07x13 - Chance of a Lifetime

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x13 - Chance of a Lifetime

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrenders in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Are you all right?

-Hang on!
-Tom: okay.

-Keep her steady.

Ah, steady, come on!
Oh god, we've lost it.

-Stephanie, we're
not going to die, are we?

-No, we're not
going to die, trisha.

We're not going to die.

-But the radio. Nobody
knows where we are.

-Benjamin, I've been in
worse spots than this, okay?

Once, I wasn't even in a boat.

I'd fallen overboard,
but I survived, okay?

And we will, too.
We're going to survive.

Now go over
there and sit down.

Hold on to each other.


We're going to be all right.

I wish I could believe that
we're really going to make it.

But this can't be real.
This can't be happening.

It all started out so perfect.



-So, we on for dinner tonight?

-Oh, yeah, absolutely.
I'm looking forward to it.

-Oh, great. Me, too.

Okay, I gotta go
back to headquarters

Because tom is
meeting me there.

The kids are arriving soon.

I'll see you tonight.

-Wait a second. Speaking
of parties [giggles]

-I don't believe we were.

-No, no, no. Actually, we were.

And you know what,
don't worry about it.

It's all taken care of.

-Caroline, we've been
through this before.

I don't want to have--

-I know, I know. You hate
surprises, especially parties.

But listen, stephanie.
You know about it, right?

So it's not a surprise
anymore, so you can't object.

Whew, I'm glad we
worked it all out.

-You are so stubborn.

-[Giggles] I know.
It runs in the family.

-Man: how long
will the trip last?

-Woman: it's going to be--

-Okay. Everybody listen up.

We got a little role
call action here.

Okay. Where is diana?


-Mitch: how you doing?
-Very good.



-All right, trish.

-Benjamin: present.

-Mitch: hey, benjamin.
-Hi, benjamin.

-Where is randy?

-Right here.
-Stephanie: hi, randy.

-Mitch: terry?

-And megan. How
you doing, megan?

-Stephanie: hi, megan.
-Tom: hi, megan.

-Okay. We meet tomorrow morning

At the marina, at 7 am.

Do not be late.

-Yes, and since we
have a lot of work to do

If we're going to sail at
the end of the week,

Please be on time.

-And don't forget to
bring your medical releases

From your parents.

And diana,
your asthma inhaler.

-Oh, I haven't had
to use it lately.

-200 Miles off shore in
the middle of the ocean

Is not the place to
realize that you need it,

But you didn't pack it.

So bring it, okay?


-Now listen, you guys,

I hope you all are following
that list of things to pack

Because remember, this is a
working vessel, not a cruise.

And even though we're
going for just two weeks,

We still have only
room for essentials.

So does anyone want to
tell me what that means?


-Sure. An essential
is something

That you can't live without.

So uh, can I
bring my boyfriend?

[Group laughs]

-No, trisha, you can't
bring your boyfriend,

But you can bring
your sense of humor

Because I'm sure that's
going to come in handy.

-Yeah, especially when
those waves are so humongous

That we're pitching up
and down, all around,

And you get sea sick.

So you just lean right over
the rail, and then you--

-Enough, terry. Thanks.


-According to lieutenant
holden's handbook,

We should stick to the
suggested list of items.

And if they won't fit into one
duffel bag, don't bring it.

-That's right. Thank you.

-All right. Anymore questions?

Hey, megan. Any questions?

-All right. I need a volunteer

To help me with some paperwork
back at headquarters.

-I'll help.

-Great. Let's go.

-What's going on here?

-He tripped me!

-You fell on your face, bozo!

-Who are you calling bozo, huh?

-Hey! Stop it, stop it!

-Knock it off!


Don't have any room for that
kind of behavior at sea.

None of it.

-Look, we're all going to have
to work together on board.

So you're going to have to find

A better way to get along, guys.

-Starting now. You both
can help me with paperwork.

-Kids, the object of this
trip is learning and fun.

F-u-n, okay?

Okay, just have a good time.
-Neely: come on!

-All right, we'll
see you tomorrow.

-Go with neely, huh.

-Kids: goodbye.

-All right, see ya.
-Stephanie: bye.

-See ya, megan.
-Stephanie: bye, megan.

-See you tomorrow.

-Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

-Well, I guess neely was
right about one thing.

-What do you mean?

-That part about one
big, happy family.

