06x06 - Too Close

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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06x06 - Too Close

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, this paragraph,
the language kind of suggests

that you don't know
how you feel about--

God, what is taking them
so long? It's almost 8:00.

Don't they have lives
to get home to?

Well, you know the rule...

Never go home
before your boss.

Okay, can't you just
give them a gold star
and send them home?

Julia, why don't
you come over here
and help?


No, I can't, because
if I come over there,

I will smell you,
and you smell really
good right now,

and then I'll realize how long
it's been since...

You know, since
this morning...
I'm closing the blinds.

-No, you are not going
to close those blinds.
-Evan, come on.

Nia is gone, it's only Jeffrey,
And I'm closing them
really slowly.

Julia... listen, listen,
if you close up
those blinds,

you might as well
just put up a sign
that says, "Editor doing it."

Okay, fine.

But for argument's sake,
so what?

I mean, uh, what if they knew?
What if we told them?

No, you don't want to do that,
trust me.

Why not?

-Want me to tell you
what happens?

Okay. When you enter a room,
all talking will stop

because all talking
will now be about us.

"Hi" to anyone in this office
will have the following subtext,

"So, you're, uh,
sleeping with Evan?
Oh, what's that like?"


And five minutes
after it gets around
this office,

it gets around
the entire town.

Is that the first thing
that you want
the publishing world

to say about you?
"Oh, is it, Julia who?

Oh, right, she's the one
who's shtupping Stilman."

No, I guess not.

[elevator bell dings]

[Evan] Is Jeffrey
the last one here?

Mm-hmm. Well, he's gone now.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[TV playing]

[Man] And Liberty Island
offers the New York sightseers

a famous glimpse
of the statue...


-What are we watching?


Do you want to talk about it?

Will, if you're here
like yesterday, I've heard
the speech. You can save it.

No, this speech
is different.

I'm not just gonna
snap out of it,
all right?

My girlfriend left me.
The person that I've
been with...

off and on,
for almost four years.

Okay, okay, stop right there.
See, you've got it
all backwards.

You dumped her.

She's the one
who took off, Will.

What difference
does it make who
made it official?

Bailey, man,

You wrote the letter.
You took control
of your life.

You said you're done
being trapped
in a bad situation.

I wouldn't have done that
if I thought we had a chance.

You gotta give yourself
more credit.

You made yourself free.
Take pleasure in that.

You did it yourself, man.
Be proud.

Be proud?

One, two, three, four, five,
five follicles,

All better than 18 millimeters.

Are those them,
the little balls?


Is that you
or the monitor?


It's a 9-1-1.

There's a pay phone


So, I know that it's usually
eight or ten,

but for me,
five's not bad, right?

For you, five is good.

But remember,
we may not be able
to get all of them.

-Let's see how
the retrieval goes.

So now I go off
the pergonal,

and, this is what,
the HCG?

You ready there?


So stop by Lydia
and confirm the retrieval
in 36 hours.

You'll need anesthesia,
so have someone
drive you home.


-Who was it?
-Some pharmacist.

Caught one of my students
[scoffs] He's been trying her mother
for hours. He doesn't want
to call the police,

So she gave him
my telephone number.

Well, you'd better go.
She's probably terrified.

Myra, what the hell
did you need with
a 12-pack of condoms?

Water balloons.

I drop them from the top
of Coitus Tower

to splatter the kids
making out in the park.

What'd you think
I want them for?

You think I need them
for sex?

Is that what you think?

It's possible.
I mean, why not?

Come on, don't lie.
I know how I come off.

I'm about as appealing
as spinal meningitis.

I'm like the fantasy
equivalent of burning tar.

Look, if you're trying
to guilt me into not
calling your mom,

it's not gonna work, okay?

I don't care
if you call my mom.

My mom doesn't care
if you call my mom.

Good luck trying to find her,
because she's never home.

Then you'll give me
her number at work.

Oh. Nice to walk to art
without me.

