01x07 - Home is Where the Heart Stops

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Castle". Aired: March 9, 2009 –; May 16, 2016.*
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Bored with his success, celebrated mystery novelist Rick Castle teams with NYPD Detective Kate Beckett to solve the case of a copycat k*ller who re-creates m*rder scenes from Rick's novels.
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01x07 - Home is Where the Heart Stops

Post by bunniefuu »

You come to Nottingham what's too often.

After today there will be no need for me to come again.

You're holding out on me, Sir. Robin.

- I hear you like a boy.
- I knew she'd tell.

So ... Who is he?

His name is Owen, he's
in my Poetry class.

Very Shy and very sweet.

- Keep your guard up.
- Then don't disctact me.

- Does he know how you feel about him?
- No!

Why not?

Because I don't even know how I feel about him.

Yes! Very nice!


How many bones did they have to break
to get her in there?

We won't know until I'll get her
back to the lab.

- Don't contaminate my crime scene.
- Sorry, it must be the feathers.

Beckett's here .

No sign of forced entry,
it's seems as the others.

It's like a home invasion crew "on for for pit"

"Seting" up the game becoming more violent.

- ¡Bless you!
- ¡Bless you! Jinx!

¿What's wrong with him?

Goose stunt. He's alergic.

I'm sorry, under the time on the rules of Jinx.

you're not allowed to speek untill I release you.

-Bless you.
-Bless you.
Reverse double Jinx.

- I just...
- Castle, mouth shut,
until I release you.

Thank you, Ryan.
So what do we have?

It's Joanne Delgado, daugher of
Susan Delgado, the victim.

She called the second nights for mom.

Only this night mom doesn't pick up.

She calls doorman.
Doorman comes up,

- Finds the door ajar and...
- ¿And?

Well, let's just say it was definitely Becket's flagrant.

Blood spots indicates single GSW(g*nsh*t wound).

Close range.
¿?...smell the cordite.

I'll take your word for.

Ow! They sh*t her and stuffed in the safe.

Better than the last one.

They b*at to get it death.

Non of the neighbors heart a g*nsh*t?

Nada. Must be heavy sleepers.

No, they used a pillow as a "Portman" sound suppresor.

- Ahem!
- Ye.. Yes, I broke the Jinx, I'll buy you a soda.

- Any shell casings?
- Non.

Probably used a revolver.
And a bolt cutter.

Her wedding ring.

She won't give it up and so he punished for it.

- Husband?
- Death a few years ago.

In a building like this?

This part of town,
you think should be safe.

Nop, pun intended.

How often people k*ll neightbors like this?

Same as anywhere else, Castle.
Just the once.

Each of the robberies took place
in a different part of the city.

In different high-end part of the city.

Wall safes and high jewelry.

This guys came in knowing exactly what they gonna find.

Well, it must be a pattern,
something that connects them all.

The first was almost three month ago?

Central Park West
Bob y Linda Kesler.

Were bound, gagged and beaten.
Intruders wore masks.

Took properly
$175.000 in jewelry.

Same MO (Modus Operandi) on York Street?

Yeah, only when Mr Bruner refused to open the safe,

They broke his wife's arms.

Which brings us the last night.

They getting bolder.
They escalating their v*olence.

Well, it can't be random.

How do they know what's in the safes?

"Safes"... Is that a word?
Is a "safes"? It can't be right.

- And you write for living?
- Castle, the point.

The point is our home invaders seems to know enough a lot about their victims.

We compared insurance companies,

Home security vendors,
even the kind of safes...

...that they had.
Nothing's been a match.

I'm just thinking... they seem to know
their targets so well,

maybe they, actually, know them.

Maybe the victim's daughter can tell us.

Yeah, we were close.

She was my mother.

So, you know most of her friends.

Her friends? Yeah, but...

Were there either you got strong feelings about? and...

Like maybe, someone she met recently?


Did any of her friends had money problems?

Monsters broke into her place and k*ll her.

Why are you asking about her friends?

- Do you know Nelson and Janet Bruner?
- No.

How about Richard and Julie Pastori?

- Or a Bob y Linda Kesler?
- Who are these people?

They're victims of three previous home invasion robberies.

Robberies that we think were committed by the same people

that m*rder*d yout mother.

What, there were others?
I mean...

- How long this is been going on?
- Few months.


What? ¿And you haven't got them yet?

They didn't m*rder anyone untill last week.

