01x15 - Love is Difficult

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Brothers & Sisters". Aired: September 24, 2006 –; May 8, 2011.*
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Mother Nora is the glue that holds the dysfunctional Walker clan together as family members face a variety of challenges.
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01x15 - Love is Difficult

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Brothers and Sisters:

- I slept with McCallister.
- So how was he?

What kind of guys do you go for?
Come on, Chad. What's his type?

- I thought things were better.
- They are.

Then why did I feel like the other woman
when I walked in here?

There is no one else
that I'd rather be with.

Your father was going to buy the winery.

He d*ed before he could
give you the vineyard.

He wanted you to run it.

Dad, he had another kid.
With Holly. Her name's Rebecca.

Did you sleep with him?
I want to know.

You don't, actually.

I think the investment is right
and I think it's what Dad wanted.

I'm voting with Holly.

- Joe?
- What?

- Did you?
- It was great.

It's fine.

But Joe you didn't, did you?

It's fine, Sarah.

Something's been
happening in bed.

Lately I haven't been able to let go.

I get a wave of...

So I'm about to...

...let go and something blocks it.

Blocks it?

Do you think you maybe you're thinking
about someone else?

Like you don't really want
to be there with me.

That's not true. I get tired,
thinking of the kids and teaching and...

When we're making love, I don't think
you're thinking about teaching.

Just say it then.

It's Jessica's mom.

You can't let go with me because you're
thinking about her and you feel guilty.

- Vanessa?
- The mother of Paige's friend.

Sarah's convinced I have a thing for her
which is not true.

I think that
this "withholding" thing began

when you became friends with her.

Teaching her how to play
Proud Mary or whatever it was.

- Our kids have play dates.
- Yeah, our kids, Joe, not us!

We don't get to play.

We have to stop now.

Would you like to have
another session this week?

I think it would be productive.

How about Thursday at : ?

- Um... Just...
- That's good.

- : ... : ?
- : .

OK, : it is.

the San Jose Mercury News

wants an interview
about strategic alliances

between Silicon Valley
and Asian markets.

Who's it with?

Who's it with?
It's with Bruce Newman, senator.

He hates me.
In his last editorial he said

I wasn't as smart as Hillary Clinton,
but I was prettier.

- Do you want me to cancel it?
- Schedule it over the phone.

Maybe he'll hear my ideas better if
he's not getting lost in my blue eyes.

And by the way, stop calling me
"senator" every five seconds.

It's oddly disconcerting.

Well, it seems that the whole world
knows about us.

People magazine ran a photograph,

Page Six has a paragraph about us.

I'm expecting a call from the
Congressional Quarterly at any moment.

So I have to re-establish
my professional standing

with every single solitary person
in this office, senator.

- Kitty, nobody cares.
- Why is everybody looking at me

like I'm the biggest slattern
of the Pacific Rim?


You come off like a latter-day Kennedy.
Not that I'm angry about that.

This is the field office
of a senator from California,

not the lunch room at Malibu High.

They're all serious-minded
public servants

working to end poverty,
make education and health care better.

They're legislating. Governing.

We're making a better America.

Oh, my God.
You sound like a bumper sticker.

That's one of the slogans
we're working on for the campaign.

- "We're making a better America. "
- I think it's sub-moronic.

Noreen ran a field poll on it
and America agreed.

- It scored in the 's.
- America is sometimes wrong.

I think the Democrats
are already using that one.

Well, I better leave because
if I stay in here any longer,

everybody's going to assume
that we are going at it like weasels.

Kitty! No one in this office
is thinking about sex.

- Just you.
- Right.


Cute outfit, by the way.

With no other business,
thank God this meeting is adjourned.

I'm sorry, Holly.
I hope there are no hard feelings.

Hey, I lost this one. You won.
It's only business, right?

It wasn't the best time
to buy a vineyard.

Sorry you two were outyoted.

Tommy, thanks for voting with your gut.

