11x16 - Death Watch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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11x16 - Death Watch

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.



Buffalo, maybe?

There ain't been no buffalo here

two or three year.


Well, sure is
something down there.

(horse neighing)

Well, what do you know.


(horse snorting)



Looks like.

How much?

Three dollar.

What's that there?

We're rich.



Well, well, well,

if it ain't...

the Good...



(theme music playing)

(woman gasping)

(woman moaning)

Well, Amy, I, uh,

think I'm just gonna
keep you here for a while.

You'll be more comfortable
than you would be in the hotel,


I can kind of keep an
eye on you that way.

It really hurts.

Yeah, I know it does.

It just might get to
hurting some more, too.

I think you can handle
that all right, can't you?

I'm scared.

What are you scared of?

I guess it-it kind of scares me

knowing my mama died bearing me.

That's a lot of nonsense. You...

you don't want to
worry about that.

What happened to your mom
has got nothing to do with you

at all, not a thing.

Now, you listen to me.

I want you to get some sleep.

I know you're hot and
uncomfortable here, but...

you just close those
pretty eyes and...

let that sedative
go to work on you.

I won't be very far away.

- Hi, Doc.
- Hello, Thad.

Morning mail. I thought
I'd fetch it by for you.

It's probably drug samples.
I get a million of 'em.

- Just put it on the desk over there.
- Okay.

Doc, how's... h-how's Amy Boyle?

She's all right.

Since you're so interested,
why don't you just stay here

and kind of keep your ears
open in case she needs me.

- Do that, will you?
- Okay.

I want to take a look and
see if I can't find Mrs. Bailey

to come up here
and sit with her,

and then I won't
need you anymore.

Okay. Oh.

- Hmm?
- Wait a minute.

Wh-What if she just
decides to, uh, you know...

Decides to what?

- Give birth?
- Yeah.

Well, in that case, there's
a book there on the end.

You might look it
over. It's got all about

emergency delivery
procedures, and you can...

Oh, for heaven's sake! Keep
your fingers off of my books.

I'm only joking. Sit down.

Don't touch anything
around here. Just listen.

- Howdy, Matt.
- Hello, Doc.

What's the matter,
heat get you down?

- Yeah, just about.
- Well, why don't you let me, uh,

buy you a beer up
at the Long Branch.

No, thanks. No.

How's Amy?

Well, I'm a little worried
about her, I'll tell you that.

Maybe I should have
taken her to Hays City.

In case of complications,
better facilities there.

Why don't you take
her down there now?

Afraid it's a
little late for that.

What's that?

Morning, Marshal.

- What have you got here?
- Prisoner.

Brought him in for some
fixing by your doc. You got one?

- Right there.
- What happened to him?

Horse spilled him.
He's been bleedin' some.

John Drago.

Who he is. We
picked him up 40 miles

to the north. Taking him all
the way to the Mex border.

We was hoping you could
put him in your jail, Marshal,

give him time for the
doc to patch him up.

You men bounty hunters, huh?

That's what we are.

Rudy, run to my office
and bring my bag.

- Better get him up to the hotel, Matt.
- A hotel? Now,

he'd be a lot safer off in jail.

You want to k*ll him?

We don't much care
what happens to him,

just so long as he don't escape
before we get our money for him.

Hotel's right over there.

He bad?

I'm surprised he's still alive.

Johnny Drago... worth
a lot of money, I guess.

The Mexican government's
offering $30,000 in gold

for him.

You just swallower
that right down,

and I'll have ol' Sam
fetch us a couple of more.

All right?

- Howdy, Doc.
- Festus.

- Doc, you got any word on Amy?
- Hello, Austin.

- Any change?
- No, there's been no change.

Just sit down and
have your beer.

- I'll let you know when there's a change.
- Got time

- to sit down and jaw?
- No, thanks, Festus.

I got another patient
over in the hotel now.

- Bad, ain't it?
- Who said it was bad? I didn't say so.

What do you want to jump
at conclusions for? I'll...

take care of it. Festus,

what I want you to do
is see if you can't find

old Mrs. Bailey, you know?

