04x15 - Coronado Del Soul: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x15 - Coronado Del Soul: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

1♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Rock song playing]

♪ You are my sidekick
♪ you are my best friend

♪ We're on an adventure

♪ That will never ever end

♪ When we're together it's easy to tell

♪We're having more fun than anybody else

♪ It's just us // against the world

♪ When I'm with you I've got all day

♪ Cuz it's just us // against the world

♪ Nothing standing in our way yeah!

♪ There's nothing that could break us

♪ Nowhere that life can't take us

♪ There's never been a bond more true

♪ There's nothing that could break us

♪ Nowhere that life can't take us

♪ There is no family without you

♪ It's just us, against the world

♪ When I'm with you I've got all day

♪ Cuz it's just us // against the world

♪ Nothing standing in our way

-See, matt?
I told you this
wasn't my imagination.

Ever since rupert
mansfield's death,

Guests have reported
strange occurrences

In this room.

Swaying curtains,
sudden gusts of wind,

Pictures falling off the wall.

How are you gonna
explain all these things?

And then what about
the face that I saw

In the mirror?

Or the picture that you took

That suddenly went up in flames?

And not to mention the
fact that diana sutherland

Looks like she could
be my twin sister.

Come on, matt,
you're gonna tell me

That none of this seems
the slightest bit unusual?


I'll admit it's unusual, but i--

-But you still don't
believe me, do you?

-Summer, there's no
such thing as a ghost.

-[Ominous music]

-Oh my god.


-Who is it?


I did some checking up
on diana sutherland.

Guess what?


-She's still alive.

-[Birds chirping]

-Mrs. Sutherland,
you have visitors.

-Hi, I'm matt brody.

This is summer quinn.

-How do you do?

-Hi, it's nice to meet you.

-You're a very lovely girl.

-Thank you.

-Do I know you?


See, we're guests at
the hotel del coronado.

We came over to ask
you a few questions

If you wouldn't mind.

-I'm sorry.

I'm really very tired.

Some other time, perhaps.

-I'm afraid you'll
have to go now.

-Mrs. Sutherland, something
has been happening to me,

And I think it has
something to do

With what happened to you.

It's about rupert mansfield.

-No no no no no
no, take it easy

Just take it easy.

Don't exert yourself.
You just stay calm.

All right, let's go.

You still having chest pains?


-All right.

Just let me do all
the work here, pal,

You just try and
get as much oxygen

Into your system as possible.

All right, that's
good, that's good.



-How are we gonna get in?

-Ah, don't worry.

Somebody'll spot us.

-What if they don't? [Groaning]

-I'll swim you in, pal.

I'll swim you in.

All right, just take it easy.

-Hobie: shouldn't
they be back by now?

-Get used it.

Buzz never shows up
when he's supposed to.

You know,

It's hard to believe your
dad and my dad are brothers.

I mean, they're like
total opposites.


What's it like
living with somebody

Who actually cares about you?

-Maybe you'll come find out.

-I don't know.

I'm not too sure I can
handle your old man, either.

Well, I don't see 'em.

You hungry?


-Let's go grab a burger, dude.

-All right.


-How you doin', bro?

-I got no feeling in
my arms or my legs.

-I know, I know.

You just hang on, huh?

Hang on.

We're on our way home.

-C.j.: You think
rocky will remember me?

-Dolphins have
excellent memories.

-You know, ever since
I was a little girl,

I dreamed of swimming
with dolphins.

I think subconsciously
that's why I became

An ocean lifeguard.

-Actually, they don't let
you get too close in the wild.

-Woman: excuse me, keith!

-We just got a report of a
beached bottle nosed dolphin

At crystal point.

-Let's roll!

You wanna come rescue a dolphin?

-Are you sure I
won't get in the way?

-Come on, let's go!

-Man: help's on the way!

-Keith: all right,
back up, please.

Let's see what we got here.


-Rupert and I had
been madly in love.

But I was married at the time,

1And I knew my husband would
never give me a divorce.

Rupert was a very spiritual man.

He believed that our
two souls were one

And that if we couldn't
be together in this life,

We should go on to the next one.

