01x15 - Steroid Roy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x15 - Steroid Roy

Post by bunniefuu »

Morning of the big night,
huh, andy?

Are you ready for me
to come over?

Listen, I got to
tell you something.

Good morning,
How you doing?

You're not going
to believe this.

I can hardly
believe it.

What, andy?

With the history
between us,

You'll think
I'm making this up‐‐

Andy, what?

Now, an incident
has occurred
at my apartment,

And it is
definitely not fit
for visitors tonight.

I don't believe this.

Want to know
what happened?

Hey, john,
good morning.

I heard about
the fungus in
the fish t*nk,

About the dangerous

You want to know
what happened,
yes or no?

What happened?

Well...i have
a very bad gas leak.

Now, I called
the gas people

But, sylvia,
I don't feel comfortable

Exposing you to
that kind of a danger.

So we're back
to square one.

We are definitely
not back to square one.

I want you to come
to my place.

I told you that.
I already turned
that corner.

I'm a changed man.
I have a dangerous leak.

That's all we're
talking about here now.

You want some advice,

Get it fixed.



Mike roberts around?
I got to see mike.

He's not here.


Hey. Roberts.

Excuse me, miss.

Get your ass
out here.

Dee‐dee, remember me‐‐
detective kelly?

Sure. I remember you,

Come here, sweetheart.

Detective, do you think

I should call
detective roberts at home?

Maybe his wife
will answer.

Maybe connie'll
pick up the phone...


No, listen, listen,
I need a big favor.

Mike promised to get
some money to me,

But I can't reach him.

I got to get
my dog to the vet...

Dee‐dee, that's not
how this works.

When mike comes in,
I'll give him your message.

I got to get up,
and I don't have
any money for it.

When he comes in,
I'll give him your message.

No. That's not good.
You think I'm
only his snitch.

Well, I'm not.

I'm his
round‐the‐world girl.

Yeah. I'm his
little whore.

What's going on?

You got
a visitor, o. K.?

Oh. Hi, mike.

You know you're not
supposed to be in here.

Yeah. But I haven't
seen you for three days.

Let's call connie.

Let's call connie, huh?
Yeah. You know?

Hi, connie.

Let go!

Hey, hey, take it easy.
What's wrong with you?

That's enough!

Wait! Wait!

Wait! No!
No, no, no, no!

Roberts, my office.

Don't blame this
on him, o. K.?

Will I see you later?

You need to be
within rules and
regulations with her.

I know that
looked bad out there.

Did you hear
what I said?

Yes. But this girl
made a big case for us.

Let's not forget that.
She's a good informant.

You need to be
within rules and
regulations with her.

Of course I am.
Are you kidding me?

I mean, junkies...
What are you
going to do?

I think me
treating her
like a person,

She's a little
in love with me
'cause of that.

You know, kind of
like maybe she's

In love with
the possibility
of something solid.

I'm kind of like
what she aspires to.

A role model
or something.

'Cause if you're
crossing the line,

Then it's you
who's messing up.

Yeah, I hear you,

Hey, I got to
talk to you.


What's going on, janice?

Nothing's going on.

Then how come
the duty roster

Got me paired
with sackler?

Because I asked
for a new partner.

If it's because
you think I blew
that undercover‐‐

No, it's not
the undercover.

Then what?

I don't think you are
a safe or reliable partner.

I can't believe
I'm hearing this.

If you want
to hear it straight,

I think you have
a substance‐abuse problem.

A what?

A substance‐abuse

Is that what your friend
kelly's saying about me?

Why don't we
just drop this?

This is not
about john kelly.

And the other thing
I said, maybe I'm wrong.

All I know is that I'd
feel more comfortable

Partnering with
somebody else.

I guess I can't
argue with that.

No hard feelings.

No. Look...

Since we're not
going to partner,

That clears the way
for us to get together...



You really don't
get this, do you, roy?

Uh, listen
to what I'm saying.

I don't want to have

Anything to do with you.

Hi, laura.


Hey, john.

How's it going?

I need a favor.

On the garcia homicide,

Could you get
more statements

About the husband
and wife's relationship?

Didn't I give you three?

You did.

You got three statements

spousal abuse.

The woman calls
and confesses

That she stabbed
her husband after
he beat her.

