01x19 - Altared States

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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01x19 - Altared States

Post by bunniefuu »

It's not true! It can't be!

-Icus, he told me himself.
-But, Mother...

There's no time to argue.

Now, get your coat
while I pack some food.

-You're bound to get hungry.
-How long must I be gone?

-Until it's safe for you to return.
-Oh, but, Mother, I don't understand.

Neither do I, love.

-Neither do I.


Find a place to
hide and stay there.

-I'll find you when it's safe.


How was that?

Very good...

-You're getting the hang of it.

Come on, Gabrielle... You've been wanting
to do this for ages.

Just reach under this rock.

Give it your best shot.


I did it! I did it!

Where is he?

-This way!

This way!



Here, come on...

Let go!

Didn't your mother ever teach you,
it's rude to stare?

Stay here. You'll be safer.

Come on, come on.

Excuse me.


I don't know who or what you are.

But this business is none of yours.

My name is Xena.

And the way I see it,
half a dozen men...

...going after one small, defenseless
boy, kinda makes it my business.

Call it my maternal instinct.

-Don't let them take me, please.
-No one's taking you anywhere.

What will be, will be.

This isn't over.

What was all that about?

That want to take me to be sacrificed.

Sacrificed? You mean like,
on an altar, with a knife?

Who would do such a thing?

My father.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


I know how it looks, but
my father's a good man.

Once, when I was sick,
he stayed by my bed, night and day.

He never left till I was feeling better.
He's always been like that.

Then why did he send
that thug after you?

Thug? Oh, you mean
my brother, Maell.

-Your brother?
-Nice family.

Maell and his men are
very strong in their faith.

He helped my father teach our people
new ways to farm.

Now we grow twice
as much as we used to.

And your mother?
You said she warned you.

How does she feel
about all this?

I don't know. She's mixed up
about all this too, I guess.

It's just, my father's
never hurt anyone.

There's gotta be an explanation.
Look, we'll find it...

Right, Xena?



I'm up here! I found it!

-Found what?
-This cave...

My army came through
here a couple of years ago.

I used it as shelter
for my wounded men.

You'll be safe here. So,
make camp. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Where are you going?

To have a talk with your family.

I wanna see for myself what kind
of a father would want to k*ll his own son.

Come on.

Are you telling me you don't have Icus?

Well, at the moment, no.
But don't worry.

My men and I will get him back,
even if we have to die doing it.


There's been too much v*olence already.
That's not our way.

Well, nor would I choose it, Father.

But this Xena's left me no alternative.

These are new times,
they demand new ways.

To follow a path of peace is new.

We teach by example,
not by force.

But when the truth can help so many,

...we're honor-bound to spread it
in the most aggressive way we can.

One that includes k*lling children?


I said no!

You better sit down.
You don't look well.

My father's health, like everything
else here, is not your concern.

Now, just give us Icus
and be on your way.

You have Icus? How is he?


He doesn't understand how his father could love him
one day and wanna k*ll him the next.

I don't want to k*ll him. Surely,
he knows that.

Then, why are you doing this?

Because God has commanded it.

God? Which god?

Ares or Zeus?

There is only one true
supreme deity...

The Almighty God of my father.

The one whose voice speaks only to him.

So this all-powerful deity,
he told you to k*ll an innocent boy.

And I thought Ares was cold.

Why does He want you to do it?

Our Holy One is not
accountable to anyone.

Let alone a non-believer.

Then you'd better pray
He has a change of heart.

Because, until He does,
Icus stays with me.

She goes unharmed.

I will pray for guidance, but until
I get it, there will be no more v*olence...

Of any kind.

She's gotta die.

But how? You said yourself,
Anteus forbids it.

My father is a wise man...

But also an aging man,
in failing health.

No doubt, he doesn't see
Xena for what she truly is.

...A trial, sent to
us, by the Almighty...

...to test our resolve.

Can you doubt it?

All you have to do is look at
her to see she's unnatural...

An affront to God.

A woman with the strength of ten men?