So we made a pact

To jump together

From the top of the
hotel del coronado.

-[Ominous music]

-I know there was a lot
of gossip at the time.

I was accused of
murdering my lover,

As was my husband.

-Why did you break the promise?

How come you didn't jump?

-I betrayed him.

Rupert's love was the only thing

That made my life worth living.

-[Dramatic music]

-But I couldn't die for him.

-Oh, I'm so sorry to bring
back all these memories.

-Oh my dear,

There isn't a day that goes by

That I don't think of him.

And the guilt that I feel

For letting that
wonderful young man die.

-So you've heard the stories

That his spirit lives on.

-Oh yes.

-And that rupert's room
at the del is haunted.

-Yes, but I never put
much stock in them,

Until you came here today.

-We're on our way.

Mitch, you see land?

-No, not yet.

-Then why'd you stop?

-I'm exhausted!

-Mitch, I gotta get back, man.

I got a date tonight.


What about me?

-I'll see if
she's got a friend.





-How is she?

-Oh, she's still pretty weak.

We gave her a
thorough exam though,

She doesn't seem to have
any serious injuries.

-Thank god.

-Yeah, but it turns out
she's recently given birth.

When she got caught
in that nylon rope

She got separated
from her offspring.

-And you don't think
she's rocky's mother?

-Oh, no, no.

But there's a chance
they might bond.

If things work out, we're
gonna put 'em together

And see if we can get a match.

-You hear that, rocky?

You're gonna have someone
to look after you.



-What would you say
if I decided to stay
here in san diego?

-C.j., Give me a break.
You can't be serious.

-I am.

I'm thinking of moving here.

-Oh, what's his name this time?


-It's not just keith.

It's everything.

It's sea world, the dolphins.

I just feel like I fit in here.

You know, maybe I
could settle down here,

Start a family.

-Start a family?

C.j., You haven't even gone
out on one date with this guy.

-I know, I know.

I always create these
unrealistic fantasies about men

And then when it doesn't
come true, I'm disappointed.

This time it's different.

Every time I'm with
keith, it feels so right.

We share the same interests,

The same values.

He's the first guy I've ever met

That I can actually see spending
the rest of my life with.

-[Gentle music]

-Stephanie: c.j.,
Are you gonna order?

-Oh, yeah.


I'm gonna have the...

Avocado salad.

-Would you like that
with our house vinaigrette?




-Hi, uh, have you seen my dad?

-No, why?

I thought you guys went sailing.

-We didn't go.

-And they didn't come back.

-Well, do you guys
know where they went

Or where they were sailing to?

-They didn't say.

-Which way to new zealand?

-Look, they're
probably back by now.

It took you guys a while to
get here from the marina.

Have you called him?

-We left a forward
for him to call us.


I understand.

Please keep us posted.

Thank you.

-Was that the coast guard?

-They found buzzy's
sailboat drifting

Ten miles off point loma.

There was no one on board.


-The farmer said,

Says to the chinese salesman

That wasn't a chicken.
That was my wife.

Here, okay. I got one.
I got another one.

A man goes into a bar.

A dog's putting
money in the jukebox.

So the bartender says--


-Mitch, what's wrong?

-I got a leg cramp.

-Let me go, save yourself.

-Ah, shut up!


You're not gonna make
it with me. Just go on.

I'm not worth it.

-I said shut up!

-You can't leave
the boys alone.

-Oh, it's unbelievable.

All of a sudden, you're
worried about kyle.

Yeah well you can
forget it, pal.

Dying's easy. Comedy is hard.

It's your turn.

Let's hear a joke.





Don't, buzzy!


Come on! Come on!

Come on, man!

Spit it out!

Spit it out!


Ah, you're not dyin' on me!

You're not dyin' on me!

Hang in there.

Come on, breathe.

That's it. That's it. Okay.


-Hobie: they've
gotta be somewhere.

Can't we do something?

-Well, we can't do anything
until it's daylight, hobie.

-Well, why not
take out the scarab?

-We will as soon as it's light.

But until then, we
just have to sit tight

And hope for the best.


I know you're worried,

But the coast guard has
mounted a full scale

Search and rescue operation.

