01x05 - The Color of God

Episode transcripts for the TV show "7th Heaven". Aired: August 26, 1996 – May 13, 2007.*
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Eric Camden is a reverend, husband and the father of numerous children who faces everyday challenges of raising a family during permissive times.
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01x05 - The Color of God

Post by bunniefuu »


My favorite.

I know.

Hey, you know, if you put salt on butter, it generates heat.


Yeah. Salt and butter make heat.

I learned it in science.

You got a "c" in science.

Maybe so, but I'm telling you, it works.

I'm not stupid.

No. Feel it. I swear. It's hot.

It is. Feel it.


I don't feel anything.

Ha ha ha!

You jerk!

Hey, that was great.


...the wizard, little buddy--

...beautiful, 5-carat-- stop.

That's what it's for.

You're making me dizzy.

You made pancakes?

I can make you some. It'll take 2 seconds.


You could've told me, and I wouldn't have stayed out so long.

Sorry, sunshine. We could've, but we didn't.

I always get left out.

You know, luce, if you put salt on butter, it heats up.

No, it doesn't.

I don't know where they learn that stuff.

I can't imagine.

Are you gonna let her do that?

I have to.

-Heh heh heh! -Ha ha ha!

This isn't funny.

Matt did it to me.


Good one.

Last night, one of our local churches was burned to the ground...

I don't wanna see the news.

It's not good.

...in what seems to be an unending and devastating display of hatred dating back to the days of reconstruction. -Mom!

Dad! There's a fire at the Hamilton church!

...the minister who lives close by with his family.

At this time, police are saying the fire was deliberately set, but they have no leads.

Reverend Hamilton, this is absolutely devastating.

It's gonna take more than a fire to destroy what we've built here.

That's Morgan.

The people who burned this church need much more help than we do.

Do you have any idea who started this fire?

No, but I would definitely like to know, and I hope whoever did this is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Do you think that's a possibility?

Yes. It may not be likely, but it's a possibility.

What're we gonna do?

I don't know...

But something...

Or I do something.

I want to thank the trinity church choir for being with us today...

As well as all of you who are visiting here.


For any of my own parishioners who are not aware of it, the trinity church was burned in the middle of the night.

To the ground.

I wish I could tell you that I understood this senseless tragedy, but I don't.

Morgan Hamilton's grandfather built trinity church, and hard-working members of this community have worshipped there for almost 100 years.

Morgan and I went to seminary together.

We've been friends for 20 years, and I've invited him here today to share his message with all of us, so please help me welcome Morgan Hamilton.

Thank you, reverend Camden, and thank you all for inviting us to be here with you today.

We are grateful to you for providing a place where we could come to share our grief and our anger.

I want to remind everyone here that although it is a great temptation, we cannot fight hate with hate.

Even if the criminals responsible for last night's fire are caught, their teachers are still at large.

It is time to examine where we are in this country today.

Are we moving forward, or are we traveling in a vicious circle?

I want each of you to ask yourselves...

What are we teaching our children today that will make things better tomorrow?




So, keesha, are you still dating that guy you were dating?

What guy?

I don't know. Weren't you dating somebody?

Hey, you were gonna apply at tuskegee last time we talked, weren't you?


Hey, you guys wanna play some basketball?

You think that's what we do after church, play basketball?

Give her a break.

She's on varsity. You saw her play.

What's your problem?

I don't have a problem.

Oh...I'm sorry about your father's church.

That's the third time you've said that.

Oh, heh heh.

I think I'll go change now.

Yeah. I think I'll change, too.

Excuse me.

Me, too.

Um, we'll be right back, I guess.

Boom boom!

Why did they burn your church?

I guess 'cause they didn't want us to have a place to talk to God.


Boom boom! Slice!

Boom boom! Pow!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom!

Would Batman and Robin care to join us for a spot of tea?



Bam bam bam!

Bang bang!

Boom boom!

Hey, Nigel, why do you think they burned your church?

'Cause they're the bad guys.

Bad guys have been burning black churches for a hundred years.

They're just trying to scare us.

Well, if it hasn't worked for a hundred years, you'd think they'd give up.

Yeah, you'd think so.

I can take over if you want a break, Morgan.

You mean you'd trust me alone with the salad?

Of course I would.

I'm fine, I'm just fine.

I find cooking very relaxing.

You should relax more often.

Yes, I should.

Come on, sit down. Let me do it.

Annie, save your breath and your strength.

As long as it takes him to make that stew, it will take us twice as long to clean it up.

Oh, I'll clean up.

Well, kids and i will clean up.

The kids will clean up.

That's what I thought you meant.

