Shopkins Wild (2018)

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Shopkins Wild (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »


No one kidnaps my lieutenant
and gets away with it.


- Yaah!
- [roaring]

No need to flip out.


- [growling]
- Ah!


Get away from her,
you big bully.



Huh! Is it just me,
or is it getting hot in here?


- [roaring]
- Ah!




Hey, ugly.
I got a joke for you.

Knock knock.

- Who's there?
- Nobody anymore.

- Nobody anymore who?
- [laughs]

Uh, "nobody anymore who"
will hurt my best friend.

I knew you'd never let those
monsters hurt me, Ava Blade.

Ah! You're the best.

You're not
so bad yourself, Bandit.

- Mmm!
- [laughs]

So next time we take
on jungle monsters,

remind me to bring
my Magneto Vacuum .



That joke was so bad.

Come on.
Look at all the dust.

That was good.

It was really bad.

What about
my "knock knock" joke?

That was pretty good.

You know what
I always say, Bandit...

- Be fierce and never give up.
- [audience] Never give up!



Oh! They're the best
best friends.

Ooh, ooh! I cannot wait
to meet Ava Blade.

I mean
Scarletta Gateau.

Yes, I know
the difference.

You know, gateau
is French for "cake,"

and I love cake, so we're
basically the same person.

Oh, I just adore
her movies.

And she's the nicest,
sweetest person ever.

- Doesn't she also run that charity?
- Yes.

The charity for Love and
Adoration of Wildlife.

Her last CLAW ball made every other charity
ball look like a last-minute hoedown.

I can't believe
we're going to meet her.

Oh, I hope Bandit
is there too.

She is just the cutest little
raccoon in the history of,

um, well, ever.

Fun fact. Bandit's real
name is Rubie Blaze.

Good thing
you said it was fun.

Otherwise, I may have mistaken
it for what it actually was...

a snore fact.

[all gasp]


[imitating snoring]

Well, what did you
think of the movie?

I really liked it.

Oo-wah! Oo-wah!

I liked
the "knock knock" part.

The jungle bougie look
is fierce.

Ah. It was okay.

[all gasp]

Cheeky, what are you
talking about?

I mean,
it was a good movie.

But it wasn't
Mistabella good.


As in the multi-award
winning movie star?

Uh, yeah.

Only the best actor
in the world.

Cheeky, maybe it's because you don't
know about Scarletta's philanthropy.

None of that matters.

Scarletta Gateau is the greatest
movie star in the greatest movie.

Case closed.

You don't think that's a little bit
of an overstatement, Donatina?

I said, case closed.

Well, there is only one movie star
coming to Shopville to meet her fans.

[all] Scarletta Gateau!

Who's got fat toes?

I do.

I'm so going
to vote for her

for the Ultimate Shoppies
Choice Golden Award.

- She'll definitely win. - Of course.
- Love her.

BT-dubs, I love that
we match Ava Blade

with our little
wrist goodies.

And by wrist goodies, you mean
the Cortar Series watches.

Yeah, I match the most.

Quick. Rainbow Kate.

Take a picture of me
as Ava Blade.

"Be fierce."

[shrieks] Oh. Whoops.

That's the video
call button.

- [beeps]
- Hello?


Try talking
a little louder, Peppamint.

- Hello!
- Ow!

Maybe try somewhere
in the middle.

- [grunting]
- Did you get it?



That's not it.

Take it.

- Ahh!
- [beeps]

Got it.


[together] Yes!

You know these Cortar
Series watches

are gonna be so handy when we fight
the crowds to meet Scarletta Gateau.


They have so many features.


- Like an alarm clock.
- [beeping]

Ah. It's time.
She's here!

She's here.
She's in Shopville.

Oh, my cakeness.
I am so excited!

Quick. Smart watches,

In three, two, one.

Let's do this.

[all squealing]

Ah! Ah!

Ah! Ah!

Um, are they
chasing someone?

You think you'd know
what that looks like, Kooky,

considering we chased you
all around the world once.


What do you say, g*ng?

Let's go find out what's so
great about Scarletta Gateau.

[all] Whoa!



[Peppamint gasps]
Oh, scoops.

The line is massive.

Why didn't the Cortar tell us
we should have gotten here earlier?

- I don't think it has a "foresight" feature yet.
- [car approaching]

Can you see her?
How does she look?

I can't see anything
except the back of your head.

Well, I can't
take it off.

Even though it would be the
best way to do my hair ever.

Huh. I'm going
to invent that.

Ah, we can't see
anything either.

Uh, what are
we looking at?

The limo!


[fans screaming]


That's the lady from the movie.


Is that...

- [fans screaming]
- [grunts]


Height? Rubie-sized.

Weight? Rubie weight.

Absolutely adorable?

That's Rubie Blaze!

If Rubie looks over here,
I think I might...


Like clockwork.

- [screaming continues]
- [eye dings]


Did that just happen?

She looked at us.


What happened?
What did I miss?

Oh, just that Scarletta basically said
come right over and be my best friends.

I didn't hear any of that.

I did.

Look at this line.

She'll have forgotten about us
by the time we meet her.

We gotta get in there.


