08x14 - While the Children Sleep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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08x14 - While the Children Sleep

Post by bunniefuu »

He does not want us here.

He like, just,
assaults people quick.

There is no question in my mind
that he was talking about Satan.

He was just
a [bleep] monster.

The devil was trying to take me.

Very abusive.

I can barely function in here.

This seems like a possession.

My name is Amy Allan.

Everything was built on blood.

I see dead people.

Very disturbing.

I speak to dead people.

There's victims around him.

And they speak to me.

Her voice sounds like death.

But there's only one way
to know if my findings are real.

The living don't
stand a chance here.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

You could have got k*lled.

I know every person,
every house, has secrets.

This is coming
straight from hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

Your mom was m*rder*d
right here in this room?

Yes, she was.

But Steve and I
never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

This was just the beginning.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Oh, my God.

Or time to get out.

They're very bad.

This house
is going to k*ll me.

I'm in Olympia, Washington,
about an hour south of Seattle.

I got a call from a woman
named Bobbie.

Now, she lives with her mom
and her two kids.

One of them is special needs.

She says they're
all under att*ck,

and if we can't fix this,

she thinks somebody's
going to get seriously hurt.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the area

of any leading information.

Religious icons, family photos

and personal items
can influence her findings,

so it's important I cover
or remove them all.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.

This place is really,
really bad for the living.

The area, in general,
has seen a lot of issues.

Something here makes people

do bad things

to themselves or to others.

So there's something here
that makes people die.

So, Bobbie, when we spoke
on the phone,

you were obviously upset.

What the hell's going on here?

Everything is just
kind of crazy.

I mean, family members
are getting att*cked,

and I don't know

how to protect my kids
from it, keep them safe.

We just really need some help.

Who lives in the house now?

Right now, it's myself, my mom,
Betty, my son, Dylan, who's 13,

and my daughter, Morgan.

She's 19.
She has special needs.

She looks like
a sweet kid.

You know, she is so innocent,

I worry that it's going
to set her up

to be more vulnerable

to some sort of
paranormal att*ck.

Give me an idea of what you guys
are going through in the house.

We have everything
from footsteps,

disembodied voices,

feeling like you're
being watched.

Her physical health
is declining.

So is everybody
being affected?

Mostly just my mom
and my son.

You know, my son
is seeing things in his room,

being att*cked physically.

How bad are
the physical att*cks?

They're really bad, actually.

My mom just fell and broke
her arm in two places.

And you think whatever caused
her to fall was paranormal?

I watched her.

I can tell you she didn't trip
over anything.

When did the activity start?

About 5 years ago.

Any theories on what sparked it?

We lost my step-son.

He passed away
at the age of 21.

How'd he die?

He committed su1c1de.

He sh*t himself.

Did you guys have any idea
he was having problems?

We saw a lot of depression,
anger flares.

You know, I thought that he was
kind of lost in his life.

Did he die in the house?

No, he passed away
at his mother's place.

Did he come by
the house a lot?

Almost every day.


That's Jared there
with the kids.

Looks like the kids
loved him, huh?

They loved him very much.



I just feel like,
if I had been there...

You can't really
blame yourself.

You think he's here?

I think that he comes
and checks in on the kids.

I'm seeing, like,
this dead guy.

This person's very lost,

and depressed,

and confused.

I'm not exactly sure
what k*lled him.

I thought, like,
he had head pain?

Feel like it was a su1c1de.

I'm trying to understand
his relationship to this home

because he keeps showing me
a different house.

Can you describe him?

Like, I'm seeing him
at a younger age then

when he would have d*ed if...

Say he was, mm,
probably about 14 or 15.

I think he, like,
got dragged back here.

He had to come back,
and he didn't want to.

He's, like,
not happy about that.

So, Bobbie, I assume
this is your bedroom?

All right.

So what kind of experiences
are you having in here?

I always have a problem
feeling like my hair

and my clothes
are being pulled at.

When I look, there's never
anything there.

What kind of a tug
are we talking about?

Like a get-your-attention
kind of tug.