Hey, you and Patricia wanna go for a walk or something?

I can help Morgan.

Thanks. I feel like i have been in this kitchen all day.

That's two of us.

I think the fresh air will do me some good.

Oh, and, Morgan, if you run into any problems, just come to the front door, yell loudly.

Heh heh. Don't worry.

I've seen what this guy can do to food.

Stay right where you are.

Oh, come on. I--i can do that.

No, you can't.

Oh, my gosh. Just a second.

Hi, keesha. Did they all go off and leave you here alone?

Keesha, Mrs. Camden is asking you a question.

-That's ok. -Sorry, mom. What?

I just-- oh, Lucy, hi.

Will you pick up Simon and ruthie's things, please?

This place is a mess.

It's not my stuff.

Ok, ok.

Thank you.

Aren't these teen years fun?

Eh, heh heh.

Let's go.

It's not fair.

Life isn't fair.

Deal with it.

I know. I'm sorry.

You apologize more than any person I know.

I know. I'm sor--

I mean, I know.

-Bam bam! -Pow!

Incoming, 3:00!

Pow! Got him!

Bam bam!

If you're angry at someone, tell them.

Don't just apologize for your anger.

You're right.


Simon, are you gonna pick up your toys?

I can't. I'm entertaining right now.


Pow pow!


Hey, luce... You hungry?

I'm starving.

Wow, you made that?

Irish stew. My mother taught me.

That's great. You should teach dad how to make it.

Could you hand me the salt?

It needs more salt?

No. I need the salt.


It's for Simon.

The old salt- and-butter trick.


I haven't seen that in years.

Yeah. It's kinda making the rounds this weekend.

Can I ask you something?

I told you, it's just meat and potatoes.

No, no. I wanted to know what you're feeling about the fire.


Well, I'm somewhere between extremely sad and extremely angry.

That church was my legacy, handed down from my grandfather to my father to me...

And in one night, with one match, the whole thing goes up in smoke.

Everything they worked for.

Everything I worked for.

Well, look, you know...

Whatever I can do to help you rebuild.

It's just that...

I got a more immediate problem.

The arsonists left a note saying they'd be back.

The detectives on the case think I should keep the family away, just in case the parish house is the next target.

They really think they'll come back?

No. They think it's just a stupid threat, but they want me to take it seriously until they find out.

Where'd you stay last night?

Well, we couldn't just drop in on friends with a family of six.

We stayed at a hotel.

You can't keep doing that.

You and pat and the kids will stay here.

-No, i-- -and don't say no.

Thanks, Eric. I appreciate that.

If they're here, where I know they're safe, then I can go back home.

Whoever burned me out of my church is not gonna run me out of my house.

I knew you'd say that.

Come on, Simon, do it.

I don't believe you.

I swear, it's hot.

You have to put your hand right over it.

I don't wanna get burned.

You won't get burned!

Aah! Hey!


Oh, man.


Look, I understand you're upset about your church, but you don't have to take your anger out on my sister.

I'm not taking anything out on your sister.

And you don't know anything about my anger.

You know, he happens to be really good.

Yeah, I know. He just bugs me.

I never know what to say to him.

Yeah, well, he's probably just upset about what happened to his church.

How would you feel if that happened to us?

I don't know.

It's really scary.

Yeah, it is.

I teach all day.

I come home to four kids, and he's always got folks to take care of.

He's got no time for me or the kids.

You know how it is.

Oh, well... Yeah, I guess I do.

Please. You gonna tell me you never get tired of being a minister's wife?

I feel like if I go open a beer or kick back on the couch, the devil himself will show up.

Ha ha ha! Yeah, I know that feeling.

Ok. Well, before we start, Annie and I have a little announcement we'd like to make.

We've invited all of you to stay with us for a couple of days, and Morgan and Patricia have graciously accepted.

Dad, we're staying here?

Yeah, but I'm going home.

Well, I'm going home, too.

Actually, John...

I'm gonna be going with him, and I think we'd both feel more comfortable if you stayed here with Matt.

The two of you guys could be the men of the house together.

Hey, Simon, you wanna say the blessing?

Oh, no. I think Nigel wants to say it.

Ok. Nigel?

Dear God...

Please stop the fires.



What're you up to?

Oh, you made breakfast every morning this week, so...Thought I'd give it a shot.

It's an omelet.

You're the worst cook I've ever seen.

But the best friend i ever had.


What time you get up this morning?


Ok, 4:30.

Sleeping alone is...Not something i do that well.

Yeah, me, neither.

Did you talk to Patricia last night?

Yeah, but not about the fire, if that's what you mean.

