03x16 - A Leela of Her Own

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Futurama". Aired: March 28, 1999 - September 4, 2013.*
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Accidentally frozen, pizza-deliverer Fry wakes up 1,000 years in the future.
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03x16 - A Leela of Her Own

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Man ]
one, two! One, two, three!

Delivery boy philip j. Fry
reporting for duty.

Dr. Zoidberg,
soaking in brine.

[ Sighing ]

What is the meaning of this?
We got a delivery, people.
Let's move! Let's move!

- Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!
- Amy, mission profile.


- Dr. Zoidberg, mission bag?
- Packed and ready, sir.

What's this?
This is the same toy surprise
I got last time.

I can't work
under these conditions.

And without me,
there is no mission.

I am the mission!
We're back from the mission!

you went without me?

You were lookin' up curse words
in the dictionary.

It seemed like
a better use of your time.

But-but I'm the delivery boy.

Don't worry.
Everything went fine.

Better than usual.
We got medals.

Good work, team.
We really pulled together
on this one.


They got medals.

I'm real sorry
I missed the mission.

I wasn't there,
and you might have needed me.

But if I had been there, i--


Bender's great.

Nope. Oh!

Listen, leela, let me
make it up by taking you out
for dinner tonight.

- Nope. I've got
a date with chaz.
- Chaz?

I met him at that charity
cockfight last week.
He's the mayor's aide.

Ooh, you go, mutant girl!

I do go.
He's a very important man.

So? I'm just
as important as him.

[ Water drips ]

It's just that
the kind of importance I have,

It doesn't matter
if I don't do it.

[ Purring ]

Oh! I'm nobody.

There are guys in the background
of mary worth comics who are
more important than me.

Ah, buck up, meat loaf.
Bender'll take you out tonight
and cheer you up.

What do you wanna do?
And I mean anything.

You have the power.
Name it, and I'm there.
You the man!

Well, okay.
Let's go bowling.


Table for two?
Step right this way.

I'm afraid we don't have
a reservation,
but, uh, as you can see,

I'm the mayor's aide.

- Table for two, please.
- Okay then.

It's okay,
my man.

I got you covered on
your next health inspection.

Oh, I really appreciate that,
mr. Mayor's aide.

Here ya go.
Compliments of the house.

Wow! Free bread at a restaurant!
Is there anything you can't do?

I can't fail the mayor.
Not ever.

[ Sighs ]

[ Door chime jingles ]

- Oh, geez.
Better not let leela see me.
- Hey, I hear fry.

Boy, am I glad you're here.

You are?
So things aren't workin' out
with what's-his-name?

Actually, they are.

I might not make it back
to my apartment tonight.

Could you walk nibbler for me?

Uh-- y-- uh--

And bring a baggie
in case he drops a steamer.
Have a great night!

[ Sniffing ]
oh, no!

Please, no!
[ Loud thump ]

[ Moans softly ]

[ Straining ]

[ Siren wailing ]

Smells like
a 289 in progress.

Failure to scoop.
Oh, yeah.

Wait! I'm trying!
It weighs as much
as a thousand suns.

[ Straining ]

Don't worry, fry.
I'll pull some strings.

See if I can't get ya
tried as a juvenile.

Oh, chaz.
[ Both chuckle ]

[ Sighs ]

I'm as worthless
as this trash can.

You think
I'm as worthless as you?

Try catching garbage
in your head and raisin'
six kids, ya dumb townie!

[ Grunts ]

Oh, nibbler.
At least I'm important to you,

Even if it's only 'cause
I clean up your poop.

The poop eradication
is but one aspect
of your importance.

[ Gasps ]
did-did you just talk?

Indeed. And I have
other amazing powers as well.

Like what? Ooh!

[ Straining ]

Are you my mommy?

[ Grunts ]


- Welcome, lord nibbler.
- Welcome acknowledged.

I bring with me
the mighty one.

[ Sniffles ]

At last, our centuries
upon centuries of waiting
have achieved fruition.

Aw, aren't you
a fuzzy wittle guy.

[ Purring ]

Stop that!
Uh, please, your mightiness.

Are you off your nut?

I just got kidnapped by
a bunch of guinea pigs.

[ All gasping, chattering ]

- Does he not know?
- He does not know.

- He knows not?
- Knows not does he!

Not he knows?

Fry, it is my duty
to inform you...

That the fate of humanity,
the fate of our race,

Indeed the fate of all that
exists and ever will exist...

Rests with you.

You are the single
most important person
in the universe.

Oh, snap!

On this auspicious occasion,

Let the horn of eternity
cut a thunderous blast!

[ Muffled ]

The feast of a thousand beasts
is begun!

[ All eating loudly ]

[ All belching ]

You gonna eat that?
Maybe later.

The time has come
to discuss matters of
the gravest importance.

Fry, do you remember
some months ago...

