03x10 - And Justice for None

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x10 - And Justice for None

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm sorry.

I still feel rotten about the
way things ended with Alison.

You both agreed that living
apart was for the best.

But we didn't agree
I'd stay with you.

She's my best friend.

I don't like
having to make a choice.

She didn't give you any options.

I know, but that's not
exactly her fault, is it?

Alison and I split up
before you and I met.

That doesn't make it any easier.

Alison loves you.

She's going to get over this.

Sorry. Did I wake you?


Oh. Too bad.

You asked me to hold these for you
till you found a place to live and

since that took only 30 seconds,

I figured I'd help you move.

Alison, I'm not here
to hurt you.

I had no place else to go.

Staying with Billy
is only temporary.

I know.

I've been there, remember?

Jo, hey. Hi.

I'll tell you later.

What can I get for you?

Can I have a bourbon seven,
no ice, please?

Make mine a bourbon
seven, no bourbon.

You look good. How you feeling?

You fat and happy?


Sydney, dear,
could you excuse us?

I have to talk to Jake.
It's a private matter.

What the hell was that about?

Nothing major. Sydney's
feeling threatened.

She wants me to feel the same.
I'll handle it.


What's this private matter?

The custody trial
starts tomorrow.

And you want me to
knock off the Carters.

Well, I don't expect you
to do it personally.

In lieu of their
untimely demise,

my lawyer wants me to get a list
together of people

who are willing
to testify on my behalf.


I don't know.

You know, I, I'd have
to take off work...

Go downtown...

Wear nice clothes, and...

My God, will you stop that?

I lost my sense of humor
a month ago.

I'm sorry. You know
I'll do whatever I can.

On the stand
or in the courtroom.

You just tell me when and where.

It's just starting
to hit me, Jake.

I am so scared.

Don't worry about it.

We'll get the rest of
the posse together

and we'll kick some Carter butt.

Uh, this is the guest list
for tonight's promotion

for KDJ Radio.

You're all welcome
to bring a guest.

Now, while the atmosphere
is festive,

our purpose is
to service the client.

So I guess that's about it.

I'll see you all tonight.

Bruce, you'll have plenty of
management people on hand tonight.

If it's all right, I'd
like to skip this one.

I really do need

upper-level representation
tonight, Amanda.

If it's a personal situation,

just, uh, bring
your friend along.

Amanda, you can take
Susan's name off my lease.

She's living with Billy now.

Well, that explains the kitchenware
concerto this morning.

Yeah. Alison and Susan
had a big fight

since Susan's staying
with me for a few days.

From Alison's tone, there
must be more to it.

Okay. So Susan and I are dating.

Your ex-fiancée's ex-best friend

is now your love interest and
living in your apartment?

That's not dating, Billy.

That's rebound roulette.

Don't sh**t yourself
in the foot.

Appropriate to increase dosage.

This is very ni...

Oh. Excuse me.


Excuse me.

Hey, if you're angry at me,

just tell me what I did wrong

and I'll explain why I did it.

Not everything in the world
is about you, Michael.

I am just trying to
make conversation.

You look like you could
use someone to talk to.

Somehow, I don't think
talking to you would help.

Well, couldn't hurt to try.

It's about Jeffrey.

Uh, the Navy guy?


He took his retirement
last month.

It wasn't voluntary.

He, uh...

tested HIV-positive.

Oh, man.

I'm sorry.

He's back in L.A. and he wants
to pick up where we left off.

Well, Matt, if the guy bailed on
you, why set yourself up again?

Because he cares about
me and I care about him.

A lot.

That's even more reason
to run in the other direction.

Look, Matt, I'm not
passing judgment,

but if you're looking for
a long-term relationship,

that can't happen with Jeffrey.

Getting involved again is just

setting yourself up
for heartbreak.

Hi. Kimberly Shaw
to see Dr. Anderson.

I have an 11:30 appointment.

Uh-huh. Just have a seat.

This is an odd place
to run into a friend.

Gynecologist's office
isn't exactly the mall.

Well, if you keep recommending
him to your patients,

you won't be able to squeeze
into the waiting room.

You look good.

You feeling better?

Oh, better.

