attractive woman named Alexandra, comes onto the catwalk via ladder from the water wearing a wetsuit]

Alexandra: Hi, everyone. (Takes off the head of her wetsuit) Hi. I’m Alexandra Morris. I’d like to welcome you to the Living Seas Pavilion. For the next week we’re gonna be studying and observing dolphins. Right out here. (Gestures to the water, where a couple of dolphins swim at the surface)

Topanga: (With crowd, turns to face the dolphins) Oh, my gosh! (One of the dolphins squeaks at the group)

Alexandra: Come on, I’ll show you where they play. (Walks away, the group follows)

[SCENE – The walkway leading up to the Epcot globe, giving the audience a nice view of the globe from afar. Cory and Shawn walk onscreen carrying bags]

Shawn: Huh? Didn’t I tell you my Uncle Nicky would take care of our travel arrangements?

Cory: (Agitated) We took a cargo plane, Shawn! I set next to a crate of live chickens! You see this? (Points to neck) Peck marks!

Shawn: (Chuckling) Oh, come on, Cor. We’re here! “The Happiest Place on Earth.” (Looks around)

Cory: Yeah? Then why am I so miserable?

Shawn: Well, you gotta do what you came here to do. Find Topanga and tell her you still love her.

Cory: I know. I mean, she’s the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. How can I not have her in my life? Shawn, there’s tens of thousands of people. (He and Shawn step up on the ledge, surveying the park before them) Y’know? I mean, we got this much chance of finding her! (Holds fingers close together) (Just then, a cart/bus thingy drives by carrying Topanga, Ronnie, and Kristen) (Cory and Shawn turn around, having not noticed it) Well, we better get started. It could take days. (He and Shawn step down and take their bags)

[SCENE – John Adam’s High School hallway. The bell rings, and a whole bunch of kids leave a classroom, with Eric hulking the Cory dummy around his shoulder. As soon as he’s out, Eric hides behind the wall]

Random teacher: (From classroom) Oh, and excellent oral report, Cory Matthews.

Eric: (Quickly waves the Cory dummy in front of the doorway) (Imitating Cory) Thank you! (Walks over to his locker) Okay. We’ve got a give minute break now, Cor, and then we got gym. (Opens locker) (Begins shoving the dummy in his locker) So come on. Here we go. Don’t struggle. Get in there. (Gets the dummy in) There we go. Alright. (Closes locker) (Turns, see Feeny, the shows a fake smile)

Feeny: (Concernedly) Mr. Matthews… what are you doing?

Eric: I just book my books away.

Feeny: I thought I saw you… (Pause, unsure) …stuff your brother into your locker.

Eric: Now why would I wanna go do something like that?

Feeny: I don’t know. But I clearly saw a curly-haired boy enter your locker!

Eric: Why would I want a curly-haired boy in my locker?

Feeny: Again, I don’t know! Now get him out of there.

Turner: (From afar) George, can I grab a word with you a second?

Feeny: Mr. Turner, I’m busy right now. But I’ll be with you in a minute. (During this line, Feeny looks away and Eric opens his locker and quickly throws the Cory dummy out of sight on off screen)

Eric: (Feeny turns and sees the empty locker) There’s no Cory in here. (Chuckles uncomfortably)

Feeny: Do you think I’m a dummy, Mr. Matthews?

Eric: No! Not you.

Feeny: (Points) I’ll see you in detention. (Walks away)

[SCENE – Walt Disney World. Cory and Shawn wait in a long line]

Cory: Shawn, we’ve been standing in this line for over half an hour. Now, Topanga better be on this ride.

Shawn: Who said anything about a ride? (Shawn gives a guy in front of him and takes a Churro) (Offering to Cory) Churro?

Cory: (Impatiently) Are you kidding me? Come on, let’s go! (Rushes away) (Shawn shrugs to the Churro guy and takes a bite as he leisurely strolls, following Cory)

[SCENE – Walt Disney World, the Living Seas Pavilion. Topanga’s tour with Ronnie and Kristen continues. Alexandra kneels near a dolphin pool, feeding a dolphin, as she talks to her tour]

Alexandra: We talk about communicating with dolphins. The truth is we don’t speak their language. But we certainly understand their emotions. (Tosses a fish to a dolphin, stand, moves to another nearby pool, tour in tail) (Referring to the dolphin in the pool) This is Amber. She was found beached. We brought her here to nurse her back to health, but because she’s been separated from her family and, quite possibly, her mate, she spends her time alone. (Topanga squats, peering at the dolphin concernedly) And most distressing, she’s lost her appetite and won’t take food.

Topanga: Well, what’s gonna happen?

Alexandra: I don’t know. But I’m hoping she’s reunited with her mate real soon.