I have a plan.

Help! Help!

Has anyone seen
a banana around here?

Careful. He bites.


[all gasp]




[camera shutter clicks]

Shake 'em off
and we'll see you in there.

Secure that banana!

I am a dinosaur. Raaar!

There he is.



What line?

That was
surprisingly easy.

- [glass shatters]
- [cat yowls]

Oh! She's talking
to so many people.

I wish I could
be brave like that.

Peppamint, the only thing stopping
you from being brave is you.

Yeah. Be like Ava Blade and, like,
just go talk to that cheese.


Pretend you're spies
exchanging information.


Uh... Um... Uh, I, uh...

Be, uh...
um, fierce, uh...

Uh, never give up.

I'm not cut out
for this.


- Do you hear that noise?
- I'll get ya!


- I'll get ya!
- He's heading for our Scarletta!

I knew it couldn't
be that easy.



[with Southern accent]
Well, howdy there.

How do you do?

Now I dance for you.


Oh, no.

She's going
to be so mad.

We'll never get
to meet Rubie now.

I got this.

This lipstick's
got charm.

♪ Na, na, na, na-na-na-na ♪


How are you today?

- [body thuds]
- [grunts]


Oh, no. Oh, no!

I'm so sorry.

Are you hurt,
my little friend?

Oh, you're so incredibly kind.

Oh, no. It's nothin'.

It's just so important to take a
moment to care for those in need.

[sneezes, sniffles]

Oh, dear.

Are you sick?

I'm allergic to raccoons.


Oh, my. Well,
I recognize you.

You're the cookie who the
Crown Jules was after.

And Macy Macaron's muse.

I say.

We need
a bit of privacy.

We're in the company
of celebrity.

[fingers snap]


- Move along.
- [snorting]

- Move along.
- Clear the field.

You heard the bull!
Deer the shield!

Mm, mm-mm.


Gee, they've really
beefed up their security.

Hang on a second.
You're the celebrity.

Oh, I followed your little
caper of a world vacation,

along with the rest
of the world.

They love you.

I just knew I needed
to meet you.

Y-You wanted
to meet us?

Can you guys believe
she wanted to meet us?

Can you guys believe Donatina
doesn't know we can all hear her?

This is perfect.
We wanted to meet you.

Yeah. We-We-We think
you're the... the best.

Especially you,
Rubie Blaze.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, y'all are sweet,

but adoration is not
why I wanted to meet you.

- I need your help.
- [all gasp]

You see, I get so much
attention in public now,

I can't even get myself a chili hot
chocolate without being mobbed by fans.


I know.

It's stopping me from doing
what I really love most...

helping those in need.


You're so selfless.

And when I saw
your determination

to find your friend
and clear this cookie's name,

It made me realize

that I needed to come
to Shopville and find you,

because y'all are
the perfect fit

for my charity's
next project.

- Wait. You mean CLAW?
- That's the one.

Y'all are gonna help me with the
CLAW Save the Shoppets campaign, TM.

Maybe this will help me win that
Ultimate Shoppies Choice Golden Award.

You want us to help you
with your charity?

You betcha.

- [projector whirring]
- [music playing]

Hi there.

I'm Scarletta Gateau,

international movie star
and generally popular Shoppie.

My life was full
of film premieres,

fancy parties
and glamorous trips,

but deep down in my heart, I
knew there was more I could do.

- The Charity for Love and Adoration of Wildlife...
- [all gasp] No!

is dedicated to our mission
to help the less fortunate.

And to date,

our campaigns have brought joy
around the world.


But now it's time
for our most important work yet.

The sweet little
Shoppets of Pawville

live in horrible conditions
and are constantly under thr*at.

With the CLAW
Save the Shoppets campaign, TM,

we are pledging to take them
away from the Pawville slums

and give them
a new place to call home.

Call now to find out

how you too
can Save the Shoppets, TM.

- [projector stops]
- [music ends]

Seriously, you're
the kindest, best,

most amazing
movie star ever.

Please stop.
Y'all are making me blush.

So, you're willing to help?

- Of course. - Absolutely.
- My dream come true.

This is fabulous news.

Good acting in the video.

- [sneezes]
- Thank you.

It was hard work
under all the...

Isn't it sad to see
those poor creatures in need?

Yeah, it was hard work,

knowing there was still so
much we could do to save them.

- Cool.
- I just have one question.

Of course.
Ask me anything.

Have you met Mistabella?

Ixnay on
the IstabellaMay.


and I go way back.

We're wonderful friends.

I'd love to meet her.

Oh, of course you would.

Why wouldn't you?

Everyone loves Mistabella.

I bet you'd even
consider voting for her

in the Ultimate Shoppies
Choice Awards.


What's this bull... business?

A little paperwork
for the campaign.

Safety. Being able to use your
image online. Blah, blah, blah.

Just sign on the dotted line. Don't
bother reading the legal mumbo junk.


You're going to post
about us online?

- Sure am.
- [fingers snap]


All right now, huddle up and
give me your best Ava Blade.

Are we filming?


- Quiet on set!
- Shh! [growls]

When it comes
to saving the Shoppets...

be fierce.