When you do, ask her
to come up to my office.

I want her to sit with
Amy. Will you do...

'Course I will.

- Festus, let me do it. I'll do it.
- Well, that's fine.

- Mrs. Bailey? Where can I find her?
- Yeah. Well,

I don't know where to find her.
Just look for her, keep looking,

you'll find her.

He sure is nervous,
ain't he, Doc?

Yeah, and I can't say that I
blame him very much either.

You know, Doc,

times like these I got a heap of
respect for you medicine folks.

Just holding life right in your
own hands, you might say.

Well, I'll declare.

(water splashing)


Hey, we hadn't figured
on those thongs coming off

until we turned him over
at the Mex border for cash.

He's not going anywhere.

Let's go and get some
of that beer, Holly.

You fix him up real quick.

We want to get on
the trail before noon.

Never will get used
to that breed of cat.

Yeah, there's a lot of
people with you there, Doc.

Well, there's a face

I wouldn't want to have
to get up to in the morning.

You don't like my face, huh?

Well, it's some better
than yours right now,

I'll tell you that.


Where are the jackals?

They're out having a beer.

They can't get very
drunk, can they?

How come?

I only had five...


Is he as bad as he looks?

Yeah, at the least.

Probably got a skull fracture

and his shoulder's
all chewed up there.

Lost an awful lot of blood.

I'll tell you something, if they
try to put him on a horse today,

they might just as well
start digging his grave.

- I'll settle my bill now, please.
- Oh, yes.

Take me just a minute
to total it, Mr. Flint.

Oh, Marshal, was that really
John Drago those men brought in?

That's him.

(door opens)

- John Drago?
- (door shuts)

Yes, he was just brought
in by two bounty hunters.

$30,000 in gold.

(overlapping chatter)

That's his price.

You fellas sure must have
kicked up your heels finding him.

It was a right kindly
feeling, for sure.

Well, there's one
part I don't understand.

Him being born on this
side and a Mexican citizen.

Oh, he changed a while back,

and nobody up this way is
sorry about disowning him.


Marshal, come have a beer.

- Yeah. -Come on.
- No, thanks.

I just stopped by to tell you
that your man won't be leaving.

Doc says it'd k*ll him to
get on a horse tonight.

Marshal, we got $30,000 in gold

coming at the Mex
border for Drago,

dead or alive.

We don't care if he gets
there on his hands and knees,

or with pennies on his eye,

long as he gets there.

DILLON: I'm gonna tell you this

just once more
so you understand.

Drago may be a wanted man,
but he's got rights in Dodge,

and those rights are
gonna be observed.

So, what's the answer?

When Doc Adams says he's
ready to move and get on a horse

without it k*lling him, you
can take him out of here,

not before.

Festus, I want to
talk to you a minute.

Pour some beers.

Keep drawing.

(crowd chatter)

Gentlemen, any objections
to me buying the drinks?

- A bottle of your best.
- SAM: Yes, sir.

What axe you grinding?

My name is George Flint.

I represent the
Kansas City Beacon.

Thank you.

If you gentlemen
have no objections

to having your
names in the papers,

perhaps you'd like to give me
the details of Drago's capture.

(crowd murmuring)

Of course, Matthew,
I'll be glad to help out.

- You know that.
- Well, that's fine.

But, of course, we'll need
somebody to spell you.

How about Thad?

Oh, Doc's got him
setting with Amy.

Tell you what.
Supposing we get Austin.

He's got to be in town
till Amy has her young'un.

Besides, he'd like to pick
up a couple of a dollars

for deputizing.

All right, it's a good idea.

Tell him to stop by my office,
I'll give him a g*n and a badge.

I'll do 'er, Matthew.

Oh, no, no, he
didn't draw no g*n.

He was out cold.

For a while there, we
thought he was dead.

Just like the fella said...

Just like stumbling
over a gold mine.


- I sure envy you fellas.
- You got a match?

Yeah, sure.

Whole Mex government
stands behind the price.

Delivery at the border.

FLINT: Well,

I'll get this wired off.


