05x06 - Short Sighted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x06 - Short Sighted

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand in the darkness

♪ Afraid to step into the light

♪ Some people need to have somebody

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight

♪ Don't you worry

♪ Its gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out of my sight

♪ I'll be ready
♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear
♪ no, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out of my sight

♪ I'll be ready
♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear
♪ no, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


"Short sighted"

-[Gentle foreign language music]

♪ Ri na cruin

♪ Ta na go o'nay

♪ Nil om muin

♪ Muscal la domei

♪ Hey omneady for

♪ Fred an dom hanooh

♪ Ri na cruin

♪ Ta na go o'nay

♪ Ri na cruin

♪ Ta na go o'nay

♪ Nil om muin

♪ Muscal la domei

♪ Ri na cruin

♪ Ta na go o'nay

♪ Nil om muin

♪ Muscal la domei


Caroline, congratulations,
I'm so proud of you.


That was wonderful.

I suppose you want to congratulate
the winner?

You're a seasoned guard, fowler.

I don't find you beating out
rookies a fair competition.

Well, it's your yank rule
that says I've gotta qualify,

No matter what my experience.

Well, you finished first
and your exchange time is up.

Why don't you go home?

Listen up!

For all of you who finished,

And placed, congratulations.

We only have a certain amount
of spots left this year

So if you didn't place,
hopefully we'll see you

Back here next year.

Once again, congratulations.


One, two, three, four, breathe.

One, two, three, four, breathe.

Alright, so that's about it carter.

You just pump on
the victim's chest rhythmically

And breathe into their mouth.

Hobie, can I have my dog back now?

Sure, ashley.

Thank you, muffin.

Come on, muffy.

So, you get the main idea, right?

Hey ashley, don't take that raft
in the water okay?

Hey, this is carter. He just moved here.

Man, you're just in time for
the junior guard competition.

Really? That's great.

It's gonna be cool,
it's a father/son competition.

My dad's gonna cream all your dads.

Yeah, right.

What if my dad can't be in it?

What's the matter, your dad
out of shape or something?

No, he's an awesome athlete,
but I just remembered,

He's in this really big tennis tournament
this weekend.

He's always in some sort of tournament.


Let's move it guys!

If you wanna get in shape
for this competition

We're gonna have to work.

Let's go! Buoy swim.

Hey, we gotta go!

No, no, no.

I never wanna get out.
This feels way too good.

Well come on, the sooner we get out,

The sooner we find our beach assignments.

And rookie of the year.

And who gets to pick what beach.

Well, logan came in first
so logan is rookie of the year,

So he's gonna get to pick
what beach he wants.

I just know ,he's gonna pick
baywatch and if he does

I don't know what I'm gonna do
because I cannot work with him.

It'll be a complete disaster.

Well all I know is that
if I'm assigned baywatch,

I'm gonna request another beach.

Listen, he's gonna pick malibu
because that's where his...

Everybody wants malibu.

You mean that's where she lives.

You know what, it doesn't
matter anyway because

I'm not working with him
and that's all there is to it.

Oh caroline, I know how awkward
this is for you,

But you just can't let logan have

This kind of power over your life.

I say let's not borrow trouble.

There's a lot of great beaches,

He's probably not even gonna pick

Maybe I won't even get baywatch.

Loudspeaker: all lifeguards report to the deck

In 15 minutes for beach assignments.

Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough.

All right, all right,
alright I won't keep you

In suspense any longer.
The beach assignments are...

Malibu: bates, connor, wade.


Santa monica: martin and mr. Tommy moore.

Venice: samples and clark.

And right here at baywatch:
holden and bernard.


See? I told you your sister
would be sure you got baywatch.

Mitch: now if I could have
everyone's attention.

As you know, the rookie
of the year is entitled

To choose his or her beach assignment.

This year, our rookie
of the year award goes to

Our exchange lifeguard
from australia, logan fowler.


He's not a rookie.
He's been a lifeguard for years.

Well, there's nothing we can do about it

So don't give him the satisfaction.
Just smile.

Mitch: congratulations.

Now, the choice of the beach is yours.


Well I've given it a lot of thought,
and after everything

I've been through with everybody,

With the earthquake and all,

I feel that this is where I belong.