Dr. Anderson gave me
some vitamins

that help ease the stress.


I have some great news.

Michael and I got married.


That was fast.

Well, once Michael gets
an idea into his head,

there's no stopping him.

We eloped last weekend
in Las Vegas.

No, Elvis didn't sing,

and it wasn't exactly
a storybook wedding,


it was very special
to both of us.

Does that mean you'll be
starting a family someday?

Maybe sooner than we thought.

That's why I'm here.

I think I might be pregnant.


Hi. This is Matt.

Leave a message after the tone,
and I'll get right back to you.

Hey, it's Jeffrey.

I tried reaching you today.

Guess things must be
pretty hectic at work.

Unless you're avoiding me.

Anyway, I hope you're still
taking time for lunches.

How about Girardi's tomorrow?

I miss you.

♪ Looks important
talking to your girl ♪

♪ Saying I ain't lying
baby, I'm trying ♪

♪ She don't know
that you're with someone ♪

♪ All dressed up
somewhere to go... ♪♪

Thanks to you, Amanda,

our gross sales are up 30%.

Oh, thank you very much.

Nick, good to see you again.

Hi. How are you?

I was complimenting Amanda
on the KDJ account figures.

Oh, well, Amanda's part of
a great group at D D.

Our new team effort strategy

has really paid off.

Lee Taylor
wants to say hi to you.

Over here. See you later.

Group effort? Like hell.

I designed that entire campaign

while Bruce
was off trying to salvage

his community property
in divorce court.

Nick knows where the credit lies

or he wouldn't have bothered
to seek you out.

It's still annoying
to be one-upped like that

in front of a client.

Don't let him
get to you, Amanda.

You'll be running
D D soon enough.


Over Bruce's dead body.

Make it a double, please.


Find the person
having a lousy time.

That would be me.

Alison Parker, D D Advertising.

Zack Phillips, Rage Records.

Just doing your job?

You're lucky.

Attending these parties
is my job.

That's a pretty stiff drink.

I can handle it.

I know you can.

I've been watching you.


As a matter of fact,

I think you belong at our table.

Why don't you come
meet my friends?

We know how to do these
business parties right.

Where the hell have you been?

Your appointment with
Dr. Anderson was 11:30.

That's A.M., Kim.

Shut up, Michael.

And you didn't answer
any of your pages either.

Don't you want to know how the
pregnancy tests went, Michael?

Whether or not you're
going to be a father?

Well, when you went into hiding,

I figured things didn't go well.

Well, nothing gets by
you, does it, Doctor?


I told you...
It's not our time.

We're focused on our careers.

I just got my memory back.

You're recuperating
from the accident.


I'm done recuperating.

According to Dr. Anderson,

this is as good as it gets.

Yeah. And you look
perfect to me.

Well, I'm not.

Because of the accident,
I can't get pregnant.

I'll never be a mother.

Why do I keep calling it
an accident,

as if it was some
sort of unpreventable mishap?

You k*lled any chance
I had to have a baby.

But then you never wanted
children anyway, right?

I never said
I didn't want a family.

I just said I wasn't sure
this was the right time.

Well, thanks to you, I'm barren.

That must be
a load off your mind.

Come on, Kimberly.

Get out.

So I said, "What's the big deal?"

"I had one drink...

a pitcher of vodka."

Listen, I gotta go catch a band
at the Roxy. Do you want to come?

We're out of here.

Great. See you around.

Let's go.

Maybe you should go
and check on her,

make sure she's not driving.

I'll be right back.

Ow! Ow!

You know, heels
were invented by men.

They're part of a diablogic...

Diabolical plot

to keep women on their toes.

I made a joke.


so where's your friend?

He's in the men's room,

if it's any of your business.

You're making an ass out
of yourself.

Like I'm going to take
personality pointers from you.

It's too late
to pretend you care.

You ready to go, babe?

Yeah. Get me the
hell out of here.


Bruce, can you hear me?

Bruce, are you okay?

Call 9-1-1.

Back up here.
Give us some room here.

How's the view up here?


God, this is fun!

So, uh, who was Mr. Dull

back there at the club?


Former fiancé.

Former noose.

