05x18 - Fire with Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x18 - Fire with Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be alright

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here ♪

[Theme music playing]


[Gentle music playing]

"Fire with fire"

[Techno music playing]

Hey, how you doing?

That's good.

Why is it that you always
have to pick

The most dangerous sports, huh?

First it was
the rubber ducky racing and now,

I don't even know
what that thing is called.

It's called a street luge.

It's the most incredible rush
I've ever experienced.

You should try it sometime.

No, thank you.

It's not that dangerous
once you know what you're doing.

I could give you lessons.


And how do you expect to do that

When we hardly see
each other anymore?

That will soon change, my love.

No, it won't.

It's not gonna change as long

As you're still married
to kathleen.

I told you, immigration services
held up my green card,

Once it comes through
I'll be free.

I'll get my own apartment,
we'll be inseparable.

I'm sorry, logan.

What's this?

Caroline, I love you.

Keep the ring.

I can't.

I can't do this anymore, logan.

I can't live
on hopes and dreams anymore.


I guess you talked to logan.

I know how you must feel.

But you did the right thing.


Yeah, it was
the most sensible thing to do.

I mean, you can't carry on

A meaningful relationship
with a married man.

Not unless
you're married to him.

Even then there's
no guarantees, right?


Oh, mitch, hold on one second.
I want to ask you a question.

-Thanks for the talk.
-Bye, have a good day.


I had a question
about tower assignments.

Who's a.j. On tower 12?

Andy jamison, remember
I told you about him.

He called and asked if we
could fit him into rotation.

He needs his four days
to stay on the active list.

Are you sure
he can handle tower 12?

I mean that's a really
hectic beach for a part-timer.

He's an old pro,
he knows his stuff.


What are you doing,
checking up on me already?

Absolutely, man, how you doing?

Oh, what is this, look
at all this flab man.

-When are you getting in shape?
-Hey, I'm working on it.

Oh, this is my co-commander,
lieutenant holden.


Nice to meet you.

Thanks a lot for bringing me on.

When was the last time
you worked a tower?

Last year up at trankis.

I wish I could do more, but
my day job keeps me pretty busy.

What do you do?

I'm a sheriff up
in ventura county.

Sheriff, really?

What, you wanna see my badge?

No, no, no, I believe you.

So how's it feel to have
your feet back in the sand?

Oh, it makes me wonder
why I ever gave it up.

The pay stinks.

Oh yeah, that's right.

Still the best office
in the world.


Thought they weren't gonna let

These bums sleep
on the beach anymore?

Well, where else
are they supposed to go?

They just built a new shelter
in santa monica.

It's half empty every night.

Those guys aren't interested

In having a roof
over their heads, the only thing

They're interested in
is getting loaded.

Hey, hey, hey, take it easy,
man, they're harmless.

Catch you guys later.

All right.

How well do you know andy?

We used to hang together
in the old days.

I haven't seen him
in a couple years.

You don't like him, huh?

I didn't say that.

Why, because he's not sensitive
to the plight of the homeless?

Look, he's entitled
to his opinion.

So what's the problem?

Well, he only works
four days a year,

He's bound to be rusty.


[Rock music playing]

-There she is!

Thank you!

So, has he passed the audition?

He's a good lifeguard.

What are you doing,
following me?

I hate to say I told you so.

Well, it's not like I never
misjudged a man before.

Sure beats the hell
out of south dakota.

If we were back home right now,

We'd be shoveling snow,
freezing our buns off.

I'm never going back.

Unless she comes back with me.

Oh man, look at that body.

Yes, and she will be mine,
oh yes, she will be mine.


[Dramatic music playing]

Hey, what the...

What's your problem, man?

Can either of your morons read?

The sign says no alcoholic
beverages on the beach.

Don't you guys have
anything else better

To do than drink all day?

What do you care, man?

I'm looking out
for your well-being, friend.

What else you got in here?

Man, you got no right
to search us.


You made your point,
we're out of here.

