15x20 - Albert

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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15x20 - Albert

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

Kate, it's not the
end of the world.

I can get another job.

After all, I've been a bank
teller for over 25 years,

before I came to Dodge
in Wichita, Kansas City.

A teller.

Albert, we have stayed in
this cow town for eight years

because you were going to
be something more than a teller.

Mr. Bodkin sat right
here in this very room

and said that you were to be
the next manager of that bank.

It wasn't Mr. Bodkin's fault.

- Those people in Chicago...
- It is never ever anybody's fault.

Albert, you're 55 years old.

What are we going to do?

What do you want me to do, Kate?

I want...

- Morning, Albert.
- Hmm?

Oh, oh, good
morning. Good mor...

Just keep walking.

Keep walking, Albert.

You're as dependable
as a rooster.

Every morning you leave
your apartment at 8:30

and exactly one minute
later you open the bank.

A man could really
hinge on you, Albert.

Now, open it.

I, uh...

I don't know the combination.


You've been opening that
safe every morning for 15 years.


Get it open or I'll put
your brains on the ceiling.

He means it, Albert.

The fella in Topeka didn't believe
him. Now he's wearing a halo.

Albert Schiller, I know you're in there.
It's 8:30. Open up! I have business.

Albert! Albert Schiller,
do you hear me?

Help! Help! The bank's robbed...

Bank's being robbed!
Somebody send for the marshal!

Out the back.

You might wanna
stay back! Stay back!

Is he all right?

- The back door.
- Come on, Newly.

Newly, start
roundin' up a posse.

Mr. Schiller, you just be easy, now,
and I'll send somebody to fetch old Doc.

Everything'll be took care of.

Let's y'all go
back to old Dodge.

What happened, Festus?
What happened to Mr. Schiller?

I think I should help him...

He's a good friend of mine. You
understand? He's a good friend.


Is he all right, Doc?

Well, they thumped him pretty
good, Harry, but it's not serious.

Think he ought to
take it easy, though.

Now, you go home, Albert,
and stay there the rest of the day.

- But, Mr. Bod...
- No argument.

Come on, Mr. Schiller.
I'll help you get home.

And, Albert, we owe
you a debt of thanks.

And don't you come to work
tomorrow either unless you feel up to it.

- Thanks, Doc.
- Don't mention it, Harry.

Albert. Albert,
are you all right?

Oh, yes, yes, Kate.
It wasn't bad, really.

No, no, no. It
doesn't even hurt.

I just don't understand you.

Why did you try
to stop those men?

I don't know. I
don't know, Kate.

You could have been k*lled.

Well, you don't owe
that bank a thing.

After 15 years, they just
throw you out like trash.

Do you think they
appreciated what you did?

It was a very
foolish thing to do.


Maybe it was foolish.

Oh, hello, Marshal.

Mrs. Schiller. I'd like to talk
to your husband if I could.

- Of course. Come in.
- Thank you.

- Oh, I've been expecting you, Marshal.
- Hello, Albert. Stay seated.

I just wondered
how you're feeling.

Doc says I've got a hard head.

- Will you take a seat?
- Can I get you some coffee?

No. No, thanks.
I'll just be a minute.

Wanted to ask you
about those men, Albert.

- What about the posse?
- I'm afraid they didn't have much luck.

Well, at least they didn't
get away with any money,

thanks to Albert
making a hero of himself.

Well, it looks like they did
get away with something.

- Oh?
- $5,000 according to Mr. Bodkin.

He also said if it
hadn't been for you,

why, they might have
gotten away with a lot more.

How many men were there, Albert?

Well, I think there were three.

- You think?
- Well, I can't say for... for sure.

One came upon me
from behind on the street.

But I... I didn't see the
others till we got inside.

- But you did see 'em?
- Oh, yes, yes, but...

Well, can you
describe them at all?

Well, I... I hardly...
hardly glimpsed them.

I... I'm afraid I'm...
I'm still a bit shaky.

Perhaps later when my head
clears up, I'll be able to tell you.

Well, if you remember anything, I...
I'd appreciate your letting me know.

Oh, yes, I will.

Bye, Marshal.

What took you so long?

Read it.

Uh, read it, boy. I got
somethin' in my eye.

Says here we got
away with $5,000.

Five... They lie.

Now, why would they lie, hmm?

It says Schiller couldn't give
a description of the bandits.

