01x07 - Pay in Pain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x07 - Pay in Pain

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield:

For your next 24 hours, she's your one and only case.

A prost*tute, age 12 to 14, had a sweet tooth.

The guy who m*rder*d Sally's still out there, and I'm standing here with my d*ck in my hand because this guy thought it'd be funny to rake his buddy over the coals, didn't you?

DOCTOR: You're very lucky.

Matthew is a charming, intelligent little boy.

He also has autism.


I don't think I can sell a cop to these voters.

What would you think of a man who exposed corruption, brought down dirty cops from inside the department?

I'd think he was committing professional su1c1de.

But could you sell him to the voters?


Bag it. Bag it.

Bag it. Bag it.

Bag it.


ACEVEDA: I want to know what you found in the Navigator.

Isn't a stolen car case normally a little below your radar?

Where are the dr*gs?

I saw them pocket the cocaine.

I told you to let this go.

I may have to answer to you, but I also have to answer to God.

Most cops here will treat you like a traitor.

You're gonna take more shit than you've ever taken before.

Are you ready for that kind of heat?

I'll have to be.








You done already?


I need someone to listen to me.

I'm busy at the moment.

Maybe one of the uniforms...

I said I need someone to listen to me.


Did you want to report a crime?

I've lost track of all the crimes.

I don't understand.

I've lived in this neighborhood all my life, keeping my complaints to myself.

But no more.

My apartment has been broken into seven times in the last four years.

Seven times!

And you never catch anyone.

You have got graffiti and cuss words on every single wall that you see.

I've got needles on my sidewalk, beer cans on my lawn, and I stopped ducking at the sound of g*nsh*t years ago.

We can drop smart bombs down chimneys half a world away, but some sicko gets released from jail because of a computer screw-up and r*pes my niece!

How does this make sense?

I see that yellow police tape everywhere that I go, and it's all sirens and helicopters and search lights.

You've got mothers k*lling their children, children k*lling strangers, and maniacs flying airplanes into buildings, and I just want life to go back to the way that it should have been.

What are you doing to make us feel safe?


VIC: I love the action, but what are we doing in Watts?

We got eight people dead, nine if you count the fetus.

Huh. g*ng w*r on steroids.

The chief doesn't like headlines.

If my ass is on the line, I want my best man covering me.

I appreciate the compliment, but, uh... but won't Northwest get a little pissed off with me and Shane stepping on their turf?

The lead detective is Carlos Zamora.

Never heard of him.

He's a comer, but he's raw.

He's built his reputation on working with these gangs.

Knows them inside out.

He know how we work?

Let him do his thing, you do your thing.

I don't care which way works as long as it gets cracked.


Vic Mackey.

Shane Vendrell.

Thanks for helping out.

What g*ng were they in?

Toros. Biggest and baddest around here.

Cameras catch this guy?

They're just for show. VCRs weren't hooked up.

Who's the mom-to-be?


She was Train's girl.


Train Gutierrez. He runs the Toros.

Well, Train's gonna want to retaliate big-time.

We find out who he's targeting, we find out who did this.

I'll talk to Train.

Make sure his guys don't do anything stupid.

What makes you think he'll listen?

I used to be a Toro, back in the day.

I've been able to keep a pretty good lid on things.

Well, looks like the lid just got blown off.


Talked to the owner.

He says a high school kid who sweeps up at night wasn't part of the body count.

The kid call in sick?

No, the guy says he should've been here.

Uh, name is... Jaime.


You seeing this? g*dd*mn Oprah Winfrey hour.

Paging Dr. Phil.

No wonder Gilroy called us up.

Got an all-out g*ng w*r about to explode and this guy's playing grief counselor to half the soldiers.

He's right. We'll handle it.


I'm working this case with Carlos.

Now, who would want to start a w*r with you?

Things been peaceful, eh?

Until tonight.

So, who was it?

Look, I told you, we've been handling things.


What's that bulge in your jacket?

Yo, chill, dawg. Come on, man.