I choose baywatch.


Okay, that was a great practice,

But in the real competition,

Your dads will hit the water next.

So you junior guards,
doesn't matter where you place,

It's your dads who are gonna make it
or break it for ya.

Next is the running relay,
so what you have to do

Is to decide who is the best swimmer

And who is the best runner,
the father or the son.

Okay guys, let's get ready
for the next heat.

Ready? All right, let's have fun.

Kid: look, there's a dwarf.

Think he's got enough stuff?

All right.

Kid: look at him. He must be lost.

I'll go talk to him.

See if he needs directions or something.


What are you doing here, simon?

I got a call at my office about practice

For the father/son competition.

I left right away.

You didn't have to come.

I wanted to be here for you, son.

Sorry I'm late.

Come on, let's join the others.

No. I mean, I don't feel good.

I gotta use the bathroom.




Okay guys, come on with me.
We'll get you going.

Come on.

Can I give you a hand with that?


But what I really need
is to get to my son.

Hi, my name's matt brody.

Simon mckay, carter's father.

[Somber music]

Hey, you okay?

I guess.

Your dad's looking for you.

You mean simon?

He is your dad, isn't he?

My mom died last year,
so I came out here to live with simon.

My aunt told me he was my dad.

But how could he be my dad?

My mom was always telling me

My dad was this great athlete and all.

But when I met simon...

He wasn't the fantasy dad

That you had pictured all those years.

And that's why you lied about him.

And that's why you ran away
from him today.

I just didn't want people to know that...

That he's my dad.

Just because he looks a certain way?

All these people out here
are so perfect looking

And looks seem so important to everybody.

Seems like you have to look

A certain way just to make friends.

I know how important it is for you

To fit in and make friends,
but I don't think

You're giving your dad
a fair chance to be your dad.

I always thought my dad
would be someone like you.

Why can't you have been my dad?

Why did my dad have to be a dwarf?


The only thing a man should be measured by

Is the size of his heart.

Come on.

[Somber music]

I hope this means what I think it does.

Sister dear when you
are right you are right.

There is no way I'm gonna let logan fowler

Get in the way of something that I want.

All right.

Yeah, logan fowler is definitely
out of my system.

Great day.

Looks like it's gonna be pretty hot

So wear lots of sunblock, okay?

Stephanie: how's it going?

Going great.

Good, I'm gonna patrol down south.

Keep an eye on that little girl.

Her mother looks like she's sleeping.

All right.

All right, see you later.

Well, thank you.

I look forward to it.

Now, you two have a good day.

You know the 20 second rule.

You were definitely talking to those girls

For more than 20 seconds.

Yeah, I know the rule.

I just didn't think you had me
on the clock.

Well, now you know.


Help! Help!

Caroline! I need backup!

[Dramatic music]

Logan, watch our water!

Ma'am please, let us do our job, okay?

We'll take care of her.

No pulse.

One and two and three and four and five.

One and two and three and four and five.

One and two and three and four and...



Oh, thank god!

Are you okay?

Lance, will you take these people
back to headquarters

And make sure they're okay?

Cj, will you watch my water?

Cj: we're gonna take you back
to headquarters now.

Caroline, what happened to you?

I specifically told you
to watch that little girl.

She was right in front of you.

Don't you think I feel guilty enough
as it is?

Caroline, you're a lifeguard.

I expect you to feel guilty
when you miss a rescue.

Stephanie I told you
it would be a disaster

If logan and I worked on the same beach.

Look what happened.

What are you saying?

I don't see why I have to spell
this out for you.

I was watching logan.

That's why I missed the rescue.

Cj said you wanted to see me.

What can I do for you?

Well for starters,
you can get off my paperwork.


We're overstaffed here at baywatch,

So I'll be transferring you to zuma
at the end of the week.

They need you, you'll like it there.

Wait a minute.

I get my choice of beach,
and I chose baywatch.

You can't fire me.

I'm not firing you,
I'm just reassigning you.


You're getting rid of me
because of your sister, aren't you?

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Is it, lieutenant?

Your sister misses a rescue
and I get transferred

For breaking up with her?

