Bumblebee (2018)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.
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Bumblebee (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

They've broken through the front lines!

I've lost contact with the capital!

There's too many of them!

Stand fast!

Finish them!

Where's B-127?

Sorry I'm late. I hit a little traffic.

Get down! Incoming!

Uh, Optimus.

Decepticons, attack!

Autobots, fall back! Get to the tower!

Destroy the launch pad! Let none escape!

Cybertron has fallen. Get to the escape pods.

There are other Autobots scattered across the galaxy.

We must reach them if we hope to survive.

Optimus, this is our home. We have to fight for it.

We will fight on. But we must find refuge first.

I found a planet that's well hidden. Earth.

You will travel there and establish a base for us.

Once we've gathered the others, we'll join you.

You must protect the planet.

If the Decepticons find it, then our people are truly finished.

Now go!

Good luck, soldier. I'll buy you some time.


Ow! Ow! Ow!

Okay, okay!

I'm dead already, man!

Oh, not just you.

Being the overachiever that you are, you managed to get your whole squad k*lled, Danny.


Come on, man. Those things sting.

What things? These things? Ow!

You know, I wouldn't know. I haven't been hit yet.

Ow! Okay, you know what? That's too close, man.

You could've taken out an eye.

I got a date tonight, man. This ain't sexy!

You're right. I'm sorry. Ow!

That one was on me.

That's a malfunctioning trigger.

This w*apon is just faulty. Someone is going to get a talking to...

Man, would you stop?

All right, just stop.

I should've let you die in Grenada.

If you did, we wouldn't be able to come to the forest, run around and play these awesome games.


Oh, I hate you.

Wow, man, that hurts. 'Cause I love you.

But you refuse to let it in 'cause you got intimacy issues.

A therapist will probably tell you you weren't hugged enough as a kid.

Look, man. Danny, I know I look stupid, but...

Hey, yo, take cover!


You okay?

Uh, yeah, man.

This is Agent Jack Burns.

I need medical up here now.

We have a projectile strike in the northwest corner of the training course.

Multiple injuries.

And would someone please explain to me why you dropped napalm on your own guys!

Negative. There are no live fire drills in the northwest sector.

What the hell hit us, then?

Target on your right!

I need all of you to fan out and track that thing down now!



What the hell?

Take it down!

Get down there now and flush that thing out!

There it is!

Target has been located, sir.

Light it up!

Damn it!

Oh, no.

It's going for the mine! Cut it off!

Move, move!


This is a mistake.

Stay cool. Hold your fire.

I don't want to hurt anyone.

Who called in the Air Force?

That's not the Air Force.


Did you think you could hide?

Now you'll die screaming.

Like your friends!

Tell me where your friends are hiding.

I'll never talk.

Is that right?

Then let's make it official.


As a member of the Autobot resistance, you are a traitor to Cybertron and are hereby sentenced to death.




Shut up.

♪ Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking

♪ When I said by rights You should be

♪ Bludgeoned in your bed

♪ And now I know how Joan of Arc felt

♪ Now I know how Joan of Arc felt Morning, Dad.

♪ As the flames rose to her Roman nose

♪ And her Walkman started to melt

♪ Bigmouth, la-da-da da-da

♪ Bigmouth, la-da-da da-da

♪ Bigmouth... ♪ No! Don't tickle.




Gross, Ron.

Excuse me.

Are those your diving trophies?

Taking up too much space in my room.

You're gonna regret doing that.

Where's breakfast?

Breakfast is conveniently located in the cupboards and the fridge.

Ah. Try to help out...

Yeah. ...a little.

Since I'm such a big kid now, making my own breakfast and what have you, you know how I could be an even bigger help around here, Mom?

If I had a car.


What do you know, it's my birthday tomorrow, perfect timing for a large cash gift.

You know, $500 is really all I need to finish the Corvette.

I don't have $500. You know how much nurses make.

"Half as much as doctors for twice the work," right?

Tell you what, kiddo...

I got another job interview tomorrow.

If all goes well, I'll have you swimming in car parts.

I prefer cash, Ron.

Don't be rude. Feed the dog.

Conan is Otis's dog. Make him do it.


Aw! You look so grown up in your karate suit.

My baby boy is becoming a man.

Oh, sh**t, I'm gonna be late.

Can you drop your brother at karate on your way to work, please?

Um, I could if I had a car.

Just let him follow you on your bike so nobody abducts him.

Abducts him? You just said he's a grown man now.

If anyone tries anything, I will rupture their freaking spleen.

