05x06 - An Ideal Husband

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Brothers & Sisters". Aired: September 24, 2006 –; May 8, 2011.*
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Mother Nora is the glue that holds the dysfunctional Walker clan together as family members face a variety of challenges.
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05x06 - An Ideal Husband

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming back in three, two, one.

If you're just joining us today
on Dear Mom,

we're talking about the big C,

Our next caller is Janey from Irvine.

Good morning, Janey.
So, what's on your mind?

- Hi, Nora. I love your show.
- Thank you.

Okay, so, Janey, what's up?

How do I know if my boyfriend, Doug,
is truly committed to our relationship?

I don't know. Why are you asking me?

You have to hang up the phone,
call Doug, and ask him.

I don't know if I wanna hear the answer.

You can't waste your life
waiting for someone to commit.

But you can't give up hope either.

Sometimes there's hope
where you least expect it.

Take my middle son, for instance.

Now, he was the child
I thought least likely to commit, ever.

And now he and his husband have been
happily married for over three years.

And honestly, they have one
of the best marriages I know.

So there you have it.

Oh, I thought you might want an espresso.
I didn't realize you were still sleeping.

I wouldn't call it sleeping.

More like barely achieving
a semi-unconscious state.

There's regular coffee,
if you want that, too.

Was there something else?

Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk
about the party tonight.

I don't wanna ruin it for you,
so I thought maybe I shouldn't be there.

It's a charity event.
People have paid 150 bucks per head

to be served your signature
hors d'oeuvres, by you,

and that's what they're gonna get.

This thing is like a concrete slab.

Kevin, I know how upset you are.

it's kind of an appropriate reaction

when you find out your husband
was with someone else, don't you think?

You finished upstairs? Because
I'd like to take a shower now, please.

Yeah, I'm all done. Bathroom's all yours.


- Oh, my God.
- Hi, babe.

Hello. I thought your plane
wasn't getting in till noon.

How was the gallery?
Did they like your work?

- Keeping my fingers crossed.
- Well, me too.

Why aren't you wearing
your engagement ring?

Oh, that is a strange tale.

You still haven't told anybody?

No, I just had to tell Cooper
and Paige first,

and I was waiting for the right time,


And it didn't really go
the way we planned.

- They weren't upset, were they?
- No.

No, it's just that Cooper asked me
how long we were going to be married for.

How long?

And he was not being sarcastic.

- I'm sorry, Sarah.
- So I explained

that we were gonna be married forever.

He said, "No one's ever married forever.
Look at you and Dad."

Sorry, babe, it's horrible.

I know. I can't believe that
that is the example I've set for my son.

You know what? We'll prove him wrong.

We will show Cooper
that a marriage can last.

Look, I'll talk to him
when he gets back from Joe's.

You know, I think that's a good idea.
He believes everything that you say.

So should you.

This is why you're going to wear that ring
tonight for everyone to see.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna take a yoga class.

- Why?
- I'm a morning person, you know that.

So spend it with me.

Oh, I would love to,
but I actually have appointments today.

I thought the point of you
was that you don't have appointments

and that you go with the flow.

Well, the flow has brought me
back to L.A. And to you.

I'm actually seeing some people
about a position today.

As in Downward Dog or a job?

A job.
It's a small investment-banking firm.

Investment banking?

Wait a minute, I thought that you and L.A.
And corporate America...

- Didn't get along. I know.
- Yeah.

- But it feels different this time.
- Why?

I'm telling you, it's not different.
It's the same crazy, car-jammed L.A.

- That it's always been.
- You're here.

Well, don't go back into the rat race
because of me.

No. This firm is about new ideas.

I love change, Kitty. Otherwise, I wouldn't
have moved to Ojai in the first place.

You're really thinking about staying,
aren't you?

Yeah, I am.

God, you have to be Iron Man
to get these things off.

- Kevin, let me help.
- I can manage.

You're sleep deprived.
Why don't you let me sleep on the couch?

Because I don't wanna sleep in our bed.

I told you, nothing happened in our bed.

