01x09 - Ice Follies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x09 - Ice Follies

Post by bunniefuu »

Have a good day,

You think maybe it's time
to stop acting like strangers
when we go through that door?

You call it.

Here you go.

I think we ought
to think about it.

Figure we ought to
let people know.

Why don't you stand right there
and I'll give you a big, wet one
right in front of the desk.

Officer licalsi?

Who's calling you
on a pay phone?

I don't know.
See you later.

This is officer licalsi.
[ Man ]

Yeah. Who's this?

Richie, huh?
Richie who?

Richie you're gonna meet
on your lunch hour today.

You know that old post office
over the bridge,
long island city?

I don't know any richies,
and what would I want
to meet you for?

Take it easy.
Be considerate, janice.
Be like me.

I call on this phone
so your bosses
don't hear me say...

About how I know
that you used to work
for mr. M.

Our friend
angelo marino.

Wasn't that considerate
on my part?


You still there?

So are we gonna
get together?

Yeah, all right.

Just over the bridge.
Who am I gonna
look for?

You show up;
I'll find you.

[ Line clicks ]

Hey, detective.

How's it going?
It's going okay.

What's going on?
Nothing much, you know?

How about with you?

Not too much.

Something you want to
talk about, james?

My brother's been
out of touch a while.
My brother roberto?

Yeah, he's in
the rehab program.

He checked himself
out of that about
two and a half weeks ago.

He's back at the apartment.
Now the phone's off the hook,

And there's no answer inside
when I go over there either.

How long?
Couple of days.

Could he be
visiting someplace?

Yeah, I guess
he could be.

I don't know where
he'd be visiting.

You got a key
to the apartment?
I gave it back to him.

Maybe go over there
and have the super
let you in.

Maybe your brother went
somewhere or the cat knocked
the phone off the hook.

You know?
Give yourself
some peace of mind.

Yeah. He‐‐
he don't have any pets.

I'll tell you the truth,
detective. I'm afraid of
what I'm gonna find over there.

You want me to ride
over there with you?

I'm afraid something
might have happened to him,
you know, with his drug problem.

Let's not get ahead
of ourselves.
Let's ride over there.

I appreciate that.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Man speaking spanish,
faint ]

Come on.


You know what? Let me‐‐
let me go in first.
See what's what.

I'm sorry, james.

Oh, my god.

My brother's dead.

My little brother.

I'm sorry.

Come here.
Come here.

[ Phone ringing ]

Yes, I got it all.

"An evil energy
threatening the galaxy."

Right. Also threatening
you personally
with a laser death squad.

I got it.
I‐i'm not impatient.

It's just, we're really
busy here with crimes
on planet earth.

Thanks for your phone call.

‐ A nut case.
‐ Yeah, I gathered.

All part of my job.
Let's talk in the interview
room, miss abandando.


Did I do something wrong
with that phone call?
Don't worry about it. No.

It's just, many of your
wackos, miss abandando,

How they're mainly wacky
is feeling the world
doesn't understand them.

Now, you want to avoid
helping them along
with feeling that way.

You try not to let them
hear it in your voice
that you're feeling,

Eh, maybe they're missing
a few dots on their dominoes.

Do you think I wasn't
sympathetic enough?

Do you think
I might have drove him
to some "heneious" act?

What was the guy's problem
who just called?

A power configuration
of pure evil...

Called the galactic
gravity shelf.

And they sent
a laser death squad
to k*ll him.

So you work with that.

Here. Sit down.

The, uh, gravity shelf.

The laser death team?
Sounds like
a dangerous bunch.

Then you make
a couple of suggestions.

Like, uh, "our most
effective way...

"In dealing with
these death squads is,

"You distribute
coffee grounds in each
corner of your dwelling.

"The aroma just deranges
their senses.

"You wear a fedora
with aluminum foil
on the inside.

It throws off
their beaming device."

You give them the idea
they can help themselves.

That's really smart.

Maybe this guy stops going to
u. F. O conventions, he'll stop
seeing little green men.

Detective sipowicz,
thanks for the help.

Don't mention it,
miss abandando.

You want one?

How's it going?

Martinez lost his brother.

How's the kid?

He's telling his family.
You know. I think he's worried
about telling his father.

I'm going to tell
the sergeant now.

You know we got that
birthday lunch for medavoy.
Yeah. I'll be right down.

[ Scoffs ]
look at roberts circling
abandando's landing area.