When earth was att*cked
by flying brains?

I remember
the square-dancing stomachs.

Although that might have been
a mylanta commercial.
Wait! The brains!

I do remember!
But no one else does.
They said I was crazy.

On the contrary.
You remember because...

You were the only one immune
to the brains' mental attack.

- Because I'm so smart?
- [ All laughing ]

Oh, my.
Anyway, your immunity...

Is due to the fact that
you lack the delta brain wave.

It's a genetic abnormality
which resulted
when you went back in time...

And performed certain actions
which made you
your own grandfather.

I did do the nasty
in the past-y.

Verily. And that past
nastification is what
shields you from the brains.

You are the last hope
of the universe.

So I really am important?
How I feel when I'm drunk
is correct?

Yes, except
the dave matthews band
doesn't rock.

For a thousand years,
the evil brains have been
constructing the info-sphere,

A giant memory bank
twice the size...

Of three ordinary
memory banks.
What's so evil about that?

They plan to collect all the
information in the universe...

And store it within the sphere.

So they're tryin'
to learn things?

- Those bastards!
- Being brains, they feel
compelled to know everything.

- And soon, they will.
- I'm as mad as I've ever been!

Once their task is complete,
they will ensure...

That no new information arises
in the only way possible--

By destroying the universe.

Now it's personal.

Your mission is
to infiltrate the info-sphere...

And plant this
quantum interface b*mb,

Blasting them into
an alternate universe
from which there is no return.

Then, outrun the blast
on this scooty-puff jr.

♪♪ [ Mechanical melody ]

Okay, let's go through this
once more from the--
[ yelling ]

[ Grunts ]
aah! Brains!

Fear not, mighty one.
Your missing brain wave
makes you invisible to them,

So long as you avoid
intense thinking.

Uh, sorry, what?
I wasn't paying attention.

That is most wise.

In a few seconds,
the brains
will finish scanning...

The last bits of information
in the universe.

[ Male computerized voice ]
beavers mate for life.
Eleven greater than four.

For quality carpets,
visit kaplan's carpet warehouse!

[ Beeping ]

Now, the info-sphere will
open its protective crust...

So as to scan itself,
completing its
thousand-year task.

This is your one chance
to enter the sphere!
Scoot! Scoot now!

[ Spitting ]

I'm at the input console.
I'm a little nervous,

And I've got brain
in my butt crack.


Once you press the detonator,
you will have 60 seconds
for an exciting escape.

Hey, wait.
This brain knows everything
about everything, right?

It will soon.
That's why you're supposed
to be setting off a b*mb!

Yeah, yeah.
But I can't pass up a chance...

To learn the answers
to the greatest questions
of all time.

[ Clears throat ]
is it true that
postage stamp glue is made of--

[ Male voice ]
correct! Toad mucus.

There's no time for this.
Activate the b*mb!

Wait, wait, wait.
What really k*lled
the dinosaurs?


[ Female computerized voice ]
unauthorized data access.
[ Alarm blaring ]

[ Gasps ]
♪♪ [ melody plays ]


Detecting trace amounts
of mental activity.

Possibly a dead weasel
or a cartoon viewer.

Ew, gross!
Cut it out!

Odd. He is immune
to our psionic attack!

We're an ambitious young squad
with everything to prove!

It appears we are in
the presence of the fabled one.

But without
his scooty-puff jr.,
He cannot escape.

[ Chuckling ]

A quantum interface b*mb?
Are you insane in the membrane?

You got it, poindexter!

- Not good!
- Detonation in
t-minus 60 earth seconds.

[ Beeping ]

You fool!
You will be transported to
the other universe with us,

Trapped there
for all eternity!

And we'll form
a tightly knit clique
that you won't be part of!

Well, at least I did
one important thing
with my life--

Leading good to victory
over evil.


- Exactly!
- The nibblonians-- good?

Ha! During your last moments
in this universe,

Perhaps you should
query our database...

Concerning the night
of december 31, 1999.

The day I got frozen?
What about it?

No! Uh, uh,
don't ask about that.

It-it would be, uh,

- Eh, forget it then.
- Query!

Okay! Sheesh!

What happened to me,
philip j. Fry,

On the night of
december 31, 1999?

Clarification request.
Are you the philip j. Fry
from earth...

Or the philip j. Fry
from hovering squid world

Earth, you fat idiot!
Hurry up!

Pizza delivery for, uh,
"i.c. Wiener"?

Oh, crud.

Uh! I can't believe
how fat I look!

Ah. Nibbler's there.
Wait. What?

[ Yells ]

What the--
[ gasping ]

I-i don't understand.

You made me go
in the freezer tube?

Detonation in
t-minus 15 seconds.

You little runts froze me!
You took away my life!

- We can explain.
- No, you can't!
Shut your adorable trap!

We had no choice.
You were the only one
who could help us.

What is one life weighed
against the entire universe?

