03x16 - Faith

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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03x16 - Faith

Post by bunniefuu »

- Mom?
- Oh, did I wake you?

- What are you doing?
- I'm making you breakfast.

Where's the coffee?

- How are you feeling? Sleeping okay?
- Like a baby.

- No nightmares?
- No.

- It would only be natural.
- I see worse things at work every day.

- Today's the big day, right?
- The test?

No, find out about your job.

They suspended me.
I might not get my job back.

- Those eggs done?
- No, still too runny.

- I like them runny.
- Just another couple of minutes.

- What test?
- Medical school admissions test, Mom.

- I thought you gave up on that.
- No.

Big commitment.

Here we go. Perfect.

- Doctor. That would be something.
- I could do it.

- I knew you could.
- Why do you always do that?

Make me feel incapable, stupid.

- I just said that you could do it.
- I wish you could believe in me.

You're always criticizing me,
belittling me.

Why didn't you tell me
I could be an astronaut?

- Did you want to be that?
- I wanted you to tell me I could.

Fine. Go be an astronaut.

I'm your mother, I love you whoever
you are: Doctor, nurse, housewife.

- Oh, right, housewife.
- You're the one that holds you back.

You always quit things.
You never think you're good enough.

- I finish things.
- Ballet, cheerleading, the flute.

- I was !
- Business school, your own wedding.

- I finished nursing school.
- Right. Exactly.

You have a great job you're good at.
Why is the grass suddenly greener?

I'm proud of you.
Why aren't you proud of yourself?

Carla! Carla!

I was coming to see you. I didn't
know you had to be at work this early.

I don't.

I'm sorry I haven't called.
A lot of stuff came up.

I just had a lot of stuff going on.

- I had a minor surgery and...
- Sorry to hear that. Are you okay?

Yes. It was just my appendix.

- What about you?
- What do you want?

- We need to talk.
- I told you I was pregnant weeks ago.

Then nothing. No phone calls,
no coming by to see how I was doing.

I got the point.

I wasn't trying to make a point!

I realize there's going to be a baby,
and he will be my responsibility too.

I just needed some time
to think about this.

It's not the way I would've planned it,
but you're not doing this alone.

- Are you going to marry me, Peter?
- That's not what I'm saying.

What are you saying?
Are you going to stop by...

...and change some nappies
and stay for some Kodak moments?

The child will need a good school
and a nice place to live.

- Can't I provide that?
- I can help, Carla.

So that is what this is all about.

Yes. That among other things.

The child will need a man in his life.

Who says the baby
will not have a man in its life?

Are you seeing somebody else?

Peter, you and I have known
each other for a very long time.

I never expected you to marry me. I
never expected a damn thing from you.

You care about you. And that is
the way it's always going to be.

But it's comforting, really. It's one
of the few constants in my life.

Don't worry.
This baby is going to be fine.

Plenty to eat, nice clothes, a man
to call dad. I'll take care of that.

You go back to worrying about yourself.
That's what you do best.

Dr. Benton! First day back.
How's the incision healing?

- I'm fine, Carter.
- You shouldn't be back yet.

Have you finished
the whole course of antibiotics?

Hi, Peter, how's the scar?

I made a Rocky-Davis incision,
running stitch, McBurney's point.

When the hair grows back,
the itching starts.

You're going to show us your scar,
Peter? Let's see!

Yes, let's take a look.
I did it one-handed.

- Stop, Carter!
- That's a shame. It's a great job.

Good thing I took pictures.

- What is that, a mole?
- Good morning. What are you doing?

- Good God, what is that?
- Benton's appendix in a jar.

- Wow, they shaved him good.
- Dr. Carter...

...we're still backed up.
- Okay, I'm on my way.

- Carter looks beat.
- He was on again last night.

Surgical interns still cover
Dr. Gant's shifts.

- Sounds like a -hour week.
- More like .

Thank God for Pediatrics.

What is that all about?

Nurses and management are still at the
table. Contract expires at midnight.

