02x07 - Famous Last Words

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Castle". Aired: March 9, 2009 –; May 16, 2016.*
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Bored with his success, celebrated mystery novelist Rick Castle teams with NYPD Detective Kate Beckett to solve the case of a copycat k*ller who re-creates m*rder scenes from Rick's novels.
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02x07 - Famous Last Words

Post by bunniefuu »

There are two kinds of folks

who sit around thinking
about how to k*ll people:

Psychopaths and mystery writers.

I'm the kind that pays better.
Who am I?

I'm Rick Castle.

Castle. Castle.

I really am ruggedly handsome,
aren't I?

Every writer needs inspiration
and I found mine.

Detective Kate Beckett.

Beckett. Beckett.

- "Nikki Heat"?
- The character he's basing on you.

And thanks to my friendship
with the mayor,

I get to be on her case.

I'd be happy to let you spank me.

And together we catch K*llers.

We make a pretty good team,
you know.

Like Starsky and Hutch.
Turner and Hooch.

You do remind me a little of Hooch.


What's wrong?

Dad, they're saying she's dead.

Who's dead?

Hayley Blue.
The Gawker website just posted it.

The girl from the band you like?

They say they found her body
in an alley in Chelsea.

Angel, are you sure
it's not just a rumor?

I mean, those gossip blogs,
they don't really check facts.

They were right when they said Hayley
was breaking up the band to go solo.

Look, if there was any truth to it,

I'm sure Detective Beckett
would've called by now.

Broken neck.
At least that's my prelim.

No wallet, no phone, no ID.

- She doesn't need ID.
- You know her?

- Are you sure it's her?
- That's Hayley Blue.

I took Alexis to see her band,
The Blue Pill, last year.

What happened?

Well, it looks like she was k*lled
off-site, then brought here and staged.

Time of death?

I'd say between midnight and 3:00 a.m.,
give or take.

- Do you guys hear that?
- What?

The song. It's playing again.

Well, that's gotta be a message, right?

All right, have CSU bag this.

Check the body.
Fibers, prints, the whole works.

Guy could've tossed the body
in a dumpster,

instead he hangs her
from a fire escape.

He is sending a message.

It's about time
you got back.

We've got a very persistent citizen
waiting to ask you some questions.

Alexis, what are you doing here?
How come you're not at school?

I have study hall first period.
Dad, is it true?

Uh, yeah, sweetie. I'm afraid so.

- What happened? Was it the dr*gs?
Doesn't look like it. Why?

- She have a drug problem?
Well, she used to.

She went to rehab three months ago,
after her friends

- found her choking on her own...
- Okay! You know... You know what,

I think it's time we reset
the parental controls on your computer.

Please. I had to set parental control
on your computer, remember?

- Speaking of which...
- No!

- Yeah?

Street was negative for cameras.

We got a dozen shoeprints off
the alley, size five through 11.

Checked her DMV records online.

She moved from the address
they had listed three months ago.

That was about the same time
that Hayley went into rehab.

But check this out.

I ran a search for that song
on Hayley's iPod, Here, Kitty, Kitty.

Look what popped up.

- A music video?
- See if this looks familiar.

- Is that how you found her?
- Does that mean anything to you?

Yeah. Hayley wrote this song
about some obsessed fan

- who was stalking her.
Do you know who he was?

Wait. There might be something
in the song. Play it again.

"Sitting back and plotting." Sounds like
she thought he was dangerous.

Yeah. Listen. Here's the part.

"50 feet or less."

She got a restraining order against him.
All right, run it and get me a name.

- And you will go off to school.
- But I was just helpful.

Yes, but if I let you out of class
every time you were helpful,

you'd never go.

But I won't be able to focus on school
today. I just can't concentrate.

Which will make you
just like all the other kids in your class.

- Dad.
- I am serious,

or I will call the truant officer.

Do you still have truant officers?

- Budget cuts.
- You're so lucky.

Found your stalker.

Franco Marquez, aka Frankie Markie.