I waited at your locker.

Oh, sorry. I was
running a little late.

I think my entire
midterm's overexposed.

I nearly blinded
my dog last night.

Hey, Derek.

Almost done with your
photography project?

Uh, mind your own
business, Alexa.

-Did Derek show you
his project yet?

"Images of song."

An incredibly inventive
shot of a rose
on a keyboard

and 8 candids of you
in orchestra.

-Of me?

You're kidding.

The boy is full-on
spoony, Claud.

I'm thinking
a double date is in order?

Is that...

Isn't that Cameron's jacket?

He left it in my locker
yesterday with this long letter,
all apologetic.

So you guys are...

You're back

Hey, look! It came out.

I took this with a timer
first period.

Isn't he the cutest?

[Evan] Wait a minute.
You're leaving already?

It's 8:30, Evan.


So, everyone thinks I'm
at the library writing.

-Well, can't you be writing
until, like, 11:00 or 12:00?
-No. No.

'Cause Claudia came by
Tuesday night at the library
looking for me,

and I wasn't there.
She wanted to see my new school,
and she couldn't find me.

Well, you could tell her
that you're working
with Isabel.

Well, then I would have
to let Isabel in
on the secret,

and that's pretty much like
putting it on CNN.

Oh. Right.

There is a solution,

but you're not
gonna like it.

And what's that?

We could tell my family.


-Your family.

Yeah, I'm nervous
about telling them, too.

I mean, they're, they're bound
to get on my case
about the age thing.

But I don't know,
the more I think about it,
I mean...

I'm happy about this,
I'm happy about us.

So it might be nice
to share it with them.

Then you should
tell them.


Or, um... we could
tell them together.


Yeah, we have dinner sometimes.
The next one's tomorrow night.

You could meet the g*ng,
put names to faces.

-Unless you're too nervous.

No. No, no.
That'd be good.

Come in, come in.
Don't hover.

You're making me nervous.

I'm on hold.
Who are you again?

Charlie salinger.
I, uh...

I teach Myra...
at Grant.

Uh-huh. So what do I owe
the pleasure,

Mr. Salinger who teaches
my daughter at Grant?

Well, um...
I left a couple
of messages here.

And one at your home.
I just, uh...

I just wanted to talk
about this whole
shoplifting thing.

Well, it's not like
I never did it myself.

Me, though,
I never got caught.

It's just...

I just wanted to say
that... that...

I know you're
a single parent,
Ms. Wringler,

and so am I.

Or I was
until recently.

So I know how hard
it can be

to hold down a job
and raise a child.

But Myra says that...
that you're not at home
very often. And--

Mr. Salinger, you got any idea
what it takes to run
a janitorial business?

No, I don't. And I'm
sure you're doing-- This company, of which
I am the boss,

services nine office buildings
and 71 private homes.

I started this business
in 1986 in a closet

after Myra's dad died.

I have been working
for the last 13 years
very hard

to put food on the table
and clothes on her back,

so you got no right
to be judging me.

Ma'am, I'm not
judging you.

-I just think--
-Myra is a very feisty,
smart, independent girl.

She's been taking care
of herself since
she was seven years old.

Well, that might
be the problem.

Because 7-year-olds
are not okay on their own,

and neither are

There's no problem here,
Mr. Salinger.

There is no problem.

This is Sylvia.

Mrs. Herman.
Your carpet?

[Bailey] They actually
say stuff like...

"Be happy.
This is great, man.

This is like a whole
new beginning."

People forget that you
can't make the pain

by the way
you look at it.

And then there's
all this stuff about how...
how I'm free now.

Like this is supposed
to be some kind of gift--
To be all alone.


I'm not saying
it feels good,

but maybe
it is a blessing.


It's just...
not necessarily great

to be needing
a person like that.

Like what?

Look, you've heard
all this, Bailey.

Depending on someone
too hard is, uh...

just one crutch
instead of another.