- Never give up!
- [camera shutter clicks]


Great. I'll post it now.

This is the best thing that
could have ever happen to me.

It was only a matter of time
for me to become famous.

All signed? Great.

Let's go to Pawville.

I'll see all y'all
little heroes tomorrow mornin'.

Come on, Rubie.

Ah, she's awesome.

So brave.

What a leader.

Yeah, I'm gonna save
all the Shoppets.

Wait. Is this
a competition?


I feel like we're
missing something.

- [fingers snap]
- My backup backup curling iron.

Didn't you hear what Scarletta
said about Pawville?

I think we're going
to be roughing it, Donatina.

You mean only one
spa treatment a day?

I mean none.

I don't understand.

Is that all
you're bringing, Buncho?


[horn honking]

Howdy, y'all!

Who's ready
to save us some Shoppets?

- Yeah! - Yeah!
- Yeah!

Ooh, it certainly seems like
you're ready for anything.

Even gardening.

[pot breaks]

Psst, psst.


Loading jeep.

Loading jeep.

Exploding sheep.


[snorting, grunting]

May I have your attention?

Come on, girl.

[all] Aw!

Rubie has something
to say. Go on.

I just wanted
to say thank you.


You're always so cute.

Actually, I wasn't always.

- What? - Unbelievable!
- No way!

That's right.

When I first met Rubie,
she was a scraggly little thing.

You wouldn't think it
to look at me now,

but I'll never forget the horrible
jungle where I came from.

[all gasp]

You're a saved Shoppet?

That's right.
I was rescued from Pawville.

Rubie's my inspiration.

Hearing her talk about the
horrible life she was subjected to

before I found her,

I just knew
I had to do something.

Pawville's a terrible place that
needs to be wiped from this world.

- You're so kind.
- Scarletta, you are the best.

There's no one
better than you.

Rubie, do you have any friends
left behind in Pawville?


- Uh, I...
- Rubie's all alone.

I'll be your friend.

And she's got me, of course.

And now she has
all of us too.

We better scoot off to Pawville
'fore we lose the mornin'.

Ready, CLAW soldiers?

[all] Ready!

Ooh, check it out.

We all have Cortar series
watches just like you.

Well, isn't that
just the sweetest thing.

Just like me.

And what a good idea.

Constant contact.


This is how we get
to Pawville?

More like "Pawful."

We're not going
in there, right?

It looks
very dark and scary.


Cadets, there are hundreds of poor
defenseless Shoppets in there,

just like Rubie.

They are hungry!

They are cold!

It may be frightening,

but we have pledged to help
those less fortunate.

So, are we chickens
or are we heroes?



Did you catch
that epic speech?


[engine starts]

Where are you going?

Oh, no.

Don't you remember?

Keep the engine running,

I have a hair appointment
for that press conference.

Oh, it's just that, you know,
I'm so ridiculously famous

that I can't go into Pawville

because the paparazzi
will surely scare them away.

Looks like something
scared the paparazzi away.

a super-smart Shoppie

made sure we all
had one of these,

so it'll basically be like
I'm right there with you.

In the meantime,
be fierce.

[all] Never give up!

Oh, and remember,
when you find a Shoppet,

do not ask them
about Pawville.

Just escort them
straight out of the jungle

to the rendezvous point.

What was that
last part she said?

- She, um... she said, "Never give up."
- And we won't.

I meant the part about not
asking them about Pawville.

[birds squawking]

Here goes.

We've got Shoppets to save!

Be, uh, fierce.



[birds squawking]

[squawking continues]



Ooh. I'm so totally lost.

- [beeps]
- Where are you guys?




Scarletta makes jungles
look so chill in the movies.

I don't like it here.

Hey, where are the Shopkins?

Um, we're down here.



[all whimpering]

There's something
out here with us.

This is just like
Ava Blade : Planet Wars,

where everybody was zapped into the
Zorb galaxy by alien invaders.

Donatina, aliens haven't
been proven to exist yet.

Key word... "yet."

The truth is out there.



I'm-I'm sure it's just a
Shoppet crying out for help.



was that?

Are you okay?


[ballad plays]

♪ Oh, dream banana ♪

I can't see.
What is it?

"It" has a name.

Bianca Banana, investigative
journalist, at your service.

Wow. A real-life

Did you hear that, Wormy?

Investigative journalist.

What's a journalist doing in the
middle of a terrifying jungle?

Well, I needed answers,
of course.

Answers of what?

There's something fishy
about someone I know.

I'm here to prove it. I got
a tip off from Mistabella.

[all] Mistabella?

Well, I was writing a story
on her new flick.

Let me get this straight.

You're saying Rubie Blaze
is not who she says she is.

I just have my suspicions about them,
you know? Pawville is actually...

Are you trying to tell me that Rubie
Blaze is not actually an actor?

No, but my manager
is from Pawville, and...

You're telling me that Rubie
Blaze is not a raccoon.

- Bianca...
- Did you just wink at me?

All right, cub.
That's enough questions.

You're stressing Mistabella out, and
she's got a big concert tonight.

Go on. Get.

Bianca, I'm saying
I'm worried about Rubie.

Do you have the ability
to control time?