Hayley filed half a dozen complaints
against him.

It says here that he even tried
to break into her apartment.

And when she filed against him,

he showed up in court and called her a


- She can spell, Detective.
- Probably better than you.

- Bring him in.
- And you, to school.

- Fine.
- Thank you.

- What?
- Nothing.

It's just, I'm so used to you
acting like a 12-year-old all the time,

it's kind of refreshing
to see you as a father.

Makes you want me, right?

And there's the 12-year-old again.

- Who're you calling?
- Alison King Rehab Center.

It's where all the stars go to clean up.

Figured Hayley must've given them
her home address on her exit interview.

If Hayley cleaned up,
that's where she would have gone.

Mrs. Busch, the rehab center
said that you and your husband

paid for her treatment
and that she moved in with you

after she left the facility.

Yeah. She'd become like family.

Do all record producers
pay for their artists to go to rehab?

No. Most just score them dr*gs
and then look the other way.

Manager gets them some pot
so they can relax.

The producer gets them some blow
so they can... So they can work.

Then someone gets them heroin.

By the time we got to Hayley,
she was already hooked.

We told her our door was always open
if she wanted to get clean.

She was always better than that band.
She was the talent.

When they finally broke up,
she wanted off the dr*gs.

- So we took her in.
- She was ready.

She was recording again.
And to be k*lled by a fan...

Actually, we don't know for sure
that it was Franco.

- You don't?
- No.

But you weren't there
in the middle of night

when she was waking up screaming,

terrified that something like this
was gonna happen.

We were supposed to
protect her.

We should've tried harder to find her.

To find her?

Last Monday, she didn't show up
at the studio for a session.

When we got home, she was gone.

So were her clothes,
her watch, her jewelry.

- Anything she could sell. We figured...
- She'd relapsed.

We tried calling her,
but her cell phone was disconnected.

It, you know...
It wasn't like her to just disappear.

Something spooked her.

- Did Hayley have any family?
- Yeah, a sister, Sky.

Do you know where we could find her?

Wherever she is,
she probably has a needle in her arm.

When Hayley got out of rehab, all she
could talk about was saving Sky.

Not that Sky wanted saving,
after what Hayley did to her.

- What did Hayley do to her?
- She got famous.

Oh. Excuse me.


Our fanatic fan is rabbiting.

A neighbor saw him leaving
with a backpack this morning.

From the looks of his place,
he left in a hurry.

- Any idea where he was going?
- Yeah, away.

He also charged a bus ticket
at Port Authority this morning.

He's headed upstate.
Bus pulled out five minutes ago.

You hear that?
- Yeah.

Police department.
Pull over to the curb!

Stand back, everyone!

All right, got it.

Hands where I can see them, now!

Nobody move!

Franco Marquez, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Hayley Blue.

Get up.

No! Easy! Easy, man.
You're hurting me.

You guys are so stupid!

I loved Hayley. She was my soul mate.
Why would I k*ll her?

Why did you run?

Huh! When I heard how you found her,
I knew what you'd think.

"She wrote a song about me,
so of course I must've..."

Where were you after midnight
last night?

She played a set
at the Bitter End last night.

A brand new song.
It was like a total surprise.

Like, there was no e-mail blast
or nothing, so I wasn't there.

I asked you where you were,
not where you weren't.

Someone recorded the concert
and posted it online.

It's gone totally viral already.
So, that's where I was.

At home in my room,
listening to Hayley's final show.

You say "final show" like you knew
it was gonna be her last.

I did know, so did Hayley.

She knew last night she was gonna die.


Her new song.

"Death, she grows near."

She knew he was gonna k*ll her
last night.

And he knew he could frame me
when he did.

Who are you talking about?

I know I'm not supposed to, but...
The restraining order...

I followed her. I came around
the corner, he was yelling at her.

He said he was going to k*ll her.

Who said?

- Franco, who did you see?
- Zack Metzger.

Her guitarist.

Zack Metzger, guitar god.