It gets really overwhelming
and frustrating.

Okay, anything else?

There's a really overwhelming
sensation of being

watched all the time.

Like some peeping Tom's
looking at you?

Yeah, somebody's watching
every move you make

and that, any second,

they might just
reach out and grab you.

That's got to be uneasy
for you to sleep

then if you think
somebody's watching you?

I don't sleep all that well
because I have a real problem

with night terrors.

Can you describe them,

or is it something
that you don't remember?

They all have
the same kind of theme,

where something frightening
is happening,

and I have to get to my kids
and get them to safety.

The night terrors got so strong
and so frequent that they had

to put me on a medication.

Did it help?
It did, actually.

I had five or six
night terrors a night.

Now I only have one or two.

I don't like this area.

Something weird is
happening back here.

This might be a nightmare
they're having

because it's too weird.

This person, like, wakes up
and thinks, like, they're dead.


Living person got hit
on the head.

Oh, yeah, a couple times here.

It's a dead person,
like, it's a female,

and she's all burnt.

Messing with their head.

It's touching them,
touching them.

Messing with them all the time,
all the time.

Messing, messing,
messing with them.

Can I assume you've had
experiences in this room?

Yes, this is actually

one of the more active rooms
in the house.

I've actually seen
child figures.

All right. Can you describe
what one looked like?

It was like
an extra dark space.

Like, a very wide person just
came rushing straight at me.

It must have scared
the hell out of you?

Yes. My palms are sweating
just thinking about it.

Just thinking about it, right?

All right, anything else?

There are a lot of physical
att*cks happening in the house.

Like what?
There's scratches.

Dylan had one that
came from his groin

all the way down to his ankle,

and it was blood red.

Anything else?

You know, there's an incident
that happened with Dylan

that comes to mind.

There was a night
where he was taking a bath,

and he started crying,

"God, I don't want to be bad!

Please don't let him
take me, God!

Please don't let him take me!"

And he was hysterical.

He would just keep screaming,
and it terrifies me

that something really is going
to come after my kids

that I can't rescue them from,

and it really is going to take
their sweet little souls.

It was the most
frightening thing

that I think I've ever seen.

Do you have any idea
who he was talking about?

There's no question in my mind
that he was talking about Satan.

Do you feel it had
a lasting affect on him?

He's never been
the same since then.

He's really withdrawn,
mood swings, outbursts,

fighting with his sister

It's affecting everybody.


There's a big man
just yelling at everybody.

He's overbearing.

Just takes up
the entire [bleep] space.

This guy, he makes everything,
like, shake,

like an earthquake.

And it's weird how he, like,
interacts with the living.

Waves of anger and yelling.

The living would experience
that, like, sudden onset rage

which could, obviously,

change their personality
for the time that he's around.

I can barely function in here.

So, Betty, I understand
you're Bobbie's mom.

I am.

Now, she told me about the fall,

and I can see you're still
in recovery mode.

What happened that day?

I was cleaning the garage,
and the next thing I know

I was on the ground

and pretty much out of it.

I have fallen down four times
this summer.

It's getting to the point that
I'm not sure I can go outside

without getting knocked down.

So do you think something
might have pushed you?

Yes, because I don't have
any serious health problems

that would cause that.

Something is helping me fall.

Anything else happen?

At night, something bumps into
my bed with lots of muscles.

Betty, when you say
with muscles,

is it an aggressive
hitting to the bed?

It's very forceful,
enough to wake me up.

But it's very disturbing.

Betty, I got to tell you,

I've done a lot
of these cases, over 100.

And one thing I did learn is
that when things get physical,

that's a really bad sign.

And it can only get worse.

Did you ever consider
packing up and leaving?


I just want to find
the fix for it.

The angry guy who's here can get
very physical with the living.

He, like, just assaults
people quick.

He's, like, grabbing the neck,

doing [bleep]
with people's ears.

And he comes up real quick,
grabs, leaves that imprint.

That energy is still there,

and he's gone.

He's just a beast.

Oh, my God.

He does not want us here.