So my thinking is she's not really
a raccoon. Probably an alien.

See? Told you.

Trust no one.

Well, I intend
to find out.

I hate seeing
Mistabella upset.

I feel ya, sista.

Okay, your turn.

What are a bunch of Shopville
slickers doing out here?

She knows my name.

[sighs] Aah!


She said "bunch of."
He heard "Buncho."

Close enough.


Oh. I forgot about
that scary growl from before.

- [rustling]
- What was that?

- Over there!
- [gasps]

No, there.

- [growling]
- [rumbling]

- [growling continues]
- [rumbling continues]

We're surrounded.




[ice clinking]


- [beeping]
- Hello?

How's it going for y'all in Pawville?
Found any poor Shoppets yet?

I don't know if you've noticed,

but we're kind of busy running
through the jungle right now.

Yeah. You need to save us.

Oh, sounds like someone's
been drinkin' the drama juice.

Best to save that
for the talent.

Please, Scarletta.

I really think we're
being chased by a monster.

Looks like I might have
to start planning our funerals.


Rubie, you're from Pawville.
Tell our friends what to do.

Get out of there.



[Peppamint] She left us.

She left us!

[all panting]

It's gone.

Great. All that exercise
for nothing.

Hey, g*ng. I think...

- [roaring]
- [whimpers]

Oh, my.


Everybody remain calm.

I know what to do.



It doesn't work
like the movie. Run!






[camera shutter clicks]

[all] Huh?

Ha ha!

We pranked you good.

I'm Pupkin Cake.

Sorry for scaring ya,

but this is
our Shoppet welcome.

We pride ourselves
on pranks, fun, and kindness.

[all] What?

You'll never take
our freedom!

Take that and that!

Hey, quit it.
That tickles.

Come on, pals.
The jig is up.


Aha. It was you.


- [laughing] How do you like it?
- Aah!

Duncan, is that any way
to treat a new pal?

But-But-But back
in the jungle,

the tree shook.

The ground trembled.

The-The-The monster came
from the other direction.


There's something
still out there.

Yeah, we can get a bit
carried away with pranks.

- That was us.
- Huh?

A good prank is not just
about jumping out at someone

in a scary costume.

You gotta set
the atmosphere.

Make it an experience.

Duncan masterminded
this monster.

My finest work.

I'm Minty Paws.

You may recognize
my growl.



That was precious.

A tiger that can't roar.

Grrrrr! You were scared of that
growl, like, ten minutes ago.


Bunny Bow made the
ground shake under you.

Powerful legs.

But what about
the tree shaking?


Oh. I had an itchy back.

Ew. Gross.

So as mayor of Pawville,

I'd like to apologize for
scaring you with our, eh,

Shoppet welcome.

I'm the mayor of Shopville.

Good for you.

Whoa, whoa. Hang on.
You're from Pawville?

But your clothes
aren't tattered.

And they have mayors
in Pawville?

Do you need saving?

Is this mint lady
for real?

What would we need
saving from?

Jungle monsters.

That was us, Duncan.

- Oh, yeah.
- [giggling]

Come on. Let's show 'em
how we do it in Pawville.

This is how we do it.

- [dance music playing]
- [cheering]

♪ This is a place where ♪

♪ We see the positive ♪

♪ And every "good-bye" ♪

♪ It's "see you later, gator" ♪

♪ A new adventure ♪

♪ Anything possible ♪

♪ We ride the good vibes
Just like an elevator ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ You're in another world ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your style ♪

♪ If it makes you smile
It's your way of life ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your tribe ♪

♪ There's a place for you here
All right ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Go wild ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ No matter who you are
You've gotta have some fun ♪

♪ And we do fun here
Better than anyone ♪

♪ We have a good laugh ♪

♪ And we don't mean no harm ♪

♪ We're gonna wake you
With a wilder life ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ You're in another world ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your style ♪

♪ If it makes you smile
It's your way of life ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your tribe ♪

♪ There's a place for you here
All right ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

- Whoo-hoo! - Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!


Oh, yeah! I am so feeling
this wild style.



Aw! That was
incredibly cute.


It was
a terrifying roar.

You are so cute.

I'm not cute.

[all] Aw!


Did you see me fighting
that monster earlier?

Yeah, I was pretty brave.


Are you impressed?

[scribbling continues]

Well, I am officially
in love with Pawville.

Life just got pawesome.


Uh... You know how
to spell the rest.

I'm sure glad we came, even though
it looks like we didn't need to.

You mean we did all that running
and jungling for nothing?

Lippy, exercise is good for you.
Accept it.

You're just lucky there ended
up being a beauty parlor here.

I did really want to do
some saving though.

Why are you so obsessed
with saving?

- That's what we came here to do.
- Right.

Scarletta Gateau told us
Pawville was a terrible place

and you all needed
to be saved from it.

Scarletta Ga-who?

Scarletta Gateau,
Rubie's sidekick.

- Her?
- [gasps]

She stole my monster design
for her hack movie.

You know Rubie Blaze?

Don't you ever mention
that name around here again.

[gasps, whimpers]
I'm so sorry.

Just leave us alone!



What was that about?

