04x13 - The Red Knights

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x13 - The Red Knights

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here



"The red knights"

[Indistinct shouting]

I'd have given my eye teeth

For one of these
back in the old days.

It sure gets the blood
pumping, doesn't it?

I love it!

You better take it easy,
old man.

[Engine roaring]

Hey, they're definitely
within 300 yards.

No, they're not.

Yeah, they are.

Okay, maybe now they are.

Water skiers, you are
too close to the shore.

Move outside the surf line.


Darn it.

-Hey, you see that?

Looks like the mustard came off
those hot dogs, all right.

Let's go.

Over here!

You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay, but my friend.

Get his head up.

Come on, kid.

He's okay.

I got him.

What the hell is that thing?

It's a flotation device.

This is a no-surfing area.

This is a no-surfing area.

I can't believe you kept
all this stuff in your attic.

It's like finding
buried treasure.

Did you wear this
on your first surfing safari?

[Hums surf music]


Oh wow!

These pictures are great!

This is you here, isn't it?

Those are the original baywatch

Lifeguards, the red knights.

Our captain called us that.

Well, I'm gonna get some of them
blown up for tomorrow.

I don't know why you're going
to all this trouble

For a bunch of old has-beens.

Um, excuse me?

Annie, what are you doing here?

Oh, I locked myself
out of the house again

And I forgot where you told me
you kept the spare keys.

I think I'm probably
losing my mind.

Well, just as long as you don't

Lose that pretty smile of yours.

-I got those keys.
-Oh, thanks, mitch.

-Here you go.
-Thank you.

You look fabulous.

What, what?

What do you think?


It's a boy.


Stephanie, I don't think
you've ever met my niece annie.

It's nice to meet you,

It's nice to meet you, too.

Are you staying with ben?

He thinks that if the baby
hears the surf rolling in,

I'm bound to have a future
lifeguard on my hands.

Yep, it's a boy.

Oh mitch.

Did you notice how ben
didn't seem very enthusiastic

About the reunion?

You'd think he'd be excited
to see his old friends.

Yeah, I don't think
he was feeling too well.

Maybe his arthritis
was acting up.

Mitch, steph.

You guys aren't gonna believe
this, but a couple guys

Here for the reunion just made
a save off sunset beach.

Where were you and summer?

They beat us to the victim.

I mean, you should've seen
these guys!

They said they were part
of the original red knights.

Well, what were their names?

Cliff odom and bud gates.

Bud gates?

You know him?

Only by reputation.

He said he was
the first lifeguard

To swim to catalina
and back in the nude.


He wasn't kidding.

He and ben were archrivals
back in the '50s and '60s.

Two top dogs on the beach.

Bud was in line to become
captain and, all of the sudden,

Just quit,
just packed it up and left.

Never said why.

No one's heard
from that guy in 30 years.

Well, in 30 years,
he hasn't missed a beat.

I mean,
he's in that good of shape.

He could still be a lifeguard.

-Guess what?

I can't go to the movies
with you tonight.

Why not?

Do you have a date or something?

It's better than that.

I've got a gig singing
tonight at bahama mama's.

Bahama mama's?

Yeah, it's this old surfer
hangout in hermosa beach.

I mean, it's kind of seedy,
but intimate,

And a lot of the old beach
bands got started there.

Mom, this is so exciting!
I can't wait to tell mac.

Oh no, you can't tell anyone.

I'll get so nervous if I know
anyone in the audience

And my voice will get
all squeaky, you know?

Oh, wow, look at that woodie!

Hey, what a day! What a beach!

What a view!

Come on, girls! Let's swim!

You know,
I cannot believe those guys.

First they're on jet skis
and now they're going surfing.

Tell me, where do they get
all that energy?

No wonder ben wasn't looking
forward to this reunion.

What are you talking about?

Did he tell you that?

Not in so many words,

But you can tell,
it's really bothering him.

Hey, don't forget the wax, bud.

Look, how's he going
to compete with that?

[Men chattering]

Hey, uncle ben,
you've got to see this!

Oh, we've got to watch this.

Hey, bud,
it looks great out there!

Hey, ben!

I know you're up there,
you old dinosaur, come on!

Surf's up!

I thought you fell off
the face of the earth!