So, Dylan, I was talking
with your mom,

and she's telling you're having
a real tough time here.


She mentioned something about,
when you were younger,

something happened
when you were in the bath tub?

I was just, like, crying,
like, non-stop.

That's the only part I remember.

So, Dylan,
what do you think happened?

I was possessed

and that they wanted me

to do something
very bad,

like hurt my family.

What do you think
possessed you?

Something very aggressive.

The Devil
was trying to take me.

I felt bad for this poor kid,
and the longer I talked to him,

the worse it got.

It was cloaked with, like,

curved horns that
came like this.

Either Dylan has one
wild imagination...

I've seen several different
apparitions staring at me.

Or he's experienced way
too much, way too young.

Chronic migraine headaches.

So what do these headaches
actually feel like?

Like someone is
taking their hands

and pressing on your head
as hard as they can.

This dead guy,
he really gets mad.

He's like,
"Get the [bleep] out."

Are the living
affected by him?


He's been seen,
doesn't like that.

And then he causes
the physical pain,

which is the back
of the neck grabbing,

back of the head grabbing.

You absolutely feel anger
and hatred when he's around.

I can barely stand in here.

So, Morgan,
I was talking to mom,

she said there's some scary
stuff going on in the house.

Now, has anything happened
to you that you can't explain?


I only saw it, like,
walk across,

into my grandma's room,
and just disappeared.

Okay, what did it look like?

It was black, like,
I just see the color.

What about anything else
that happened?


The voices that you hear, do you
have any idea who it might be?


It's a lot of voices,
and I don't know

if it's male and a female.

Does that scare you?

It scared me enough that

I had to do
the Lord's Prayer.

So is that what you do to try
to stop it from happening?


Sweetie, would you like
to move away from here?

Yes. I'm scared, and I want
to move away.

Well, we're here to try to stop
that, and we'll stop the voices.

This is an issue.

There's another dead girl
that's hanging out in here.

Oh, she's so weird-looking.

Part of her
is kind of a zombie.

She's [bleep] with the living.

What the [bleep]
is she doing?

She's, like,

just drooling
on the person.

What person is she
doing this to?

Whoever laying there --
looks young,

maybe 17.

Is the living person
aware of this?


I think that this person's
having nightmares about her.

The other thing is that

it's causing illness,

like really [bleep] bad.

I think this is, like, really
not good for this living person.

She's definitely, like, taking
this person's life, basically.

Close your eyes and randomly
point to a spot

on a map of the U.S.,

chances are good
you're going to find

some Native American history.

When I called on an old friend
and historian, Jeff Davis,

he said what happened
around Bobbie's house

was so brutal,

it will definitely
help my case.

Well, Jeff, it's good
to see you again.

Thanks for helping me out.

You mentioned on the phone
that my client's property

had a real brutal past.

Let's start from the beginning.

Who inhabited the land?
What was the story?

Well, that land used to belong
to the Nisqually Indian tribe.

One of their travel routes
was Woodland Creek,

which runs through
your client's property.

Okay, so now what happens
when the white settlers show up?

Well, in 1853, the governor
of the territory, Isaac Stevens,

was tasked with removing

all the Native Americans
for white settlement.

How do they go out
misplacing the Nisqually?

Well, they started out
by calling a treaty council

to try and get the Nisqually

and the others
to just leave their land.

And the treaty was
signed December 26th, 1854,

only a couple miles away
from your client's property.

This is written
in English, obviously.


How many of these Native
Americans spoke English?

None of them.

And this is part of the problem
that comes later.

Many of them claimed, afterward,
that Stevens threatened them.

And he said, "It doesn't matter
whether you agree or not.

We're just going
to sign for you."

They really forced sell their
land for pennies an acre.

Basically, the Nisquallys
got taken for a ride?

Yeah, absolutely.
Okay, how'd they handle it?

Well, there were two
Nisqually leaders,

Leschi and his
half-brother, Quiemuth.

Here's a picture
of Leschi right here.

And they basically led
their people in a revolt.

How did that play out?

Well, this whole thing lasted
about a year and a half.

