04x26 - Triumph of the Bill

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x26 - Triumph of the Bill

Post by bunniefuu »


I got your message.
What happened?

Bobby and Peter,
they got in a fight.

Over you,
I'm sure.

Well, Bobby was pushing
to get back together.

When I refused, he got
hostile and out of control.

The one common trait

of all the men
in your life.

Psst, psst!

Come on.

Hey, hey--

It's about time.
I need a favor.

From what I hear,
you need a lawyer.

Crippled by a Parezi?
We're talking million-dollar


I need you
to get rid of Amanda
and Alycia for me.

Just tell them
I'm tied up in x-ray
or something.

Oh, the old
two girlfriend shuffle.

I danced that step
myself a few times.

You know,
the best conversations
are the ones you avoid.

Just make them
go away. Okay?

[door opens]

Dr. Burns,
I'll need your statement.

You brought
in the cops?

Just to make sure
that Parezi gets
what he deserves.

We can talk
over here.

Excuse me, ladies.

I just spoke with Peter.

He's doing fine
under the circumstances,

which, by the way, were?

None of
your business.
How is he?

Sprain, mild concussion.

Oh, thank God
it's nothing serious.

I'd like to see him.

So would I.

I'm sorry,
he's in x-ray right now.

And it could take a while.

You two should
just go on home.

And then I'll have him
call you in the morning.

I think I'll stay.

Me, too.

If you see him,
tell him

both concerned.

Peter's own private harem.

I don't know if
that makes him cursed

or unbelievably lucky.
Excuse me.

Well, Bobby,
you're off the hook.

The nurse said it's
only a sprained wrist

and a mild

Syd, the man's a surgeon.

I could have
ruined his career.

Oh, no. Where are
you going-- wait!

The hospital.

Bobby, throwing Peter
over the railing
was stupid.

Don't go and do
something stupider.

Out of my way, Syd.
I'm touched by the concern,

even though it makes
absolutely no sense at all.

I care, all right?
Is that a crime?

Lady, I don't even know
why the hell you're here

much less
why the hell you care.

Because I know
what it's like

to be trampled
by that bunch,

Peter, Amanda, and
the courtyard crew.

You look around
one day and realize

that they're the only
friends you've got.

And that's when
you're in real trouble.

You need a real
friend, Bobby.

I like you.
I understand you.

And yeah,
I care, all right?

Listen, don't go and do
anything crazy.

Hold it right there.

Robert Parezi,

we have a warrant
for your arrest.

Dr. Peter Burns.

Leave him alone.
It was an accident.

You don't have
to do that.

Just stay out of it, Syd.
I mean it.

♪ ♪

♪ [theme music]

♪ [pop song plays]

♪ It's on the tip
of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip--
what's my name? ♪

♪ It's on the tip
of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ Think hard, think fast ♪

♪ If you want
the love to last ♪

♪ ♪

♪ What's my name? ♪

♪ It's on the tip
of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

♪ It's on the tip,
the tip of my tongue ♪

[door opens]

Good morning.
Good morning.

Can I get
you some breakfast?

Sorry, no time.

I have to be back
at the office by 11:00.

Peter sprained his wrist.

So I'm covering
his scheduled surgeries.

So you just
came home to change?

Why, should I be
expecting something else?

Didn't think so,

after that fiasco
last night.

You know, it's funny,
I always thought

our sexual fantasy games
would include, say... me.

Michael, I'm sorry.

I don't know
what got into me.

I just sort of
lost it.

Yeah, putting it mildly.

It's just...

I don't know,
I, um...

I get into
this panic.

Because of me?

We've been through that.

Yeah, I know.
I thought so, too.

It's just, um...

No, so much has
happened all at once.

And, um...

I just get confused.

It's weird,
that's all.

Well, you know if
it's something else,
you can tell me?


I'm over it.

You sure?

Let me
prove it to you.

Here we go,
all up to date.

Whoa, Billy,
these are your accounts.

Were my accounts.
Since I landed

Midnight Sun Vodka
and Three-Point Shoes,

I don't have time
to handle little fish.

Oh, and I do?

I just doubled
your client list.

So you can
thank me when
your annual bonus

goes up 30%.

Oh, how nice, you're
doing this all for me.

There's no reason
why we can't

both profit
from my success.

Besides, you juggle
the needs of small clients
better than anybody.

