03x06 - The Dove Hunt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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03x06 - The Dove Hunt

Post by bunniefuu »

Jock ewing... And
his sons are here.

Yes. Jock ewing.

They're goin' hunting.

Looks to me like
somebody punched a hole

Right in the bottom
of this sucker.

Well, it wasn't like that when

We got it from the store.

We'd have smelled the fumes.

What is it?!


What's goin' on?

Daddy's hit.


[Cattle bellowing]

[Dog barks]

Ray: get outta there, now!

Bobby: come on.

[Cattle bellowing]

Austin, run up here
and catch this gate

For me, will you?

Boy, I tell you...

I'm sure glad that's over with.

Yeah, until the next bunch.

Oh, boy.

You coulda gone all
day without sayin' that,

I tell you.

I tell you what. I'll
make you feel better.

You buy the beer.

I thought miss ellie
was gonna send

One of the hands out

With a couple of
cases for the boys.

She had to go into town

For some errand or another.

How bad is it?

Well, it's hard to say, ellie.

There's something in the breast

That can be felt
when you're sitting

Or standing up.

But when I examined
you lying down,

It felt very soft,
almost nonexistent.

I don't think it's a tumor.

Could be a cyst.

When did you
first feel it, ellie?

Well, i... I guess i...

First noticed it
about 3 weeks ago.

I'm not sure.

Can jock bring you
in tomorrow morning,

About 10:00?

I'll come in myself.

I'm... I don't want to worry him

If it's nothing.

All right.

I'll set up a
mammography for you

So we can get a better look
at what we're dealing with.

And then we'll go on from there.


Now, ellie.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Just remember that a lump

Doesn't automatically
mean the worst.

Of course.

J.r.: Now, what do you
mean, government delay?

I thought you paid
those people off.

Well, you just tell me how
I'm gonna explain to my father

That I might have to fly
out to southeast asia

To do your work for you.

Well... No, of course he
doesn't know anything

About this drillin' deal.

He's not goin' to, either.

Well, you find a way
of earnin' your money,

Or I'll find it for you.

All right.

Oh, thank you.

Who was on the
other line, honey?

The tanker people,

But I told them you
were in a meeting.

Oh, what'd they want?

You don't really
want to know, do you?

No. Not now.

Right there. You got it.

J.r., Is everything all right?

You worried about your salary?

No. I'm worried about you.

This southeast asia
thing's a big gamble, isn't it?

Now, you just let me tend

To running ewing oil,

And you tend to running me. Ok?

Ok, but you don't have to
keep everything bottled up.

You can talk to me.

Oh. Right there,
right there. Just do it.

I know that everything
the ewings own

Is mortgaged to the hilt, j.r.

[Telephone rings]

Get that phone for me.

I tell ya...

The people who
draw these things up,

It's like they don't listen.

Just... These lawyers.

Kristin: ewing oil.

Yes. Just a minute, mr. Hanson.

Uh, hello. Lyle...

Now, what is going on out there?


Pay him. I don't care.

Uncle jock.

I didn't know you
were coming in today.

Well, now, kristin,

You know, I still
got an office here.

I'm just liable to
drop in any old time.

J.r. Busy?

Uh, yes. He's on the phone.

Well, now...

I've seen j.r. On the phone
before, sweetheart. Ok?

Well, lyle, have
you got any idea

Of what the interest is on that?

Well, it doesn't stop, you know.

It just keeps on goin' on.

Ye... Say, you have that
information on my desk

Tomorrow morning.

Ok. Bye.


I'm on top of it.

Keepin' you busy, huh?

Well, you know how it is, dad.

What with the oil shortage

And barnes and noel
puttin' screws to us,

It just never seems to stop.

You know, uh, j.r., I
think you been, uh...

Workin' a little too
hard on this thing...

What with the
hours you're keepin'...

Comin' home late...
Workin' weekends.

Well, you trusted me
to run ewing oil, dad.

