04x23 - Run, Billy, Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x23 - Run, Billy, Run

Post by bunniefuu »

Hold it right there.

I am the receptionist,

and I have to announce

even if I hate them.

Sydney, if you
have a problem,

why don't you just
come right out with it?

Why would there
be a problem?

Just because you knew
that Michael was the man

of my dreams and you
deliberately pitted him
against me so you could

muscle me out of the
relationship and you
into the beach house?

Michael never saw you as
anything but a diversion.

That is not true.

He loved me before you
made me open up to you

so you could use
whatever you found out
against me.

You're a very sick girl.

You are going to
find out just exactly
how sick I can be.

Honey, you gotta
fire that girl.

Who, Syd? Why?
I have no reason to.

Maybe not.

But you might gain
something if you did.


Like me, happy and grateful.

Well, Kimberly,
it's just not possible.

She's a great
receptionist, the
patients love her.

Perhaps you need
a visual aid.

Whoa, Kimberly.

I promise I will

definitely make this
worth your while.

Oh, no, no, no,
please, not here.

Not in the office.

Definitely here...
and definitely...now.

Now, right now.

Ooh! That girl
is so fired.


♪ Everybody needs
a little confusion ♪

♪ It gives you time to know
what you really need ♪

♪ I can't hear you,
say it again ♪

♪ I can't hear you,
say it again ♪

♪ Oh, oh, it's a mad, mad
world that's turning ♪

♪ Oh, oh, it's a mad, mad world
in love, in love, in love ♪

♪ Broken hearts can say,
they can do anything ♪

♪ Oh, oh, it's a mad, mad world
in love, in love, in love ♪

Good morning.

Oh, did you sprint over
here to carry my books

or is there something
on your mind?

No, I'm re-pitching
the Madge and Mabel
Ice Cream account.

So you can fail
miserably a second time?

Last time I was saddled
with Brooke.

This time I'm going
to use Alison.

All right?
Pitch the principals.

You'll see
a different person.

And this isn't about
you wanting to jumpstart

your relationship
with Alison again?

No, Alison's the best
person for the job.

I'll think about it.

Think about it now.

Well, first it's Lindy
Toys and now this.

Guess there's
no keeping you down.

Fair warning-- going
downhill isn't pretty.

So if you're in this for
the long haul, take it easy.

Do I pitch or not?

Knock yourself out.

Hey, so we are re-pitching
the Madge and Mabel Ice Cream.

Amanda just signed off on it.

Whatever happened to
the courtesy of asking?

You know, Billy, it seems
to me that you're either

on advertising steroids
or you're avoiding your
feelings about Brooke.

It's a friend.

I think you should
talk to someone.

I'm talking to you.

I should see a shrink
because I'm focusing
on my career?

If you really want
to be a friend,

then help me
get the account.

I don't know.

You begged to
be swamped with work
after Hilly died.

Don't make me beg,
just help me.

All right.

But I'm not sure if I
like this new confidence.

I think it's more
like arrogance.

You love it.

Jane, come on, it's me.

What do you want?

Uh, a lot of things.

Ooh, a security system
like you.

This is very impressive.

Yeah, well, you can never
be too careful.

You never know who's
collaborating with the enemy.

May I come in?

Uh, you're in.
Oh, wait, let me guess.

I know we're at w*r,
Jane, but there's plenty
of room for both of us.

No, I came here to
offer you a deal.


I'm being interviewed
by "Fashion News"

and I heard
that you were, too.

I won't hassle
you about scheduling
your fashion show

the day before mine,
if you don't do

a hatchet job on me
in the interview.

Oh, so what you have
in mind-- I keep quiet
and you humiliate me?

No. You keep quiet
and I give you
the same respect.

Is it a deal?

I'll have to think about it.

Fair enough.

Take care of yourself.



You rushed out
of the house this morning,

you haven't returned
any of my calls.

I saw you rifling through
my briefcase last night,

so I figured I'd do
some spying on my own.

Last year you were charged
with attempted m*rder,

you spent 3 days in jail,

they released you with
a slap on the wrist

and 2,000 hours
of community clinic service.

All true.

What would you prefer?

Hi, I'm Peter Burns,
a fugitive from
a free clinic?

No, no, no.