And what's your specialty,
stealing big-ticket accounts

from unsuspecting

If you're talking
about Three-Point Shoes,

Amanda left
the door wide open.

Well, she didn't
expect to be blind-sided

by her own team.

I did it for
the company.

You did not, Billy!

You did it for you.

Now if you're gonna
be a cutthroat,

take the heat,
not the credit.

I don't got
time for this.

Well, take the time.
Billy, would you

listen to yourself?
It is so obvious
what's going on here.

You're not only
acting like Brooke,
you've become her.

You've taken
all that guilt

and made yourself into
the same monster she was.

Brooke was never
this successful.

You have the worst case
of denial I have ever seen.

If you have
any questions
about the accounts,

page me.


There you are.
Are you okay?

I heard about
Alan's wedding.

It's gotta be
a tough thing
to deal with.

Look, Alan made a choice.
It wasn't me.

So I made a choice, too.
To go on with my life.

Matt, you can't
just pretend Alan
never happened.

They're running video
of his honeymoon on all
the talk shows.

Good for Alan,
he'll love the publicity.

Damn it, Matt.
He is out there

having the time
of his life,

and you are alone
and miserable.

You cannot
stand there and pretend

that you're not angry.
Look, I am angry, okay?

But what am I supposed to do?
Alan's married.

Yeah, a bogus marriage
that you're letting him
get away with.

I tell ya,
the tabloids

would love
a story like this.

Outing is their
favorite hobby.

They'd pay a bundle.

Sell the story?
You know what,
I hope you're kidding.

He deserves it,
the way he's
treated you.

You know what, David,
you may not understand

why I still care
about him, but I do.

You know,
Al messed up my life some,

but in the process,
he created a much bigger

problem for himself.

Just trust me, David.
Alan will get

punishment enough
without my help.

You're late.

I was about
to leave.

Good news.

You're never going
to have to wait
for me again.

I want out of this
stupid charade, Alycia.

Now, we screwed over Bobby
with the senator photos.

All good and well.
We even had some

damn good sex
along the way,
but I've had it.

I can't keep pretending
we're having a real

no matter how much
you blackmail me.

My, so full of
blustery conviction,

but stupid.

Unless you want me
to tell Amanda

what you did to Bobby
and destroy any hopes

you have of
a future with her.

I love her, Alycia.


I can't
let you go.

You still have
some kind of hope
for you and me?


That evaporated
weeks ago.

Truth is,

it's all down to
business at this point.

I'm still $2 million
short for the takeover.

Well, so go raise
$2 million.

Don't hold me hostage.

What if this charade,

as you like to call it,
is up for sale?

For the coincidental
asking price of, say,

2 million bucks...
that's very amusing.

Now, where the hell
am I gonna raise
that kind of money?

Two million buys
your freedom, Peter.

my final offer.

Take it,

or keep playing
the game.


Mr. Parezi
is ready for release.


you bailed me out.

Well, I waited,
but Amanda didn't
beat me to the punch.

Well, somewhere
along the line, you
got this impression

that I can't
take care of myself.

Well, you weren't exactly
bailing yourself out.

I should tell you to
go jump in a lake.

But you're just
too damn grateful.

Just think of me as
your guardian angel.

I give and give
and give and ask
nothing in return.

I don't believe
in angels.

Neither do I.
It sounded great,
didn't it?

I'm too tired to
know or even care.

In that case,
"Sydney's Taxi,"
at your service.

Home, then straight to bed.

[light rock]
♪ I hear what you say ♪

Things pretty dismal
on the job hunt?

No. Ever since
word got out

that Richard
let everyone go,

my freelance offers
have been nonstop.

I just-- I miss Richard.
I miss the relationship.

Miss the stability.

What is it
with this guy?

He treats you like dirt,

and you're still
in love with him.

He dumps
all over Jane,

and she hires him
into her company.

Maybe Jane believes
in his ability.

She must,

Either that or she's
more desperate than
I thought she was.

Or he's more talented.

Either way, it doesn't
matter what I think.

Jane fights
her own battles.

I believe in her.

open your eyes, Jake.

Everyone has a dark side,
even Saint Jane.

She did not hire him

because she's full
of compassion.

What, do you think
there's some
evil ultimatum?

I didn't say that.

Then don't imply it.

Jane hired Richard
with no strings


Like Pinocchio was
ever a real boy.