[Intercom buzzes]

Tell 'em to call back.

Well, I really got
a lot of work to do.

Come on, come on,
tell 'em to call back.

I want to take you to lunch.

No, dad, I'm not kiddin' you.

I'm up to my eyeballs in work.

Come on, come on.

All right, all right. Ok.

As a matter of fact,

Might have a little
touch on the way, huh?

J.r.: Ok.

[Intercom buzzes]

Been a long time.

Yes, sir, yes,
sir. I'm all for it.

[Crickets chirping]

J.r.: Hey, bobby, where's pam?

Y'all have another argument?

She's workin' late, j.r.

Short of cash, are you?

Lucy: bobby. I want to show you

What's in the school paper.

An article on the cheerleaders.

Look. They mentioned me.

Well, they say somethi"
pretty nice there.

Must be a mistake.

Bobby, I saw mama today.


She came by after school.

Is everything all right?

Yeah. She and daddy
have been in touch.

I think they might
get together again.

We can be a family.

Don't count on that, sugar.

Those two have hurt you before.

With your help, j.r.

Now, don't use that
tone of voice on me.

J.r., Just take your drink
and go talk to sue ellen.

Honey, why don't you wait till

Somethin' definite happens

Till you get your hopes up?

Well, it is definite, bobby.

I mean, they've been in touch.

Well, lucy...

I just don't want to
see you hurt again,

That's all.

Sometimes these second tries

Don't make it either, you know?

I knew that tramp mother of hers

Would start fillin'
her up with false hope

If she came back to dallas.

Somehow the role
of social worker

Doesn't fit you, j.r.

Well, she is my niece.

Well, I'm touched by your
concern with children.

I'm just sorry
you didn't adopt me

Instead of marrying me.



Dinner's ready. Shall we go in?

Come on, let's go eat.

Show mama that.

Jock: bobby.

What's the matter
with this family?

I never heard such silence.

Well, I don't know, daddy,

But I find it a welcome relief

After listenin' to
those cows all day long.

Well, I know j.r.'S
got a lot on his mind.

And, uh... And you, miss ellie,

You seem... Kinda down.

No, jock, I'm... I'm fine.

Just be grateful for a
little peace and quiet.

Everybody's been
working very hard.

Yeah. Now that I'm
free around here, j.r.,

I'll have more time
to help you out

With the o.l.m. At the office.

And I talked to alan
beam the other day,

And I don't think he's goin'

In the right direction at all.

Oh, you don't?

Miss ellie, is there, uh...

Somethin' you
haven't been tellin' me?

No, of course not.

Well, I've been thinking, jock.

Maybe you men ought
to get away for a while.


Well, why not now?
The roundup's over.

The ranch and the company

Aren't gonna roll
over and die if...

If you all take
off for a few days.

Mama, I don't have
time for a vacation.

Well, mama, I don't
think it's a good idea

To leave pam so early
in her pregnancy.

Well, don't worry.

She's obviously
strong enough to work.

I'll watch her, make
sure she behaves.

You've all been
edgy and exhausted.

It'll do you good.

There's no way I can
shake loose of the office.

Just can't.

Well, maybe, um, bobby and jock

Should go alone.

I'm sure they have
lots to talk about.

Might take ray along.

Do a little huntin',
rough it for a while.

Bring back some birds.

Well, if you're
really anxious to go,

Maybe I could spare
a couple of days, dad.

Ellie: remember that hunting
preserve on cato lake?

On the louisiana side?

You used to hunt there a lot

When the boys were small.


Place called land down.

Beautiful country.

Well, what do you boys say?

I say let's go.

All right, dad. Fine. Fine.

Good. Good.

I'll get ahold of
ray and have him

Have the chopper ready
first thing in the mornin'.

Ray: boy, gettin' me up
at the crack of dawn.

You got no mercy, jock.

Jock: ahh, you don't look like

You're hurtin' any, ray.

Hey, uh, did you get

That 4-wheeler
over at shreveport?