That's what I mean.

You know, it's helped me a lot to talk to you about it.

I'm almost not completely terrified to be here.

It might work with her.

You don't fool me.

You're still too angry to be even a little bit scared.

Besides, Patricia's used to dealing with threats and v*olence.

She teaches school, remember?

She's braver than both of us.

Yeah, I know.

She's just mad-- mad at me, mad at the world.

She'll get over it. You'll see.

No. What about the kids?

I talked to them about it.

The kids are like you and Annie-- they're talkers.

Me and Patricia, we're not.

I know what she's thinking.

She knows what I'm thinking.

When one of us doesn't like what the other one's thinking, we just let it go.


Yeah, see? Like right now.

I know what you're thinking.

You're saying "ok," but you're thinking, "this guy's gonna mess things up with his wife." Right?

And you know what I'm thinking?

I think it's time we build a church.

Oh, I talked to our deacons--

-oh...Ok. -Yeah.

They've, uh...

They've agreed to donate a percentage of our building fund.

Heh...Look, your church treasurer dropped a check off to Patricia last night, and that wasn't a percentage.

That's gotta be every cent you have, man.

It's a building fund. That's what it's for--building.

Where's Lucy and keesha?

We're gonna be late for school.

There they are.

So, what do you think?

What happened to your hair?

I fixed it.

This is an African hairstyle that dates back to 3500 b.C.

It was used to define status in the community.

Can we go now?


You know who rosa parks is?

Yes, I know who rosa parks is, and believe me, you're no rosa parks.

Who's rosa parks?

She's a black woman who galvanized the civil-rights movement by refusing to sit in the back of the bus.

Why did she have to sit in the back of the bus?

That's the same thing she asked the man.

What man?

The point is, we don't ride in the backseat.

That's fine with me.

There you are.

-Oh! -Sorry.

You scared me.

I know. I didn't mean to.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.

Ok. Well, what can i do to help you out?

Nothing. Really. I'm fine.

Come on. You just lost your mom.

You got a house full of people you're trying to take care of.

Let me do something.

No, really. I don't mind taking care of everyone.

That's not what's making me tired.

It's being afraid for everyone that's exhausting.

Hey, it's... Gonna be fine.

Really. The cops don't think they're coming back.

It's the fact that someone was there in the first place that gets me.

I just can't seem to get over...

That someone was endangering those kids that--that I love.

They were sleeping right next to the church when it went up in flames.

I know.

It's amazing they're all still alive.


I really miss you.

I miss you, too.

What are we doing?

Hey, sweetheart!

Hiya, Lynn!

Where's my daddy?


He's working.

But he's gonna be here tonight for dinner.

Oh, good!

Why don't you guys go down to the kitchen, and in a few minutes, I'll come down, and you can help me mop the floor, ok?

-Yay! -Yay!

Why is mopping the floor so fun?

'Cause I can make anything fun.

That's why I'm looking forward to my homecoming.

You got anything... Special planned for that?

Heh heh...Oh, yes.

I'm gonna let you cut the grass.



You do know how much i appreciate all your hard work.

Yeah...I know.

You'd really be proud of those kids, the way they've been chipping in.

They're good kids, all of 'em.

I know.

Your guy's dead!

This...Is the latest anti-death vaccine.

And, yes, he's alive again!

No, he's not. He's dead.

Nigel can't play anymore.

Yes, he can.

No, he can't.

Fine. Then none of us can play.

Give me back my guys.

Thank you.

Here... n*gg*r lover.


What'd you say?

You heard me.

Look, Nigel's my friend. Don't say that word.

I just did.

-Take it back. -Make me.

I don't wanna have any part of this one.

Take it back.

Forget it, Simon.

You can't fight ignorance with v*olence.

My dad wouldn't want you to hit him, and neither would yours.

Hey, where's Simon?

I don't know.

Did the teacher make him stay after school?

I'm not sure.

I'll get him.

Well, what have we here?

I'm picking up my brother.

I don't believe i was talking to you.

Whose car is this?

It's my father's car.

Oh, yeah? Well, let me see the license and registration.


License and registration.

You're a security guard, you wanna see my license and registration, call a real cop.

That's a good idea.

Ok, all of you, get in the car and get out of here.

Sir, my sister went inside to get my little brother, and we're not leaving until they come out.

Son, this is what I do.

I keep vandals off of school property.

Get in the car... All of you.

What's going on?

The usual.

Where's Simon?

He got suspended.

Dad picked him up earlier.

Ok, final warning. Let's go, people!

I-i-I'm trying not to be proud of Simon, but in a way...

Fighting is not the answer.