This never should have come to a vote.
We should have settled this.

The board doesn't need
to see us divided.

Two of us voted with the family, Saul.

I didn't vote to buy the winery
as some cool rebellion against you.

I wanted to buy it
because it's a good deal.

Your opinion was not shared
by the board.

Kids, come on.
Let's move on.

Put this one to bed, OK?

Peace in our time.

I studied the numbers too, Tommy.

You seem to forget that I actually know
what I'm doing. That's why I'm here.


When you're blessed with a daughter
who graduated with honors

from the Wharton School of Business,

you hope for the day
when you might convince her

to share the benefit
of a rather expensive education.

So after begging her and cajoling her,

I finally convinced this wonderful,
beautiful, brilliant woman

to take a leave of absence

from her fancy corporate job
at North Light Coffee

and temporarily come
and help her old man out.

Dad, it's my pleasure.

Maybe my paintings
are in that other box upstairs.

Well, I'm not dragging any more boxes
out of the attic, Mom.

I just want an opinion before
I think about classes or art school.

Why is my opinion
of your artistic talent relevant?

Because you have a certain something
that your other siblings lack.

- An aesthetic.
- You mean, because I'm gay.


Oh. Here.

OK, now just tell me what you think.
God, I remember when I did this.

I was about , taking art classes.
I hadn't even met your dad yet.

I just thought I could do anything.
Just be an artist.

It's bad, all right.
I knew it.

I feel like I have so much to say.

Ooh. Look at this.

- What is it, Chad?
- Kevin, listen.

- I need to talk to you.
- I don't think so.

Just meet me, please.

I broke up with Michelle.
Come on, just meet me.

North Light Coffee.
Figueroa and Sixth, half an hour.

- Listen to this.
- I can't. I have to go, Mom.

No, listen to this.
It was a short story I was writing

then abandoned before your
father and I got married.

Short stories, painting.
Who knew you were so creative?

Just listen.
"She drove up the coast road crying.

Deep down she knew that love was a lie.

She had sold herself
so she wouldn't grow old alone.

A lie that would cost her everything. "

Wow, Mom. That's heavy.

I never finished it.
I guess I got too scared.

- See you later.
- Bye.

Something's happening to me.
I just keep thinking about you.

Look, that may be, but I can't
do this whole push and pull routine.

You know, it's so retrograde.

I'm not slinking back
into some closet for you.

- Politically it's...
- Forget closets, forget politics.

I was really happy
waking up next to you.

I don't know what it is.

You're an actor.
You're acting.

You're going after your goal.

They teach you this crap
in acting school.

I didn't go to school.
And I'm not that good an actor.

Just one date.

Hey, Noreen. Can I get a copy
of the new polling data?

Which poll are you talking about?

The ones where you tested
the new slogans.

Oh! That one. Yeah.

Why? Is there another one?

There's always another poll.
It's endless.

I have numbers
on the senator's tie color.

I want to see all the data that you get.
Can you CC me on everything?

These polling numbers
are giving me heartburn.

- Oh. Kitty. Hi.
- Hi, Gary.

What are those numbers?


Can I see?

Thank you.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You did a poll on me?

Hey there.

- How many pancakes do you need?
- Ten please.

Ten? You sure? That's all?

OK, let's bring you up front.

I'm sorry, but we're going
to have to wrap this up.

Sure. Just grab a spatula.
Start flipping.

No. See, I'm famously not good
in the kitchen.

We're not going anywhere
until everybody gets their pancakes.

All right, big fella.
Two for you. Next, please.

How about that? Huh?
How about that?

Not bad.
We got some decent press coverage.

Not to mention,
Kitty, that was fantastic.

You, the kids and the cooking
and everything.

Very warm, very warm.
I love that.

- OK, I'll get the car.
- So that's what this was all about.

Making me look cuddly
for public consumption?

- You're talking about that stupid poll?
- You did know about it.

