02x03 - Cop Suey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x03 - Cop Suey

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, how did
your meeting go?

It's over, donna.

Marie and I
finally signed off

On a money settlement
and a custody arrangement.

I feel like a thousand‐pound
weight's off my back.

Now you can get on
with your life.

That's how I feel,
like I can finally
turn a page.

You look great today.

So do you.


And that perfume
you're wearing,

Drives me wild.


Remember where we are.

I can't help it.

I'm around you,

I just...
I just want to‐‐

Excuse me.


Can you sign this
for me?

Morning, detective.


On the andretti stabbings,

His lawyer's all over me
for your paperwork.

Yeah, all right,

Tell him this is
every piece of paper
I got,

Except I'm still
trying to find
those two kleenexes

I sneezed in
at the crime scene.


Uh, ahem, counselor.

In terms
of our conversation
the other night,

I don't want you
feeling pressured
with that.

I don't.

My point is
it's not imminent.

It doesn't
have to be.

Could be way,
way down the road,
you know,

If you wanted that
at all.

The nicest thing that's
ever happened to me

Is you asking me
to be your wife.

I just want to
settle into it

Before we make
any decisions.

Well, that's smart.
That's good.


Good morning.

Hi, sylvia.

Um, theresa carlin...

Domestic abuse.
Yeah, I took her 61.

She's a homicide.
Neighbor found her body
in her apartment.

Son of a bitch.

Medavoy, martinez,
we got a homicide.

I knew it.
That son of a bitch.

Detective adrianne lesniak.

I'm supposed to report
to lieutenant fancy.

I think he's busy
just for the second.

No problem.

That son of a bitch
k*lled her.

Excuse us.

No problem.

The lower east side's
going to be a change

From the 27.

I grew up in bayridge.

I did my time in uniform
in bed‐stuy.

I'm comfortable among
the great unwashed.

Lieutenant, on the reason
I was transferred‐‐

That's not
my concern

Unless it interferes
with your work
for me.

It won't.
That relationship
is finished.

[Telephone buzzes]


Yeah, o. K.

We got
another homicide.

Excuse me a second.


Hey, john.

Sorry, lieutenant.

I took janice
to the probation hearing.

That domestic
v*olence victim

Andy worked a couple
of weeks ago

Showed up
a homicide.

Mrs. Carlin.

And we just had
another homicide
in chinatown.


That's the new


O.k., I'll work
the chinatown
with her then.

Lieutenant, you
better take this.

He'll be right here.


Yeah. O. K.

That sh**ting
in chinatown...

An off‐duty cop.

I'm going to ask
you to work with
detective sipowicz.

Our p. A. A.
Will give you
the address.

Adrianne lesniak,
john kelly.

How do you do?

Donna, give
detective lesniak
the address

On andy's homicide,

And have medavoy
and martinez
10‐1 the squad

And move over
to the chinatown

All right.

Who is he?

Paul van pool,
central park precinct.

He interrupted
a burglary in progress,

Had his shield out.

We got a description
of a male asian

From a witness who tried
to stop the sh**t.

Guy slipped out
of his jacket

And took off
towards canal street.

Is that the witness?


Take him to
the station house,

See what you can get.

inventory the contents
of the jacket.

And move that line back.

Get those people
out of here.

We're going to need
a chinese cop.

I'll get harold ng
from the robbery squad.

Has anyone contacted
the chaplain's unit

On notification of kin?

Not yet.

Let me go do that.

Is there anything else?

The guy hit her
all the time.

I heard her screaming
on christmas eve,
for god's sake.

In terms
of last night
and this morning,

You didn't actually
hear anything.


Thanks. You've been
very helpful.

Detective martinez?

Adrianne lesniak.
I'm your relief.

Welcome aboard.

Detective medavoy
already left.

Let me introduce you
to detective sipowicz.

Get pictures of
the glass on the floor
around that window

And that bogus ransack
of the dresser.