I'm so sick of being
Alison Good Girl.

People think I'm
a nun in street clothes.

Not after tonight.

Damn right.

I am breaking out.


party girl.

Excuse me.


I thought you'd
call in sick today.

Just because I met a great guy

and we partied all night,

doesn't mean I can't
make it to work.

And for the record,

your days as my
chaperone are over.

Well, you missed the big finale.

What? Did you and Susan lambada
your way into the record book?


Bruce collapsed.

He was taken away
in an ambulance.

Bruce won't be in
for a few days.

I'll be handling
his accounts and mine,

so I need you two to call
a truce and work together.

Is he okay?

I'm not at liberty to
discuss his medical condition.

If anyone asks, just tell them
he has food poisoning.

The man collapsed
in front of 50 clients.

We're supposed to say
he had bad fish?

D D has too much on the line for
buyers to think there's a problem.

He'll be back next week.

That's all anyone needs to know.

Jane, the check
for fabric bounced.

There's no money
in this account.

That's because I'm short

the half million dollars your company
promised me in production costs.

International funds take time.

It should only take
another day or two.

So meanwhile I'm supposed
to fill orders

without money to buy fabrics?

Hello, fiancé.

You sure do know how to take
the wind out of my sails.

That's because
I have a solution.

I could make you a loan.

You would put your money
into my business account?

Sweetheart, I'm not about to let
you ruin your credit rating

over a $1,000 purchase order.

Let's get down to the bank
and clear this up.

I've got a design meeting in 15

Can't you make the deposit?

Yes, but they still need you
to verify outstanding checks.

I'd help, but I'm not
the signatory in the account.

So if you were on the account,

you could handle this?

Yes, I suppose so.

Okay, well, I'll reschedule
the meeting,

we'll make the deposit,
and open a joint account.

Jane, let's not rush
into anything.

What rush?
You handle the invoices.

It only makes sense that

you handle the checkbooks, too.

Besides, once we're married,

it'll be a joint
account anyway, right?

Mrs. Carter,
could you tell the judge

a little bit about the life you and Mr.
Carter share?

Um, we're both active
in our community.

Uh, Mr. Carter's been
a Rotarian for 26 years,

and I'm on the fundraising committee
of our local Head Start program.

Two nights a week
I teach adult reading classes,

and Mr. Carter helps record
audio cassettes for the blind.

And you're both retired?


We have a lovely home

in the best school district
in California.

We're financially sound.

We have income from
several investments.

That's why we know that we could
give this child a chance,

the chance to know
the security that comes

from being a part of a true
and loving family.

Okay. Thank you very much, Mrs.

No further questions.

Cross-examination, Mr. Waxman?

No questions, Your Honor.

What the hell are you
doing to me?

Keep your voice down.

Why? Somebody has to talk and
you're obviously not gonna...

Here they come.

You don't know who
you're dealing with.

Their lawyer is a cutthroat.

He didn't go with Mr. Carter.

He put Mother Teresa
on the stand.

If I cut her to shreds,
you would look desperate.

I am desperate.

No, you're not.

We don't have to prove that
the Carters are monsters,

only that you're a fit mother.

We can do that...

With your testimony and with
your character witness.

And what if that doesn't work?

You've had this case long enough and
haven't gotten through to them.

Somebody has to make them

Calm down, Jo.

Don't do anything stupid
to jeopardize this case.

The only stupid thing I've
done is let it get this far.

Matt. Matt.

Hey, it's good to see you.


I didn't think you were coming.

Well, here I am.

Well, when you didn't call...

I'm s... it's just
been a crazy week.

I should've called. I'm sorry.

Oh, no, it's my fault.

I've been out of work so long,

I forget other people
have lives.

You're uncomfortable being here.

I'm just trying
to adjust, Jeffrey.

You hit me with some pretty
heavy news the other day.

It's taking me a little
time to get used to it.

Just don't jerk me around, okay?

I mean, if you want
out, just say so.

Jeffrey, I, I don't
know what I want.

I do know what you want, Matt.

You want things to be
the way they used to be...


You think I'm afraid of AIDS?

Wouldn't be the first.