But he got a good
look at all of us.

Could count the
gold in our teeth.

That's right. So why
didn't he tell the law?

Why, little old Albert,

that hard-working,
decent citizen.


Them skinny little
fingers of his got piggy

and he muddied the
water by saying it was us.

- Strike the camp, Nix.
- Yes, sir.

Albert, could I see you when you
get through there for a moment?

Yes, sir, right away.

Come in, come in.

Sit down, Albert. Sit down.

I wired the board of
directors in Chicago

and I told them that if
it hadn't been for you,

those men would
have gotten everything.

I hoped that they
would reconsider.

But they wouldn't.

I am, however, instructed to
commend you for your courage...

and to give you a check for $25.

I appreciate your
effort, Mr. Bodkin.

Your wife, Albert,
how is she taking it?

Oh, she'll be all right.

You know, Albert, I... I always
hoped that you would succeed me.

I still do. But my
hands are tied.

Those people in Chicago are
convinced that they want a younger man.

I think they're making a
big mistake. And I told them.

Well, uh, how long
do I have, Mr. Bodkin?

The new man'll
be here in a week.

I'm sorry, Albert.


Things'll work out.

Oh, Mr. Bodkin. Mr. Bodkin.

Yes, Albert.

- Working late?
- Well, I was, but I was just leaving.

My wife will be along. We're
having supper at Delmonico's.

I want to say something
to you. It's important.

Well, of course, Albert.

Mr. Bodkin... that robbery
yesterday morning...


- Oh, hello, dear.
- Oh, evening, Mrs. Bodkin.

- Good evening, Albert.
- I'll be right with you.


Well, it can wait till
tomorrow morning.

- Are you sure?
- Oh, yes, yes.

Uh, have a nice
supper, Mrs. Bodkin.

Thank you, Albert.

Thank you, Albert. Good night.

Where have you been?

You've been drinking.

I'm sorry I'm late, Kate.

We have guests.

Hello, Albert.

Bet you never thought
you'd see me again.

Thank you.

You're a good
cook, Mrs. Schiller.

You, uh...

You said you were a
cattle buyer, Mr. Heathers?

Make it Jim, ma'am.

Like everybody else,
we're waiting for those herds

that are coming in next week.

Nix is my ramrod.

I'm breaking young Tom
here into the business.

He got tired of
being a farm boy.

Uh, I knew Jim before
you came to Dodge, Kate,

about nine, ten years ago.

Hmm. Where you from, ma'am?


Hmm. Hey, how'd you ever
lay a rope on her, Albert?

One of them church socials?

I was working at
the Long Branch.

You a saloon girl?

Nix is a good ramrod, ma'am,

but I'm afraid he left his
manners back on the prairie.

Uh, pass me them
biscuits, would you, ma'am?

Hmm. Nice and soft and white.

Just the way I like 'em.

Take your hands off her!


I told you about
business and pleasure.

Albert, who are these men?

Now, you go take a look around.

Go on.

- You're no friend of Albert's.
- Well, that's very true, ma'am.

But we have met before, a
few days ago, at the bank.

Albert, what is all this?
What's he looking for?

Albert, it's a very bad sign when
a man stops confiding in his wife.

What's he talking about?

Is this what you're looking for?

You should be very thankful
we're not the law, Albert,

otherwise you wouldn't
be enjoying our company,

you'd be looking at life
from behind iron bars.

- I don't much like what you did to us.
- It wasn't nice.

You doin' all the stealin',
us takin' all the blame.

How would you feel?

We did all the work. You're the
only one who showed any profit.

You got the money.

Now, take it and get out!

We don't want charity, Albert.

That's your money.

You keep it.

We want the money in that safe.



Paper says that you're
leaving the bank, Albert. When?


Sat... Saturday, Saturday.

Town's full of cattle buyers.
Lot of money in Dodge right now.

I'll bet most of it's
gonna be in that safe.

Now, today's Thursday.

By Saturday that
bank'll be bulging.

That's when we take it.

And you're gonna
help us, Albert.

On Saturday you'll
open that safe for us.

In the meanwhile, we're
gonna be your guests.

You'll go to work. You'll
come and go as usual.

I can't do that.

I bet you was a sweet little
thing when you was saloonin'.

Now, you just remember, Albert,
wherever you go and whatever you do,

there'll always be
somebody here with your wife.