You blame him?

How's it going?
Hey, andy,
how you doing?

Detective roberts.

I was at the rangers
game last night.
You too? Don't you hate ties?

Yeah. Anyways, look.
I got a souvenir here.

A puck! That's great!
You caught it
off a deflection?

No, I picked it up
at the souvenir stand.

I thought maybe
you'd want it.

That's so nice of you.

But why don't you keep it?

No, go on. Take it.

It's my pleasure.
That's really nice of you.
Thanks a lot.

I thought maybe
you'd like to go to a game
with me sometime.

Well, some girlfriends
and me have season tickets,
and we all go together.


Thanks anyway, though.
Oh, sure.


‐ And thanks very much
for the puck.
‐ No problem.

Enjoy it.

How'd it go, roberts?
She's a d*ke.

Yeah, what was
your tip‐off?

She goes to the hockey games
with a bunch of girlfriends.
Say no more.

Back from court,
detective medavoy?

Happy birthday, old folks.
[ Sipowicz ]
happy birthday, medavoy.

I'm 40, not 80.
Hey, andy.

You can drag yourself
over to theresa's
for lunch, medavoy?

Well, I can make it
if you can.

Kelly'll be down
in just a second.

We'd stand you to dinner
if you didn't drive to a
different time zone every night.

Yeah, well, what can I say.
The wife likes living
in holbrook.

‐ Lunch at theresa's,
miss abandando.
‐ Okay, detective.

‐Wish this guy a happy birthday.
‐Happy birthday,
detective medavoy.

Medavoy says thanks.
I'll be back
in a couple of hours.

Hey, it's the birthday boy.
Hey, john.

How's 40 feel?
He was just sayin'
how his joints ache.

I'm richie.
How you doin'?
What do you want?

We want you to start
picking up a second
paycheck again...

Like when you worked
for angelo marino.
You said that on the phone.

I don't know
where you get that.

So you met me here
because you wanted
a breath of fresh air?

I met you here
because I wanted to know what
the hell you were talking about.

What I'm talking about
is my employer is
in possession...

Of private records
that angelo marino kept.

You're on his list,

Friendly cops.
So stop acting like
you still got your cherry.

I never took a cent
from angelo marino.

I was trying to
protect my father.

You're a good daughter.
Good for you.
And marino's dead now.

And my father's
dead too.
Life goes on, though, janice.

You got your own career
to think about.

I think you want to cooperate
here. You don't want any
bad publicity emerging.

This journal entry?

That's marino's
own handwriting.

Janice, I'm over here.

Who do you work for?

That's nothing for you
to think about.

All you got to do
is every so often
we'll have a request.

You get us what we need,
and everything's hunky‐dory.

What kind of requests?
Easy stuff.

Look at this.

We want you to work up
this guy's license plate.

We need his home
and business address.

Plus the 500 I'd send you,
it's bad for your character
to turn that down.

Not to mention I'll say
you took it anyways
and go buy lottery tickets.

Come on, janice.
We're talking about running
a license plate here.

Screw you, man.
I know what we are
talking about.

Come on. Cheer up.
Have the stuff for me
this time tomorrow.

Yeah? Well, I'll let you
know what I decide.


I'll save us
two parking spaces.

Hey, look here, medavoy.
"Senior specials, 2.99."
Ho, ho, ho.

What else you get
for your birthday
besides a rocking chair?

I got this from the kids
and, uh, this from the wife.

Ooh. How'd you handle
hittin' 4‐0, andy?

As far as I remember,
I dedicated that year
to seagram's 7.

Well, to tell you the truth,
it's been a little bit
of a hurdle for me.

‐ It's been kind of a hurdle.
‐ How's 40 been a hurdle
for you, medavoy?

I don't know. It starts
sneaking up on you,
you know.

You start... Looking
over your shoulder
a little bit.

Start looking ahead.

Looking back.
You start asking,
"what did I accomplish?"

I mean, i‐i‐i got
no complaints.

I got marie and the girls.

We got that parcel
of land in florida.

Everything goes okay,
I'll start building on it
in four or five years.

‐ You're good
at carpentry, right?
‐ Yeah. Yeah, right.

So I'll start‐start
building on that.

What is this?
A birthday lunch
or a wake?

[ All laughing ]

I got to take off.
Kid in anti‐crime
martinez' situation.

‐ Need some help?
‐ No, that's fine.
We're all right.