♪ And do you feel scared? I do

♪ But I won't stop and falter

♪ And if we threw it all away

♪ Things can only get better... ♪ That's two for you guys. Thanks, bro.

All right. Have a good one.

Eat safe.

Excuse me. Hi. We've never actually met...

Sorry, I can't right now.

Yeah. Oh, okay.

Whoo! Hey, hot dog girl!

Oh, my God!

I'm so sorry. Oh, God.

Someone's getting fired.

If I had to wear that, I would pray to be fired.

Good one, Tina.

Let's go.



♪ On the street where you live

♪ Girls talk about their social lives

♪ They're made of lipstick Plastic and paint

♪ A touch of sable In their eyes

♪ All your life All you asked

♪ When is your Daddy Gonna talk to you

♪ But we're living In another world

♪ Tryin' to get Your message through... ♪

Come on.

Hey, Uncle Hank.

Are you still working on that damn car?

You still working on that damn personality?

What have you got for me? Whatever you want.

Russians are gonna blow us all to hell anyway.

That's the spirit.

Hey, kid.

Hand me the three-eighths, would you?

You working on the carburetor? Mmm-hmm.

You need the half-inch. I said the three...


Thanks, kid. Yep.

♪ You saw me standing

♪ By the wall corner Of a main street

♪ Take a chance

♪ Like all dreamers Can't find another way

♪ You don't have To dream it all

♪ Just live a day... ♪

Where is Optimus Prime?

He survived the fall of Cybertron.

And no rebellion is truly dead until the leader is vanquished.

So where is he?

My name is Cliffjumper, lieutenant in the Autobot resistance.

My safe return will be considered...

Wrong answer.

We know he's planning to establish a base.

Tell us where it is and we'll let you live.

My name is Cliffjumper, lieutenant...

♪ Sometimes you wanna go... ♪ No.

That's B-127's signal.

Can you trace it? Already did.

If you won't tell us where Prime is, perhaps your young friend will.


You're a brave warrior. You deserve a better death.

But then again...

Set course for Earth.

I'll give you thirty bucks for all of it.

I can get twice that much for the coil alone.

From who? I'm the only one that comes in here.

I don't even know how you're still open.

Just take it. Go. My show is on.

Hey, where did you get that Beetle?

I swear to God, ever since they put up that dumbass tower, I can't get a signal to watch my shows.

I've got to see what happens to Alf this week.

Come on!

Are you kidding me?

Damn it.

I give up.

I can't do this without you.

Nice to meet you. Interested in a new Buick? Nice try. All right, I touched. But I didn't eat.

And I'm supposed to believe one of these steaks just got up and walked away on its own?

I've seen stranger.

No dinner for you tonight.

But I'm starved! I've been fasting since lunch!

Well, I did eat that pumpkin.

Happy birthday.

I miss you, Dad.

I think it's too low, honey.


No, I think it goes to that button.

Yeah? Yeah.

I don't know about... Fix it.


Good morning, birthday girl! Hi.

You look...


Happy birthday, baby.

I love you. Come on, open your present. I'm gonna be late for work.

Thanks, Mom.

Helmet. With...


So, I keep hearing about people on mopeds getting run over and their brains smashed in.

You got to wear this from now on.

I don't care if it's not the law. It's our law.

Plus, look how cute it is.


Happy birthday.

I actually got you a little gift, too, Charlie.

I mean, it's small, but, it's from the heart.

A smile is a powerful thing.

It releases endorphins.

It says to the world, "I'm fun and approachable."

You know, there's a whole chapter in here about how people who smile more often actually have more friends.

That's unbelievable.

I really think it's gonna change your whole outlook if you smile more often.

I want the Beetle.

What? The yellow Beetle, I want it.

I'll make you a deal. If I get that thing started, it's mine.

That's no deal. That's just you taking my car.

If I get it started, I keep it and I work here every day for a year!

I'll scrub the grease off the floors, okay?

I will pick up and organize every scrap of paper in this place.

I'll even detail your horrible, disgusting toilets.

Please. It's my birthday.

Sorry, no deal.

'Cause we ain't hiring.

It's yours, kid. Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And my toilets are gorgeous.

♪ Think about it There must be higher love

♪ Down in the heart or hidden In the stars above

♪ Without it Life is a wasted time...

Oh, God, please.

Come on.

Oh, my...

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, thank you so much! I love you!

That thing ain't even safe to drive. It's a deathtrap.

She's happy, though.