Juvie records are sealed, but he's got
half a dozen priors as an adult.

A couple of them
are domestic assaults, too.

Apparently, he likes to hit women.

Look at this guy.
If I was a woman, I'd just hit him back.

Does he look like a k*ller to you?

Everybody looks like a k*ller to me,
Castle. Job requirement.

- Do I look like a k*ller to you?
- Yes. You k*ll my patience.

Hey. So...

I just took a report from the receiving
officer at the 20th Precinct.

- He recognized Hayley from the news.
- And?

He says Hayley showed up at their door

to file a report
the day she went missing.

- About what?
- He doesn't know.

She asked to speak with a detective.

By the time the receiving officer
found one, she'd skipped out.

There's only one reason
you go to the cops, to report a crime.

Or to get help
because you think you're in danger.

Careful with that guitar
when you put that away.

We heard about
what happened to Hayley.

- It sucks, right?
- Can I get you a tissue?

We have a witness
who saw you guys fighting.

- So?
- So, she's dead now.

- Well, I didn't k*ll her.
You sure about that?

You sure you didn't get a little high,

maybe pull a Hulk smash
on your band mate?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.

Where were you between midnight
and 3:00 a.m. On Sunday night?

We had a gig.

Gillespie's sweet sixteen over on 82nd.

We finished around 1:30. We
packed up and we were out by 2:00.

Me and Nick
shared a cab to Williamsburg.

I paid with a credit card. Are we done?

Wow. Sweet sixteen parties.

When Hayley was with the band,
weren't you opening for Pink?

What do you guys
want me to say, okay?

She screwed all of us
when she had her little meltdown

and decided to go solo.
Do I hate her? Yes.

- Did I k*ll her? No.
- What'd you guys fight about?

Her being a selfish bitch.

She found out that we were holding
auditions for her replacement,

and she had those d-bag producers
send us a cease-and-resist letter.

Or a cease-and-desist letter.

We made the reputation for
the name Blue Pill, but she owned it.

So, what? She has a meltdown
and disappears off the map,

and we can't use our own damn name?

- Hell, we can't even get arrested now.
- Poor choice of words.



Hayley's sister is on her way
to the morgue to identify the body.

Don't leave town.

But feel free to bathe.

Who's stupid now, huh?

Yeah, we need security
down here right away.

You are! Who's the dead one?

- What's going on in there?
- Hayley Blue's sister, Sky,

is having a very emotional reaction
to her sister's death.

- Who's dead now, huh? You are!
- Sky?


What do you want?
'Cause I'm talking to my sister.

I'm Detective Kate Beckett.

I'd like to ask you a few questions,
if that's okay.

- You're a cop?
- Yeah.

Is that a Kn*fe?

- Am I breaking the law?
- Yeah.

- Bad?
- Pretty bad.

Do you wanna know a secret?

I think I might have k*lled her.

How did you k*ll her?

I told her to do the world a favor
and drop dead. And then she did.

It's funny,
she usually doesn't listen to me.

Why would you tell her to drop dead?
She's your sister.

- She was an ass.
- When did you see her last?

I don't know, Wednesday, Thursday.
What day is it today?

Where'd you see her?

She found me selling a bracelet
that she bought me for my birthday.

Do you know where she was staying?

No. Not since she left Bree and Ian's,
the Church of Holier-Than-Thou.

She said she was going off the grid.
She didn't even have a phone.

Secret Agent
Clean-and-Sober Hayley Blue.

- Why'd she leave their place?
- She always leaves.

You said she was looking for you
last week.

Yeah, she had something to tell me.
Something important.

- What?
- I don't know,

'cause I told her to go screw herself.

I mean, I really don't need her
trying to fix me or trying to save me,

or making promises that she knew
she wasn't going to be able to keep.

- What promises would she make?
- She said that I could come back.

She said
that we were gonna be a team.

But I had to get clean.

"You gotta clean up, baby girl.
You're gonna end up dead."

Hmm. Thus, irony.

How was I supposed to get clean
when she couldn't even do it?