So, what, you're gonna
tell me now that AA says
you shouldn't fall in love?

-That love's just like
another addiction?
-No, of course not.

Because, I'll be
honest with you, John,

she was like a crutch.

I mean I stayed sober for her
more than anyone.

And there were
a lot of nights
where I wanted to use

where she was the reason
that I didn't. Her alone. So how does it feel
to be free?

I'll tell you.
It feels like...

Frankly, it feels
like I want a drink.


[camera shutter clicks]

[whistle] [whistle]

[Claudia] Hey.

I heard your photography
project turned out well.

I hear you're good.

And I, on the other hand,
have to redo
my entire midterm.

My bulldog turned into
bright white light,
and, you know, two...

Two Eyes.

Always keep the lens cap on.
You don't want to scratch it.


Hey, I'm having a party
at my house on Friday night.
Why don't you come?

Okay. It's...
It's great.


[players talking indistinctly]

-[telephone rings]
-Daph, could you
get that?

[Daphne] I can't find
the aspirin.

[answering machine]
Hi. You've reached
the Salinger residence.

Please leave a message
for Kirsten or Charlie
or both of us.

So what do they do
now that the eggs are out,
just add sperm?

[telephone] Mr. Salinger,
it's Myra, and I really need
to talk to you.

-My mom is really mad
about the condoms
-Who's that?

and she'll be home
soon, so...

You want me to get that?

-No, not now.
-If you could call me tonight
anytime before midnight.

I don't want to
talk to her right this second.

I really just don't know
what to say to her
and I wish I...

Charlie, you should
talk to her.
Talk to her.

And I'll be up really late,
So I really, really need
to talk to you.


Yeah, uh, listen,
It's not a very
good time right now.

How about, um, how about
tomorrow at school?
You can come by the shop.

Myra? Myra, no.

Listen, I'm saying that it's not
a very good time right now.

[Claudia] Joe, I'm not saying
that she's making
some huge mistake.

It's just, well,
it's a lot of years.

So, what, then you think
love matters less

than the dates on your
driver's license?

Not if the difference
is, like, months or years.
But, I mean, decades?

Sorry, Jule.

Listen, take it from somebody
who married a woman
plenty younger than me.

And before you say it,

our breaking up had absolutely
nothing to do with years.

-Hey. Are you okay?
-Oh, I'm fine.

How about Bailey?
I mean, he dated
somebody older than him.

Was that a big problem
for you, the age thing?


What? I'm sorry.

I should try him again.
Can I borrow your phone?

When you went out
with, um...

Excuse me,

But west bay plumbing
just called about that
ladies' room sink situation.

Should somebody
talk to them?

-Sounds like
a good idea, yeah.

Wait a second.
Why did Joe just...

Joe's my new manager.
He just started.
I thought you knew that.

-No. I... Really?

Well, then why is victor
watching Owen
if you're not working?

Um, I thought
that I would...
go out tonight.

You know, with Will
or whatever.

Just another half hour,
he said, and the meeting
will be over.

So, um, let's
order desert.

Um, you know what?
We should get
this guy to bed.

That's a good idea.
I gotta get moving

And I got homework
out the wazoo.

Victor, can you
take him home for me?

-I'll be home soon, all right?
-Yeah. No worries.
I got him.

I'll see you guys.

-Okay, bye, Jule.

[indistinct chatter]

-[waitress] Get something
for you?

Oh. Uh, no.
I was just...

Uh, I was...

Yeah. Yes.

[knocking on door]

Sorry to bother you.
I'm officer Hagle.

Found her in a park
on a swing holding this.

She said she lost her key,
couldn't reach her mother.
Says her father lives here.

-Hi, Daddy.
-Oh, no.

-No, I'm not her father.
-They're friends.

I'm her teacher.

I'll take her back
to the precinct
till she sleeps it off.

-No, no, no. That's okay.

-No, really.
-That's okay. She can
stay here tonight.