♪ Bring me a higher love

♪ Bring me a higher love

♪ Bring me a higher love

♪ Where's that higher love I keep thinking of? ♪ Man.

Looks amazing.


Oh, my God.

Charlie, what was that noise?

Nothing! I'm fine. Mom, you should go back to bed. Everything's fine.

What the hell is that? Um, it's...

What is that car doing in our garage?


Oh, that, uh, car is my car.

Uncle Hank gave it to me.

It runs. Yeah.

Those aren't safe.

I wish you would've told me before you brought it home.

Okay. Sorry.

Um, I'm in the middle of some stuff, Mom.

Okay, I'll get out of your hair, but...

Tell me things sometime.

I'm your mother. Okay.


Good night.

It really runs? Yeah, it really runs.


You still in there?


A little jumpy. I'm sorry.



Oh, God, are you...

Do you speak?

I won't hurt you.

Can you understand me?

What are you?

Where did you come from?

Okay. It's okay.

You like my shirt?

You a metal fan?

No, wait...

Oh, who? Me?

Who am I?

Oh, I'm...


Charlie Watson.

I'm 18.


Actually, it's my birthday today.

What's your name?

You don't know or you don't have a name?

You sound like a little bumblebee.

I'm gonna call you that from now on.


Matches your outfit, too.

♪ All my exes live in Texas ♪

I want a divorce, Roy!

Come on, Amber. Give me one good reason.

You tried to sleep with my sister!


Yeah, you're unsuccessful at everything.

That down payment was for a house. You bought a car.

How stupid are you, Roy? We don't need a car. God!

Now, just settle down for one second and hear me out.

What the hell is that? What?

Oh, God, Roy, that thing is coming right for us!

No, no, no, no, no...

Not my car. Not my car.

Please, God, no, not my car!

Oh, thank God, my car.

Yeah, I'm okay.

Oh, that's good, baby. That's good.

Run. Run!



Is that my car?




Roy! Oh!

How underwhelming.

The indigenous life is even more primitive than I expected.


Hmm. I like the way they pop.

Focus, comrade.

B-127's distress signal came from the western coast of this continent.

For now, we head west.

When do they start letting you use nunchucks?

I don't know, but I hope soon.

Morning! See you guys later. Where you off to so fast?

Nowhere. Have a nice day.



Bee, where are you?

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.


Where did you go?


Have you seen my car?

Unfortunately, yes.

No, have you seen my car today?

It was in the garage. Someone stole it!

No, idiot. Mom took it.

She had to bring Conan to the vet because he swallowed, like, a rubber glove or something and Ron needed the station wagon.

Thank God.


Hi. Excuse me. It's me again.

We never officially met, but... I can't right now. Sorry.

Nope. Yep.


I know, buddy. Hang in there.

You can't eat everything you see.

Just let this be a good life lesson for you.

Oh, my God. Stop it! Don't do that!

Bee, no!

Mom? Whoa!

Jesus! Charlie, what are you doing?

Mom, you gotta pull over.

What the hell is going on? Just pull the car over.

Okay, okay. All right.

Would you put that robot junk away? What are you thinking?

You almost gave me a heart attack.

I thought I was being carjacked.

I'm taking the dog to the vet.

I can't believe you would take him without me. Mom, I'm so worried about him!

He's my dog, too, you know.

What happened to Conan being Otis's dog?

Mom, you're being hysterical, okay?

You should not be driving in such an emotional state.

I know how you get during emergencies.

I'm a nurse.

Not of animals.

Oh, okay. I'm happy for you to drive.

You weren't wearing your helmet, by the way.

I saw that. Oh, sh**t.

Keep it together, Bee.



I thought you'd want to see this immediately.

They sure? Yes, sir.

Two of them just made contact in Texas.

Intel says they're heading west fast.

Saddle up, Simmons.

We're going to Texas.

Okay, Bee, we need to go over a few things.

Okay. We're all clear.

All right. I'm re-thinking the beach.


Oh, I'm good.

No, I'm good, thanks.

People can be terrible about things they don't understand.

If they find you, they'll probably lock you up in a lab somewhere and cut you into tiny little pieces.

It'll be bad, trust me.

The only person you can show yourself around is me, okay?

So let's practice. You ready?

If you see anyone besides me, what do you do?

Great. Perfect. Come back now.

Okay, so let's say we're driving and all of a sudden...

Oh, sh**t! Somebody's here! Hide, Bee, hide!

You serious?

Bee, it's too late. You're already dead.

It's all right.