You two men do much thinking

about Drago dying

up in his hotel room
from his injuries?

HOLLY: Oh. Well, we ain't
fussy about the way he dies.

Reward says "dead or alive."

FLINT: Well, yes, but if he
dies from accidental injuries,

if his death was imminent

at the time that you
picked him up, then what?

(crowd chatter)


he's still our
property, no matter.

(Flint laughs)

You don't seem to get the point.

Drago alive at the
border, you get paid.

A b*llet in his
head, you get paid.

I can't see the Mexican
government paying

for a man who would be dead

whether you came
across him or not.

Well, uh, you mean, uh,

they don't get a reward? It...

don't seem right!

It don't!

If these boys bring him
in with a b*llet hole in him,

and be no question,
th-they get the reward.

As a matter of
fact, that's true.

The marshal would
have to report Drago dead.

Five-cent b*llet before you came

into town to protect $30,000.

(laughing): You...

You men weren't
thinking too clearly.

- Wait a minute.
- (overlapping chatter)

Wait a minute. There's nothing
says Drago ain't gonna live.

He's just busted
up a little, is all.

We... we can sh**t
him at any time.

Nothing says we're
not k*lling a wanted man

who could be escaping
later if we don't k*ll him.

Uh, uh,

as long as he
dies from a b*llet...

nobody can prove he
died from anything else.


- MAN: That's right.
- (overlapping chatter)

Hey, they-they don't
aim to be doing it now?

All right, now, don't
move that arm any,

or I'll have to tie
it up a lot tighter,

and that won't be comfortable.

All I want you
to do is just rest

and try to make up some
of that lost blood there.

(Drago laughs)

Is that funny?

Yeah, from my point of view.


You're fixing me up

so I can enjoy my own hanging.

Well, not exactly,

but from what I hear about you,
nobody deserves it any more.

Again, it depends.

DOC: Depends on what?

It depends on which end of
the rope you happen to be on.

Gunfighter is one thing.

But k*lling people, just anybody
that happens to be in your way,

that's something else again.

Ah, come on, Doc.

You're a smart man.

Look, I'm in a w*r.

Anybody who tries
to make rules in a w*r

is a fool.

(crowd chatter)

Who's up there with him?

Listen, I ain't gonna
ask you again.

Hold on here.

(crowd chatter)

Marshal, we come
to get our prisoner.

You can have him
when he's well enough

to walk out of that
room on his own.

He living or dying?

He's alive, and he may stay
that way if he's left alone a while.

Everyone's a witness.

The marshal
says he's still alive.

right where you are.

WALKER: Now, Marshal, you ain't

got any right to be gambling
with our reward money.

We've been discussing the
irony of the situation, Marshal.

If Drago should die of
his injuries up in that room,

it's doubtful if any
reward will be paid.

- Who are you?
- Flint, Kansas City Beacon.

Oh, I'm not advocating
anything here, Marshal.

I'm simply explaining
the situation.

I'm gonna get our prisoner.


DILLON: Hold it!

WALKER: All right, Marshal.

You don't have any right

to keep us from
going on up there.

If I catch either of you around
this hotel till he's well enough

to move out of here, I'm
gonna throw you in jail.

Now, go on, get out
of here, all of you.

Go on, break it up!

(overlapping chatter)

Flint, huh?

Kansas City Beacon.

Is it you that stirred
those two up like that?

Oh, no.

Analyzing their
predicament, nothing more.

Never mind my bill just yet.

I'll be staying...

another night at least.

Excuse me, Marshal.

How come you're writing so much?

I'm roughing in the
background for two stories.

One if Drago should
die up in that hotel room,

and the other if you
take him on to the border.

You mean, how you figure

it's gonna go for us if
we get our bounty money?

In simple terms, yes.


How do you figure it's gonna go?

Well, that's my secret.

I'm beginning to
like you less and less

with all your writing,

in spite of the fact
you're buying our liquor.

(crowd chatter)




(shouting): Wales?!

We got it covered.

You can go back
where you come from.

Yeah, heard you got
the real big one, Holly.