What? What?


Concealed w*apon.

Suspicious white powder.

Daily double.

So, do I have to search all you guys, or do I get some answers?

Is it the blacks, the Chinese, Los Mags, who we talking about?

The blacks.

This guy, Wet Willie, man, he's been making a lot of noise ever since he got paroled.

What do you know?

A clue.


What do you think you're doing, shaking down these guys?

They trust me.

Yeah, I saw the circle jerk.

You treat them like people, it works.

So does treating them like the k*lling, dealing, thieving scumbags that they are.

Mop-up boy went MIA tonight.

See if you can track him down.

Where you going?

To talk to Wet Willie.

Look, I can do it.

I know where to find Wet Willie and his guys.

Hey, this might be your district, but it's my world.

Different zip code, same pinheads.


Describe what you witnessed then.

I saw Mackey put four bricks of cocaine into evidence bags and then two bricks into weapons bags.

That's when he gave it to Shane, I think.

You think? "You think" is not "I'm sure."

I called IAD on this because you said you were sure.


This is serious, Julien.

There's no point in stepping up and doing the right thing if your testimony's gonna be vague and wish y-washy.

I know.

Now, did Mackey give Shane the cocaine then, or did it happen later?

No, it happened then.

Then say that!

This statement that you're gonna give to Frances, Mackey's lawyers will try to twist it into anything but the truth.

Am I gonna have to say these things in open court?

Hopefully not.

It won't be good publicity for Vic or the department.

If it goes the way I planned, they'll take a plea.

They'll lose their jobs?

Oh, yeah.



are you okay living with that?

What's fair for them out there has to be fair for us in here.

♪ Gotta get away ♪

♪ To a place Where I can hide away ♪

♪ Get away ♪

♪ No one knows my name ♪

♪ 'Cause every day... ♪ Facing Autism?

What's up with that?

Uh, it's, uh, Corrine's book.

A kid in Matthew's class just got diagnosed.

Oh, man, that's... that's tough.

Family must be devastated, huh?


I had this cousin who was Ret*rded.

Autism isn't the same thing as being Ret*rded.

So what is it?

Like Rain Man?

Freaking out, counting matchsticks kind of thing?

No. It's not the same thing.

If you don't care to educate yourself on the subject, why don't you keep your mouth shut?

Describe what you saw at that point.

Detective Mackey placed four bricks of cocaine into two evidence bags.

He then took the two remaining bricks and placed them into a weapons bag which he immediately handed to Detective Vendrell.

Hey, I thought you were off today.

I am.

What are you doing here?

Just taking care of a little business.

Actually, I'm glad I caught you.

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how we can handle this whole Vic thing and I had this idea...

Look, I don't want to talk about it.

Julien, I'm your training officer.

You owe it to me to at least...

Look, no offense, but I'm gonna go my own way on this.

VIC: Okay, here's what we'll do.

You take his buddy.

Keep him out of my way.


Wet Willie, police. Stop.

I said stop right there!

I'll be with you in a minute.

g*dd*mn it, I said stop!



You got the medicine?

Right here.

Now, what do you want?

What you sweating me for?

I'm a cop. Slow down.

Come on, slow down, right here.

Hands behind your head.

I didn't do nothing.


Or just in the last 10 minutes, Kunta Kinte?

Suck my d*ck!


What'd you say? What did you say?

Screw you! Suck your what?

So you've been with your sick kid all night?

He's been throwing up all over me.

And the mom can back you up?

My girlfriend, her sister, her friend, the nurse at the free clinic.

Man, why?

Never mind.

SHANE: Suck your what? Suck your what?

MAN: What's going on out there?

Why don't you suck that, you piece of shit?

Shane! Shane!

What are you doing?

Honey, call the police!

Shane! Let's go!

MAN: Call the police!


WOMAN: What's going on out there?

MAN: Get the license plate!

Are you out of your g*dd*mn mind?

Ow! No!

We're trying to prevent the w*r, not start one, you stupid f...!

