04x27 - What Comes Up, Must Come Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x27 - What Comes Up, Must Come Down

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm looking for
Arthur Field.

I'm sorry, I'm afraid
women are prohibited

on the premises.

If you'd care
to leave a number...

Oh, that's all right.
I see him there.

Arthur, I've been trying
to reach you for a week.

I am sorry,
Mr. Field.

I explained
our policy.

That's all right, Jack,
I'll take care of this.

She works for me.
Thank you.

Like to sit down,


My D&D contract renewal
still hasn't been signed.

Are we having
a problem here?

No, not at all.

You're next
on the docket.

I'm glad
you stopped by.

I wanted to talk to you
about Billy Campbell.

What about him?

He's quite
an asset to D&D.

Nailing the Midnight Sun
Vodka account,

the boy's on
the fast track.

Oh. I'll let him know
that you're pleased.

Let's give him
a little plum.

You know, the Coastal
Advertising Conference
opens tomorrow.

Let's let him give
the keynote address,

showcase him.

I was planning on giving
that speech myself,

like I do every year.

Why don't we give Campbell
the ball this time?

The point is Amanda,
I want you to nurture the boy,

help him flourish, shepherd
his rocket to the stars.

So that would make
me the mother ship?

You are invaluable,

And now you'd
better skedaddle

before Jack out there
has me up on charges.

♪ ♪


So, did Field talk to you?

I've got the speech, at
the Coastal Conference right?

I haven't decided
about that yet.

Okay, I'll decide for you.
You don't have the authority.

Of course I don't,
just trying to make
your life a little easier.

Try bringing me
a cup of coffee.

'Kay, then do I get
to give the speech?

It's supposed to be about
ethics in advertising, Billy.

That's hardly
your strong suit, lately.

I'll take off my suit.

I'll give the speech
naked, just for you.



You have
the keynote address.

Have it ready by tomorrow.

Amanda, thank you.
What an honor.

You can't do that.
Mr. Field told me...

Billy, I'm sorry.
I didn't--

The hell you didn't.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Everyone says
I'm too strong ♪

♪ Like a lock
that's missing its key ♪

♪ You can look
but you won't find ♪

♪ What it takes
to get into me ♪

♪ But every time
you get too close ♪

♪ Everything about me
gets weak ♪

♪ Steady, girl ♪
♪ Can't ever let him know ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ I tell myself
you're not gonna shake me ♪

♪ I tell myself you're
too weak to take me ♪

♪ I tell myself it's not use
it's too late ♪

♪ I'm falling in love ♪

♪ Or that I hate you ♪

♪ Can't fight it,
as hard as I try ♪

♪ I'm falling in love
or that I hate you ♪

♪ I'm helplessly
out of my mind ♪

Hey, what's with
these flowery

flannel nightgowns
you're into lately?

It helps keep me
warm, Michael.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to
jog my memory.

The hand bone is connected
to the breast bone,

and the pelvic bone
is connec--



[clears throat]

Hey, I thought marriage
was a physical contact sport.

Why am I in
the penalty box here?

You're not, it's just not
a good time right now.


So, um, when is
a good time?

Because if I'm doing
something wrong,

I want you to tell me.
I'll fix it.

But we need to get some
excitement back in our life.

Go ahead.

I'm ready.

♪ ♪

That's okay.

I gotta get
to work, anyway.

You blew it, Betsy.

Now it's my turn.

And Rita knows how to
take care of her man.

[shower running]

Want me to
soap your back?

Whoa, baby,
I like how you soap.

You working on
a new look?

I, uh...

was looking for Jane.

I've been calling
you for two days.

Are you avoiding me?

Actually, yeah.

You told me you were
in town for the weekend.

We had one great night,
no complications.

That was my intention.

Then what are you
doing in my life?

Hey, it's my life, too.

I met Jane
at the conference,

she asked me to interview,
and I got the job

so here I am.

Well, what a coincidence.

Some people would
call that destiny.