You don't have to come
sniffing around here.

Why, we just come
up to wish you luck.


Don't you try moving in.

Oh, you're sure
aging some, Holly.

Uh, you're getting too nervous
for this business, I'd say.



(quietly): Gentlemen?

I'm not very well acquainted

with the ethics of
your profession,

but I take it you're
now afraid of poachers?

We get Drago on the trail,

and they'll be after us
like a pack of wolves.

There ain't nothing they
wouldn't do for $30,000.

(laughs quietly)

Between us, there's very
little I wouldn't do for $30,000.

I have a suggestion
might solve your problem.


Well, you're both
standing kind of naked

with a marshal on one side
and bounty hunters on the other.

- Yeah.
- So?

Well, if I were
in your position,

I'd try to fix it to get some
more strength on my side.

Yeah, and how do we do that?

Well, one thing...

You could sell shares in Drago.


Sell Drago?

Mm-hmm. Auction him off.

Part of him.

- No. No.
- No.

FLINT: Think of it in
practical business terms.

Your property is worth $30,000.


$30,000 is in jeopardy

because you might not
be able to protect Drago

once you left Dodge.

Go on talking, mister.

Mm, on the way to the border,

you'd be a lot safer
if you weren't alone.

Now, you bring them in on it.

It'd be good to have
some people along

who also... had
a financial interest

in seeing that Drago
got all the way to Mexico.

No, we're gonna take our
chances with the likes of them,

I'll tell you that.

(Flint laughs)

Suit yourself, but...

supposing Drago
dies up in that room.

You'll get nothing.

(Flint chuckles softly)

If it were I, I
wouldn't just stand by

and watch $30,000 evaporate.

Oh, no.

No, I'd sell part of
my interest in Drago,

get some insurance in my pocket,

just in case.

(quietly): That sounds
like a good idea.

Might work.

(Drago panting)


Please. Please.

Oh, sure thing, you bet.

- Water.
- Some water right over here.

- Please.
- Hold on now.

Here you go.

- Water.
- Okay.

(Drago mutters)

Now, now you just take
little sips at a time here.

(Austin gasps)

(groaning, Drago laughs)


(stammers) Sounds like
it came from the hotel.

Hold them back, will you?

Whoa, back up. Back up.

Just hang back, everybody.


- All right, let go.
- (grunting)


I was just giving
him a drink of water.

You hurt?

No. b*llet went wild, Marshal.

I'm sorry, I... I'm
sure sorry, but

he didn't look like he
could move a hand.

Better help me get
him up on the bed.

I got a right to be in there.

You can go up there when
the marshal says you can.

You getting the
double-cross, Holly?

Somebody else
put a hole in Drago?

I sure am sorry
about this, Marshal.

Well, I guess
there's no harm done.

From now on, leave
your g*n on the table

if you have to go
near the bed here.

- All right, tell Festus the same thing.
- I'll do that.

- (indistinct chatter)
- These men have a right to know

what took place up there.

When the marshal
comes down, you'll know.

He's our property.

DILLON: All right, all right.

Drago tried to take a
g*n from my deputy.

Nobody's hurt. Now let's
break it up and move along.

You seem to be saying Drago
still has considerable strength.

He sounds strong enough
to be travelling soon.

We'll talk about
it in the morning.

Right now, break it
up and move along.

- Come on.
- Yeah. -Break it up.

It'd sure been a heap better if
we could've had a cooler day

for this kind of
goings on, wouldn't it?

- Yeah.
- I'll tell you this, Matthew,

if we don't get a breeze
through this town directly,

it's fixin' to be a long night.


- (crowd chatter)
- HOLLY: All right. Hold it.

- Listen to me!
- (others quiet)

Got something to
say about our property.

About John Drago.

Now, you all know

that we're gonna
get $30,000 in gold

down at the Mex
border for him, right?

- Right. -Yeah, we know.
- Right, right.

Well, maybe we
can't get him there.

I mean, we... maybe we
can't even get him out of town.

Maybe he's gonna die
up there in that hotel.