Mark, paramedics are pulling up with a
female, , respiratory failure.

- Duty calls. Hey, lunch?
- Lf you're buying.

- Carol's back today?
- Yes.

Investigation is done,
Nursing has the report.

- Have you seen it?
- No.

- How's she doing?
- She says she's fine.

Okay, Jeff, thanks.
Nothing yet. They're still at it.

- I don't want to walk a picket line.
- Not in February.

- We stay firm.
- Easy for you to say.

They'll settle.
They can't run the place without us.

That's what the air traffic controllers
said before parking cars for a living.

One, two, three.

Down's patient, . Found in bed
with respiratory distress.

Resps shallow at . BP's / .

Mom said she's had an infection,
but she never fully recovered.

- Where's the mother now?
- She followed in her car.

Two-plus pitting edema!

Louise, I'm Doctor Greene.
You have a little trouble breathing?

We're going to make you feel better.

She's scared.
She held my hand all the way.

Louise, can you tell me what day
it is? You can't tell me.

Dr. Doyle, can you take a listen?

- Chuny, come and hold Louise's hand.
- You bet.

CBC, lytes, EKG, chest
film, O- , liters by mask.

Hi, Louise. My name is Chuny.

S gallop and mitral regurg?
Possible cardiomyopathy.

- Mark, she's trying to say something.
- Louise...

...do you need something?

- What's wrong?
- Where's my mom?

Your mom is coming real soon. Okay?

Don't worry. You can just relax.
You're doing great.

Human Resources reviewed your
incident report in ER procedures.

They passed our recommendations
to the Safety Committee.

- And?
- They agreed with us.

Your mistake was a result of systems
problems and not negligence.

There will be a written warning
in your file for a year.

The three weeks you missed will be
deducted from your vacation time.

- That's it?
- You preferred a public flogging?

You can start back today.

- You don't have to start back today.
- No, thanks. I'm okay.

I better get back to work.

- La Boh áme!
- You make it sound like a bacteria.

- What is it? Like five hours long?
- Forget it.

I'm not an opera fan. Marcus Roberts
tickets on the contrary...

I got it, Greg.
You don't want to go. Fine.

Is La Boh áme the one where they lop
off the nuns' heads at the end?

It's set in Paris. There's
star-crossed lovers and artists.

Jeanie, hang on.
If you want to go, we'll go.

- Don't do me any favors.
- I'd love to go.

I just thought we could do
something spontaneous.

- Opera?
- I have to get back to my patient.

Let's hang out anyway. We'll order
food. Watch the Bulls-Warriors game.

You think you're charming,
but you're not.

Lunch then?
Please let me buy you lunch. Jeanie!

- That's one boggy heart.
- It's taking up most of her chest.

EKG shows ST and T wave changes.
What do you want to do?

Get an echo and page Cardiology.

- Mark, Louise's mother is here.
- Hi, Mrs. Cupertino, I'm Mark Greene.

- How's Louise?
- Not good.

Her heart isn't pumping well,
and her lungs are filling with fluid.

- Can I say hello?
- Yes, sure.

- Hello, Louise. It's Mommy.
- Hi, Mommy.

Are you okay?
You're not scared, are you?

I brought some of her things.

Just to make her feel more at home.
I'll just put this quilt on her.

- Make sure she's good and warm.
- Mrs. Cupertino, can I speak to you?

She had trouble understanding me.
Can she communicate?

Oh, yes. She likes to talk.

Is she suffering
from any dementia or Alzheimer's?

No, she's a good girl.

Echo's on its way.

Is she competent to make her own
medical decisions?

No. I'm her guardian. Louise can't
make decisions on her own.

You are aware that Louise's condition
is very serious.

Louise may need a heart transplant.
Is she on the waiting list?

- The list? No.
- She's not?

They wouldn't put her on the list.

They wouldn't put Louise
on the heart transplant waiting list?

My daughter is
mentally Ret*rded, doctor.

Peter, sorry to keep you waiting.

