05x10 - I Spike

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x10 - I Spike

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Crowd chattering]

-I can't believe
they're building

An oil platform off zuma,

Even if it is underwater.

It's not about the view,
it's about the environment.


Matt, are you listening to me?

-Man: that's good right there!


-If you wanna play pro
volleyball so badly,

Why don't you just
enter the tournament?

-'Cause you just can't enter.

This is one of the
stops from the pro tour.

You have to ranked or win
a qualifying tournament.

Besides, I don't have partner.


Keep making excuses and
you're never gonna find out

If you're good
enough to make it.

-I'm not making any excuses.

And if I did make
it on the pro tour,

I'd have to quit
being a lifeguard.

-Well that won't be
a problem, will it?

'Cause you won't have
to make that choice.

-Scat hovercraft
is the very latest

In rescue vehicle technology.

It's been used effectively
in swift water,

Floods, thin ice
rescues, river rapids.

-But not oceans.

-That's where we come in.

-Captain, even if we love it,

I mean, we can't afford
a piece of equipment

Like this on our current budget.

-Oh, we just have to
cut back in other areas.

-[Laughing] yeah, right.

We're cut to the bone as it is.

-Why don't we just find
out if we want it first?

Then we'll worry about
how to pay for it.

So I've invited the
manufacturer's rep,

A former lifeguard who trains

Rescue personnel
all over the world

To put scat to the test.

-What kind of test?

-A test against the best
baywatch has to offer.

-[Audience applauding]

-Thank you, thank you,

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

There you are, you sly fox!

You better get yourself
up here right now.
Come on!

-Ladies and gentlemen,
let's get him up, come on!

-What's that for?

-Well I was
standing over there,

And I noticed that
you were crying.

-It feels wonderful to cry.

Especially to great blues.

-Ah, yeah.

It's hot in here, huh?

-I hadn't noticed.

-Well, it's because uh, heat
rises and I'm standing and,

And you know, you're
sitting down and um...

You mind?

-If you like.


My name is mitch.
-But you have to know I'm
only here for the music.

I mean,
you're an attractive guy,

And I'm sure you're
very nice, but,

I'm neither in the mood

Nor the market for a
liaison of any kind.

-Well, you never
know, I mean,

The way my friend
sings the blues,

It could be a mood
altering experience.

-Ladies and gentlemen,

We are in for a
special treat tonight.

A man with music in his soul

Who's gonna try and set
it free in public tonight

For the first time.

A really good friend of mine

And a courageous human
being, mr. Garner ellerbee.

Come on, let's
give it up for him.

-Is it really his
first time on stage?

-Yeah, yeah, I mean
he's going through

A mid-life crisis, you know?

Trying things he's
never tried before.

-No one should wait
for a crisis to do that.



-Well, strikes that one
off the list.

-That was a cruel thing to say.

-No, it was a joke.


-Beautiful, isn't it?

The way it changes constantly.

I could look at
the ocean all day.


-Mitch told me
about last night.

I'm sorry.

-I wasn't scared up there,

Wasn't nervous in the least.
My throat just closed off.

Just like the flow of my life.

-You put too much
pressure on yourself.

That's why your throat closed.

-You have dreams,

You set goals for
yourself and then you...

Watch 'em fall by the wayside.

-You sound like matt
talking about volleyball,

And he's not having
a mid-life crisis.

He's having an
early life crisis.

My grandmother's having
a late-life crisis

Because she wants to
swim the english channel.

Nobody's life flow
ever gets closed off,

Unless they stop trying
to live their dreams.

What do you wanna do
that you're not doing?

-The list is too
long, c.j., Too long.

-We're gonna put two
victims out in the water,

You're gonna start from the
tower and use the waverunner.

Tracy'll use the hovercraft

And we'll see who
gets the best results.

-It's not a fair test, captain.

I know these waters.

I know the waves, I
know the currents.

-Shan't do you a bit of good.

I won't be affected
by the currents.

-Oh, uh, mitch buchanan,
meet tracy dodsworth.

-Mr. Buchanan and
I have already met.


So you see garner and i, we're
like best friends and,

We you know, we kinda
do that to each other,

You know, hit each
other when we're down

And get each other
back up and--

-Well, I'm afraid that's
not my sort of friendship.

-No, no no, probably
not but it's-- it's--

It's ours, you know?

I tell you what, let's
just start over here, okay?

You win the race,
I'll cook you dinner.

If I win the race,
you cook me dinner.

-You won't win.

-I won't?

-You won't.

-Do we have a bet?

-I don't eat red meat.

-Are you ready out there?

-Man on boat: ready.

-Okay, good.

Good, right there.

-Woman: help!