I know, but still...

He still has to be punished.

Well, he got suspended.

That's a punishment.

Not from us.

I know.

It's just that he felt completely justified hitting that kid at the time, and you gotta admit...

Fighting is never a way to resolve a problem.

I know.

Say it.

Ok. I'm a little proud.

But I'm still gonna come up with a punishment.

What do you want?

Didn't you understand anything that happened with that security guard?

-That guy was a jerk. -That's it? That's all you got?

"That guy was a jerk"?

Yeah. The guy was a jerk.


You're afraid of me, too, aren't you?

I've never threatened you.

I've never hit you or harmed you or anyone else.

Yet, no matter where I go, people are afraid of me because I'm black.

You know, sooner or later, the wrong person is gonna be afraid of me, and boom--I'm dead.

Look, I don't know what anybody else's problem with you is, but my problem's not the color of your skin.

It's your attitude.

Your attitude scares me.

I never know when you're just going to go off for no reason.

This isn't good. What's going on?

I got suspended.

I mean, what's with the tea party?

I thought it'd make me look good.

To who?


Honey, I'm home!

Ha ha ha!

What's for dinner?

You're funny. Why are you in such a good mood?

It's the weekend.

Ok, what can i do to help?

Well, I thought we'd have the kids eat in here.

You wanna set the table?

-No problem. -Thanks.

Did you talk to Morgan?

Yeah. I called him at lunch after I deposited the check...

And, Annie, he is so grateful.

We both are.

I'm glad we could help.

Did you two talk about the fire?


You want Eric to talk to him?

Heh! Like he hasn't already.

Those two locked together for a whole week?

I'm sure Eric has made Morgan talk to him.

Uh, your husband's the best talker I know.

He does have a way of cornering people, doesn't he?

Uh, yes, he does.

And, listen, I know you miss being cornered, so I'm gonna get us out of here soon, i promise.

Besides, I'm ready to go home.

I don't want you to leave here one second before you feel it's safe.

Yeah, well, I don't know about that.

We've gotten a break, and I think we can deal with it.

And we will...

Soon as Morgan lets us.

Hi, honey!

Hey, ladies.

What's up?

I'll leave you two alone.

Well, actually, Patricia, I wanted to talk to you.

Am I missing something here?

No, no, I was just saying that everything's fine.

You don't have to talk to me.

But i-- i really wanted to talk to her.

I know you did.

And I love you for it.

♪ In a jam, I'm sayin' i know who I am ♪

♪ s-g-y, and I'm a hip-hop fan ♪

♪ but not just me all alone, m-c-o is in the zone... ♪

Enough already.

Why don't you go study somewhere else?

Because this is my room.

It's my room, too, you know.

You don't like me, do you?

It doesn't matter if I do or if I don't.

I just have a really big test on Monday, and I don't want to wait till Sunday night to study for it.

♪ Rockin' and rollin' ♪

♪ movin' and groovin'... ♪

Somebody pass the butter?

Oh, I think the kids took it in the kitchen.

Honey, do you mind?

Hey, ruthie, bring us the butter!


Thanks, Matt.

Sure, dad.

It's for John.

Did you know if you put salt on butter, it heats up?

Uh...Maybe not now, ruthie.

No. Now's the perfect time.

Go ahead, ruthie.

First, you put the salt on...

Gets really hot.


It's ready.

Feel it. It's hot.

No. Closer.

That was--that's-- thank you, ruthie.

Ha ha ha ha!

Cute, isn't she?

Oh, by the way, Eric, we're getting a new security system put in at the house tomorrow, and the police offered us 24-hour volunteer patrols, so...I think it's time we all went back home. Don't you, baby?

You know I do.

Just as soon as I got comfortable.

Me, too.

Come on, you guys. Stay one more night.

Morgan, too. I mean, you can all go home tomorrow, start fresh.

Yeah, it'll be fun.

We'll make it a big party, like the old days.

The old days? We were young and broke and had no kids.

We can't go back to that.

Well, we're still pretty young.

We're still pretty broke.

You know what we still have in the den?


Right foot blue. Any takers?

Now we got us a party.


Parents. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

♪ So stop your sighin' ♪

♪ be happy again ♪

♪ then when you smilin' ♪

♪ when you smilin' ♪

♪ and the whole world ♪

♪ smiles... Take it, Tommy ♪

♪ take it ♪ Hey, you, uh...

You think you're gonna feel safe in the house again?


But eventually...

I will.

I feel so...

Inadequate. I feel...

Feel like if I couldn't protect the church, I may not be able to protect my family.

I know, but it's hard on me, too.

But I wanna be with you.