That's why we're practicing. You'll get it.

Fox-2 on approach. Non-biologicals are inbound.

The goal, sir, should be to communicate with them.

First contact with an alien species.

I've spent my whole life waiting for this moment.

If they make one wrong move, we put 'em down.

The humans are multiplying. Please let me k*ll them.

Not yet. B-127's signal has gone silent.

I have an idea.

Listen up! I'm Agent Burns and this is Dr. Powell.

We currently have 100 g*ns pointed right at your head!

So state your business.

People of Earth, we are Decepticon peacekeepers patrolling the galaxy.

What are you doing?

This is humiliating.

We believe a dangerous criminal from our world is hiding somewhere on yours.

How is it you think we can help?

We need your eyes.


You want access to our satellites?

Our scanners' range is limited.

Your infrastructure is primitive.

But combined, they could be quite powerful.

No way! Out of the question!

We have a common enemy, Agent Burns.

There's a w*r raging on our planet.

If B-127 isn't found, that w*r may find its way here.


We can find a way to help one another.

We'll talk it over with our superiors.

In the meantime, if you could follow us.

Very well, friend Powell.

Take us to your leader.

Must suck being cooped up in a VW all day, huh?

Is there anyone that can help you?

Do you have a family?

You know, like a mom, dad, siblings?

You all love each other?

Or drive each other crazy and you can't wait to get away and start a whole new life.

Do you want me to see if I can fix it?

I'll be gentle, I promise.


You lay down, okay?

Hold still.

I think maybe there's something...

B-127, I pray this message finds you.

Our w*r rages on.

...planet Earth...


Ravage, eject!

...your mission...



Are you okay?

Who was that?

That voice said something about a w*r.

Do you remember anything?

Is the VW Beetle some kind of disguise?

Are you hiding from something?

Are you scared?

It's broken.

It's okay.

I think I can help.

Let's go home.

...and a basket case, a princess...

And a criminal. All right, I'm almost done.

Does that answer your question?

No way.

Are you actually watching it?

♪ Don't you forget about me

♪ Don't, don't, don't... ♪ You can pop in another one if you want.

Whoo! Come on, sweetie!

You got this, Charlie girl!

All right, Charlie girl!

Hello, Brighton Falls.

This is Charlie Watson, future Olympic gold medalist.

That was so perfect.

Thanks, Dad. How do you feel?

No, no, why would you play this?

Sorry. I just...

I finished.

Let's see if we got something.



All right.

Oh, my God, yes!

It worked!

Look at you go.

You got some moves.

♪ Talking away You know, Bee, music can help you say what you're feeling.

♪ I'll say it anyway You're gonna love this. It's brand new.

♪ Shying away... ♪

♪ Girlfriend in a coma, I know

♪ I know, it's serious ♪

Not a Smiths fan.

Okay, um...


Try this.

♪ Never gonna give you up... ♪


Okay, where's my Stevie Nicks?

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.


Hey, hey, please don't touch those. Please.

They belonged to my dad.

Do you want to hear it?

We used to listen to this while we'd work on the Corvette.

♪ Oh, my love, My darling... ♪ It was his favorite.

♪ I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time ♪ He used to say it would make the car feel better.

♪ Time...

♪ ...goes by so slowly ♪

We used to work on this car every weekend together.

♪ And time can do so much ♪ It was our thing.

♪ Are you still mine? ♪

That tape...

That was the last time I saw him.

He died of a heart attack.

I never got to say goodbye.

You know, I always thought if I could just finish fixing this car...

If I could just get it to start up again, he would hear me.

He would hear me.

I say this with all due respect.

Have you lost your damn mind?

That was with all due respect? The man's got a point, Doctor.

Our satellite network is at the forefront of our national defense.

Sir, please. It could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Can you imagine the advances an alliance with these creatures might bring?

I imagine the advances. An advance on Washington.

New York. An advance on Chicago! That's not gonna happen.

They literally call themselves "Decepticons."

That doesn't set off any red flags?

Enough! From both of you.

Sir, we're talking about the most advanced robotic system ever seen.

If we tell them no, they'll just take their technology to the Russians instead.

Do you really want to go down in history as the man who cost us the Cold w*r?


We'll help them find their fugitive.

And when it's done, you can do all the experiments you want. Hmm?

Yes, sir.

Gentle... Uh, Robots.

Welcome to Sector 7.

How kind of you to finally allow us in.

We're very happy to have you here as friends.

Thank you, friend Powell.

My superior has agreed to grant you limited access to our satellites.