Look, Richard has
never been able

to stand on
his own two feet.

Now is no exception.

Good night, Jake,
before I say another word.

I think we're right on
with this approach.

You have to understand,
Bobby's world was caving in.

And then
I broke up with him.

Amanda, you didn't
do anything wrong.

Any of the pain
he's going through
is self-inflicted.

But we don't have to
make his problems worse.

If you don't press charges,
the D.A. will drop
the whole thing.

We'll be free of him,
both of us.

All right.
I won't press charges.

Thank you.
On one condition--

tell me why you keep
looking over at Billy.

Serious case of curiosity.

Billy's dining
with a major player,
Lief Thomasen.

He's the owner and CEO
of Midnight Sun Vodka.

And Billy landed the account,
but he keeps on pushing.

Why? I have no idea.

I'll find out.

Well, let's just say
I'm in the mood
to do favors.

Give me 90 seconds,
then follow.

Billy! I understand
are in order.

Amanda says you're doing
a hell of a job.

I'm sorry to interrupt,
my name is Peter Burns.

Lief Thomasen.

Thomasen? President
of Midnight Sun Vodka.

You know of me?

Oh, I know a lot more
about your vodka.

It's my favorite brand.

You know,
I watched that stock,

Midnight Sun,
for quite a while now.

I just wish I'd've
bought some shares
a few years back.

It's never
too late to invest.

it might be for me.

Right now,
I've got my capital

sort of tied up in
a new cable company.

Cable? That's
an interesting venture.

I own a satellite
company in Germany.

Astral Television.
It's huge.

Right. Well, be glad
you're on solid ground.

I've got the access.
I've got the license.

Unfortunately, we just lost
a major player last week.

But your other financing
is in place?

Yeah, except for
the final $2 million,

which is actually
a shame because

you know,
it's a great opportunity

for somebody to own
a big share.


I thought you were
just going to say hi.

Sorry. I must have
lost track of time.

Join us, Amanda.

Oh, no! We're going
to the "thea-tah."

So, anyways,
a pleasure meeting you.

Billy, I'll talk
to you later.

What do you think,

Cable company sound like
a good investment to you?

As long as I get
a piece of the action.

So, what did
you find out?

What's Billy up to?

He's not up to anything.

He's just keeping
a big fish happy.

Oh, shame on you,

Look at this place.

Ugh, it's disgusting.


Filthy, filthy
lust on the couch.

Not on Betsy's couch.

Michael is
a bad, bad boy.

Kimberly makes the mess.

Betsy cleans up
the filth.



You're home early.

Well, I pawned off
Peter's last bypass case

on Maloney.

Remind me next time
to choose a partner

with a less complicated
personal life.

And, uh...
where the hell
is the couch?


The potted plant
is a clever disguise

but tough to watch
a ballgame from.

Oh, y'know, that old couch
was a Sydney relic.

I'm having our new couch
delivered this morning.

Oh. Redecorating?

Mmm, revitalizing.

Well, you keep it up,
and you can dump
the whole damn house.

Come on. I'm gonna
make you breakfast in bed.

Oh, you know what,
I've been inside
the hospital for two days.

You know, the air
out here feels great!

[breathes in]

Whoa. What the hell
happened down there?

You know, last night
some kids were having
a bonfire.

But I chased them off.

Come on. I'll make you
bacon and eggs.

Your favorite.
Be right there.


I'm gone one day,
and you take over my office?

Bobby, you're no longer
involved in this company,

And this office
isn't yours anymore,

but you're more
than welcome to come by.

Damn you.
You're my lawyer.

Why didn't you take
my calls?

I couldn't.
I'm in the middle
of this acquisition,

and it would have
been a direct conflict
of interest.

The only conflict is
you're in love with Burns.

I'm trying to salvage
this deal.

I can't be associated
with you now.


Give me my check,
and I'll be out of your way.

Bobby, your assets are
in a holding account.

And the FCC
won't release them

until they unravel
your involvement
with the senator,

and, frankly,

this new arrest
didn't help.

Investigating the senator
could take years.

And I put everything
I had into this company!

I know,
and I'm sorry.

But... it's
out of my hands.

Bobby! Don't!

This is still my office!

I don't have to give
them back anything!

You think I'm gonna leave
anything for them, huh?!

Bobby, stop it! Stop!