Hey. Happy birthday, man.
Thanks, john.
Thanks, andy.

Keep up those
cheerful thoughts, man.

What's going on?
Martinez called.

Said the father's after
the dealer who sold
the younger brother dr*gs.

And he says
he's got a g*n.


[ Helicopter blades whirring ]

[ Kelly ] think they made you?
Yeah. But he doesn't think
I'm into his stuff.

What's going on, james?

Called my father
at his work
at the auto repair.

Told him
what happened
to roberto.

He said he was going
to see mr. Gutierrez,
the funeral home director.

I was supposed to tell
my mother. So I was with
my mother and my aunt,

And a phone call came
from a neighborhood kid,
joey gonzales.

I busted that kid.
A neighborhood kid.
I grew up with him.

He said he was over on
6th street, and my father
found him and beat him up,

Saying, "who sold
dr*gs to roberto?"

Joey said he never sold
to roberto out of respect
to our family.

But he gave him
the name of brick top,

And he said my father
asked him where
he could buy a g*n.

‐ This is brick top over here?
‐ Yeah.

I'm afraid my father's
gonna come over here.

I'm afraid he's gonna do
something bad.
Doesn't look like he's holding.

I don't think he holds.
He's got kids
that hold for him.

Let's grab this assh*le
anyways. We'll get him
off the street.

The kids with the dr*gs
are bookin'.
Let 'em go.

[ Whistles ]
yo, yo.

Hey, hey.
Yo, hey, you!

Brick top, come here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.

You're goin' in.
You are goin' in.
Shut up! You're goin' in.

[ All arguing, indistinct ]

Hey, you want some of this,
huh? Then get out of here!
Get out!

‐ There's my father.
‐ Come here. Get him to the car.

Mr. Martinez?
Detective kelly here.
You're going to the station.

Sorry about
what happened, sir.

Don't put your hands
on me, okay?
I got to check for a w*apon.

Don't put your damn
hands on me!
I got to
check you for a w*apon.

‐ That's the son of a bitch
that k*lled your brother!
‐ Mr. Martinez!

[ Shot fires ]
[ kelly ]
get down!

‐ He m*rder*d my son!
‐ I understand that. Stop.

‐ He's a m*rder*r!
‐ What's going on?
‐ Everything's under control.

Come on. Up. You put
"sh*ts fired" up over the air?
Yeah, I just called it in.

Can't make it go away.
Can't make it go away.
He m*rder*d my son!

‐ Stop it, poppy!
‐ What's that guy's problem?

‐ Can't make it go away, james.
‐ Watch your head.

‐ We're stuck with it.
‐ Yeah.

But you ought to break out
your travel brochures,
brick top.

You ought to look into
a warmer climate, huh?
Now, go on. Get.

Go on!

How was your birthday lunch?
[ Nervous chuckle ]

‐ I used to play hockey.
‐ You're kidding.

In high school.

And, uh, c‐couples skating,
I used to do.

I skate twice a week just
over here at the skyline.
Is that right?

Yeah, yeah. I used to know
someone enjoyed, uh,

Ice skating‐‐
you know, uh,
couples skating.

Long time ago.
I'm going tomorrow
after work.

Is that right?
Maybe sometime
you'd like to come with me.


I got‐‐
I g‐‐

I'm sorry, donna.
Oh. Don't worry
about your stutter.

No, no, no.
I mean, uh, I got
this long commute.

My wife sometimes
has dinner ready.

It's how we do it.

Maybe some other time.


Happy birthday.

Was the father trying
to sh**t the dealer?

I wrote it up
that the g*n went off
while I was disarming him.

‐ I know what you wrote up.
‐ Martinez says the father
never came to terms...

With the younger son
being a drug user,

And now that he hears
the kid is dead,
he's grieving.

So he goes after the guy
that sold the kid the dr*gs
and, you know.

I mean, it's not like
he's a habitual
violent offender.

But the son's still dead
and the dealer's still
on the street.

Yeah. The dealer
wasn't holding.

I'm asking, are you really
doing martinez a favor...

If you give his father
a walk on this?

You're sitting here
in front of me,

And your brother's
lying dead
in bellevue hospital.

Mr. Gutierrez said
tomorrow they'll
release his remains.

And now
you're sitting here...

And that son of a bitch drug
dealer who k*lled your brother
walks on the street free!

How are we gonna arrest
that drug dealer, poppy?