-[Charlie] Come on in, Myra.
-[Kirsten] Come in. Come on.

Thank you.

-Good night.
-Easy there.

-You got her?

You're a real sweetheart,
Mr. S.

[both sigh]

Was that not
what you wanted?

What? Oh, no.
It's fine. Thanks.

[indistinct chatter]

Bartender. Could I have
my usual? Watch.

He'll act like
he doesn't know me.

I'm sorry. Your usual?

How can you not know
my usual?

I come in here
every Wednesday night.

-Today is not Wednesday.

In that case,
I'll just have
what he's having.

-Straight up.
-Unblended scotch?

So was that mean of me?
I've never been in here before.

I take it
that's not your first.

No, it's my first.

Well, then...

[glasses clink]
Bottoms up.

Okay, if you can't even
lift the glass,
I'm guessing...

somebody died,
you lost your job,

or the love of your life
just took a hike.

-I'm rooting for number three.

You know, so we can bond.

Someone left you?

You planning on drinking
that scotch?

-Do you want it?
-Yeah, don't mind
if I do.

[pouring into glass]

So what is the official
position on yours?

Do we hate her,
or is no one to blame?

-The last one.

I hate when that happens.

So, the same thing
with you?

No. No, no, no, no, no.

No, mine is
the "hate him" version.


Much rather talk
about yours.
Would you mind?

[Kirsten] How's your hangover?

Mr. Salinger
never mentioned you.

No? You want
some breakfast?

We got, um,
corn flakes,
Raisin bran.

You're very pretty.
I can see why
he married you.

Call the precinct.

No, I don't know
the name of the officer,
Mrs. Wringler,

but she was drunk.
It was on her breath.

She woke up at 4:00
this morning
and threw up.

Do you mind if I use
your bathroom?
My stomach's kinda messed up.

Oh, no. Go right ahead.


Her mom said
to send her to school.

On the muni.

But she... she doesn't even
have a change of clothes,
and she's sick.

I tried to tell her.

Here we are, spending
thousands of dollars,

sacrificing so much.

It's all we want.
And... and put her
on a bus?

[telephone rings]

So, everyone really
missed you last night. I hope you told them
how bad I felt.

You felt
pretty bad, huh?

Julia, I had no idea
that that meeting
would go on so long.

Hmm. Yeah, well,
the thing is, most of us
live at the house,

so you could always
stop by anytime if you wanted
to meet everyone.

Oh, yeah.
Then I will.

-So, listen, about this--
-I mean we could even
pick a night right now.

You want to do that?

Um... sure.

You know that my schedule's
pretty tight.

No, I know.
So why don't you pick
a night that works?

Yeah, well, that's gonna
be tough. You know,
I got a lot of nights--

Evan, why don't you just
not waste our time
and admit it,

-you don't want
to meet them.
-Julia, hold on--

Well, then pick a night,

and I'll bring them here,
so you can't wriggle out of it.

Look, um...

What do you
want me to say?

Am I sure about
meeting your family?
No. No.

Would I like to wait until
we've been together longer?
Why not?

Would I meet them tomorrow...
if it would make you happy?

Of course.

So, would that make you
happy, Julia?

How can I make you happy?

This is the big idea?

You guys dragged me all
the way down here for this?

-No. It's for what's inside.
-A strip club?

What? It's getting you
out of the house, man.

It's human interaction.

Human interaction?

Staring at a bunch
of naked strangers

who don't want to be
touched or talked to?

Okay, maybe it's not
interaction with them,

-but it is with us.
-You know what?

While you guys discuss this,
I'm just gonna go,
you know, check the place out.

Interaction with you.
"Hey, man, wonder what
she looks like naked."

"Well, pretty much
like that."

God. You make it sound
totally cheap and empty.

[music playing]

-Oh, could I get
a beer, please?
-[waitress] Yeah, right away.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
What are you doing here?

-What are you doing here?
-What does it look like
I'm doing here?