See, terry and randy,
they're step brothers.


-Yeah, and they uh, both
blame the respective parents

For the respective divorce.

-Tom: kind of respectively.

And they refuse
to accept their new family,

And that they're now brothers.

-And they're going
on this trip together?

-Well, their parents are hoping
that a little togetherness

Will work the wonders
that they couldn't.


We've got two fighting
step brothers on the trip.

-[Chuckles] yeah. One of them
has a huge crush on neely.

And benjamin, I think he's
going to be running for congress

By next year.

-This benjamin is
such a character.

I mean, he has the
i.q. Of a genius.

Unfortunately, when he tries
to make friends, it backfires.

-What about that girl, megan?

I mean, she hasn't said a
word since she's been here.

What's her story?

-Well, her parents died in a
car accident when she was five,

And she and the family dog were
the only ones who survived.

When she was adopted,

She wouldn't go unless
the dog was adopted, too.

And that dog died
three months ago.

She was just devastated and
she hasn't spoken a word since.

Her adoptive parents
have tried everything.

They even bought
her a new puppy,

But she wouldn't have
anything to do with it.

So they were hoping this
trip would help her.

-You know, wasn't it you two
that said this was going to be

A lovely cruise, a very
laid-back experience,

A walk in the park,
a day at the beach?

-Both: no.

-I didn't think so.

-You're not carrying anything.


-Oh great, c.j.
Can't even see now.

-So, bet you never thought
you'd have a honeymoon at sea

With a bunch of
teenagers and me, huh.

- yeah, yeah. It's going to be a lot of

-Okay, you guys. Everyone's
been assigned a bunk

And you know where
to stow your gear,

So let's clear the decks.

-We got the food!

-Yeah, there should
be enough food here

To last you all about a week.

-And you can live
off fish and seaweed.

-Both: what?

-Trisha, it was a joke.

-Come on, girls, carry
a bag. Everyone works.

-I don't want to break my nails.

-Ah, diana, life's about
taking risks, so here.

Carry a bag and take a chance.

-All right, everybody. Let's
take some bags, come on.

-Something tells me

This is going to be one
exciting adventure.

-Hustle up, let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

All right, let's go.

-Bye you guys.

-Bye, mom. Goodbye, dad. You
gotta remember...

-No parties.


-See you soon.



-See you when you get back.

-Now, seasickness was
first described by sailors

As nausea, which is
latin for sea sickness.

Yes, benjamin.

-The na in nausea being
derived from nautical.

-That's right,
that's very good.

By the way, if anybody happens
to get seasick on this ship,

Don't panic. Just see mitch.

-You're the doctor.

-Tom: you know, the worst
thing about seasickness is

That if you start
feeling, don't go below.

Because that is
the worst thing.

For some reason, you
get very dizzy below.

So what I recommend is
the best thing to do

Is stay outside and
look for the horizon.

That's your best bet.

-Hang on, stephanie.
Let me talk to her.

You take the wheel.

-So does anybody
feel seasick already?

[Group giggles]

-Mind if I join you?

You know megan, when you
signed up for this trip,

I got a chance to look
at your school records.

Straight a's. That's
pretty cool, huh?

When I was in school,

I was not the smartest
kid in the class.

But I kind of had an
intuition about people.

I would know what was
going on inside of them.

I'll give you an example.

I would know when my parents
were going to have a fight,

Even before they had a fight.

I would know when my brother
was going to get grounded,

Even before he got in trouble.

I knew that my girlfriend was
going to break up with me.

And I knew when my very
favorite dog, buster,

Was going to the vet.

And this time, he
wasn't coming home.

And I know something
about you, too.

I think that you
need a friend.

And I'd like to be
your friend, okay?


-Cody: hey.

Hey, chad, bro.
-Chad: hey, man.

-How is it out there today?

-It's moshi, man.
-Cody: that bad, huh?

-Yeah. Hey, it won't
last long, though.

There's a big storm
coming up from baja.

We got some serious
surf coming our way.

-I haven't heard
anything about any storm.

-Yeah, my brother
lives down in baja,

Says it's storming
there right now.

It's headed our way.

See ya, cody.


-You know, I could've
stayed at home

And looked at your ugly face.

Instead, I'm stuck out here
in the middle of nowhere.

-Yeah? Well, if you
think my face is ugly,

That's nothing compared
to your mother.