I did.

How are you, ben?

Busy, they work me
like a dog around here.

I don't think I can go out.

Hey, that's cool.
You'll catch the next set.

Sure you won't join us?

No, you go on.

I'll watch you hang ten
from here.

Hey, you got a minute?

Yeah, what's up?

We didn't really get
a chance to meet before.

I'm bud gates.

Bud gates?


Heard a lot about you!

Mitch buchannon.

Best damn office in the world.

Doesn't get any better
than this.

Bet it was a lot different than
when you were lifeguarding, huh?

Oh no, we had girls like that.

They just didn't,

Well, they weren't as tan
in as many places.

How long you been
a lifeguard, mitch?

Almost 20 years, now.

So you and ben go way back?

All the way to rookie school.

He was my training instructor.

Well, then maybe you can
tell me, what happened?

I mean, how long has
he been walking with a cane?

A few years ago
ben was on vacation.

He was parasailing
off of anacapa.

He saw a fisherman go under.

He knew he was the only one
who could get there in time,

So he unbuckled himself
from the harness

And dropped 100 feet
to the water.


Saved the fisherman,
but he shattered his hip.

"Once a lifeguard,
always a lifeguard."

That was the red knight's motto.

I'll never forget
when I first saw ben.

You knew right away no matter
what the competition was

That he was the guy to beat.

I know you heard
your share of stories

About the old days, but it
really was a special time.

♪ Time flies gone too soon

♪ Consequence
of a reckless youth ♪

♪ Still remember a paradise ♪

♪ The world
waiting for you and I ♪

♪ Take a look
yeah we had it all ♪

♪ On the ledge
but we could not fall ♪

♪ Invincible
we always seemed ♪

♪ Blazing on
for what we dreamed ♪

♪ But now the times
have changed ♪

♪ Oh the moments we made

♪ Seems like yesterday

♪ Memories
can't be washed away ♪

♪ Our lives had just begun ♪

♪ It was our day in the sun ♪

♪ Tracing footprints
in the sand ♪

♪ Waves came crashing in ♪

♪ Best days still yet to come ♪

♪ We had our day in the sun ♪

♪ Golden days before the break

♪ Without fear
our world was safe ♪

♪ No storms
the skies were blue ♪

♪ Nothing mattered
just me and you ♪

♪ No it all won't fade away ♪

♪ All the feelings
will still remain ♪

♪ Kings and queens
we will transcend ♪

♪ A legacy that never ends ♪

♪ Seems like yesterday

♪ Memories
can't be washed away ♪

♪ Our lives had just begun ♪

♪ It was our day in the sun ♪

♪ Tracing footprints
in the sand ♪

♪ Waves came crashing in ♪

♪ Best days still yet to come ♪

♪ We had our day in the sun ♪

You should've seen it
on the weekends.

The girls would start
showing up at dawn

Just to get a choice spot
near ben's tower.

By afternoon, the beach would be
packed with women of all ages

Swooning, whenever he'd walk by.

They called him
the bronze savage.


They still do!

Hey, speak of the devil.

The last red knight's
still hanging on.

Yeah, just
like an old barnacle, huh?

Oh, ben...

You old barnacle.

-Hey, ben.
-Ben, it's good to see you.

You too, cliff.

I was just telling them about
the party where you brought

The starlets out
from the studio.

We had to come get you
next morning

At that mexican
fishing village, huh?

I forgot about that!


I remember that very well.

Well, we're gonna top
that one tonight, right guys?

Here comes some more players.

Mitch, ladies, come on,
get in here.

Cliff, what was the name
of that little dive

We used to go to
down in hermosa?

-Bahama mama's!
-Bahama mama's, that's it.

So, come on everybody, let's go.
Treat's on me.

You better cut me out, fellas.


Since when did you become
such a stick in the mud?

My niece there,
she's staying with me,

And you can see
how pregnant she is.

Well, you could probably use
a night out on the town, too.

Oh, definitely.

And what about you,
mitch, you in?

Why not? Hobie's spending
the night at a friend's house.

I'm a free man.

Great, my dear?

Oh, why sure, I'd love to.

Did you ever ride in a woodie?


Good, you can sit up front
with me.

Hey, where's everybody going?