Yeah, and I've told you
I don't wanna know any details.

Fine, but we're both still living here,
and your family's coming tonight

and we can't just keep walking around
like nothing's wrong.

I don't want my family to know
because it's humiliating.

Sometimes I wish I never told you.

- Then why did you?
- Because I made a mistake.

The worst thing I did
was try to pretend like it never happened.

I love you
and I know I owed you the truth.

- No, what you owed me was fidelity.
- Hey. Oh, God, I need a coffee.

- Are you two fighting?
- No.

Good. Okay, come on,
let's go through the details for tonight.

Mom should be here any moment.

- Wait, Nora's coming here now?
- Well, I hope so. It's her charity.

You think I'm super excited
about the Grace Hill Historical Trust?

What's this? Why can't I have a latte?

The machine's broken.
I gotta go shopping.

You know what?
I need a pad and a pen.

Wait, Sarah...


- Yeah?
- Why are there sheets on your couch?

- We had a house guest.
- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah.
- Who?


- Barbara? Barbara who?
- You don't know her.

Yeah, well, tell her she left your shoes,
socks, tie, and shirt on the floor.

What's going on? Is Scotty mad at you?

- Hi.
- Here you are.

Honey, thank you so much
for coming to help me.

And, Kevin,
did you listen to my show this morning?

- No, sorry.
- Well, I mentioned you and Scotty.

I used you as an example
of a great marriage.

Oh, I don't know how great it is, Mom.
Kevin slept in his office last night.

What, does Scotty snore?

No, I was just... I was too tired
to make it upstairs. No big deal.

Oh, yeah?
So why the big story about Barbara?

- Who's Barbara?
- Never mind.

- Hey.
- Hi, Nora.

- Is everything okay?
- Come on, Scotty.

- Why is Kevin in the doghouse?
- I'm not in the doghouse.

- Oh, Kevin, what did you do?
- Come on, don't cover for him.

- Spill the beans.
- Why do you assume it's me?

- I'm down here for my own reasons.
- Really?

What could Scotty have possibly done?

He cheated. That's what he did.

So much for your great marriage.

I have to get ready for court.
Have a good party.

Sarah, for God's sakes,
it's not even noon yet.

Who cares, Mom?
We're in the Twilight Zone now.

Besides, it's ros?. Let's call it brunch.

Fine, pour me one.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hi, what are you doing here?

Scotty asked me to bartend tonight.

Oh, are you okay with that?

I used to do it all the time,
and I'm sober now.

- So don't worry about me.
- Good.

I'd worry about yourselves, if anyone.

So where's Scotty?
He's gotta walk me through the setup.

Yeah, look, we have a situation there.

It seems that Scotty

- cheated on Kevin.
- Cheated on Kevin.

- What, like hooked up?
- I don't know.

- No, I don't believe it.
- It's hard to believe.

- No, Mom, I actually don't believe it.
- No, believe it, it happens.

- Dad. Remember Joe, my ex-husband?
- Oh, come on, Sarah. Stop it.

- That's an unfair comparison.
- Is it? Why?

- Scotty's a better person.
- Is he?

He is. And you were fighting with Joe
long before anything...

- You were fighting...
- But I believed in our marriage.

I thought he was last man
on this planet who...

Stop. You know what?
Listen, Sarah, I get it. Dudes cheat.

- Yeah.
- All right? But Scotty's not that dude.

- No.
- We all know that, right?

- There has to be some explanation.
- Well, the only one I can come up with is,

when it comes to marriage,
maybe love's not enough.

- Maybe you just never know...
- Sarah, stop it. Don't talk like that.

Don't talk like that. We have absolutely
no idea what happened.

Exactly. Rebecca and I used to fight
all the time over misunderstandings...

- Yes, yes, yes.
- And now you're divorced.

Just stop it. You know, stop.

This can't happen, okay?
This can't happen.

They're gonna get over it.
They're gonna get over it.

- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna find Kevin.

You and Joe got divorced.
Rebecca and Justin got divorced.

Tommy and Julia.
I probably should have gotten divorced.