Tell me that you didn't order it

or you will have
an assassination by spatula.

Look, of course I didn't order it.

It was a misguided attempt
by a well-meaning staffer

who wanted to assess the perception
of my strengths and liabilities.

It wasn't about your strengths
and liabilities. It was about mine.

And whether or not America is going to
approve of us as a couple.

It was a mistake.
It's been taken care of.

No, no. Please.
Just tell me who requested it.

- It was Noreen?
- What does it matter?

It was Noreen.
But the numbers are completely off.

- I promise you.
- Oh. Why? What were they?

You didn't read the poll?

No. I accidentally crumpled it up
into a tiny little ball.

Good. Let's keep it that way.

- You coming?
- Uh, uh... No. No, I'm going to...

You go ahead. I'll see you there.
I'm going to ride with Gary.

So you think I can bring my numbers up
with a few more of these events?

We're never going to get you
into positive range,

but maybe we can bump you up
out of the low 's.

The low 's? Wow.

Wow, I was in the low 's?

Low to mid.

Low to mid?

- Tommy.
- Hey, Saul. Listen,

- I need to ask you something.
- Anything. What is it?

You have a relationship with Holly
that nobody else does.


Find something out for me. I need
to know if she was telling the truth

about Dad buying the winery for me to
run or if she made the whole thing up

to, you know, get my vote.

She would never do anything like that.

But I want you to listen to me.

- You have to move on.
- No.

If my dad d*ed before he had a chance
to tell me he believed in me,

in my abilities, I need to know that.

Why would you even doubt that?

Don't you know... you are him?

- Am I?
- Yes.

So why did he take the company
from me, Saul?

Union's not going to stand
for these huge deductibles.

In case of catastrophic illness,
we'll pay the employee deductible

and still save percent.

Look at you two.

I can't tell you
how this warms my heart

to see the two of you
working together.

And how proud I am
to have two members of my family

who want to be a part
of what I've built here.

I'm very grateful.

Thanks, Daddy.

Tommy, you listen to your sister now.
She knows her stuff.

I know, Dad.

Well, I think I may have
talked her into making it permanent.

OK, you guys get back to work.
I'm going to go home,

hug your mother and tell her
what a great job she did with you two.

- Good night.
- Good night, Dad.

- Look, Tommy...
- It's OK.

I knew this was coming.

I wish you would've told me
this is what you wanted.

Nothing's been decided. It's, um...
You know, it wasn't planned.

It just kind of... fallen into place.

Look, I've spent years
learning this business.

In weeks you've turned me into
a junior partner.

- Oh, come on.
- It didn't happen by accident.

It didn't just fall into place.

Look, Tommy, all I've done
is come here and work hard.

If there was a plan, it was Dad's.
Not mine.

Maybe he's the one you should be mad at.

It was one
of those friendly divorces.

- Everyone was better off.
- How do you manage work

and bringing a kid up by yourself?

I have a good mom, a nanny, and I can
do graphic design from home, thank God.

- Well, that's good.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- Hi, Vanessa.

- Hey.
- Hi, hon. Tea?

Tea. No.

Sarah invited me
for a grown-up play date.

Cool. That's great.

The girls are upstairs drawing,
if you want to say hi.

Yeah. I'll check on the girls.

It felt like I was being sidelined.

That you were co-opting my friend
and spying on me.

No, I just... I wanted to get
to know her. To see what you...

- This woman, I have no interest in her.
- Sarah?

With all you've learned recently about
your father and his infidelities...

- It could have some bearing here, no?
- I don't know. Maybe.

I won't pay for William's crimes.

And I won't pay for the fact
that I am trying to have a career

and be a wife and mom. I dream of being
at home to watch those kids grow up.

Sarah, I don't blame you for working.

I choose to be the stay-at-home dad.

You have no idea
how small the day can be.

I mean, it's peanut butter sandwiches
and scrapes and picking them up,

and that's fine.

Don't begrudge me being hungry for
adult company in the midst of all that.