Andy, this is
detective lesniak.

Fancy wants me on
the canvas at that
chinatown sh**ting.

The neighbor says
mr. Carlin called
her from work

And asked her
to put a note
on the refrigerator

That he was
going to be
working late.

So he could establish
his alibi.

Carlin said
he'd been calling
his wife,

But there was
no answer.

The neighbor
had a key. She
let herself in.

She found the body.

You better get over
to chinatown.

Nice meeting you.

Same here.

So I understand
you took a domestic
v*olence complaint

On this victim.


See, not all
that damage is recent.

Her jaw is half off

'Cause it's broken
on both sides.

That's from about
a month ago.

Eyes are swollen shut.
See that chipped tooth?
That's old.

Her husband gave her that

After he lost
his super bowl bet
last year.

He really beat you
to a pulp this time,

Didn't he, theresa?

You finish taking
statements around here,

And then canvass
the block.

Get to everybody,
you understand?

Where are you going?

I'm going to
pick up the husband,

Unless you got
a problem with that.

I don't.

Don't you worry
where I'm going.

Just worry about what
you got to do.

Are you getting
my drift?


All right, yeah,
I'll hold. All right.

donna, could you
get me a pencil?


You done with
those notifications?

Yeah. Where are you?

Got a sketch artist
in there with the witness,

But he didn't get
a good look at him.

Contents of the jacket?

House key,
medavoy's making a copy,

Got a phone number
on this guy shen,

And a lottery ticket.

James is
on the phone with
the commission now.

We're getting
a lot of calls
from off‐duty cops

From the central
park precinct,

to help with
the investigation.

Take their names.
Tell them we'll
contact them

If we need them.

Hey, johnny,
how are you?

Hey, harold.

When I first hear
a chinese guy
sh**t a cop,

I say,
"you kidding me?"

Chinese afraid of police.
Must be real scumbag.

We get him,
we kick his ass,
eh, johnny?

Yeah, definitely.

The lottery ticket
was bought

At the chinese
herb store
on mott street.

James martinez,
harold ng from robbery.

Nice to meet you.
You new here?


I bust cases
with all these guys‐‐

John, greg,
andy sipowicz.

Harold and I are
going to talk to shen.

When greg gets back,
go to the herb store.

We'll see if anyone
can i. D. The sketch.

Harold, you know what?

I think you need
to speak a little slower

So people understand.
You know what I mean?

No problem.
Let's do it.


Chef will be right out.

Johnny, you see tommy lew?

The famous heroin importer.

He's head
of hop sung tong.

Chef not going to
talk until tommy
give o. K.

So we need his permission
to our job then.

I'll go over
and explain
the situation.

Tong don't want
police trouble.

Go talk to him.

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

Show him the number.

Tell him we know
it's his.

Tell him
we found it
in the jacket

At the crime scene.

Other chefs come to me.

I help find work
in chinese restaurants.

I give them my number,
they give me theirs.

You remember
writing it on
that newspaper?

The guy I write it for

Never tell me his name.

You still
have the number
he gave you?

Back in the kitchen.

Think this is
going to be o. K.
With tommy?

He cooperating with us.

He's a great man.

Nobody at the herb store
could make an i. D.

Did you get
anything off
that phone number?

Traced it to a pay phone
inside. Let's go.

How are the wife
and kids?

Kids are fine.
Wife and I are
getting divorced.

My second wife
called first wife,

Got together,
tell my third wife
not to marry me.

Got to keep
ex‐wives apart,
remember that.

[Speaking chinese]

Excuse us.

That's it.

Should we start
knocking on doors?

You have that key, greg?

Should we get
a search warrant?

I don't want to waste
a whole day on one

If this ain't the place.

O.k., Why don't you guys
grab some air?

A cop got shot, john.

None of us is going to
have a problem

With seeing what's in there.

You don't see
what you don't have to.