Uh, yes, sir, I did.

Say, I sure do appreciate you

Invitin' me along, jock.

Wouldn't have it
any other way, ray.

I don't see why dad
has to have ray along.

Should be a family thing.

You know how he
feels about ray...

Just like he is
part of the family.


Never could figure that one out.

Bobby: well, daddy,

Land down seems a lot
smaller than I remember it.

Jock: you were a lot
smaller, too, bobby.

J.r.: I think it's been
more than 20 years

Since we hunted down here.

Jock: well, as far as I can see,

Not a whole lot of change.

General store
looks about the same.


Yeah. Good mornin'.

Clerk: good mornin'.

Help you?

Yeah. Yeah, we
need a few supplies.

Plannin' on doin' a little
huntin' around here.

Clerk: sure thing. Uh,
what do you need?

How about a pound
of that coffee there?

And, uh... Couple cans
of those chili beans,

Some of that vegetable juice.

Bacon and eggs,
if you've got 'em,

Couple loaves of bread.

Here's our list.

Boys need anything else?

You'd better get another shovel.

That one out there
don't look so good.

Half a dozen boxes of
the 12 gauge number 6 shot.

How's the hunting
around here this year?

Oh, a lot of birds.

If you can hit anything,

You'll bring back your limit.

We'll fill our limit, all right.

I'm sure you will,
mr., Uh... Ewing.


Of ewing oil.

That's right.

Take it outta here.

What the hell got into him?

Well, I've seen
it happen before.

Ewing name means power, money.

Lot of people don't like that.

That's 60...
70... 80... 90... 100.

Well, much obliged.

See you guys outside.

All right, daddy.

Jock: come on, j.r.

Bobby: bye.

Um... Tom.

It's ben.

Jock ewing and
his sons are here.

Yeah. Jock ewing.

They're goin' hunting.

They just went across
the street to the bar.

I don't believe it.

What's that, dad?

Jock ewing.


I've waited 32 years
to face that man again.

32 Years.

I never thought it would happen.

By golly. You know, this buck,

He just knocked
me completely down

And stomped all over me.


Well, what he was tryin' to do,

He was tryin' to get away
from the other hunter

Comin' at him from
the other side.

Who the hell got him, jock?

Well, I don't know,
and I don't care,

Except, boy, I'll tell you,

I had a lot of respect
for that old buck.



You talkin' to
me or... All of us?

You, big jock ewing.

You're in my territory now,

Where that name
doesn't mean a damn thing.

Well, now, since I
didn't claim it did,

We don't have anything
to argue about, do we?

Face me, ewing.

No one to help you here.

No ewing organization.

Nobody but yourself,
if you're man enough.

That does it.

Jock: bobby.

Tom: look at me!

Well, look at me!

All right.

I'm lookin' right at you.

Now, what the hell do you want?

Don't you know?

Know what?

I'm tom owens!

So you're tom owens.

Don't you even remember me?

I never saw you
before in my life.

Why, you...


Hey, bobby.

Ray: bobby.

What are you doin'?

Jock: 300 bucks ought
to cover it, buddy.

Ha ha ha!

Bartender: fair, man.

Jock: whoo! Best
fight I've ever had.

I loved it.

J.r.: You sure you
didn't know that guy?

No. I never saw him
before in my life.

Bobby: did he hurt you, j.r.?


Listen, you guys, I
may be slow, but I'm...

Miss ellie.

I didn't know you
were going out.

Just a routine
checkup at the doctor's.

Didn't you see
dr. Danvers yesterday?

Well, you'll find out
when you get older, pam,

That... They have to run

More and more tests on you.

Miss ellie... Is that
really what it is?

Seemed awfully anxious
to get jock out of here.


Pam, I'm late.

I have to go.


He doesn't remember.

He destroyed me,
took everything,

And he doesn't remember.


They're goin' huntin'.

Middle of the week.

No matter where they go,

There's gonna be nobody around.