Because that's peanuts
compared to the best part.

You treated Jack
Parezi in a hospital

and then you were possibly
complicit in his death.

Hear my plea, Counselor.


As a newborn.

All right.

Assuming that's true,

what the hell is going on
between you and the Parezis?

I'm waiting!

Bobby's old man,
Vince Parezi,

he ruined my
father's business--

He left him penniless.

My father
k*lled himself.

Well, that's quite a story.

I don't have to sell
you on how my family
was destroyed.

I've got years
of emotional scars
to prove it.

All right, I'm sorry.

Now I want
an eye for an eye.

Actually, I'd settle
for financial ruin,

if I could throw in
a little humiliation.

So the first thing you do
is you start sleeping

with Bobby Parezi's lawyer
to get information?

I admit I thought
about it at first...

until I fell
in love with you.

You certainly pick your moments.

I think the response is,
"I love you, too."

I do.

I really do.

Not interested.

You know, I work
my butt off all day,

the least I deserve
is a receptionist

that could order
my damn lunch correctly.

What's wrong with it?

This lo mein.
It has peas in it.

I hate peas.

And you were 10 minutes
late this morning.

I can't live like
this, you're fired.

Oh, cut it out,
I'm having a bad day.

Obviously, I didn't
make myself clear.

You are fired, ousted,
terminated, and dismissed.

And now you can leave.

Wait a minute, I was
10 minutes late this morning

because I was going
to the bank for you.

And you can't fire me,
not without Peter's consent.

Wrong. This partnership
has no by-laws.

Either one of us can fire you
without the other's consent.

Bye, Syd.

Oh, no.
No way is this good-bye.

Unless you're referring
to life as you know it.



All right, which one
of you is Peter Burns?

Will you get out of
my sterile field?

I understand this is a bad
time for you, Doctor,

but Michael fired me
today and you have been
in surgery for 10 hours.


Peter, he fired me because
his lo mein had peas in it.

Dr. Wilson, will you
take over, please?

Go, go!


If my partner decided to fire
you, well, then I'm delighted.

For a receptionist,
you're nothing but trouble.

You can't mean that.

Sydney, you take way
too much care and feeding.

Now get out of here.


Fine, go back to
your needlepoint.

But I assure you,
if I lose my job,

you'll be coming
to me to pimp you
out for work.

Matt, you got
a minute?

Actually, no.

I got hung up with a patient
and I'm late for class.

Ok, here it is.

There's a bowling party

a group of people from
the hospital, I'd love
for you to come.

Look, I thought I made
it pretty clear to you,
I'm seeing someone.

I was asking
as a friend.

Come on, Matt,
we work together.

I took your old job.

Just because you're
in a relationship,

that doesn't mean you
have to cut yourself off
from the world.

You know what?
You're right.
I am sorry.

It's a great offer,
but I'm busy tomorrow night
and I gotta go.

No problem.

Oh, excuse me.

Kimberly, Kimberly!

I pulled it off.

I fired Sydney.

Can you believe it?

Busy day, you fired
your receptionist and
divorced your wife.


Divorce papers, Michael.

A coming home
present waiting for
me in our mailbox.


You're speechless,
what a treat.

Kimberly. Ah, come on,
Kimberly, give me a break.

I filed those when you
were in the nut house.

Look, everything
is different now.

Look, look, we just
won't sign them, see?

Gone. Nothing
to worry about.

[sighs] Michael, it's
not just the papers.

We skipped
a few steps, you know?

Like trust.

You want trust?

I asked you to move
back in with me.

I fired Sydney.
What else do you want?

I want a normal relationship,

not something
undermined by ghosts

of the old Michael
showing up in the mailbox.

I lost my chance
at a normal life once

because of you,
and I am terrified

of the old Michael coming
back and me losing it again.

Listen to me,
he's not coming back.

We're both different people.

I need some
time to think.

I'm going to
sleep here tonight.

Kimberly, please.

Don't, okay? Don't.

All right.

You have this power over
me and I feel like I've
been conned into this.

I just-- I want
to make sure that
this relationship

is something I want and
I want to feel safe.

You look good
behind my desk.

What was so urgent?

I'm starting a board of
directors at my company.

I want you to be
the first member.

I want you to have
a vested interest
in the company.