What do you need
more statements for?

Something doesn't
feel right about it.

The woman's lawyer's
ready to plead it
at manslaughter two.

She'd do no worse
at trial.

I think we're
missing something.

I don't agree.

After the indictment,
before the trial,

I will re‐interview,
like I always do.

I think
there'll be a deal.

Then tell your boss
you don't want to deal.

I think
he'll deal anyway.

O.k., So because
you won't stand up
to your boss,

I have to re‐interview
before a grand jury,

For a woman who admits
she stabbed her husband,

And three neighbors say
he chronically beat her?

Yeah. That's
what I'm asking‐‐

Are you asking me
or telling me?

I said I was
asking you.

What are you
trying to
turn this into?

O.k., Gentlemen,
could we put a hold
on everything, please,

And get some more
supplemental statements

On the garcia homicide,

So the district attorney
can feel more comfortable

Presenting her case?

Thanks for being
such a prick, johnny.

Son of a bitch.

If I had a buck
for every time

A cop tried to get
over on me, I'd be rich.

It's nothing personal.

It was nothing
but personal.

But you stood your ground,

He felt threatened
and acted like an assh*le.

What else is new?

Yeah, mrs. Dupree,
we'd like to come by

And ask some
more questions,
if we could.

Tomorrow morning?

Can I send
the detectives by?

No, mr. Fuentes. We want
to talk to both of you.

Well, when
will she be off?

Tomorrow morning?
O. K., We'll be over there
before noon.

Thank you, sir.

Kelly, you're up.
Apparent su1c1de.

Two‐man job, lieutenant?

Yeah. Go ahead.


We got an apparent
urgent su1c1de.

We're going to have
to kiss these garcia calls

Over to you, o. K.?


This the only door?
There's no forced entry?

Hey, guys, I'll know
better once I open her up,

But I'll call it
four or five hours.

You know who this is,
don't you?

Robert's snitch.


All the time.
I get complaint
all the time.

Nothing but trouble.

I get complaint.
Water leaking
from the ceiling.

[Dog barks]

Who pays for this?

I come up,
I bang on the door,

Banging, banging noise.

hey, bang‐bang, you
want to wait outside?

Why her boyfriend
don't tell me?

What boyfriend?

Cop guy like you.

Cop guy? Cop guy
in a uniform?

No. Like you.

Wonder who
that would be.

Why would the boyfriend
know about the water?

He was here.
Believe me.

I see him leave.
A half‐hour later,
water complaint.

Cop guy's name?


Mike, uh,
I don't know
his last name.

Once they're fighting,
I ask for quiet.

He show me his badge.

They fight a lot?

Few hours before,
they fight.

we're talking about.

Yes. Today! First he go,
then he come.

Then he leave again.
Half hour later‐‐

I know. The water's
coming through
the ceiling.

[Dog barking]

Shut up!
You go to pound.

That dog's not going
to a pound. Put it down.

Down, up. No dog allowed.

I tell her 20 times.

Fine. I'll take
the damn dog.

You got your green card?

You want to see?

No. Get out of here.

This is crazy.

Come on.

What this have to do
with my green card?

We better go
talk to roberts.

Yeah. Let's tell mike,
like he doesn't already know.

Poor kid. I tried
to straighten her out.

I really tried.

I even prayed for her.
Can you believe it?

Talk about last night.

I saw her a lot.
You know...

Maybe too much.

Maybe I even
loved her a little
even, you know?

Like, um, taking care
of her and everything

And, uh, making sure
she was safe.

You know, that kind
of love. You know
what I mean?

Last night, mike.

What about
last night?

She died
last night.

When'd you
see her last?

Yesterday I saw her,
with you guys.

You saw me see her.

You didn't see her
after that?

What are we,
got to go
bare‐knuckles here?

What do you
want me to say?

Start with the truth.

The super says
he saw you

Leaving her apartment
a half‐hour before

The water
started leaking.

Let me ask you
a question, andy.

What question
did you guys
just ask me?

What was the specific
question john asked me?

We asked you
when the last time
you saw her was.

I told you the last time
I saw her alive, right?

When I saw her again,
she was dead.

Why didn't you
call it in then, mike?