Out in the world alone, save only
her scrawny little companion?

It's a complete abomination.

And to think...

...this freak of nature
has my brother...

A boy so innocent and pure...

...that the All-powerful One has called him
to His side at the tender age of 12.

How do you think the Supreme
Deity feels about that?

Leaving his chosen one in
the hands of a woman...

...whose gods are as
primitive as she is.

-Xena must die!

Then, suddenly, the soldiers
burst out of the wooden horse...

...surprising everyone, and...

And then the trojans
turned into growling lions...

With blood dripping from their lips.

And then the greeks, they brought
in an army of...

...fire-breathing, tin-headed hydras.

And this is very interesting, isn't it? Right?

Oh, yeah, right.

You haven't heard a word
I said, have you?

Sorry, you tell
a great story. It's...

It's just I can't stop
thinking about my father...

...and wondering why he'd wanna...

There's no use in speculating.

We'll know more when Xena gets here.

I just hope she brings
some food. I'm famished.

-Oh, I've got food.
-You do?

My mother packed it for me.

I've got apples...

...and pears, and cheese...

-...and some...
-Is this nutbread?

I haven't had this
since I was home.

Help yourself, I'm not hungry.

Oh, no. I couldn't. I...

Well, if you're sure.

You don't know what you're missing.

Hestia, goddess of hearth and home.

It is many years since I've honored you.

But please, hear my prayer.

Protect my son, Icus.

Don't worry, Icus is safe.

You know my son?

Where is he? Who are you?

My name is Xena.

Icus is staying with me and a friend,
until we can sort this thing out.

That's why I wanted to talk to you.

But how did you know I was here?

Where else would a woman
who loves her son...

...enough to defy her husband, go?

A shrine to the patron goddess of families.

If Anteus knew
I'd broken with his god...

...and gone back to the old ones,
it would k*ll him.

Not a tough choice, seeing
his god wants to k*ll Icus.

How can he believe in a god
who needs to m*rder children?

Well, he never has before.

And what's even stranger, not
two months ago...

...our Supreme One told Anteus
to break with tradition...

...and make Icus our next leader,
not our oldest son, Maell.

Does Maell know this?

I don't know.

Lately, Anteus has seemed so
secretive and strange...

I'm afraid he confides more
in his own god than he does in me.

That's why you have to try
and reach him, Xena, please.

To k*ll a child, it can't be
right, no matter what god you follow.

I'll talk to Anteus.

It's probably better
if we went separately.

It might not be good for your
health to be seen with me.

Wait. I have a little more
nutbread. Would you take it to Icus?

I packed some in his sack...

...but, well, you know how children
are about nutbread.

...And Maell had this one
specially made, so I thought...

Maell had this made?

It's one of those special treats
he's been bringing Anteus, lately.

Still I don't think he'd mind
Icus having some, do you?



Can you hear me?

Wake up.


You all right?

I'm great.

I can't see, but I'm good.

Try using both eyes.

Ah yeah, that's better.

Think you can stand?

You mean I'm not?

Come on!

There you go.

-By the gods!
-What is it?

You are beautiful!

And you are drugged.

With henbane, if I'm not mistaken.
So the effects should be temporary.

But we've got to get you...


Come back here. Gabrielle.

I need you to concentrate.


But I think this is a
big waste of time...

...because I have been walking
since I was one.

This is not about
walking, Gabrielle.

It's about Icus.

You do remember Icus, don't you?

Of course I remember Icus.


-Do you know where he is?

No, I'm asking you.

Where's Icus?

I don't know. Icus!


I lost Icus.

I lost him. I lost Icus!


Gabrielle, calm down.

Look, I'm sure you didn't lose him.

He probably just saw you
pass out and went for help.

By the way, how much
nutbread did Icus eat?


...You know, I really wanted to share...

...but it was just too good... And he
said he wasn't hungry.

...and then,
the next thing I knew, it was just gone.

Like Icus!

It's ok.

There's no sign of a struggle. My guess is
he went to get his mother.