But Kevin and Scotty? No.

They are the one Walker marriage
which is not going down in flames.

Why don't you come over to my place
tonight and we can make sundaes?

No, you have to go to this thing.
It's for charity. You're one of the draws.

Oh, please, Kevin,
I don't wanna be a draw anymore.

I am just Kitty Walker now.

Look, we can have a slumber party
just like we used to in the old days,

and I'll tell Jack that tonight is canceled.

- Doesn't he, like, live with you now?
- No.

No, he's staying with me intermittently.
And it might change, it... l...

You don't wanna hear about this now.

What, your new and exciting love life?
No, I don't.

Oh, Kev, listen.
You know, Robert and I...

We made so many mistakes, okay?
And we got through it.

And when you're ready to talk calmly,
you and Scotty can sit down...

What do you want me to do, Kit,
just forgive him? Why...?

Oh, of course you do.
You did the same thing.

No, you had an affair with that guy
from the park.

No, nothing happened
between me and Alec.

You kissed him. Even if you hadn't, you
had an emotionally intimate relationship

- you withheld from your husband.
- Kevin, I'm not condoning cheating.

No, you're excusing it. You know what?
I am gonna go tonight because I live there.

It's where my office is.
Get Scotty over for sundaes.


- So I guess you know?
- Yep, I spoke to Nora.

Gonna have to make a change
on the menu tonight.

Okay, what are you thinking?

Well, the mushrooms are wilted,
so we can't do the mushrooms b?chamel.

We'll make ricotta fritters instead.

- Okay, can I help?
- No. You don't need to be involved in this.

Saul, please don't do this.
You can't just ignore me.

Well, Scotty, I'm at a loss.

- How could you do this?
- It's not like I planned it.

Things between Kevin and me
were terrible then.

- How terrible?
- It was two months after the accident.

Robert was in a coma.
Michelle just miscarried.

That terrible, okay?

It was the opening night
of the restaurant.

Yeah, I need four pounds of crab meat.

Okay, good. Call me back. Bye.

- What are you doing?
- The cable guy has turned the service on,

but I can't reach the outlet
to plug in the modem.

- Could you please help me?
- I have 60 guests coming in seven hours.

- You have to do this now?
- Yes, I know.

It's great that it's your big night, but
I can't look for a job without the Internet.

Okay, fine.
So where is my chef's jacket?

I'll get it later.
Can you just help me push?

Fine. Here we go. Go.

Did I tell you the critic from L.A. Times
is coming?

Yeah, that's great. Okay, tip.

Kevin, this could be a really big step
forward for both of us.

- I just wanna make sure that every...
- What? What? What?

- My hand is stuck!
- Sorry. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

God, Kevin. God, I have to cook tonight.
Did you really have to do this now?

I'm sorry. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Could you just please
pick up my chef's jacket?

Yeah, Scotty, about tonight.

There's a partner coming in
from a big London firm.

He's stopping off on his way to Japan.

He wants to see me
about opening a practice here,

but he can only meet tonight.

- You're kidding me.
- I might just be a little bit late.

Come on, it wasn't planned.

Look, I need a job. You don't know
if this restaurant's gonna work.

Oh, thanks.

- Come on, I didn't mean it like that.
- Yeah, you did.

There's a lot of things
we've wanted recently

that haven't worked out
the way we've hoped.

Dreams don't always come true.

You know, Kevin, things have been bad,

but I don't even recognize you anymore.

Oh, come on.

I hope you can make it tonight.

- We just let things get too bad.
- You're just making excuses.

- I'm not making excuses. I'm saying...
- You're trying to blame Kevin.

I'm not blaming him.
I'm saying that it was complicated.

I don't wanna hear any more.

- This family has always been behind you.
- I know.

The only reason I'm here is because we
have a commitment to host this charity.

But I will tell you one thing, Scotty.

I have never been more disappointed
in anyone in my life.

I'm sorry, Mr. Walker,
but I can't wait any longer.

- Miss Lacy was duly summoned...
- She's on her way, Your Honor.

