01x34 - The Hidden Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". Aired: October 2, 1955 – June 26, 1965.*
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American anthology series featuring dramas, thrillers and mysteries.
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01x34 - The Hidden Thing

Post by bunniefuu »


Now, that's not it.

I'm trying to locate
a lost article.

The only difficulty is,
I can't remember what I lost.

No, this isn't it.
I don't know why I keep it.

I don't think it's any good
anymore, it's been used.

This is for the man
who has everything.

It's to enable you
to take some of it
away from him.

By the way,
this may take all evening...

so while I'm looking here,
why don't you look over there.



What are you thinking about?

I wasn't thinking
about anything, really.

I was just wondering...

how you could be real
and still be so beautiful.

Only to you, darling.
No. To everyone.

You're just prejudiced.

No one else ever thought
I was as beautiful as you do.

What were they using for eyes?

Why do we have to wait
two more days? Why can't
we be married tonight?

Oh, darling, that's not
too long to wait.
It's forever.

No. But it will be in
two more days and then...

forever and forever.

You know...

sometimes when I'm not
with you, I close my eyes...

and I can't remember
what you look like.
I wonder why that is.

I don't know.

I think it's because
I'm afraid...

that I'm going to lose you.

I couldn't live if I did.

Oh, darling,
you'll never lose me.

Why shouldn't I?
What did I ever do
to get you as a reward?

Probably something terrible.

Probably I'm a punishment
not a reward.

Yeah, you're some punishment.

We shouldn't be parked here.
Why not?

We stopped to get something
to eat, remember?

That's not very romantic.
I can't help it.
I'm the healthy type.

All right, outdoor girl...

let's go get a hamburger.

Aren't you going to
move the car?
Move it? Where?

There's a parking space
over there
by the hamburger stand.

The car's all right here.

Of course, if you're
too lazy just to
walk across the street....

All right. See how easy I am
to get along with?

Come on. Let's go.

Oh, darn it,
I left my bag in the car.
It's safe there.

I know, but I need my compact.

I like you better shiny.
Now who's being lazy?

All right. You go ahead
and order. I want a double
hamburger rare, in a hurry.

No soul. You're completely
dominated by stomach.

[tires screeching]

[Laura screaming]


~~[music playing]




Laura. No.

Mr. Edwards.

Lt. Shea.

I hate to have to keep
questioning you
at a time like this...

but you understand
it's necessary.

I can't tell you anything.

If you can't no one can.
You were the only one there.

Except the man who k*lled her.

We can't find him
without your help.

You do want us to find him,
don't you?

What do you think?

If you can just try to
remember everything you saw--

I didn't see anything!

You said before you saw
the license plate.

Well, I'm not even sure
anymore. Do you think I was...

worried about remembering some
license plate when
Laura was lying there?

Sorry, son.
I know how rough it is on you.

Just one or two
more questions,
and I'll call it a night.

You say you don't remember
the color of the car?

The make?

Look at me, son.

Now think a minute
before you answer this.

The color
of the license plate.



Okay, we'll call it a night.

If anything should occur
to you, get in touch
with me at headquarters.

Would you like one of my men
to drive you home?

No, I'm all right.

Sorry, son.

Good night.
Good night.

[phone ringing]

Yes, this is Ms. Edwards.

I'm sorry. I told you before,
my son doesn't wish
to speak to anyone.

If you'll just give me
your number I'll have him
call you when....


[door closes]

That man just called again.

Did he say what he wanted?

I don't want
to talk to anybody.

I know.

I've left you alone for
a whole week. And it
isn't getting any better.

How can it get any better?

That's right.

And you've got to learn
to live with it, dear.

The world doesn't stop
because someone dies, Dana.

My world stopped.
No, dear.

And lying here day after day
brooding about who ever
was driving--

He's a m*rder*r.
He's a m*rder*r.

Don't you suppose
he knows that?

Can't you imagine,
wherever he is,
what he must be feeling?

It's not enough.

Dana, I don't know
how to say this
to you exactly.

But you're not special, dear.

You're no different
from anyone else.

And unhappiness and tragedy
come to all of us some time.

It came to me
when your father d*ed.

I loved her so much.
I know, I know.