The guy was being a pain in the ass.

You're being a huge pain in the ass lately.

Should I take a piss on you?

You're out of control.

Look, man, you want me off the team, you just say the word.

And don't think I won't!

You've gone over those things He's a serial k*ller.

Sally won't be his last victim unless I catch him.

You're obsessed.

I'm dedicated.

Hey. Hey...

Come with me.

You're too dedicated.

You need a give me to cleanse your palate.

Low-priority files?

Pick a card, any card.

What's the point of this?

We take half a day, we make some citizen happy, and you go back to your serial k*ller case on a winning streak.

I don't have time for games.

You're running your mind in circles.

Now, I've got the cure, so pick a card.

My mother's being robbed by a psychic.

A psychic.

Her name's Frida.

She's bilked my mom and her friends out of thousands of dollars.

What's the scam?

Tainted-money con, third-party ritual, elixir machine, what?

She claims to talk to my dead father.

Last week, my mom took out a second mortgage on the house to pay Frida for contacting the spirit world.

That's supposed to be my house someday.

Well, it is a problem.

I know it is.

What are you gonna do about it?

Any luck with Wet Willie?

He's not the guy.

We better find out who is, though, before Train makes an educated guess and starts sh**ting back.

I got a line on our missing mop-up boy.


Yeah, a g*ng-banger friend of his, called me up, told me where we could find him.

A banger just called you up?

I told you, man, these guys trust me.

He said Jaime's been bragging he saw the sh**t coming out of the g*n club.

Great, where do I find this Jaime?

I got this one.

You want to back me up, just follow my tail lights.

You sure you don't want one of these?

You look awfully tense.

I just testified before IAD.

I don't get why you complicate your life by narcing on another cop.

Because in my life, I take personal responsibility.

You might want to try it sometime.


Skipping out on restaurant bills, outstanding warrants...

You don't even have a job.

I make money here and there.

I'm a cop.

I know what "here and there" means.

Look, if this is what you're gonna be like, I can't be around you.

I really think you could use a beer.

When this house-sitting gig ends, you won't even have a place to live.

Oh, whatever will I do?

I'm serious.

Do you even have a plan for yourself?

When was the last time you even applied for a job?

Well, what's your plan?

To keep on pretending to everyone you're something you're not?

It's not that easy.

I'll try if you'll try.


No, Jaime left.

Try again, smart-ass.

Finish your drinks somewhere else.

Jaime, we hear you saw the g*n club sh**t tonight.

What colors was he wearing?

Stop posing for a picture and start yapping.

You saw the sh**t, right?


What g*ng was the sh**t in?

You know who the sh**t runs with or not?


You're not blind, and you only seem half stupid, so I'm betting you got a pretty good guess who this guy's affiliated with.

You tell us.

You guys ain't listening.

What g*ng was the sh**t in?

A white people's g*ng.

Our sh**t is white?

Early to mid-30s.

Gringo with a grudge.

There goes our g*ng-w*r theory.

More headlines the chief's not gonna like.

The Latino community's already on edge.

Raul Jiminez is on his way down to hear what progress we made.


He run out of janitor strikes to organize?

What pisses you off more?

That he's willing to fight the establishment, or that he usually wins?

Thanks for the new partner, by the way.

It's a hate crime.

We don't know what it is yet.

A white man kills eight Latinos at random, and you don't know if it's a hate crime?

My people are scared.

What is the department doing?

We got a drawing of the sh**t.

Even the artist won't vouch for that sketch.

Our witness didn't see much past the white skin.

I say we release it to the press.

Maybe someone will recognize him.

That thing is so vague every Anglo walking down the street is gonna look like a suspect.

Now you know how we feel every day.

Oh, please. Save it for the microphones.

I think it's important the public knows who the enemy is.

It's a waste of time, Ben.

Release the sketch.

Hey, since when do we kowtow to the Mexico-First crowd?

If we don't include him in the process, he's gonna make our lives hell in the Hispanic community.

Let him try.

