04x03 - It Happened One Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show "M*A*S*H". Aired: September 1972- February 1983.*
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During the Korean w*r the staff of an Army hospital find that humor helps deal with the difficulties.
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04x03 - It Happened One Night

Post by bunniefuu »

[Man On P.A.]
Attention! The temperature is...

now two degrees below zero.

Tonight's forecast cold, with a good
chance ofbad weather tomorrow.

Due to enemy shelling,
we will observe...

blackout conditions
effective immediately.

Blackout conditions, please.

Oh, sorry.

Sorry, ma'am.
And, uh, thank you.



Hawk, it's that time.

- Hawkeye?
- He's dead. Dead and drafted.

You're on duty.
It's no-hundred hours. Midnight.

I'll give you ten dollars
for ten more minutes.

- Please?
- Five for five?

- Come on.
- Would you take a dollar
to smother me with my pillow?

- Come on. They're waiting.
- [Moans]

Oh, the price of fame.


- Who'd you bump into?
- Just what I said. Rats.

If they get any bigger,
we can hold a rodeo.

- It's colder.
- I keep begging
the janitor for more heat.

Keep your eye on a kid named Edwards.
I took a junkyard out of his belly.

Edwards, right.

- [Metal Clangs]
- [Metal Clangs]

- Aren't you gonna have it?
- Nah, one golf ball
and I'm up all night.

He's already had ten units.

- Edwards?
- Yeah.

- That's lotsa blood.
- He was lotsa hurt.

- You wanna go over there into
first-class and tuck him in?
- Yes, sir.

You know, after this w*r is over,
you're going to make
somebody a fine mother.

Aw, cut it out once.


Hello, Klinger.
How goes the crazy business?

You think MacArthur
reads his mail?

Probably at night after
he takes off his makeup.

I sent him a picture
of me in a garter belt.

He sent back one
of him smoking a pipe.

I think he got the best of it.

Oh. Captain Pierce, Private Jenkins.
Just got in this morning.

- Sir.
- You brought the good
weather with you.

Warmest July in years.
Pardon the sock.

Captain here is one
of the good guys.

My white hat's out
being cleaned and blocked.

That's my midnight snack.

1943. These beans are
from World w*r II.

They're has-beans.

Can't get rich around here.
First time on night sentry duty.

No problem. If there's anything
out there, it'll freeze
before it can make trouble.

Yes, sir.

Hey, listen.
Everybody's scared.


Are you kiddin'?
Winner of the Purple Chicken...
with Yellow Belly clusters.


[Groaning Continues]


- Animal.
- It's just me, ma'am.

- [Gasps]
- [Gasps]

- Are you crazy?
- It's my job. It's midnight.
You're on duty.

How long have you been standing there...
Iooking at me?

Not long really.
Just a little long. Honest.

Get out of here, you little
creep, pervert you! Get out!

You're not the first one
in this man's army to drool over me...

with your hot,
little non-com breath!

I didn't!
I never breathe around you.

Get out of my underwear!

- I'm trying to, sir... ma'am!
- [Growls]

- Help!
- [Growls]

- Frank.
- Oh, sure. Do you know what time it is?

The big hand's on two and
the little hand's on 12.

- You're 10 minutes late, Captain.
- I don't like overtures anyway.

- I should have been
relieved at midnight.
- Put in for overtime.

- It really gripes my cookies.
- Frank?

- Hmm?
- Would you like
to see me start a fire...

by rubbing your
ears together?

- Oh. Good evening, Major.
- I'm sorry I'm late.

- That's perfectly all right.
- I had to bring a note from home.

- What?
- Let's go. Let's go.

- Edwards.
- This is B. J.'s kid.

[Frank] He's been quiet,
resting comfortably. No trouble.

85 over 50.

That's pretty low, Frank. If
your pressure was 85 over 50,
you'd be no trouble either.

Maybe he's no trouble now,
but he's already used up
ten units of blood.

Saving it to paint
the mess tent, Frank?