I waited a long time,

And jock ewing is gonna
remember tom owens.

He's gonna remember
me, all right.

Jock: unhh!

Uh, j.r...

I got a feelin' we're gonna
bag our limit in no time.

J.r.: Well, dad,

I think if this wind ever drops,

We're gonna be
up to our eyeballs

In mosquitoes.

Well, I hope not. I hope not.

Did you bring that beer?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Good. How about the bourbon?

You bet.

Hey, looks like you guys

Are plannin' on diggin'
yourself halfway to china.

They got any oil there?


Hey, what about that, j.r.?

Why don't you negotiate
with the chinese?

There's one place the
o.l.m. Won't get you.

Yeah, what do you
think of that, j.r.?

Well, they're...

I thought the purpose
of this trip was to hunt,

Not talk about business.

Uh, yeah, I guess you're right.

We got time enough for
trouble when we get home.

[Door closes]

Miss ellie...

I'm gonna go up
and feed baby john.

You want to come with me?

Yes. I'd love to.

Sue ellen.

We missed you at dinner.

Tracy brought me
some food up on a tray.

[Baby john cries]

Sue ellen?

That's baby john.

[Baby john cries]

So? You're there.

And so's miss ellie.

And so's the nurse.

[Door closes]

[Baby john fusses]

He hasn't been
eating as much lately.

Well, now he's
decided he's hungry.

When you have one
of your own, pam,

You'll find out they
don't always follow

Any of the rule books.

Maybe I do worry
about him too much.



Your aunt pamela's a
worrywart, little john.

But look at you.

Just as content as can be.

What's wrong, miss ellie?


Um... I'll go downstairs
and warm the bottle.

I know something's wrong.

Can't you tell me?

I'd like to help.


It's nothing, pam.

I'll, uh...

I'll be right back
with a bottle.

[Mourning dove calls]

[Dove calls]

[Dove calls]

[Soft tapping]

[Distant snapping]

[Cocks trigger]

[Running footsteps]


Ricochet, j.r.

I seen the r*fle, dad.

Hey, stupid, there's
somebody down here!



Jock: bobby.

You all right, bobby?

Seemed like r*fle fire to me.

Yeah, it was.

Some idiot over there
thinks I'm wild game.

Damn fool.

They let anybody can
carry a r*fle hunt these days.

Well, if somebody
is huntin' with a r*fle,

We'd better be a little careful.

Well, we just have to keep
our eyes open, that's all.

Come on, let's
get us some birds.

Over there.

Don't run off on me, now.

I think you can
handle the rest of 'em.

Jock: hey, bring me a beer.


Don't feel bad, j.r.

You'll get somethin' tomorrow.

Here, daddy.

Oh, thanks, bobby.

Bobby: daddy, you all right?

Yeah, I think so.

Bobby: are you sure?


J.r., You ok?

I'm all right.

What the hell happened, anyway?

I don't know.

Kinda hard to tell.

It looks to me like
somebody punched a hole

Right in the bottom
of this sucker.

Well, it wasn't like that
when we got it from the store.

We'd have smelled the fumes.

I'll tell you what
happened, ray.

I saw the way you
loaded that lantern

On the tailgate of the truck.

You just slammed it right down.

You coulda put the hole in then.

Now, lookee here, j.r.,

You unloaded that
thing from the truck.

There was plenty of
time for you to notice

If there was any fuel
or fumes spillin' out.

Hey, hold on, ray.

You're just a hired
hand around here.

Don't try to shift
the blame on me.

Why don't you knock
it off, both of you!

I don't care how it happened.

It was an accident, that's all.

Lucky nobody got hurt.

Well, I don't know
what I'm doin' on

This trip, anyhow.

I could be back at the office

Doin' somethin' useful.

Oh, why don't you
knock it off, j.r.?

Yes, sir.

These things happen.

No need to spoil the trip.

Well, bobby, there's...

Sections of these
woods that I used to know.

Boy, you could...