Because I had
a couple of changes
of clothes

And some shaving stuff
in the apartment.

Where's the stuff now?

It's in my locker, john.

Couple of shirts
and some shaving stuff.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on, mike.

Let's take a look.

Oh, beautiful.

That's beautiful.

Let's embarrass me
in front of
the whole department.

That's great.

Nobody's going
to embarrass you.

What's it look like?

I don't know yet.

Did roberts deny
the super's story?

He says he was there
only after she was dead.

You believe that?

He says he was
picking up his
personal effects.

And the super saying
roberts was there earlier?

He and the girl fought?

We're working on that.

John, this guy gets
zero rhythm. Zero.

Razor, shirts...

A couple pictures...

Which would kind of
be ballpark what
I told you, right?

You were only
there once.

That's right.

Super says you
were there twice.

He heard fighting.

Let's break that
down, john.

The super's a liar.

He says he heard
fighting. Maybe he did.

Dee‐dee had a lot
of scumbag friends,

Which is why
she was working for us.

Now, we're getting
some different stories.

You say
you were not there

Before you went
to pick up your stuff.

That's correct.

That's the second time
I've said that to you.

You altered
the crime scene

And lied about it.

Hey, john,
don't talk to me

Like some street
scum here, huh?

You want to
screw me for this,
go right ahead.

I'm done
talking to you.


Mrs. Fuentes?

I'm detective medavoy,
and this is
detective martinez.

I believe
your husband spoke with
detective kelly yesterday.

Oh, yes.
Please, come in.

Uh, is your husband
at home?

Uh, sí.
Momentito, por favor.

Jorge, los señores
aquí para verte.

Los señores.

Hey, good morning.

You like
a cup of coffee?

No, thanks,
mr. Fuentes.

We just
want to go over

What you told
the detectives
the other day.

I told them
everything I know.

You were home alone...

That's right.

Uh, my wife works
in the afternoons.

I work at night.
I'm a cook.

It says here that
while you were at home,

You could hear
mr. And mrs. Garcia
arguing all day.

Then there was a scream,
you ran into the hallway,

An‐an‐and mr. Garcia
came out of his apartment

With the knife
stuck in him,

Collapsed in your arms,

And died before
the ambulance arrived.

Did mrs. Garcia
say she stabbed
her husband?

Yeah, that's correct.

And you weren't home?

I was at work.

Were you friends
with mrs. Garcia?

We didn't socialize
with them. We keep
to ourselves.

What's the problem,

Why you asking
these questions again?

We want to make sure
everybody's statements
are accurate.

Everybody knows
she stabbed him.

He beat her for years,
she took her revenge.

They're going
to lock her up
a long time?

That's up to a jury.

But she's behind bars.

She's not getting out,

What kind of bail?

That's up to the judge.

A woman like that,
out of control,

She's a danger‐‐
like that woman

Who cut off
her husband's d*ck.

These people
they should lock up

And throw away
the key.

That should
do it for now.

Thank you,
mr. Fuentes.


Mrs. Fuentes,

De nada.

Uh, let us know if
she gets out on bail.

Notify us
somehow or another?

Yeah, sure.
We could do that
if you want.

Uh, anyway, thanks
for your cooperation.


A yeast infection‐‐
how much is that?

I spent a month
in the hospital,

It didn't cost
that much.

How old is this
dog, anyway?

You think he's going
to live for a while?

All right, yeah. O. K.

Is there any chance
this could be
a special dog?

Maybe a purebred
or anything?

No, it wouldn't.
It wouldn't.

All right, well,
you got my visa.

Go ahead and
treat the dog.

How we doing
on those supplementals?


Listen, I'm sorry
I hung you with that.

Ah, no.
Forget about it.

Uh, actually,
this one witness‐‐

We both felt that
he had more to say,

Like he was embarrassed
in front of his wife.

Anyway, martinez
is calling him up.

Wait a minute. Fuentes‐‐
I interviewed the guy.

He seemed o. K. To me.

Yeah? Well,
it's probably nothing.

Well, let me know, o. K.?

Yeah. Sure.

Mr. Fuentes,
it's detective martinez.

Listen, my partner and I
got the impression

That maybe something
was bothering you?

Maybe you felt

Talking about it
right then?