She's so ugly that--

-Terry, I suggest you
choose your next words

Very carefully.

Brass needs to be
polished on a daily basis.

-It's not the polishing of
the brass that's bothering me.

It's him!

I don't know why my father

Had to set me up for
this trip, anyway.

-Maybe he thought you guys
would have a good time.

And learn to get along.


-You like her, don't you?

Yeah, I bet your dad would
like her, too. Wouldn't he?

Seems to like all the
young girls around.

-Yeah? Well, if
that's the case,

It's only because he
can't stand being married

To your ugly mother.

-Man on radio: this
is the coast guard

Calling all ships at sea.

This is the coast guard
calling all ships at sea.

There is a storm approaching.
Severe weather expected.

Return to nearest
port immediately.

Repeat, return to
nearest port immediately.

[Static fizzling]


Great. What do we do now?

[Thunder rumbling]

-See that?

-I see it.

-Tom: mitch, there's no way

We're going to get
around that storm.

[Lightning booming]
-all right.

Head straight into it.

Keep her steady.

-All right.

-Neely: what?

-Listen up. Go down below,
radio the coast guard,

Tell 'em we're about to
encounter a severe storm.

Give them our position.

Tell them we're heading
straight into it, okay?


-Is there something wrong?
-Mitch: no, no, pal.

We're just about to encounter
a little bad weather,

That's all.

-There's nothing to be afraid
of. We're going to be fine.

-Oh, I'm not afraid.

There's nothing to
fear, but fear itself.

But the girls might
be a little afraid.

-Well, then I'm
going to count on you

To help me out if
they get scared, okay?


-How about you come down below

While I radio the coast guard?

Come on, benjamin.

-Uh, neely, lieutenant
buchannon, we didn't mean to.

I don't think we're going to be
able to reach the coast guard.

-Randy: what terry's
trying to say is,

Could you come below with us?


[Mitch sighs]



[Terry exhales loudly]

-Terry: we were fighting.
-No kidding.

-We tried to fix it.

-Randy: look, we're sorry.

-Sorry? Do you realize
the ramifications

Of us being rendered

-Listen up, little man
with the big, fancy, words--

-Hey, knock it off!

We got enough problems already.

-I'm sorry, benjamin.

-All right. Go upstairs,
put your lamp jackets on.

There's a storm coming.

-Mitch. Mitch, the storm's
coming in really fast.

We gotta radio the coast guard.

-Oh, no.

-Yes, the chance of a lifetime.

-Coast guard: how
long have they been out?

-Um, two days out, almost
three now. Destination baja.

-Coast guard: anything else?

-They were suppose to
call us every three hours

And we have not heard from
them in over five hours.

And I'm not able to
raise them on the radio.

-Coast guard:
we'll get on it.

-Yes. I'd appreciate
it if you let me know

The minute you contact them.

-Coast guard: I can
reach you at baywatch?

-Baywatch headquarters, yes.

-Coast guard: okay, goodbye.

-Thank you.


-Stephanie is going to
be so surprised.

And then once she
gets over that,

She'll probably have a really
good time at her own party.

-Caroline, you're eating
this as fast as we make them.

-Well, how else are we
suppose to figure out

If they're edible?

-We don't
have to find out

If every one
of them is edible.

[Knocking on door]

Oh, that's cody.

Hey, baby.

-We got a problem.


-Coast guard tried to reach
the chance of a lifetime.

They haven't been
able to raise anyone.

We don't know if they copy,

And uh, we don't
know where they are.

[Thunder rumbling]

-All right. Make sure
everything is tight and secure.

You do not want to get
any water in your suit.

-Mitch, we gotta go in, mitch.

-I know, I know.

Whatever you do, do not
take the life jackets off.

[Thunder rumbling]

-Randy and terry,
you get up there

And you help me with the sail.

Everybody else, follow me.
We're going to go down below.

Come on!

-You be very careful
on the deck, you guys.

It's very, very slick.
Just hold on to the rope.

-All right, you get below. It's
going to be okay, all right?

All right, come on everyone!
Let's go, let's go!

Come on!

-Neely: yeah?

-Take the wheel.
-Neely: okay, yeah.

-Tom: keep it steady.


going to be okay, baby.

-Everybody all right?

-Uh huh, I guess.

-All right, go down.