Oh, I'm not enough company for you?

You're looking for something.

- I'm not enough for you.
- Am I enough for you?

Honestly, am I enough?

God! This is just hell coming here.

This is just... hell.

Sarah, you don't really think
anything happened

between Joe and Vanessa.

No, but it's brought up some things from
my past I haven't come to terms with.

Sarah, tell me what's happening.


One of the reasons
that I left North Light so abruptly

was that there was this man there.


Nothing happened, but it could have.

There was a connection.

He had passions,
had made himself in the world.

I found myself looking forward
to seeing him.

Started to dress for it
and make myself...

Beautiful? Yeah.

Oh, God, we came so close.

It was like vertigo.

- And Joe? Does Joe know?
- No. No.

I never told him.

Now you're playing,
"What if you'd gone through with it?"

- Have you seen Noah again?
- No.

No, I don't think it's about Noah.

No, I don't think so, either.
It's about you and Joe.

There's this terrible
bruised silence between us.

Therapy is not helping.

I don't know what to do.

Tell him.

Sarah, tell Joe everything.

When I think about your father

and how much t*rture
he must have gone through,

holding those secrets so close
for so long.

Sarah, just tell Joe everything.

What would you have done
if he'd told you?


I'll never have the chance
to find out, will I?

Oh, my God.
Tommy, look at our baby.

I can't believe I saw our baby's face.
Can you do that again?

I'll try. He's being a little shy.

- He?
- Or she.

Because I definitely think
I saw a penis go by a minute ago.

Look, right there. What's that?

- That's a thumb.
- A big thumb.

In case you can't tell, doctor,
my husband wants a boy.

That is not true.
I would love a little girl.

Feet! Look at those
adorable little toes.

See right there?
That's definitely a penis!

No, that would be a foot.

Doc, I'm about eight years shy
of my medical degree,

but I'm pretty sure
that makes three feet.

Yep. And that right there
is the fourth one.

- Oh, my God.
- Twins?


- You OK with that?
- Yes!

Oh, my God. I get to be a dad twice.
What could be better than that?

Hey, do it again. I want to...

Hi. You left the dinner for
Concerned Women of America so quickly

you didn't get dessert,
so I brought you some.

Well, they were looking a little less
concerned at the end, so I snuck out.

- I hope I'm not coming by too late.
- No, no. Justin and Nora are out.


I have got to do that more often.

You may want to check
with your handlers first.

- You're still upset about that poll?
- Of course I'm still upset.

What I don't understand
is how come you're not.

- Because I don't care what it says.
- Well, that's not what I mean.

I'm talking about why the person
who did this still has a job.

- I told you not to look at that.
- Well, I don't do what I'm told.

Look right here.
I'm overbearing and I'm opinionated.

And another thing, aloof. That's big.
Apparently, I'm very aloof.

No, no. No, maybe you're just reacting
to my general "lack of warmth. "

Maybe it's just
my general appearance is wrong.

My hair is too blonde, my clothes
are too expensive or I'm just too thin!

- Are you done?
- No.

I want to know why
Noreen still has a job.

This has nothing to do with Noreen.

I give that a five.
Strongly disagree.

Listen, when this fever of thin-skinned
behavior's passed, we'll talk.


- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- I found Justin lurking at the door.
- I wasn't lurking.

- Why didn't you go in?
- Kitty was yelling at the senator.

It isn't any of our business.

I think this is a good time
to say good night.

No, really. You guys go ahead.
We'll get out of your way.

- Oh, look, a swan.
- Mom.

Nora, Kitty, good night.

- Good night.
- We'll talk tomorrow.

- You were yelling at him?
- Mm-hmm. You were right.

- It's none of your business.
- Of course.

I just hope it was
about funding for the arts.

- Justin, come on!
- Come here, quick.

Do you... do you think that I'm aloof?

- Yeah.
- What?

Are you going to eat this?