That's when I got this case,
and since then,

we have been doing everything we can...

No, don't press conference to me, Detective.

I work in public relations,
so you can safe your speech

because I have heart them all.

I'm the one who drafts all of that ??(manipulated speech)

after airline crashes
and E. Coli (Escherichia Coli) poisonings.

"Our hearts go out to the victims families".

¿Our hearts?

¿What does it mean?

She said that she felt like baking.

She wants me to come over, but
I was busy.

I was busy.

And now she is dead.


Listen to me.

You're gonna want to play out every possible escenario

in the next couple of days...

If only you've been there,
if only you come by,

if you didn't work so late

And I'm telling you... It's not your fault.

The ones to blame are the monsters

that m*rder your mom.

This isn't a speech.
It's not a platitude.

It's a promise.

I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that they pay for what they did.

It's very impressive,

the way you handle her back there.

I didn't handle her, Castle.
I just told her the truth.

Same thing I'm gonna tell the other home invasion victims.

Jinx paid in full.

It's the job, Castle.

You're a sure selling, Beckett.

Ryan y Esposito could not manage that
level of empathy.

That's not true.

They just safe it for fantasy football trades.

Makes me think about Alexis.

What would she do if something happens to me?

Well... is she still has your
mom, right?

Meredith is more like a crazy
aunt with a credit card.

Of the two of us, I'm the more responsible.

Pretty sad, isn't it?

Well, wouldn't worry about it too much, Castle.

After all,
only the good die young.

Listen, Freud... I know what you're trying to do.

You're trying to get me to talk about my mom,

see if you can squezee any more pulp for your fiction.

Pulp? You think what I do is pulp?

Listen, I would have you know

that the New York Review of Books

Not the New York Times book Review Magazine , "el crítico del New York Times",

the New York Review of Books
said that Derrick Storm

is this generation answer to...

I've read that piece, and...
even you have to admit

That is more than a little hyperbolic.

So... how much do you pay the reviewer?

A case of Châteauneuf-Du-Pape
but that's not the point. The point is...

you read the New York Review of Books?

Oh, so many layers to the Beckett onion.
However do you peel them all.

Esposito, anything from the other victims?

Beckett's Downtown finishing the canvas.

But What we do know is Kesler's and the Pastori's didn't know each other

and neither one of the
Bruner's or Susan Delgado.

Well, so much of personal angle.

Four luxury Buildings,
four major scores

and we got nothing.

I am these guys, I got no incentive to quit now either.

Yeah, well... who ever they are

it definitely have some right straight skills

About that... Forensic just came back from
Delgados's place.

They found brass shavings in the lock mechanism on the front door.

Brass shavings?

They used a bump key.

Bad guys filed down a standard house key,

and then they used ¿?¿? to driving the lock.

Separates the ¿? "cylinder" like billiard balls.

I know what a bump key is.

- No, you don't.
- ¿¿?? were in Delgado's door

it's a high-end import.

No way standard bump key would work.

No, they have to use something special.

Something the habituals couldn't rig.

- What you thinking?
- Well...

I busted this guy while back,

specialized in bump keys,

and not afraid to get a little blood in his hands either

Bump keys and v*olence, I like them already.

"Evan Mitchell".

- Evan Mitchell?
- Yes, You know him?

He's a legacy .

His dad and his grand are a legends in the industry.

Yeah, I caught him armed in a jewelery on 47th.

- ???
- When did he get out?

two weeks before our first ??.

Pick him up.

Say hello to his little friend.

It was in his waist belt when we snatch him up.

The serial numbers are scratched up.

Heavy on ?? and light on convictions.

Amazing how many times the guy can be arrested

without ever serving time.

He's got a pretty good lawyer.

Or good at what he does.

Good enough to be our perp?

Why you writers always call 'em "perps"?

It's not how you call'em?

- We've got a hole of names for them.
- Yeah.

Pippers, pisshead, ogre, creep...

- Crook, tarado, zopenco...
- Rufián, pedazo de mierda.

- Destro, scam...
- ??? Slik'o slick...

- Mope.
- "Sli stack" ??.

- Slow down, slow down.
- Suspect.

We call them suspects.

I'm sold School.Soy de la vieja escuela.
I like dirt bag.


Tell me about the g*n, Mr. Mitchell.

Well... I'm not talking without a lawyer.

Why? You're guilty or something?

Yeah, I'm not runing faster enough when your boys showed.