We thought you might
want to come in

And talk like private,

O.k., Good.

Uh, you work nights, right?

Well, how about
tomorrow morning?


All right, just ask
for detective martinez
or medavoy.


He's coming in.

Think roberts
offed her?

He's an assh*le.

We know that much

Whether he's an assh*le
who committed a m*rder‐‐

We'll get the toxicology,
we'll find out.

Big night tonight, huh?
Sylvia coming over?

You're not going
to believe what
happened there.

What are you
laughing about?

Another problem
with your apartment?

See, that's an attitude
I don't appreciate.

As it turns out,
yeah, I have a problem
at my apartment.

I got a bad gas leak.

I didn't say
anything, andy.

But what's that
goofy grin for?

You think I'd destroy
my own gas installation?

Don't worry.
It's going to get repaired.

It may take a few days,

But...you know
the way things are
with utilities.

The point is, I'm ready
for her to come over.

Good. I'm glad
to hear it.

Good for you.

Right. If it ain't
the amazing hulk.

Detective, I owe you
an apology.

I shouldn't have
gotten in your face
like that.

I was out of line.

No problem.

Bygones be bygones.

Also, I was thinking
maybe you'd put in
a good word for me

With janice licalsi?

If she knows we're cool,
she might let me up.

She's put in to ride
with someone else.

You need to talk
to her about that.



No problem.

Kelly, you give me
20 minutes a day,

I get you tightened up
inside a month.

I think I'm tight
enough, roy. Thanks.

Your pectorals
are o. K. Now,

But later they'll be
hanging around your knees

Like a wet nurse.

That train's moving
on that track.

What are you, mid‐30s?

Doesn't have
to be that way.

Thanks for
the advice.

It's not advice.
It's facts.

As you get older,
everything gets
hairier, wider,

And closer
to the ground.

It doesn't have
to be that way.

Leg lifts,
some other techniques,

You could avoid
being followed around

By an ass that's
an embarrassment.

Let me work
on him, roy, huh?

See if I can get him
to come to his senses.

Our bodies
are our temples.

What will it take
before somebody drops

A gorilla net over him?

This guy's
on something.

My vote is speed.

Hey, kelly, you want
to sit on a butt
like cottage cheese,

Be my guest.

I'll be sitting
on this.

Got to admit,

Guy's got a hell
of a muscular ass.

Hey, detectives,

That's dee‐dee
santini's mother.

Sorry for your loss,
mrs. Santini.

My name is mcbride.

My daughter's name
was santini.

When she was 16,

She married
a worthless punk

Who happened to be
named santini.

This is my dolores,

And she'll always be
mcbride to me.

Let's sit down.

Come on, sit down.

What can we do
for you, ma'am?

I want to show you
some things.

This is her
high school graduation.

She did excellent
in school‐‐

All the sisters said.

Got good grades,

Was in every club.

She was quitting
the dr*gs, you know.

She promised our priest.

What else
you got there?

Is that a diary?

Do either of you
have children?

I got a boy.

Are you close to him,

Not at the
present time.

But if something
happened to him

That wasn't right,
you would know.

You know that
about your kids.

I guess you do.

I knew.
Even before I read this,

I knew she was involved

With someone
who was hurting her,

Some married bastard.

She tried 20 times
to split up with him,

But she was weak
because of the dr*gs.

This time she promised
father kelleher,

And he was helping her.

She was ready this time,

And this bastard
took her chance away.

Could we see this?

Read this.

"Mike says if I leave him,
he'll k*ll me.

"He says if I'm going
to call his wife again,

He's going to k*ll me."

She read to me from this.

She gave this to me.

Look. Listen.

"I am definitely
going to quit dr*gs.

"I am definitely
going to change my life

With father
kelleher's help."

I'm telling you,

This son of a bitch
k*lled her, this mike.

I begged her to tell me,
but she refused.

His last name's
not in there.

This is going to be
very helpful.

This was not a su1c1de.

This girl was m*rder*d.

Did you read how she
was quitting dr*gs?

Thank you for giving us
the diary, ma'am.

Do you have any leads?

We're working on
some things.

You find this mike.

He m*rder*d
my little girl.

You wanted to see me, sir?