You're an elusive bastard,
aren't you, Dad?

Everybody gives me the same advice
when I say I miss you.

They say, "Talk to him. "
Like you'll answer.

I mean, lately I'd just like to ask you,
what the hell is going on?

You left so many plans unfinished.


I'm having kids.


A boy and a girl.

This is not the way I imagined
breaking that bit of news to you.

Truth is, I hope I'm smart enough
to give them the good bits you gave me.

I hope to God
I can spare them your other side.

So, what is this, Tommy?
You came here to spout off and leave?

There's nothing left to say, Dad!

You tell me to be patient.
To trust you.

And then you hand Sarah the business.
I mean, how blind are you?

Do you think that left me feeling OK?

I had no idea you were so jealous
about your sister.

You didn't?
I'm human, OK?

I thought I was doing
a good job for you!

I thought you trusted me.

What did I do wrong, Dad?
Please tell me! What did I do wrong?

You didn't do anything wrong.

Tommy, I've always had plans for you.

That's your mantra, isn't it?

- Well, what are they? Tell me!
- Nothing solid yet.

You just got to be patient.
When the time comes, I'll...

Where did you go?

I'm opening another bottle!

What are you going to do, Tommy?

Nothing, Dad. I'm...

...just going to go back to work. OK?

This is fun. Home on a Saturday night.
Just like the good old days.

You were never home on a Saturday night.

When I was grounded
and you didn't have a date.

Actually, we were home
a lot of Saturday nights.

- Mm. God, this is good.
- I think that's why Tyler likes me.

I made her one
and now she's my prisoner of love.

I can't believe you got Tyler back.
It's unbelievable.

You spend your whole life
being forgiven and making girls forget.

Don't worry. It's non-alcoholic.

And that's the point, right?
You sort of take new paths.

- It's the adult thing to do, I guess.
- Oh, God.

They did this poll, you know,
as if I were an issue.

Which I guess I'm probably am.

Like global warming
or, you know, his tan.

But it was really so demeaning
and so unsubstantial.

Do you know they actually said
I was overbearing?

Will you stop bitching, OK?

It was your dumb-ass choice
to go into politics.

You spent years writing about
other people. But now, you're in it.

It's not like watching anymore.
It's like w*r.

And what, exactly, is your point?

The senator is a soldier, right?
A good one, maybe even a great one.

He and everyone who works for him just
want the best intel for the mission.

And you know what?
You're a factor. Like, a big factor.

I liked you much better
when you were stupid.

You're stupid.

- You're stupider.
- You're the stupidest.

Oh! Look at you two.
It reminds me of when you were kids.

Would you listen to something
for my writing class?

I really just want
a very honest reaction.

Be careful, Mom. Justin is
in one of his truth-telling moods.

- I hate you.
- All right. Here we go.

"As she drove up the coast road,
she considered her options.

There was dr*gs or running away

or taking on a new identity
in one of those towns up the coast

where nobody would know her,

except it would have to be
very far up the coast

because Dora was so well known
on that coast. "


It's fiction.

Look at the two of you.
All right. All right.

- Here we go.
- Stop it.

"Dora sped into the night,
dreaming of freedom.

An impossible freedom and a new life. "

- A new life?
- It's good, Mom.

- It's really Dora.
- Thanks. Thanks, thanks.

This is for you.



"Letters to a Young Poet. "

Yeah. My mom has suddenly
taken up writing,

so I got her a copy.
Thought you might like one too.

Have you read it?

It's only my due-north, Kevin.

Love is difficult

For one human being
to love another human:

That is the most difficult
task that has been entrusted to us

The final test and proof

The work for which all other work
is merely preparation

Wow. And do you believe that?

That love is difficult?

I've never been good at it.

I mean, look at me and you.

Is it easy for you?

I would say
I basically screw it up. Yeah.

Or become wildly interested

in the chronically, hugely,

Like you, for instance.

Kevin, you really have no idea
how available I am.