In addition, you're welcome to use all of our technology here.

It's the largest super-array of Crays on Earth.

We thank you for your hospitality.

Tell me, those vocal communication devices you use, do they function worldwide?

The telephones? Yes, why?

You got to pick a station, man.

I know there's a lot of choices.

"You want to go on a date with me, maybe?"

Okay, uh...

What are you trying to do?

Here we go. Here we go.

You're not a nerd. You're not a nerd. You're not a nerd. You're not a nerd.

Okay, you're a nerd, but just don't let her see that you're nerdy.

Excuse me. Sorry to barge in. I just...


Do you, just...

No, no, it's fine! Just...

Just sit down, please? Shh, don't scream, okay?

What is that?

It's okay, okay? Just breathe. Breathe.

First of all, hi. Hi.

I'm Charlie.

I'm Memo, hi.

Hi, Memo. Um...

It's nice to meet you.

Pleasure... Pleasure...

Look, I know what you saw was a little crazy. I can explain.

Yeah, I can't explain. But here's the deal.

If you tell anyone what you just saw, I'm gonna have to run you over with my car.


That was...

I don't mean that in a mean way.

Okay? What I'm saying is no one can know what you just saw, okay?

You promise?




Bumblebee, you can come out now.


It's, uh...



He's been going up and down on that dial all day today and I don't know why.

Hey, check out his reflexes. What?

Oh! Oh, God!

Yo, give me your shirt. Huh?

Give me your shirt.

You mean the shirt that I'm wearing?

Yes, yes! Come on. I'll give it back to you.


Come on! Give me your shirt!

All right.

Wait, wait, wait! Hey, no, no! You don't need to do this.

Yes, I do. No, but...

Come here. Come on! No, I get it. I get it!




I know I promised you, but, yeah, you're not getting that back.

♪ So glad we've almost made it

♪ So sad they had to fade it

♪ Everybody wants to rule the world... ♪

It's incredible!

They're combining our technology seamlessly.

Satellites, phones, computers.

They're creating an interconnected web of information.

Volumes of data at their fingertips.

It's revolutionary.

He's a weird guy. You ever notice that about Powell?

They're tracking fluctuations in Energon levels.

It's like a heat signature specific to their species.

It's astonishing.

It's beautiful. It's...

Hello? Hello?

You've given them our satellites, our comms, God knows what else.

Yet in the space of a day they've given us a way to not only hunt down B-127, but all of them.

Let them finish what they're doing. Let them find B-127.

And then I'll give you permission to destroy them all.

Use them for spare parts.

Sir, yes, sir.

So you have no idea where he came from?

No idea.

You thought about calling the cops?

What are they gonna do, Memo?

They're just gonna send him away to a lab and do weird science experiments on him.

♪ Weird Science!

♪ Plastic tubes and pots and pans... ♪ You're getting pretty good with that radio dial, Bee.

Yeah, D.J. Bumble in the house!

♪ I can't live without my radio ♪

Is that why you're always messing with the dial?

You're trying to teach yourself how to talk, aren't you?

♪ Walk like a man Talk like a man... ♪ No way.

Oh, my God, Bee, you're a genius! You're an actual genius!

♪ Hit it!

♪ It takes two to make a thing go right ♪ What is going on here? That's Jim from sixth period.

He said he was busy this week.

You want to check it out?

This is pretty cool. Okay.

Bee, we'll be right back.

Don't do anything crazy.

Hey, everybody, come watch! Tripp's gonna jump!

You're off your nut.

What's going on over there? Don't do it, dude, you're crazy.

Come on, it's not that big a jump.

God, is that Tripp Summers?

Oh, you know Tripp?

I mean, yeah. I spilled a gallon of lemonade on him once.

Doesn't anyone have the balls to jump off this thing with me?


A brave volunteer.

Yeah, I... See, I didn't... I didn't do that. I didn't actually...

♪ You got the touch

♪ You got the power

♪ Yeah ♪ Hey, I know you.

Uh... No, sorry about that. It...

You were on the dive team with my little sister.

I saw you win state a couple years ago.

Oh. Uh, yeah. Ladies and gentlemen.

This just got a whole lot more interesting.

We have a championship high-diver on our hands!

Yeah, I actually, I don't, I don't...

I don't do it anymore.

Oh, don't worry. I won't make you go first.

Whoa-whoa-whoa! Watch it!

Yeah, Tripp!

Yeah! Yeah!

Dive Girl! You better not back out on me.