He didn't have any dr*gs
on him, and we can't prove
he sold dr*gs to roberto.

The truth is, they were gonna
bring him in just to keep
you out of trouble.

But you got
into trouble anyway.

Poppy, what if they
would release you now?
What would you do?

I'd do what needs to be done.
That's what I'd do.

Somebody in this family
gots to be a man.

I'm trying to get you
to talk sense.

I could get them
to release you, but you
gotta stop acting crazy.

Crazy to you...

Because you didn't
take care of your brother.

‐ I did my best.
‐ Your brother's dead!

How did you do anything, huh?
How did you do anything?
Stop it!

You stop it!
He's dead!

He's dead! He's dead!
Your brother's dead!

What happened?
Don't hit me
anymore, all right?

You were supposed to
take care of him!
He's dead!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Get him! Get him!
Break it up!

Get off him, okay?
Take it easy.

What the hell
is going on in here?

Let's take a walk.
Let's go.

Come on! Let's go!

‐ You okay, martinez?
‐ I don't want him released.

I don't want him
on the street.

We'll keep him here in holding.
We'll arraign and release
tomorrow morning.

Good. At least he'll be
off the street tonight.

[ Exhales ]

You gonna be okay?


[ Exhales ]

So what do you think?
Yeah, you know.

It'll get better.

Yeah, well, I got
a seafood ravioli coming up
that you're really gonna love.

You okay?

You know what I was thinking
about was the phone call you got
on the pay phone today.

Oh. It was a, um‐‐
it was a perp.

Uh, it was a fence
that lucas and I popped
a couple of weeks ago.

He uses that
pay phone because...

It's the number that
he's used to using.

End of interrogation?


No, it's just that, uh,
when people use that phone...

It's 'cause they don't want
their conversation recorded,
so when you got a call‐‐

‐ You can understand my concern.
‐ Yeah, but I told you
who it was.

Okay. Then I made
too much of it.

You're gonna have to
trust me, johnny.

Otherwise this is not
gonna work out.

And I do trust you.

Come here.

Come here.

Got it? Hmm?

Okay, mr. Martinez,
let's go.

I don't want him with us.
We're the cops. We'll
tell you how it's gonna be.

As your father,
I'm telling you,
I don't want you around.

Let me go with you, poppy.
And then we'll go home.

No, you go home
and you stay there
with your mother.

‐ All right.
‐ Let's go. Here we go.

We're ready.
[ Buzzing ]

Come on.
Here we go.
Come on.

Talk to you later.

People of the state of new york
v. Hector martinez.

Your honor, defendant
is charged with possession
of a concealed w*apon.

But after discussion with
the officers involved
in the case...

And considering the overall
circumstances of the case,
the state would not object...

Of an r. O. R.
And of adjournment
contemplating dismissal.

‐ We would accept, your honor.
‐ The g*n was discharged?

[ Costas ] you'll note in
the arresting officer's report
that it was an officer...

Who caused the g*n to fire
in the process of disarming
the suspect.

[ Judge ] aha.
[ Costas ]
we'd like to point out...

That the defendant has no
prior record and strong roots
in the community, your honor,

And his oldest son
is a police officer.

You'll also note that
this incident occurred
in the aftermath...

Of the defendant learning of
the death of his younger son.

Mr. Martinez, I'm going to
release you without bond...

And if you stay out of trouble
for the next six months...

This incident will not
appear on your record.

Do you hear me, sir?

All right.

Condolences on your loss.

Mr. Martinez, you got
a minute for me?

What do you want?
Step outside.

Thanks for the rhythm
with this guy.

See what one dinner
can buy?
Hmm. I was worried there.

I thought it'd be
two dinners.
I'll check my fee schedule.

I think you'd be better off
checking the reservations list
at dubrovnik's, 8:00 tonight.

Well, you are
the detective.


Okay. Let me ask you
a question, then.

How much more damage
you going to do to your family
because roberto died?

What kind of question
is that?

You leave the dealer
on the street
and you arrest me.

There was no way for us
to charge that dealer.
We brought you in...

Because we were afraid
you were gonna do
something stupid.

Mr. Martinez, want to wind up
having your wife visit you for
five years on riker's island?

Two hours a week
for five years
seeing you...

With the junkies
and the pimps
and the thieves.

And what's really bad is her
knowing you belong there because
you threw your family away.

Some lowlife
k*lled my son.
dr*gs k*lled your son.