We need
to show you something.

Yeah, here.
Have a look at this.

- [snickering]
- What am I looking at?


Really, Duncan?

You choose this moment
to play a prank?

- [laughing continues]
- [sighs]

What's happened?

Ignore him.
He's always like this.

Come on. Follow us.

Ha ha.

Panda Eyes.


It's not even a good joke.

Over here.

Rubie was
our best friend.

And she was Pupkin
Cake's best best friend.

[Duncan] They were the best double
act Pawville had ever seen.

[Bunny] But Pawville wasn't
big enough for Rubie.

- [beeps]
- [dance music playing]


I wanna be famous, Pupkin Cake.

We're already famous,
in Pawville.

Pawville's not enough.

I want film premieres,

fancy parties
and glamorous trips.

Come with me.

I'm not leaving
my friends.

I'm not leaving Pawville.

Remember what I told you.

A good prank
is an experience.


I wish you
weren't leaving.

I'll be back to visit
before you know it.

- [music continues]
- [grunting]

Ooh, I think I see the bus.


What time
does she get in?


[Minty] Pupkin Cake
took Rubie leaving the hardest.


We haven't seen Rubie since.

She doesn't let us
leave Pawville now.

She says
it's to protect us.

- [sniffles]
- [squeaking]


Hey, I can travel
back in time

to learn about things
that happened in the past.


What ya doing?

That was a juicy scoop.

I'm starting to think that maybe
Rubie Blaze is a raccoon.

Hey. Look at what
I can do.


Yeah, I'm pretty strong.

doesn't add up.

Why would Scarletta tell us
that Rubie was saved?

And that Pawville was so awful that
you all needed to be saved too?

To be honest, we're not big
fans of hers around here.

[hisses] We can barely
say her name around here.

Nope. Can't say it.

- Yuck!
- Aw!

Stop it!

But she's an awesome movie star
who's the kindest person, to boot.

We could teach her a thing
or two about kindness.

She's a prank thief.


Whoa. It's like she knew
we were talking about her.

- [beeping]
- [gasps] Maybe she is an alien.

- Think before you talk.
- [beeping]

What do we do?
What do we do?

Answer it!


Hi, Scarletta.

Hello, my sweet
little Shoppie heroes.

Just wanted to make sure you're
savin' all those poor Shoppets.

Hey, good news.

The Shoppets
don't need to be saved.

Wait. You're not...

Is that Kitty Town Hall
behind you?

Oh, have you met Pupki...


[all gasp]

Scarletta's a liar.

But I also can't say I've been
particularly honest either.

Where have you been?

She's been
angry dancing.

I need to show you something.

[light switch clicks]


- Huh?
- No!

- [whimpering]
- No!

I went to Shoppiewood once
to find Rubie.

[all gasp]

What? When?

Remember when I said I was
visiting my cousin in Idogho?


You're a sneaky doggo.

Well, I didn't find Rubie.

Instead, I found Scarletta.

She told me Rubie hated Pawville

and never wanted
to see us again.

I became obsessed with figuring
out why Rubie changed,

- and what I uncovered was...
- [beeping]

- [all gasp]
- [beeps]

Hello, heroes.

Just wanted to make sure
y'all are doing

what I sent you
into Pawville to do

and not something else, like talking
to Shoppets about backstory.

Um, can you remind us again why
you wanted us to come here?


Your mission is

to save all the poor, innocent,
needy little Shoppets in Pawville.

And then you're going to take care of
them at the CLAW Shoppet Rescue, right?

Of course.

Why the questions?

But what if they
don't need to be saved?

Oh! They need to be saved.

Those little twerps
need to be schooled

on how to vote for the Ultimate
Shoppies Choice Golden Award.

Wait. What is
she talking about?

We always vote for Mistabella in the
Ultimate Shoppies Choice Golden Awards.

The Ava Blade movies
are lame.

I heard that,
you little fur balls!

[all gasp]

You lied to us.

This isn't about
saving the Shoppets.

This is about your ego.

You were our hero.

Did you ever
believe in us?

Was there ever
even a rescue?

Call it movie magic.

I only recruited you

because they love
your little g*ng online,

and being aligned with you
will get me more votes.

You're not going
to get away with this.

Yeah. We don't
like you anymore.

I'm likable!

Not like that no-talent
hack Mistabella.

I will be the most
liked star in the world

whether you and your little feral
pets are around to see it or not!

Yeah. Okay, bring it on!

Pack my bags
for Pawville hideout.

It's time to end this
once and for all.

Uh, Scarletta.

Did you hang up?

Oh, crumbs.

Gah! How does
this thing work again?

I'm all frazzled.

[laughs] It's just the...

Don't you miss when you
could slam shut a flip-phone?

Now, that was
a dramatic hang-up.


- Well, it's clear what she's going to do.
- Huh? Wha...

She's made deals
with the press

to write fake news
about a w*r in Pawville.

She's going to destroy Pawville

so it looks like the horrible
place that the press say it is.

And then she'll put it
all over social media

that she saved
the Shoppets just in time

so everyone votes for her in the
Ultimate Shoppies Choice Golden Award.


How did you figure
all that out?