Because if I do well,
we do well together.

And if we go down,
we go down together.

I won't let that happen.

I don't know what to say.

Try yes.


I'll be on your board.


Now stay here.

Don't move until you've
looked over everything.

I'm going to make
some coffee.

Like I can do this
without a calculator.

Jane took out
a loan from Bobby?

That was the best lunch
hour I have ever had.

I would have to agree
with you on that.

Oh, God.

What is this?

Oh, I'm so disorganized.

Okay, okay, okay.

Where are you going?

Back to work.

[knock on door]


I was looking for Jane.

Come on in.

Jane is, uh...

Right here.

Hi, Jo.

Hi. Oh, I just wanted to
drop off these proofs.

I took photos of
all your mannequins

so you'd have a record
for your inventory.


Thanks. I really
appreciate it.

No problem.

We can go
over them later.


See ya.

You have my prints?

No, I just
have the sheets.

I told you to print them.

What the hell have
you been doing?

I have been lining up

and photo labs
for your fashion show.

I'll print them first
thing in the morning.

Anything else you need?

Yes, better designers
or a muse.

I can't find anything
to set the tone for the show.

Are you hungry?


[knock on door]
Come in.

Hi, Stephanie.

Jo. Richard.

Stephanie's going to be
sewing from the sketches.

Yeah, I heard.
I hope you
have coffee.

I'm going to start
mainlining soon.

All the designs are right here.

Good luck.
Good luck.


Now we're talking.

You know who we are?

Yeah. Yeah, we sure do.

You're Madge and you're
Mabel, the ice cream queens.

Kid's on the ball.

I'm Billy Campbell.
This is Alison Parker.

All right.

Who's going to do the talking?

I am.

Well, that makes you
either brave or stupid.

All right,
make it memorable.

Can't remember it,
ain't gonna buy it.

Well, go on!


It's dawn in the country,

the rooster's crowing,

butter churning,
ladies putting apple
pies out to cool.

We see a farmhand walking
toward a pickup truck,

a gallon of ice cream
in each hand.

He gingerly places
the ice cream

into the wooden refrigerator

on top of his truck
and as he drives off...

A full screen logo and
voiceover announces:

"Madge and Mabel's
ice cream, the taste
of country freshness."

We've seen that
5 million times.

And we knew you were
going to say that,

because you're right,
it isn't new.

You are cantankerous
as hell.

The two of you haven't
stopped bickering since
you walked in here.

And your approach to
your product is so far

removed from
what the public buys,
it's not even funny.


You want a kick butt

You got to bring you
and your product
into the nineties.

All right?

Now picture
the two of you,

only a lot tougher
and a lot wilder.

And you're both wearing
black leather jackets,

you're smoking
a couple of stogies,

and you're sitting
on 2 of the biggest,

baddest motorcycles
you've ever seen.

And just as you
burn rubber out
onto the dirt road,

the hippest male voice
around that says...

"Madge and Mabel,

definitely not your
grandmother's ice cream."

Wow. You got guts, kid.

That is
a kick butt campaign.

And if you increase
your ad budget,

I'll even
go shopping with you

to buy
the jackets myself.

Draw it up,
we'll be in touch.

Did-- did you
just set me up?

Yeah. I did.

But I didn't set out to.

I just had an inspiration
and I went with it.

But they bought it and
that's the bottom line.

Whatever works.


[knock on door]


Listen, I can't
find my sketch pad.

You know,
the one I said

was the inspiration
for my new line.

Well, you'll find it.

Did you take it with
you this afternoon?

Well, I thought
I checked everything
and now I can't find it.

Did you check your apartment?

Yes, and my car
and the garage.

Hey, what about this?

No, but if
you found those,

maybe they're under
something in the garage.

You know,
I'm going to go look.

Hey, honey, can
it wait until tomorrow?

What you need now
is a little attention.

I think I can.


Yeah! Ha ha ha!




Alan had a late rehearsal,
he canceled on me.

So your invitation
still stand?

You bet.

You know what, I used
to hang out with these
people all the time.

They must have
thought I fell off
the face of the earth.

Well, you're here.

People do things
when they're ready.

You know what?
Thanks, I needed this.

Thanks for being
a friend.


This should be
a daily requirement.