The fighting was so bad,
there was so much loss of life,

that Governor Stevens
declared martial law.

So now martial law
is in effect.

What happens with the leaders
of the Native American tribes?

Well, later in 1856, Leschi is
actually taken into custody,

and the m*llitary tries him
under court martial,

and they hung
Leschi in 1858.

Okay, so that's Leschi.

What happened to
his brother, Quiemuth?

He actually turned himself
in to Isaac Stevens.

They kept him overnight
in Stevens' house,

and what they were
going to do the next day

is take him and turn him
over to the m*llitary.

But somebody found out about it,

and they broke into the house
and stabbed Quiemuth

and k*lled him.
All right.

So both brothers are k*lled.

What happens
to the Nisqually tribe?

Well, without their leadership,

the tribe just lost
the will to fight,

and they went on
their reservation.

This is weird.

I'm getting something
about improper burials.

I'm thinking that might have
to do with this area

being [bleep] up.

So there's a conscious entity
that I don't know

if it was ever in human form.

This entity is really powerful
and really dangerous.

This thing can influence
the living to a great extent

and does not, like,
prey on the weak

or the vulnerable.

It likes strong,
normal people, living people.

Makes people doing bad things

to themselves or to others.

So far, I've got a family
with too many experiences

to even count,

on a property
where Native Americans

were m*rder*d and driven
from their land.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through the archives,
I've come across Hill Harman,

the original owner
of my client's property.

I'm on my way to meet
with a local genealogist.

She says Harman
was an upstanding guy

before he moved on
to Bobbie's property.

And then everything changed.

She calls him a "real-life
Jekyll and Hyde."

Thanks for looking
at this case for me.

I appreciate that.

What do you know about this guy?

Hill Harman, he started
a lumber business,

and then he eventually
opened a hotel in Olympia.

He had a good reputation.

He planned to bring women
who had been orphaned

by the Civil w*r

out to Washington to help
settle the territory.

When does he wind up
on my client's property?

He gets there about mid-1860s,

and he is the first
property owner there.

All right, so I get
the Dr. Jekyll part

with his guy, but when does
the Mr. Hyde part come out?

In 1871, he's given the contract
of superintendent

of the territorial
insane asylum.

He was paid 92 cents a day per
patient to clothe and feed them.

That's pretty nice digs.

In addition to the money
he was getting,

he was able to use
the patients and inmates

as free labor
in his businesses.

All right.
So this guy's a crook.

Does it ever catch up to him?

Yeah. And the treatment
was so bad

that he was charged with cruelty
to one of the patients there,

but he was acquitted
of the charges.

The medical society
stepped in and fired him.

All right.
So now he's out of a job.

What winds up
happening to him?

Does he stay on
my client's property?

No, he moved on.

He d*ed in 1899
at the age of 76.

This guy's
a real piece of work.

I'm seeing that angry guy again.

Do you get any idea
of who he was in life?

I get an H name with him.

I'm seeing brown hair.

I think sometimes
he's wearing glasses.

He looks like
a bigger guy to me.

Any idea how he d*ed?

I do think that he had
a heart issue.

I do.
So it could be multiple things.

I think he had a lot wrong
with him,

and it was from all
the rage he had

because he was
just a [bleep] monster.

Very abusive,
very physically abusive,

emotionally abusive.

He was a [bleep] nut job.

If you need us to investigate

unexplained activity
in your home,

Click on "Help Me, Dead Files!"
to submit your story,

and we'll help
if we can.

Another thing caught
my eye in research.

There was a deadly expl*si*n
back in the 1930s

right down the road
from Bobbie's house.

I'm on my way to meet with
a local professor who says,

when the dust settled,
the streets were littered

with the b*rned bodies
of the victims.

Well, Michael,
thanks for meeting with me.

I appreciate that.

You mentioned on the phone
this expl*si*n was pure carnage.

I mean, what the hell happened?

On June 27th, 1934,

about 2 miles from the house
you're investigating,

there was a fire
at the Denn Powder Company.