I've had that up
for months.

I don't know.

Well, if it's a w*r
Scarletta wants,

then it's a w*r
she's gonna get.

Yay. Planning party!

Yeah. It's huge.

Are you getting all this?


You have to get out here.

- I read books.
- Cool.


Did you enjoy it?


Okay, let's get down
to business.

You have
a, uh, plan?

I was born with a plan.

We know Scarletta
has a secret hideout.

Tiger Tribe, that's Peppamint,
Apple Blossom, and Minty Paws.

This place looks
pretty suspicious.

[gasps] What if
there's a monster?

You'll have the toughest
Shoppet in Pawville with you.

Bunny Bow?

No! Me!


Jessicake, you, Cheeky, and
Kooky are with Pupkin Cake.

- Uh...
- Yes, Cheeky?

May I suggest our name
be Tribe Choco-Pup?

I'll allow it.


- What's a tribe?
- [groans]

From the top of this mountain,
we'll be able to see everything.

You need to get up there and check out what
kind of a*tillery Scarletta's bringing.

Donatina and Duncan,
who do you want on Tribe Monkey?

I want the bananas.

Good thing we have Scarletta's
biggest fan amongst us.

Ex-biggest fan.

[Rainbow] We know that Scarletta and Rubie
Blaze will be coming into Pawville.

We need trackers.

Tribe Rainbow Bunny.

We'll keep calling Scarletta
on the Cortar

to find out
what she's doing.

Once we know where she is,
we'll catch her by surprise.

Ready, tribes?
Let's break!

[all] Hooray!

Uh, Lippy?


Do you want to help save
Pawville in any way or...


Tribe Bunny. Yay.

Hey, would anybody
like some peanuts?


What? It's just
some peanuts.

Oh, no.

I've learnt my lesson
from the binoculars.

It's totally going to do that thing where
snakes pop out or something, isn't it?

It's peanuts.

I packed a snack.

Open it.


- Whew.
- [rattling]

Ha ha!


- [whistle blows]
- Wasabi!


Super hot peanuts?
Okay, that's a good one.

Hmm. What's that?

That's Catnel, Scarletta's
favorite sunglasses brand.

If she left them
out here,

she must be going somewhere
with no sun.

[Buncho screaming]

Oh! Oh!

I can't go on.

Come on!

You can do it, Peppamint!

It's only
a little distance.

Sorry. I live here now.

Peppamint, think about
why we're doing this.

I-I-I-I love
my new log home.

Remember, you're doing this
for your tribe,

for your friends.

Oh, you're right.

I-I-I promised to help them.

[grunts] Oh!

- [whistles]
- Oh!

Another case solved
by Detective Wormy.

Lippy Lips, you're up.


Why are you calling me?

"How to tell if your friend
is not who she says she is."

Is this a quiz?


Uh, hold on a second.

...really think
I have time for this?

Question number one.

You tell her a secret,
does she...

"A," keep it
to herself forever.

"B," immediately text it
to everyone.

Or "C," you stu...

...won't be...

alive any...


Good work, lipstick.


You just got Scarletta
to tell us

that she's somewhere with
no reception, like here.


- Uh-oh.
- Oh, bull...

She's got a whole
demolition crew ready.

Well, I'll be.

That sure looks
like a hideout.

Way too obvious.

So exactly Scarletta's style.

We gotta get down there. Nobody
destroys Pawville and gets away it.

Say hello to Jessi-blade.


Scarletta and Rubie
are at the cave!

Okay, tribes.

We came to Pawville
to be heroes.

So let's be those heroes.

Be fierce!

- Never give up!
- Never give up.

[Jessicake] Oh.

[Cheeky] Kind of hard
to be heroes

when you can't see anything.

It's so dark in here.

[Lippy] Obviously.



That's funny.

Kooky's only allergic to...

[all] Raccoons!


The ol' fake floor prank.


Some heroes.

[all gasp]

I'm more organized,



Definitely smarter.

I'm not nicer,

but I don't wanna be nice.



Rubie, how can you
let her do this to Pawville,

to us?

We were
your friends.

This was your home.

I have my reasons.

Bye-bye, Shop-pests.

Wait. You can't
do this to us.

Uh, yes, I can.

You signed your lives away.

Luckily, you already voted for the
Ultimate Shoppies Choice Golden Award

before you
so tragically disappeared.

[all gasp]

We didn't vote.

Yeah, you have.

- [fingers snap]
- Always read the fine print, ladies.

You can't leave us here.
What are we gonna do?

Not my problem.

But I'll make sure
to cry... [sobs]

When I tell your tragic
story to the press.


I failed all of you.

That doesn't seem fair.

But if I hadn't wanted to
be a leader like Ava Blade,

I never would have
pushed you all to do this.

But you're so good
at motivating us.

Or me wanting to become
BFF's with Scarletta.

You're so friendly
and welcoming.

Or me just being
obsessed with her.

But you know
so much.

No, it's my fault.

I'm always so scared.

I just wanted
to be brave like her.

But you're full
of kindness, like us.

Yeah. Nobody's perfect.

But in a way,
that's what makes us perfect.

Well, kindness
isn't going to help us

get out of this hole.