I'll be right outside.
Go ahead.

All right. Be careful.

Come on, guys.

[Knock knock]


Anyone home?

Get the warrant.

Hey! Hey!
Yo! Hey! Hey!


Who's this guy?
Who's this guy?

Do we know this guy?


You speak english?

[Speaking chinese]

You speak english?
What's he saying?

He didn't do anything.

Tell him who we are.

[Speaking chinese]

This is all
he had on him.

Got him?

These keys match.

The keys match.
Let's go.

We'll talk about it
down at the station.
Let's go.

Harold and I will
do the interview.

You guys want to
get started
on that warrant?

Yeah, sure.

James, you want to
get it started?

You got it.

Has lieutenant fancy
said anything to you?

No. Maybe he's
going to let it slide.

You know that
detective lesniak who
just got transferred?

You know why
she got transferred?


Office romance.

this is all my fault.

If anyone was
en flagrante, it was me.

I should have kept this
from happening,

But what did
I do instead?
I tempted you.

whatever happens...

in this together.

I just can't
imagine coming
to work every day

And not seeing you.

Hey, detective.

I know what you
got to be thinking.

You busted me
for beating theresa.

You got to be thinking
that I k*lled her.

I'm not going to
lie to you, victor.

I got a situation here

Where there's a history
of domestic v*olence.

Now the wife's dead.

I got to consider you
a suspect.

I know what
it looks like,

But I didn't
k*ll theresa.

The day we had our talk
at that courthouse,

I thought I got
through to you.

With god
as my witness,

I never laid
a hand on her
after that.

You gave me
a wake‐up call,

You know,
I was married
myself once.

I know what it's like.

You get frustrated,

And sometimes you do things
that afterwards you regret,

But that's a long way

From beating somebody
to death.

I swear to god
I didn't k*ll her.

I loved her.

And we got this apparent
break‐in at your place.

Used to be
a nice street.

Now you got
africans, junkies.

I've been worried
about something
like this

For a long time.

You see anybody suspicious

When you left
your apartment
this morning?

Actually, I did.

I seen
these two brothers
hanging around

Across the street
at the liquor store.

Can you give me
their description?

Black as the inside
of your hat.

Anything else about them
you remember?

I don't know.

Maybe I could look
at some pictures.

How are you doing
for time?

You probably got
a lot of arrangements
to take care of.

Oh, no, detective.
I owe it to theresa

To do whatever I can

To help find
whoever did this.

I called the m.e.
To expedite the autopsy

So your
wife's remains

Can be
returned to you
as soon as possible.

Oh, I appreciate that.

Let me set you up
with pictures.

Ask him why
he ran from us
this morning.

[Speaking chinese]

He's illegal.
Thought we were i. N. S.

Why was he
at the apartment?

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

Visiting a friend.

What's the key go to?

He doesn't know.

Ask him
if he knows anything

About the cop getting shot
in chinatown this morning.


No? You guys just spoke
for five minutes.

What's going on, harold?

He wanted to
know why I'm working
with you white ghosts.

Why don't you just
be straight with me?

I just was.

O.k. Maybe he will
change his tune

After he's picked out
of a lineup.

Tell him that.


Mr. Woo's lawyer is here.

Detective kelly.

Stephen cheng,

How do you do?

I'd like
to see my client
woo shu kwan.

How do you know
we have that person
in custody?

Friends of his
saw you pick him up.

Well, mr. Woo
has not asked

For the services
of an attorney yet.

A member
of his family

Has asked me
to represent him.

Who would that be?

Mr. Woo's uncle.

I don't know
why you're here,

But you're going to
have to do better
than that.

John, can we talk a minute?


Tong send the lawyer
to get woo to confess,

Get it over with.

They're going to
get him to confess.

They do something
for him,

Maybe lighten up
on the money he owe,

Give money
to the guy's family
back in china.

Or get him to confess
to protect the real guy.