I want you to go over
to health services

And take a drug test,

A drug test?

What for?

For cause.

Lieutenant fancy's
brought some facts
to my attention

That I think
warrant it.

I don't get this,

You have a problem
taking the test?

No, sir.
I got nothing to hide.

I would like to know who's
spreading rumors about me.

No one's spreading
rumors, officer.

Health services
is expecting you.

If you got nothing
to hide,

You got nothing
to worry about.

Yes, sir.

You know where
you're going?

Lefrak city.

Yeah, I know where
I'm going.

Hey, janice.

You and your boyfriend

Really think
you got me good.

Don't know what
you're talking about.

Got a hot flash for you.
You don't got d*ck.

I am going to ace
that drug test.

I'm going to take
the results

And shove 'em up
your chicken‐hearted
boyfriend's ass.

What did
that woman want?

That was dee‐dee's

We know.

Let's talk
in the interview room.

I hope you're not
paying attention

To what
that woman says.

According to that woman,

still had her cherry.

A stone‐junkie.

She still thought her
daughter was running around

With a convent school
uniform on.

Come on.

I wish you wouldn't
leave those messages
at my house.

You got connie worried.

We were trying
to reach you
this morning.

Oh, so what are you
going to do?

More "rub mike's
nose in it"?

"How could mike roberts

Mess up on procedure
this bad?"

Procedure, mike?

Or I got over involved
with a snitch.

It's not a hanging offense,
is it, guys?

Do I need a p. B. A. Rep
or a lawyer?

'Cause I thought seven years
working together

Counted for something,
but evidently it doesn't.

You're in
the girl's diary,

Threatening to
take her life.

Saying you'd k*ll her
if she calls your wife,

Which we heard her
thr*aten to do.

Tell us exactly
what happened
between you two

Before she died.

You guys think
I k*lled her?

She puts something
in a diary.

You take that
above my word?

Everything that happened
that day, roberts.

I told you what happened.

Super says you
were there twice.

Come on, john!
The super says.

The snitch says
in her book.

What about what
roberts says, huh?

All right.

I was there before
she died, o. K.?


And I brought her something.

I was desperate to
break it off because‐‐

You saw how she was.

What happened,
roberts? Now.

I brought her
a bag of quinine.

I brought her a beat bag.

It looks like dope,
tastes like dope.

She's not going to
know it's not dope

Until after I leave.

But see, I needed
to talk to her.

I needed to tell her how
things were going to be,

And she wasn't going
to listen to me

Unless I did that,
unless I gave her something.

I gave her the stuff,
told her we were done.

She freaks out,
this and that.

"I'm going to
do myself in."

Which, believe me,

For her, that was like
going to the crapper.

That's how many times
she threatened to do that.

And that's it.

I broke it off with her,
and I left.

Why'd you go back,

'Cause I was worried
about her.

'Cause exactly
what I was afraid of
actually happened.

I get there.

She's dead.

The little dog is there.

I used to go over there
on sundays, you know,

Bring the paper.



I used to bring a bag
of bear claws.

That little dog
used to beg in front of me

For them bear claws.

I loved that little dog.

I loved that little dog.

[Mike sobs]

¿Hablamos en español?

I'm o. K.
Speaking this way.

Mr. Fuentes,

Uh, when we came to
see you yesterday,

You seemed a little
nervous about, uh,

Mrs. Garcia
making her bail.

You told us that
you and your wife

Don't know her very well,

That you keep
to yourselves.

We're trying to
figure what you're
concerned about.

You know her better
than you said?

I want to tell you

But you cannot use it
to incriminate me.

I got to ask you

Do you want to have
a lawyer here?

No lawyer.
I didn't do nothing wrong.

Why don't you tell us

What's on your mind,
mr. Fuentes.

I had relations
with mrs. Garcia.

What kind
of relations?

You know.



I couldn't help it.

She fell in love with me.

Her husband
worked all day long.

He'd come home at night,
drink, beat her.

You know, she's got needs.

You were home
because you work
at night.

My wife's a good woman.
I love her,

But luisa garcia‐‐

Está bien caliente.

It was a passionate affair.

I knew it was wrong.
What am I supposed to do?

She would say she's going
to k*ll her husband,

That I should k*ll my wife

So we can live
together forever.