-Man: hey, we're
out here! Help!

-Woman: please help!

-Are you ready?

On your mark!

Get set!


-[Exciting music]

-Hey hey!

-Hey, I'm here!


-[Exciting music]

-Come on, herd up,
straight up, here we go!

Over him, over him.

Here we go!

Here we go, here we go!

Straight up, here we go.

Over him, over him.

Oh come on, geez.

-Man: block this, block it!


-Practice is over, broyles.

Time for you to
get a new partner.

-If it isn't the
walking wounded.

Reflex is always last
to come back, sinclair.

-Cool it, alex.

How's your knee?

-You step outta the way and
I'll kick him over the net.

-You're wasting my
valuable practice time.

Come on, kurt, drop
this loser, let's go.

-What's the deal, kurt?

Are you gonna keep
playing with him

Even though I'm ready?

-Well what if you're not?

Alex and I have been
playing great together,

We've been winning.

I don't wanna make a change now.

-Yeah, but we're partners.

-But this is my livelihood.

Look, prove to me
that you're better,

And I'll dump him.

Otherwise, I'd rather win.

-Now mitch is very
sensitive about his cooking,

So you have to compliment him

Or he'll be depressed all night.

-Why isn't a man like mitch
involved in a relationship?

-Well, he is, kinda.

With his ex wife gail.

They almost got married again,

But it didn't work out.

So I think he's finally
open to new relationships.

-Well, I'm not.

So I hope he doesn't think
by cooking me dinner tonight,

It's gonna be the start of one.

-Why aren't you open
to new relationships?

Are you seeing somebody?

-No, it's just that i, um-- I'm
only here for such a short while

And I don't intend to complicate
my life by falling in love.

-Well you can't stop
yourself from falling in love.

At least I can't.

-I can.


-Hobie is so into music, he
can't even hear himself think.

-I love all sorts of music.

I was born in the outback.

My mom said there were aborigine
drums and flutes playing

When I came into the world.

-Really? Wow.

How'd you get involved in
the hovercraft, anyway?

-I've always loved the
idea of floating on air.

And being an instructor
lets me travel the world.

-Is that why you don't
wanna get tied down

Into a relationship?

-Who told you that?

-C.j. She warned me not to
spin my web around you,

That you'd be here and gone.

Um, I didn't use any
salt, is that okay?


I love spider webs
in the morning,

The beads of dew on them.

The sunlight streaking through.

-Do you think a
spider appreciates

The beauty of its own creation?

-Of course it does.

-I don't know, I think it's
only for function, you know?

Catch flies.

-Am I your fly?

-No, you are another spider.


How about stephanie?
Was she your fly?

-Who told you about stephanie?

-Both: c.j.

-I just love her,
I'm gonna have to thank her
personally tomorrow morning.

-You know, I don't think
people who work together

Should get involved.

It, um, complicates everything.

-I don't know, complications
are the spice of life.

-Ah, so you like
complications but not salt.

-No, no, they both cause
high blood pressure.

Believe me, I don't
want any complications.

And I didn't invite
you here to seduce you.

Although you are
very attractive.

-So are you, sir.

-I just think that you know,

We should learn to work
together as friends,

Have some fun, save some lives.

-[Laughing] hopefully
not in that order.

-Hopefully not in that order.

Ah, I hope you like
salmon, it's my specialty.

-I love it.

But do you think
men and women can?


-Be attracted to each other
and work together as friends?

--Sure, why not?

-Kurt: come on,
alex, right now.


-Think they're good?

-They're awesome.


-They have their weaknesses.

How about you?

Are you any good?

-I'm not awesome, if
that's what you mean.

-Not according to coach neil.

I had you checked out.

Said you were a player.

-You checked me out? Why?

-I need a partner.

-In the tournament?

-Not exactly.

-Hi trace!

-So, how'd it go last night?

-Very nicely, thanks.

-So you and mitch gonna
see each other again?

-As soon as possible.


-Yes, really.

Don't you have a tower
to open or something?

-Oh. Okay.

-Here for my lesson.

-Hop in!
-After you.

-Now, the trick is not to
let momentum carry you away.

-Don't let the
momentum carry me away.

-Back up a little.
-Oh back here, yeah, okay.

-Now these controls are--

-Right here?

-Okay, got it.

-And this controls
the air flow.

-Oh, great, I got it, okay.

-Ready to take it for a spin?


-Helmets, please.

-Oh, helmets.

-[Exciting rock music]

-So let me get this straight.

You and the lifeguard
wanna play alex and me?

-Look, here it is.

If you guys win, our
partnership's over

With no hard feelings.

But if we win,
alex takes a hike,

And you and I play together.