You know, whatever journey I've been on,

I think at age

I've finally maybe found out

who I want to be
and where I want to go.

And who I want to go there with.

This is the greatest frigging
restaurant on Earth, isn't it?

- Hello?
- Kevin, it's Michelle.

Chad's Michelle?

Look, you should know this.

Oh, God. What?

- Why are you doing this?
- Because I like you, that's why.

He's done this before.
It's his thing.

He's going to get real close to you

and then he's going to be tortured

and he's going to find some girl...

...like me.

And you're never
going to speak to him again.


- He hurt you, didn't he?
- No.

I'll be fine.

It's you I'm worried about.

Joe, you've been very quiet.

Your wife has said she's almost
had an affair with another man.

Am I supposed to be relieved she didn't?

Or grateful or frightened?

I just...

When I saw you with Vanessa,
I thought you must have been feeling

what I had been feeling with Noah.

And if I did have feelings for Vanessa,

that would justify you
being angry at me all the time?

I don't know why she is so angry at me.

At who I am.

I was in a band, I was young,
I was living that life,

and I settled down.

And now the deal is changing on me.

I thought that was enough. Why?

That's a good question.


Because I want more.

We're too young
to be freezing each other out,

to not be having passionate sex,

to not have anything to talk about.

And I can't imagine
living the rest of my life like this.

We used to be something.

And I don't know what's happened.

I don't...

Can you tell me? Can you tell me?

Everybody used to be something, Sarah.

I already have one failed marriage
under my belt.

I'm doing the best that I can here.

Why the hell can't you help us?

You sit there doing nothing!
We're drowning!

I assumed you knew it was me
at the ranch that night.

No. I didn't want to know who it was.

It was easier to convince myself
it hadn't happened.

Your father asked me to go
with him to look at the winery.

He wanted to buy it for the two of you
to work there together,

but he was going to have
to go into too much debt.

It was too much of a risk and he was
afraid that he would lose everything.

Fail his family.

Broke his heart.

I told you all of this already, Tommy.

He wanted you to run the winery.


But now I believe you.

What's this?

The first poll they did
when I ran for Congress years ago.

- You're kidding.
- Mm-hmm

See? I was twice as aloof as you.

I totally kicked your ass in aloof.

"Off the charts and inexperienced.

Callow, a lightweight,
a lefty, a commie,

a right-wing hawk, a psycho,

a pretty boy, a playboy. "

A hair candidate?
What's that?

I don't know, but I won that election
with percent of the vote.

America doesn't know what it wants,
Kitty. That's what the poll is saying.

They don't even know me yet.
That's why I hired you.

To cut through the crap and tell them
who I am and what I stand for.

And trust me, you will never,
ever be a liability.

I hope not because I really like
doing that a lot.

Of course you do.
You're a strumpet.

- A slattern.
- Right. Sorry.

You have to go now.

Why? Because people will think
we're doing it like weasels?

Just go, go.
I have to get to work.

I've got to make Hair Boy
look presidential.

Senator Hair Boy.

You're going into business
with Holly Harper?

What are you thinking?
This is like a bad Tommy joke, right?

- Because I'm really not in the mood.
- Sit down.

I can't believe
you are thinking about this vineyard.

Just sit down.


Sarah, if I don't take a risk now,
I never will.

I mean, I'll just be another kid

whose dad built a great business
and who walked into it.

I need to fail or succeed at something
on my own terms before it's too late.

You have an obligation to Ojai.

I have an obligation to myself.

Our father created this great business,

but it doesn't mean we have to
be in lock-step caring for it

at the expense of our own dreams.

I mean, is that what it means
to be family?

Would you want that
for Cooper or Paige?

Listen, you're going to buy
all my interest in Ojai Foods.

We can't...

Holly and I are gonna take the proceeds
from the stock and buy Greendale Winery.

I will stay on as an employee,
but the company,

it's yours now.

And that's what's happening, OK?