I let it go.
I thought it was talk.

The next thing you know,
lo mató.

Mr. Garcia is dead.

She did it!

But I'm still thinking
that she did it

Because he was beating her.

This is when I talked
to your first detective.

Detective kelly.

Yeah, yeah.

Then she gives me a call

Three days ago.

She calls me
from prison, right?

"I did my part," she says.

"Now you're going
to do yours."

This is what she says.

That's why I was upset
when you came over.

I finally realize
that she's crazy.

She says
that she m*rder*d him

So we can live
together forever.

Your wife knows nothing
about this?

I confessed
after you called.

She knows I'm here.

You did
the right thing.

I had to.

What about if she
gets off on bail?

She's angry with me.

The next thing you know...


M.e.'S office says devlin's
on his way over.

What did he get
off toxicology?

They didn't say.

hey, john.

Have a seat,
mr. Fuentes.

That, uh, that
witness fuentes

In the garcia homicide‐‐

He gave it up that
him and mrs. Garcia

Were having an affair.

I don't understand
how I missed that.

You didn't.

No. After your interview,

The woman calls him
from prison,

Says that she
did her part,

He's got to do his.

Takes it up to m*rder.

Looks like.

You give it to the d. A.?

Martinez is making
the call.

Way to go, greg.

Yeah. Thanks.

Laura was right, andy.


And boy, are my shoes
about to be squeezed.

Big time.

Here you go,

The vet said to limit
her exercise

And give her
this medication.

Thanks for
picking her up.

It was expensive, huh?

What's she got, anyway?

She's, uh, afflicted
with a complaint.

You know, female‐dog
type thing.

Tell me what
the full‐court press
on santini was about.

They got mail service now.

What'd you get off

Nothing I didn't
find in prelim.

This girl was a su1c1de.

She had trace amounts
of narcotics,

Not enough to stupefy
someone who didn't use,

Let alone a junkie.

So she pulled the bag
over her head herself.

Otherwise we'd have found
signs of struggle.

Is that the mutt
from her apartment?

She's as much of a mess
as that girl.

You ain't exactly
clark gable yourself.

Hey, john.

What'd the m.e. Say?

su1c1de, mike.

Told you I was clean
on this, right?

Yeah, you did.

That's right. I did.

Yeah, squeaky clean,


Congratulations on
the garcia homicide.


Yeah, i‐‐

I was flat wrong
about that.

Yeah, well, I didn't have
my crystal ball.

You followed
your instinct.

You were dead right.

Yeah. Well, I'm glad
it worked out.

Nice job.

Thank you.

Think that gets you
out of the woods?

Oh, yeah, I'm romping
in the fields now.


This won't take long,

The m. E.'S finding
was su1c1de,

Right, lieutenant?

They didn't have
any doubts.

I read the report
on the santini case.

I talked with sipowicz
and kelly.

I also read her diary.

That's pretty sad reading,

As you can see,

I never gave her
any dr*gs.

What I read in that
diary made me sick.

Lieutenant, let's remember
she was a junkie, huh?

It's not like you can
take their word for it.

You took control

Of a weak, suffering,
dependent person.

You beat her.

You made
sexual use of her.

I didn't k*ll her,

I didn't k*ll her,

Which is what I understood
this inquiry

To be all about, right?

I mean, you don't see
anything criminal

Coming out of this,
do you?

You're putting in
for retirement today.

I need three years
for full vesting.

Today! I don't care what
you lose in vesting,

What you lose
in benefits.

I won't have you here
or pass you on.

You fight me on this,

I'll turn the whole
package over to i. A. D.

With a recommendation
to dismiss.

I'm gone.

Fancy iced me.

Told me he'd smear me
if I fought him.

I'm sorry, mike.

I get hurt in vesting.

At least I'll get
partial pension.

Maybe it's for the best.

Wife's coming up.

I got the middle daughter
in a ballet recital.

You know, there used
to come a time

If I went to this recital,

I'd have myself paged,
find an excuse

To go over to dee‐dee's.

Now I get a chance
to watch the whole

Dance of the enchanted
field mice,

Whatever the hell it is.

You wanted to see me,

You get those
test results back?

Close the door, larson.