We found the key
on this guy, johnny.

Who put the key
on him, harold?

Tommy lew is not
going to make
my case for me.

You understand?

You know what?
I'm going to need
more proof

That you represent
the family,

So bring the uncle in.

Thanks for your
time, detective.

What did you get?

No one saw anything
at the building.

These are the no‐answers.
I'll recanvass tomorrow.

Let me have those.
The husband's
looking at photos.

Let me know
if the lying prick

Comes up
with an i. D.

Are you going to
get pissed off

If I ask you
where you're going?

Back to recanvass.

There's a vote
of confidence.

Detective lesniak,
you got a bunch
of calls

From a
detective abruzzo.

I tried telling him
you were tied up
with a case.


How's it going
on your case?

Dinner's going to
have to be late.

Let's just
bag dinner then.

I feel bad
about this woman.

You did
what you could.

I got to go.



If you want to talk,
I'll be up late.

Hey, john.

The chief
of detectives

Is going to
make a statement
to the press.

He wants to know
if we're calling
woo a suspect.

As far as the lineups
are concerned,

I think it's a maybe.

I'd like to keep him
overnight, get him tired,

Take a shot at him
in the morning.

O.k. On
showing up late‐‐

If I could
make it up now,
that'd be great.

My point is
don't have andy
sign you in.

That's the kind
of thing haverill's
looking for.

Yeah. O. K.

How's harold ng

Harold ng, doing great.

All right.
Good night.

Good night.

how are we doing?

O.k. How's your case?

I think we got
a direction.

The husband on my homicide

Picked out
a couple of photos.

You believe him?

No. One's in the joint,

The other one
I'm going to question

At his parole officer's

We're going out
for a beer. Want
to come along?

Thanks. Yeah.

How about you, harold?

You want to go out
for a beer?

Yeah. Sure.

We'll talk later.


Harold, this
tommy lew thing,

You know,
I got my bosses
squeezing my shoes,

And maybe I got
my back up.

Yeah, johnny.
I understand,

But no boss own me,
tommy lew especially.

Understand that,
too, o. K.?

O.k. Give me a minute.


Ha ha ha!

tell her about
the possum case.

Possum case?

Yeah. It's a great
story. Come on,

You tell it great.
Come on.

Go ahead.
Come on.

Go ahead.

O.k. Me and
this other guy

on a kidnapping.

Kidnapper send
a ransom note.

Letter cut out
of newspaper,

Spell out, if you
ever want to see

again‐‐like old

Anyway, we got
to make ransom drop
in woods.

We got nothing
to put the money in,
only barbecue bag.

The guy love barbecue.
Eat the rib all day.

Everybody follow me?

Yeah, we're
with you, harold.

We're with you.

So we put money
in barbecue bag,

Hide the bag in woods
like kidnapper tell us.

Possum smell barbecue,
eat the money, $10,000.

Everybody follow me?



Guy at
the station house

Said you might
still be here.

Hey, john.

Hey, jimmy.

I understand you're
working that, uh,
cop sh**ting.


Good luck with that.

Adie, uh, you got
a moment to talk?


Hey, we got
to catch up
with each other.

Talk later.

You got it.

Who was that?

What do you want?

Jimmy abruzzo.

We went through
the homicide course

Didn't look
too happy to see him.

They were in
the 27 together.

Nobody knew
they were involved.

Sector car answered
a disturbance call.

They were having
a knockdown, drag‐out.

That's why she
got transferred.

don't be such a‐‐

Just listen to me.

Get out of here!

You think this is
over? It's not.

You still love me.

Be right back.

Wait a minute,

Everything o. K.?

She's o. K.

I asked her.

I'm fine.

I think you need
to take off, jimmy.

Go hump
yourself, john.

Butt out, john.

I don't need anybody
protecting me, all right?

My problems
are my problem.

Hey, andy.

Looking good.