Wait a minute, she was using again?

Yeah. She was with Tony
the day after I saw her.

- Who's Tony?
- My dealer.

She was handing him a wad of cash.

I was just thinking,
if she was using again,

that would explain
why she left her producers,

but not why she was k*lled, who k*lled
her, or why she went to the police.

What I just said
was not confusing enough

for your face to do what it's doing.

That was Perlmutter.

The tox results
just got back from the lab.

There were no dr*gs
in Hayley's system.

She was 100% clean and sober.

Then why was she giving a wad of cash
to Tony the drug dealer?

She didn't want dr*gs.
She wanted a g*n.

- A g*n?
- And not a punkass.22, either.

She wanted to put a hole in a brother.

Seeing as she's dead,
I say I did the right thing at the time.

- The girl was scared.
- Of what?

Didn't say, and I didn't ask.
She just wanted the g*n.

Are you sure?

You telling me
how to do my job?

No, I'm not trying to tell
you how to do your job, I just...

Good, 'cause that's all you get.


He just hung up on me.

There's a reason
he hangs out with dead people.

So, what did he say?

He identified the lipstick that was used
to paint a smile on Hayley's face

as Daniella Bolan's
Velvet Kiss lipstick, Lava Red.

Yes, but what about the g*n?
What'd he say about the g*n?

Oh. Thought you'd never ask.

They found gunpowder residue
on Hayley's hands.

So not only did she buy a g*n,
but she used it.

But why didn't we find it?

That's because we didn't find her
where she was k*lled.

So, someone att*cked her,
someone that she was afraid of.

She tries to sh**t them.

And in the struggle,
the assailant breaks her neck,

drags her down an alleyway,
hangs her upside down,

paints a smile on her face,

which apparently
was a lot like a music video

that has nothing to do with our m*rder.

You thought you sounded so smart

when you started that sentence,
didn't you?

Okay, Mr. Mystery-Writer-Man,
what's your bestselling theory?

- I'm gonna go with the butler.
- The butler?

That's who we always go with
when we run out of ideas.

- How about Alexis?
- Oh, Alexis.

She's perfect.
She's peripheral to the case,

we don't suspect her,
she has no alibi...

Okay, I'll tell you what. Why don't you
go home and question her,

and if she breaks, call me.


If you k*lled someone,
you would tell me, right?

Of course.

I'd need help hiding the body.

- That's my girl.
- Hi, darling.

- Did you get my text?
- Yeah.

Did you really meet
the rest of The Blue Pill?

Yes, I did. And all I can say is,
admire them from afar.

What are you listening to?

It's Hayley's
last performance. Oy!

She hasn't stopped listening to it
all night. It's called Threshold.

Yeah. Sounds pretty.
Little creepy, though.

- Very creepy.
- How's it creepy?

"Death, she grows near"?

It's kind of like Final Destination,
but in song form.

She doesn't mean "death" death.

Well, what other kinds of death
are there?

Allegorical, metaphoric, symbolic,
spiritual, emotional, sexual...

Okay, okay, that's quite enough.

I think I'm paying far too much
for her education.

I think this one's symbolic.

Hayley was into
all sorts of new age-y imagery. Uh...

Numerology, astrology, tarot.

And in tarot, the Death card
doesn't symbolize dying.

It symbolizes transformation, change.

"The hands we're dealt,"
like she's having her cards read.

"Death grows near"
means change is coming.

Oh, oh! That reminds me
of sitting around with Lisa Olsen,

trying to decode The Beatles' lyrics,

spinning the record backwards
and to see if "Paul was dead."

And who could forget the countless
hours I spent pondering the lyrics

to Van Halen's Hot for Teacher? Mmm.

Sounds like a drama is afoot.
Who kissed whom at which bleachers?

No. It's the official Blue Pill website.

There's a new thread talking about
the band getting back together.

- What?
- Look at this.

"Sky Blue is supposed to take
Hayley's place as lead singer."

"This is all but a done deal."