Well, I call it over.

I'm in a relationship
with Jane right now.

I don't mind.

Just means our time together
will be even more special.

I don't know
what you want.

Hi, guys.

Claire, do you mind
getting those patterns
out of the car for me?

Sure, glad to
be of service.

Ugh, I can't believe
this deadline they gave me.


I think there's something
that we need to talk about here.

Just a sec, sweetie,
I have to find this brocade.

Yeah, well, I've gotta
get something off my chest.

I love the way you put
your feelings first.

I'm sorry.
I've been so busy.

I'm all yours.

What was it
you wanted to say?

Oh, you know, it went--
it went right out of my mind.


♪ ♪

So, my speech starts out,

"Every ad exec
must fight the urge

"to violate
ethical principles,

but we all stumble-- I do,
you do, my CEO does ..."

You could
rewrite that later.

What do you mean
rewrite it?

I mean that you're
not gonna say

at a national convention

that I have ever
acted unethically.

I don't believe this.

Well, you'd better
believe it, because that's

what advertising is about.

And if you can't
do that,

maybe you don't belong
in this business.

Billy Campbell!

How the hell
you been?

Hey, Dennis.

You still advertising
that designer snake oil?

I'm about to sell
one great celebrity, pal.

Julie Newmar.

She's signing with us
to do commercials.

I thought she got
out of show business.

Well, it's comeback time.

And this is a major
coup for us.

She's never done
ads before.

We're targeting
family appeal,

real wholesome values.

From a bottom-feeder
like you?

Dennis. Excuse me.

May I steal you away
for a few minutes.

You just stole my heart
in a few seconds.

Julie Newmar,
meet Billy Campbell.

Big fan.
I've seen all your stuff.

Billy Campbell,

you're such
a big liar.

I won't hold it
against you.

Oh, hold something
against me, please.

I don't know
what you're selling,

but it's fun listening
to the ad.

Well, you ain't
heard nothing yet.

Well, that's true
of most ads.

I'm sure you'll do
better next time.


How's it going?


Everything's cool.

No more
weird interludes?

No more
blackout spells?

I wasn't blacking out.

I just...

I just wasn't myself.

You thought
you were going crazy

the last time
we talked.

You called yourself Betsy,
ordered Tupperware.

That was just some
role-playing therapy.

under control now.

Why am I not

Hey, come on.
We all have different
personalities inside us.

You almost
k*lled Amanda once.

You'd probably
k*ll for her now.

Are you thinking
about k*lling someone?


Give it a rest, Pete.

I'm not a danger
to myself or anyone else.

Which reminds me,

I won't be needing
those downers anymore.

Well, from the looks
of you, I don't think

you're well enough
to justify that, Kimberly.

I know I am.

I just need
your confidence in me

so I that don't lose
any ground.

You see, those pills
deaden my senses,

and I need to get in
touch with my real feelings.

If we try it your way,

the first
sign of trouble,

you must resume
your medication.



I've got to get to
the hospital right now.

You keep in touch.


♪ ♪

Doctors are such idiots.

Knock, knock.


You again.

What is it this time?

Did Bobby
jump bail on you?

No, he wouldn't
do that to me.

But he does
need a job.

Can you give
him one?

Why should I?

Bobby knows this company
inside and out.

You couldn't even
begin to fill his pants.

No, filling his pants would be
your job description, I suspect.

You rode his coattails
while he laid groundwork.

And now that
the dust is settled,

you're on easy street
and he's in the toilet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's way too
many metaphors for me to sort.

All I'm saying is someone
had to set him up

to take the fall.

And you're sitting
pretty right now.

You're sitting in Bobby's chair,
as a matter of fact.

I hope you're
not suggesting

that I had something
to do with this crash.

If the crash fits.

His father
brought him down!

It was strictly a family matter.
Everybody knows that!

Oh, really?
Yes, really.

Well, then,
why would you have

a problem hiring him?

♪ ♪

Don't overplay
your hand, Sydney.