You could bag a dozen
birds just like that.

Wait'll I take you
down there tomorrow.

We gonna get a bag of 'em.


What is it?!

Hold it!



What's goin' on?

Daddy's hit!


Bobby: keep your head down.






Can you see how bad daddy's hit?

I don't know. I can't
tell from here.

Can you get to him?

Yeah, I think so.

No, wait!

Hold it! I'm closer!

Stay there!

Don't do it, j.r.!

J.r.: Ow!

You think they gave up?

I don't know. Maybe.

Well, j.r. And daddy are hurt.

We gotta find out.

I'm gonna swing around
the right side of the truck.

Don't do it, ray.

Hey, listen, I'm the hired hand

Around here, remember?

Just cover me.



How bad you hit?

I got it in the leg.

I'm bleedin'.

Keep your head down!

We'll get to you!

[Ray whistles]


[Jock groans]


[Jock groans]


Oh, my god.

Losin' a lot of blood.

It's his side, ray.

Here, wrap him
up in this blanket.

Those were no bird hunters.

They're usin' heavy-duty r*fles.

I know it. Here they are.

Look there.


Jock: ray?

You're gonna be ok, jock.

Tell ya, it's a good
thing it wasn't a shotgun.

He'd been dead for sure.

Take some of these over to j.r.

Here, take this.

Gotta get him to the hospital.

[Jock moans]

Gonna be ok, jock.

Did you see who it was, j.r.?

No, I didn't see who it was.

Had to be those men
we had the brawl with

In land down.

Why would they want to k*ll us?

We hurt their pride.

We whipped 'em on
their own territory

In front of their friends.

All because daddy didn't
recognize that dude?

That's a little
hard to believe, j.r.

Listen, bob, we
gotta get outta here.

Those dudes might come back.

I know.


You're gonna be ok, jock.

You just lie there, now.

Look here.


Open up.

All right.

[Jock groans]


Hey, ray.

Yeah. I'm here.
You're gonna be ok.


Easy. Easy.

You ok, j.r.?

Yes, sir, I'm fine.

Just lie back, daddy.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Hell, might be the
last time I'll ever move.

Just lay back here, jock.

You're a tough old boy.

You're gonna be ok.

Now, just put this
hand right up here

And hold it tight.

Got it?

I'm gonna go start the truck.

I got a couple of sleepin' bags.

They can lie on
them in the back.

Yeah. You just stay here.


[Attempts to start motor]

[Motor doesn't turn over]



The rotor's gone.

Well, that's not
somethin' we can jury-rig.

That's right.

It all makes sense, doesn't it?

First they sh**t at me...

Then blow up that lantern.

When that doesn't
work, they ambush us.


I wonder how much time we got

Till they try somethin' else.

Bobby, uh...

One of us is gonna
have to stay here

And stand guard.

The other's gonna
have to go in town

And get some help.


Let's go tell daddy and j.r.

Ray: yeah.


Daddy, the truck's out.
They took the roter.

Now, ray and I figured that

One of us will go into town,

And the other will stay
here and stand guard

In case they come back.

You still think they
might be around, then, huh?

There's a good chance, daddy.

Now, bob...

One man'd be too easy
a target out there.

That's the chance we gotta take.

No. I might not be able to walk,

But I can still sh**t.

I'll stay here with dad.

You two hike into land down.

J.r. Makes sense.

Why don't you two go ahead.

Ok. But we'll get
you to the cot first.

Come on, ray.


Just lift him up.

Ok, go.

[Jock groans]


Easy, daddy.

Take this off.

Lift your head up, daddy.

Just a little.

Thank you, bobby.

Now get goin'.

[Jock sighs]

[Birds twittering and calling]

Looks like we hit one of 'em.

Well, I hope that
changes their mind a little.

I don't know. I'm
worried about jock.

I think we ought to get back.

Jock and j.r. Ain't
gonna make it noplace

Unless we bring
back help from town.