- And you'll stay on here?
- Yeah.

If we can start operations here, sure.

I can't lose you, Tommy.

And I can't fight anymore.

Not with anyone.

- You OK?
- No.

But I don't want to talk about it.

I think you're crazy
to go into business with her.

But I'll watch your back.

And I'll drink your wine,
probably all of it.

And one more thing. Tell her this.

You can tell her that if she screws
with you I will k*ll her.

I swear to God, I will.

- That's what I'm counting on.
- Come here.

Could we talk before I go back to work?

I've just had enough talk.

In fact, I've had enough therapy.

I knew something was up with Noah.

I'm not going back there anymore.

I promise I won't let you down.

We are going to make
beautiful wine together, Tommy.

So we have a deal.

Is it all right if I just
jump up and down a little?

I think that's allowed.

Your father would be so proud of you!
He's here with us. He's watching us.

I know it.

- I should go.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

No, no. It's fine.
It's fine.

I'll see you at the office tomorrow.

It's me!
The key's under the mat.

Oh, no.

The prodigal daughter returns.
A day early.

Rebecca, I thought
you were coming tomorrow?

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah, I got a ride.

I thought it would be a nice surprise.

Oh, it's a wonderful surprise.

I get the feeling
maybe my timing's a little off.

- I'm interrupting something.
- No. This is Tom Walker.


You're a little young for my mom.

- Rebecca.
- We're business associates.

Oh, of course.

- I should go.
- Yeah.

- It was nice to meet you, Rebecca.
- Nice to meet you.

My God, Mom. He's so cute!

Five calls to you unanswered.

- What did I do?
- I got a call and it wigged me out.

- Oh, God. Michelle.
- Yeah.

I thought she might.
She's just...

You'll forgive me
if I'm a little freaked.

Is this gonna be like Fatal Attraction?

- Can I please just come in?
- No.

How many Michelles have there been?

- How many Kevins?
- Yeah. We know I have a history.

- I can't change that.
- Yeah. What a club.

Men and women who lose
their minds around you

and behave like helpless morons.

You're built to seduce and run, Chad.
You can't help it.

I feel like whatever I say, you're
just gonna say I'm an actor acting.

What do I have to do to prove that
I'm trying to be in good faith with you?

Look, Hamlet. I'm prepping a case, OK?
You can't distract me.

I won't talk.

I have lines to learn for tomorrow.

I save Baltimore.

So, what's your case about?

What they're all about,
lies and broken promises.

I hate you.

Come in.

Thank you.

Hey, everybody,
we have an announcement. Julia?

OK. Well, here it goes.

We're adding two new Walkers
to the lineup.

- No way!
- That's fantastic!

Oh, my goodness.

We don't have any other twins
in the family!

OK, OK! Names, names, names!
We have to do names.

- We need both kinds.
- A boy and girl?


I'm so happy! Yes!

Does anyone think it's too early
for another William?

Well, the world could always use
another William Walker.

"She knew that the future was
unpredictable and could be as dangerous

as the fires that sprang up
in the canyons near her home.

Suburbs were no longer safe
and illusions were shattered. "

I know it's bad,
but I'm compelled.

- What are you talking about?
- It's good. Just keep going.

All right. Here I go.

"And so Dora decided she could no
longer attempt to control the climate,

the skies, the stars,
the tides, and the seas.

Through magic and prayer,
she would just breathe.

Dora took a deep breath
and did just that. "

Why can't you say anything?

One thing to make this feel better?

There are no shortcuts, Sarah.
In life or in love.

This pain must be felt.

The alternative is much worse.

It's what makes us special,

what makes us beautiful,
what makes us worthy.

The pain of how we love.

But that pain is accompanied
by something else, isn't it?


With your pain, there is hope.

And that is where you are.

Somewhere between agony
and optimism and prayer.

So you're human.

You're alive.

And that is what we have.

Come back tomorrow. We'll go on.

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