We're all doomed!


No, it's my fault.

I'm always so scared.

I just wanted
to be brave like her.

♪ The world is scary
It's true ♪

♪ Most times
I don't know what to do ♪

♪ Can't even stand up
Afraid to speak out ♪

♪ So shy and filled with doubt ♪

♪ I know I'm wary, I do ♪

♪ I really wish it wasn't true ♪

♪ I wish I was more
I wish they could see ♪

♪ The brave girl hiding inside ♪

♪ Of me ♪

♪ I wanna be brave ♪

♪ As I can dream ♪

♪ I wanna dig down ♪

♪ Inside of me ♪

♪ I wanna feel free ♪

♪ To finally see the light ♪

♪ To shine out bright ♪

♪ And it might take more time ♪

♪ But I can't wait ♪

♪ I have to find the me ♪

♪ The me hiding inside ♪

♪ I can be selfish, I know ♪

♪ I wanted to be part
Of the show ♪

♪ Hear the applause
Steal the spotlight ♪

♪ But none of this feels right ♪

♪ Is it all worth it, truly? ♪

♪ Can this be all
There is to me? ♪

♪ A life of just fame
Alone with no friends ♪

♪ Is this really
How my story ends? ♪

♪ I wanna be ♪

♪ More than I have been ♪

♪ I wanna fix
All that I have seen ♪

♪ I wanna change everything ♪

♪ And do what's right ♪

♪ To shine out bright ♪

♪ Who cares if I'm a big star? ♪

♪ It doesn't feel
That great so far ♪

♪ It's finally time I tried
To find the me hiding inside ♪

♪ I must be brave
And stand tall ♪

♪ It's time to break down
These walls ♪

♪ The courage that I need ♪

♪ Has always been a part of me ♪

♪ Life can be hard
But it's worth the fight ♪

♪ I'll take a stand
And do what's right ♪

♪ To shine out bright ♪

♪ I'm gonna be ♪

- ♪ More than ♪
- ♪ Brave ♪

♪ I can dream ♪

♪ I'm gonna be ♪

- ♪ Better ♪
- ♪ Stronger ♪

♪ Than I have been ♪

♪ I'm gonna find out ♪

♪ How to step into the light ♪

♪ And shine out bright ♪

♪ And it might take more time ♪

♪ But I can't wait ♪

♪ I have to find the me ♪

♪ The me hiding inside ♪


- [rustling]
- [all gasp]

Glad we got the mushy stuff
out of the way

because this looks
like the end.

You! What are you
doing here?


Haven't you done
enough already?

[sighs] I haven't done
nearly enough.

You're free to go.

Go stop Scarletta.

You're finished.

We're hopping mad.

That really sounds like
something I should say.

Don't trust her!

I get why you're mad.

But you don't know
what it was like out there.

Everything was so big
and overwhelming.

I was rejected at every turn.

No one wanted
a singing, dancing Shoppet.

That city would have swallowed
me up whole pretty soon.

But then Scarletta found me.

She promised me everything...

and delivered.

We lived
the most glamorous life.

I was in the movies. Famous.

Everything I ever wanted.

But she forbade me

from ever talking about
or visiting Pawville again.

I can see now
that she was just using me.

She was nothing
before I came along.

She needed a cute sidekick
to make her likable.

I missed home every day.

I'm so sorry.

You can be angry.
I understand.

Welcome home.



Hate to break up
our reunion,

but we have
a Pawville to save.

- Yeah! - Yay!
- Whoo-hoo!


This is it. This is
our Ava Blade moment.

Just remember that no matter what
happens today, we're all heroes.

Pawville has saved
all of us.

And now it's time
for us to save Pawville.

your tribe!

- Party on!
- Whoo-hoo!


Bring it on!


Ha. The only thing swinging around
here will be this wrecking ball.

Monkey see,
monkey kick butt.


Blast off!


- Ahh!
- Ahh!

Stop right there.

'Cause we're not
monkeying around.



Get paved!



Time to make
a juice cart smoothie.



Move over.



[snorts] You're so cute.

Ha ha! I'm not afraid
of an adorable little kitten.

- No?
- Yeah.

I am not a kitten.

I am not cute!


Let me go!

Let me go. Let me go. Let me go.


You're no match
for Ava Blade.


Ha! And you call
yourselves heroes?

In case you were wondering,
I do all my own stunts.

What do you want?


Knock knock.



[imitating Scarletta]
Who's there?

Raccoon Eyes.

What are you
talking about?

Rubie, take care of my
little problems, won't you?

Raccoon Eyes who?


Don't you "Raccoon Eyes" me?

Quit joking around, Bandit,

or it's the last you'll ever
see of your movie-star life.

You should recognize me

as the cutest star
in all of Shoppiewood.



Your hero days are over.

[cries out]

Unfortunately for you,

you're up against
the pawesomest tribe ever.







Mmm. [laughing]

Nothing tastes better than ice
cream from your hometown.

- Yeah! - Yeah!
- Yeah!

Bad villain. Bad.


Quick. This way, Scarletta.

What's she doing?
Bianca's helping her get away.

Wait. Stop.