And they were in the middle
of mixing a batch of about

3,000 pounds of dynamite.

An electrical piece of equipment
started to spark,

caught fire and set
the building on fire.

Moments after that,
the first of two gigantic

explosions takes place.

How big of a blast
are we talking about?

Well, we're talking
about an expl*si*n

that would have
blown people off their feet

a quarter of a mile away.


The blast concussion
blew out windows

in houses 2 miles away.

And 20 miles away, in Tacoma,
people heard

and felt the concussion.

So where my clients live,
those windows

would have been blown out,
had they been there?

Yeah. People thought it was
an earthquake.

We're close to Mount Rainier
here, an active volcano.

So some people imagined that it
was blowing off of the volcano.

As you can see
from this photograph

taken soon after the blast,

it was a rural area.

Most amazingly,
we have news reel footage.

A news reel photographer
arrived on the site

and began to sh**t movie
film right there.

What was the final body count
at the end of all this?

Eleven people k*lled,

seven k*lled immediately
on site.

What do we know
about the victims?

Two women were on the site.

One of the women, Hazel Eppley,
she was caught in the expl*si*n,

thrown 100 feet in the air
and k*lled instantly.

Her actual clothes and shoes and
stuff were found on the site.

You're kidding?

Did they ever rebuild?

It was never opened again.

I just see, like,
people burning.

Like, I'm seeing people
being, like, cremated.

Where do you see that?

It's, like, outside,
like, you know.

I see, like, grass and trees.

Any idea when?

I assume it was long time ago.

I'm not seeing houses.

I would assume it was
before the houses were built.

How many people
do you see burning?

Five to seven?

Do you know who's doing it?

That's the really strange thing

is I don't see any people
around the fires.

It's weird though because, like,

I don't see anybody
doing it to them.

Just these bodies are on fire.

I saw several disturbing things
during my walk,

but two stood out.

First, the teen
who committed su1c1de.

He had kind of a slight build,

like, kind of
a narrower face.

Chin's kind of straighter.

His eyes were the most
intense thing.

Next, I described the dead woman
tormenting the living girl

in her bedroom.

I saw this woman, dead woman,
leaning over the bed.

And her jaw also was, like,
really extended,

so completely unnatural
for a living person.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you
to meet Bobbie.

This is her mother, Betty.

Ever since Bobbie moved in here
with her two kids,

activity has been
out of control,

and it's getting worse.

I have a photo of the kids here.

This is Dylan, who's 13?


And this is Morgan,
who's 19 and is special needs.

Bobbie called us in
because she believes

whatever's here
is going after the kids.

And if we can't help them,
someone's going to get k*lled.

So now that Amy knows
a little bit

about you guys
and what's going on,

I'm going to ask her
to describe her walk.

So there's actually quite a bit
of activity in the backyard.

What I saw was about five to
seven bodies that were burning.

I didn't see who had
created the fires,

but it seems to
have happened prior

to there being structures.

So it left a lot of questions
in my mind,

and it was pretty frustrating.

I think I'm going to be able
to un-frustrate you on this one.

This place was pretty rural back
in the 1930s

with almost no houses.

But less than 2 miles from here,
there was a dynamite plant

called The J.A. Denn
Powder Company.

On June 27th, 1934, a fire
started in one of the buildings.

The fire ignited 3,000
pounds of dynamite

that they we're making.

Now, the expert I talked to said
the blast was so massive

that people were
knocked off their feet

about a quarter of a mile away.

This house is less than 2 miles
from where that blast was.

People that did have houses
here during that time,

their windows were blown out.

So I've actually got
some footage of the scene.

You got to watch this.

This is pretty devastating.

Look at the tree.

You said that you saw
five to seven bodies?


Now, when it was all over,
11 people d*ed.

Seven d*ed immediately.

Most of the victims were male
employees, but one stood out:

37-year-old female
Hazel Eppley.

When the blast hit,
she was thrown about 100 feet

in the air and d*ed instantly.

I managed to track down
her coroner's report.

Now, do you think
this is what you saw?