Where were you last night between five and nine?

I didn't do it.

You didn't do what?

It doesn't matter what.
What everything I was, I wasn't.

So, where were you then?

Happy hour.

Little neighborhood place
drinking belfast carbombs

With some
of my westie pals.

You got anyone that can
verify that for me?

Yeah. I got about 30 people
or so can.

Conservative estimate.

How come
I got this crazy hunch

That most of those people
got records a lot like yours?

Well, I wasn't drinking tea
at the plaza.

Look, you want more reliable witnesses,

Give me an hour or so,
I'll see what I can do.

Must be
pretty well connected.

Friends in high places.
Who's mary with the manicure?

I know he's not a cop,
not with that haircut.

I'm assisting detective beckett
in the investigation.


What's the matter, sweetie? You
can't hack it out there alone?

You wanna play?

Let's play.

I got an ex-Con with a g*n

And two fresh homicides
just looking for a home.

You can fish all you want,

Smart fish don't bite.

We could hold him
on the g*n,

But there's no match with
ballistics on mrs. Delgado.

And without other evidence to
link him to the other homicide-

I'll find something, sir.
Not if his alibi checks out.

Sir, it's just pots and kettles.
On the last robbery, not the first.

Mitchell was being arraigned
on an unrelated burglary

The same day this crew struck.

Unless you can break his alibi
on this one, he's a dead end.

You gotta watch
those silhouettes.

They can be shifty
little bastards.

Do you mind?
I'm trying to concentrate.

Man, when I hit a wall, all I
got's one of those stress balls

And internet p*rn.

Look, I get it, all right?
You made a promise

To a daughter
to find her mother's k*ller.

It doesn't take freud
to see what's what.

But you're gonna run up
some blind alleys

Before you get out of the maze. Look, as much
as I appreciate your folksy dr. Phil aphorisms,

I just wanna-

Wouldn't it be
more of a challenge

If they
weren't standing still?

Okay, Castle.
You show me how it's done.

All yours.

It's not a duel,


Square off to the target.

shoulder-Distance apart.

Okay. Gauntlet your
right fist in your left palm.

sh*t too soon.

Yeah, well...

You know, we could always
just cuddle, Castle.

Oh, funny.

And a smile. Good.

That's better.

You know, I, uh, came down
to ask you if I could, uh,

Take home some of those
stolen property photos.

Photos of the jewelry?

I don't know. I just thought
it might spark something.

That kinda hurt.
Tell you what.

You put any of the next three
in the ten ring,

And I will give you the files. Yeah?


You're a very good teacher.

Hey, dad. Hey, how was
your date with owen?

Dad, it wasn't a date.
It was a study group.

Okay, how many in the
group? Just the two of us.

Pilfering evidence again,
I see.

Borrowing. And these
are just copies. Mm-Hmm.

Insurance companies
like to maintain photos

Of pieces like these
for identification

In case anything
gets lost or stolen.

Hello, gorgeous! Ooh!

Where have you been
all my life?

You know, I'm thinking
of installing

A new security system, maybe even a panic
room. Panic room? What for, panic att*cks?

If anyone comes,

We'll b*at them off
with swords.

Or pens, since they're mightier. No,
I'm serious. I just want us to be safe.

Oh, life isn't safe,
especially not in new york-

Cranes collapse,

Air conditioners fall out
of the sky.

In the end, there's just
a few short years.

The most you can do
is make the most of it

Before something
knocks you down.

"People living deeply
have no fear of death."

Anais nin? Mother, how many
of those have you had?

Oh, shh.

These are
pretty incredible pieces.

You wouldn't use
a normal fence for these.

You'd need someone
with impeccable taste,

Someone who appreciated
their value,

Someone who had high-End
buyer connections. Powell.

Oh, now there was a man.
And you had to ruin it.

Who's powell? That was years ago. I'm
sure he's forgotten all about that.

Who's powell? Forgotten? You
forced him into retirement.

You ruined his life. He threatened to
slit your throat. Dad, who's powell?

You remember
that character of mine-

Um, bentley silver? The
jewel thief in "storm rising"?

Yeah, I kinda based him on powell. Kind
of? You stole the man's entire life.

And then your father,
genius that he is,

Thanked him
in the acknowledgments,

Completely blowing his cover.
Yeah, he can't still be mad.

I'm gonna go see him.