Bahama mama's.


We've got to stop 'em!

Summer, nothing
can stop these guys.

Come on, ben.

We'll show those guys
how to have a good time, huh?

I'm buying and I'm driving.

-All right.
-We're off.

Summer, how could you
do this to me?

You promised not to tell anyone.

Mom, I didn't tell anybody.

This used to be
an old lifeguard hangout.

What was I gonna do?

So if this old dog
would have known

There was gonna be
lady lifeguards,

He would have never hung up
his trunks, I guarantee you.

Well, I'm thinking
of coming out of retirement.

I don't know, cliff.

I don't think your heart
could take those unisex showers.

But I can't sing with--
look, mitch is out there!

And stephanie.

Oh god, and ben.

Oh no, oh no.


You hear that?

Mom, you have nothing
to be nervous about.

Oh, no?

Summer, look at that table
over there.

You know who that is?

That is the vice president
of vistar records.

Ah, ah! I can't...

You're having a baby...

-Mind if I join you, guys?
-No, please.

Hey, come on, sit down.

You drinking orange juice,
or you drinking drinking?

-I'm drinking orange juice.

So, have you picked out
any names yet?

Well, actually I like jennifer
if it's a girl,

And I haven't really
decided on a boy's name yet.


I'm leaning
towards erik or james.

-James? James?
-I like those.

Hey, ben, look over there.
Isn't that corky calhoun?


I wonder
if he still remembers us.

Doubt if he's got
that many brain cells left.


Well, well, well,
look who's here.

The red tights.

Long time, no see.

Hi, corky.

Bet you guys still think
you own the waves, huh?

I thought we'd buried
the hatchet.

And forget what you did to me?

No way, man.

I got a memory like an elephant.

Yeah, to go along
with the breath.

Who's that?

That guy's name
is corky calhoun.

He's been tossed off
l.a. County beaches

By three generations
of lifeguards.

Evidently, this guy
still holds a grudge

Against ben
for stealing his girlfriend,

Miss cocoa
butter tanning oil 1957.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

In keeping with our tradition
of showcasing

The finest new talent,
bahama mama's

Proudly presents
the incomparable

Jackie quinn, everybody!
Jackie quinn, come on!

Jackie quinn?


Did you know about this?
Oh my god!


Hello, hi guys.



Oh, is everyone
having a good time?


Okay, I would like
to dedicate this song

To a friend of mine,
who knows all about dedication.

After 40 years on the job,
he's still going strong.

Yes, ben. This song's for you.

-All right, ben!

♪ Anything you ask

♪ Anything you dream of

♪ It will surely come to pass

♪ If only you will lean
on all my love ♪

♪ For I will be here for you ♪

♪ Every time you call my name ♪

♪ Oh anything you ask of me

♪ I am prepared to do for you

♪ Anywhere you want me to go

♪ I'll go

♪ Anything you ask of me

♪ I am prepared
to do for someone ♪

♪ Who means everything to me

Isn't that cute?

She your new beach bunny?

♪ As deep as any ocean

Let the lady sing.

Sing it, baby!

Pipe down.

-Who's gonna make me?
-I will!

What's the matter, can't fight
your own fights anymore?

You little punk!


Get her out of here.
Go, get annie out of here.

♪ This time ♪

Say good night, corky.

Get out of here,
you bum, and stay out!

Come on, get out of here.

Get out of here.

Hello, cookie.
A nice right cross, huh?


Some evening, huh?

We're lucky we weren't all
thrown in jail, you know that?

Eh, bud paid the owner
for the damages

And apologized to jackie.

Oh, wasn't that big of him?

What are you so mad about, huh?

Because bud stood up for you?

You don't expect a lifeguard
to start a brawl!

Ben, you've been brawling
with those surfers

Since before I was born.

That's not the issue here.

You're right, mitch.

This here is the issue.

This is what it's all about.

I can't keep
fooling myself, mitch.

I've stayed
too long at the fair.

What are you talking about?

You can't be a lifeguard
if you can't get in the water.

Ben, you are as valuable
today as you were 40 years ago.

Just because
you're not out there

Doesn't mean we don't need you.

Come on, you have forgotten more

About lifeguarding
than most of us will ever know.

When are you gonna realize
how special you are?