People should be afraid,

but safe sex is just as
safe with someone with HIV.

Look, Jeffrey, this isn't
a sexual issue for me.

I work with AIDS patients every day.
I know the facts.

But what I don't know is
if I can make a commitment

to someone who has so much
to face in their future.

You know, you can put down
the shovel, man.

I'm not dead yet.

I'm not even sick, you know

I mean, I feel great.

I could live a perfectly healthy
life for the next 20 years.

Who knows what kind of treatment
will be available then?

I'm sorry, Jeffrey.

I can't be so cavalier
about this.

You know I love you.
I already lost you once.

I just need some more time.

I'm sorry, buddy. Time's up.

This is obviously
more than you can handle.

I'll make it easy on you.

Have a nice life.

You know, it's a very good
thing we're on the same side.

Because if you were the enemy, I'd
be waving a giant white flag.

I never use sex
to get what I want.

I get what I want first.



What did you get from me?

Oh, ideas, taking over D D.

But I guess Bruce threw a
monkey wrench into that plan.

Bruce's bad luck
is our good fortune.

We know he'll recover,

but the damage to his career
has already been done.

Nobody bets on a sick horse.

So you see, it's a perfect
time for a takeover.

Seems a little unsportsmanlike,

kicking him when he's down.

Don't think for a moment
he wouldn't kick you.

This is no time
for emotion, Amanda.

Now, remember this.

There are three
types of weakness...

Moral, emotional, and physical.

Luckily for us, Bruce's
weakness is physical,

which means we don't
have to get close.

We keep our distance.

Which keeps us unattached,

and that is the key, Amanda.

Your dealings with D D

must remain strictly business.

What about us?

Are we strictly business?

We're a team.

Team members get as
close as they want.

The game's about
to begin, Amanda.

You ready to play?

I've known Jo for three years.

I'd say she's one of
my best friends.

I trust her completely.

You testified that Miss Reynolds
was your partner

in the motorcycle shop.

Was she also involved
in the arson

that destroyed that business?

It wasn't arson, and she
wasn't involved in the fire.

Wasn't it Miss Reynolds'
affiliation with Reed Carter

that allowed you to buy
the charter boat?

I guess. She knew Reed.

That's how I found out
about the boat.

Where is the boat now,
Mr. Hanson?

Blew up.

Miss Reynolds has been living
in my apartment building

for over a year
and is a wonderful tenant.

But this is an insurance
claim you filed

on Jo Reynolds' apartment.

And in it
you claimed over $1,000

in property damages.

Jake Hanson did that damage,
not Jo Reynolds.

Oh. I see.

Does Jake Hanson still
live at your property?


Mr. Fielding,

you live in the same
apartment complex

as Jo Reynolds.

Yes, we're neighbors.

Are you close?

Everyone at the apartment
building is very friendly,

but we're not social,
if that's what you mean.

Why? Is that because
you're an openly gay man?


But you see each other a lot,

coming and going,
that sort of thing.

Yes, it's a small complex.

Do you bring, uh, dates
home to Melrose Place?

Objection, Your Honor.

Withdraw the question.

I'm sorry, is it Miss
or Mrs. Mancini?

Ms. Michael Mancini
and I are divorced.

Is he also divorced from
your sister, Sydney Andrews?


Same Sydney Andrews
who was arrested

for being an employee

in the Lauren Etheridge
prostitution ring?


However, Sydney is no longer
involved in my life.

Does she still live at
Melrose Place? Yes.

Which apartment?

Sydney lives next to Jo.

Thank you.

No further questions.

Redirect, Mr. Waxman?

No, Your Honor.

According to your testimony,

the last time you saw
Reed Carter alive,

you were very angry with him.


He lied to me about
what his plans were.

He kidnapped me, and he
threatened to k*ll me.

And despite these
very angry feelings,

you elected to keep his baby?


After I found out
that I was pregnant,

I considered my options.

I even went
to an abortion clinic.

But ultimately, I decided
I was more than ready

to become a mother.

Keeping this baby was
the best decision of my life.

I mean, after all
that's happened,

you cannot take this baby away

from his natural mother.

Why did you tell the Carters

that, that Reed was the
father of your baby?