No, I'll be okay. Don't worry. I think it'll
be fine. If he doesn't slit your throat,

Tell him he owes me an
evening at le cirque. Dad!


I have been waiting
a long time for this, Castle.

What can I say, rick?

You really had it coming.

Yes, I did.
Thanks for not k*lling me.

The carpet's an antique...

Turkish, mid-1600s.

A blood stain on it
would've been a disaster.

Besides, I was ready
to retire.

Being a ghost
is a young man's game.

Good to see you again,
old friend.

And you, as well,
dear boy.

Tell me,
how is martha?

Still a one-Woman show
in search of an audience.

She says you owe her
an evening at le cirque.

And to what
do I owe the pleasure?

You're not planning
a sequel, I hope.

What's this?

Stolen jewelry

From that rash
of home invasions.

So very lovely.

I was wondering if anyone's
tried to fence them.

I've heard nary a whisper
of anything in this range.

The police are holding a guy
named mitchell.

Haven't had the pleasure.

Anything special
about these?

Anything they have
in common?

These are hardly
everyday wear.

I suppose one dusts them off
for that very special occasion.

So then how did our thieves
know they were there?

Seeing comes
before wanting, rick.

These chaps...

May actually live
among their victims

And move
through their world.

Anything else special
about them?

Without seeing
the scene of the crime,

Anything more would be
mere speculation.

Well, the crime scene's
all locked and sealed.

I don't think I could get you in there.
Let that be the least of our concerns.

You, uh, don't seem
out of practice.

Just like riding a bike.

Our thieves used
a bump key.

This new generation...
how utterly vulgar.


You didn't tell me
they put her in the safe.

What's the significance?

The significance...

Is it's unnecessary.

It's brutality
for brutality's sake.

This used to be
a gentlemen's game.

We were like ghosts.

We could walk through walls
and simply disappear.

But whoever did this...

They're more like vampires.

Just the blood
makes them feel alive.

These aren't the sort of chaps
a fellow in my line of work

Would care to meet by chance
in the dark.

How often
does that happen?

More often than you'd think,

Ours is a very small
community. And then what?

In my day, we'd usually come
to some sort of an agreement.

You see, there was a code of
conduct among professionals.




What's going on?

You brought a thief
to a crime scene.

It was very helpful.
It was criminal trespassing.

To-May-Toh, to-Mah-Toh. Tell your
friend to keep up his disappearing act.

And the next time you show up
at a crime scene without me,

I'll show you how my
taser works. Promise? Ah.

So why were you there? Seeing
if there's anything I missed.



Was there?

Did mitchell make bail yet?
Paperwork's not done yet.

I'm holding him
out of spite.

I want to talk to him. Why? We
already know he wasn't involved.

Something powell said.

I think mitchell knows more
than he's saying.

And what makes you think
he'll share it with us?

Not us. Just me.

So what are you,

A forensic psychiatrist,
some kind of profiler?

Actually, uh, I'm a writer.
An embedded reporter, huh?

What, are you gonna
make me famous?

Not that kind of writer.
I'm a novelist.

Yeah? Uh, anything that, uh,
I might've heard of?

Uh... "storm's last stand."

"Storm season."
Derrick storm?

Yeah. I love that guy. Why
the hell did you k*ll him?

It's a long story,
but I'm working on a new one.

And I gotta tell you,
it is very cool.

But I want to get the details right.
They never get the details right,

Not in books, movies.

They always write us
as clowns and thugs.

They never stop to think
that maybe we got mortgages,

They never stop to think
that maybe we got mortgages,


Okay, so...
in the new book,

It's about this crew
of home invaders,

Based on the crew
we're looking for right now.

I got this one scene
where a guy just like you

Runs into these guys
by accident

In the middle of a job. Wouldn't happen
to me. I'm not doing residentials.

Not at least
until you catch these guys.

These guys are dark.

What, you know 'em?

Their sh*t caller came into
the bar a few months back,

Looking to put together
a crew.

Wanted to bring me on,
said he had eyes inside

Working up scores for him,

Feeding him
the glengarry leads-

Items, names, addresses.

Said that all he needed
was one of my bump keys.

Did you give it to him?

Yeah, I gave it to him,
but just to get rid of him.

I wasn't about to join
his crew. I'll be damned.

Why not? Like I said,
these guys were dark.

And I'm a 2-Minute man,
in and out.

That's my one hard-And-Fast.
But this sadistic whack job?