Good, and in the future

I don't want to see you
on my beach again.

You got that?


What'd you say, huh?

Let him go, we're sorry.

We don't want any hassles.

Just be cool, okay?

Hey, what's going on?

These gentlemen
were consuming alcohol

On a county beach, lieutenant,
that's a misdemeanor.

Unless they're repeat offenders,

In which case they're looking
at a little jail time.

Let him go.


Come on man,
let's get out of here!

He's crazy.

Where do you get off
treating people like that?

They were breaking the law.

When you get off-duty,
I wanna see you in my office.

Look, mitch,
I know he's your friend and all,

But andy just seems
a little out of control.

I mean if I hadn't shown up,

Well, who knows
what might have happened.

He looked like he really
wanted to hurt them.

I want you in on this meeting
when andy gets here.

He needs to hear it
from both of us.

Hear what?

That lifeguards aren't cops.

[Andy] thanks for the ride.

[Woman] okay andy, anytime.

You ready to hear
my side of the story,

Or have I already been
tried and convicted?

All right, all right,
what happened?

Couple of dirt bags
were drinking on the beach,

When I went to take their bottle
away they jumped me.

Fortunately I was able
to defend myself.

Defend yourself? You had
one of them in a choke hold.

That was not
a choke hold, lieutenant.

He wouldn't have been breathing
if that was a choke hold.

I don't know if you're aware
of it, but over 50 lifeguards

Have either been assaulted

Or seriously threatened
in the last two years.

I know the statistics,
thank you.

I know I'm only gonna be here
for a couple of days,

But I don't intend
on becoming a victim.

So your attitude is to get them
before they get us.

My attitude is don't take

Your personal safety
for granted.

Especially when you're out there
in your underwear

Overseeing a beach
full of potential crazies.

You've gotta be prepared

To deal with what we're
up against these days.

Let me give you an example
of what I mean, mitch.

Every lifeguard truck
is supposed to be equipped

With a pair of handcuffs, right?

Now, I'll just bet that
that was not on the top

Of lieutenant holden's list
of priorities this morning.

I stand corrected.

All right,
now the question becomes,

Do you know how to use them?

Well, I've never had
to use them,

Because when I see
trouble I call the police.

Well, what if you don't
have time,

Or there's not a cop around?

These could
save your life someday,

And with the proper training
you'd be surprised

How easy it is to slap them
on somebody twice your size.

See what I mean?

Very funny, get 'em off.

I hope you have
the key in there, too.

Sorry about that, mitch.

Not too tight are they?

I think you made your point.




All right, hold your horses.


Can I come in?

I don't think that would be
a very good idea.

I need to talk to you.

So talk.

I think you should be sitting
down when you hear this.

Please don't play games
with me, logan.

I've had my marriage annulled.

You what?

Does this mean I can come in?

So, you say you're having
your marriage annulled.

Not having, had,
it's a done deal.

I'm single again.

So what does this mean?

Are you gonna go back
to australia?


But at least
we'll be together til then.

Will you take this back?


Uh, vienna.



Got it, hungary.

Uh, bucharest,
no, no, no wait, budapest.

All right,
I'll give you that one.


Malaysia, malaysia.

Kuala lumpur.

Kuala lumpur it is,
winner, winner, winner.

Finally, that's 20 out of 20,
can I go now?

Yeah, get out of here
and have fun, huh?


You've gotta be hobie.

Uh, yeah.

You probably don't remember me,

I'm an old friend
of your dad's, andy jamison.


Last time I saw you,
you were up to my kneecaps.

Taking good care
of your old man?

Yeah, he's a pain sometimes,
but we get along okay.

Chip off the old block, mitch.


All right, well I gotta go,
see you later.

You bet.

Hey, mitch, I wanna
apologize for yesterday.

I guess I thought
I was still on the street.

You know how it is,
first day back,

Takes a little while
to mellow out.

You know, andy, we all have
our share of problems out there,

But most people still come to
the beach to have a good time.