Take his pressure and pulse
every ten minutes. Have some
more units of whole blood ready.

- Who's this?
- Abbott.

What are you staring at?

Just get away from me,
all right? Get away.

- One of your nervous Nellies.
- What's he got to be
nervous about, Frank?

Just 'cause he's a million miles
from home with more tubes in him
than a radio?

- He's here to do a job
like the rest of us.
- Stay away from me.

Hey, hey, hey.
You can't thrash around like that, pal.

- I don't want him touching me.
- You don't have any choice.
He's a doctor.

- So shut your yap.
- You can tell he's a doctor
by his bedside manner.

Let's have a calm night, huh?
We can both use it.

He's, uh...


You don't have to whisper, Frank.
He knows he's Chinese.

They're crafty devils.

This one's probably not
one of their craftiest.
He's got 13 broken bones.

I don't trust them.

[Frank] I bet he understands
every word we say.

I certainly wouldn't trust anybody
who understands us.

Would you feel safer
if I put a guard on him, Major?

Come on, Frank!
This poor bugger couldn't
break the four-hour mile.

- I'll be all right.
- Well...

Major, Captain, I'll leave
you two to carry on.




- Frank!
- Hmm?

You tore up my note.

I read it, darling.
I'm dying to keep you warm too.

- Why did you tear it up?
- I tear up all your notes.

You got some real
doozies in there. [Giggles]

- As well as my feelings.
- Oh, sure. And those too.

- I've saved everything
you've ever written me.
- No kidding? Everything?

- Every scrap.
- [Explosions In Distance]

- Margaret, do you think
that's such a good idea?
- What?

- There's a w*r on.
- I know, Frank. I can hear it.

I don't like
to say this, but, um...

You could get k*lled,
you know, Margaret.
Somebody makes up the statistics.

I don't wish you any bad luck,
but if you should, uh...

- and someone got to your
things before I did...
- Frank!

- Hmm?
- You could get k*lled too.

Now that's cruel.

- [expl*si*n]
- Aaah!

- It's okay.
- Get off me! Don't touch me!

- Get your arms down.
- [expl*si*n]

Stop! Make 'em stop.


Make 'em stop.

Just what the w*r
needed, extra innings.

- Radar.
- [expl*si*n]

- 386! Six! Like a nine sitting down.
- I want you to make a call.

I'm trying to get the shelling stopped.
It's outgoing.


- That's our stuff?
- We can't let them have all the fun.

- [expl*si*n]
- 386? This is MASH 4077.

- Can you cut the heavy overhead stuff?
We're a hospital here.
- [Explosions Continue]

- We got patients.
- What?

He's got a suggestion,
but I think it's physically impossible.

- Give me the phone. Who is this?
- Lieutenant Gage.

Lieutenant Gage,
Captain Pierce here.

Those shells of yours
are bouncing our guys
right out of their beds.

Give us a break, huh?
We're on the same team.


- What did he say?
- You're right, Radar. He's got
a lot to learn about anatomy.

- Get Colonel Potter
over here on the double.
- At this hour? I can't do that.

- How'd you like a mouse in your milk?
- On the double.

- Halt!
- Aaah!

- Who goes there?
- It's me.

- Halt or I'll sh**t.
- I can't get more halted. Take it easy.

- What's going on?
- This bonehead was gonna sh**t me.

Did you give
the password?

He didn't ask.
You dumb kid.

Sorry, Margaret.

Don't let one mistake
rattle you. You'll get the hang of it.

- [Door Bangs]
- You just watch me. Halt!

- Who goes there?
- It's me, Major Burns.

- What's the password?
- Ah, Caribbean.

I thought it was "Carib-eean."

It's the same thing,
you simp.

- Advance and be recognized, sir!
- Blow it out your nose.



- What?
- What?

- What is it?
- The a*tillery, sir.

- a*tillery?
- [expl*si*n]

It's ours.

Colonel, it's
disturbing the patients.

Captain Pierce says to tell you he
requests you do something.