-Griffin, you cannot
tell anybody

that you saw me here, okay?
Swear on your life.

-It's okay.
-Swear on your mother.

-It's okay.
-No. I mean it, Griffin.
Come on.

Fine, I won't
tell anybody,

but you'd better get outta here
because Bailey and Will
are right behind me.

What? Where?

They were out
on the sidewalk
when I came in.

Damn it. Damn it.

Why did you guys
have to...

Not one word.

Will, what is the matter?
I said you should
go on in.

-Why is that--
-The last couple of weeks,
you know what my life has been?

Bailey watch. 24-7.

Calling you,
hanging out, hearing you
mope about Sarah.

And you know what?
Hey, it's my pleasure.

Okay? You needed a friend.

But check this out, Bay...

You are not the only one
here with a problem.

-Look, Will--
-'Cause my parents,

they basically
laid down the law. Okay?

And the deal is,
if I want to keep living
rent free,

I damn well better quit
the wrestling internship.

"Damn well better",
my dad's new favorite words.

And I know,
you're like them.

You think this whole
wresting thing
is a big joke.

But I actually like
this job, Bay.

Okay? And I don't
wanna lose it.

So this may be dumb
and gross and pathetic,

but, you know,
I sure could stand a little
distraction right now.

[loud music playing]

Great party, Derek.

Yeah, it'd be better
if this moron would miss.

[scoffing] Yeah!
All right. All right.
Okay. We're back.

I'll coach you, okay?

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Would you turn it down, please?

She's concentrating.

Okay. Wait.

Look at the object ball.

Visualize the shot,
all right? Wait.

Yeah! We did it.
We won. We are awesome.

You want to go somewhere
where the music's
not so loud?

Lead the way.

[man] Oh Yeah! Yeah!

So that's it, then, Will?
Your dad actually said

quit your job
or move out?

No discussion?

-What? What?

I'm asking you
about your parents.

What about your mom?
Where is she on this?
Is she with your dad?

Will? Buddy?

All right. You guys
are having plenty
of fun without me,

so I'm gonna get
going, all right?

Yeah, okay.
Call me later.

-You got it.
-See ya.

-Where's Bailey?

I don't know.



So, what did they say?

Three pre-embryo cells dividing.

Ohh! Kirsten.

-And three!

Here, look, look.
They gave me a picture.

Tomorrow at 4:00,
they're gonna implant them.

You're gonna be there,

Are you kidding me?

Look at all of them
waiting to meet their mom.

God. Myra, you scared me.

I need you to call Ms. Grey
and tell her I'm fine,

tell her what you said
was wrong.

Um... I'm gonna
leave you guys alone.


You have to understand,
what I did...

Reporting that stuff,
it's the law.

And I shouldn't
have waited
as long as I did.

I'm begging you,
just call the principal back

and tell her
that everything is fine
between me and my mom.

-You have to.
-I can't.

And you know what?
I shouldn't...

We shouldn't be
talking right now.

I have to take
a step back, Myra.

I don't have the time.
I wish that I did, but I...

-You had the time before.
-I did. I did.
I know.

-But there's some stuff
going on with me now, and--
-You can't just...

pretend to be
somebody's friend

and tutor me
and get me to tell you
my life

-and then just drop me!
-Myra, I'm your teacher,

And if we're friends,
it's in the classroom.

You can't... You can't
just call my home,

and you can't
stop by here uninvited.

Just call Ms. Grey,
and take back
what you said,

and I won't bother you

I can't. I can't
take it back now.

It's out of my hands now.

I'm sorry.

-So, uh, you enjoy that?
-What, the music?

Yeah, I know it dates me,
but, man, when I hear
good scat...

Look, Evan, it's...

it's not like
it doesn't make sense, okay?

I mean, you want to wait
until we're in this longer.
I get that.

-You get what?
-But the problem
with that is how that feels.

-I'm not an idiot, Evan.