Oh wait, there's more.

So then he says...


You want some punch?

Uh, is it spiked?

Well, with these old timers
there are no guarantees.

I think I'll stick
with mineral water.


-That's a really pretty outfit.
-Thank you.

You definitely have
that pregnant glow about you.

You must be really excited.

Well, to tell you the truth,
I'm a little terrified.

How about you,
do you have any kids?

Oh no, not yet.

I'm not sure I'm ready
for all that responsibility.

2,000 People on the beach
and that's no problem?

Well, I've started
to think about it.

I definitely feel
my biological clock ticking.

Quite a party, huh?

That's the spot.


Yeah, that's the spot.

That's my old tower.

That's where I first saw her,

Sitting on her towel, looking up
at me, giving me the eye.

Well, I started down
to make a move on her,

We get this call from topanga

That somebody thought
they saw a shark.

So I run up to topanga,
no shark.

I run back, and by that time,
she was long gone.

August 7, 1953.

You know who it was?

Marilyn monroe, swear to it.

Every day after that
I came to work

Hoping I'd find her there.

But that was it.

She hit the big time,

I never saw her again
except on the silver screen.

The day after
they found her body,

I turned in my resignation.

It was the end of an era.

The dream was over for me.

I went back to omaha
and opened a hardware store.

So what's the point
of this story, you might ask?

Well, the point of the story is
that I regretted

That bonehead decision
for the rest of my life.

Now you got the best damn job
in the world here, mitch.

Don't let anybody
tell you otherwise.

I think it's time
to present this award.

What award?

Listen up, folks.

Come on, listen up,
gather around here.

Now, we have
an announcement to make.

On behalf of the red knights,

Cliff and I are going to present
a very special award tonight

To a man who has personified

What it means to be a lifeguard.

Now, we all know it's more
than skill and bravado.

It's more than muscles
and a tan.

It's really an uncommon ability

To withstand public humiliation.


Hey, ben.

You remember
when you were putting

-The moves on grace kelly?
-Yeah, but come on.

You were standing there
by her towel

And your tongue was hanging
down around your ankles?

And bud and I relieved you
of your swimming trunks.

Thanks a lot.

I tell you,
it was a classic pantsing.

And you should have seen
the look on ben's face.

How about the look on her face?


Hey, you know, ben,

That night I stole those trunks
out of your locker.

-Why, you old goat, you.
-And you know what we did?

In honor of the bronze savage,
we had those trunks bronzed.

-Oh no.


Oh no!


Congratulations, bud.

Oh, speech, speech!

Speech! Come on, ben!

Actually, it was lana turner.


I'm very proud
to accept this award.

I want you to know

That I couldn't have done it
without you.

Without any of you.

It's been my privilege
to have served

With these fine people.

Thank you all.


Now do you realize
how special you are?

-Congratulations, pal.
-Thanks, mitch.


Mm. So have you recovered
from the festivities?


Yeah, you know last night
was really great.

I haven't seen my uncle ben
that happy in years.

You know, I think
he actually took

Those bronze shorts to bed
with him.


Maybe that's why he was late
for work this morning.


No, he left the house
at the crack of dawn.

Whoo! Aah!

I better check this out.

Don't go out too far, huh?

Ha, don't worry, I float.

-You all right?
-I'm all right.

All right, come on.

All right, take it easy, huh?

-All right.

[Moaning in pain]

Hang on, hang on. Here.
Grab the can. Grab the can!

Oh, contractions!

Hold on, we'll get you
to a hospital.


You're okay. You're okay.

Okay, just take it easy,
we're almost there.

I'm not gonna make it.
I'm not gonna make it.

-You're gonna make it.
-The baby's coming now!

-No, no it's not. No it's not.
-It's coming now!

Start breathing,
come on, deep breathing.

This baby's coming!

Okay, I gotcha.
Okay, easy, easy.


Lay down, put your head back.
Okay, all right.

Just breathe, okay?

Okay, all right.

-You comfortable?

Okay, keep breathing.

Just keep breathing, it's okay.

All right, don't move.

All right, I'll be right back,
all right? Be right back!


Buchannon, tower 12.

Uh, she's having a baby.

[Gasping in pain]

Okay, okay, let's breathe.