"I heard they're starting rehearsals
right away."

- "OMG, OMG, OMG."
- Look at this one.

"A source at John McGinnis
Management confirmed it when I called.

"The Blue Pill
is definitely getting back together."

"A Hayley Blue Tribute Tour."

I thought you said Hayley wouldn't let
the band have the name back.

- She wouldn't.
- Then how can they use it?

Well, Hayley is dead,
and Sky's her only family.

If Hayley owned the name,
then it would go to Sky.

You don't think
Sky k*lled her own sister.

Sky is 100 pounds dripping wet.

The only neck she could break
is her own.

John McGinnis Management?
Who's John McGinnis?

Hayley's old manager.
She fired him when she got clean.

She didn't say his name,
but in her interview in Spin last month,

she pretty much implied that he's the
one that got her hooked to begin with.

If the band got back together,
he'd have the most to gain.

Now, does that man
look like a k*ller to you?

Everybody looks like a k*ller to me.
It's a job requirement.

You didn't say that about Sky.

Just let me have this moment.

I told you, Sunday night
I was in Philly scouting a band.

I hit a motel. I watched
a little pay-per-view and I went to bed,

which may say something
about my taste,

- but it does not make me a criminal.
- But your rap sheet does.

Six counts of misdemeanor possession,

two counts of felony possession
with the intent to distribute.

What do you do, McGinnis?

Give them a little taste?
Make them need you?

Make them depend on you?

You wanna know what I do?
I make things happen.

When I met Hayley and her sister,

they were playing open mics
at coffee houses in the East Village.

Who do you think
got her a vocal coach?

Who paid for her stylist?

I took a third-rate,
a third-rate Miley Cyrus

and turned her
into the next Gwen Stefani.

And right before my payoff,
she walks away.

I... I never...

And since she owned the band name,
your hands were tied.

But now that she's dead,
all you needed to do was rope in Sky.

Look. The way I see it,
the band gets back together,

everybody makes a lot of money,
everybody's happy.

Except for Hayley. Because she's dead.

Which will no doubt
help us sell lots of tickets

when the band goes back on tour.

Is that why you k*lled her?

Now, I know my rights here
and I'm done talking.

You think you've got a case, arrest me.

I would love to have
that kind of publicity!

I never fully appreciated the nuances
of the word "skeevy" until just now.

Hey, Ryan,
did you get the phone records

for John McGinnis
and McGinnis Management?

Yeah, I just got them.

- You don't think he did it?
- He challenged me to arrest him.

He's probably screwed
and figures bluffing is his best bet.

Ryan, let's cross-reference his calls
with our hit list.

Find out if he was in contact
with anyone from Hayley's inner circle.

What about him being in Philadelphia?

With the right connections
you can k*ll with a phone call.

Yeah, right here.

Looks like the day before Hayley d*ed,

McGinnis put in a 10-minute
phone call to Zack, the guitarist.

He hasn't represented the band
in months.

Why would he call Zack
the day before Hayley d*ed?

Let's go find out.

What is
your problem, you freak?

You are completely mental!

Who the hell
do you think you are, loser?

Don't you walk away.
I'm talking to you.

Get the hell away from me!

You touch me again,
and I swear to God, I will k*ll you!

- Hey! Hey, hey! Hey! It's okay!
- Screw you, you stupid whore!

- Zack!

Hey. Sky!

- No, leave me alone!
- What did you do to her?

Nothing, man! She att*cked me.

We were riffing
on one of Hayley's songs.

One minute, she's singing along,
the next minute, she goes postal,

starts telling me
I'm stealing from Hayley. She's crazy!

It doesn't look good, Zack.
b*ating up one Blue, k*lling another.

- Look, I already told you guys...
- Sit down! Sit!

Now talk.

I already told you guys,
I didn't k*ll Hayley.

I was at the birthday gig, remember?

The Gillespies' sweet sixteen.

You took three half-hour breaks
in between sets,

during which
no one remembers seeing you.

You could have easily slipped away
and k*lled Hayley.