I have the same issues
with us as you do,
or anyone else.

You're a lot older
than me. A lot.
And we're working together.

But the thing is,
is I got into this
for one simple reason,

because... it feels good.

So, whatever
anyone else thinks
or says,

I don't care.

Okay, good, then.

Unless that person
is you.

'Cause if you don't
feel good, then how can I?

-Julia, hold on.
I feel good.
-No, you don't.

No. Not really.

'Cause if you have to hide
what you're doing
or make excuses,

if you feel ashamed
in any way, then...

you really don't.

Hey. How you doin'?

Well, I gotta say,
I never thought
you'd call.

I just pictured you
finding that number
and thinking,

"That chick?
That party girl?"

Tracy, come on.
I called you, right?

Yeah, but we both know how
desperate you are.

You're totally wrong.


Oh... Can I...
Can I do something?

We spent so much time
talking about your girlfriend
last night

that it seemed
that'd be the last thing
you'd want.

But I just...

Would it be
a horrible thing
if I...


I had to do that.

That was...

-All right. Okay.

Well, you can send
me on my way now.

-I got my thrill. I--
-No, no, no.
Tracy, really.

It was really okay.



Oh, hey. No, no.

There's a, uh...

night light.


She's in college, but...
my mom kept her room
exactly the same.

-Oh, look at these dolls.

They're beautiful.

Hey, can we move
to the bed?

Um... I...



-Derek, you're kind of--
-Shh, shh.

You're kind of
hurting my arm.

-Oh, yeah? Sorry.

Wait a second.
What's... What's that for?

Why do you have to
talk so much, huh?

No, I don't want
to do that, Derek.

-Where are you going?

Get off me. Stop.

You're the one
that led me in here.

Okay, well, do you hear me?
I'm saying no.

Get off of--
Stop. I'm saying no!

-Get off of me!
-[yells in pain]

Oh, what the hell!


[starts engine]


-Where are you going?
-I gotta go.

Hey. What's goin' on?

Uh, got an early meeting.

Oh, okay.

Thanks. You were...
It was amazing.

Yeah, it was.

So, um...

What about later?
Should we maybe...

Oh. Go ahead
when you wake up
and order some breakfast.

I'm expensing the room.



-Is she almost
ready for me in there?

[door opens]


Mrs. Wringler.

Come on in.

Listen, Mary Anne, uh,
I had a thought.

What if, uh...

What if Myra
worked for her mother?

Just a few hours
after school?

She'd get some
spending money,

she'd spend some extra time
with her mother,

-and I think that--

-I gotta ask you
some questions.
-Sure. -sh**t.
-Did Myra ever
show you her diary?

Her diary?

No. Why?

Did she ever discuss
her feelings for you?

After school or when
you were spending
extra time with her?

Why would she...
I don't...

Charlie, where did Myra sleep
when she spent the night
in your home?

On the couch.

Did you have
a conversation with her
about birth control,

or about whether or not
you found her attractive?

No. No, I told you,

I picked her up
at that drugstore,
And, uh...

Where is this going?
Are you...

Are you accusing me
of something?

I'm not.

But Myra's mother is.

She thinks your relationship
with Myra has become...

The word is

She's suggesting
it's sexual, Charlie.

And Myra,
she's not denying it.


What... like... Like what?
What did Myra say?

So far, just that she's
very upset and doesn't
want to get into it.


I, uh...

I... I don't know what to say.

I mean, I am sitting here
in shock. I, uh...

What, she said
that I've been sexual
with her daughter?

Yes, she did.

This is...

All I did
was try to help.

And she is obviously
a very... troubled kid.

I know.
I know.

But you see
how it looks.

Come on, Mary Anne,
don't... Don't tell me
you believe that.

Please tell me
you don't believe it.

Charlie, it doesn't matter
what I believe.

[knock on door]


I heard you're not feeling well.
Is there anything you need?

You had lunch, Claud?

I'm not hungry.