Because they had
a right to know.

Just as my baby
has a right to know

who his grandparents are.

Do you regret telling them?


If I'd had the abortion

or had the baby,

it would've been my secret.

I didn't lie to the Carters

because I hoped that
we could be a family.

I still have that hope.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

I'd like to strangle
that creep Williams.

He twisted everything around.

I can't wait to get on the stand

and tell them what
a good person Jo really is.

Glad to hear it.

We can use all the firepower
we can get tomorrow.

So I'll see you both at 9:00?


Thank you guys so much
for coming.

Um, I guess
I'll catch you later.

Okay. Thanks.



I need to ask you a favor.

Anything. You know that.

The judge wants the name

of another legal guardian.

Someone to call in
case of an emergency.

And, um, I know

it's a big responsibility,

but you're my best friend

and the only person
I trust completely.

Would you be the
godmother of my baby?

I'd be honored.

Oh, good.

Um, Jake and I are going to
sh**t for a sandwich.

Do you want to go?

I'm going out with Zack.
I have to run home and change.

But I'll see you
first thing tomorrow.

Get some sleep, okay?


Look at this crap, Kimberly.

A check from Mancini Designs

with Chris Marchette's
name right under Jane's,

like he's a partner.

I'm the partner,
the only partner.

What the hell is the matter
with those two?

You know?


Hey. Hey. What's
the matter with you?

I want a baby, Michael.

Oh, sweetheart.

I want a baby, too,

but it's not
in the cards for us.

You remember what
Dr. Anderson said.

He said I couldn't bear a child,

he didn't say I
couldn't have one.

You're barren. See, that
kind of narrows our options.

We could adopt, Michael.

Yes. Uh, I suppose we could.

Maybe a nice little
Romanian orphan...

Stop it, Michael.

You have taken
everything away from me.

Please, you've gotta
give me something back.

A baby.

Give me what I want
most in life.

Give me a baby.

Oh, please give me a baby.

So most of our artists are from
other cities or other countries,

and my job is to keep them
happy while they're in town.

And they pay you for this?

Yeah, very well, thank you.

So I do the party circuit
during the week

and I take in concerts
on the weekends.

How do you do it... party after
party, night after night?

I don't have a day job.

No kidding!

Do you have any idea how hard
it is to keep up with you?

So far, you're the only woman
I've dated who can.

Here's to my party girl.

Where do we go now, dancing?


I have to get up early.

I guess I just lost
my primo party status.

It's, uh, it's only 10:30.

You sure you want me

to take you home so soon?

I'd much rather spend the night
dancing with you,

but I'm due in court at 9:00.

Okay, home it is.

But I must warn you,

it's not going to be easy
getting me to leave.



Aw, come on.

I don't wanna leave you.


No, no, no. Don't panic.

I'm not,
I'm not talking about sex.

I'm, um, talking about the pool.

You don't have a suit.

Do I need one?

Are you serious?



Ah, ah!



It's the fun police.

Get out of the pool now.

No, no. Come on in. It's warm.

The fish aren't biting.

Alison, get out of the pool.

That's Billy.


Being a tenant, Alison,

doesn't entitle you
to public drunkenness.

Excuse me, Warden Woodward.

I guess the only one

allowed to be loose
around here is you.

Come on, Zack.
The party's moving.

Oh, oh!

Zack, wake up.

Where are we? Oh!

It's a beach, I think.

Yeah, I live here.

Oh, God! Oh, it's 8:30!

Oh! It's the middle
of the damn night!

I have to be in court at 9:00.

Oh, God. How could
I screw this up?

I don't even
have time to change.

Here. This'll wake you up.

No, thanks. I'm fine.


You look and sound like hell.

How you gonna ride
to Jo's rescue if you

can't even put two words
together on the stand?

This is like a jolt of caffeine.

You drink coffee, don't you?

I am so sorry.

There was an accident
on the freeway.

Your Honor, if I may,

I'd like to request just
a five-minute recess.

All right, counsel.

Court is in recess
for five minutes.

I can't put her
on the stand, Jo.

I was late. I can still testify.

Not in your condition.

I'm fine!

Alison, you're high as a kite.