I trust her.


After all this,
I'm still likable!

I'll finally get
that award now.

Yes, sure thing.

The award ceremony
is right through here.

[camera shutters clicking]

How do you feel about Mistabella winning
the Ultimate Shoppies Choice Golden Award

for the fourth year
in a row?

Scarletta, is it true that you're
trying to incite w*r in Pawville?

What will you do next,
now that your career's over?



And that's a wrap.

No! No!

No, no, no!


who wants to guess
what's coming next?

[all] Party time!

[dance music playing]

♪ Uh, uh ♪

♪ Ha, ha, ha ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ You're in another world ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your style ♪

♪ If it makes you smile
It's your way of life ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your tribe ♪

♪ There's a place for you here
All right ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Foxy Lemon ♪

♪ Now that you've been here
You know ♪

♪ You got that b*at
Drop your flow ♪

♪ Go wild and show you the way
We're not just friends Family ♪

♪ Go take that wild style
With you ♪

♪ Kindness and all that you do ♪

♪ Every day, be who you are ♪

♪ Be fierce
Reach for the stars ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ You're in another world ♪

- ♪ Oh, hey-o ♪
- ♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ So what you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Oh, hey-o ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your style ♪

♪ If it makes you smile
It's your way of life ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Find your tribe ♪

♪ There's a place for you here
All right ♪

- ♪ Why not go wild? ♪
- ♪ Go wild, go wild ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

- ♪ Why not go wild? ♪
- ♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

- ♪ Why not go wild? ♪
- ♪ Go wild, go wild ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

♪ Why not go wild? ♪

♪ Go wild, go wild ♪

♪ Why not just go wild? ♪

It's time to go.

Warriors salute...

but best friends hug.

Oh, bring it in.

We're going to miss
our tribe so much.

Every time we think of you,

I'll purr and I may never stop.

No, it's cool.

Yeah, whatever.


I don't know what you
guys have done to me,

but I'm going to miss you.

Next thing
on my to-do list is,

come and visit
as soon as I can.

Scarletta once told me to save
the drama juice for the talent.



I can't say good-bye!

Look who's
the talented one now.

[all laughing]

I'm gonna go bananas
without you.


Pawville, sweet Pawville!


We're glad you're back.

I can't believe we
have to leave so soon.

Well, we can keep in
touch easily with these.

[all] Yeah! Whoo!

Hey, Duncan, are you there?

Right next to you.

[engine starts]

Bunny Bow, are you there?

Seeing you get into the jeep.

Pupkin Cake,
are you there?

We're missing you already.

Minty Paws,
are you there?

We can't wait for you
to visit again.


[dance music intro]

♪ Sitting here afraid to show
What I've got inside ♪

♪ So much to say I wanna say ♪

♪ Instead I sit and hide ♪

♪ Inside of me's
A sh**ting star ♪

♪ It cannot be denied ♪

♪ It's time to let
This sh**ting star ♪

♪ Go flying far and wide ♪

♪ So come on
Take what's inside ♪

♪ Show them
What you can't hide ♪

♪ Come on
Let what's inside out ♪

♪ Come on, let what's inside
Take them on a joyride ♪

♪ Come on
Let what's inside out ♪

♪ Take what's inside ♪

- ♪ And let it out ♪
- ♪ Let it out ♪

♪ Because the world
Is better off ♪

♪ When you show
What you're about ♪

♪ Don't waste your time ♪

- ♪ With fear and doubt ♪
- ♪ Fear and doubt ♪

♪ 'Cause you got
That special thing ♪

♪ That the world
Can't live without, yeah ♪

♪ Come on
Take what's inside ♪

♪ Show them
What you can't hide ♪

♪ Come on
Let what's inside out ♪

♪ Come on, let what's inside
Take them on a joyride ♪

♪ Come on
Let what's inside out ♪

♪ Now is the time ♪

♪ To take those fears ♪

♪ And let them go ♪

♪ Because you know ♪

♪ The time is right
To show the world ♪

It's not going to be easy

to find the secret city beneath the lost
ancient world of the keepers, Lieutenant.

We'll have to cr*ck the code
of the Lock Guardians

and make sure Steelia doesn't
figure it out before us.

You in, Bandit?

I'd follow you anywhere.

Be fierce, Bandit.

And never give up, Ava Blade.


Moo. I'm excited.

I love Mistabella.


♪ Come on, let what's inside
Take them on a joyride ♪

♪ Come on
Let what's inside out ♪

♪ Just let it out
Just let it out ♪

♪ Hey ♪

- ♪ Show the world ♪
- ♪ Show the world ♪

♪ Come on, let what's inside ♪

♪ Inside out ♪

♪ Show the world what's inside ♪

♪ Dance and shout ♪

♪ Come on, let what's inside ♪

♪ Inside out ♪

♪ Show the world what's inside ♪

♪ Dance and shout ♪

♪ Come on, let what's inside ♪

♪ Inside out ♪

♪ Show the world what's inside ♪

♪ Dance and shout ♪

♪ Come on, let what's inside ♪

♪ Inside out ♪

♪ Show the world what's inside ♪

♪ Dance and shout ♪

[song ends]
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