Something about you

How's it going,

Where the cigarettes?
All the time you smoking.

I quit.

Must be it.

Careful. You get fat
like goodyear blimp.

It's nice to see
you, too, pal.

you ready to talk
to this guy?

Yeah. Let's go.

Doing all right?


Good morning.


This guy
carlin picked out
from the mug books‐‐

I'm going
to talk to his
parole officers.

Ask him about
the grassy knoll
in dallas

Or the whereabouts
on the lindbergh baby.

Detective, I thought
about this real hard
last night.

I can't remember
what I did
to piss you off.

If you're running
some guilt trip
about this lady dying,

Please don't
make it my problem.

Do you moonlight
as a shrink?

No. This job
is hard enough,

And it does not
include you batting
me around

Like some inflatable
punching clown.

So I'm going to go
question this guy,

Even if it's just
to rule him out.

Meanwhile, I would
appreciate it

If you'd take
your attitude

And shove it up
your ass.

O.k., He's had
the whole night
to think about it.

We're putting
this together,

So we need
a statement

And his description
of the events.

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

He said he doesn't
know anything.

Well, tell him
that I'm certain

He didn't k*ll
this police officer

But I need
a statement,

And I need
his description
of the events.

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

He said he doesn't
know anything.

[Knock on door]

What's up?

That lawyer, mr. Cheng,
wants to talk
to you again.

Where's uncle woo?

Hi, detective.
Mr. Woo hong lee,
my client's uncle,

Was too infirm
to be here.

This notarized letter
authorizing me
to represent his nephew

Should suffice.

I also have a letter
from the uncle's doctor

to his poor health.

Wait here.

Tell him there's
a lawyer outside

Who's been hired
by his uncle.

Ask him if he wants
him to represent him.

[Speaking chinese]


O.k., Tell him I want him
to tell the lawyer that.

[Speaking chinese]

Let's go.

Ask him.

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

What'd he say?

He said the tong
want to help him
and his family.

[Speaking chinese]

He wants
the lawyer now.

I'd like some time
with my client.

O.k., Counselor, but
we get no sacrificial lambs.

If he confesses to me,
I better believe it.
Got it?

[Knocking on door]

Excuse me, ma'am.

Detective sipowicz.

Oh, yeah, detective.
I saw you
after the m*rder.

I'm the one
who found mrs. Carlin.

Right. You live
in this apartment?

No. Irene polotto
lives here.

I grocery shop
for her.
She's a shut‐in.

She's out.
Nobody ever answers
the door.

She can't hear
you knock.

She's deaf.

This is how I let
her know I'm here.

I flick the switch.

It's o. K., Irene.

This man's a police

He was wondering
if he could ask you
about theresa.


She reads lips,
so speak slowly
and clearly.

I'll put these away.

Ma'am, I'm
detective sipowicz.

I'm hoping you can help us
with our investigation.

I'll certainly try.

Were you home
the morning
of the m*rder?

Yeah, but I didn't know
anything was wrong

Until I looked
out the window

And saw the police cars.

Did you see
the victim's husband
that morning?

I saw him leave
for work.

What time
would that have been?

I'm not sure exactly.

It must've been early
because I was feeding
my pigeons,

And they get impatient
if I don't feed them
before 9:00,

Especially tommy.

Was there anything

About mr. Carlin's

Did he seem

No. Do you mind
if I sit down?

I got a bum knee.

Please, sit.

So he walked out
the door

And headed
for the subway,
is that right?

Yeah. After he
threw out
the garbage.

What garbage?

He was carrying
a garbage bag.

Doesn't this building
have a trash chute?

Ha! Sometimes
it backs up.

Did you happen to see

Where mr. Carlin
took that bag of garbage?

Yeah. To the building
next door,
across the alley.

Thank you.

You've been
very helpful.


[Speaking chinese]

I went to
worker's apartment
owned by mr. Fong.