Welcome back. We've missed you.

I was surprised not to see my name
on today's schedule.

- How are you feeling? Well rested?
- Yes.

And mentally? Feeling sharp?
No post-operative depression?

- No.
- No depression of any kind?

Dr. Hicks, if you're asking if I can
perform my duties adequately, I can.

I'm asking how you are, Peter.

- I'm fine.
- Okay, then, let's see what we've got.

It's two Port-A-Caths, a circumcision
and nevus removal.

A mole?

They can't refuse to put her on
the list because she has Down's.

- There must be other circumstances.
- She's a ret*rd, so why bother.

Dr. Kayson. Dr. Doyle.

Echo shows left ventricular dilatation
with an ejection fraction of %.

There are also
signs of wall-motion abnormality.

I'm worried about her breathing.

We've given her Lasix,
she's still struggling.

- I'd like to try a vasodilator.
- Sure.

Do whatever you can to make her
comfortable before you release her.

She will be a lot happier
at home with her mother.

She needs a heart transplant, right?

That would be
the standard operative course, yes.

Louise's mother told us
that she's not on the transplant list.

UNOS can't refuse to put a patient
on the list because of a birth defect.

- UNOS didn't refuse, we did.
- Cardiology?

Hospital Transplant Committee. We
chose not to submit her name to UNOS.

That's a death sentence.

She's a -year-old Down's patient.
She is lucky to have lived this long.

- Down's patients can live to be .
- That's extremely rare.

- What are you, an intern?
- First-year resident.

Why don't we step in here?

Dr. Kayson, Dr. Doyle's expressing
a frustration I think we all feel.

Louise is an obvious candidate
for the UNOS transplant list.

I'm a cardiologist. I'd like nothing
better than to give her a new heart.

If you have a problem with the
decision, speak to the committee.

Short of that, send her home.

Nice guy.

- Carol, are you back?
- Yes.

Thank you, Jesus.
Hey, you all, Carol's back.

- Carol, you're back.
- Starting now.

- We've missed you.
- Thought we'd never make it.

- Did they dock your pay?
- No, just some vacation time.

- It's been a disaster without you.
- A complete zoo.

- I didn't do that bad a job.
- No, you did worse than that.

Call union meetings after work, Haleh.

- Carol's back.
- Oh, thank God.

- We'll talk to you at lunch.
- We'll catch up later.

We're glad to have you back.
Are you okay?

I'm sorry to disappoint everyone's
expectations, but I'm fine.

It started a few hours ago
after breakfast.

- Is it a sharp pain?
- No. Sort of all over.

- I just started my morning walk.
- Any recent illness?

I take digoxin for atrial fibril...
I can never say that word.

- Fibrillation. Anything else?
- No.

- What did you have for breakfast?
- The usual.

Three fried eggs, bacon,
glass of buttermilk, toast and jam.

The American Heart Association

Don't lecture me. My mother had
the same every day in her life.

She died last year at .
Car accident.

- Vitals?
- / .

- Heart rate, . Resps, .
- Did Dr. Weaver get a CBC?

Yes. Crit's . White count is . .

- You drink enough fluids?
- Is that what's wrong with me?

- Too early to tell. Chest film?
- Not back yet.

I'm going to call for a surgical
colleague to come and take a look.

Her breathing's improved.

Hey, Louise, feeling better?

- For you.
- She likes to share.

- Malibu Barbie was my favorite too.
- I was more partial to Ken.

- You don't like Ken?
- Too pretty.

I'm with you. Ken is trouble.

Louise, can you hold on to her
while I do my work?

She misses her friends since she got
sick and had to move back home.

- She had her own place?
- An apartment above the garage.

And she had a job at the Jewel
helping people with their groceries.

Father even let her be an altar girl
at the church. Everybody loves her.

Excuse me, Dr. Greene.
I got that list from upstairs.


Transplant Committee?
Who are the bastards?

Excuse us.

Your attitudes can get in the way
of achieving your goals.