I need you.

And so do the kids.

You...Don't have to do this alone.

Well...This would be a lot easier if I was in another line of work, wouldn't it?


But the truth is...

I love what you do.

Did we just talk?



Heh heh!

Yeah. I been spending way too much time with Eric.

Come on.

Let's dance.

What are you doing tomorrow night?

Oh, let's see, it's Saturday.

I'll be getting everyone's things ready for church and keeping the kids out of your hair while you finish your sermon.

Well, uh, Morgan's speaking on Sunday, so I'm off the hook.

What do you say we take a big risk, let the kids get their own things ready for church, -and you and I go out on a date? -A date?

I owe you. I'm gonna take you somewhere wonderful.

-Dinner? -Sure.

-A movie? -Absolutely.

Let's make it sears. The lawn mower needs repairing.


Sears it is.

Oh, as much as i hate to miss the big family party, I got a date, so I'm gonna get outta here.

Yeah. I'm trying to sneak outta here myself.

We're gonna sh**t some pool if you wanna meet us.

Ha. Have you forgotten already? Hanging out with me is trouble.

We're ministers' sons. We're supposed to get in trouble.

Thanks, but I'll pass. I just hope dad'll give me the car.

Well, if he can't...

We could go together.

Thanks, but, uh...I don't think we'd all fit in the front seat.

I think I'll go downstairs. Do you wanna come?

No, thanks.

Just tell me why you don't like me.

What did I do?


You just waltzed in here and completely took over my territory.

It's like you totally hypnotized my sister.

Oh. Thought i was getting her out of your way.

I don't want her out of my way. Why'd you think that?

You act like she's in the way.

I do?


She just really gets on my nerves sometimes.

My little sister gets on my nerves all the time.

So let me ask you something.

How come you didn't say anything sooner?

I--i don't know.

Is it because you didn't want me to think you were prejudiced?


Maybe--i don't know.

I really hope not.

I know you're not like that.

Love you, mommy.

Love you, Lynn.

Love you, mommy.

Love you, daddy.

Love you, Lynn.

Love you, ruthie.

Good night.

Good night, girls.

They have had so much fun together. Thank you, Annie.

Oh, you're welcome. Glad to do it.

The church is yours this Sunday...

As long as you need it.

We can do every other Sunday or...

Whatever you want.

As generous as that offer is, sooner or later, just like my family, my congregation has to come home.

Yeah, I know how anxious you must be, but I think you're looking at at least 3 months.

That's not really what I meant.

I think it's gonna take longer to rebuild the spirit of the church than the church itself.

I think you're right.

What do you have in mind, Morgan?

I want to start holding services on the property Sunday.

You know, set up, uh...

Folding chairs and a tent, maybe. I don't know.

I wanna be back at the very place we were hit.

I think it's the best place to start the healing, and there's no time like the present.

Hey, guys, did you brush your teeth?

Very nice.

Love you, Mary.

Love you.

Love you, Mary.

Love ya.

Love you.

Love you.

Keesha, why do you think someone burned down your church?

Because we're black.

And they think that if they destroy our church, they destroy our faith.

Yeah, but that doesn't make any sense.

I know.

A roof just keeps the rain off your head.

Good night, keesha. 'Night, Lucy.

'Night, Mary. 'Night, keesha.

This is just like being at the waltons'.

Yeah. Except the waltons weren't-- black.

Yeah, we know.

Love you, Simon.

Love you, Nigel.

Love you, ruthie.

Love you, Lynn.

We forgot to say good night to John and Matt!

We can pretend. Love you, John.

Love you, Lynn.

Love you, Matt!

Love you, ruthie.

Love you, happy.

I'm sorry about our date.

I guess I will have to work.

That's ok.

I sorta feel like I'm in sears right now, anyway.

You know? Except there aren't all those pesky customers around.

What's your sermon gonna be about?

I don't know.


I just got a great idea.

Does it involve me?

Oh, yeah. It involves everyone.

Oh, I'm so glad you guys are here!

Come on, I got a seat in front.

-You know the preacher? -I know the preacher.

I had no idea i had so many friends.

Well, we just wanted you to know that we stand by you, and we'll continue to stand by you.

Hi, Mr. Roberts.

I'd like you to meet my friend ruthie.

Well, hello, ruthie.

Hi, Mr. Roberts.

We can't see from down here.

I can fix that.

Good morning.


Thank you all for coming.

It means a great deal to us to know that you support us.

I'm completely overwhelmed by your kindness.

The only words i could think of that were powerful enough to open today's services come from my 10-year-old son...Nigel.

Please, God...

Stop the fires.
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