Why did this have
to happen to us?

[doorbell ringing]

I'll be back.

[door closes]


The door wasn't locked...

and when no one answered
I just came in.

Who are you?

My name is John Hurley.

You're the man
who's been telephoning.

That's correct.

I must talk to your son
about the accident.

(Ms. Edwards)
The accident? Do you know
anything about it?

Who was driving the car?

I've got to talk to your son.

Could you tell me?
He doesn't want to see anyone.

I'm sorry your son--

The accident?

What do you know
about the accident?

All I know is what
I read in the newspapers.


I lost my son
in the same way, Mr. Edwards.

I know what
you must be feeling.

I appreciate your sympathies,
but what do you want here?

If I could have a few minutes
alone with you,
I could explain.

All right, Mother.
I'll make some coffee.

Won't you sit down?

What is it?
You're young.

That's in our favor.

Look, I don't mean to be
rude or impatient--

But you'd appreciate
my getting to the point.

Very well, I will.

We have something in common.
We're both looking
for a m*rder*r.

Not the same one of course,
but that's not important.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about the person
who k*lled your fianc?e.

I can help you find him.

Are you a detective?

No, I'm not anything really.

I used to teach
a long time ago.

Now I do other things.

How much do you remember
about the accident,
Mr. Edwards?


But that's not possible.

You saw it.

And everything we see
is recorded in the mind...

whether we're conscious
that it's there or not.

What good does that do,
if I can't remember it?

But you can remember it.

You saw the license plate,
didn't you?
I'm not sure.

It said in the paper
you saw it
but couldn't remember it.

I'm not sure.

I've been sitting around here
all week trying
remember it, and I can't.

Let me help you.


Have you ever heard
of Total Recall?

I can teach you how it works.

I can make you remember
anything that ever
happened to you.

If you'll work with me,
we'll be able to do it.

Do what?

Bring back the past.
Day by day.

We'll start
with unimportant days...

but eventually
we'll get to the day
of the accident.

You'll relive it,
moment by moment...

right up to the second
you saw the license plate.

And then you'll remember it.

And when you do,
we'll catch a m*rder*r!

Why should my remembering it
be so important to you?

Does it matter
what my reasons are?

If I can do this for you
what difference does it make?

I'm not sure. But it can't be
just because your son
was k*lled in the same way.

What if it isn't?
What if I have other motives?

You want to find the man
who k*lled your fianc?e.

I can make that possible.

Will you do it?

Yes, I'll do it.

I want to find him.

No matter who he is.

You heard
your mother's voice calling.

What has that got to do
with the accident?

I told you before,
we've got to go back
before we can go forward.

We've been going
back and back.

When are we going to
get to the day
of the accident?

Soon, Dana, soon.

Why do you keep avoiding
the day of the accident?

You aren't ready.

Are you sure it's that?

Or isn't this something
you've worked out
not to help me remember...

but to make it impossible
for me to?

Do you believe that?
I don't know what I believe.

I don't know any more
about you now than I did
the day you walked in here.

Can you do it without me?


No, I guess not.

Then go lie down,
and we'll go on.

All right. Where do we start?

Well, let's take a day...

say, the day before
the accident.

No, I won't do it.

I won't go back to that day.
Why? What's the matter.

I'd have to live it
all over again.

Yes, but, then it won't be
long before we get to
the day of the accident.

That's why I stopped.

I just realized, if I want
to know that number I'm gonna
have to watch Laura die again.

Of course.

[door opens]

Hello, Dana.
Hello, Mr. Hurley.

Well, ready to go on?

No, it's no use, Mr. Hurley,
I'm convinced I didn't even
see the license number.

You mean
you've convinced yourself.

Not possibly,
that's what you've done.

You know you saw it.
You know you'll remember it
if we keep on.

Okay. I'm not gonna do it.

Would you please get out
of here and leave me alone?

I haven't wasted all
these days to bring you
this far and then drop it.

I tell you,
I don't want to go on
with it anymore.

That's because
there's something blocking
your memory...

something it hurts you
to remember, some guilt.


Yes, and you've got to
face up to it, then it won't
be a block any longer.

If that's all it is,
I don't need you.