Oh, but it is in this little
country called Russia.

Mmm, mmm.

I looked into
what you told me

about Senator Wilcox
and he does have

jurisdiction in
the cable industry.

That's my girl.

Ah. Don't get
condescending with me.

Especially since
I started phase one.

Phase one?


Oh, do tell.

Well, heh heh. I got
Bobby to sign some

blank checks and
then I predated them

and made them out
to Senator Wilcox.

Oh, your personal stock
just went up 10 points.

You gave us proof
that the so-called
legitimate Bobby Parezi

has been greasing the senator
for a cable license.



This is all about
your father, isn't it?

Yeah, but that's me.

Question... what's
in it for you?

I don't know.


A rider in the
cable contract.

In the event
of a breech, I have

the option to buy the
company, for example.

Not that you're
not enough.

This way we both win.

Your father must
have meant a lot

to you to want
this so badly.

I want other things more.

Thanks for coming over.

God, I remember the
exhilaration I felt

when the real estate
agent first showed
me this house,

how I imagined us
in it together

and how happy we'd be.

You still can.

Oh, I don't know, that
was a long time ago.

We were so innocent,
beautiful, with hope.

You know something?

I want to dedicate my life
to making you happy.

So, um...


Will you marry me, again?

No, a real wedding.

I want the whole world
to know we both changed.

I don't know, Michael.

I think it's
a little too soon
for all that fanfare.

I don't know.

I got everything I want
in my life... except you.

It took me
a while to grow up,

but you can help me
be the man I can be.

So please, please marry me?

All right, Michael.

I'll marry you...
all over again.

God help us both.

God help us both.

This is Bob, your
neighborhood process server.

I wanted to make
sure you guys didn't
try anything funny.

I mean, besides
marrying that nutcase.

This is Burns,
that's Mancini.

Wave your magic wand, Bob.

Mr. Burns, Mr. Mancini.

Read 'em and weep, boys.

I'm suing you
for sexual harassment.


All those little
jokes you told,

the inappropriate ways you
touched me, you pimped me.

You know, the courts
don't look very kindly

on that sort
of thing these days.

I'll see you in court.

Thanks, Bob.

I couldn't have
done it without you.

Another fine mess,

Congratulations, you got
the Madge and Mabel account.

I don't know what's gotten
into you, but I like it.

[telephone rings]


Woman: Mr. Kimbel, there's
a call for Miss Woodward.

It's for you.

Amanda Woodward.

Amanda, it's Peter.

Oh, well,
isn't this a surprise?

I've got an invitation
for you and Bobby.

Oh, don't tell me it's to
something really bizarre

like Michael and
Kimberly's re-wedding wedding.

No, it's to a cocktail
party tonight

at 7:00,
the Stratford Arms.

Sorry about
the late notice,

but I just wrangled
an invitation myself.

Don't be coy.
Whose party is it?

It's a fundraiser
for Senator Wilcox.

Being as he's in
charge of the entire
cable industry,

this is exactly the kind
of club Bobby would want
to be a member of.

So seeing as
you've become such
a good friend of his,

I hope to see him there
tonight as a friend.

How thoughtful of you.

Well, when you're happy,
you're more inclined
to be magnanimous.

I take it Alicia
deserves all the credit.

She must be quite a woman.

She is.

Then again she
isn't you, is she?

I'll see you tonight.

More coffee?

No thanks,
I still have some.

Ahh. So, um...
who called so early?


No. Kimberly.

She and Michael are going
to renew their vows.

Wedding on the beach,
the whole works,
what do you think?

About what?

About being my date.

Sure you won't want
to take somebody else?

Where the hell
did that come from?

Last night
I got your message.

I got done early
and I felt guilty

about canceling last
minute so I went down
to the bowling alley

and I saw you and David
all over each other.

I didn't see you there.

You saw us together
and then you left?


Well, if you had stuck
around, you would have

seen there was
just a friendly hug,
nothing more.

Well, that's not what
it looked like from my end.

And if you think there's
nothing more to it, Matt,

then you're kidding yourself.

About what?
What, my feelings?

You know,
what about you?

You know, you're
constantly talking
about Valerie.

What, is she a cover
for some man?

No, I'm sorry.
No, I'm hating
this conversation.