Roberto put that spike
in his arm all by himself,
and he's gone now.

For you to go sh**t the guy
who sold him the dr*gs
is not gonna change that.

Meanwhile, you got another son
trying to help you, and all you
do is slap and insult him.

James loves you.
You don't need to tell me
about my son.

Listen to me.
James is a good person.
I don't know your wife,

But after seeing james,
I can tell she's a good
person just like you.

Now, you've done
a great job with your kids.
You've had a horrible loss.

Get past it and put
your family back together.

We are done running around
like a bunch of schmucks...

Making sure that everything
is okay for you,
mr. Martinez.

Next dumb thing,
nobody cuts you
any slack.

You gonna let me go now?

‐ Go ahead.
‐ Did you hear what
detective kelly said?

Yeah. Yeah.

Hey, medavoy.
Uh, hi.


You still going
skating after work?

Could I go with you?

[ Phone ringing ]

15 Precinct.
[ Richie ]
is janice licalsi there?

Yeah, who's this?
Her cousin, richie.

This is a civilian pay phone.
I'll give you the right number.

Jeez, I don't have
another quarter.
Yeah, all right. Wait a second.

It's for you.
Give him the right number.

We on for this

No. I didn't
get to it yet.

Why not?
'Cause I didn't
get to it.

I don't know
if I'm gonna do it.
You don't, huh?

Don't make a mistake here,
officer licalsi.

Did you hear what I said? I said
I don't know if I'm gonna do it,
and I'll let you know.

[ Richie ]
yeah. And you listen
to what I say.

If I have to call back 'cause
you don't have this thing,

I'll call on the right phone
and I'll put on tape
what you did.

Up your ass with
that license plate, pal.

Yeah, up your ass,

Right up your ass
with that shiny cop shield.

媻 [ organ ]

How did you get
interested in skating?

Uh, there was a pond
near where I lived.

My girlfriends and I
used to think...

The ice capades
were the coolest.

Beautiful, perfect people
zooming across the ice.

How did you get
from the ice capades
to liking hockey so much?

I guess that had more
to do with the players.

Last guy I did this with
used to check me
into the boards for fun.

Don't worry.
No body checks.

You're good!
I think we both
make the team.

You remind me
of peggy fleming.

I always wanted
to be her.
I bet she'd want to be you.

How's your soda?

It's delicious.
I got to be careful, though.
Sweets go right to my hips.

Your, uh, parents still
live out on long island?

No, they passed away.

You know, I used to love
skating on that pond.

You could go around
for hours, just listening
to the wind, ducks‐‐

You know, you haven't
stammered once.

That's mostly
a nervous condition.

It's better once
I get comfortable.
I think you're a good skater.

You are great.

And you're attractive.
Really attractive.

You know, just...

Are you gonna be
late getting home?

I am gonna be so late.

But you got to be late
all the time,
working on cases.

Then I can be home late.


This was a great night
for me.

Me too.

Come on.
I'll walk you to your car.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

What's wrong?

It feels like
there's something else
in bed with us.

That's what's wrong.
That's a weird
thing to say.

It's a weird feeling.

What's going on with you?

I don't know. I feel
like I'm being reviewed
on the way I make love.

Mm‐mm. That's not
what's happening.

Well, why don't you
get out of here, johnny?

What are you afraid
would happen if I stayed?
Oh, don't interrogate me.

What is going on
with you?

You want me to trust you,
and I'm trying.

But didn't I see you get
another phone call today?

Hmm? You look like
you're in jail,

And you're making love like
you want to break out,
so what is going on with you?

Why don't you get
out of here, johnny?

You're involved with these
people again, aren't you?

Trust you, janice.
Well, it's my problem.

Okay, your problem, trust
you, but you can lie to me
anytime you want, huh?

We can have a life,
but you don't have to
tell me the truth?

Someone else found out.

I thought it was just
between me and marino,

But it turns out he kept
a book, and I'm in it.

‐ Who contacted you?
‐ Some errand boy named richie.

‐ They want me to run
a license plate.
‐ To start you off.

I'm not gonna do this again.

Okay. I want
to see this assh*le.

‐ Richie. I want to find out
what's going on.
‐ No. Then you'd be involved.

‐ Janice, I am involved.
‐ Johnny, I want you
to go get your clothes.

‐ I want you to call him.
‐ No.

I want you to go get
your clothes, go away...