You guys, she's gonna do it! She's gonna do it!

Dive! Dive! Dive! Dive!

Come on!

Dive! Dive! Dive! Dive!

You got this, Charlie girl!

Where you going? What, are you scared?

You okay? Let's just go.

What a loser!

Thought you said you were on the diving team.

I think she's gonna cry in her car.

Where you going, sweetie?

What happened out there?

That was your big moment to look cool.

What's your damage, Tina?

Is that the churro guy?

Where's your hairnet, dude?

It's in the garbage, Einstein. You throw them away after each use.

For sanitary purposes, obviously, but...

This car is an embarrassment.

You should have your dad buy you a better one.

Oh, wait...


You okay?

I'm fine.

They're idiots.

But I think I know something that'll make you feel better.



I don't want revenge.

I do.

What about you, Bee? Want some revenge?

♪ I just want...

♪ Revenge!

♪ I'm mad ♪ Come on. I got an idea.

This is Tina's house.

And this, it's toilet paper.

You use it for when you...

Here, just take a roll.

No, no, no, no. You've got...

You got to throw it.

Like this.

Not bad.

Not... Yeah, um...

Okay, look, Bee, you be our egg man.

Right? Yeah. So... Love that.

You see these right here? Mmm-hmm.

You grab one of these, like so.

And that right there, that's your target. That's right.

All right? Just throw it like this.

I think we could just hand it to him...

He could maybe, yeah, and then...


Bee, what are... What, um...

Don't hurt me.

Oh, my God...

Oh, shit!

Hide, hide, hide. Hide!

Stay... Oh, okay!

Okay. Okay.

Hide, Bee!

Go, go, go!


That was insane!

My heart right now is going crazy.


Oh, God. Stop the car, please.

Bee, what are you doing? What are you doing?

♪ I can't drive 55!


♪ I can't drive 55!

♪ I can't drive 55!

♪ I can't drive 55!

Oh, my God!

♪ I can't drive 55! ♪

Oh, my God, we're committing a felony!

We got a yellow vehicle driving its damn self through the Pico Tunnel.


Good night.

Good night.

Good night, Bee.

Morning, buddy. I got to go to work, okay?

Bee. Listen to me. You need to stay in this garage, okay?

After what happened last night, I'm pretty sure the cops are looking for you, and, uh, you don't exactly blend in.

I'll be back, all right?


You can have my Pop-Tart.

♪ Take your baby by the hand

I need you to go to the frozen banana stand and steal some sticks.

We're out of sticks.

Can't we just sell the hot dogs without the sticks?


♪ Don't, don't, don't...

What's happening here? We got a hit, I think. Where's that location?

Near San Francisco. A coastal town named Brighton Falls.

You have a personal call.

Hello? Charlie, hey, it's Memo.

You got to come home right now.

It's bad. It's really, really bad.

Where's Bumblebee?

Bumblebee, what have you done?

What were you thinking? What...

I told you to hide in the garage!


Helpful shame spiral, Bee.

I'm not mad, okay? This is all my fault.

I never should have left you.

Hey, okay, maybe don't transform all the way?

We've still got to get you through the door.

Come on, buddy.

It's okay.

I am so screwed.

And now you're crippled for life.

Honey, watch the hair.

Go. Now. But be quiet.

Mom, wait!

Oh, my God!

Mom... What happened?

I'm sorry. This is all my fault.

What'd you do to my TV?

Look, Mom, I can explain. We will talk about this later, all right?

Now, I have to go. Are you kidding me?

No. You're not going anywhere.

It's about my car. It's really important. About your car?

That you spend all day and night shut in that garage, doing God-knows-what with?

Mom, I can't. I really can't right now.

Oh, no, you really can, Charlie.

You really can.

I have had it!

Your attitude, your always sulking around.

You brought home that piece of crap without even asking me!

Everyone in this family is trying to be happy, and all you want to do is make things harder.

You know, Mom, just because you've moved on and you're happy with your new life doesn't mean I have!

You've found a replacement for my dad and I haven't, okay, and I never will!

So I'm sorry if that makes things harder, but in ten months from now you won't even have to deal with me!


Hey, you okay?


I just feel like ever since my dad died, I've become this drain on everyone, and I hate it.

It's like everybody expects me to act like nothing ever happened, and it's impossible to do that.

About your dad, I'm really sorry.


You know, there's this quote that I like.

"The darkest nights produce the brightest stars."

That's nice.

My mom got it from Weight Watchers.

Get out and move away from the vehicle.