Mr. Fong owns
a restaurant.

All his illegal workers
live there.

I live there, too.

Until mr. Fong fired me
for no reason.

I knew someone who lived
there who has a g*n.

I wanted to sell it
for a lot of money.

I went out the door.

Saw the policeman.

I got scared.

I never touched
a g*n before.

Never thought‐‐
now I k*ll a man.

[Speaking chinese]

I owe 30,000
u.s. Dollars

Being smuggled
in the u. S.

The trip took
two months,

Locked in the hold
of a cargo ship,

Squeezed in
with 300 men.

No toilet.

No water
to wash hand or bathe.

Everyone was sick.

Who do you owe
the 30,000 to?

Excuse me. What case
are we working
on here, detective?

Ask him how
he lost the jacket.

[Speaking chinese]

Someone tried
to stop me.

Grabbed me
by my jacket.

I didn't want
to sh**t him, too.

I slipped out
of my jacket

And ran towards
canal street.

I came to america
to earn money

To send money home.

After I arrive,
I could not find work.

No money
to send home.

I lived any way
I can, in filth,

Always dirty.

In china, it's never
like this. Worse than animal.

I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.

I never wanted
to hurt anyone.



I buy it.


I'll bring the guy down
and book him,

Then finish
the paperwork.

Good job, harold.

O.k., Loo.

The jacket sold you,
huh, johnny?

How the guy grabbed
the jacket?

That's right.
You brought this
one home, harold.

Hey, johnny.

Dead cop‐‐if this was
the guineas looking
to keep the pressure off,

Then give up the guy
who really did it,

Is that a problem?

Not if he were guilty.

Maybe you would've
seen it a little easier.

I needed the help.

Anyway, maybe this
will keep haverill
off your back.




Where's the other

She said there was
more mug sh*ts for me
to look at.

I don't think that'd
be the best use
of your time.

Sit down.

I want to bring you
up to date
on a couple things.

Your african
perpetrator theory‐‐
that didn't pan out.

I i. D.'D the two guys
I seen hanging around
the building.

One's in the joint,

And the other
was at his job
all day.

His parole officer
verified it.

I know what I saw.

kind of questioning

That whole break‐in
theory now.

The place was torn up.
It was ransacked.

I'll tell you,
that window
was broken out.

There was busted glass
all on the sidewalk.

That meant somebody
had to break it
from the inside.

Plus, what do you
make of this?

They're size 12.
You look like
you're about a 12.

Does that look like
dried blood to you?

Looks like
dried blood to me.

There's some
bloody overalls
in here, too.

Made a real mess of
things, didn't you?

So there's blood
on them.

I work in a
meat‐packing plant.
There's blood all over.

The dna tests
will prove that's
your wife's blood.

If that's my wife's

Then whoever did this
took my clothes

And put them
in her blood afterward.

Then they threw them
in the next building's
trash chute,

Where your neighbor
saw you drop a bag.

I dropped a bag
of garbage.

Sometimes our chute
gets backed up.

You k*lled her,
you scumbag
son of a bitch.

You beat her
to death!

I got to give you
one last chance
to confess

And make it
easier on yourself!

I'm hoping
you're too stupid
to do that!

'Cause the harder
it is for you,
the happier I am!

So are you gonna
tell me the truth now,

Or are you gonna
make me happy?

Ticktock, victor.

What's it gonna be?

I'm missing
happy hour.

You prick.
You prick!

Let go of me!

You prick!
You k*lled her!

Get off of me!

Shut up!

You were watching?

Is that o. K.?

Nursemaid this guy.

I got to clear
my head.

I'll tell you,
mr. Carlin,

I wouldn't want
to be you right now.

Hey, that wacko
just hit me.

He touches me again,
and he goes to jail.

I don't think
that's gonna happen.

I've worked with
that detective
for a lot of years.

These situations
always go down
the same way.