Whoa. He said he liked to play
with his food before he ate it.

All right, this, um,
this sh*t caller...

If I put him in the book,
I want it to feel authentic.

How would you describe him?

This is the man
who k*lled her?

We think so.

We believe he may have had
more than just

A passing relationship
with your mom.

And he could be anyone-
A waiter, dog walker,

Doorman, personal trainer...
no, I don't recognize him.

Maybe one of
the other victims knows?

Your mom
wear jewelry often?

No, just to
special events.

What kind
of special events?

Uh, a fashion show
last year...

Gallery openings,

My mother
loved her causes.

You know, opera companies,

Environmental groups...

Eyes inside.

Why are we doing this again?
Well, according to mitchell,

The sh*t caller
who wanted the bump key

Had someone feeding him
inside information

About our victims. And powell says
the pieces of jewelry being stolen

Are the kind you save
for special occasions.

Special occasion,
like a charity event.

So we find
an organization

That all of our victims

And we find our guy.

Delgado and pastori both gave
to the manhattan opera society.

But not
the last two victims.

I got three families that
donated to a.I.D.S. America-

Delgado, bruner and kesler.

But not pastori.

Maybe pastori was a guest of
one of the other three victims.

No, none of
the families knew each other.

Wait a second.

That's the metropolitan american dance
theater. Metropolitan american dance theater.

Metro american dance...

That's the non-Profit our
invaders are profiting from.

Find out who was in charge
and how I can find them.

Right on.

There she is-Anne greene,
the company's director.

She can inv*de my home

Yeah, well,
if she's in on it,

She's doing it
purely for kicks.

Textile heiress, no record
and clean dmv.

White centerpieces
go on the angel tables.

Red centerpieces
go on sponsor tables.

Ms. Greene,
I'm detective beckett,

And this is-
Ricky? Ricky Castle?

I've heard perfectly
awful things about you

From my friend cheney.

Tall, brunette,
aftermarket nose.

Cheney... of course.
How is cheney?

Oh, I hear she's a great
scandal in st. Moritz.

And you?

Currently between
scandals, actually.

Oh, you two aren't...

Not yet.

Never. In fact, um,
ricky here is assisting me

With a homicide investigation.

How exciting. Yes, and it
involves your organization.

All of our employees go through
an extensive background check.

I can assure you
none of them are involved.

I'm still gonna need a list
of the employees

Who had access to donor
records. Of course.

Detective, I'm sure
this is all a coincidence.

Unfortunately, I'm not,
and that's why

I'm gonna need a copy of your
donor list. That may be a problem.

The people who give publicly-
They're not an issue.

But some of our donors
cherish their anonymity.

We're contractually obligated
to protect that.

What about their lives?

Do your donors
cherish those, as well?

I assure you, my office
will contact each of them

And alert them
to the situation.

I'd really like
to contact them myself.

I'm sorry, detective,
but my hands are tied.

If you want
my confidential donor list,

You're gonna need
a court order.


We ran employees
and volunteers.

None have priors or records.

Shh, shh!

What's she doing? Writing an
affidavit for a court order.

That no one is going to sign.

Did you see that list
of board members?

Half the judges in town are on it. What am
I supposed to do, just let someone else die?

Whoa, hey. You seem
a little stressed.

Hey, you know what you need?
A night out on the town.

A what now?

What are those?

The gateway
to another world.


They hold
four fund-Raisers a year.

The last one took place a week
before the robberies began. No.

It is perfect. You don't have
to ask who the donors are,

Because they'll all be there,
wearing their jewelry.

If the employees and volunteers
are clean, then our perp... skell.

Could be working the party.
And we can work the door.

So it's settled.
Pick me up at 8:00?

Oh, it's, uh,
a black-Tie event.

That's not a problem, is it? Uh, no.


No, no, unh-Unh. That one
goes to the thrift store.

Whoa! "Karma chameleon."

The girl at saks said fluorescent is
in. Well, then she was on commission.

Too "showgirls"?

You know
what he's trying to do?

He wants to humiliate me.

Lanie, can you
get that, please?

All right, but you better not
be wearing your prom dress

When I get back.

My dad,
nervous for a date?

It's not a date. It's an
undercover operation. Uh-Huh.

Would you?

I don't know why you won't
tell me where the party is.

Because you'll show up.

Who was it?


From who?
Let's find out.

"Bippity boppity boo"?

It's from him.