Nobody saw me because
I didn't want to spark up a pipe

in front of a bunch of teenagers.

Well, your innate sense of decency
is inspiring.

Why did you talk to John McGinnis
the day before Hayley was k*lled?

- He's my manager! Is that a crime?

He let all you guys go
after Hayley disbanded the group.

So, why did he call you, Zack?

I'll tell you why.

You both needed to get rid of Hayley
to get the band name back.

And he called with a plan.

Okay, look, fine. He had a plan,
but it wasn't to k*ll Hayley.

- He wanted to find Sky.
- Why?

He heard that Sky and Hayley
were talking again.

He wanted me
to grease her wheels a bit.

What, with your vast array of charms?

McGinnis wanted me to give her dope,

and have her talk to Hayley,
and get the band name back.

He knew that the only way
to get to Hayley was through Sky.

So, I got her wasted, okay?
A little too wasted.

And I went to go see Hayley myself.

You saw Hayley
the night that she was k*lled?

You should've told us that, Zack.

What, make me look
even more guilty to you guys?

No. I watch TV,
I know how the jury works.

These are the little things
that get you convicted.

- So does lying to cops.
- Keep going. Spill it.

She was at a coffee house.
She was writing songs again.

Everything was fine
until her phone rang.

- What happened?
- She freaked.

She hit "ignore," but every time she did,
it just rang again.

And every time it rang,
she just flipped out even more.

- You have any idea who it was?
- Yeah.

Because they called so many times,
I saw the caller ID.

It scared me when I saw it, too.

It said it was Death calling.

I thought she didn't have a phone.

She probably had
a pay-as-you-go plan, paid cash,

and gave the phone company
false information.

Well, that makes sense
if she was hiding from Death

and trying to stay off the grid,
like Sky said.

Okay, so obviously, there's a human
being at the other end of the phone.

And whoever it is probably
tracked her down and then k*lled her.

So, who had the dubious distinction
of being known by Hayley as Death?

Okay, well, how does the song go?
"Death, she grows near."

- She. Death is a woman.
- Okay. Following you so far...

Okay. Alexis says that Hayley liked to
draw from tarot cards in her writing.

And in tarot cards, Death isn't death.
Death means "change."

Okay, so she wasn't hiding from death,
she was hiding from change.

- She hated Obama!
- Who is the embodiment of change?

What woman represented
the biggest change in Hayley's life?

The one who sent her to rehab.
The one who saved her life.

Bree Busch? Why would
Hayley's producer want to hurt her?

I don't know, but it's worth a sh*t.

- Are you crying?
- Stay here.


I was singing her words.
I could hear her voice.

I could feel her like she was here.

That's because your sister was strong.

You thought that she was using again,
but she wasn't. She was clean.

I wish there was something
we could do.

Can't we send her to rehab
or something?

No one can help her
until she's ready to get clean.

So, I called in the warrants you wanted
on Bree Busch.

Phone records are gonna take a day,

but her credit card puts her in the city
at 10:48.

Now, I checked her interview notes,

she said she was at home
at Brooklyn at 10:00.

Where was she at 10:48?

At a pharmacy at 12th and 19th.

That's three blocks
from the crime scene.

Yeah. Made me wonder what she was
shopping for, so I called the store.

They faxed over a receipt.

Bottle of water, energy bar,

and a tube of Daniella Bolan
Velvet Kiss Lava Red lipstick.

That's the same lipstick
used to paint a smile on Hayley's face.

Okay. It's true.
I saw her the night she d*ed.

Why didn't you tell us that before?

She had called the studio
earlier that day.

She spoke to my assistant, Kelly, okay?

She said she wanted to come by

and pick up some stuff
she'd left behind,

- a guitar and some pedals.
- That's how you got her new number.

I called her back immediately.

You know, I kept calling, just...
She wouldn't pick up.

I must've left half a dozen messages.

So, finally, I, you know,
left her a message saying,

"Come by tonight," you know,

"Someone'll be here
to give you your stuff."