Do I look like I can afford
to bail you out again?

I'm double-parked
in the white zone.

You bailed him out?!

Only because his
so-called other friends

seem to have vaporized
off the planet.

Well, because
the two of you
are so chummy,

you'd better get him
out of here before
I call the cops!

Fine. Bobby, come on.
Let's go.

To hell with it.

You really should have
returned his phone calls.

Oh, yeah?
And you keep

that little upturned
nose out of it!

Not a chance.

I'd feel better
if you took a flat
finder's fee, Billy.

the cable company
as a client

is good enough for me.

$2 million.

You'll see that
Dr. Burns' associates
get it right away.


I'll see you
for dinner tomorrow.

Thank you.


So, Billy, what is this?

I just landed
a great account.

Which means nothing
if it doesn't work out

and DD loses
all credibility.

Well, I won't be
going down alone.

Because it was Peter
who brought up the deal.

Peter? Last night?

Lief is gonna finance
the cable company.

And then I'm gonna...
well, DD will manage

the million-plus
advertising account.

This is unethical.

I was a partner
in this company.

It's all screwed up
with the FCC.

If this company goes down,
we lose Lief.

He made
the decision to invest.

Always keep the client
happy, wasn't that
your advice?

The celebration dinner
is tomorrow.

I'll pick you up
at 7:00.

Keep me out of this.

It wasn't an invitation.

You are head
of the department,

and Lief is expecting
you to be there.

Oh, do me a favor,
make sure that Alison

and her snow-white
opinion stays home.

Peter? I really need
to talk to you.

It's important.

Yeah. Come on. Here.

I shouldn't be here,

but I didn't know
where else to turn.

It's happening
again, Peter.

Weird things,
things I can't control.

Well, I'll need
a for instance.

Last week,
I dressed up
in clothes

I don't remember

called myself Betsy,

and ordered hundreds
of dollars worth
of Tupperware.

It gets worse.

Last night I pushed
our couch off the deck

and set it on fire.

You're sure?

I snapped out of it

and tried to put
the fire out.

And I lied to Michael
about it this morning.

I don't know whether
he bought it or not.

Peter, if anyone
finds out,

I'll lose

and my career.

Promise me
you won't tell

Promise me
you'll help.

I won't do anything
to add more stress
to your life,

but, Kimberly,
we have to monitor this.

I want you to start
this medication now.

And if
it happens again,

if this "Betsy" returns,

you call me,

What do you think
is happening?

Nothing we can
take lightly.

Now fill this right away.

Thank you, Peter.

[banging on door]

You and Richard
are out to ruin

Jane's life again,
aren't you?


Why else would
he weasel his way
back into her company,

and why would you let
it slip that something
was going on?

If you're talking
about last night,
I'd had a few drinks.

Bad excuse.
You're still
in love with him,

and I think you'd do
anything to get him back.

Ever occur to you
to take a hard look
at Jane?

Oh, Jane has nothing
to do with any of this.

Okay. All right.

It is high time
you had a dose
of reality

about your
sacred Jane.

Yeah, it's Jane
holding a tiki torch.

That's what set off
the sprinklers

and destroyed
Richard's show!

You used these photos
to blackmail Richard
into a job?

When I discovered these,

I had to decide what
I wanted out of this.

I could have just
destroyed Jane,

but I wouldn't have
gotten anything
out of that.

And all you wanted
was Richard back.

I wanted to help him.
Yeah, I wanted him back.

I was with her
that night.

She was out of her head.

Yeah, and I was
out of mine...

to think she could rise
above Richard's crap
or yours.

You people are
so screwed up.

Yeah, maybe we are,
but you can't
say anything.

Oh, sure,
another secret.

Jane, the woman I love,
flooded a building,
but just ignore that.

Whether you know it or not,
you just blew this thing
wide open.

Get out of my way.

[knock on door]


I demand
you drop the charges
against Bobby.

You don't demand
anything from me.

And when are you gonna
learn that I'm always
way ahead of you?

You got
the charges dropped?

Peter's working on it.

Any other
unreasonable requests?

Um-- nope.


Why are you suddenly
so involved with Bobby?

Well, what if I am?
It's not like you care
about him anymore.

You saw what
he did to Peter.

Two grown men had
a fight, big deal.

Bobby is just a big,
giant teddy bear.

One minute,
and extremely
dangerous the next.