- I spoke with her this morning.
- Well, it's this afternoon now.

An eviction notice is a court order
if it's not contested.

She'll lose the case by default
if we don't contest.

I'm well aware of that,
so where is Miss Lacy?

She's on a bus.

She's a 63-year-old woman with no car
or support system.

Mr. Walker, you need to calm down.

If she had an $80,000 car like you,
she'd be on time.

You are this close
to being held in contempt of court.

Is that her?

No, Your Honor.
That would be my mother.

I can't believe you embarrassed me
in a courtroom of people.

Well, it's a good thing I showed up.
You were about to get arrested.

Cited. You don't get arrested
for contempt of... Doesn't matter.

Where's my soda?
This is such a clich?.

- Am I gonna hit the machine now?
- You're not gonna hit the machine.

Just breathe. Would you please...?

Sit over here and for God's sakes,

If you've come here
to help the peace process, go home.

I came here to be with my son.

Did you really say that Scotty and I
had the perfect marriage on the radio?

No. I said you have one of the best
marriages I know.

- Maybe you should air a retraction.
- No, I still believe that.

Mom, please stop,
because you can't fix this.

Kevin, you and Scotty
are so happy together.

You have a great relationship.

- Oh, God. You're worse than Kitty.
- You have to work it out, Kevin.

You have to work it out, you have to try.

Why? So I end up like you and Dad?

With all due respect,
I don't want your marriage.

In fact, I did everything I could
to choose someone who I thought

- was as different from Dad as possible.
- Kevin.

Kevin, your father lied to me.

Year after year after year,
about a million things, not just Holly.

Scotty told you the truth.

He didn't have to do that.
That's worth a lot.

There we go.
Is Scotty in love with this man?

Oh, God, I don't think so.

It couldn't have gone that far,
do you think?

Luc, do you think we're crazy
getting married?

Crazy? Why?

It just kind of complicates everything.

- I mean, who needs it?
- What are you saying?

- You aren't ready to get married?
- No.

Maybe. No, I'm just asking the question

whether or not
it's worth complicating everything.

Cooper already thinks marriages expire
like a driver's license.

I don't wanna put Cooper or Paige
through another divorce.

Divorce? Look, Sarah, I just proposed.
You're already talking about divorce?

No, I'm just saying
that nothing's guaranteed.

What? Okay, Luc, stop.

I know you're saying something mean
but I can't translate so fast.

It's like we go into a flower shop
and we find a amazing orchid.

- Okay.
- Yet you say:

"Why should I buy this flower?
It's only going to die."

- I'm not Joe, and you're not Scotty.
- Right.

- I believe in our love.
- I do too.

- I'm not saying I don't have faith...
- It doesn't sound like it, Sarah.

You know what? You're right.
It's off. Makes sense.

What's off? The engagement?

- You're taking it back?
- No, but you did.

I'm just... I'm just sharing with you
my concerns.

I'm just saying
that I'm worried about my children.

Then be a parent. Show them the way.

So I've been dying to know.
How was the meeting?

Well, it was kind of amazing, actually.


- Does that mean you got the job?
- Yeah.

But it's a lot more involved
than I even thought.

- Yeah?
- They are opening an office in Vietnam.

- In Vietnam?
- And they want me to go over there.


The w*r has been over a while, Kitty.

No, I know about the w*r,
but Vietnam is...

Halfway around the world
and an entirely different culture.

But that is what's so perfect about it.

I'm not interested
in just making money anymore.

I wanna combine who I used to be
with who I think I've become.

- Okay.
- It's only for a year.

- You could sublet the house.
- I could what?

Wait a minute, are you thinking that
Evan and I are going to come with you?

Yes, I am seriously thinking
you and Evan

are gonna have the most amazing
adventure of your lives.

In Vietnam?

When I first met you,
you said you were on a journey.

You were talking about
maybe writing another book.

What a perfect place to do that.

- I can't believe this.
- Look, if you're not into it,

I'll do something else.
I'm not going without you.

No, it's just that I can't believe
that I am very intrigued.