And I didn't tell her
it was going to be me, so she showed.

- What time was that?
- About 11:00.

Anyway, I said,
"I'm not gonna give you your stuff

"unless you tell me
what was going on," you know.

Well, she wouldn't even look at me.

You have to understand, I had put
so much money into this record.

If she didn't finish it,
I was gonna lose this studio.

So I had to get her to stay, right?

- She was using anyway.
- You offered her dr*gs.

A bag. I offered her a bag.

I said, "There's plenty more
where that came from."

I would have gotten her help
after she finished.

I couldn't let her walk away.

Yeah, well, here's the thing,
Mrs. Busch.

Hayley was clean when she d*ed.
She wasn't using.

Well, I know that now.

I mean, she opened up her jacket and
showed me what was tucked inside.

A g*n.

Well, she had a g*n.

And she said, "I would rather
put a b*llet in my brain

"than to be using again."

Let me make sure
I'm getting this right.

You lured Hayley here
under false pretenses,

offered her dr*gs,
got into a heated argument,

and you're telling me that
she walked out of that door alive?

When did you replace
the panel on this baffle?

Well, I don't think
it's ever been replaced.

Yeah, it has.
It's newer than the other ones.

Could you be careful, please?
That's expensive equipment.

Castle, what are you doing?

I'm uncovering a b*llet hole.

Judging from the diameter
of the hole, it's a.38.

That gunpowder residue
on Hayley's hand?

This is where the g*n was fired.

I have no idea
how that b*llet hole got there.

You and Hayley fought. You knew
that if she walked out of that door,

you would never see her again,
and so you grabbed her from behind.

She pulled out a g*n.
It scared you, you held her tight.

A sh*t went off,
you held her tighter still.

And before you even knew what
happened, she stopped struggling.

You broke her neck without realizing it.

That's not what happened.
That's not what happened at all.

If it was an accident,
if it was an act of self-defense,

you're gonna make this all easier
on yourself just by telling us the truth.

She's gonna do 20 years

instead of pleading out and doing five.

Guilty conscience or lousy lawyer?

Bree, please.
I can't lose you for 20 years.

I can't lie! I didn't hurt her!

- That's not what happened.
- Guess it's up to the lawyers now.

That's not what...

You going home
to tell Alexis the news?

- I just thought I'd go for a walk.
- Any place in particular?

It kills me thinking about her
out there alone.

Come on. I'll drive.


Are you sure Zack said
she was crashing here?


It's over there.

Sky. Sky!

Hey, you okay? Can you hear me?

How much did you take?

McGinnis gave us a signing bonus.

He told us a place
we could fix for cheap.

I couldn't do it.
No, Hayley didn't want me to.

I'm clean.

She's gonna help me, right?

Wherever she is,
she's looking out for me, right?

She's already doing it.

Come on.
Let's get you out of here.

Is Sky going to be okay?

I think so.

The worst part is over. Now she just
has to figure out the rest of her life.

And Hayley? The whole thing
was just some stupid accident?

It's just so pointless.

I know. Sometimes
when we lose an artist we like,

it's kind of like losing a friend.

You know, I remember
when John Lennon d*ed,

I didn't leave my room for a week.

She was only 25. I can't help but think
about all the songs she won't write

that we won't get to hear now.

And all because her producer
thought she was back on dr*gs.

Why would she even think that?

You know, when people we care about
suddenly turn against us,

we can come up with
all sorts of reasons to explain it.

Who knows what really happened?

Well, that's it for me. You staying up?

Is it okay?
I just wanna listen a little longer.

Of course.

"I can explain if you're listening."

What, Dad?

She wrote that song
a week before she d*ed,

after she left her producers
and went to the cops.

Maybe she was trying to tell us
what was going on.

"Locked up in silence, a living hell."


Or her producers?

"The loving hand that saved me."

Her producers. Bree and Ian? Wait.

What is she saying there,
"Its darkness" or "His darkness"?

"You stepped across my threshold.
How could you?"