Stay cool, Bee.

What's going on?


Come on! Stop it!

Let go of me!

Weapons now! Take it down! Run!

No, don't run. Do not run!

She ran.

Please tell me they're on our side.

No more running.

No more hiding.

B-127, you're a traitor and a coward.

Tell us where Optimus Prime is hiding.

Bee, look out!

Why isn't he fighting back?

Why don't you fight?

Leave him alone! Please!


Hit it again!

Stop! Stop it!

Your daughter stole government property, Mrs. Watson.

She's been having trouble adjusting, but we had no idea it was this serious.


Charlie. Honey.

I didn't steal anything, and he doesn't belong to them.

"He?" Ma'am.

I can assure you that it is an "it".

And "it" is a highly dangerous w*r machine.

No, he isn't, okay, Mom? He's not some "w*r machine."

I don't know what he is, but...

He's my friend.

Ma'am, your daughter's had a traumatic experience today.

Maybe doesn't understand everything she's seen.

She's disoriented.

No, I'm fine, Mom. I'm completely fine, okay?

You have to believe me, please. I didn't steal anything!

Stop! Just go to your room.

When I was going through puberty, I stole things, too.

Stole a box of Mallomars once. Yeah, we know.


Caught you.

Oh, Mom's gonna love this.

Look, Otis, you need to go home and...


No, Otis, stop it! Why would you do that?

Let go of me! You're touching my buttocks!

I will tell you a secret if you shut up.

Okay, so, um, this is my room.

Just make yourself at home.

These are actually my sister's stuff.

She likes playing pranks, like putting her stuff over here.

Can I, uh, sit down? Yeah, yeah. Mmm-hmm.

Residents of Brighton Falls have been witness to an unusual sight this evening.

Armed Forces pouring into town as part of what we are told is a routine military exercise setting up camp at our own McKinnon Air Base.

If Bumblebee's still alive, that's where they're keeping him.

We have to go. We have to try and save him.

Count me in. I'll take point.

No, you won't. Come on.

No, Otis.

But I can help. Master Larry says I... I need someone here.

I need someone reliable to make sure that Mom and Ron don't know that I'm gone.

I'm someone reliable.

Hell, yeah, you are.

Good luck.

You, too.

Get over here.


Let's do this.

Tell us where Optimus Prime and the rebels are hiding, and we can end this w*r.


Who is Optimus Prime?

This doesn't concern you, human Powell.

Last chance.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

It's a terrible idea, but I've got to try it.

You can't get... Well, why don't you... Stop, stop, wait...

How'd you know the power was off? I didn't. Let's go.

Can I?

His memory cells are fried.

Finish him.

We will fight on. Regroup, rebuild, and retake our home.

But we must find refuge first.

You will travel to Earth.

Once we've gathered the others, we'll join you.

You must protect the planet.

If the Decepticons find it, then our people are truly finished.

Stay safe, soldier.

I am coming.

Prime is coming here?

They're all coming here.

This is our chance to wipe out the Autobot resistance for good.

We'll burn the whole planet to cinders.

We must get word to Cybertron immediately.

This is Burns.

Tell them to bring an army.

Burns, we made a terrible mistake.


And thanks to our human allies, I know just how to get the message home.

They're using our satellites.

They're calling an army.

They're gonna k*ll us all.

Thank you for your hospitality, friend Powell.

He's all yours.

No. Powell?

You have to stop them! Powell!

Where's the Krazy Glue?

What, did she cut the wire to the TV?




Nice! Reel-to-reel still works.

Where is your sister?

Charlie's fallen ill and must stay in her bedroom for the rest of the evening.

She wishes not to be troubled. Keep clear of her chambers.


Charlie has fallen ill and must stay in her bedroom for the rest of the evening.

She wishes not to... Otis!

Are you on dr*gs? Hmm?

No, no. Mom, Mom, Mom.

Please stop. Stop! Charlie!

Mom, there is no reason to go... Where is she?

Mom, stop! Quit it, Otis.

Where is she?



I found a tower to transmit our message.

It's close.

Oh. B-127. I almost forgot.

I didn't.

No! Don't sh**t!



Talk to me, Bee, talk to me.

I can fix this. I can fix this.


You got to wake up, Bee. You got to wake up.


Charlie, we got to go.

The g*n. What?

The electric g*n. Get it.

I can fix you.

Come on, Bee.

Come back to me.

Come on, give me the other one.

Bee, come on.

I can't lose you, too, Bee.

Please, Bee!