All right. Watch your
feet, watch your feet.

-Go slow.

-Mitch: all
right, close it up.

All right, get ready
to lower the sail.

All right. Sail coming down.

-Easy does it.

-Tom: good work.

-Keep it coming,
keep it coming.

Watch the waves!

-I got it, I got it!

-Tom: go!

Hold steady!

Keep fighting!

-Are you all right?

Okay, good.

-Stephanie, we're all
going to die, aren't we?

-No, we're not going to die,
trisha. We're not going to die.

-But the radio. Nobody
knows where we are.

-Benjamin, I've been in
worse spots than this.

-Thanks. Yeah, please.

Anything at all, anything.

We'll be at baywatch
headquarters. Thanks.

-What'd you find out?

-Coast guard's putting a
search plan into effect.

They'll be conducting
a first light's search

With a c130 out to san diego.

-How bad is it out there?

[Thunder rumbling]

-Hang on, baby. Hold on.

Hold on, guys!

-Help me, mitch.

-Hang on, I got ya.

Hang on, hang on. I got ya.

-Grab my hand!

-All right. Keep her steady.

-Don't go far. Be careful.


-Get them down below!

-Come on! Hurry, go below.

-I got it, I got it!
-Come on, hurry!

-Okay, follow close. We're
steering through this storm.

-Okay. Hang on, hang on!

-All right. Keep her
steady, keep her steady!

-You're okay, trisha.

-Neely, I'm scared.

-It's okay to be
scared, benjamin.

Even the bravest people
get scared sometimes.

-But we're headed
straight into the storm.

-It's our best
chance. It's okay.

-Don't you all get it?

[Sobs] we don't have
a chance at all.

-No, diana.

-We're all going to die!

-Diana, diana, no. We
are not going to die, okay?

[Diana sobs]
we're going to be all right.

And you're going to
be all right, too.

Where's your inhaler?

-My pocket, my pocket.

-It's not here. Sit down, okay?

Sit down and I'll find
your inhaler for you, okay?

Okay. Benjamin,
benjamin, look after her.

Okay? All right, all
right, I'll be right back.

-Diana, just try and calm
down. Take a deep breath.

Everything's going to be okay.
I'm right here with you.

[Diana sobs]

[Thunder rumbling]

-We lost it!

We lost the rudder!
We lost the rudder!

-You okay?

-Neely, get the
flashlights out of there.

-I can't see!

-Hold on!

-I got ya, I got ya, I got ya.

Hold on to me. Hold onthe me, don't worry.

-Here. Here.

-You'll be okay.
Hold on, hold on.

-It's okay. It's okay.

-We're taking on water!

-That's it. We're
getting everybody off.

We're going down.

Get the life raft together.

I'll get the radio beacon

In east part of the water.

All right, go!

-You're going to be okay.

Terry, terry, put
up your life jacket.

Go on, tie it properly.

-All right, listen up.

We got a radio beacon

Signaling our position
to the coast guard.

But we're taking on water.

We got no choice, we
have to abandon ship.

-The life boats are inflated
and they're ready to go.

-We have to do this as calmly
and as quickly as possible.

-Neely: what?

-You get megan up there.

Now listen, megan. You guys
are in a buddy system, okay?

You two take
care of each other.

Now, I'm counting
on you, friend.

-I won't let you down. Friend.

-Okay, let's go.

-Okay benjamin, you're with--

-I'll take benjamin. You
come with me, bud, all right?

-Terry, I'm going
with you, man.

-Terry: all right, let's
go. Come on, come on.

-Take it easy.
Let's go, come on.

[Thunder rumbling]
-come on! Hold on.

Let's go!

-Trish. Trisha! Trisha.

-All right, come on. Let's go.

Keep it moving,
keep it moving!

-Hurry up!

-Be careful on
the steps. Hold on.

-All right, let's go.

-One at a time.

-Trisha. Trisha!

Trisha. [Grunts]

Trisha. Trisha.




-Okay, let's go.

-One at a time.
Just jump in.

-Easy, easy.

All right, neely, get on down.
-Neely: okay.

-Everybody on board?


[Stephanie grunts]

-Are you okay?
Are you all right?

Look, the boat is sinking.

We gotta get to the
life rafts, okay?

Can you get up there?

I'll help you. We
can make it.

-Where's trisha and stephanie?