You're not going to vote for me
for homecoming queen this year?

Like that, you mean.

- Recognize any names?
- One.

- The vanquished return victorious.
- Hey, Doug, you miss me?

You have no idea. I heard they
clipped you for some vacation time.

I never take it anyway. I think
I have a couple of years saved up.

This place is a mess.
How are you doing?

No complaints.
Today is the th, isn't it?

- I think so.
- MCATs are this afternoon.

- Are you going?
- Got to work.

- All that saved-up vacation time?
- It was a stupid idea.

Four years of med school
if I ever get in. All that debt.

I would be by the time I got out.
What's the point?

I could bring you coffee in the middle
of the night to the med library.

I could teach you how to cheat
on the biochem exams.

- Doug. They need you at Pedes.
- Okay.

Think about it.

- Carter, where have you been?
- Getting some food. Do you have a spoon?

No. Anspaugh's in there with
your patient. Said you paged him.

- I paged Dr. Hicks.
- You got Anspaugh and the rounds.

- What do you hear, Edson?
- Rales at the base of the lungs.

I'm sorry to have dragged you down
here, I paged Dr. Hicks for a consult.

Dr. Hicks is in surgery, and we were
on the prowl for an interesting case.

- We heard you had a surgical abdomen.
- That's my suspicion.

Pain vague and diffuse,
very little tenderness to palpation.

Chest films show bibasilar effusions.

Rales heard on auscultation.

Would you consider this
a surgical patient, Dr. Edson?

- No, I'd bet on CHF.
- Yes, but...

...I was more concerned with the CBC.

Previously diagnosed
with atrial fibrillation? Her diet?

I'd assume that she went into fib
or ate a salty meal.

And that was enough to push her into
congestive heart failure...

...demonstrated by the rales
and chest effusions.

The diffuse abdominal pain is probably
due to congestion in the liver.

In other words, congestive heart
failure secondary to a-fib.

- Wouldn't you agree, Dr. Carter?
- Yes, that sounds about right.

Is Dr. Pomerantz available?
I'm Mark Greene from the ER.

- Does she know you?
- Yes, Steph, I do. Hi.

- You got a minute?
- Sure.

Just move those,
put them anywhere.

What can I do for you?

You're on the committee that evaluates
prospective transplant patients?

I have a dying patient,
Louise Cupertino.

Dr. Kayson tells me that she was
denied access to the UNOS list.

Kayson made it sound like she wasn't
excluded for medical reasons.

- What do you want?
- Kayson said yes.

If I can get you and another person to
sign on, Louise can get a new heart.

Our decisions must be unanimous.

But I'm the one
that turned Louise down.

Do you know how many people die
each year because of lack of organs?

- .
- She had a job, an apartment.

Is her life less worthy than a smoking
businessman with wife and kids?

Don't patronize me.
I agonized over this.

Louise has an IQ of . She can't
comprehend the surgical risks.

She had a job, but she was always
late. She can't tell the time.

How is she going to adhere to the
rigors of the post-transplant regime?

Her mother will make sure she gets her
meds, get her where she needs to go.

She's a -pound -year-old.

We do the operation, and assuming
she doesn't die for lack of care...

...she's in a state home in two years.

And her mother's adamant
she not end up in a home.

Those are logical reasons we give
ourselves so we can sleep at night.

Louise can make people smile, she can
laugh and cry and hold someone.

I have an -year-old.
If she never grew a day older...

...I would still cherish every moment
we've spent together.

It's not our place to decide
whether Louise lives or dies.

She has as much right to be here
as you do or I do.

Nina, don't let her die.

- I'm freezing.
- I thought you liked picnics.

I love picnics. I'm just not used to
having to thaw my sandwich first.

Where's your sense of spontaneity
and romance?

- This dip is frozen solid.
- It's a p ðt Á.

It's a brick.

Okay, I'm sorry. I was wrong.
You're very romantic.

You're very spontaneous and crazy.

Please put your parka on
before you freeze to death.