I don't need to force it.
I'll remember it eventually
without you.

But I want to be here
when you do.
But why?

Because I deserve to be!
You couldn't have
done it without me.

Dana, listen.

Listen, Dana...

we must go on.

You want to find the person
who k*lled Laura, don't you?

Don't listen to him, Dana.
There's something wrong
with him.

I don't want to, Mother,
but he's right.

I have to find him.
Then you'll go on?

I'll try.

Now I think we're ready...

to try to remember
the day of the accident.

All right, Dana.
We'll go back slowly.

Now relax. Try to relax.

Now, start with sonic recall
if you can.

It's easier.


There was some music.

I don't remember
the name of it, though.

It doesn't matter.
Just go back and listen to it.

Listen to the music.

Then I kissed her and I....

I just sat there for a while,
looking at her.

She said, "Hello."

I said, "Hi."



What are you thinking about?

I wasn't thinking
about anything, really.

I was just wondering...

how you could be real
and still be so beautiful.

Only to you, darling.
No. To everyone.

You're just prejudiced.

No one else ever thought
I was as beautiful as you do.

What were they using for eyes?

Why do we have to wait
two more days? Why can't
we be married tonight?

Oh, darling,
that's not too long to wait.
It's forever.

No. But it will be in
two more days and then...

forever and forever.

Go on, Dana.

Go on.

I can't remember.

Try, Dana, try.

Then I said to her...

"Darling, I love you
so much, but...

"sometimes when I
close my eyes...

"I can't remember
what you look like...

"why is that?"

I don't know.

I think it's because
I'm afraid...

that I'm going to lose you.

I couldn't live if I did.

Oh, darling,
you'll never lose me.

Why shouldn't I?
What did I ever do
to get you as a reward?

Probably something terrible.

Probably I'm a punishment
not a reward.

Yeah, you're some punishment.

[knocking on door]


Dana, Mr. Shea is here.
He said you sent for him.

I sent for him.
Ask him to wait,
please, Mrs. Edwards.

I got a message, Mr. Edwards,
that you'd remembered
the license plate.

What is this all about?

I left you that message,

You know, one day, Hurley,
you're going to turn up
once too often.

Please, Mr. Shea,
give us a few minutes.

Mr. Shea...

just a few more minutes,

All right, I'll give you
five minutes.
See you downstairs, Hurley.

You're almost there, Dana.
Go on.

Then she said:

"Aren't you going
to move the car?"

Move it. Where?

There's parking space
over there
by the hamburger stand.

The car's all right here.

Of course, if you're
too lazy just to
walk across the street....

All right. See how easy I am
to get along with?

Come on. Let's go.

Oh, darn it,
I left my bag in the car.
It's safe there.

I know, but I need my compact.

I like you better shiny.
Now who's being lazy?

All right. You go ahead
and order. I want a double
hamburger rare, in a hurry.

No soul. You're completely
dominated by stomach.

[tires screeching]

[Laura screaming]



Mr. Shea!

There's your m*rder*r,
Mr. Shea.

There's the license number,
Mr. Shea.

I finally remembered.

Mr. Hurley was right
about my mental block.

I was feeling guilty, because
I didn't go back to the car
to get Laura's compact.

I was blaming myself
for her death.

I didn't want to remember,

Mr. Hurley was right,
he made me remember.

Will someone please tell me
what he's got to do with it?

He was determined to help me
find Laura's k*ller
because of his son.

His son?

Yes, the one who was k*lled
by the hit-and-run driver.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

He hasn't got any son,
he isn't even married.

He's a nut, that's all.

He keeps turning up
to bother us all the time.

He's just a nut.

I still can't remember
what I'm looking for.

If I had only partial recall,
it will help.

Here it is. At the very bottom
of the trunk.

I remember now,
it's a note I wrote myself.

"Remember to clean out trunk."

I must remember
to do that sometime.

And incidentally,
here's something for you
to remember...

while I'm away
for the next 60 seconds.

Our story tonight...

taught us that once you have
seen something,
you never really forget it.

There are times
when that can be
an appalling thought.

One further reminder:

I shall be back next week
with another story.

And unless
your license number...

happens to be KTY478...

I shall see you then.

Good night.
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