Have you driven around the city lately?

He's the majority now.

We're still the ones wearing the badges.

Yeah, for the time being.

How is screwing up a m*rder investigation gonna keep Jiminez off our backs?

I'm counting on you not to screw it up.

Bring in this k*ller, and we keep our badges for another day.

Hey, no one's taking mine away.

We're dinosaurs, Vic, and make no mistake, the meteor's coming.

Your son says you're being swindled by this psychic.

Frida's not a psychic, she's a medium.

She predicted Gene would go to the police, didn't she?

Yes, she did.

She said Gene was only waiting for me to die so he could get his hands on my money.

You do know these so-called psychics are all frauds, right?

Well, most of them are, but not Frida.

She brings me messages from Frank.


He was my husband.

Cancer got him.

How do you think Frank would feel if you ended up losing the house you both lived in because you had to keep paying this medium?

I'd pay anything to talk to Frank.

Detective Mackey, I'm with...

IAD Yeah, I remember.

An investigation has been initiated into your actions on April 2.

You should look over these charges and decide whether you'd like to sit down for a formal interview.


We got 5 people shot dead in a family grocers', all Latinos.

This one's in your district.

I'll have to get back to you.

DANNY: Here they come. Secure the front.

Don't let anybody else in, okay?



CARLOS: What happened?

Guy came in blasting, k*lled everybody in here, except the owner in the back.

He heard the sh*ts, came out with a baseball bat and ran the sh**t off.

Where's the owner now?

He's pretty upset.

This was his son.

My boy...

You were back here when you heard the sh*ts?


And you grabbed the baseball bat?


VIC: That baseball bat over there?


Now, the sh**t, he was white?


What happened after you chased him out of the store?

He got away.

On foot? He didn't get into a car?


Well, which way did he run?

I don't remember.

There's blood on this bat.

Did you hit him with it?

I guess. I don't remember.

Our bad guy may have ran away, but this being L.A., I'm guessing he drove here.

I want you to check the plates on all these cars, match them up with their owners, see what stands out.

You want me doing grunt work?

Yeah, because A, it's important, and B, I don't really feel like hearing you talk this morning.

I got a 10 square-block perimeter being roped off.

If he's on foot and bleeding, we'll get him.

VIC: Uh, gee.

Wonder what took them so long.

Can I help you?

We're investigating some complaints about your business practices.

I offer a money-back guarantee to those who are unhappy.

Very few people request it.

$600 for a candle?

Looks to me just like the kind you get at the 99-cent store.

The candle itself is ordinary.

It's the blessing ceremony that makes them so valuable.

Blessing ceremony.

What does that entail?

Taking the price tag off, sticking it on a shelf?

We'd like you to come with us, answer a few questions.

You yearn for a young woman who doesn't yearn after you.



You see I'm not wearing a wedding ring, you figure a guy who shops at the 99-cent store is probably single, and what single guy doesn't have the hots for some woman out of his league?

Is now when I fork over a week's salary for one of your candles, or...

She's someone that you work with or work close by.


Come on, let's go.

You're wasting your time with her, you know.

Frances is gonna ask you about the night you stole the truck.

And this'll clean the slate on all my charges, right?

Right. So long as you tell the truth.

So, how do you want me to do it?

Do what?

Tell my story.

I mean, you're paying, so you get to pick.

I can be all sweet and innocent-y, like...

I don't know what possessed me to steal the truck that night, but when I found those bags of cocaine inside, I just... I got so scared.

Or... I can be all biker chick, master thief girl.

Like... I ripped the Navigator, was on my way to get it chopped, and I stumble across these two keys of blow.

How about sincere and honest?

Not my best one.

Don't get too cute with her.

Mm, but I am cute.


You involved with anyone?

Excuse me?

Well, my most recent lover just died of a drug overdose, thanks to that high-octane stolen coke, so... I suddenly find myself sexually available.

Well, if by "involved" you mean happily married with a one-year-old baby girl, then the answer is... yes.