Wel,l you won't get away with it.

Caroline, what's wrong now?

You, stephanie. You're what's wrong.

Oh, well don't tell me
you have nothing to say.

That's a huge switch.

Caroline, if I've done something...

Yes you have done something, stephanie.

Look, I don't need you sticking up for me

And I don't need you transferring logan

To another beach for my sake.

I can handle my own problems.

But caroline, you told me you couldn't

Handle working with logan.

Yeah, but I did not ask you to interfere.

Look stephanie,
I need to be able to talk to you

Without feeling like you're always

Gonna have to come to my rescue.

Let me sink or swim on my own.

Well caroline, you let someone

Almost sink out there yesterday.

I suppose you expect me
to ignore that too.

I missed a rescue stephanie,
I screwed up, all right?

I feel bad enough.

Well, you screwed up because you were
being distracted by logan.

-Need a referee?
-Both: no!

Look, I'm gonna go to work.


God, I wish she'd stop
trying to be my mother.

Well stephanie's your big sister,

She just feels protective.

What's really bothering you?

I just can't believe that I let go

Of a great guy like matt for logan.

-Oh cj I'm sorry, i...
-That's okay.

It's just the thing is, is logan dumps me

And I'm still incredibly attracted to him.

I mean, I don't get it.

Well, when I figure that one out,

I'm gonna write a best-seller.


Dollar for your thoughts?

That's some inflation.

And that was some decision you made

Without consulting me.

Oh, don't tell me, logan came to see you.

Tell me you have a legitimate, fair reason

For transferring him
and I'm behind you 100 percent.

But, if you're transferring him

Because of his relationship
with caroline...

Look mitch, she was just so sad, you know?

I was trying to help.

Then caroline is the reason
you're transferring him.

Stephanie, logan made it very clear
that if he's transferred

From baywatch,
he'll sue for discrimination.

He'll sue and he'll win, you know that.

He's got every right to be evaluated
as a lifeguard,

Not as an ex-boyfriend.

He's not the one who missed the rescue.

I know, I know.

Okay mitch, I was wrong

And I will take responsibility for that.

I guess caroline will just have
to find a way

To work with logan professionally.

We found a way to work together

After we broke up, didn't we?

Yeah, but it was a pretty rough road.

I mean you almost transferred me.

But I didn't.

And we became very good friends.

We did, didn't we?

[Somber music playing]

♪ It's hard to watch the world go by

♪ Nobody cares you feel so small

♪ If they could see without their eyes

♪ Inside your soul you're 10 feet tall

♪ Don't ever let them know

♪ How much it hurts to walk alone

♪ Forget the man you used to be

♪ You are who you choose to be

♪ Believe in yourself says ♪ that angel on your shoulder

♪ If you can't be the sun be a star

♪ It's not how big the hero

♪ When the battle is over

♪ But only how big is his heart

♪ Be the best of whatever you are

♪ When every heart beats win or lose

♪ Don't ever let life sh**t you down

♪ You're tall enough to touch the sky

♪ Both your feet are on the ground

♪ Find the smile through the tears

♪ Burn away your doubts and fears

♪ No need to walk one step behind

♪ It's your turn to shine

♪ Believe in yourself says♪
♪ that angel on your shoulder ♪

♪ If you can't be the sun be a star

♪ Be the best of whatever you are

♪ Be the best of whatever you are ♪

Hi, matt.


Where'd you come from?

When you're my size, it's easy to hide.

Or sneak up on people.

If you've got a minute, matt,

I'd like to talk to you about carter.

Sure simon.

I always wanted to learn to swim.

It's never too late.

That's what I was hoping
when carter came to live with me.

I heard you and carter talking yesterday.

I heard what he said about me.

My hope was that he would never
have to suffer

Because of me being a dwarf.

But he is suffering... Again.

His mother thought
it'd be too traumatic for him

To know that I was,

Well, vertically challenged,
as she would put it.

So when we divorced,
she took off with carter

And wouldn't tell me where she was.

So carter had to suffer
because his father wasn't around.

And thinking that I didn't care.

I never should have let her
keep me out of his life.

I can't redo the past, but I can

Do something about the future.

Carter calls me simon.