Oh, God, Dad.
Does that mean what I think it means?

It means we have the wrong k*ller.

The identity of her k*ller
is in the song?

- It's right there. Listen!
- I know, I already heard it.

Don't you think that if Hayley
knew who was going to k*ll her,

she would've tried
to prevent the m*rder?

It never made sense until now.

Why would she up and disappear when
everything seemed to be going so well?

It's in the words. She even says it.
"I can explain if you're listening."

- Just like that, I'm free to go?
- Just like that.

We need to sign a few release forms,
if you don't mind.

I can't believe it. Thank God.

Thank you so much. Does this mean
you found the real k*ller?

- We're about to make an arrest.
- That's great.

You know,
what's even better is that

it was Hayley herself
who led us to her k*ller.

How'd she do that?

Her last song. The one that was playing
the night she d*ed.

It's all over the web. You know the one.


It's the lyrics that really get me,
so many layers.

It took me a few listens
to get to the bottom of them.

Mmm-hmm. First time I heard it,
I thought it was about going into rehab.

It is. It's about coming from a dark place

and having the courage
to get on with your life.

Different dark place.

Listen, this is the part
that gives it away.

I don't understand.

Somebody crossed over her threshold.
She didn't want him to.

- Someone forced himself on her.
- You're getting all that from a song?

Well, there's other places
where it's more overt.

But if you listen to the words,
analyze them, it's all there.

Father figure, betrayal, violation.

It's truly awful.

Why didn't she say anything?
Ian, did she ever say anything to you?

No. No, she didn't.

You told your husband
about arguing with Hayley

the night she was k*lled, didn't you?

Yes. He was there
when I got home from the studio.

I told him the whole thing.

I was so upset,
I took a sleeping pill to get some rest.

That's when you borrowed your wife's
cell phone and her brand new lipstick.

It's a good thing we'd subpoenaed
your wife's phone records

when I had this whole crazy lyric idea.

Otherwise, we might've missed out
on those texts you sent Hayley.

What texts?

Text message from your phone
at 11:52.

"Ian told me the whole thing.

"We have to talk right away.
Meet me at the studio."

- I never sent that text.
- 11:54,

"I'm so sorry for what he did to you.
I'm leaving him.

"Please come talk to me."

And then finally at 11:56,
a reply from Hayley. "See you there."

What did you do?

"The loving hand that saved me
held too tight."

He pretended to be you.

'Cause he was the one
who forced himself on Hayley.

He was afraid she was gonna talk.
So he pretended.

By the time Hayley realized
it was Ian waiting for her at the office,

it was too late.



I didn't force myself on Hayley.
She seduced me.

From the time she moved in.

The way she talked to me,
the way she touched me.

And now, after all we'd done for her,
she was gonna make up this lie

to destroy our marriage
and ruin our business?


So, you snapped her neck.
The g*n didn't do her any good, did it?

You were too strong. Just like the night
when you assaulted her.

You k*lled her.
And you almost got away with it.

But Hayley wouldn't shut up,
would she?

That's pretty smart, staging the crime
scene like the stalker video,

making it look like someone else did it.

She loved you like a father.

The way she looked up to you,
it made me love you more.

- Look at me!
- I'd like a lawyer now.

Bree turned on her husband
the moment she found out

what he had done to Hayley.

Needless to say, she's filed for divorce.

It's no wonder Hayley couldn't tell
Bree why she ran away.

You see,
she didn't have anyone to talk to,

so she did the one thing that she could.
She wrote about it.

You know, it kind of reminds me

of when I wrote
When It Comes To Slaughter.

It was at a time in my life
when I was just,

I was trying to work through...

Not important.

- So, is he pleading out?
- Oh, he can try.

Perlmutter ran his coat and found
the same gunpowder residue

that he found on Hayley.
He's going away for a long time.

Good. Nice job, both of you.

So what are you gonna tell Alexis?

What I always tell her. The truth.

Hayley Maria Blue, we love
and miss you. This one's for you.
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