Just think of the things I could get away with if I was banging a police captain.


Stay out of trouble so I don't have to see you again.

Oh, but you want to see me again.

No, I don't.

If I was 18 and single... maybe it'd be a different story.

Oh, I would've chewed you up and spit you out when you were 18.

I wouldn't be so sure.

The other shop owners tell the same story.

They heard the g*nshots, but didn't see anything.

You mean to tell me nobody looked out their window and saw which way this guy went running?

That's what they say.

Yeah, well, that doesn't pass the smell test.


This is the only car whose owner's unaccounted for.

Check it out.

Spare a*mo.

Who's the car registered to?

A George Michael Klassen.

Nice to meet you, you sick prick.

SWAT OFFICER: All clear.

Oh, g*dd*mn it.

As I was going through the truck, I found some g*ns and two bags of cocaine.

Let's go back to stealing the vehicle.

You saw Detective Vendrell park the truck, get out, and go inside the apartment building.

Yes, ma'am.

And no one went in or out of the truck between the time he left it and the time you stole it?

No, ma'am.

It's always sad when the people that you expect to enforce the law break it themselves.

Canvass the place.

Find out if anybody saw a car pulling out.

We're looking for a suspect...

We found two bodies inside. They're George's in-laws.

Oh, my God.

But his wife and son, they're not here.

We're afraid George might've taken them with him.

You have any idea where your brother might've gone?


Any place he might feel comfortable hiding?


This is important.

We have to find him before he does any harm to them.

Oh, I can't imagine George would ever hurt Myra or Brady.

Well, can you imagine him k*lling 15 people in cold blood?

Well... that's different.

I mean...

You have to understand.

This used to be a nice place to live... clean, safe.

George just got fed up being surrounded by all the sp*cs.

Can you blame him?

Klassen's picture's plastered all over the news.

He can't step outside without somebody in this city spotting him.

It doesn't help us save his wife and boy.

I'm more concerned about what you're doing to prevent the next attack.

Everything we can.

We know who he is, we got his car, we got units on his family members and friends.

We got every base covered.

Waiting around for him to make his next move isn't gonna cut it.

Where you going?

Hey, as long as he's got it all covered, I'm gonna go check on something.

Getting a nice tan?

That's about all I'm good for, I guess.

Did you find any blood out here?


So there was blood on the bat and nowhere else?

There's a pool of blood in the store that's unconnected to any of the victims.

Show me.

sh**t loses this much blood and doesn't drip any on the pavement?

Maybe he went out the back.

SID check it?

Beats me.


Looks like somebody did a nice little sweep job.

Yes, it does.

Makes you wonder why.

You know, Houdini wanted desperately to believe in the paranormal, but he couldn't abide the fakes and frauds, spent a lot of his life trying to debunk them.

Still held out hope, though.

Before he died, he gave his wife, Beatrice, a secret password that he promised her he'd try to send her from the afterworld, so she could tell the difference between the phonies and the real McCoys.

When he passed away, Beatrice traveled the globe, met with every gypsy, psychic, tarot-card reader she could find.

Not one of them ever got the password right.

Houdini should've had a little more faith.


On Sundays, they call it Christianity.

The afterlife's no different.

Church only takes you for 10%.

You've been wringing these ladies dry.

If they refuse to press charges, you can't touch me.

If I find out you still have your hooks in these women, I'll find other charges to press.

Fire code violations...

DUTCH: Parking tickets...

Zoning laws, you name it, I'll find it.

How's your future looking now?

What do you want from me?

It's time to get some new marks, honey.


What the hell is he doing?

You arrested the shop owners?

VIC: Brought 'em in for questioning.


Because their stories didn't make sense.

Leon's son died less than four hours ago.

How much sense is he supposed to make?

If he knows something, we need to know it.

You don't drag a grieving father down here and stick him under the lights.

And you don't get answers from people by passing around hugs.

And you don't get them by pissing on people, either.

We've got a r*cist madman targeting Latinos, and you want to interrogate the victim's family.