And let me figure out
how I'm gonna deal with this.

I'm sorry I didn't
tell you the truth.

So now you're telling
me the truth, but you
won't let me help you.

"We could have
a life," right?

‐ Janice, don't get in bed
with these people again.
‐ I won't.

Officer licalsi.
Good morning,

Security tells me
you logged into the building
at 6:30.

I don't know how to do this,
and I didn't want to go
through chain of command.

No? Lemon cheese danish.
You want some?

If you don't mind,
I'd like to get down to
what I came here for.

I'm glad he's dead‐‐
angelo marino
and his driver.

They choose their work,
these people, and whatever
happens to them,

I can live with that.

Officer licalsi‐‐
I knew the son of a bitch
personally‐‐ marino.

You ever meet him
or hear his voice
on tape, maybe?

You're implying you had
communications with marino
prior to his death?

Prior to his death, yeah.
Nothing since.

I don't think you've found
the tone you want to take
with me yet.

Probably not.

But I gave this
a lot of thought
before I came in here.

And I gave a lot of thought
to angelo marino too‐‐
more than he deserves, really.

Most courts would have
given him just what he got
and kept him around...

In jail for ten years
beforehand while
he bled appeals.

Officer licalsi,
let's establish some ground
rules for this discussion.

The matter of the death
of angelo marino is closed.

It is a cleared case.

Alfonse giardella did that
m*rder. Alfonse giardella
confessed to that m*rder.

Now, you may think
you have some reason
for reopening those doors.

I'm telling you you don't.

Hear me on this, officer,
'cause I'm not saying it again.

I heard you. I'm trying
to understand you.

I'm interested in looking
forward, not back.

You're not a fool.

You understand that
just fine.

Don't you?
Say I do.

His death to one side,
this same marino reached
out to you?

About a year
before he was shot.
He said in the future...

There'd be something
he would ask me to do.

Why would he expect you
to cooperate?

My daddy was dominic
gennaro, one of the cops
that got indicted.

Who just died.
Marino's blackmailing
me. He said that...

He would let on that my dad was
on his payroll unless I did
what he wanted me to do.

When that time came,
what did he ask you to do?

The only thing that I did
for that son of a bitch
was that thing...

That you told me
we are not going
to discuss.


Why did you come here today?
I was approached again.

By whom?
Some guy named richie.
I don't know who he works for.

Tommy linardi.

I don't know.

I want to get out
from under.

If that means
losing my job,

If it means
going to jail‐‐

Who else have you told
about this?

No one yet.
Keep it that way.

In the meantime,

I'm gonna need some time
to digest everything
you've said today.

I'll be in touch
when I decide
how to proceed.

I'm supposed to talk to
these people. They want me
to run a license plate.

I'll be in touch very soon.

Yes, I remember you.
I'm glad you called back.

My superiors
authorized me...

To release some classified
information to you.

This is on
a top‐secret basis.

They want me
to let you know...

The gravity shelf
is in remission.

The laser death team
got recalled.

Well, if the death team
disobeys orders...

From shelf headquarters‐‐

Aluminum foil.

In the small event
that occurs,

Just crumple two pieces
of aluminum foil...

And stuff them
in your undershorts.

It defeats
their sensor rays.

This could collapse...

The empire
of the gravity shelf.

These are great days.


You saved the galaxy.

Hey, roberts,
you owe 14 bucks...

For this month's
coffee supplies
when you get a chance.

So how did it go
last night with donna?

Uh‐uh, good.

Uh, we had a, uh,
g‐good time skating.

Skating, huh?
Yeah. Over at
the skyline.

Andy, uh, 14 bucks
for the coffee supplies.

Hey, detective.
As an experienced
police officer,

Have you noted the absence
of the wedding wing
on medavoy's left hand?

Yeah‐yeah, that's right,
but it‐it's not what
it looks like.

Plus note: he seems to be
showing guilty confusion
over there.

Hey, roberts, it's not what it
looks like. I lost the ring
this morning down the sink.

‐ Sure, medavoy.
‐ Hey, roberts. You're an
experienced police officer.

When did you notice
the ring missing
from medavoy's finger?

‐ It's missing right now.
‐ Hey, andy, it's not
what it looks like!

So medavoy's ring wasn't
off his finger yesterday
when he was supposedly...

Trying to get over
on miss abandando,
who you told me...

Was more likely to be going out
with martina navratilova

Huh? Hmph.