Where's my husband?

Outside with Spence
gettin' told how it is.

You're still a mighty
fine-lookin' woman.

Why you wastin' your valuable
time with that old ringtail?

You might not have
noticed up to now,

but I got all the makings of
bein' a mighty cozy friend.

Cozy as old socks.

I'll bet you used to get them
saloon fellas all goose-bumpy.

I'll bet you still could.

What are you doing in
there? Get out of here.

- Just makin' a little sweet talk.
- Get out!


You can't do what they're
asking, Albert. You can't.

They're not asking.
They're telling, Kate.

Did you take that money?


- Why?
- I'm not sure why.

Well, it wasn't because
the bank let you go.

I know you better than that.

Do you know me, Kate?

Do you really know me?

We didn't really finish
our little talk yet, Albert.

Got a few odds and ends
to clear up about Saturday.

Thank you.

May I have change
for $50, please?

Thank you.

Albert Schiller,
I'm short 50 cents.

Oh, I'm sorry. I guess my
mind was somewhere else.


Albert, are you
feeling all right?

Oh, I didn't sleep
too well last night.

Why don't you go home
and take a nap? I insist.

Thank you. I guess
I could use the rest.

Got no pictures
in this darn thing.

Uh, ma'am, why don't you sit down
over here and teach me how to read?

Mrs. Schiller, may I have
another cup of coffee, please?

Who is it?

Marshal Dillon.

- Mrs. Schiller.
- Hello, Marshal.

I'd like to talk
to your husband.

Why, he's not here.

Uh, this is...

Name is Jim Hubbard, Marshal.

Mr. Hubbard.

Mr. Hubbard is a
friend of my husband's.

I'm a buyer from Abilene.

I'm waiting in town to take a look at
some of the herds when they come in.

It's been a while
since I've seen Albert.

I didn't know he'd
taken himself a bride.

Huh. Do you know
where your husband is?

Well, at the bank.

Well, I was just there. Mr. Bodkin
thought he might be home.

Oh, no, no, he's not here.

Well, I... I just wanted him to
take a look at these posters.

Oh, Albert told me about that
robbery. Any luck so far, Marshal?

No, I'm afraid not.

Well, just tell him to stop by and
see me when he can, will you?

I'll tell him.

- Mr. Hubbard.
- Pleasure, Marshal.


There's no posters on Tom. You?

Might be.

Well, then, you stay
out of sight. Hear?

What if that old
broomtail took off?

He's not gonna stray.

Not as long as we got his wife.

Hi, Marshal. Can I
get you anything?

- No. No, thanks, Sam.
- Hello, Marshal.

Hello, Albert. I was
just by your place.


Yeah, Mr. Bodkin said he
thought you'd gone home.

Well, I started to, but I
didn't want to worry Kate.

Ah. Albert, take a took at these, see if
any of 'em brings back anything to you.

No, I'm sorry, Marshal.

Albert, that fella that's over at
your house right now, that Hubbard?

- Mmm, yes.
- How long have you known him?

Oh, a number of
years. Cattle buyer.

Yeah, that's what he said.

Funny, I thought I knew most of
the cattle buyers that came to Dodge.

Well, I'll be getting some
more of these in in a few days.

I'd appreciate if you'd come
by and take a look at 'em.

All right, Marshal.

Wouldn't do it.

Nix and Spence are both
with your wife right now.

Talkin' to the marshal's
like squeezin' the trigger.

You fellas are
watching me all the time.

Just about.

You know, you're
just like my old man.

He was a farmer.

Makes no difference you're
town and he was a dirt scratcher.

Little by little, the
ground took him.

Drought finally put him under.

I watched that stinkin' land bend
him and b*at him and bury him.

You're scratchin' a livin' just
like he spent his whole life doin'.

Except you ain't got dirt
under your fingernails.

But you sure got the
same look about you.

Just like my old man.

But you got $5,000.

If my pa had had just
a small part of that...

It wouldn't have
bought him rain.

You got a woman and
a home. That's a lot.

Do like Spence says
or you'll lose 'em.

Nice. Where'd you learn it?

My pa taught it to me.

Used to sit out on the porch,
look at a day's work and play it.

Hey, how about
somethin' a little lively, huh?

Too bad we ain't gonna be
around when the herds come in.

I remember when I was
drovin' on the Chisholm.