When you trade in your megaphone for a badge, that's when I'll seek out your opinion.

I insist on witnessing the interviews, to ensure these men and women aren't mistreated.


Excuse me?

I've included you up till now as a courtesy, now it's time to give my men the space to do their jobs.

His wife and 10-year-old son are missing.

My son's dead.

You're not telling me the truth, Leon.

Yes, I am.

You know something. No.

If you're lying so you can get to your son's k*ller before us, to get revenge, I can't let that happen.

I... I don't know anything!

Then why are you and the other shop owners all telling the same lie?

And why did someone sweep the path in the back alley after the sh**t?

Huh, Leon?

You can tell me.

What did you really see?


I didn't see nothing.


I just talked with Frances.

You've got her looking into the strike team again?


You ever plan on telling me about it?

I didn't want to bother you with it until things were more definitive.

I got a problem in this squad, David.

My captain and my best cop aren't getting along.

We stand for different things.

Well, you better make friends...

Or I'm gonna have to make a choice, and I don't think you're gonna like that choice.

Maybe you should read this before you make any choices.

I've been getting some very strong signals at this desk.

Gee, the, uh, desk that I work at?


I'm getting an "S" name.

Is there a Sarah?

Sorry, no Sarahs.

Or a Sally.

I think there's a Sally.

Do you know who I'm talking about?

Been going through my desk?

Reading my file on Sally?

No, I didn't.

WOMAN: Frida!

There you are!

Are you all right?


Oh, sweetheart.

Yeah, let's all talk in another room.

Follow me.

She has a message for you.

There's an innocent woman and an innocent kid in danger out there, and you're not telling me the truth!

Yes, I am.

Someone's holding a g*n to their heads right now, and you're stopping me from finding them.

I'm not.

You might as well be pulling the trigger.

Tell me the truth!

I am!

He doesn't know anything.

VIC: Yes, he does.

You gonna pull the trigger on that kid?


What does that make you?


What if it was your boy?

My boy's dead.

That's because I couldn't stop the r*cist pig from pulling that trigger.

Don't be like the man who k*lled your son.

I'm nothing like him.

Then show me.

Show me.


I heard the sh*ts... the sh*ts that k*lled Fabien.

When I came outside, the man was standing there with his... with his back to me.

I hit him with a baseball bat.

Knocked him out.

What did you do with him?

My friends heard the noise, they came over.

They dragged him out the back.

That's why we swept up afterwards.

What did you do with him?

He k*lled my boy.

I know.

So I wanted to... to k*ll him back.

I know.

I couldn't do it, though. I didn't have the courage.

So what did you do with him?

We gave him to the Toros.

I couldn't k*ll him...

But I knew they would.

Oh, shit.

The in-laws were k*lled after the grocery sh**t.

Which means Train or his guys k*lled them.

They got the wife and kid.

God help you.

VIC: Look out! Heads up!

Where's Train?

Get him off me!

I can't do that, Lucas. You went too far.

Now, Jesus, what did you do?

He had it coming!

Do the wife and kid have it coming, assh*le?

We were making things better. It was working.

We didn't start the k*lling!

Where's Train keeping his family?

You want to tell me with your teeth or without?

He's not gonna let you beat me down.

He's one of us!


Not after what you did.

Now, tell me, where do we find this guy's wife and kid?


Oh, you didn't see this coming, huh?

You didn't see this, huh?

Please, don't hurt him.

What? What? You want to kiss me?

WOMAN: Please, no.

We'll do anything you want.

TRAIN: Oh, that's nice.

Please, no.

Don't touch my mom!



TRAIN: You looking at this, huh?


VIC: Train!

Don't do this, Train!

Put it down!

For Lucy.



Por qué, malo? Por qué?

He had to pay.

[SHOUTING] And who's gonna pay now, huh?

Who's gonna pay?

We all pay, man.

He's gonna pay for the rest of his life.

You don't want to. Trust me.


It's okay. You're all right.