I mean these are the same guys

Who found your dad
and me 200 miles

Off the coast of mexico.

This'll be a piece
of cake for them.

-A guy goes to a dentist,

Says, my teeth are yellow.

What should I do?

-Wear a brown tie.


-I don't understand this.

How could you even think of
setting foot in that room again?

-Matt, what am
I supposed to do?

Deny this is all happening?

Just pretend the whole
thing was a dream?

Call ghostbusters?


Oh matt, don't you
see what's happening?

Rupert mansfield's soul

Has refused to
accept its own death.

He's remained here waiting
for diana to join him

In the world beyond.

Matt, he thinks that I am diana.

-Well, how do you
know what he thinks?

-Because I can
communicate with him, matt.

I have to make him see that I
am not the one that he wants.

Otherwise, he could
be with us forever.

And you thought it was
tough competing with slade.


Goodnight, matt.


-[Ominous music]


-[Dramatic music]

-C.j., I can't wait
around anymore. Let's go.


-Hobie, we're leaving.


-No no no no no. You
stay here with kyle.

-But I wanna go with you.

-I'll call you if
we have any news.

Go back to sleep.



-Everything will be okay.



-A guy goes to a doctor,

Says, doctor, my neck hurts.

Doctor says, you ever
had this problem before?

Man says, yeah!

Doctor says, well
you got it again!

Then the guy goes to a doctor,

Says, doctor, my foot hurts,

What should I do for it?

Doctor says,



Buzzy, land!



That was mel.
He said the local lifeguards
haven't spotted anything.


I see something!

Over there!

It's them!

Baywatch scarab to san
diego headquarters.

We've got 'em!




He's got a pulse.

Oh my god, mitch. What happened?

-[Sirens blaring]


-I knew right away buzzy
was having a heart attack,

So I anchored the
boat the best I could

And I went in after him.

I started swimming back
when all of a sudden

The wind catches the sail

And it's like I am
watching a movie.

The boat is sailing
into the sunset.

What's the story?

-Well buzzy's off
the critical list.

He's still in intensive care

But it looks like
he'll pull through.

-All right! Way to go, dad!

-The doctor's
calling it a miracle.

Nice work, buchanan.


-Did buzzy ever talk about
having a heart condition?


No, I had no idea.

-Well he may not have, either.

Sometimes there's
no way of knowing

That an artery is blocked

Until the blood flow to the
heart is actually cut off.

But if you're gonna
have a heart attack,

The ocean's the
place to have it.

-Why is that?

-Hypothermia slows
down your metabolism.

Your cells need less oxygen.

It's probably what
kept buzzy alive.

-No, mitch.

You're what kept buzzy alive.

-Loudspeaker: good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen!

-Maybe they'll
grow on each other.

-It usually doesn't work
that way with these animals.

They tend to react impulsively.

Kind of like love
at first sight.

-Well I can relate to that.

-If they don't take to
each other right away,

It's not gonna happen.


You're blowing it.

No, this kind of offer
doesn't come around every day.

You need someone to look
after you when you're small.

To love you and teach you how
to get around in the world.

It's not as easy as it looks.

Now go on, give it a try.

What have you got to lose?

-Look at that.

They're bonding.
I don't believe it.


How did you do that?

You want to tell me your secret?

-Well, I'll tell
you on one condition.

-What's that?

-That you'll have
dinner with me tonight.

-Oh, c.j.

I guess there's something
I should have told you.

I've been seeing someone
for quite some time now.

We're talking about
getting married and...

Well, it's a
commitment I've made.

-I understand.

I-- just bad timing.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to come on so strong.

-No, that's my fault.

I should've been more
up front with you

Right from the start.

Truth is, c.j., I could
easily fall in love with you.

-Well, in that case,

I better get out of here.

Don't wanna miss my ride home.

-Well, I hope you'll
come back and see us.

You're always welcome to stop by
whenever you're in san diego.

-I just might take
you up on that.

Bye, rocky!

You be a good boy.

-Thanks for all your help.

-Bye, keith.

-Is this the dress
you were thinking of?


Thank you.