Let me have your g*n
and your shield.

What for?

Your test results
came back

With multiple positives.

Anabolic steroids‐‐

Hold it.

Now, steroids are not

On the
banned‐substances list.

Methamphetamines are.

There's no way
I could have tested
positive for meth.

That's got to be wrong.

Testing's a lot more
sophisticated now.

You can't cover your tracks

With a little
sudafedrin anymore.

You're terminated as of
2400 hours tomorrow.

You should report
to one police plaza

For out‐processing
in the morning.

Your g*n
and your shield.

This is a set‐up.

If you think that I'm going
to sit still for this,

You are crazy.

I'm going to get a lawyer,

And I'm going to
sue your asses.

You have 2 g*ns listed
on your 10 card.

Give the other one
to the sergeant
before leaving.

You people haven't heard
the last of this.

[Door slams]

Good night.

Good night.

You o. K.?

I realize sometimes

There's an adversarial

Between d. A. S
and detectives.

I accept that.

But when I asked you
to do the supplementals,

You turned it
into something personal.

I was out of line.

It got like old times.

I won't let that happen.

I thought it was o. K. We
were working together.

Laurie, it's
working out great.

Just seeing you around here,

Taking an interest
in people,

Doing your job, you know.

It's great seeing you.

Seeing you smile.

Are you flirting
with me?

No, I was, uh...

I‐‐can I get back
to you on that?

Good night, guys.

Good night,

Hey, laura.

Hey, andy.

Hey, john. Listen, uh,

I got that gas problem
fixed in my apartment.

I'm having
a visitor over later.

Have a great time.

Oh, yeah.

Andy, that's a pretty
interesting‐looking dog
you got there.

She's in the middle of some
antibiotic treatments,

And it dulls their coat.

Good night,

Hey, kelly!

What do you want?

You're a real
bushwhack artist, huh?

What are you
talking about?

You got to hide
underneath your
lieutenant's skirts,

Telling everybody
I got a drug problem.

You brought this
on yourself.

How about you cost me
my job?

Roy, my advice is you take
this outside the station.

You get whatever it is
off your chest.

That would be better
than this.

I'm going to
kick his ass,

Then your ass.

Hey, if we go,
we're going to go.

Took a hell of
a fall there, roy.

Floor can be pretty slippery
this time of year.

Come on, pup.

O.k., People, come on.
Party's over.

[Knock on door]


Come on in.

Have any trouble
finding the place?

No, no trouble.


So, uh, we're off to
a good start here.



No last‐minute
gas leaks.

No. No,
the repair people

Gave the place a clean
bill of health.

You, uh, you want
something to drink?

All I got is soda.

Sure. Soda's good.

You got a closet?

Oh, here. Let me
get that for you.

I got it.

Oh, sorry.

O.k. Good.


The aquarium‐‐

It's very pretty, andy.

Yeah, uh,

The coral's new.

This is my kitchen here.

Would you like
a snack of some sort?

No. No, thanks.

Andy, look, I know this
is a little awkward.

Yeah, I'm, uh,

I'm sweating up
a storm here.

I feel like I'm eating
a six‐course meal.

[Dog barks]

Uh, mind if I let
the dog out?


O.k., Pup.
Here we go.

Aw, hi,
little one.


I still have to grind up
her medicine,

Put it in her food,
but she's 60% improved‐‐

That problem
with her faddigus.

Excuse me?

Uh, the dog's faddigus
is better now.

You know,
that problem she had.

Was that a euphemism
of some kind?

Here we go with the latin.

You know, the‐‐

The faddigus.

It's like the, uh,

The female private parts.

Boy, I'll tell you,

I'm sweating up
a storm here.

You're just
a little nervous.

I'll come clean
with you, sylvia.

I haven't had sex sober
in about 20 years.

You're not going to
scare me off, andy.

I know what you
were like,

And I know what
you're like now,

And I think
you're a good man.

And in your own way,

Very charming.

So you want to
hit the sack?

I'd like it
if you kissed me.

I'm getting a new bed cover.

I've got it on order.

You want to fold
that up, or‐‐


You realize that if
I don't hold up my end,

So to speak,

I may have to k*ll you.

Somehow it doesn't
feel like

It's going to be
a problem.
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