ACEVEDA: We've got to get Vic Mackey off the streets.

Have you taken his statement yet?

No, but you have to admit, it looks bad.

Very bad.

We need to keep this thing under control.

How can we?

[SIGHS] Hmm.

The chief is gonna have a heart attack when he hears about this...

If the press gets a hold of it.

g*dd*mn it. This is the last thing I needed.

I'll talk to my people, make sure there are no leaks on this end.

Me too.

Okay. Good.

I just need a few days to figure out how to handle this.

JIMINEZ: What's going to happen to them?

What do you think?

They handed a man over to g*ng-bangers to be k*lled.

They handed over a hatemonger.

Their actions led to three people being k*lled and a woman being sexually assaulted in front of her 10-year-old son.

They couldn't have foreseen that.

They conspired to k*ll a man and then tried to cover it up.

They're victims.

My group won't let this department turn them into martyrs.

I thought martyrs are what brought in the donations and got your name in the papers.

I'll see they don't spend one day in jail.

They probably won't.

I should get going.

I can give you a lift.

Nah, I got one.

Thanks for the offer, though.

Offer's always good.

Sir? Do you have a minute?

Sorry. I missed dinner. What can I do for you?

I don't think that Julien and I are turning out to be a good match.


I just think that he might be better off with a different training officer.

I know that Finnigan's not riding with anyone right now.

I could take the next candidate.

Julien is going through a tough time.

He needs you now more than ever.

You're as good as we have.

You'll work things out.

How could you do this to me?

It was a mistake.

A mistake?

We were gonna use the coke for an undercover bust.

I didn't have time to do the paperwork.

When it got stolen with the truck...

Is that what you plan on telling IAD?

Aw, come on.

What do they have, a car thief as a witness? Please.

She's convincing.

Plus there's the officer who saw you take the stuff in the first place.

They've established chain of custody...

From you to the truck to the O.D. victim.

Shane was the one in possession of the dr*gs.

He's the one that got the truck stolen.

Ben, no.

I don't have the juice anymore to protect all of you.

Shane had the dr*gs.

We lay it all on his doorstep.

It's either that or you two can share a cell.

You don't have to like it, but it's time to serve him up.

I was just about to close.

What was Sally's message?

She says not to give up.

I haven't.

She says... you're the only one still fighting for her.

What else did she say?



You have something for me?

This is an IAD file of a current investigation my people are trying to cover up.

Dirty cops? Why give it to me?

You'll see it gets the publicity it deserves.


And if you leak it to the press, it'll look self-serving.

Do you want it or not?

Of course.

Don't worry, David.

I'll make sure they spell your name right.

That's my book.

The reason I have it is because, uh... Matthew has autism.

We found out a few weeks ago.

Oh, Jesus.

Oh, Vic. Vic, I'm sorry.

It's been tough, a lot of work.

You know, the... the one thing I've learned is, uh...

I g*dd*mn love that kid more now than ever.

He's got problems, you know... but I'm never giving up on him.

I'm not giving up on you, either, Shane.

I'm gonna have to get a little creative on this past job experience section here.

Creative's cool, just don't lie.

Oh, I might need a few glasses of wine to get that creative.

Let me just skip on down here to the...

What's this? References, references.

It sure wouldn't hurt to have a glowing one from a respected city police officer.

What, you're not gonna help me out?

I can't.


I'm good enough to suck, but not good enough to vouch for.

That's not it.

I know.

You won't even come out to my prospective employer.

What kind of lie is that?

I can't.

I'm... I'm just not ready to tell anyone.

The people in my life...

No, I can't.

You said you were trying.

I am. No, you're not.

I am.

Do you know what it takes for me to keep coming back here?

I mean, I... I was taught...

I was told to believe things.

In spite of those beliefs, I keep coming back here night after night... because I care about you.


I'm trying.

Just being here is trying.



Tomas Motyashik?

You have an open warrant for your arrest.

Let's go.


Don't worry.

Your boyfriend will lock up... won't you, officer?


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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