I mean... I mean, what
I'm trying to tell you is...

Well, what are you
trying to say, Holly?

Well, it's just
that he might die,

and then we might
not get nothing.

It's just there's
so many maybes,

Walker and me, we decided
to take out some insurance.

- Insurance?
- (indistinct chatter)

Well, what are
you talking about?

We're willing to sell
half of John Drago

for cold cash.

- Cold cash!
- (all exclaiming)

(excited chattering)

Hold it, hold it.

(others quiet)

Now, we're putting
up shares in him.

At ten cents on the dollar.

- Ten cents on the dollar?
- Thought I'd heard everything.

Why, now, wait a minute, wait.

Now, maybe you know something
about Drago we don't know about.

- Yeah.
- Maybe he's already dead.

- That's right.
- That's right, maybe he is.

Doc. How-How about
that, how about that?

He's alive, ain't he?
Sleeping peaceful?

Uh, it-it'd be a good
investment, Doc. I mean, uh...

Well, don't he want to
answer the question or not?

Putting up ten dollars
and-and getting back 100?

(indistinct chatter)

All right, now.

Now, me and my partners
are willing to put up $500 flat

for that whole other half.

(speaking quietly)

Ten cents on the dollar, that's
the lowest we're gonna go.

Well, now...

(excited chattering)

- Put me down for 100.
- All right.

All right, I'll take a 150.

- (all clamoring)
- Seven. Seven.

- Ten is the least...
- Put me down, 150. -$20.

(excited chattering)

Oh, Jake, Jake. Jake.
How much money you got?

- Oh, $12 or $13.
- Come on, give it to me, give me it.

- Now, I-I don't know, I...
- Don't be a fool.

We-We put up $20 between
us, and we get back $200.

- $200. Come on, give me, give me, give me.
- No, I’d...


$20 from Joshua Halligan!

Amy, look, now, you know it's
silly for you to worry about me,

'cause I'm fine.

I'm eating and I'm
taking care of myself.

And y-you never noticed
this, did you? Look here.

Look, you see? I'm a deputy.

(soft laugh) My.

Well, now, look, it
may not last long.

You see, it just
may be for tonight.

It's still a right
proud thing, Austin.

I'm getting paid three dollars.




Amy, it's my fault.

I should have had
you in a hospital

in Hays City by now.

No, it-it ain't your fault.

We didn't have... we
didn't have the money.

Well, I could have
tried to get some money.


I should have sold the
farm or tried something.

Now hush, now, baby, hush.

I'm gonna sleep now, Austin.

(quietly): All right.

All right, Amy, you...

go to sleep.


She's-she's doing
real good, Austin.

I guess so, Thad.

No, I mean it. She's
doing just great.

Hey, is, uh, Doc
sending somebody up?

I-I mean, to sit with Amy?

Well, he was trying
to get Mrs. Bailey,

but she's out of town.

I think he's still
looking for somebody.

What are you doing
out here? Is Amy asleep?

Yeah, Doc, she's asleep.

That's good.

But she keeps moaning.

Kind of to be expected. I don't
know why in thunder it is, but

somehow or other, there
seems to be an awful lot of pain

attached to getting
into this world.

Tell you something else.

I've noticed that women
handle the pain pretty good.

- Doc...
- Men don't seem to be able to, though.

Doc, I've been thinking about
that hospital over in Hays City.

I never took her there
like you wanted me to.

Well, little late to be
thinking about that.

Why don't we just try
and do what we can here.

If anything happens,
I'm to blame.

Oh, for heaven sakes,
you're not to blame.

Doc, I've been
thinking, too, about that

farm of mine.

Four acres of scrub.

I keep working it, you know.

Year after year.

But I can't seem to
pocket a single penny.

What about it?

Well, I don't know.

Don't seem fair to bring...

bring a young one into the
world when you got nothing

to share with them. Not a thing.

(soft chuckle)

Let me tell you
something, young fella.

You listen to me.

I know what you're thinking.
I know how worried you are.

But I've delivered an awful
lot of babies around here,

and I've seen quite a
few of them grow up, too.