-Why would I agree to that?

-What, are you
worried about losing

To the walking wounded
and an amateur?

-Give me a break.
-So what's your problem?

-No one's talking to you.

-Hey broyles, you
better be nice to him.

When we beat you,
you're gonna have to beg
matt to play with you.

-Never happen.

-So what do you say, kurt?

Do we settle this on the court?

-Okay, when?

-Tomorrow morning
before the tournament.

-We'll be here.

-So will we.

-Hey broyles.

Good reflexes.

-Hey man, don't mess with me.

-Save it for tomorrow.


-All right, work on
the spike, bang it down.

Nobody, nobody, nobody!

Nice hit, man, all right
get back there, come on.

Angle, angle, angle, angle,
angle, angle! Okay! Nice heat!

All right, looking
strong, looking strong.

Don't worry about
that, that's okay,

You're not tired yet, are you?

Deep line, deep line,
deep line!

Hit line, hit line,
hit line, nice.

All right here you go.

Stay low, stay low,
stay low, there you go.

Nice play, nice play.

Lean forward, lean forward,

On your toes, on your toes,

Hands out in front of you,
hands out in front of you.

Here you go, wait for it,
on your toes, on your toes.

Here comes one down the line.

Hands out in front of you,
hands out in front of you,

Here you go, dig the
ball, dig the ball,

Going down the line.

Think I'm going down the line.

Alex likes to hit
that line ball.

Throw one high, take it
overhand, take it overhand.

To your left, to your left,
come on now,

Here we go, keep tight.

Get your arms up that way.
Keep workin', keep workin' hard.

There you go, keep tight,
keep tight, keep tight,

There we are.

On your toes, on your toes.

Get those hands out
in front of you.

All right, let me show
you the blocking signals.

If I give you one,
I'm blocking line.

Two, I'm taking angle,

And fist, I'm taking
the ball, all right?

-All right, tim.

Should I adjust my serve?

-Let me see one first.

-How's that?

-Oh that's perfect,
don't change a thing.


This is amazing, I'm
learning so much from tim.

-That's great.


Will you do something for me?

-Sure, what?

-Will you wear this in
the tournament tomorrow?

-Oh, c.j., I can't wear that.

-Why not?
Everybody wears endorsements
on their clothing.

-It's not the same.

-Annexo oil starts drilling
in the bay tomorrow, matt.

We need to make a statement.

-Can't you, like, carry those
protest signs or something?

-People don't pay
attention to those.

But they'll pay
attention to this.




-I'm watching the
little league world series

And uh, the announcers says, oh,

Which boy will realize the
ultimate dream of his youth?

And tears are
running down my face.

I'm watching little
league world series

-And crying, thinking,
it won't be me.

-Everybody goes through that
at some point in their life,

Including me.

-[Scoffs] including you.



You're not only
living your dream,

You're living every man's dream.

-When I go upstairs tonight

And go to bed alone,

Career is not the only thing
that causes mid-life crisis.

-You are telling me?

-Yeah, yeah, me too.

Yours is about career,
mine's about relationships.

-sh**t, mine's about that, too.

-Yeah, well I
wanted one so badly,

I almost married my ex wife.

-You did, didn't
you? [Laughing]

I'm not going that far.


You know, garner,

I find myself analyzing
every woman I'm attracted to.

Wondering, is she the one?

Can I spend the rest
of my life with her?

-Ah, you can't rush
into it like that, partner.

-I know.

Happened again last night.

-With tracy?


The scary thing is,
the answer's yes.

What perfect timing, huh?

She's only in town
for a little while

And doesn't want to get
involved with anyone.

-Well, if I can get
up on stage and sing,

You can go for
this relationship.

-No, you were on
stage gasping for air.

-Yeah, but I went for it.

-And you panicked.
-Uh-huh, you watch, it'll
be different next time.

-Yeah, well next
time, give me advice.

-You are so stubborn.






-It's hard work keeping
the body in shape.

-Join me?

-I can't.

-Oh, why not?

-I'm leaving.

-Where are you going?

Leaving, leaving?

-I just stopped
in to say goodbye.


-Unfortunately, you're
in too good a shape.

I would've beaten anyone else

By a much wider margin.


-So captain russell informed me

That since our
race was so close,

There was no compelling
reason to justify

The expenditure on a hovercraft.


There are many
compelling reasons.

I'm gonna go talk to him.

-I think he's pretty
much made up his mind.

-Don't go anywhere.


Maybe it's for the best.

Some things just
aren't meant to be.

-Some things are.

No reason, he said,

No compelling reason at all.

He said it's your fault.

-Did you tell him how
you felt about tracy?


I don't think it would
make a difference, though.