-I don't know. They
were right behind me.

-They must still be below.

Okay, here's the step.

-Come on, stephanie, come on!


-Tom: we gotta get
off the boat. Come on!


[Lightning crackles]

-Tom: good god!

-Trisha, move!
-Tom: look out!

[Stephanie screaming]

[Trisha screaming]
[stephanie groaning loudly]



-It's okay.

-All right, okay.
Easy, easy. All right.

-It's going to be okay.
-Stephanie: tom!

[Stephanie gasping]

-How bad is it?

-How do you feel?

-It doesn't hurt anymore.
Can you help me get up?

-I think it's better if
you just lie there, baby.

-No, I want to get
up. Help me up.

-No, you don't
want to get up now.

You got two guys taking
good care of you here, okay.

-Mitch, you don't look so good.

-Oh, no.

Please don't start crying
or I'll start crying.

And then, we're all
going to make a big mess.

-It's bad, isn't it?

-It's bad.


No, don't cry.

Don't cry.

I'm not afraid to die.

-Tom: don't say that.
-Stephanie: really.

-You're not going to die.
-Mitch: no, you're not.

-You're not going to die, okay?
-Mitch: no.

-We haven't had
enough time, babe.

We've barely had
any time at all.

-I'll never leave you.

I'll always be with you.
Everywhere you look.

-There's so many things
I want to tell you.

-There's nothing you can say

That I don't already know.

We're best friends, remember?

I, I love you.

-I love you, stephanie.

I'll always love you.

-I'm in the arms
of the two men

I love most
in the world.


-Mitch, I lo...

[Tom sobbing]


Oh, no. Don't go.
[Trisha and neely crying]

-I love you, too.
-Tom: don't go.

-No, no! No! [Mitch gasping]

[Tom and mitch sobbing]

Oh god, no.

-Look, look! Look, you guys!

Wave your hands! Over here!

-Over here!
[Helicopter whirring]

[Group cheering]

-There he is, go!

-Watch your step. Easy.


-We got it.

-Caroline, caroline.

-What's happening?
-Mitch: caroline!

-What's happening?
-Come here, come here. Come here.

I'm sorry.

We tried to save
her. [Mitch crying]

[C.j. Crying]

-[Crying] no. [Gasping] no.
-Mitch: sorry.

[Caroline sobbing]

Go on, guys. Go on.

[Caroline sobbing]

-Pastor: thank you
for being here today

To remember the
departed, stephanie.

Of course she will be
greatly missed by all of you.

-Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

stephanie holden,

[Chuckles] she loved the ocean.

And she loved
being a lifeguard.

She was the
ultimate lifeguard.

But more importantly,
she loved life.

She gave her life so
another could live.

And if she had the chance
to do it all over again,

I'm sure she would
make the same choice.

Which makes it
even more difficult

To say goodbye.

But we are not here
to say goodbye.

We are here to honor her.

And to say to you, stephanie,

That you will be missed,

As a lifeguard,

As a wife,
[tom sighs]

As a sister,
[caroline sniffles]

And as a friend.

We will never,
never forget you.

And i,

Stephanie, I'll think
about you every day

For the rest of my life.

♪ You were a rose
among my thorns ♪

♪ You were the calm

♪ In the eye of every storm

♪ Now you're gone

♪ And I've no
more tears to cry ♪

♪ We never had a chance

♪ To say goodbye

♪ Oh, bless a brand new angel

♪ Heaven isn't all that far

♪ Oh, time came to take you

♪ You're still
livin' in my heart ♪

♪ With a love that's
never changing ♪

♪ Please bless a
brand new angel ♪

♪ You were my
refuge from the rain ♪

♪ And when you'd smile

♪ You'd bring
summer back again ♪

♪ I'll hold you here

♪ Forever in my mind

♪ 'Til we meet someday

♪ On the other side of time

♪ Oh, bless a brand new angel

♪ Heaven isn't all that far

♪ Though time came to take you

♪ You're still
livin' in my heart ♪

♪ With a love that's
never changing ♪

♪ Please bless a
brand new angel ♪

♪ Without you

♪ The sun will never shine

♪ As bright

♪ Your magic touch lit up

♪ Each corner of my life

♪ With a love that's
never changing ♪

♪ Please bless a
brand new angel ♪

♪ Please bless a
brand new angel ♪

[End theme music playing]
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