I'd like it to
end well, but I'm going
to be late for rounds.

You see, you're always
leave for rounds,

but you always seem
to have enough time
to see your friend, David.

You know what?
This is childish.

You know, you have
problems even being seen

with me because
of your career.

You know, I can't
talk about this.

[door slams]

Jake, come here, it's the tape
of Richard's interview.

Mmm, God help Richard
if he trashes me.

Jane Mancini is a very
gifted and dedicated

designer and I'm grateful
for having worked with her.


Those are my designs.

There on the mannequins
behind Richard.

That's why I couldn't
find my sketchpad,
Richard stole it.

Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.

Those are my designs.

Richard only designs
in 3 colors-- beige,
navy, and black.

Well, there must be
some kind of mistake or
some kind of explanation.

The guy genuinely
seemed to want a truce.

Yeah, that's because he
knows I'll accuse him

of being a liar
and a thief on national

When the fashion show's over,

I thought we'd go away
for a long weekend.

Great. I love the idea of
you finally getting away.

How dare you steal my designs.

Anything that
I didn't design myself,
someone else here did.

You just can't stand
there's talent in L.A.

And I found it.

Oh, that is bull
and you know it.

Banner day, huh, Jo?

Not only did you steal
my sketchpad at Jake's,

you back it up
with photographs.

That is not true.

You come over saying
that you want to help me.

I can't believe
I fell for this crap.

What the hell
is she talking about?

Oh, please,
like you don't know.

I photographed
her line as a favor.

She thinks
I did it for you.

I'm not even
going to dignify
that with a response.

How could you do that?

Nice touch, but
it's not going to work.

You're a liar and...
a thief!

Stop it!

You want to play
hardball, Richard?

Well, I'm in the
game all the way.

Did you steal
my negatives?

Why, because it occurred
to me out of the blue

that you went behind my back
and helped out the enemy?

I had a crisis of conscience

after you stole the
Marshall account from her.

Oh, so you figured
that I'd just follow suit
by stealing her designs?

Did you?

If our designs
are identical to hers,
it's purely coincidence.

a big coincidence.

Well, I certainly
didn't take them.

So if you want
to play detective

and prove me wrong,
go right ahead.


You know, I was looking
for a calculator

in your office the other day
and I found something.

That sounds mysterious.

Jake Hanson's loan document.

This is something
Jack would have done,
but why would you do it?

Because you wanted to get
something on my ex-boyfriend?

Well, you don't
have to believe me.

I'm willing to help anybody
that's trying to go legit

because nobody ever lifted
a finger to help me.

I was hoping you'd
say something like that.

[clears throat]

Can I borrow your date?

I'd like him
to meet the senator.

Oh, handle him with care.

Come on.

Say, hi to
the wife, will you?


My name is Peter Burns.

I'm a surgeon
at Wilshire Memorial.

I've been a big
supporter of yours.

How do you do?

Senator, Bobby Parezi.

Welcome to L.A. and thank
you for supporting my cause.

Great to meet you.

You've outdone yourself.

I want you to send the
photos and negatives to me.

Okay. Thanks.

Congratulations, Counselor.

Very smooth.

Thank you, Doctor.

All right, spill it.
Why are you here?

Sydney, I came to say
that I was wrong

in asking Michael
to fire you.

Oh, my God,
you mean it was you?

It was an error
in judgment

and maybe even a little
bit of jealousy.

Are you sure you wouldn't
like to lie on the couch?

Sydney, please don't punish
them for something I did.

Yes, that would be terribly
unfair, wouldn't it?

I am so glad
that you agree.

And you know what?

Not only can you have
your old job back,

but I would like you
to be my maid of honor.

A very solid effort,

Excellent eye contact.


Sydney, you and I both know how
it feels not to be forgiven.

I'm asking you
to look into your heart--

Kimberly, seeing
as you're the one

to blame
for all of this.

The woman who stole
my cushy life

and everything that
matters to me,

I think I'll take
them for all they're
worth and credit you.

You know, you really
should consider public
speaking lessons,

Kimberly, especially in
the sincerity department.

Fool me once, shame on me.

Try and fool me twice...
it's definitely w*r.

[knock on door]


I, uh...

I need you to
sign this card for
Madge and Mabel.