You may go, now.

-[Phone ringing]


-You heard anything
from old rupert?

-Summer: no.

-Well, he must have realized

That you weren't diana.

-Yeah, I guess so.

-Matt: well, you
sound disappointed.

-No, of course I'm
not disappointed.

Listen, I'm gonna finish packing

And I'll meet you downstairs
in like a half an hour, okay?


-Well, here's to you, rupert.

It was sure fun while it lasted.

-[Eerie music]

-Rupert? Is that you?

We need to talk.

-Rupert: I love you.

-No, rupert, I said talk.

Rupert, please don't
make me feel this way.

-Rupert: I love you.

-No, rupert, I'm not
the one that you love.


Ah, I was hoping I'd catch you
before you checked out.

We did it.

We get the scarab.


-And the waverunners, the
vote was four to three.

-You put us over the top.

-Glad to be of
service. [Laughing]

-So how's mitch?

-Oh, he's gonna be
released from the hospital

This afternoon.

-And what about his brother?

-Better than expected.

There was a little damage
to the heart but...

I don't think it's
gonna require surgery.

-I'm sorry to interrupt,
but um, have you seen summer?

-No, did you check her room?

-She wasn't there.
We were supposed to
meet in the lobby.

-Well, that's where I'm going,
so if I see her, I'll tell
her you're looking for her.


-Whatever happened
with her and that ghost?



-Rupert: come to me.

-I will, rupert, trust me.

-Rupert: jump, diana.


-We'll be together. I promise.



Summer, get down!

-Rupert: diana.

-Don't listen to him, summer.

-Rupert: come to me.

-He doesn't love you.

I love you.


-Summer: matt!

-I got you.

Hold on!



Don't let go!




Hold on!



Let them be.

I'll go with you now.



-Summer: matt, help me!
I'm losing my grip!




-Matt: I got you.

-Summer: oh, matt!

I thought I was gonna fall.

-You're safe.

-Summer: oh matt,
you saved my life!
-It's okay.

It's over.

You're safe now.

-Summer: how did I get here?

-You don't remember anything?

-No, my mind's a total blank.


-Except what?

-Did you say, "I love you"?

I love you, too.

-How ya doin'?

-How do I look?

-Well, you look a hell
of a lot better now

Than last time I saw you.

-Hey man, I owe
you one big time.

-You can say that again.

-I owe you one man, big time.

-You-- you never quit, do you?

You never quit.

-A priest and a rabbi
are flying to new york,

The plane starts to go down--

-Wait a minute, wait a minute.

This is serious.

Buzzy, I talked to kyle.

He's gonna stay with us 'til
you get out of the hospital.

After that, it's up to you.

-Hey, bro.

You know when we were out there,
all I could think
about was my son.

And I promised
myself if I survived,

I'd never let him
out of my sight, man.

-Well, that's going a
little bit too far,

But that is a step in
the right direction.

Hey, you little gremmies.
Come on in here.

Hey, man.

Man, I love you.

-I love you too, dad.

-Well now hey, you promise me

That the next time we're
supposed to go sailing,

You won't rat out on me?

-I knew somehow you'd
put this on me, but--

-Wait a minute,
none of this would've happened

If you guys hadn't
ditched us, huh?

-Yeah, right!

Give me a break!

You're just so full of it.

-Will you lis--
listen to this kid.

Listen to the way he talks
to the old man, will ya?


Oh, come here.

-There you go. Thanks a lot.
-Thank you, sir.

-Radio: and this
just in from la jolla.

A sad note,

Diana sutherland
has been found dead

In her seaside home,
apparently from natural causes.

The legendary socialite
had been linked

To the haunting of the
hotel del coronado.

Once again, diana
sutherland dead

At the age of 74.

-Well, I hope their souls
are finally together.

-It's amazing how
she still loved him

After all these years.

Old rupert must have
been a hell of a guy.

-I'll never forget him.
That's for sure.

-I thought you
were gonna stay here
and live happily ever after.

What happened?

-I don't wanna talk about it.

-Okay, we won't talk about it.

-[Engine revving]

-[Dramatic music]

-[Ending theme music]
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