- Yes, I knew it.
- No, you did not know anything.

I'm not checking
my frequent-flyer miles.

I'm telling you, Kitty. We are gonna go
amazing places together.

I wasn't sure
we'd get it all decorated in time.

This is so wonderful of you
to do this every year.

- Thank you.
- And what a beautiful restaurant.

Yes, Saul and my son-in-law own it.

The one you talked about this morning
on your show?

- Yeah.
- Oh, is he here tonight?

We can't wait to meet him
and his husband.

Well, I'm sure that can be arranged.

You think? I wouldn't bet on it.

- Honey, don't be negative.
- It's hard not to be tonight.

- Thank you so much for coming.
- Thank you for your contribution.

- Come on, sweetheart.
- Our pleasure.

All right, margarita, no salt.

- Two glasses of merlot and a Manhattan.
- Yes.

Take your time. Older crowd.

- I'm Marcus, by the way.
- Justin.

- How long you worked here?
- First night. Can you tell?

Not at all. Anyway,
I've got my own drama tonight.

- This? Not my usual gig.
- Let me guess, you're an actor.

Straight-up Manhattan, right there.

No, the old guy asked me to sub
for someone sick tonight.

- The ol...? Saul.
- Yeah.

I worked here one night before,
and I mixed a little business with pleasure.

What do you mean?

I hooked up with the chef.

Scotty. That's his name, right?

- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I told you. Drama.

Anyway, I hope his boyfriend's
not here tonight.

- I knew he had one.
- You mean his husband.

Hey, barkeep,
give me a sh*t of bourbon.

- How are you?
- Great.

- Look, two merlots. You're all set.
- Wait a minute, what's the rush?

- Kevin.
- Hey, Marcus.

- What's up, Marcus?
- Go, man. I mean it, go.


What, Scotty cheats,
but I'm not even allowed to flirt?

- Will you watch the register for a sec?
- Why? Where are you going?

I need another tray of bruschetta.

And let's get some more of those fritters
out there.

You got it.

Someone needs to peel
and slice these red peppers.

- Scotty, I need to talk to you.
- Justin, I would love to talk to you too,

- but I got a million and one things...
- Marcus is here.

- Marcus?
- Yeah.

Coming right up.

- Oh, hey, Kev.
- Hey.

Where's Justin?

I don't know, but he left me in charge.
One double Scotch on the rocks.

I said a Rob Roy, didn't I?

- Who's he?
- Why don't you let me get that?

I used to tend bar in college.

No. I'm here to assert my right and title
to this building, Jack.

That's legalese for
"I've decided to take a stand,"

and it's gonna be at the bar.

- Still need that Rob Roy.
- I'll make it.


Could you please make it two, Jack?
I'm dying to know what Rob tastes like.

- Don't mind me calling you Rob, do you?
- Kev, you're embarrassing yourself.

Am I? Really?
I thought you were done with politics.

I'm not here positioning myself
for debate or saving face. I'm mad, Kit.

- I know.
- Really mad.

And there are no talking points for that.

- I can't believe he's here.
- Yeah, he works here, Scotty.

He walked up, ordered drinks,
then started bragging

about how he hooked up with the chef.

Saul must have called him.
We're understaffed.

I swear to you, Justin,
I have not seen him since it happened.

All right, I believe you.

- Can you please get rid of him?
- Yeah.

Be discreet. I don't want Kevin
any more hurt than he already is.

- Yeah.
- And, Justin?


Thank you.

I made a mistake
that may have cost me my marriage.

I never considered
that it could cost me my family too.

Then help me out, Scotty.

I know how much you love Kevin,
that's obvious, but this guy is a douche.

- Like, how did this happen?
- I don't wanna make excuses.

Tell me the truth because, Scott,
I don't get it.

The dining room is at capacity.

Kevin, hold on a second.
Wait, I'm not done with that.


Kevin, I saved you a seat.
Everybody's asking where you are.

Yeah, the meeting's taking longer
than I expected.

Kevin, this is the most important thing
that's happened to me in a long time.

I want you to be here.
I think you need to be here. For us.