[Cut to a sh*t of Amber the dolphin looking real pitiful, then to Cory and Shawn entering the building somewhere nearby]

Cory: Shawn, I have a feeling Topanga’s here.

Shawn: Why?

Cory: Because we’ve looked everywhere else!

Shawn: (Sees Topanga and her tour) (To Cory) Brilliant! There she is.

Cory: (Ogling Topanga) Look at her. She’s so beautiful. (Turns to Shawn) Y’know what? I’m just gonna go over there and tell her that I love her. I mean, that I’ve loved her since the day our eyes met and that I will love her till the day I die. (Kristen steps behind Cory, unbeknownst to him) And what do you think she’s gonna say when she hears that?

Kristen: I love you too, Cory.

Cory: (To Shawn) Exactly. (Turns, sees Kristen) (Disappointed) Kristen.

Kristen: Coming all the way to Florida for me? That’s so romantic. (Kisses Cory, who does not embrace it)

Cory: No, you don’t understand!

Topanga: (Approaches, arms crossed, having witnesses what happened) Oh, but I do.

Cory: (Worried) Oh, boy… (Topanga, angrily, walks away)

[SCENE – Walt Disney World in the morning, in the Splash Mountain ride before it opens. All of the log flume cars are empty and lined up at the station. Cory sits up gingerly in the front row]

Cory: (Wincing) Oh! Ow! My back. Every disk out of whack! Major pain. (Exhales loudly)

Shawn: (Pops up zestfully from the row behind Cory) (Happily) Oh! (Stretched) Best night’s sleep I ever had! You think they sell these at the gift shop? (Pats the flume car)

Cory: (Sadly) A thousand miles away from home. I didn’t get the girl I came for and I slept in a log. (Shawn steps up a row to sit next to Cory) You know what that makes me, Shawn? A log-sleeping loser. Y’know, I was just fooling myself thinking there’s still a spark between me and Topanga. (Sighs) Come on. Let’s go home. (Stands)

Shawn: Okay. (Stands)

Cory: Shawn! My heart’s been skewered and you’re not gonna talk me into staying?

Shawn: Well, why? You gave it your best sh*t. Clearly, she’s more interested in Ronnie Waterman.

Cory: Wait a second! I have something to offer her. Passion. Deep passion and a history. Shawn, I came here to woo her and, by gum, woo her I will!

Shawn: So we’re staying, then?

Cory: Of course we’re staying. (Sits, as does Shawn) (Pause, then, while grinning) Oh… I see what you just did. Reverse psychology. You let me think I was a loser to show me I’m really not a loser.

Shawn: Nah, I just think she and Ronnie make a really cute couple.

Cory: (Offended) Shawn!

Shawn: (Smiling) But not as cute as you and Topanga.

Cory: Look, all I know is it’s a new day. And when I sweep Topi off her feet, I want to be clean and fresh.

Shawn: But Cory, where are we gonna find a shower? (Suddenly, the flume car begins to more. Terrified, the two boys turn to each other and yell as they drop down that famous Splash Mountain drop. Obviously, the get soaked. Shawn wipes the wet hair from his face at the drop’s bottom) Now where do we find a towel? (He and Cory exchange looks)

[SCENE – Montage time!! First, there’s a sh*t of a trolley car at Main Street, USA in the Magical Kingdom. Then, a short, wordless scene (sound overridden by music) of Cory and Shawn finding a dude in the Beast costume from “Beauty and the Beast” and asking him a question. The Beast thinks, rubbing his chin, then throws his hands in the air. Cory and Shawn press onward. Next, the run into Goofy in a Revolutionary w*r uniform outside the Hall of Presidents. (The scene is, again, muted) They ask him a question and Goofy points one way and nods. Cory and Shawn run the way Goofy pointed as he waves them off. Next is a sh*t of Topanga and Ronnie on the Tommorrowland Speedway, looking back anxiously as Cory pursues them, waving, on another car. The next sh*t has Topanga and Ronnie going over to a man from behind dressed as Aladdin. Topanga taps his shoulder, and he turns around revealing that he is Cory. Cory opens his arms excitedly as Topanga and Ronnie storm off. The next sh*t has Topanga and Ronnie talking on a bench overlooking the Epcot dome across a body of water. The sh*t pans out, revealing an unidentified artist drawing Topanga quite well. The artist is Cory, and he leans out from behind his easel and waves to Topanga with a smile. Topanga angrily steps up, looks at Cory’s art, then storms away again, with Ronnie behind her. The montage concludes on a scene of Topanga and Ronnie eating at a restaurant next to a glass wall containing all kinds of sea life behind it (I don’t know the name of the restaurant). Topanga stares into the aquarium distractedly]

Ronnie: Topanga. (She looks at him) You haven’t touched your food.