Oh, please, it's a dress.

Now open it up,

Oh, I knew
he was arrogant,

But this-
This is complete-



Simply stunning.
Come in, come in.

Oh, hang on. Hang on...

You look incredible.


Really. You clean up nice,
detective beckett. Thank you, Castle.

I was nominated

For a, uh, tony once...

Oh, no, martha, I couldn't.

Yes, you can. Let me-
Oh, it's brilliant.

So where are you guys
headed tonight?

Uh, uh, uh, we're going
to the, uh, waldorf.

Man, these guys are guilty
of tax evasion,

Not home invasion.
Yeah, well...

can be deceiving.

Nice dress. Yeah, what there is of it.

I'd let you borrow it,

But you stretched out
the last one.

Big cheese!

Ricky! Ricky!

Hey, hey, hey!

Why didn't you tell me you were
gonna be at this shindig?

I would've given you a ride. Oh,
last-Minute thing. Listen, mr. Mayor,

I'd like to present to you
detective Kate beckett.

Kate beckett, you know the mayor.
So this is detective beckett.

It's an honor to meet you,
sir. Oh, please, call me bob.

Rick, she's even
prettier than you said.

Excuse me a minute.
Of course.

You talk about me
to "bob"?

we play cards together.

Well, that, and you are the
subject of my next book. Huh.

Can I get you a drink?
Yeah. Vodka.

Lots of vodka. But...

I'm on duty, so... water? Yeah.


Could I get two very stiff
vodka martinis?

Don't shake 'em. Just swirl
'em around a bit. Richard. Hi...

Rachel maddox. We spoke on the phone. Oh, and
thank you very much for getting me the tickets.

Thanks for the signed
first edition for the auction.

I had my eye on it, but it's probably too rich for
my blood. My boyfriend paul reynolds. He's a huge fan.

Oh, always nice to meet a fan. Hi.

Don't sweat it.

That's just rachel,
anne's head of development.

She's only after his money,
so to speak.

Oh, I'm ruthie.
Um, beck-

I'm s-I'm Kate.
Nice to meet you.

Do you work
for the charity?

No. No, but I am
on the circuit.

You know, breast cancer,
land mines.

Oh, you know
what the best one is?

Um, uh, project...
what do you call it?

The one with the lips.
There are a lot of, uh,

Plastic surgeons there
- Fish in a barrel. Really?

Oh, not that you
need any help from me.

I see you've got
a big one on the line.

Settle in, katie. I hear he's
a fighter. Uh-Sorry, Castle?

Oh, most of the girls
on the register

Have tried to land him.

Rich and handsome-
We call him "the white whale."

Listen, we're having

A little gathering next month
for our top donors.

We're going to unveil plans
for a new rehearsal space.

If you're free, we'd love for you and
alexis to come. You know my daughter?

We make a point to know
as much as we can

About our potential donors
so we can match their interests

With our programs.

So many places just ask you
to write a check.

We want you to know that your
money is making a difference.

Would you excuse me
just for a second? Sure.

So creepy.

Negative on anyone
matching our sketch.

How are we doing on vendors
and staff? No red flags yet.

Hey, so what's it like
in there?

Is it buffet
or passed hors d'oeuvres?

Both. Hey,
have you seen, uh-

what are you doing?

this is the only place

I knew we could talk and
not be overheard. Sure it is.

I was just talking

To the head of, uh,
donor development over there...

She seems to know
an awful lot about me.

She's not the only one.

Did you know that they
call you "the white whale"?

The white whale?

Not moby-

She's in donor development.
It's her job to know about you.

she doesn't strike me

As a criminal mastermind. Still, I
think we should take a second look.

Two, three... dip.

Castle, a little help.

It's powell.

The jewel thief?

I don't believe this.
The two of you are in on it?

Don't look at me.
It was his idea.

You really had me going,
didn't you?

The wine, the cheese,
the code of conduct-

And here you are, making me look the
fool. I just wanted to have a bit of fun.

Fun? You call what you're doing
"fun"? Castle, what's going on?

They're in on it together.
They've all but admitted it.

I am so sorry. I had no idea
it was such a big deal.

Big de-
Two people are dead.

What's he talking about?

Good lord, rick.

You didn't think-

Then... what were you two
whispering about?

Thank you all

For coming tonight.

Now it's time for all of us
to open our hearts

As we auction off
some of the city's finest items

For one of the finest causes.