I just want him to accept me
as his father, matt.

You know my dad is tall,
good looking, charming,

Athletic, wealthy, the whole nine yards,
and you know what?

I'm ashamed of my dad.

And it has nothing to do
with his height or his looks.

It's 'cause he was a lousy dad...

Who didn't care about me or my feelings.

And he wasn't there for me.

My dad was six feet tall.

He always told me,
"it doesn't matter how tall a man is,

As long as he has his feet on the ground."

For what it's worth...

I'd be proud to have you as my father.

That's worth a great deal to me, matt.

Come on. I'll walk you back to your car.

I love the beach.

It's such a beautiful day,
I think I'll do some reading.


Don't worry, I'm not gonna hang
with you and your friends.

I'll go further up the beach.

Okay, my friends are waiting for me.

I have to go.

Hey, when you were just a baby,
I'd take you to the beach

And you'd never let go of me.

Remember that?

How am I supposed to remember something

From 10 years ago when I was just a baby?

Besides, what's there to remember?

What's there to remember?

I remember your favorite food
was applesauce.

I read dr. Seuss to you every night.

And you couldn't go to sleep
unless I rocked you.

And you had this little bear
and you called him pookie.

And I remember the first time
you looked up at me...

And called me daddy.

I also remember the pain of losing you

When your mother took you away.

So please, son, don't ever tell me

There's nothing to remember.

Hey carter, we don't have time
to boogie board.

We gotta get started.

Simon, i...

Carter, come on!

I gotta go.

Hang on to my board for me?


[Somber music]

How's it going?



I owe you an apology.

I was wrong to interfere
with you and logan.

I also apologized to logan

And told him he could stay at baywatch.

Thanks, steph.

So, I guess that must have been

A pretty hard one for you to swallow.

A cantaloupe would have been easier.

Hey, do you remember that poster

You used to have hanging
over your bed at home?

"Love means learning to let go."

Mm-hmm, you just used to hope and pray

That somehow mom would get the drift.

Yeah, she never did, did she?


Well, I get the drift.

On-duty I'm your boss, but...

I still wanna be your sister,
you know, off-duty of course.

But, we are not gonna be
sharing the same tower,

It's sort of like teaching you to drive.

Wait a second, what is that
supposed to mean?

What was so hard about
teaching me how to drive?

Are you kidding?

The way you slammed on the brakes

And ground the gearshift,
made me a crazy person.

What do you mean
I made you a crazy person?

You made me a crazy person.

[Dramatic music]

Muffy, muffy, hang on I'm coming!

Muffy, hang on!





Help! Help! I can't hold on!


Help me!


Let me get you in the boat.
Come on, you can do it.


There you go!

This is tower 10, I need backup
south side of the jetty.

It's simon! Come on! Let's go!

Come on!

[Siren wailing]

Ashley! Ashley, are you okay?

I'm sorry.

[Dramatic music]

Mitch, it's simon!
He went down about here.

Muffy, muffy...

Simon! Simon! Where is he?

He's gotta be okay, hobie.
He's just gotta.

All right, they got him man.

Stand back. I got him, I got him.

Simon. Simon.

Just keep clear, keep clear.

No pulse.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Dad, please.

One, two, three, four, five.

Please dad, don't die.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four...

-okay, cough it up.

Come on, spit it out, spit it out.

Oh dad, I'm so sorry.

You okay?

Dad, I'm sorry. Dad, I love you.

lifeguard headquarters

Baywatch junior lifeguards
father/son competition

I would like to welcome everybody

To the sixth annual
father/son competition.

Each year, we kick off
the competition by awarding

The medal of valor
to one of the junior lifeguards

Who performs above
and beyond the call of duty.

This year, by unanimous
decision, the award goes

To one of the fathers, simon mckay.


My name's carter mckay
and this is simon, my dad.

My dad risked his life to save
someone else and he's a hero,

But what I never realized
is that he's always been a hero.

I just didn't know it.

lifeguard headquarters

Someone once told me that
a man should be measured

By the size of his heart...

Then my dad is the biggest man
I've ever known.


Baywatch junior lifeguard
father/son competition

Dedicated to the loving memory of
david rappaport
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