Aside from us, she's his only ally.

What are we waiting for? Let's go!

The rest of you, follow me!

Hold it.

At ease! Yeah?

I've got a better idea.

I'll go and get Icus, while you and...

...the others try to...

Work on our song?


Just between you and me, the altos
are slightly flat.



Don't let anyone leave the cave.


Stay here, and wait for me to get back.

Have I made myself clear?


You're a little
fuzzy around the edges.

So you keep trying. You'll get there.

Now I want everyone
this side of the cave.

We're gonna keep working
till we get it right.

And I've got all day...

So, let's start with
the top! Are you ready?

You! You're a tenor!
Get away from the sopranos!

Hey, hey! You're standing
like a stone. Relax.

Hurry, Mother.
I think she's really sick.

She started talking all strange. And
then she fell asleep, and I couldn't wake her.

All right, I'm coming.

But I'll be no good to this
Gabrielle without my medicines now, will I?

Here... Go get me some
bitterwort from the garden.

Icus, I need
some haleanthus too.


Icus, do you hear?


Mother! Don't hurt her!

I'll go with you! Just don't
hurt her, please!

Make sure she stays here.

Don't give me any trouble.

Close in behind.

What'll we do now?

That looks mighty painful.

You really oughtta see a doctor
about that.

-Are you all right?
-Don't bother with me.

The zealots took Icus.
You've got to stop them.

-Where? They took him where?
-To the mountain. To Anteus.


...I beg you...

What was that?

You and you, go.

We couldn't find anything.

It's some sort of trick.
Keep moving. Hurry.

Where's the boy?

He's gone! Icus is gone!

Great percussion! Now, from the top!

And I thought our
gods were harsh.


Please, Almighty God.

You alone know...

...how I have struggled to follow You always.

I have given You my life...

...to use
however You will.

And it is Yours even now, to
take or leave, as You choose.

But my son...


Don't take Icus.

How dare you deny me

Either sacrifice Icus before
the next sun...

...or I will turn my face
upon you and your people...


Prove your faith to me, Anteus.

Prove it to me above all things.

Father! Father! What's wrong with him?

The strain must've been
too much for him.

Anteus! Anteus!

Father, it's me!

-What hap...
-Don't try to speak.

You're very ill.
We'll get you home.

You heard it, didn't you?

The voice... You heard it.

Yes, but unlike you,
I don't believe everything I hear.

This way.

What did you say?

I asked him.

What did you say?

That's what I thought.

Thank you!

I gotta go.

You stay here!

We'll stop and rest a while.

No sense in k*lling
ourselves... so to speak.

You don't think much of us,
do you?

I don't think much
of your God...

...or any god
who'd wanna k*ll a child.

But then I'm not sure He does.

It'll ease your breathing.

Lean forward.

Anteus, I know your mind
is hazy right now...

...but did you ever stop to wonder...

...why He'd ask you
to do such a thing?

Every waking moment of every day
since it happened...

...I keep wondering.

Is it me? Have I done something...

...wrong and He's punishing me?

Or is this some kind of a test...

...to see how far I'll
go to prove my faith.

Or is He angry with me
because He knows how much I love you.

Or does His love demand the best,
the brightest. You see...

...It never stops.

You can stop it.

You're still the leader here.
You don't have to do this.

You're asking me to deny my God?

I am asking you
to spare your son.

And teach him what?

That faith is just for those times
when it's convenient to believe?

That when it gets hard
and it hurts to keep faith...

...you let go until
it gets easy again?

What's the good in sparing his life...

...if I rob him of the very thing
that makes it worth living?

You know I'll stop you.

I know you'll try.

God help me...

Deep down inside, part of me
hopes you succeed.


-Icus, you're safe!

Anteus! What is it?
What's wrong?

Nothing that some rest and
a change of diet won't cure.

He's being drugged.

That's why he seems
so strange to you lately.


But I don't understand. Who'd want to...

Yes! Who's there?

You don't know me.