It's not gonna work out tonight.
I'm sorry.

- I'll see you at home.
- Kevin.

Table 12 looks like they're about
to eat the silverware.

- Can I take these?
- Yeah.

- Wanna sauce them first?
- Thanks.

So bad call?

- Bad night.
- You wouldn't know it from out there.

People are hungry, drunk, and loving
everything coming out of the kitchen.

You're clearly a culinary superstar.

And with that face,

you should probably have
your own reality show.

One ono and one artichoke.

In fact, when we're done,
I'm buying you a drink.

I own the place.

Great, then we'll get drunk on you.

Which is way better for me.

Scotty, don't you see what happened?

He wasn't trying to be nice,
he was playing you.

He said all the things
that you wanted Kevin to say.

Like I said, I don't wanna make excuses.

There you are. The bar's getting
pretty backed up without you.

- Hey.
- I don't know what you're doing here,

but what happened that night was
a mistake and I need you to please leave.

- Well, this is awkward.
- I need you to leave now.

Well, you know,
I could have got another job tonight.

- Are you seriously trying to get paid?
- Saul will cut you a check for the night.

- Justin, could you take care of that?
- Yeah.

Go, man.


That is exactly what I said to him.

Okay, so, what did you say next?

Well, I said that I would think about it.

- Kitty.
- I'm just gonna follow my bliss.

You make it sound so easy.

Well, it is for you and Luc.

Yeah, you know, I've got a little confession
to make about that actually.

Luc asked me to marry him.

Proposed, the whole ring,
kit and caboodle.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Sarah.

- Sarah, that is amazing.
- No, it's not.

I messed it up. That's why he's not here.

- Did you say no?
- No, I said yes. Then I said no.

- Why?
- Because no marriage lasts in this family.

- Oh, please.
- There's a curse. The Walker curse.

- Do you love him?
- Yes.

But love is more complicated than that.
You know that.

Okay, you need to get over yourself,
you need to take the leap,

and you need to marry him.
If I can go to Vietnam...

- Guys, guys, guys.
- What?

The guy Scotty was with is here.

- Here?
- You're kidding.

No, but Saul's paying him
and then he's leaving.

Pay him? For what?

- For working.
- He's working here? Now?

It was a mistake.
Saul didn't know he was "the guy."

- Who's the guy?
- What guy?

No one.

I have no idea
what they're talking about.

- What are you talking about?
- What guy?

Oh, my God, he's here?

- He's one of the waiters?
- Kevin, I'm dealing with it.

You're dealing with it? So I'm right?

- This is unbelievable.
- Kevin, easy, easy.

- Which one is he?
- Just calm down.

Hello, hello, hello.
Thank you so much for coming.

It always such a great day for my family

when we get to organize
the Grace Hill Historical Trust dinner...

Chef, chef, chef

I know, the food is wonderful.
And there he is right there.

Bravo, yeah. Bravo.

- Is that him?
- No.

- That's not him?
- Nope.

- My God, it's Rob Roy. I know his type.
- Who's Rob Roy?

- Oh, God.
- Okay, let's go.

I hope you all eat a lot of food
and just enjoy yourselves and...


Hey, Rob Roy.

- What the hell, man? I didn't do anything.
- No, but you did.

- That's him?
- Kevin, stop.

Kevin, you can't go around
hitting people.

Oh, God. You know what?

I am so sick of people telling me
what to do and how to feel.

- Kevin, the person you wanna hit is me.
- A waiter?

A waiter? Really?

It's so obvious.
I'd have given you more credit than that.

- I had no idea he was gonna be here.
- Oh, God, more excuses.

Just say it.
You've been wanting to all week.

- No, because I don't wanna talk to you.
- You have to talk to me.

You did this. You ruined our marriage.

Everything we fought for.

For what? So you could get groped
by a 24-year-old.

- I get it, you're angry.
- I am not angry.

I am in pain and you put me here!

The person who was supposed to love me
more than anything.

- Kevin, I...
- You were supposed to be better than this.

I'm not.