I'll think about it.

Let's just
leave it at that.


Did you do what
you were supposed to do?

Jake is an honest man,
if you can believe that.

He won't cheat on Jane.

Well, he did cheat on her with
you at the design conference,

if I recall.

Which reminds me,
you owe me a bonus

for seducing him
so fast.

But he's got
the guilts now,

so he won't
touch me,

exclamation point.

Okay, fine, tell Jane
that you slept with him.

Tell her that uh...

you do him
everyday at lunch.

Tell you what,
make it an extra 50

and I'll jump
Jane's bones.

Do whatever you want.

Just get it done.


I have
something to say.

Mm, you think
the hem line's too high?

No, I mean--

I feel really
terrible about this.

You've been
such a friend.

What are
you talking about?

Me and Jake have
been having an affair.

Claire, that's ridiculous.

Well, he said
you wouldn't mind, but--

Look, I don't know why
you'd think I'd buy this?

Because it's true.

That's bull.

What, you forgot
you did me all night long?


I mean...

we were together once,

but it didn't
mean anything.


I tried to
tell you yesterday.

I met her at the bar
at the hotel

the night of
the design conference.

So you are
having an affair?


Jake, you slept with
me and then with her.

What do you call it,
double dating?

Jane, I did it once,
I'm sorry.

I haven't
done it again.

You know how we were
fighting that night.

Oh, so that
makes it okay?


Well, I hope you
and your little tramp

are very happy together.

Excuse me.
I need some air.

You're fired,

What are
you doing here?

I got some sandwiches.

I thought we might talk.

About what?

I don't know, we've been
through a lot lately.

And you seem
pretty remote.

I don't know
where we stand.

How about apart?

Don't you think it deserves
one last chance?

I'm willing to go
the extra mile.

You know,
you're so preachy.

Just like at my engagement
party when you lectured me

not to marry Jane.

You didn't love her.

She didn't
love you.

Marriage is
a business, Jo.

My business folds
without a designer.

And I'm out of business.

You mounted a good show
without her.

Those were
her designs we used.

You stole her dresses
and then lied to me?

You'll believe
almost anything, won't you?

You act like
you just hate me.

I loved you,

and it was the biggest
mistake I ever made.

Do you think that I want a life
of peanut butter and jelly?

I want caviar, I want lobster,
I want style in my life!

And to win at any cost.

You just
figured that out?

I always win.
No, you don't.

You didn't win when Jane
set off the sprinklers

on your bogus show.

She had the stones
to do that?

I gotta hand it
to old Jane.

You are a putrid excuse

for a human being!

I can't believe I tried
to work this out!

I can't believe
I left Jake for you!

I can't believe
that you're still here.

I'm already gone.

♪ ♪

I decided to define
it intuitively.

Ethics is listening
with your conscience.

Billy, are you listening?

Did I tell you
I talked to Julie Newmar?

She's totally charming.

I can't figure out
why she retired.

Time goes by.

Age is just one more
glass ceiling.

You can be beautiful,
talented woman in the world,

and you hit 40, adios.

Getting your excuses
ready early?

I don't need
any excuses.

I have the keynote
address, remember?


I will say this
for your actress.

She has one
annoying habit.

She plays
the TV too loud.

Your room's
next to hers?

Yeah, she kept me up
half the night, I'm exhausted

I wonder how that idiot, Dennis,
got her to sign on with them.

Money talks.

Are you going to listen
to my speech or not?

I've got to
meet somebody first.

I'll tell you what,
I'll come up to your room later

and I'll show you
how it's done.

I know how it's done.

I was hoping to teach you
some listening skills.

The contract's in my suite.
I'll sign it in the morning,

if everything's okay?

Oh, it's okay.

And we already
paid for these.

If the tabloids ever
get ahold of those photos,

you can kiss my Snow White
comeback good-bye.

Hey, you're talking
to Mr. Mum's-the-word,
Miss Newmar.

And to show good faith...

there are
no other copies?