I'm looking for a
woman named Xena.

Warrior Princess!

What are you doing here?

I thought I told you
to wait for me at the cave.

I did, and then this rock told me
I had to come find you.

The rock spoke to you...

Oh, yeah. I mean, his voice was
a little gravelly, but I understood.


You see? Even she's hearing voices...

And all because she ate some of
the drugged food meant for you.

Where are you going? What's the matter?

What is it, Icus?

Come on, I can't help you if
you won't tell me what's wrong.

-What is it?

It's God's command I should die.

But, as long as you're free,
we can't obey Him.

One move, and she dies.

Maell, what are you doing?

Quiet, Father. The time for
peaceful ways has passed.

-You know, he was just outside.

All right, you've made your point.

Now, let her go and I'll come with you.

You know, she gets to go everywhere.
You could take me.

I don't bargain with savages.

And what are you?

Drugging your father...
Trying to k*ll your own brother...

One more move and I'll k*ll her! I swear!


Stop! There's no need to hurt them!

Then I won't...

...as long as they cooperate.

What do you want us to do?

That's a long way down. Don't let go.

Don't let go.

Just don't let go of my hand.

Come, Father.

God's waiting.

Go ahead, climb up my body.

All right...

Ok, now what?

Now, for the fun part.


How could you do this?

Did I hurt you?

No, no... Loving
every moment of it.

How did we get in here, anyway?

And, why does my head
feel like it was kicked by a centaur?

Does it? Good.

The henbane
must be wearing off.


Long story.

Yeah, well, if we fall, tell it
to me on the way down.

I couldn't let others
die protecting me, Father.

Not when my death
is part of God's plan.

Isn't that right?

Father, let me help you.

No, no, no. It's
all right. Lead the way.


Icus, wait!

Father, what is it?
Are you ill again?


I can't do this, Icus.

I know what I said about faith, but...

It's too hard.

It's too much to ask! I'm old!

I can't.

Father, it's ok. Really, it is.

No. Our God is a benevolent master.

What is Heaven like, Father?

I don't know, son,
but it must be glorious.

My stomach doesn't feel so good.

Don't even think about it.

We're almost there...

Almost there.

What's next?

Come on.

I love you, Father.


Hear me and obey.

I am your one, true God.

The one who should
come first in your heart.

Yet, you love Icus more.

You always have.

Therefore, you must obey this command.

Tell him to stop.

Make him let Icus go.

k*ll him!

Get that thing! Try to stop them!

You're too late! It's already begun!

You'll never stop the will of our God.

k*lling Icus
isn't the will of any god.

It's your idea.

Drugging your father simply helped
convince him that your voice was real.

You know, for a pagan nonbeliever,
you're really quite bright.


Your schemes won't
work forever.

It doesn't need to.

You see, with Icus gone,
Father will have to make me leader.

There'll be no one left
to stand in my way.

No one.

May our God show you mercy...

...for I never will.

Take my hand.

Let God's will be done.

Hold, Anteus! Let your son live.

Your faith is enough.

Father! Oh, Father!

Bye, Xena!

-Thank you!
-Take care!

Do you think you can talk any louder?

I don't think they heard you on Mount Olympus.

Unless, of course, you're trying
to convert to the one true God.

One god...

Although you've gotta admit
it's a pretty interesting theory.

-How's the head?

Look , do me a favor, ok?

If you ever see me take
a drug again, just k*ll me.

You've got a deal.

Still, for someone high on henbane,
you do a pretty fair voice of God routine.

-What's that supposed to mean?
-Your voice of God impersonation.

Not bad, although
you could improve your timing.

You almost cost Anteus an arm.

Wait! Are you saying that you heard it too?

The voice!
And here, I thought it was the henbane.

Very funny.

Although it wouldn't have been if you had taken
much longer getting that loud-talking thing.

Well, that's just it.
I never did get the loud-talking thing.

I mean, I tried. I even
had it in my hand, but I lost it.

That can't be. I mean, come on...
If you didn't do it then who...
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