You'll wind up in
the emergency room,
pissing blood,

And I'm looking
at 12 hours
of paperwork

Explaining how
you resisted arrest.

You can't let him
do that.

I can't control him.

My advice to you
is give the guy
what he wants,

Or it's going
to be a long night
for the both of us.

We got ourselves
a cop.

Yeah. Can you make a case
off the bloody clothes?

Can't put the guy
in the clothes.

I‐‐i didn't recover
the bag for 36 hours.

he doesn't like you.

Whatever he is, he's gonna
be coming back any minute.

he can't do that to me.

Excuse us,
detective lesniak.

All right.

Beep beep, carlin.

Beep beep?

I know about you,

You're a psycho.

going to start over,

Only I brought
my lie detector with me.

Every time
my lie detector
goes beep beep,

You're going
to get smacked.

I want to be interviewed
by somebody else.

First question‐‐
the morning
your wife was k*lled,

What time did you
leave the house?

Leave me alone.

What time
did you leave?


Very good.

What did you do
when you went

I went to work.

Beep beep.

No‐‐no‐‐i took
the garbage out,

And I took it
to the building
next door.

Then I went
to work.

Very good.

What was in
the garbage
you put out?

Uh, just garbage.

Beep beep.

Just garbage.

Beep beep!

Oh, no.

Oh, all right.

It was clothes.

And then you threw them
in the trash next door?

That's right.

I did not intend
for her to die.

What you don't know
is that I was provoked
on a daily basis,

And the outcome
of what happened

Was‐‐was the result
of that.

You start writing.

Beep beep.

come see me.

I'll be
right there, sir.

Let's say two people
in the station house

Were having
a romantic relationship,

And let's say I were
to find out about it.

I'd have to get
one of them transferred.

Are you aware of that?

Yes, I am, sir.

So if anyone was to engage

In that kind
of a relationship,

And if they didn't
want to get transferred,

I think they'd be
very careful
about how they acted,

Wouldn't you?

Uh, yes, I would.


As far as I know,

You haven't done anything
to be sorry for.

And I want you
to keep it that way.

Uh, right.

Thank you, sir.

Good night.

Good night.

Hey, johnny, you want
to type this?

Your job, harold.

Carlin tape
his statement?

For a drunk,
he's got a good memory.

Now there's a guy
who wants my ass so bad,

He can taste it.

He can
taste my ass, too,
while he's at it.

Good night.

Good night.

You know, you want to get
some dinner?

Uh, I was kind of hoping
sylvia might stop by later.


How did lesniak do?

She did good.


Good night.

Here's my fives.


Good night.

Uh, nice job with
that interview.

Nice talking to you.

So does kelly's
paperwork look o. K.?


Let's announce
we got our cop sh**t.

Hasta la vista,

Yeah, take it easy,


See you, loo.

Hey, good job,

John kelly did
some good job.

He's some
damn good cop.


Why don't you people just
put on cheerleading outfits?

Tough to fire someone
who just brought down
a cop k*ller.

Night, andy.

Yeah. Good night.

Carlin confessed.


Ahh, that poor woman.


So, uh, did you
figure out

That new place
for us to eat?

Why don't we go
to my place,
and I'll cook?

Nah. I don't want
to put you out.

But you want
to marry me.


Do you see
anything strange
about that?


I mean, eventually,
we'd start eating at home.

What's your point?

Andy, when you

I got the feeling
that you thought
if we were married,

It would
fix something.

I don't want
to get married

To fix something.

In other words,
you're saying no.

I'm not saying no,

But I do think
we need to get

With each other.


I intend to get married,

And I don't want
anyone else in my life
right now but you.

I want us to get there.
We're not there yet.

Yeah. O. K.


I'm hungry.

So just come over
for dinner, o. K.?

Have you already
got food there?

No, I'll have to shop,

But I go shopping
all the time.

I meant to say
maybe we could go
shopping together.

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