I mean, it's interesting
about the female though

because I was
in the back bedroom, over here.

I encountered a dead
female there.

She had d*ed a brutal death.

I did figure out that she was
one of the people

that was burning.

So you think this woman
might be this Hazel Eppley?

It's a good possibility.


So what I saw her doing
specifically to the living,

in that back bedroom
with the red bedspread,

was I saw her coming into
the wall over the person.

She's constantly
touching the person.

I also got her hitting the
person in the head repeatedly.

One of the things that she does
with the living back there

is that she will
give them nightmares.

Amy, that room you're talking
about, it's Bobbie's room.

Now you're talking about
getting touched and everything.

You explained that to me.

Getting my hair pulled,
getting my shirt tugged on.

But I'm also having
night terrors.

Oh, okay.

So what else did you
see on the walk?

I encountered another
dead person,

and he was showing me
when he was younger.

I saw him as a teenager,
and then I saw him older,

like, in his 20s.

What I got with him was that
he was extremely confused,

very lost and very depressed.

He was extremely
afraid of people

because he had
been hurt many times.

When I saw him, I got a lot
of upper body pain

and then a horrible,
horrible taste in my mouth.

I think he committed su1c1de.

The other thing is
he's not always here.

He comes and goes.

I couldn't figure out
the relationship

to this house with him.

Perhaps in life and in death,
he was being dragged back here.

Well, Bobbie, I think we both
know who she's talking about.

Why don't you tell
her about Jared?

Jared was my step-son.

When he was 21,
he committed su1c1de.

He sh*t himself in the head
at his biological mom's house,

and he was exactly
as you described him:

very, very depressed,

but putting on a lot of love

and silliness for everyone.

I think he comes and goes
to check on the kids.

I've thought that
since it happened.

Here's a picture of Jared
right here with the kids

when they were younger.

Do you think that's
the kid you saw?

I had a sketch done
of the person that I saw.

Oh, I can see this
looking like him.

Oh, my God.

You know, his eyes is
what really gets me.

The eyes and the eyebrows.

Precious boy.

You said to me that you thought
he was here from time to time,

and, apparently, you were right.

That makes me really sad.

He had such a hard life,
and now he's still having

a hard time in this transition.

One of the dead
I'm most concerned about

is a very angry male,

and, when I met him,

I almost fell down
from the force of anger

and rage and hatred.

To me, he looks gigantic.

I'm extremely concerned about
this particular dead person.

He came off as, like,
a real beast.

Throughout my walk,
I could barely function

because of his presence.

He feels like this is his space
and nobody who is alive

should be in these areas.

And he can do something about it
because he is very violent.

For instance, he grabbed
the back of my neck,

and he took his hand away,
and then it grew.

Like, the pain grew.

And I was like, "Whoa."

I've never had that happen.

He can also create
emotional change within people.

The reason why is
because he's so angry.

Basically, if you're
in one of his areas,

your personality can,
like, change like that,

and you can fly
into a rage.

Well, you described a lot
of the experiences

the family's been having.

I'm sure you noticed
Betty's sling.

Betty, tell Amy about
how the fall took place.

We were cleaning the garage,
and I was out on the driveway.

Suddenly, I was just
on the ground,

but there was
absolutely no reason

for me to have fallen.

Is he capable of that?

Yes, yes.

Amy, you also said
this guy grabbed you

by the back of the neck.


Now Dylan described
his headaches to me.

He gets headaches that feel
like someone is squeezing

his head all the way around,

and he'll get flashing
light migraines,

and he kind
of blacks out.

You mentioned
the personality changes.

Dylan can be the funniest,
happiest, brightest,

most congenial boy in the car
on the way home from school.

He can get 1 to 2 feet away from
the door to come in the house,

and his mood switches like this.

His face changes.

As soon as we leave,
he'll be fine again.

The majority of what
you're talking about,

I think, has to do with him,

but there's also
something else going on too.

I encountered a deceased woman
during my walk.

I am concerned about her.

She appeared, initially,
to be stuck in her death state.

Very terrifying,
pretty graphic and gory,

like a walking corpse.