Jake! We'll have to go
without her testimony.

We'll rest our case.

Oh, God, how could you
do this, Alison?

I'm sorry. I overslept.

Look, I don't care
what Waxman thinks.

I know I can testify.

You can barely walk.
I trusted you, Alison.

I ask you one favor.
One day of your life.

Jo... Go away. I can't
even deal with you.

Go on. Get out of here.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Well, thanks for
meeting me down here.

After our lunch the other day,

I was afraid that you were
gonna be ducking my calls.

I've been... I've been
known to do the same.

Not me.

First thing you learn
in the service

is confront
your problems head-on.

How can you be
so sure of yourself,

so sure of what you want?

'Cause I know
what I don't want, Matt,

and I don't want to be judged.

Give me a break, okay?

I mean, I can see it
in your eyes.

Those questions.

If I stay with him,
will I be safe?

Is it worth risking everything

just to be together?

I know, I've thought
about all that.

But you don't know
what it's like.

It's the little things.

A look of dismissal.

A look that just cuts me off.

Don't come closer.

Don't... offer a drink.

Don't ask a favor.

Even people I thought I knew,

people who are really
open-minded and liberal...

I mean, until it hits
close to home...

Jeffrey, you're not alone.

Positive or negative,
straight or gay,

we all have to live
with this virus.

There's no guarantee that
if I were with someone else

that I'd be any safer.

And don't force me
to make that choice.

I want to be with you.

I just need to know
that you want me, too.

I can't be casual, Jeffrey.

I... I care too much.

Just so I understand,
you're saying

if I want to be with you,
I have to make a commitment.


I'll take it.

I've talked
to the major clients.

They're concerned,
but they believe

the food-poisoning story.

You realize how important it is

to keep a lid on this
heart problem.

Bruce, you've got to relax.

Things at the office
are being handled.

I don't know what I'd do
without you, Amanda.

In more ways than one,
you've saved my life.

Well, make it worth my while
and get better, okay?


I'm counting on you

to keep up a strong
front with the clients.

When I get back, I've got to
have their full confidence.

I understand, Bruce.

Take care.

Dr. Weston, 4-7-9-2.

Dr. Weston, 4-7-9-2.

How is he?


He should be.

Don't you have
a phone call to make?

John Lane, please.

It's Amanda Woodward
from D D Advertising.

Hi, John. It's Amanda.

Yes. I'm at the hospital now.

I wish I had better news,

but Bruce isn't recovering
as quickly as we hoped.

As one of our biggest clients,

I thought you should know

that Bruce suffered
a heart attack.

He'll recover, but frankly,
after something like this,

he'll never be the same.

I'm calling to assure you

that your campaign
will proceed on schedule.

I'll be taking over
your account.

Thank you, John.

I appreciate that
vote of confidence.


Yes, and how can I help you?

I'll have another one of these.

Just pour the damn drink, pal.

I don't need your permission.

Hi, beautiful.

What's the emergency?

Oh. God, it was awful.

I was awful.

I didn't even
make it to the stand.

From the moment I walked in,

everybody was judging me... Jo,

her lawyer, Jake. Everyone.

I'm sure Jo had more on her side

than just your testimony.

Doesn't matter now.
She'll never forgive me.

I lost my best friend.

By my count, you
haven't lost anything

because real friends don't judge

every move you make.

You hardly know me,
and you're so supportive.

Well, I know what I like.

I know a good thing.

What else is there?

All rise.

Please be seated.

The court is now in session.

This is a good sign.

An early verdict means the
judge knows his case law.

I'm prepared with a verdict

in the case
of "Carter vs. Reynolds."

I wish there was more I could do

to keep the Carters
and Ms. Reynolds together.

I believe it is best
for this baby

to know all sides
of his or her family

in an open, loving relationship.

But it is unlikely
that these parties

can agree on a mutual
custody situation.

I must base my decision

on the best interest
of the child.

Sole custody of baby Reynolds

is awarded to
Mr. and Mrs. Carter.


No! No!

No, I won't let you
have my baby!

I won't let you!
No, Jake, let go.

I won't let you steal my baby!


You can't have my baby!

♪ ♪
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