But it was my life.
[ Sniffles ]

[ Female computerized voice ]
detonation in two, one--

Will the owner of
a white pontiac firebird--
oh, never mind. Zero!

Well, here we are,
trapped for eternity.

We could sing "american pie."
Go ahead.
I deserve it.

I wish those stupid raccoons
had never brought me
to the future.

I have shocking data relevant
to this conversation.
We don't care, you dope.

We're in another universe.
You're not in charge anymore.

It is possible
for the philip fry
to resume his life...

On december 31, 1999.

I can go back in time?

[ Master brain ]
there is a nexus point
between universes...

At the space/time where
you entered the cryogenic tube.

You, and only you,
can return there.

You could stop the nibblonian...

From pushing you into
the cryogenic tube.
That is interesting.

- Why?
- It will be as if you never
came to the future.

You will have your life back,
and we will succeed
in our plan...

To understand and destroy
the universe.

- Everybody wins!
- The human will be returned
to the past!

[ Narrator ]

I love rocket skating.

But the wait is always so long.

Poor fry once stood online
six hours
just to get me a ticket.

Six hours?
[ Scoffs ]
sounds like a real nobody.

But now it's time for somebody
and some chick he's with
to go skatin'.

[ Gasps ]

You reserved the whole rink?

Yep. Buzzed ahead,
let 'em know
whose aide was comin' by.

The mayor's, that's whose.

Oh, chaz.

Mr. Vogel, I thought
we was going skating?

No. We're not
important enough.

Everybody just hold hands
until the bus driver
comes back from his haircut.

Aw. Let's let
those kids skate with us.

What, seriously?
I'm tryin' to impress you
with my clout here.

I know,
and it's working.

But think how much skating
would mean to those kids.

We came here
instead of eating today.

This might be their
only chance to skate here
their whole lives.

- Who are we to say they can't?
- The mayor's aide...
And his badge.

Beat it, kids!
Come back when
you got connections!

[ All groan ]

All right, little ones.
Back to the orphanarium.

You can slide around
the gym in your socks.
What socks?

So, am I gonna
get lucky tonight or what?

[ Muffled grunting ]

I hope your calculations
are correct.

Our calculations
are always correct,
for we are gigantic brains.

Initiate space/time transfer!

[ Grunting ]

[ Ship horn blaring ]

I hereby place an order
for one cheese pizza.

[ Panucci ]
one pie, nothing good on it.

I.c. Wiener.

Uh, talk a little louder.

It sounds like you got some kind
of tiny head on ya or somethin'.

[ Door opens ]

Pizza delivery for, uh,

"I.c. Wiener"?

Oh, crud.

[ Gasps ]

I don't understand.
Yes, you do.

You came back in time
to knock me into that freezer.

And now, I came back in time
to stop you.

I did not come back in time.
My people lack that ability.

But I know you in the future.
I-i cleaned your poop.

Quite possible.
We live long
and are celebrated poopers.

You will meet me when
I'm a thousand years older.

Not if you don't freeze me.

Please. Our sages foresee
that in a thousand years,

For one moment,
the fate of the universe
will depend on you.

Since you will not
live that long,
I must freeze you now.

Well, why couldn't you
just ask me?

We were afraid
you would refuse.

Of course not.
I love the future.

[ Gasps ]
then why are you
choking me right now?

Because I don't like
being used.

Well, now it's your choice.

Is there nothing in
the future worth saving?

Mmm, leela.

But she doesn't
think much of me.

She must be the other.


You must not give up on her.

I am stationed
on a distant world
known as virgon 6.

But if you return to the future,
I will transfer to earth
to give you what help I can.

[ Slurping ]
[ crowd counting down ]

You really think I would've
had a chance with leela?

You must choose--
the present or the future.

To save yourself
or save leela.


[ Yells ]

Here I come, future!

Oh, no. Wait!
I'm gonna get trapped
in the info-sphere again!

Just remember that
scooty-puff jr. Sucks!
[ Echoing ]

In a thousand years,
I'll get right on it.

[ Narrator ]
and so, a thousand years later,

Fry once again infiltrated
the info-sphere
and set off his amazing b*mb.

Only this time--

Thank you for saving
the universe, fry.

Oh, thanks.

If you ever need a savior again,
just ask.

Oh, we will.

We will!

Man, I can't wait to tell
everyone what happened.

Uh, yes.

I need to remain undercover,
so I'm blanking your memory.

Huh. Did everything
just taste purple
for a second?

Oh, well, let's go home,
you dumb poop machine.

[ Muttering ]

- Bender,
would you do the honors?
- With gusto.

Hey, leela.
I guess I got this for ya.

Thank you.

You know what, fry?
I don't care...

If you're not
the most important person
in the universe.

It really makes me happy
to see you right now.

Then I am
the most important person
in the universe.

[ Fry ]
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