Now, let's go.

Ok. Let's move out.

Do a little prayin' on the way.

This'll slow you
down a bit, son.

But you'll be ok.

Dad, I didn't expect we
were gonna g*n 'em down.

I just thought you wanted
to rough 'em up a little.

Didn't you see jock ewing?

He was gettin'
ready to sh**t you.

He's gonna pay for
that and a lot more.

Oh, I don't know, tom.

They still got their g*ns.

Don't worry.

With the 2 younger ones gone,

Jock ewing and that
other boy are sitting ducks.

[Crow caws]

[Crow caws]

[Water splashing]



Dad, I'm just gonna
wet your lips.

I don't want you
drinkin' any more.

Mmm. Thank you.

You know, j.r... A
time like this, you...

Sure realize you're
not gonna live forever.

You're gonna be fine.

Remember last year,

That... That heart attack I had?

Hell, I could pop off anytime.

Take it easy, dad.

Bobby and ray are gonna be back

Before you know it.

That attack happened
so suddenly...

I didn't have time
to plan a thing.

Just keep puttin'
everything off.

Just try and save your
strength, will you?

There's somethin'
I should've done

A long time ago, j.r.

I'll need your help.

Yes, sir. Anything.

J.r... Sir?

I was married once before.


I was married before.

She's still alive.

Her name's amanda lewis.

All these years,

You never said a word about it.

I can't believe it.

She was a pretty little thing.


You know, the kind that...

The kind you had to protect.

I was wildcattin'.

Oh, that was tough times...

Men sh**t' and
killin' each other.

You know, things like...

Like happened today.

There were accidents, and...

Well, that was just some of it.

She couldn't cope
with it, that's all.

Well, what happened to her?

All that strain.

Everything got to her.

Everything depressed her.

2 Years after we were married...

She had a nervous breakdown.

She lost all... All
touch with reality.

They had to confine her to a...

State mental hospital.

Her doctor told me to...

Told me to divorce her, that...

She'd never be a well woman.

It's something I never
told anybody, j.r.

I'll keep your secret, daddy.

I hope so.

It's a period of my life that...

Well, that I'm not
very proud of.

God, I'm dry. Could I have...

Yeah. Yeah. Here.

Say, uh... Where
is she now, dad?

This amanda?

Well, when I was
able, i... I had her moved

To a private
hospital in colorado.

[Sighs heavily]

I've been payin' for
expenses ever since.

Well, you've been doin'
the right thing, dad.

I used to see her
real often. Then...

Then when I met up with
your mama, I stopped.

I just send her a check
now to the hospital.

You mean you never said a word

To mother about this.

I always wanted
to tell her, but...

The time was never right.

Besides, i...

I was in competition with
digger barnes for your mama,


I sure didn't want
another woman in then.

Well, this is not the
time to worry about it.

Yes, it is, j.r.

If I die, what's gonna
happen to amanda?

Who's gonna take care of her?

I'll handle it.

If I get back...

I want to see the lawyers...

Check out our assets and...

Set up a trust for amanda.

Yes, sir.

That's... That's a good idea.

It's not like I'm a
poor man, you know?

It's, uh...[Chuckles]

Hell, we got more money
than we can ever spend.

I just want to do the
right thing, that's all.

Well, we'll worry
about that when we

Get home, won't we?

J.r., I want you
to promise me...

That if I don't get back...

You'll set up that
trust fund for amanda.

Dad, I'll... I'll take
care of amanda.

I promise.


I don't like it, ray.

We shouldn't have been
able to get out of there

Without some kind of fight.

Something's wrong.

Ray: maybe we just got lucky.

Yeah, maybe it's not
you and me they're after.

Maybe it's daddy.

Better find some
help and get it fast.

Bobby: hey, friend.

Uh... What... What do you want?

My buddy and i... And
my family were jumped

By some men with r*fles.

My daddy and my
brother are wounded.

We need some help.

There's a lot of hunting
accidents around here.