Okay, all right, let's just
get you on this blanket.

Come on, there you go, come on.

That a girl,
that a girl, that a girl.

All right, just keep breathing.

Put your head down, head back.

All right, there you go.
There you go.

Okay, all right,
don't worry about a thing.

All right, we went through this
in lifeguard training.

I've got my disposable
obstetrical kit here.

No problem.

Okay, I got everything
I need in this kit here.

One disposable sheet.

Okay, all right.

I got one pair of disposable

Surgical gloves, okay.

I got two prep pads
with alcohol.

Okay, okay.

Okay, try this. Okay, all right.

Okay, now it's coming.
It's coming!

All right, push.
Come on, push, push!

Push, I can see the head.
I can see the head!

Come on, push, push!

Come on.

All right, deliver the head,
quarter turn to the left.

Come on, come on.
He's coming out.

Come on, one more push!


Come on, yes! Yeah!

Okay, I got him. I got him.

[Baby whimpers]

He's crying. He's crying.

Place baby on its side.

Tie the umbilical cord.

I got to wrap the cord.
Okay, got a clamp.

Okay, now, using the sterile
scalpel, cut the cord

Between the knot and the clamps.

Okay, hang in there fella.

Hang in there. Yeah.

Hey, yeah, hey.

It works, all right.

You're okay, all right.

It's a... It's a little boy.

It's a little baby boy.

Oh, uh, hang on, hang on.
I got to wrap him up.

Say hi to your mommy.

It's a little baby boy.


[Baby crying]

-Oh, it's okay.

Here, let me get his head.



[Baby crying]

Oh, hey, little buddy.

Remember me, huh? Remember me?

You wanna hold him?

Uh, yeah!

Come on, it's okay, yeah,
yeah, I got you, shh.

Mitch, I wanted to ask you if,
um, you'd be his godfather.

Oh, uh...

Yeah, yeah-- hey!

Hey, everybody,
I want you to meet my godson.

Atta boy, mitch,


So, what did you decide
to name him?



Hey, ben.

Welcome to baywatch.

Hey, where's ben?
Did you tell him the news?

Uh, ben's not here.

What's this?

You better read it.

Dear mitch and stephanie,

I hereby resign
from the los angeles

County lifeguard department,
effective immediately.

There comes a time
in every man's life

When he has to give up
something he loves.

I've loved every minute
I've spent at baywatch,

And I'll cherish every memory.

I'm just not
up to the job anymore.

A lifeguard who can't get wet
is like a ballplayer

Who can no longer swing the bat.

It becomes a drain on the team,

And he ought to clean out
his locker

And let someone younger
and better take his place.

I always wanted
to go out on top,

But I guess that just wasn't
in the cards.

Sincerely, ben edwards.

We don't have to accept it.

I mean, I'll talk to him,
see if he'll reconsider.

Just think with all the emotion
last night,

He just got
a little carried away, huh?

Hey, be careful down there!

You're drifting
too close to the pier!

[Motor sputtering]

Be careful, I said!

Get out of there!


[Man shouting indistinctly]

-Stay in the boat!
-My son, he's down there!

Here, take him.

I gotcha son.

You all right?


Better than ever!

What the hell did you do?

Well, I got wet.


Did you go for a swim?

No, I took a dive, off the pier.

Ben, you didn't try to...

k*ll myself?

No, not intentionally.

Why'd you jump?

Why, there's a victim
in the water!

Now I'm a lifeguard, aren't i?

Yeah, yeah you're the best ever!

All right,
now what is that grin about?

I was just picturing
ted williams.

Yeah, doing what?

He hit a home run
his last time at bat.


Annie hit a home run today.

She what?

She hit a home run today.

She had a little baby boy
on the beach, named him ben,

Delivered by his godfather.

Is annie okay?

Of course she's okay.
I'm a lifeguard, aren't i?

Ben, it was unbelievable.
I mean, you should've seen it.

I was totally cool.

I was confident.
I was calm. I was--

-You were scared to death!
-I was scared to death!

It's all right, so was I

The first time
I delivered a baby.

-You better believe it.

We didn't have emergency
kits in those days.

Yeah, I had to carry her
all the way to the...

[Ballad playing]

[Ending theme playing]
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