Topanga: (Staring into the aquarium) Guess I’ve just been thinking about someone.

Ronnie: (Takes Topanga’s hand) About me, huh?

Topanga: (Snatches hand away) No. Now, what is it with you? I mean, ever since we got here you’ve been trying to kiss me. And if I let you, then what? Then you leave because you got your prize. (Stands, angrily, and throws her napkin down) Well I’m not a prize and I hate it when guys chase me the more I get turned off!

(Just then, Cory in a wetsuit appears in the aquarium tanks holding a sign reading “I will chase you forever.”)

Cory: (Muffled, from behind the glass) Topanga! Topanga! (Topanga walks away, disgusted)

(Enter Shawn, who runs into Topanga)

Shawn: (Smiling, as a greeting) Topanga!

Topanga: Y’know, what is it with your friend?

Shawn: He’s just showing how much he loves you. This one was my idea. (Topanga thinks a moment, takes a glass of water from a nearby table, throws it in Shawn’s face, and exits)

[Cut to outside the Living Seas Pavilion. Topanga is walking, unbelievably, alone, with not another person in sight, when she encounters Cory, still in his wetsuit]

Cory: (Runs towards Topanga) Topanga! Topanga! Uh, maybe you didn’t know, but that was me in that t*nk.

Topanga: (Crossly) I did know, and I’d like you to stop chasing me, alright? Please.

Cory: What are you talking about? Look at everything I’ve done for you. I mean, I flew here, I dressed in harem pants and a fez, which you know I don’t pull off. I swam with the fishes, I…

Topanga: (Interrupting) Cory! You could hire the blimp, fly over Florida flashing my name in neon and it wouldn’t mean a think to me.

Cory: (Horrified) Oh, God, please don’t look up. (Glances upwards nervously)

Topanga: I mean, they’re all just meaningless gestures.

Cory: Mean…? How can they be meaningless? They come from my heart!

Topanga: I really wish I could believe you. I really do. But how can I when every time I turn around, there you are with another girl?

Cory: Oh, Topanga, come on! Every time? (Topanga crosses her arms, and the camera pans out revealing Kristen standing behind Cory) Kristen, right? (Turns to Kristen dejectedly)

Kristen: Cory, I was in the t*nk behind you. You’re a fast swimmer. (Cory turns to Topanga, who promptly runs off)

[SCENE – A sh*t of the Epcot globe lit up at night, then to inside the Living Seas Pavilion. Dana, a character from “Step by Step” in a crossover, is feeding the dolphins from a shiny metal bucket. Cory enters, running, and hops the fence. Dana stands]

Cory: Look, Topanga, you can’t keep running a… (Stops short, realizing it’s not Topanga) Oh. You’re not Topanga.

Dana: What’s a Topanga?

Cory: Sorry, it was just someone I was looking for. I thought she’d be here, but I guess not. (Embarrassed) I’ll just get out of your way and let you do your, uh, fish work.

Dana: I don’t work here. I was just on a tour and I decided to hang back on my own. (Looks to the dolphin pool) Just me and a few dolphins and a big old bucket of smelts. Wanna help me feed ‘em?

Cory: Yeah, sure. (With Dana, sits and begins tossing smelts to the dolphins) (Pointing to a dolphin) This one doesn’t seem hungry.

Dana: Yeah, the trainer was telling me all about her. Her name’s Amber. She’s separated from her mate and she’s having a really rough time.

Cory: She’s just an animal.

Dana: (A bit annoyed) Just an animal? How do you get off saying something like that?

Cory: Oh, I’m sorry, I just…

Dana: (Interrupting) Apologize to her. (Cory chuckles briefly, disbelievingly) I’m serious.

Cory: (To Amber the dolphin) I’m sorry.

Dana: Personalize it.

Cory: (To Amber the dolphin) I’m sorry, Amber.

Dana: If there’s one thing I learned hanging around here, it’s that animals are… like people. They have real emotions. I just wish I could get her to eat. Maybe you’ll have better luck. What is your name?

Cory: Cory.