I just work here.

I don't get involved
in people's business.

You're involved now!

Bobby, no, we're not gonna help

Jock and j.r. This way.

Now, where's the law
around here, mister?

About 100 miles from
here, around shreveport.

Well, what about a doctor?

Well, he might be in.

Well, he travels around a lot!

Does medical service
for the parish.

Hey, bobby, forget
about this clown.

Come on, let's step over here.

Let's get a damn car!

Get outta here!

Bobby, this is it. Come on.

[Tires screech]


Tom: hold it.

What do you want?

You still don't remember, ewing.

You steal a man's farm,

Wipe him out, you
still don't remember.

Now, you look, mister... Owens.

Owens, I do business
with a lot of people.

32 Years ago, you came
to my farm, personally.

We stood as close
as we are right now.

You tried to get me to sell.

When I wouldn't, you
spread some money around.

Suddenly, nobody
would buy my crops.

All right, maybe I did
lean on you too hard.

But it seems to me you've waited

A hell of a long
time to get revenge.

I didn't want revenge.

I wanted to spit in your eye.

Then what's all this?

You crushed me like a bug.

And after 32 years,

You don't even remember my name.

You're gonna pay for that.

My boy and I had to
start all over again

From nothing... In land down.

Ben: mr. Owens has
made a lot of friends

Around here, you...

Yeah, the kind of friends

That ambush people.

They all know my father's story

And who ruined him in texas.

Nobody's gonna feel sorry

For whatever happens here.

So that's it...

You're gonna k*ll
me in cold blood, huh?

Maybe we could make a deal, sir.

Jock: no, j.r.

All right, owens... Come on.

If you're gonna do it, do it!

I can't.

I'm not a k*ller.

When I thought you
were gonna sh**t my boy...

I was gonna k*ll you.

You got away with it.

Give the devil his due.

Bobby: all right,
drop your g*ns!

We'll blow you away!

[g*ns fall to earth]


Move it! Come on!

You all right, daddy?

Jock: I'm ok, bobby.

You bring the sheriff?

There's no law in land down.

Damn little help.

Forget that 2-bit town.

Let's run these jokers
down to state police.

No need to involve the law here.

I'm not bringin' any charges.

Bobby: daddy, they
tried to k*ll us.

They should be put away, dad.

Just a hunting accident.

Happens all the time.

What are you tryin' to pull?

Jock: nothing.

I owe you, that's all.

Back in those days, i...

I ran roughshod
over a lot of people.

I don't remember you, owens.

But I should have...

Because you got a lot of pride.

When you get right down to it...

That's all a man can
take to his grave.

You made me think, owens.

Maybe this business has
become too impersonal.

J.r... When we get
back to town...

There's some records
we're gonna go over.

There might be
some housecleanin'

We've got to do.

Daddy, you're gonna
need some rest.

After you've been tended to.

You lost a lot of blood.

I'll manage, j.r.

Ray. Bobby.

Give 'em back their g*ns.

This ain't gonna buy you a place

In heaven, ewing.


Bobby: need some help?

Ah. Ok, bring us down.

Ellie: well, those don't look

Like scratches to me.

That's what you
said on the phone.


J.r.: Now, we're
all right, mama.

We're all right.

Can't you stay out of trouble?

Jock: well, now,
miss ellie, i, uh,

I think that'd make
life pretty dull, heh.

Besides, uh, a little
trouble now and then

Keeps the old heart tickin'.

Well, I don't think dr. Danvers

Would like your methods.

Now what does that
old witch doctor know?

Go ahead. I'll be right in.

Bobby: come on, daddy.

Now wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Uh, y'all go ahead.
I wanna talk to j.r.

Oh, not now, jock.

I'll be right in.


Uh, j.r., Uh, don't
forget what I told you.

I want you to set up that
trust fund for amanda.

I'll be by the office
to check it out

Just as soon as
I'm up to it, ok?

Yes, sir.

Good boy.
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