Only to his enemies.

That would be
Peter and you.

Oh, and Alycia.

this isn't a game.

I broke up with Bobby
because he lied to me.

Oh, Amanda, like that's
the first time that's
ever happened to you.

First your father,
then the FBI, Peter,

did you ever stop
to think maybe

it's not the men
in your life, Amanda?
Maybe it's you.

Listen, you little twit,
you don't have a clue

as to what you're
getting involved in.

Amanda, take a pill.

Things are
different now.

Bobby has a real
woman at his side,

not just some career
junkie girlfriend

who puts her own
interests first.

Sorry, I had
a momentary flash
of compassion.

it's passed.

Oh, Matt, you're
not gonna like this.

Oh, Matt,
there you are.

Have you seen this?

It's a story
about you and Alan.

--extended the hours,
that way we could get
more people through--

He'll catch up to you.

Excuse me.

Your people skills need
some serious work, Matt.

This article
is word for word

what you said to me
the other day.

I didn't plant
the article.

You're not the first
man Alan's been with.

A lot of people
know that he's gay.

So, what, you expect me
to believe it's coincidence?

I am your friend,

I stuck by you
when Alan treated
you like trash.

You know what,
friends don't
sell each other out.

Fine, believe what
you want to believe.

I am sick of hearing

about your messed-up

From now on,
leave me out of it.

$2 million.

You found an investor.

Lief Thomasen,
vodka king.

Sign the deal,
kiss the check,

and you're
a cable tycoon.

End of charade, Alycia.

I'm free.

For what it's worth,

I loved you, Peter.

I know you did.

The West Coast
Retail Buyers Association
executive committee

will meet in the blue room
at 7:30.

I see you haven't
lost your touch.

Guess not.
Feels good to be
working again.

I'm so happy
for you, Richard.

Thank you.

Hey, have you guys
seen Jake?

Yeah, he's at the bar.

Jane, I don't know what,

but there's something
on that guy's mind.


Hey, you hiding out?

Just trying to stay
out of the way of
the Jane train.

What does that mean?

That means
that I'm having
a miserable time,

and if you cared at all,
you would just let me

rot in my stew,
so to speak.

Hon, exactly
how much have
you had to drink?

Not so much
that I'm gonna sh**t
my mouth off, lucky you.

Okay, I'm
cutting you off.

You don't tell me
what to do.

You understand?

I'm not gonna be
one of your lackeys.

Maybe you should
tell me where this
is coming from.

Better yet,
I'll tell you
where it's going.


I'm not right for you.

And this whole joke
of a relationship
is finished.

At least for tonight.

I'll have someone
call you a cab.

I'll call my own.

I'd offer to
buy you a drink,

but sounds like
a sensitive subject.

I'm a sensitive guy, right?

I hope not.

Jake Hanson.

The most insensitive
S.O.B. you're ever
gonna meet.

Claire Duncan,
who could care less.

Too bad we're at
such a boring party.

Well, you're here
with someone.

Just Tom,

Tom Collins.

You know,
he's a friend of mine.

Can I get you
another one?

No. Actually,
I've had enough.

I'm all warm
and fuzzy inside.

What a waste, huh?

It doesn't have to be.

Tonight it does.

Hotel rooms
can be so lonely.

So you're staying
here then, I take it.

I'm here tonight
for the party.

But we're not gonna
talk about business,
are we?

Nope, I sure hope not.

You said that
just like John Wayne.

I've always
wanted to sleep
with John Wayne.

Well, that's too bad.
He's deceased.

Well, you're not,
I hope.

Here's the keycard
to my room.

I'll make you forget
all about that girl.

It's a promise.

What took
you so long?

Are there
strings attached?

Just these.

♪ ♪

Turkey and ham.

Can we talk?

I was pretty drunk
last night,

but that doesn't
change how I feel.

About what?

You know,
we're getting along fine,

and then you turn on me
out of nowhere.

Jo told me about
the fashion show.

Okay? I saw photos.

My God, I was
there with you.
I begged you to go!

Jake, it wasn't
as though I'd planned it.

I just--
I worked so hard.

And seeing my designs
in his fashion show

was all I could take.

I lost control.

I didn't mean to ruin
Richard's career.

It's just that
I couldn't stand seeing him
get credit for my work.

You've always taken my side
and stood up to Richard,
no questions asked.