I hear ya.

So, no hard feelings?

I wouldn't take it that far.

I better get out to my tower.

Keep your eye on your water.

You bet.

Hey, mitch, after work
you wanna get a beer?

Got a lot of catching up to do.

Yeah, yeah, we do.

Um, but I can't make it
tonight, sorry.

Well, whenever you have time,
just let me know.

And thanks again,

You know I really appreciate
you helping me out.


Got a couple of messages
for you, lieutenant.

-Here you go.
-Thanks, ron.


Good afternoon, lieutenant.

You wanted to see me?

If that's okay.

What's on your mind?

Quite a lot actually.

I'm not sure
what caroline's told you.

She told me that she didn't
want to see you anymore.

That was when I was married.

Which is no longer the case.

My marriage to kathleen
was one of convenience,

So I could become a legal
resident of the united states.

The truth is,
I'm in love with caroline,

And unless I'm sorely mistaken
she's in love with me.

Why are you
telling me this, logan?

Because um...

'Cause I need your help.

I can only remain
in the country if my services

Are considered essential
to my employer.

If you told the ins that I'm
a person of exceptional skill,

That'll give me my green card.

So, I'll determine
whether or not

You go back to australia.

I realize that's been
a long-time goal of yours,

But for your sister's sake...

I'll think about it.

I need to get the paperwork
done as soon as possible.

I'll give you
an answer tomorrow.

Thank you for your time,

You're welcome, logan.

[Phone ringing]

Tower four.

Hey, steph, you ready?

Thanks, mitch,
but I think I'm gonna run back.

I need the workout.

It's getting dark soon,
you can work out in the morning.

Mitch, I'll see you back
at headquarters, alright?

Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute,

I'll be there in five minutes,
hang on.

Let's think about this
for a minute.

What's there to think about?

You want to keep sleeping in
a sandominium or start stylin'?

Come on,
don't wuss out on me, donnie,

Get your butt out here!

Hey! Hey!

Hey, lifeguard, over here!

All right, get ready,
here he comes.

Lifeguard, over here!

I need some help, hurry!

Come on! Come on!

What happened?

He must have od'ed or something.

[Ominous music playing]

Put it down!

Move away from the truck.

Good, now get your hands
up where I can see them.


Get up, come on,
move it, let's go.

We gotta get out of here, man,
before anyone else comes.

Hi, this is stephanie
from tower four.

Can you ring mitch's
tower for me? He's at 10.

No problem, lieutenant,
I'll get him right away.

[Phone ringing]

No answer.

-Try his truck.
-Hold on.

Mitch, come in.

Come in, mitch.

He's not responding.

[Horn honking]

Send backup
to his tower right away!

[Dramatic music playing]


Mitch! Mitch, what happened?

They stole my truck.

Don't get up, don't get up.

Is he okay?

Oh, you got one heck
of a bump on your head.

Get us a backboard, okay?

I'm okay,
I don't need a backboard.



Better get a backboard.


I still think you should go
to the hospital,

You might have a concussion
or nerve damage.

All right, just take
this ice pack at least.


What? What?

It's only a bump on the head.

Mitch, do you have
any idea how lucky you are?

You could've been shot.

The police just called,

A beach parking attendant
was held up by two lifeguards.

What the hell's going on?

Mitch was just carjacked.

You're kidding.

Did they catch
the guys who did it?

No, but they're gonna call back

When they find out who did.

Maybe we should go lend a hand.

Oh no, you guys know
that's not gonna solve anything.

Well, I think
what everyone's upset about

Is what happened to mitch could
happen to any one of you.

Your people need a basic
course in self-defense.

Andy, all our lifeguards receive

Self-defense training
in rookie school.

Well, lieutenant,
it wasn't that extensive.

I know I for one would feel
a lot more confident

If I had a refresher course.

Especially after
what just happened.

I'll tell you what,
I'll conduct a clinic

For anyone who needs
additional training.