- And?
- That's it, sir.


- Yeah, all right. Let's go.
- Would you like your helmet, sir?

We'll stop at the latrine.


He's still down. He's not
doing very well at all.

- Let's give him two more units.
- Yes, Doctor.

Major? This is Colonel Potter.
Bird Colonel Sherman Potter.

Do you read me, Major?

Good! Now can it or move it.
Got that, Major?



Oh. Oh.

My g*n went off. I don't
know how. He's not gonna die, is he?
It's my first day.

- It's all right.
- Of course he's not gonna die.

- Sit down.
- The pain... The pain...

- I forgive you, kid.
- I didn't mean it. Honest.

- It's nothing.
Klinger, it's just a scratch.
- There it goes.

- My whole life is passing
in front of me. Ma! Pa!
- Have we got the right shoulder?

- LaVerne. Good-bye.
So long, Harry. Frieda.
- Klinger!

- Paul. Oh, I'm coming, Uncle Jake.
- Klinger, you're all right.

- Was the g*n loaded?
- The lights are fading.
I'm too young. No! No!

- Could you at least bleed?
- [Grunts]

- What is the matter with you?
Oh, Klinger!
- He's molting.

How can I thank you for
pulling me through, Doc?

I can't remember a tougher case,
unless it was removing a kitten
from my house slipper.

- I can't describe the agony.
- Uh-huh.

sh**ting pains all down my arm.
My head is on fire.
I have no sense of touch.

I think I got what Bette Davis
had in Mrs. Skeffington.

Don't move. I'll get Claude Rains.
George Brent's not available.

Thanks for trying
to cheer up my morale, sir.

Klinger, it's us.
You don't have to perform for me.

I will never surrender.
This is my ticket. They gotta
send me home. I've done my bit.

I've been shackin' up with rats,
eatin' swill on a shingle,
and now my arm's half blown off.

- It's just a scratch.
- How do you know? What about tetanus?

- Nah.
- It could've been of a rusty b*llet.

- I'll give you a shot.
- No sh*ts. I'm allergic.
I blow up like a balloon.

I'll give you an
anti-balloon shot.

- Lie down and rest.
- I'd rather do it in my own bed.

- All right. Go back to your tent.
- My bed in Toledo.

If it was up to me, I'd stick
a $1,000 stamp on your nose
and put you in the next mailbag.

Your trouble is,
there's nothing wrong with you.

If you could get really hurt
or get k*lled, you'd be in great shape.

I ain't got
that kind of luck.

Stay here where it's warm.

Why can't they ever
have a w*r in Florida?


- Radar! Those idiots are still shelling!
- Sir, they're still shelling us.

- Get that unit on the line.
- I'll call the a*tillery unit
right away!

- Halt!
- Whoa!

- Who goes there?
- It's the colonel.

Oh, sorry. Go ahead.

Don't you want
to know the password?

I already know it, sir.

You're trembling, son.
You scared?

No, sir. Just cold, sir.

If you had any brains,
you'd be scared.

Colonel Clayburn?
Colonel Potter here.

One moment for the
colonel, Colonel. Colonel.

Colonel Potter here.

No, not the P.X.
Colonel Potter.

Yes, I know him. Just retired. Shipped
a temple home to open as a drive-in.

I run a MASH outfit. 4077.

Those big g*ns of yours are
really rattlin' our bedpans.

I got some pretty sick boys
in my hospital. It's not
doin' them much good either.

Well, thank you,
Colonel Clayburn.

That's very good of you.



Don't touch me. I told ya.
I'm not kidding. Don't touch me.

You don't give
the orders here.

- I hate your guts.
- My guts are not here for you to love.

- Funfair keeping you awake?
- He is.

What's the story?

He makes Dracula
look like a teetotaler.

- How much more you given him?
- Three units. Are you sure
you closed everything?

I had him open for four hours.
I may be slow, but I'm thorough.

Maybe you just
missed something.

Impossible. I did everything
but crawl inside him.