- I'm fine.
- You can't be fine. It's degrees.

I think we should
start sleeping together.

- What?
- Sex.

I think we should have some. In fact,
I think we should have a lot.

- Are you sure?
- Hell, yes, I'm sure.

This isn't a joke, Greg.

No, it isn't. Jeanie Boulet...

...would you please sleep with me?

- How is she?
- Her breathing is worse.

- How is the pain?
- It hurts.

- Hi, who are you?
- Her daughter, Yolanda.

She's so stoic. If she says it hurts,
it must be awful.

Oh, God!

Let me do a repeat CBC
and a blood gas.

- Do you want to page Anspaugh?
- No.

Call Dr. Hicks. Tell her that I need
her down here right away.

My fianc Áe has been begging me
for years to get this thing off.

- Betadine.
- I'm not very religious, but...

...her family wouldn't even consider
the marriage if I didn't convert.

It's cold.

I wouldn't have started dating her
if I knew this was part of the deal.

Lidocaine. You'll feel a small prick
in the area to be anesthetized.

- Please don't move.
- Good, you haven't started yet.

I have three eager pre-med students
from Evanston.

I thought they might enjoy watching
you perform a circumcision.

- Don't mind us, sir.
- I'm converting to Judaism.

- Dr. Hicks, phone call from the ER.
- Make them feel welcome.

You're in very capable hands.

Number blade.

- I'm Dr. Ross. Someone paged me?
- I paged you. Samantha Ewing.

I've got a CF kid up here,
Jad Heuston. Know him?

He's been on a respirator for some
weeks on his mother's request.

Today's his th birthday,
and he wants off.

- Why page me?
- He wants you to do it.

Hi, Norma. Hi, Katy.

Happy birthday, Jad.

His first act as an adult was to ask
to be removed from the respirator.

I explained the dangers,
but he insisted.

Are you still sure?

The nature of his disease and
the time he's been on the machine...

...may cause him to die after some
minutes. Can you talk to him?

What's his tidal volume?

. PCO- , . PO- , .

Is this what you really want?

Have you said your goodbyes?



All right, buddy. You know the drill.

I'm going to count to three.
You're going to take a deep breath.

You're going to blow out while I pull.
Can you give me a hand with this?

I love you.

All right. Here we go.
On three. Ready?

One, two, three.
Blow, blow, blow.

Is he going to be okay?

Good afternoon.
What could be so important?

-year-old woman. Onset
of abdominal pain five hours ago.

Pain was vague and diffuse.
Belly wasn't too tender.

Takes digoxin for a previously
diagnosed atrial fib. Rales.

Chest x-ray shows basilar
infiltrates bilaterally.

Dr. Anspaugh was here, and he
diagnosed congestive heart failure...

...diffuse abdominal pain due to
congestion in liver secondary to CHF.

- We gave her of Lasix.
- Good story. What's the problem?

- I think Dr. Anspaugh is wrong.
- Page Dr. Anspaugh, please.

- He's still at lunch with Weaver.
- Quickly.

You have a better story.

Her abdominal pain is worsening.
Resps are , and she's acidotic.

When she came in, she was dehydrated.
So why's fluid on her lungs?

The pain isn't explained by congestive
heart failure. It doesn't add up.

- And what is your thinking?
- She suffers from atrial fibrillation.

That puts her at risk for developing
clots. She threw an embolus...

...and it's blocking her small bowel.
- What is going on?

Dr. Carter believes that you diagnosed
his patient incorrectly.

Pain is worsening, resps are
up to and she's acidotic.

CHF made sense earlier, but I think she
has ischemic small bowel disease...

...secondary to an embolism
in the mesenteric artery.

- Pretty good story.
- Damn it! I diuresed her.

Normal saline, cc's per hour.
Call the O.R., we're moving her now.

- What's happening?
- Your mother needs an operation.

She's going to be just fine.

- Dr. Anspaugh, can I assist?
- You're going to do it.

- Perform an embolectomy?
- Yes.