And what they've amounted
to hasn't got a thing in the world

to do with a dollar,
one way or the other.

Not a thing.

The important thing is this:

you and your wife are nice young
folks and you love each other.

And you're gonna love that
baby when it gets here, too.

And I'm a little too busy
to be sitting out here

talking to you about it.

Now, I want you to do
some thinking about it,

'cause it's the truth.


Mr. Austin? Mr. Austin?

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Well, what for, Mr. Halligan?

Uh, in here, huh?

- Calm down.
- Uh, easy, boy.

Calm down, see? Quiet.

Look at this.

That's $100 in gold.

It's listening money, boy.

If you don't like what you hear,

you just forget about it.

(coins clattering)

Give me that paper.

I want you to see something.

See that?

There are 12 names on there,

and these are the ones
that own in shares in Drago.

And look at there. There's
your name, "Austin Boyle"

and right alongside,
it says "ten percent."

You own ten percent of Drago.

Uh, I... but I never
bought no share in this. I...

I-I know, I know.
We give it to you.

Ten percent of Drago.

That's $3,000 you're
gonna be getting.

We want you to tussle
with him again like today

and say he's trying to escape.


WALKER: Oh, now,
maybe he's gonna get better,

maybe he ain't.

We don't rightly care,

so tonight we end it.

You k*ll him,

and say he was trying to escape.

Well, then, they
send the money up,

and we get our share
like it's wrote on this paper.

No. No, I couldn't. We...

I couldn't k*ll a man
like that at all, no.

- All right, all right.
- Well...

the law can't touch you

for k*lling a man who's
wanted dead or alive.

(slaps back)

That's right, boy.

No. No, I wouldn't do it.

All right, cut out, cut out.
No, just leave him alone.

You know, don't cost you
nothing to think about it, that's right.

No matter which
way you look at it,

you made yourself a
$100 just for listening.

Just forget it. Good-bye.

You're a good boy.

- (Halligan groaning)
- You sure about that kid?

Sure, I'm sure. He ain't
got a penny to his name,

and his wife's in a bad way.

look too reliable to me.

- WALES: He sure don't.
- No, no.

We'll give him till midnight,
then we're gonna have to move.

Uh, thank you. Thank
you very much. (laughs)



(crickets chirping)

(sighs, sputters)


Scudders are get more
fidgety all the time, ain't they?


Well, it's not the kind of night

I'll be getting any sleep
anyway... that's one consolation.

It's not your turn yet, is it?

No, Doc wants to see
Austin for a minute or two.


Look like you got
a lot on your mind.

Oh. It's my wife, Amy.

She'll be giving birth soon.

I got some advice for you,

some good advice.

Strangle it.

Save it the misery of livin'.

There's a man who
doesn't push easy.

Doc, Festus told me
you wanted to see me.

That's right, that's right,
I do. I want to talk to you.

Just slow down a little bit.

- What's happening to her?
- Nothing's happening at all.

Now, I want to talk
to you. Listen to me.

I may have to
perform surgery on her.

Wait a minute!

I may have to perform surgery,
and I need your permission.

I don't want you to go up there.

- She's dyin', Doc.
- No.

- She's dyin', Doc.
- You're not listening to me.

She's not dying at all.

You're her husband, and I
have to have your permission

if I'm gonna operate if I
can't get a normal birth.

Now, you just got to trust me.


Oh, I trust you, all right.

I trust you, Doc.

She des... she
deserves better than this.

She deserves...

deserves better than I've
ever been able to give her.

Listen to me.

You'd better get
ahold of yourself.

(Amy moaning, panting)

Look. Hey, here he comes.

He better deliver.

What's the matter, Austin?
Did you get some bad news?

Huh? Oh, Doc might operate.

Well, maybe you'd rather
be down at his office.

I would, but he don't...
he don't want me around.

Au-Austin here.

(footsteps approaching)

Austin, I'll be glad to hang
on the rest of your turn,

if you want me to.

Oh, no, Festus, I'll-I'll do it.

He appears to be the onliest
one sleeping in the whole town.