I can't think of what it is
except maybe internal bleeding.

I plugged every hole.

- Then he sprung a new leak.
- He had 18 holes in his colon.
I got 'em all.

- You sure?
- 18 holes. Exactly.

I thought, "What a place
for a miniature golf course."


- [Screaming Continues]
- Klinger!

Corporal Klinger! Get in here.
Get in here immediately! L...

- Get in here! Do you hear me?
- [Shivering]

You are crazy!
You'll catch pneumonia.

- I want pneumonia. Double pneumonia.
- Here.

Scarlet fever, the palsy, Halsey,
the plague. Anything!

He got shot by accident.
Terminal graze.

These beds are
for real casualties.

I'd say Klinger's sanity
is certainly a casualty.

You may really be sick.

You get me well,
I'll k*ll ya.

- Shut up!
- You shut up!

You both
shut up!

Welcome to
One Man's Family.


Damn colonels!
Can't trust any of'em.

Uh, General Morrison?

One moment. Your call
to General Morrison, sir.

One moment, sir.

Nate? Sherm.
Sherman Potter.

Fine. Fine.
How's Violet?

Oh, swell.

Who? Oh, he's a very good man.
I'm sure he can help
get the swelling down.

You could use one of
her legs for an umbrella stand.

Nate, you gotta move
those g*ns of yours.
They're putting me out of business.

Can't you send them
down the road?

Thanks a million, Nate.
I knew you'd come through.

Send my love to Vi.
I'll say a prayer for her legs.


Still, huh?

Try hotter water.

In your helmet.

Sit and soak in your helmet
for a few days. That should do it.

Thanks again, Nate.

Yeah, good-bye.

- Always go to the top, Radar.
- You're closer to it than me, sir.

[Margaret] That's the last unit
of B-positive, Doctors.

- It'll never be enough.
- No.

I have to open him up again.


I'll start cross matching
volunteers in the mess tent.

Wake those volunteers gently.
A simple rap on the soles.

Delightful waking people
at 2:00 in the morning
to milk 'em for a pint.

my dear Watson.

Hold it, Doc.
Don't wake anybody.

Not now, Klinger.

I'm B-positive.

Klinger, how would
you like a medal?

Only for desertion.

- And... go!
- [Grunts]



Oh! Ooh.

I hope he gets stuck
in his helmet.


- Take cover!
- Good luck.

- You okay, Klinger?
- Get off me, will ya? I'll k*ll ya!

You're gonna k*ll yourself
if you pull out those tubes!

- I don't care. I wanna die.
- [expl*si*n]

[Screams] Don't...
Watch your hands!

- Help me.
- I don't have to put up
with any fresh stuff!

He's not gonna commit su1c1de
and make a pass at the same time.

Well, I don't have to take
any of that fresh stuff!

Get a sedative, will ya?
A glass of warm milk. Anything.

Will you stop?

- [Grunts]
- Oh! Don't... Don't bite me.

- He's biting me.
- [Straining]

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
Get the right rump.


[Grunts, Moans]

- Good sh**ting, Margaret.
- Thank you, Doctor.

I won't say a word
to anybody...

about being
in bed together.

Check those tubes.

You hear that?

I don't hear anything.

Know what that "anything" is?

Silence. The shelling stopped.
It's all over.

Thank God.

You hungry?

1943. Very good
year for beans.

That was good work, Doctor.

I think the kid's
out of the woods.

Let me operate on a guy
three or four times,
I'm gonna get it right.

- Like us to see you home, Margaret?
- You don't have to.

What if someone knocks you down
and takes advantage?

Let's get inside
before we do.

Guess who didn't
come home last night.

- Frank!
- Aaah!

- What are you doing?
- Huh?

- What are you doing?
- Uh...

Have you got a pencil?

- Have l...
- Well, I came in and, uh...

Uh, I was gonna leave you a note.
And, and, and...
I didn't have any pencil.


I looked in your nightstand.
You didn't have a pencil.

I found some paper.
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