We wouldn't be talking
sour grapes here,
now would we, roberts?

Because miss abandando told you
to slap your hockey puck
up your ass and take a hike?

I'm only putting in half
for the coffee.

I'm gonna be gone
two weeks next month.

Screw you, andy.

Thanks, andy.
No problem.

We just went skating.
That's all.

Sounds like we're still
in misdemeanor territory,

And you know,
it was the craziest thing
with the wedding ring.

I mean,
I never take it off.

And then this morning
for some reason, i‐i‐i wanted
to see if I could, you know?

[ Whistles ]
off it flies down the sink.

Did you call a plumber?
Yeah. He's coming
over tonight.

There's no problem
then, huh?


I hope that wasn't
what it sounded like
it was.

What do you mean?

I mean, it sounded like
it was about you and me.

Donna. We went
ice skating last night.

We had a lovely time.

And if some idiot
wants to tease me,

That's his problem.

I don't want to cause you
any problems at work.

And I don't want to
cause you any problems
at home.

You're not causing me
any problems.

And we didn't do
anything wrong.

Just the opposite.

I had
a really great time.

Me too.

You are one hell
of a skater.

You too.

[ Kelly ]
you seen licalsi?
[ Man ] in there.

You disconnected your phone?
I was calling you
all last night.

Now you're two hours late
for your tour? What
the hell's going on, janice?

I turned
myself in.
You what?

I went to lastarza.

You went to lastarza.
Lastarza the assh*le who
gave andy's sh**t the walk,

Who can't do his job‐‐
you're gonna trust him?

‐ I have to get straight
with this, john.
‐ He is gonna eat you up,

Spit you out, get what
he wants, and you're
gonna end up in jail.

[ Knock at door ]
they're looking for you
upstairs, detective.

We're done here.
We should talk more
about this, detective.

We're gonna
talk about it.

You looking for me?

You know anything
about martinez taking out
that drug dealer, brick top?

Sector car says
he's over there.

It's in case his father
shows up. This guy needs
to get on a bus.

This brick top.

We don't put people on buses.
If brick top's holding,
bust him.

If martinez' father
commits a crime,
bring him in.

And if martinez is supposed
to be on family leave,
he should be off the street.

He's trying to hold
his family together.

You want me
to go get him?

Have the sergeant tell the
sector car he's on assignment.

Where you been?
All over.

All over? You're gone
all yesterday.
You're gone all night.

I'm calling mami
all the time.
She's worried sick.

You know, she's lost
her son, too, poppy.

Instead of being home
with her, I'm out here
worrying about you.

I know that.
You know that.

What am I
supposed to do, huh?

Go home with mami?
Go pick up roberto's
body at bellevue?

Am I supposed to wait
till that guy over there
comes back and k*ll him?

Am I a man then?

When you were born,
we didn't have nothing.

No money.
No good place to live.

You know,
I was always afraid
I couldn't protect you.

That's what it was.
That's why I was so
hard on you.

I wanted you to be
able to stick up
for yourself.

Roberto was
eight years later.
I had some money,

A decent apartment.

Maybe his life was
too easy.

I mean, maybe
I was too soft.
You loved him.

I love you.

Look, I apologize
for hitting on you.

I‐‐ I messed up.
I should've took care of things.
No, no, no, no.

I messed up.
You didn't mess up

I'm sorry, poppy. I‐‐
james, james, james.

James, I love you.

I've always loved you.

Come on.
Let's go home.

You okay?

I'm doing great.

But I don't understand
why you opened yourself
up to this guy.

Hey, johnny,

Lastarza wouldn't let me
tell him about k*lling marino.

What are you talking about?
You said you turned
yourself in.

He wouldn't let me tell him
about marino and his driver.
He said it was a cleared case.

Lastarza got giardella
to say he did that whack.

And a dozen of his other cases
fall apart if it comes out
that giardella lied.

But they still have you.

Because you never reported
marino's approach,
they still have you.

This thing is
a cancer, okay?
It was spreading to you.

Lastarza's gonna make you
go undercover.

If I'd made that phone call
that night, you would've
gone out and k*lled that guy.

I'm just telling you
what he's gonna do.
And I'm gonna be okay.


I don't know what
to do with this thing.

I don't know
how to help you.

I'm gonna be all right.

I don't know
how to help you.
Oh, johnny.

I love you.

Come here.

Come here.
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