You feel a little warm.
Did you take
your temperature yet?

You been drinking?


Just sick, I guess.

Okay. No lecture.
I'll let you sleep.

If you need anything,
just holler.

[knock on door]


So you got an eyeful
the other night, huh?

Thank God for dimmers.
[clears throat]

I wish that I didn't
have to...

You know that, right?

Now, look, Daphne, uh...
You don't have to explain
anything to me.

I've tried really hard
to find a regular job
that makes sense...

It's none of my business.

But this job, Griffin,
I come home, I count out my cash
against minimum wage,

And this job pays, Griffin.
It's rent and it's food,

-it's more time with Diana.
I can actually buy--
-Okay. All right.

You can stop.

I'm just...

I'm not proud.

All right. You know,
first of all,

you don't have to
say anything to me at all.

I mean, I'm the creepy guy
that was in there
in the first place, so...

And second of all,
you know, people do
what they gotta do.

Who am I to judge? And...


I don't know...
I thought you looked good.

-You did?
-Oh, yeah, it's...

way better than that
kinky cop girl.

I mean she couldn't dance
to save her life.

Or that other one,
the redhead, with
the, uh, the silicone job?

No. I, uh...
Make no mistake,

you owned the stage.

Thank you, Griffin.

So, listen, Will,
I was thinking--

What, that's all
you're gonna give me?
I was right in the pocket.

If your parents are still
giving you a hard time about,
about everything--

Where's my extra game?
I paid for 2.

Will, listen, I was thinking...
Why don't you
move in with us?

-Into the house.

Me, move in?

-There's room?

-If you don't mind
the basement, there's plenty.

Man, are you sure?
I mean, this is, like,
totally cool. You have no idea.

It would be a good thing
for me, too,

You know?
To have people
around right now.

This is great, man,
'cause if I had to quit,

I would have totally missed
the Holy Vengeance tour.

Holy Vengeance...

Yeah. It starts tonight.
Five California cities,
five days.

If I get on the road
by tomorrow--

Wait a minute.
You're taking off?

Ah, I got
the extra game after all,

But they were hoping
I'd leave before I noticed.

No such luck,
you greedy machine. Hah?

You know, the more
I reread this passage,
I think, no...

It should be about... lying.
It should be about not--

Julia, can I just,
uh, say something...
about last night?

The door's open, Evan.
It might not be
a good time.

You're right.

Yeah, Claire, uh,
could you book me
a table for two at Auberge?

Yeah, and have them
put flowers there.

Roses. No, it's not business.

It's, uh...

It's for Julia and me.

[Claire in a distance]
Lunch reservation for
Evan and Julia.


You're probably right
about this.

You want to try
something different?

Yeah, I would.


[door opens]

So that went great.

Your three embryos
look beautiful.

How are you feeling?
Are you cramping?

No. I'm fine...
Except for this waiting.

Well, you want to stay calm,
so try to relax.
Take deep breaths.

Are you sure that Charlie
didn't leave a message?

I'm sorry.

Hey, how about something
to read? Should I send
a nurse in with some magazines?

If you could just check
the messages again,
I'd appreciate it.



So, you call me
11:00 at night,
I come down here. What's up?

I don't know.
I was just sitting around
doing nothing,

and I thought,
why not sit around
and do nothing with you?

So I paged you.
Did I drag you away
from anything?

No, no. It's just
I never expected
you to call,

unless you forgot
your wallet or something.

Tracy, you really gotta work
on that self-esteem.

Yeah, tell it to Franklin.
The man spends his life
breaking me down.

Franklin. Who's...

Franklin, my husband.

Can I get a stoli
and soda, please? Thanks.

I'm sorry.
Did you just say... husband?


You're married?

Bailey, you can't be
that surprised.

Why did you think
I got us a room?

I gave you my pager number,
for God's sake.

I mean,
what'd you think?

I don't know.

Well, that's okay.
Now you know.
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