I'm just as lost and damaged
and screwed up as the rest of you.

I'm not perfect, Kevin. I am not perfect.



What's this?

I have to confess
that I have never managed

to keep a houseplant alive
longer than three days.

It's nice.

Tonight was a bloodbath.

In this one day,
this seemingly ideal relationship

just came crashing down around us.

And it reminded me
that life is about buying the damn plant.

Nurturing it and watering it

and just doing whatever you can
to make sure that it doesn't die.

So you're ready to commit to this plant?

I'm ready to marry you.

So can I take back my take-back?

You can take back anything you want.

Thank you.

Wow, Evan is out like a light.

He's so cute. He has his Mr. Pig,
you know, his transitional object,

and he's all curled up.

Guess he doesn't like to sleep alone.
Who does?

You know, in the middle
of all the madness tonight,

I found myself talking to Sarah
and I was telling her to take a leap.

Obviously, I think I was talking to myself.

Is that my phone?

I ran into this guy tonight
that I used to know,

and he's starting a solar company.

I just wanted to check if he's for real.
It could be an amazing opportunity.

Kitty, I know people say
you can't make money being green, but...

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

What happened to Vietnam?

Well, it's still there.
This is just a new idea.

A new idea?

Jack, do you know how many ideas you
have asked me to consider in one day?

I woke up this morning thinking
that you were gonna get a job in L.A.,

and that you were gonna
move in with me.

And after processing that,
I was Googling Southeast Asia.

Wow, you know,
I was seriously considering it.

I'm sorry.
I was just trying to stay open so that...

Open? You can stay open 24/7, Jack,
but I'm sorry,

you don't understand, I can't do that.
I have a child.

Sorry. It is L.A. It makes me crazy.

That's why I left.

- Oh, my gosh.
- I'm trying to make this work, Kitty, I...

You know what?
I don't know what I was thinking.

I'm sorry,
but I don't think this is gonna work.

I have a baby, I have a house.

I can't just pick up and go to Vietnam,
or go anywhere for that matter. It...

Maybe you were just the cute guy
I fell for in Ojai.

You mean,
I was your transitional object?

It's okay, maybe you were mine too.

You're sure the waiter's okay?
He could get very litigious on me.

- He's fine. He's not gonna sue.
- I wouldn't blame him if he did.

He told me his girlfriend cheated on him
last year

and he still wants to punch somebody.

You have a right to be angry, Kevin.

And the fact you wanted to take
the guy's head off means something.

- Yeah, that I should avoid bourbon.
- Well, that too.

It means you care enough
about your marriage to really fight for it.


Maybe if I'd fought a little earlier...

Mom, Scotty's not the only one
to blame for this.

This didn't exactly happen in a vacuum.

You remember the opening-night party
for this restaurant?

God, that was a terrible time
for everybody.

I wasn't even there.

Yeah, the meeting's taking longer
than I expected.

Kevin, this is the most important thing
that's happened to me in a long time.

I want you to be here.
I think you need to be here. For us.

It's not gonna work out tonight. I'm sorry.

- I'll see you at home.
- Kevin...

I'll take another.

- Who's the meeting with?
- What?

There is no meeting.

That was my husband, and I lied.

He's having the most important night
of his professional career,

and I decided to stay here.

It's not that I'm jealous or anything,

it's just I can't seem to do anything else
but hate myself these days.

So, what does that say about me?

You don't have to answer that,
I already know.

I was just stuck.

I was so traumatized
by what had happened,

I couldn't be there for anyone.

Not even Scotty.

You have to tell him.


Because this could change everything.
It's part of the problem.

Mom, I get it, I was pathetic.

What I did was heartless.

But am I crazy to think
his punishment didn't fit the crime?

This isn't about crime or punishment
or who did what to who.

This is about figuring all of it out so you
can find your way back to each other.

Mom, honestly,

all I want is to get back
to where we were before.

And just make like this never happened.

Then you have to tell him.

He was brave enough to take the first step
and tell you the truth.

Now it's your turn.

Scotty, I found these glasses outside.
People must have been smoking.