Dana: Cory, well… (Pats his arm reassuringly) I hope you find who you’re looking for. (Stands, exits)

Cory: (To Amber the dolphin) So, Amber, you’re separated from your mate, huh? I know how you feel. Not that Topanga’s my mate or anything, I just believe she is. (Pause) It’s funny, though. Y’know, people tell you to get on with your life, go date, there’s plenty of other fish in the sea. (Realizes his audience) Like I need to tell you. But see, we know that once you’ve met that special person it’s hard to live knowing they’re out there and they’re the only one you care about. (Ambers chirrups) And all those things I did, I wasn’t just trying to impress her, I just didn’t know how to express my feelings. (Long pause, thinking) Well, at least I tried, y’know? And now I’m talking to a fish. (Takes a smelt, Amber chirrups again, Cory tosses it to her and she eats it) (Smiles) See ya, Amber. (Stands, jumps the fence, and exits past a ladder. At that ladder, Topanga peeks her head out, and sees Amber happy. She smiles, looks after Cory, then follows)

[Cut to outside in Epcot, at a fountain with the Epcot globe lit up in a brilliant blue and purple behind it (I’m sure you know the sh*t. If not, it’s among the season 3 pics). Cory is walking away with Topanga chasing after him]

Topanga: Cory! I heard what you said. Wait!

Cory: No, look, Topanga, I read you loud and clear!

Topanga: But, Cory…

Cory: (Interrupting, turns to face Topanga) I understand you, all right? I’m not gonna chase you anymo

re. We’ll just go back to being friends. Or… whatever it is you wanna be.Topanga: Cory, you got on a plane and flew across the country to see me.

Cory: I know, okay? I’m embarrassed. I didn’t even get the free miles.

Topanga: I mean, you dressed in silly outfits, you swam with sharks…

Cory: (Interrupting) I kn… (Realizes what Topanga said) There were sharks in there?

Topanga: I mean, it was like you were not gonna give up, no matter what!

Cory: Look, how many times do I have to tell you I’m sorry?

Topanga: No. No. Now it’s my turn to tell you I’m sorry. I mean, I never realized these things came from your heart. (Pause) Until now. (Steps forward, she and Cory kiss for a moment)

Cory: (Steps back) Wait, wait. I’m really confused.

Topanga: So am I.

Cory: So what’s going on? I mean, are we friends or what?

Topanga: (Long pause) Or what. (Kisses him again, still a short one)

Cory: What are we doing?

Topanga: I don’t know, I mean… we did break up for a reason, right?

Cory: Yeah, we did.

Topanga: And that reason was…?

Cory: (Smiles) So we could get back together. (They kiss again, this time much more elongated and passionately)

(The camera pans out on the sh*t of Cory and Topanga kissing. Behind them, the fountains go into overload in front of the beautiful Epcot globe. The whole scene is truly quite spectacular. Fade to black)

[TAG – Matthews’ kitchen. Alan and Amy lecture Cory at the kitchen table, as Morgan watches, sitting on the counter]

Alan: Cory, gone for two days, what did you think you were gonna tell us?

Cory: (Hopefully) I was out front chipping golf balls?

Alan: For starters, this house and school are the only two places you’re gonna see for the next month.

Morgan: (Hops down from the counter, enraged) A month?! I got more the time I said (mouth a supposed bad word, which is bleeped out. TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: I can’t seem to make head or tails of Morgan’s lip movements, it’s most likely Lindsay Ridgeway really didn’t say anything offensive)

Amy and Alan: (Surprised and upset) Morgan!

Alan: (Gestures upstairs, still taken aback) You get up to your room there! You’re grounded for two months!

Morgan: (To self) I gotta learn self-control. And Cory?

Cory: Go ahead, Morgan, kick me when I’m down.

Morgan: I thought what you did for Topanga was really sweet. I hope some day a boy does that for me. (Exits upstairs)

Cory: (To Alan and Amy) Look, what I did was wrong, okay? But just in case there’s any chance of leniency… (takes out two snow globes and places them in from of his parents) Here. Snow domes from Disney World.

Amy: (Shaking her snow globe) Upstairs.

Cory: (Stands) Then I’ll be taking these back. (Snatches the snow globe from Amy, but has to wrestle the other from Alan’s grasp. He takes his bag and steps towards the stairs)

Amy: Cory? (Cory stops) I’m glad everything worked out with you and Topanga.

Cory: Me too, Mom. You may keep yours. (Hands Amy a snow globe, the holds the other in front of Alan braggingly. He exits upstairs)

(Enter Eric from outside)

Eric: Hey Mom, Dad. (Shuts door)

Alan: You, sit down. We know it was you who covered for Cory while he was in Orlando.

Eric: (Sits, chuckles) Heh heh heh heh. Now, without evidence, there’s no way for you to tie me to this messy affair, so I bed you farewell. (Stands to leave, Feeny knocks at the door, then enters with a shovel in gardening attire)

Feeny: (To Eric) Ah, Mr. Matthews. (Takes the Cory dummy from behind the wall) I was planting in the garden when I dug this up. (Holds up the Cory dummy, covered in dirt) I believe it’s yours?

Eric: (Gesturing to Feeny and the Cory dummy, to Alan and Amy) Oh, come on, is this the best you can do?
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