You're the only one here who seems
to know what they're doing.

- It's going to fall.
- No, it's not.

- Yes, it is.
- No, it's not.

- She looks like she's feeling better.
- Yes, she ate a little bit.

- Seems to be breathing okay.
- Who's her friend?

My brother. Mom brought him down,
I figured Louise needed some company.

Hey, Jimmy, say hello to Dr. Greene.
He's my boss.

- Hi, Jimmy, how are you?
- What did they say?

Come here.

Psych doesn't think she can
handle post-op regime...

...and that the mother will be around
long enough to get her through it.

That's a lot of crap.
She can go to a group home.

- Jimmy takes classes out of Glenkirk.
- Mom doesn't want her in a home.

She has guardianship.
I called Loyola and Rush.

They both have transplant centers.
Maybe they can get her on the list.

- Mark.
- Dr. Doyle, this is Dr. Pomerantz...

...from Psych.
She's the one that evaluated Louise.

Hi, Louise. How are you doing?

Mrs. Cupertino.

- She's doing better.
- She's out of heart failure.

You need to fill this out. Transplant
candidate registration form.

She can't get on the network without
it. Kayson filled out most of it.

I need today's history so that I can
rank her. Get it back to me soon.

Nice meeting you.


...thank you.

Jad, why don't you come and go?

You take off during the day
and do what you want to do...

...and when you come back,
we hook you up with IV antibiotics.

We get a PT to pound your chest
in the morning.

- No, thanks.
- It's a lot more comfortable.

You might even squeak out a couple
of extra weeks out of this thing.

I said no, thanks.

All right. Here is my beeper number.

That's my home number. You can
call me anytime, day or night.

Let's go.


- Where are you going?
- Anywhere but here.

Sorry, Dr. Ross.

I raided the cafeteria.
Bought every cake they had.

Ladies! Here's your cake.

- What's going on?
- The nurses got their new contract.

- Did they get what they asked for?
- Current employees are protected...

...but the hospital wants to replace
RNs with unlicensed technicians.

- Technicians?
- It's the wave of the future.

- Come on, doctor. Dance.
- No, thanks.

No, I'll get the next song.
Have you seen Carol?

She changed her mind
and went home before lunch.

- I'm starving. Want a piece of cake?
- No, thanks.

Hey, I just dropped off all the
paperwork with Nina Pomerantz.

Louise will be on the transplant list
tomorrow. All we can do is wait.

- Where's your brother?
- In the lounge watching TV.

Louise's mother won't sign
the surgical release.

Kayson was just here. She doesn't
want Louise to have the transplant.

Did he explain that she will die
without the transplantation?

Twice. Then I tried.
She wants to take her home.

Mrs. Cupertino...

...you don't want Louise
to have the operation?

I was years old
when Louise was born.

I knew right away
that something was wrong.

I couldn't see Louise,
but I saw the doctor.

He was frowning and snapping
his fingers over the little bassinet.

They took her away
before I had the chance to see her.

I thought maybe she'd died.
Maybe the umbilical cord had gotten...

...wrapped around her neck.
Nobody told me anything.

Then they put me in another room
with mothers and their babies.

And I waited there for hours...

...until the doctor finally
came back.

He looked very sad.

He told me that Louise was mongoloid.

He said that I should put her
in a state hospital...

...and never ever see her again.

She will die if she doesn't have
this operation.

We all die, doctor.

Louise has been the light of my life
for years.

God blessed me with this wonderful
girl, and I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm not going to be here much longer.

I'm her whole life,
just as she has always been mine.

There are group homes.
Places where she can make friends...

...enjoy life, even if it is
for only a few more years.

I went to a home years ago
when my husband died.

If something happened to me,
who would take care of her?

And there were women there like her
with Down's...

...wandering around half-naked.
They didn't even know their names.

I couldn't put Louise
in a place like that.

You want to save people, doctor.

If my daughter dies, you'll lose.

But I'm not afraid of death.