Now, don't forgot to
lock that door after me.

No. No.


FESTUS: Appears
like they're getting ready

for something
down there, don't it?


Maybe you'd better stick
around here for a while.

Sure thing.

(Drago snoring softly)



I was wondering how
come it was nobody tried

to buy you o-out.

(Drago chuckles)

How much you gettin'?

I got $100

for doing nothing.

If I had that money
a little sooner,

my wife would've been in
the hospital over in Hays City.

She'd be there right now.


You let 'em buy
you out that cheap?

All right.

Now, look, I know who you are.

I heard about all the
things you've done.

The way you're shaking, you'd
miss me the first five times.


Oh, that's right. That's
how much I'm gettin', $3,000.

That's gonna buy a good farm,

a home for my
wife and my family.

I'll let you in on
a little secret.

I'm bleedin' inside.

You better hurry up
if you're gonna sh**t.

You ain't no good.

You just ain't no good at all.

You spent your whole
life k*lling people!

Yeah. For money.

Like you now.

There's a difference here!

No. What difference?

Two men in my room,

and one of 'em is bought out.

The way I see it, half the
world and me's the same.

There is a difference!

No. Boy, if you're
gonna pull that trigger,

you better hurry up.

Only, do it like a man,

admittin' that you
are no better than me.

(panting) Better?

You ain't as good.

You want to do it for the money,

but you ain't got the nerve!


(Drago continues laughing)

- (Drago continues laughing)
- I couldn't do it.

- You couldn't do what?
- Nothing, Marshal. He's alive.

- He's alive. Nothing says he's gonna die.
- (glass shattering)

(continues laughing)

He ain't sane.

- I don't want my share. I'm giving it up.
- DRAGO: Hey!



Use your g*ns!


(Drago laughing)

Ha! I'm better than you!

I took what I wanted!

At last! (laughing)

DILLON: Hold it right there.

- Cover 'em, Festus.
- FESTUS: Just h...

just hang back and be easy.

(crickets chirping)


Well, he's dead.

- He can't be.
- I said he's dead.

Now, get out of
here, all of you.

Go on, break it up.

(low, indistinct chatter)

Festus, get a couple of men to
give you a hand here, will you?

Come on, some of you fellers.

Well, Flint, did
you get your story?

I got it.

The ending was beautiful.

That's the end of
your story, mister.

But you haven't got
the guts to print it.


(baby crying)

Oh, it just don't seem right
for a boy to be that pretty.

You sure look pretty
without it troubling you any.

Me pretty?

Fair amount.

Oh... (laughs softly)

You know what we're gonna do?

We're going to build
that old farm up together,

just me and him.

And me?

Why, sure, you.

(quietly): 'Course.

KITTY: You sure this
is the best we got, Sam?

Yes, ma'am, it's the best.

Well, nothing's too good
for this occasion, Doc.

Thank you, Kitty.

A thousand deliveries, huh, Doc?

- That's right.
- You mean babies?

Well, I don't mean kangaroos.

That's a whole heap
of young'uns, you know.

Well, I'd say that's
quite a few babies, yeah.

Is this here including
that ol' Pawnee squaw

that had them twins

that I took you up to up yonder?

Yes, including them, too.

Well, what I mean is, Doc,

when you get up
around a thousand,

it's awful easy to make
a miscount, you know.

Could be a thousand
and one, or it, uh,

could be 999...

How can you be sure
that you ain't a-celebratin'

the wrong baby?

It so happens
that I keep records.

Well, what I mean is, Doc,

all them calves that you've
helped them ranchers pull,

and all them foals that you've
helped bring into the world,

you sure you ain't adding
in a horse or two there?


take a deep breath, and then
take a big drink of that wine,

and then set the glass
down and shut up.


Doc, here's to the
next thousand babies.

Thank you, Matt.

Same wish here, Doc.

Thanks, Kitty.

Me, too, Doc.

Thad, thank you.

FESTUS: I'll go along with that.

Here's to the next
thousand, Doc.

Well, thank you, Festus.

Or 999,

whatever it is.

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