I got them their
leather jackets.

Sign this card?

Just like that, like
nothing ever happened?

No, something definitely
did happen.

We won the account
of the year, together.

I couldn't have done
it without you.

Well, only because you used
my idea to sell yours.

You knew Madge and Mabel well
enough to know who was who.

What else did you know?

Did you also know that
they would hate the pitch

that you told me to give?

I went on gut instinct.

They bought us and
the agency because

we told them how
and what to think.

You used me.

No, I focused, just like
I'm focusing right now

on what you're thinking.

He's not the same guy
that he used to be.

This is unfamiliar territory.

It's scary.

It's dangerous and
you just don't know how
you feel about it.

Billy. Stop it.


That's not what you want.

No, the danger excites you.

Yep, it does.
It excites you.

When I walk in the room,
your heart starts beating fast.

You're trembling right
now and there's not a damn
thing you can do about it.

Michael, I agree
with our lawyer.

Give Sydney something
or we'll be making our plea
from a courtroom.

Ok, let's give her 10%.

10% is fine.

Plus voting rights
in the partnership.

Compliments of Kimberly
underestimating my
intelligence again.

Oh, and I'm also
the new office manager.

You want
to buy something,
I can veto it.

Kimberly wants to
Join the partnership,
I can veto that, too.

Do you dig?

Uh, yeah, we dig.

Of course you do.

It's a good
thing your wife is
so understanding

because you are going to
have to work, work, work

to keep those
coffers filled.

I want my 10% to be
worth something.

You better hurry.

Come on, come on, come on.

Oh, no, please.

Please. Meet your fiance's
new office manager.

Unfirable by wives.


When they've got
you by the shorts,

the hearts and minds
soon follow.

By the way, I would love
to be your maid of honor.

I even brought
my own bouquet.

Shall we go?

I didn't think you
were going to make it.

I know, I'm sorry I'm late,
but Gloria called me...

Look, I'm sorry
about the other night.

Look, I am, too.

I was just hanging out
with a bunch of old friends

I hadn't seen in a long time

and I guess I just
wanted you to be there
to share it with me.

So what did Gloria want?

Oh, Valerie and I are
getting married.

On the show?

No, in real life.

Oh, come on, man.

It's for public

[wedding march playing]

We are gathered here today
to witness the union

of 2 people
in holy matrimony who
are already married,

but who feel such love
towards one another

that they want
to renew their vows.

Do you, Kimberly Shaw,
take Michael Mancini

as your lawfully wedded
husband again?

I do.

Do you, Michael Mancini,

take Kimberly Shaw as your
lawfully wedded wife again?

I do.

And now, please place the
rings on each other's hands,

symbolizing the new
growth and hope of your
newborn marriage.

And I now pronounce
you husband and wife.



Richard, wait.

Whatever it is, I don't
want to discuss it.

I just want to forget
the whole day ever
happened, okay?

I found these in the trash.

Well, that's what we do
with raw sketches when
we're threw with them.

You know, we always
throw them away.

Well, these are the designs
that Jane claims are hers.

I was thinking
that maybe when I was at Jake's,

I picked them up by accident.

I need to know.
Did you draw these?

I told you before
that I didn't steal
anything from Jane.

I drew those myself.
They're mine.

But you still don't
believe me?

That says a hell
of a lot, doesn't it?

I believe you, all right?

I mean, you can't
fault me for asking.

I'm sorry, you know,
I've just been getting

it from all sides lately

and I just can't
handle getting it
from you, too.

Listen, what do you say we both
forget today ever happened?

[laughter and chatter]

Can I talk to you
for a second?

All right. Over here.

Hey, listen up!

I, uh...

In front of all my friends

I just want to say
that I am asking

Alison Parker
to move in with me.

[cheering and applause]

What do you think, huh?
Win-win situation?

Colleagues by day,
lovers by night?

All right, we'll stimulate
each other, we're a team.

There's no stopping us.

Billy, you're drunk
and I am not one
of your clients.

You can't just sell me
like you did with
Madge and Mabel.

Ok, how about this?

I love you.

Will you move in with me?

Hey, everybody.
It's bouquet time.


Is everybody ready?

One, two, three!

[cheering and applause]

For you?

I'll take that as a yes.
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