Jesus is there, waiting for us.

To hold us
and bring us into the light.

To show us the kingdom of heaven.

And if Louise dies before I do...

...I know where I will see her next.
With angels where she belongs.

Because she is an angel.

My angel.

- Something new?
- Mesenteric embolectomy.

- Who's doing it?
- Dr. Carter.

- Dr. Carter!
- Just rolled the woman into .

Sweet God in heaven.
I hope someone's helping him.

We're putting in a Port-A-Cath, a
catheter used to deliver chemotherapy.

Should you pursue a career in surgery,
you'll perform this procedure...

...dozens of times in
your first year of residency.

The position of the catheter must be
checked with a fluoroscope.

Does everyone know what
a fluoroscope is? Here it is.

Can I steal Debbie?
We need her in O.R. .

What's going on?

Dr. Carter is performing
a mesenteric embolectomy.

- By himself?
- Anspaugh and Hicks are supervising.

- What's the score?
- Bulls are down by one.

Oh, what a nice shot.

I let a kid with CF leave the
hospital today. He's years old.

He went off to die with
his girlfriend. Didn't want any help.

- Could you have done anything?
- No, not really.

I spent the day...

...trying to get a CHF patient with
Down's on the heart transplant list.

Any luck?

Mother wouldn't sign
the surgical release.

Fine couple of doctors we are.

Do you remember when we were going
to change the world?

No. I was always in it for the money.

All right. See you later.

- Want to grab a pizza?
- No, I have to be someplace.

Anybody I know?

No, I'm just helping out
an old friend. See you.

- Hi.
- Are you ready to go?

- Where?
- Dinner at Morton's and La Boh áme.

- I said we didn't want the tickets.
- I said you were wrong.

- I'm not dressed, we'll be late.
- You can tell me what we missed.

- What about the basketball game?
- Taping it.

You don't have
to prove anything, Greg.

- I don't?
- This has all been pretty fast.

We can slow it down.
Make sure it's right.

So this means that we don't
have to go to the opera?

No, seriously.
Can we just slow it down?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- Hey. What are you doing here?
- Waiting for you.

- Have you been waiting long?
- Oh, a while.

- So you took it?
- Yes, I did.

- And?
- I knew a lot more than I thought.

There were a lot of people taking it.
Kids. I felt about years old.

They seemed confident and smart.
I guessed a lot.

- I bet you did great.
- Thanks.

- Was your day okay?
- You know, just saving lives.

- Have you seen my mom?
- I banged the door, nobody answered.

Do you want to come in?
I'll make some coffee.

No, I can't. I'm up early.
I'm going to go home.


- See you tomorrow then.
- Yes.

Doug, I know everyone
is worried about me...

...but I'm fine. I was scared
in that store, but I'm okay now.

- Why did you take it?
- The MCATs?

For me. I just wanted to see
if I was good enough.

You are.

I love this place.

You should, you're a wonderful
surgeon. You belong here.

You know, you were right this morning.

I haven't slept much in the last few
months since Gant's dying.

Before that, me almost k*lling
that baby...

...and Keaton
not recommending me...

Six months ago,
I thought I was invincible.

And now I don't even...

I don't even know.

I guess life isn't working out
the way I thought it would.

You're not responsible
for Dr. Gant's death, Peter.

I could have stopped it. Told him
he was doing well, encouraged him.

I wish I could tell you
that it was all intentional.

That it was part of some master plan
that I had going on.

I never even thought about Gant.

He was just an intern.

I was more involved with my career,
my ambitions.

We all have to find our own way,

You're not invincible.
You're a young doctor.

You're learning,
making mistakes, saving lives.

It takes a lifetime.

You just have to have faith.

Go home.
You have got a busy day tomorrow.

More circumcisions and Port-A-Caths?

No. I've signed you up
for a lap choly at ...

...and I would appreciate it if you'd
assist me on a splenectomy at .

Thank you, Dr. Hicks.

You're welcome, Peter.
See you in the morning.
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