She had tree limbs
sticking out of her.

I believe that
she was m*rder*d.

So she has
a lot of hate in her.

I didn't come across any female
m*rder victims in my research,

but you said you're
concerned about her?

Yes. She can harm the living
and do bad things.

She specifically goes to
the room at the end of the hall.

I got that the person that she
was messing with was a female

and was about
17 years of age.

I saw her leaning over
this female,

and this was odd.

So she's, like, leaning,
and she's cupping her face,

and then she's drooling
into the girl's mouth.

I think whoever is back there
has experiences with her.

I think that there
would be illnesses

because this dead female's
with her all the time.

And, essentially, she's slowly
taking this person's life.

I knew it.
I knew it.

Well, Amy, that bedroom you're
talking about is Morgan's room.

That's been one
of the greatest fears

is that she would be
under att*ck,

and we wouldn't know
because she couldn't express it.

I had a sketch done of what I
saw in your daughter's bedroom.

I just want to prepare you,
it's not great.

Oh, dear God.

That look on her face
in this picture will haunt me.

Horrifying, yeah.

That's terrible.

It's like a worst nightmare.

I just want to get
this thing away from her.

And I just want to get out
my hands on this thing.

There's another entity
I encountered

that's even a bigger thr*at

than all the other dead people
I've talked about.

It creates a lot
of negativity for you.

The interesting thing
about the entity

that I got when I was here

was that it likes
to turn good people bad.

And it doesn't prey on the weak,
which is unusual.

But this thing likes
a challenge.

So it prefers
to pick stronger people.

So, initially, I didn't
understand fully what it was.

But later on, I figured out
that it was in fact

a demonic-type entity.

You and your mom both thought
that Dylan was possessed.

Wait, what?

Tell Amy what happened.

Dylan was taking a bath,
and he was getting too wild,

then he started saying,

"Please, God, don't
let him take me!"

And he became so hysterical.

He sat in the living room chair
for 45 minutes,

unable to see me even though
I was right in front of him.

And then, all of a sudden,
he just looked at me

and kind of went, like,

"Oh, Mom.
What are you doing?"

I'm very worried
about your kids.

Your daughter is slowing
being k*lled.

And your son is being possessed

and could ultimately
lose his battle,

and who knows
what could happen then?

Oh, my God.

Nobody should be putting
their hands on my kids.

I'm just shaking.

I am so upset by all of this.

This cannot keep happening.

I won't let it happen.

And I'll do anything,

anything to stop it.

Well, Bobbie, Betty,
you've heard a lot tonight,

probably a hell of a lot
more than you bargained for.

Oh, yes.

But we still haven't answered
your biggest question.

Can you stay here safely
with your family,

or is the only option

to just pack up
with the kids and leave?

For that answer, I'm going to
turn it over to Amy.

If you were to stay,
what you would need to do

is find a demonologist.

The demonologist would probably
not be able to remove the demon.

But it would be
more of keeping it

at bay from your home
and your children.

The problem with that

is that it
would be an ongoing battle.

I don't know if you would want
to live that way.

After that,
you'd still have to deal

with all of the dead people.

If you were in their shoes,
what would you do?

I would leave.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.

If they leave, do they have
to do anything else?


You would go to the place that
the demonologist has set aside.

The team that that person
has put together

would then remove
all attachments

and also, more than likely,

perform an exorcism
on your son and your daughter

just to make sure
that all is clear.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

This is devastating,
really devastating.

I'm sorry.

They get the demonologist in,
they exorcise the kids,

then she leaves.

Will she start to feel better?

Will the kids start
to feel better?

Oh, my gosh, yes.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to find myself
a new place to live,

and I'm going to call
the demonologist,

and I'm going to get it done.

And I'm going to help her
because I can't do

without my grandchildren.

We've already lost one.

I'm not going to lose my others,
not going to do it.

The only way Bobbie can
save her family

is to move as far away
as possible.

If she does that and contacts
a demonologist

to remove all attachments,

she and her kids
can begin to heal

and live a peaceful life.
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