To start the bidding,
please welcome martha rodgers.

What have you done?
Just a little payback.

Thank you for that warm welcome.

The first item on our list
is a signed first edition

Of "storm season,"
written by...

Well, by my son.
There he is.

Wave, darling,
so everyone can see you.

Oh, isn't he handsome?
My still-Single son, ladies.

So as a special bonus,
the winning bidder

Will also receive an enchanting
evening in his company.

All right, ladies,
that's the best I can do.

The rest is up to you. Okay, do
we have an opening bid? $2,500!

$2,500-Beautiful lady
in blue, thank you so much.

Do we hear $3,000?

Girls, don't be shy.

We have a gentleman bidder.
Oh, and isn't he attractive?

Oh, my goodness,
aren't we broad-Minded?

Oh! There we have it-$4,000.
All right, ladies,

The gauntlet is down. All right, this
is the most witty... now we're even.

Intelligent and charming man...
look, I have money.

Anything you pay,
I'll pay you back.

Oh, not a chance
in hell, Castle.

Hey, whoa, look-

There's donor girl's

So? So he's taking pictures.

So? I would, too, if I
had a camera. Of the crowd?


Oh, going once,
going twice...

Sold for $7,000.

Reynolds. Paul reynolds.

It's perfect.
He I.D.'S the jewels

And then uses
his girlfriend's research

To build profiles on
the victims. Yo! Yahtzee.

Paul reynolds,
a.K.A. Chad nellis.

He served on check fraud,

Forgery and grand larceny.

Well, it does no good
to be coy.

I've seen the looks you've been
throwing me all night. Shopping, are we?

Paul reynolds,
you're under arrest

On suspicion of theft and conspiracy
to commit m*rder. Let's go.

Where was the badge?

Don't ask.

Yo. B&e, firearms-

a step up for this guy.

He's just
a foot soldier.

We're looking for his general.
What happened to the dress?

You didn't think I was gonna interrogate
him in it, did you? We were kinda hoping...

Outta my chair, Castle.


So you know him?

We met in green haven prison.
A guy like me-

You know they've would've
eaten me alive in there.

But he looked out for me
in the yard.

They-They were all afraid
of him, even the guards.

And when he got out,
he found me. I don't know how.

So it was his idea
to infiltrate the charity.

I was already seeing rachel
at the time.

I mean, I was trying
to go straight,

But he said that I owed him. And so
you just fed him all the top donors.

Everything he needed was
already in the dossiers-

Names, addresses.

I took photographs
of all their jewelry,

Put it all on a flash drive,
but he wanted more and more.

Detective, after he b*at
that guy to death,

I told him I wanted out.

But he said that if I quit,

That he'd do everything
he saved me from in prison.

He'd do it to me
and rachel.

Then tell me
where I can find him.

Castle, as a friend,

I am asking you
not to leave this car,

'Cause your little hardy boy act...
is gonna get me k*lled, I know.

More like
get one of them k*lled,

And I can't have that on
my conscience. Understood?

What if I have to pee?

Go, go, go.

Nypd! We have a warrant!

Look, his coffee.

Still warm.
Must've just missed him.

And roger.

Can I have your, uh,
next position after 1-7-0-8?

This is detective Castle
to all units.

That's a negatory
on the backup.

This dirtbag's all mine.

Looks like
we got the right place.

Police! Police!

Stop, police!

Follow him out back!


Out of the car!

I- She told me I actually
have to stay in here-

Out of the car now! Okay, okay,
okay, here I come. I'm coming.


Go ahead...

I need the practice.

We got him.

Get up.

I tried to stay in the car.
I really did.

He hit me in the face,
you know. Yeah, I saw that.

That, uh, "go ahead,
I need the practice"-

That was classic.



The other pieces
are still in evidence,

But I don't see the harm
in returning this.

How do you get over it?

You don't.

But one day you'll wake up
and you'll find

That you don't mind
carrying it around with you.

At least that's as far
as I've come.

Thank you, detective.

My name's Kate.

If you ever need
to talk...

we have a visitor.

Oh, pretty butch,

I know, right?
Come, grab a chair.

Oh, no, I just came to return your
mom's jewelry. You saved my life.

The least I can do is make you some eggs. No, really, I
- I have to get going.

You sit down right here,

Tell us all about last night.
We've only heard his version.

All right, um...

Shall I begin at the
red carpet? Yes, please.

So we came out...
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