Oh, thanks.

You can go home.
I'll clean up this mess.

No, no, no.
I wanted to talk to you anyway.

Scotty, I was upset.

I'm still upset.

I was being loyal to my nephew.
You hurt my family.

The thing is, I realize that taking sides
isn't quite as simple as that

because, you see, you're my family too.

- Saul, you don't have to...
- Let me finish, please.

I know you don't want anyone
to think that you're perfect.

But to me, even with all of this stuff,

you two are about as close to perfect
as anything I've ever seen.


And I guess
because I was raised at a time

when a real relationship
between two men,

much less marriage,
seemed impossible,

you and Kevin were living my dream.

And when I found out what happened,
I just...

Suddenly, everything seemed
less possible again.


everything is still possible.

Don't let what I did
make you give up hope.

I won't if you won't.

- Did you eat yet?
- No.

How about I make you
some ricotta fritters?

Little bit of chestnut honey,
it's the secret.

All right, boys. Show me your hands.

Oh, Kevin. Look, you hurt yours.

Mom, it's a paper cut.

- God, that felt good.
- I hear that.

Bros over ho's.
At least you hit the right guy.

Yeah, well, I have to admit,
I didn't do it just for you.

When Rebecca and I broke up,
it was our fault,

so there was no one I could hit.

you're going to find someone else.

- You are.
- All right, thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Kitty? Are you all right?

Well, it's just... Jack and I broke up.

- Really?
- I loved that guy.

- What happened?
- He wasn't that great.

- Oh, Kitty.
- And nothing happened, it's just...

I don't know,
I guess it's just time for us to move on.

- That sucks.
- Well, you know, it's okay.

I mean, I'm very glad I met him.

I'm sorry, Mom, I called the sitter as soon
as he left so I could come over here.

- I think someone needs a sundae.
- Thank you.

Yes, and this too, honey.

- Thank you.
- I'm so sorry.

No, no. You know what? It's okay.
This way, I don't have to go to Vietnam.

- Vietnam?
- Vietnam?


- Trouble.
- Sarah.

Sarah, why are you here so late?
Is everything all right?

Yeah, it's fine. It's good.
It's great, actually.

We just thought after tonight that
we should come over and give you hope.

- Sarah.
- Oh, my God...

- Congratulations.
- Kevin's in the pantry.

Oh, great, so now the whole family
has to come over to take pity on me?


How are you, Kevin?

Bad question. What's going on?


We just... We thought we'd come over
for some sundaes.

- Sundaes.
- Could you stop lying?

- I really don't think you wanna know...
- Whatever it is, can you tell me, please?

I'm serious, guys, you're all I have
right now. So no more secrets.

That is amazing.

- Oh, I didn't wanna tell you.
- Come on, are you kidding me?

- I love Luc. I'm so happy for you guys.
- Congratulations.

- I know, isn't it great?
- Congratulations.

- That's amazing.
- Let's get the ice cream.

- Let's get this show on the road.
- I know. I know.

- Can I stay at yours tonight?
- Yeah, sure.

- I just got a new couch.
- Great.

- Bubbly.
- Bubbly.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Look at this.

Yesterday we did a lot of talking
about marriage,

and I've been thinking.

There's something else I'd like to say.

The thing about a good marriage is
even if a terrible mistake happens,

you just can't imagine your life
with anyone else.

That's why you commit to each other,
that's why you make vows to each other.

That through the good or the bad,
you'll just keep trying.

You're fighting not only for love,

you're fighting for something bigger
than either one of you.

You're fighting
for the family you've become,

you're fighting for the us
you've become,

and that really is worth fighting for.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Where are you?
I was worried about you.

I'm at Kitty's. Slept on the couch.

Well, you know,
wouldn't call it sleeping.

Like barely achieving
a semi-unconscious state?

I know what you mean.

I'm glad you had someplace to go.

Do you know what the hardest thing
about this is?

Whenever anything bad happens,

you are the person I wanna talk to most.


Do you wanna come home?


So, what do we do now?

There's something I have to tell you.
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