It's okay with me.

Well, if it's voluntary, there's
nothing I can do about it.

Okay, on the beach in 15.

A lifeguard's
first line of defense

Is his or her rescue can.

It's versatile,
highly functional,

And designed to save lives
in and out of the water.

Lieutenant buchannon's
first mistake

Was approaching
a victim without this device.

He left himself unprotected,
and extremely vulnerable.

In my opinion,
he's fortunate to be alive.

Now, I'm gonna be teaching
a wide range of techniques,

So stay focused, 'cause the life
you save may be your own.

[Lively music playing]

♪ Hey, I gotta move

♪ Gotta move move move
like a loco locomotion ♪

♪ Groove inside the groove

♪ Gotta move move move
like a party in the ocean ♪

♪ Hey I gotta move

♪ Gotta move move move
like a loco locomotion ♪

♪ Groove inside the groove

♪ Gotta move
gotta move gotta move ♪

♪ I've always been a fella
with the movin' shoes ♪

♪ I got the fire in my walkin' got the runaway blues ♪

♪ I fly away

♪ And leave the past behind me

♪ Got no time for love so baby don't you remind me ♪

♪ And when I feel the world
around me tying me down bro ♪

♪ I hit the ground a-runnin'
as I'm leaving the town bro ♪

♪ I travel the globe and keep
the party-a playin' ♪

♪ And I don't stop
I'm just saying ♪

♪ Traveling the world
you know I'm flying solo ♪

♪ Gettin' lucky with the ladies like a marco polo ♪

♪ Sipping on my lean
like the tower of pisa ♪

♪ Lookin' for a signorina
like a mona lisa ♪

♪ Pop and I bop

♪ I'm giving it all I got
and then I shake-a ♪

♪ Shake-a shake-a
like an ice cream shop ♪

♪ Yeah I been a million places and my body shows it ♪

♪ And I had a million faces
and nobody knows it ♪

♪ Hey, I gotta move

♪ Gotta move move move
like a loco locomotion ♪

♪ Groove inside the groove

♪ Gotta move move move
like a party in the ocean ♪

♪ Hey, I gotta move

♪ Gotta move move move
like a loco locomotion ♪

♪ Groove inside the groove

♪ Gotta move

♪ Gotta move gotta move

♪ I got a drop top benz with the rimmers made a-gold ♪

♪ Got the ways of a gentleman
I've been told ♪

♪ I give it away and leave the past behind me ♪

♪ Got no time for love so baby
don't you remind me ♪

♪ When I run across another
wanting my heart girl ♪

♪ I tell 'em that you
don't wanna start girl ♪

♪ Pop and I bop I'm giving it
all I got ♪

♪ And then I shake-a
shake-a shake-a ♪

♪ Like an ice cream shop

♪ Hey, I gotta move
gotta move move move ♪


I did some checking

With the ventura
county sheriff's department,

Andy's had two counts

Of excessive use of force
brought against him.

Second time
they took him off patrol duty.

He's been chained to a desk
for the last six months.



Help! Help!

[Dramatic music playing]


Okay, I got ya.

What happened?

There's a cramp in my leg.

Just relax, you'll be fine.

[Dramatic music playing]


Get a blanket out of my tower!

You got it.

[Ominous music playing]

Stay wrapped up in that blanket
until you get warm.

I'll be down to get it
before you leave.

Hey, andy, come here
for a second, will ya?

I want you packed up
and off the beach.

That's a direct order.

Why? What did I do?

Crossed the line.

Mitch, I'm authorized
to carry a handgun.

As a sheriff maybe,
but not as a lifeguard.

What if somebody

Went into your tower
while you were in the water?

What are you thinking here?

I was thinking somebody
pulled a g*n on you,

And the only way
to fight fire is with fire.

What happened to you anyway?

You didn't used to be like this.

Why were you pulled off
the street?

Is that what this is all about?

I don't know
if you remember my wife,

She used to hang out at my tower

When she was in high school,
that's how we met.