I've never had
that kind of support before.

Well, if I'd known.
You would've dumped me.

Jake, I let Jo blackmail me
so that you wouldn't find out.

I love you.

And I understand your anger,

but whatever
you decide about us,

I promise you,
I'll never lie to you again.


I love you, too.

I'm so sorry, Jake.

Oh, you've never
lied to me.

I trust you so much.

I promise you.

I'll make sure
you can trust me, too.

Don't worry.
work out.

[knock on door]


Alan, I thought
you were in Hawaii.

Yeah, well,
I decided to come home.

Look, if it's about
that article...

I planted
the story, Matt.

I outted myself.

It was the only way.
I mean, I was completely

caught up
with my parents'

and, you know,
Gloria's master plan that...

just act content.

But when reality hit,
I... I realized

I couldn't pull it off,
and it was even worse

because I didn't have you.

You were right
about everything,
I mean, all of it.

Look, Alan,
I don't know
what to say.

I don't know
what you want
from me.

Oh. I just wanted
to tell you that
I'm back home,

and that Gloria
fired me from the show.

So you're back
to square one?


Yeah, yeah,
you know what?

It feels great, I mean,
I can start over, you know?

My career, my life.

A life that would be
a heck of a lot brighter
with you in it.

But, uh...

Yeah, yeah, I...

think about it, okay?

Goodbye, Alan.

Bobby Parezi
is scott free.

Where would you
like to celebrate?

I appreciate
what you did
for me, Peter,

but I have
other plans tonight.

Wait a minute,
plans more important

than our long overdue

What reconciliation?

Oh, come on, Amanda,
give me a break.

I got you off the hook
with the cable company.

I divested my interests
in the stocks and Alycia.

And as a special bonus,

my Dodger season tickets
now belong to the D.A.

as ransom for
Bobby's freedom.

And that means
I'm now obligated

to jump into your
arms out of relief

and-- what else?
Um, gratitude?

I didn't do this for
my health, you know.

Well, it would
have been nice
if you did it

because it was
the right thing
to do,

not because
getting me in bed
was a door prize.

Oh, don't do this, Amanda,
please, don't do this--

You did it, Peter.

Billy told me
about your deal
with Lief Thomasen.

Lief wanted to invest,

and I wanted Alycia
off of my back!

And you're deflecting
what this is really
all about.

What this has
always been about!
Oh, don't start

with that
fear of intimacy
thing with me!

Well, what the hell else
would you call it?

Fear of dishonesty,

a logical
and sensible fear

of men who
are incapable of
telling the truth.

You fit in
that category.

Hell, you own it.

Ah, you look terrific.
Ready to go?

Yeah, I was just
saying good-bye
to Peter.

Good-bye, Peter.

Have a nice evening.

Don't ask.


Well, doesn't this
bring back memories?

It's a business dinner.

I forgot
the merger file.

I'll be right back.

Wonder where
all this will end?

It could end right now
if you keep your opinion
to yourself.

I have one question.

What exactly
did this to you?

What would you say
if I told you that

Brooke's ghost
visited me

and cursed me
to become just
like her,

y'know, a cold,
heartless bastard,
out for himself?

I'd say it was
a cheap excuse.

And if you really wanted
to find your way back,
you could.

You're absolutely
right, I could.

But now
that I'm on top
and loving it,

why would
I ever want to?


See you, Alison.
Have a nice night
in front of the TV.

Oh, hi.

Dinner's ready.

Mmm, feels like
you're ready for dessert.

It's a big table.

Jake, we're not alone.

Don't even mention
the Richard word.

No, my new
assistant's here.

Well, send him home.
I can't.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

this is Jake Hanson.

Jake, this is
my new assistant,
Claire Duncan.

Nice to meet you,
Mr. Hanson.

Jake. Jake is fine.

I indexed all
the fabric orders

and I stamped all
the outgoing mail.

Great. Well,
I'll see you tomorrow.
Thanks, Claire.

Okay, see you.

Good night,
Mr. Hanson.

I-- I'm sorry, Jake.

Now, where were we?

I wish Kimberly wouldn't keep such bad company


She might like pigs,

but I don't.

Betsy has more sense
than that.

Oh, Kimberly.

What's wrong?

I don't know. I...

I heard
something outside.

Okay, well,
I'll check it out.

♪ [theme music]
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