Maybe some things are
just meant to be, huh?

-Yeah, you can say that again.

How do I stand a chance
of winning wearing this?


-Well look, look, don't,
don't let that distract you.

You just concentrate
on the task at hand,

And uh, let your
talent com forth.

-Look who's talking.

-All right, that's okay,
you be at st. Mark's
club tomorrow night.

I'll show you that some
things are meant to be
if you just don't give up.

-I don't believe
what I just heard.


-Tell me you're not gonna

Escort that oil
company dive team

To the drill site this morning.

-C.j., Their permit
requires a lifeguard.

-Their permit
should be revoked.

-I agree, but until it is,

Their safety is
our responsibility.


Wear it.


-[Rock music]

-♪ Another chance to get my back up off
the wall ♪

♪ An invitation to rise above or to fall

♪ Nothing I'll break me down no matter
what they say ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't get enough of these that
we play ♪

♪ And it's my lucky day ♪

♪ It's my lucky day

♪ Keep reaching higher

♪ No nothing can stop me now

♪ We believe that we're taking the game
somehow ♪

♪ Against the odds we make our way

♪ Cause baby you know that I've come to
play ♪

♪ And it's my lucky day

♪ It's my lucky day

♪ Don't tell me the odds

♪ Cause I've been here before

♪ Give all I've got

♪ 'Cause baby I'm sure

♪ That it's my lucky day

♪ It's my lucky day

♪ When the competition has got you down

♪ You got a reason to turn it all around

♪ Cause soon enough it can fall your way

♪ Blue skies above come through the gray

♪ And it's my lucky day

♪ It's my lucky day

♪ Against the odds we make our way

♪ Cause baby you know that I've come to
play ♪

♪ And it's my lucky day

♪ It's my lucky day

♪ It's my lucky day

♪ It's my lucky day

-Mitch: nice
t-shirt, huh guys?

-[Ominous music]

-[Alarm blaring]

-Let's go!

-[Tense music]


-Man: okay, take it easy.

Don't move.

-Baywatch one.

This is scarab rescue.

We need emergency assistance

One mile due west of point dune.

-Shouldn't we get
this out of him?

-No. We've gotta get
him to a hospital.

-Coast guard helos
are too far away.

-Well we can't
move him on this,

It's too rough.
-I'll take him on the scat.

-What's that?

-It's a hovercraft.

Come on, let's immobilize
him on the backboard.


They need the
hovercraft up at zuma,

A mile off shore!

It's an emergency!

-[Siren blaring]

-I can't believe this happened!

-How did this happen?

-The pipe slipped
off the scaffolding.

We shouldn't have
even been here.

-Why not?

-The site wasn't prepped.

Yeah, they want us to start

Before anybody could
change their mind
'cause all the damn protests.

-Hang in there,
you're gonna make it.

-[Exciting music]

All right. We gotta keep him
absolutely stable

Until we get him
to the hospital.


Don't set down!

We need a stable platform!

All right.

Ready? On three.




All right, lets go.

-Go go!
-Go go go go!

Come on, go go go!

-[Siren blaring]

-All right.

Be careful, be careful.

Ready on three,
one, two, three.


All right, let's head
him in, head him in.

-Watch your footing.

-Easy, easy.

All right, go go go go go!

Go go!

I'm really glad
you didn't leave.

-Something told
me I'd better stay.

I want to sky dive,
bicycle through france,

Act in a broadway show,

Meet bob dylan, all
sorts of things.

-Marriage? Kids?

-No, not for me.

There's too much
else I wanna do.

-After you give every
single lifeguard at baywatch

Extensive training on
our new hovercraft.

Should take months.

-I accepted captain
russell's offer to work here,

But only until lieutenant
holden gets back.

-That should be long enough.

-Said the spider to the fly.

-Don't you just
love spider webs

With beads of dew on
them in the morning?

-[Laughing] yes, and I still think that
people who work together

Should not get involved.
It complicates everything.

-Well, I don't know.
Complications are
the spice of life.

-I thought you didn't
like complications or salt.


Things change.


-Then alex begged
me to be his partner.

I mean it was great, I loved it.

-Matt, are you gonna
join the tour or not?

-Not. They travel all around
the country in arenas

And fake sand courts.

I wanna be here
on the real beach.

And I also wanna
be here near you.

I just wanted to try to
see if I could do it.

-Okay, as long as
ten years from now

You don't have some kind of
mid life crisis about it.

-Hey, if I do, I'll
take after garner

And deal with it then.
-Ladies and gentlemen,

Please welcome a
man that I believe

Was born to sing the blues,

Mr. Garner ellerbee.

-Go garner, let's go!



[End music playing]
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