Yeah, of course
I remember your wife, becky.

Becky was k*lled last year.

Couple of punks followed
her home from work,

Robbed the house and shot her.

I came home and found her lying
on the living room floor.

I'm sorry.

I went to a police psychologist,

But that didn't do any good.

Never get that picture
out of my mind.

Look, get your stuff,
let's get out of here.

Oh man.


How come you didn't tell me
logan had his marriage annulled?

What difference
would it have made?

You wouldn't have let him stay.

Well, it's not like we couldn't
do very well without him.

Come off it, stephanie.

You know perfectly well
that logan

Is one of the best lifeguards
we have at baywatch.

You just don't want us
to be together.

-That is not true.
-Yes, it is.

You always think
you know what's best for me.

But you know what?

I don't care what you do,

Because if logan
goes to australia,

I'm just gonna go with him.

Please get away from there,
those rocks are dangerous.

[Girl] barry, come on,
didn't you hear what she said?

Don't worry, it's cool.

[Dramatic music playing]

Oh my god.

It's fun. Come on, you try it.

I'll go first, follow me down.

-What's wrong?
-It's too slippery.

[Dramatic music playing]

Barry, no!


Oh my god, he fell!


[Dramatic music playing]


Hang on.

Thanks, logan.

Now this is the life.

You know, I was thinking.

It's too bad
that lifeguard we took out

Wasn't the one
who'd been hassling us.

That would have been
icing on the cake.

Bud, check it out.

Ain't she the one
you were so hot for?


Why don't you go
and talk to her?


Damn, she got away.

Maybe she'll turn around
and come back this way.

Then I'll have
to be ready for her.

She will be mine.
Oh yes, she will be mine.

[Somber music playing]

[Dramatic music playing]


We were wondering
if you wanted to party with us.

I don't think so.

Oh, wait a minute!

That's too bad.

Hey, where do you think
you're going?

What? You can't talk to us?

We're cool guys.


So we meet again.

Life's funny that way.

What are you doing, man?

Where'd you get
the cute clothes, fellas?

Come into some money recently?


Don't tell me
you're the carjackers.

Mitch, guess who we got here.

These the fellas
who stole your truck.

Ain't that right, guys?

You wanna get a few licks in
before I do my thing?

Give me the g*n, andy.

Can't do that, mitch.

Lifeguards can't carry weapons.

The irony is,
if lieutenant holden

Would've let me take care
of 'em the first time,

We wouldn't even be having
this conversation.

Andy, these aren't
the guys who k*lled becky.

I know that.

You don't need
this kind of scum on the beach.

You don't need the g*n,
now give it to me.

I loved her, mitch.

I know you did, pal, but
I'm telling you nothing you do

Is gonna bring her back.

Becky was all I had, mitch.

I'm washed up,
I got no life anymore.

Yes, you do.

Now look at me,

You do have a life, man,
don't throw it away.

Andy, this only
gonna make it worse.



It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

[Man] hey, guys,
hold it right there.

What's gonna happen to me?

You're gonna be all right.

And I'm working
tower seven and you're at six,

-We'll be together.

Here's the letter you asked for.

What made you change your mind?

He's a person
of exceptional skill.

I don't know
what we'd do without him.

Thank you, lieutenant.

Don't mention it.

there's one more thing.

Since it looks like
I'll be around for a while,

I was hoping
we could become friends.

Don't push your luck.



-Need a lift?
-Oh, no thanks.

Have you spoken with andy?

Yeah, yeah, he got
a medical leave of absence

From the sheriff's department.
He's gonna undergo

Intensive psychotherapy and
hopefully things will work out.


Oh, I almost forgot to tell you,

The police found your truck.

You're kidding me.

Yeah, they're having it
brought over.

Well, maybe I'll get lucky

And there won't be
too much damage.

So much for getting lucky.

Hey, hey, hey, they
didn't take the seat belts.


[Ending music]
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