I'm sorry.


Oh, my God.

Come on, Bee, we've got to get you out of here.

Charlie, there's like a million guys out there!

We got to move, now.

Come on, Bee, you've gotta get up. Can you get up?

There's a door in my way.

They've got bombs!

We got to go. Bee, come on.


You've gotta get up, come on.

Three. Charlie!

Two. Come on.


Charlie! Come on.


Memo. Memo, wake up.



Hold your fire!

Get the kid out of here.

Memo! Wake up, Memo!

Come on, kid.

Hey! No!





Let go of me! You need to get away from that thing.

Take it down! No, stop!

Stop it! Contain it and dismantle it!

Strip it down to parts!

Leave him alone! You don't understand.

Fight back, Bee!

Bee! Kid, stop! It's a machine!

He's more human than you'll ever be!

That is enough!

Oh, shit.

Open fire!

Fall back! Take cover!



Bee, stop!

You remember, don't you?

They're coming back.

Oh, God.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

We need to get out of here.

We've got to get you someplace safe.

Bee, stop. They will k*ll you!

If the Decepticons find Earth, then our people are truly finished.

Okay. Then we fight.

Let's go, get in.

Go on. I'll buy you some time with these guys.

You just kiss me?

On the cheek.

Still counts.

Still counts.



Well, that didn't work.

Move, move!

Faster, Bee, faster!

We should really look into getting seatbelts.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

It's okay. She's gonna steal the robot back, fight off the police, k*ll two bigger robots, and come right back home.

Shut up, Otis.

Folks, this just breaking.

There appears to be a high-speed chase underway just outside McKinnon Air Base.

Go right! Go right!

Closer. Closer.

You lose that car, I will personally rip your face off.

Oh, God!

It's all under control.

Charlie! Mom?

You pull that car over right this second.

This is very unsafe, what you're doing.

Mom, you got to get out of here, okay?

Whoa! Whoa!


You have to trust me, please!


We got to help her, Ron! Hang on.

Oh, my God! Ron!

Get out of the way!

Oh, my gosh! What are you doing?

I saw this on Miami Vice.


Oh. Oh. I got it, I got it, I got it. Oh, my God!




Nice driving, Ron.

Is everyone okay?

Ron! We have a kid in the car!

I was trying to save the other kid! What was I...

It was a lose-lose.

Otis? Otis, are you all right?

That was radical.

Preparing satellites to transmit our message.

Okay. What's the plan?

This is the plan? I hate this plan. Bee, I want to help.

♪ I would hate anything To happen to her ♪ You're actually talking. And you're listening to The Smiths.

Be careful.

Handle him! And finish the job this time!

Oh, shit!

How the hell am I gonna get up there?

There. The one on the tower.

You think these little chains can hold...


Hold on!

What are you doing?

Come on.

Come on.


After I k*ll you, I k*ll her.

Bee, no!

You missed.

You'll k*ll us both!


Oh, God.


You need to get outta here.

What do you mean?

I mean my friends are coming.

And they're gonna be looking for him.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hey, soldier!

I'm here. I made it.

What's going on?

World's already been saved, kid.



Hey, can you call my mom?

This is it, Bee.

♪ Let's go! ♪ Bee, I can't go with you.

You've got people out there that need you.

And so do I.

I gotta let you go.

Thank you...

So much...

For giving me...

My voice.

Thank you for...

For making me feel like me again.

I'll never forget you.

Goodbye, Bumblebee.

No way.

You kidding me?

Are you telling me you could've been a Camaro this whole time?

Oh, my God!

♪ Don't you forget about me

♪ Don't, don't, don't

♪ Don't you forget about me

♪ Will you stand above me

♪ Look my way Never love me?

♪ Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling

♪ Down, down, down

♪ Will you recognize me

♪ Call my name or walk on by... ♪

Here you go, ma'am.


Thank God you're all right.

Thanks for coming, Mom.

That was some driving, Ron.

Well, I've taken a few notes.


They forced me to tell.

I'm glad they did.

I couldn't have done it without you guys.

Hey, Charlie.

I'll be right back, okay?

Wow, um, what happened to you today?

Oh, this?

Oh, you know, robot fights, high-speed chases, international disasters.

The usual.

Right. Yeah.

Ooh, um...

Yeah, hmm...

Not quite there yet. Nope.

Yep. Okay, okay. No. Yeah.

Old friend, you kept this planet safe.

Because of you, we have a future, B-127.

My name...



Let's see if we got something.

Oh, my God, yes!
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