We grass-bellied them cows,

got in, got ourself
all roostered up

and we tore that town
right up by the roots.

And them girls.

Course, nothin' like
the little lady right here.

Since this here's
our last night,

how about you and me gettin'
together for a little giggle talk?

We ain't never had
the chance to get cozy.

Leave her be, Nix.

You just play that
thing, plow pusher.

Me and the little lady here...

we gonna dance.

Don't try cuttin' in, boy.

You been drinkin' too much, Nix.

You better play.






Come on, you dance, mama.

- No more.
- Come on.

- No more.
- You can't stop now!

- Oh, please!
- Come on!

- Get up, woman!
- Let her be!

- Get over and play somethin', boy!
- Please!

- Come on!
- No!

You can't stand?

Albert. Albert!

Let go of him, Albert!

Let go of him. Let go!

Albert, the only reason
you're alive at this moment

is because we need you tomorrow.

That's the only reason.

You did it for me.

Taking that money.

You did it only for me.

I do everything with
you in mind, Kate.

Last night, the way
you fought with Nix.

That was a very
brave thing to do.

That wasn't bravery.


You... You asked
if I really knew you.

I don't think I have.

Albert Schiller is mad.

He loves his wife.

Please forgive me.

Get him.

It's almost 8:30.


I want my husband back, Albert.


Bank closes at noon.

Five minutes later, the kid
and I'll knock on the back door.

You'll open it.

Nix is gonna stay with your
wife until I give him the signal.

If he touches her...

He knows better.

It's your last day
at the bank, Albert.

Any tricks, it's gonna
be your last day on earth.

And hers, of course.

Matthew, I just seen
Albert a-goin' into the bank.

He hasn't saw them
new posters yet, has he?

No, he sure hasn't.

I tell you something else, I haven't
gotten any reply to that wire I sent

inquiring about that Hubbard
fella I met over at his place either.

Look, do me a favor, will you?

Go on down to the telegraph
office and see if something's come in.

You betcha, Matthew.

Albert, I'd... I'd like to buy
you a drink after you close up.

At the Long Branch.

Well... Well, thank you.

You don't mind if I'm a little late?
I have a few things to finish up.

Oh, no, of course
not. I'll see you there.

Well, somethin' finally
came in, Matthew.


What's it say?

No Jim Hubbard in Abilene.

Check the door.


Nix has got your wife.

And I have you.

I'll make a deal.

Leave the money,
signal Nix and go.

Get out of town and
I won't say a word.

No deal.

You pull that trigger, your
wife is dead. You know that.

Now, give me that g*n.

Festus, wait a minute. Why don't you
go on over and check Schiller's place?

- I'll have a look at the bank.
- You betcha.

Don't push it, Spence.
Come on, let's ride.

No, Spence!

Hold it.

Right, outside.

Somethin' went wrong.

Help me!

Drop it, mister.
Just stand real easy.

Albert. Albert.

My wife, Marshal. My wife.



- Albert.
- Oh, Kate. Kate.

- I'm all right, Kate. Yes, Kate.
- Albert.

- Yes, baby, I'm all right.
- Albert.

- I'm all right, yes.
- Albert.


Well, folks, I thought
you were leaving town.

We're staying for that
boy's trial, Marshal.

If it wasn't for
him, I'd be dead.

Well, I'm sure the judge'll
take that into consideration.

I understand, Marshal.

But there are certain things
that have to be said at that trial.

Oh, there you are, Albert.

Well, they finally
listened to me in Chicago.

The job is yours and you
will replace me when I retire.

Well, I'm afraid I... I can't
accept that position, Mr. Bodkin.


Mr. Bodkin, Marshal, there's
something you don't know.

The money that was missing
from the first robbery, that $5,000,

those men didn't take it.

I did.

We know that, Albert.

We've been conferring
about it ever since I discovered

that the missing money
had been returned.

We had to come to the
only possible conclusion.

But you... you just offered
me a job taking your place.

Albert, you could have
walked away with that money.

There was nothing stopping you,

no way for anyone to
prove that you took it.

But you put it back,

and I say that that makes you a
pretty honest and trustworthy man.

I still can't take that job.

You see, Mr. Bodkin,
my husband and I...

we've made some plans.

Yes, we have.

We'll be in town,
Marshal, for the trial.

After that, it doesn't
matter much where we go.

Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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