Nope, the negatives
are in there, too.

As soon as you sign
your contracts,

you get your first

I've never been
paid so little.

As soon as you're in
the public eye again,

your price
will skyrocket.

No question.
Everybody wins.

Turned in the job with Alicia
to become a mechanic.

So you like
this job, huh?


I love it.

Then this is
what I want...

for you.

Well, for you,
for me, that is...

what I want.

What are
you talking about?

About moving
in with me.

I think you
should move in.

I think I need to go
solo for awhile.

I just
need some space.

Well, you're not going
to have any space soon.

I mean, you're getting
evicted, right?

Yeah, there's that.

Well, that's
what I'm saying.

It's a space thing.

Just until
you get rolling again.

Where would I sleep?

I have a sofa bed.
It's perfect.

I hate those things.

No, no,
it's for me.

I love sofa beds.

No, really.

And you have to
pay half the rent.

There will be no deadbeat
roommates allowed.

Please, Bobby.

For me.

You really are cute.

And I do appreciate everything
you've done for me.

If I do this,

this has to be

Of course, I mean,
what did you think?

I think I've been
through the mill,

and I'm not really ready for
an actual relationship yet.

Just think of me
as a passing ship.

You sure
you want to do this?

Walk me to my car.

You know, Howard Hughes

began his career
building airplanes.

You could parlay this

into all
sorts of things.

I'll just tell him.


I've become three
different people.

You see, sometimes
I'm this woman Betsy.

She's a dangerous prude.

But then, Rita,
she's the strong one.

She protects us from her.

Have you ever read
the book "Sybil"?


I'm going completely

and totally
insane again.

Hey, Kimberly.

You know, some yo-yo parked
his Triumph in your spot.

I'm the yo-yo.

It's my bike.

And I'm taking you
on a road trip.

Come on.
Let's ride.

So, is this the "biker chick
picks up the doctor" fantasy?

You know, I think
you should revise

this last
paragraph, Alison.

Are you asleep?

[door unlocking]

A little surprise for you
when you wake up, Alison.

[knock on door]


Arthur Field,

There's a rumor
going around

that you've assigned
the keynote address

to Alison Parker,
could that be right?

Well, yes,
actually. I did.

Perhaps I didn't
make myself clear

in our earlier

I wanted Billy Campbell
to give that speech.

Yes, I understood
your preference.

My preference is to
renew your contract.

Is that clear?

Then let's indulge
my preferences,
shall we, Amanda?

Have a good day.

[dial tone]

would you go over

today's schedule
with me?


What's this?


Racy photos of
Julie Newmar from years ago,

and a confidential

Really? Yeah, I heard
that some stuff

was stolen out of
her room last night.

Let me see.


What are
they doing here?

I have no idea.

We could always claim
that somebody planted them.

Well, obviously,
somebody planted them.

I didn't steal them.

Don't worry,
we'll cover for you.

I'm just amazed that you
would try to end run me

on one of my projects.

Your project?
Julie Newmar?

Clearly there's
a personal agenda

fueling competition
between you two.

I have
no personal agenda.

No, of course not.

The only thing to do

is return these
to their proper owner.

The only ethical thing.

♪ ♪

Can I have a beer?

Bad day?

I can't believe what
a world class sleaze ball

turned out to be.

Let me guess, as soon
as he found out

that you couldn't
help his career,

he lost
your phone number.

What is it
with me, Jake?

v*olence, humiliation.

Do I invite
this kind of stuff?

Some guys don't
need an invitation.

I think this is just a case
of Richard happens.

Let's see, before
he happened all over me,

he trashed Jane.

And he broke us up
to do it.

We were good
together once, you and I.

You made it
pretty easy.

I'm gonna go away
for a couple of days

and clear my head,

figure out
what's next.

You want to come along?


I guess you really
love her, don't you?


I guess I do.

Lucky you.

We appreciate
you coming.

Why all the mystery?

Well, I can't tell you
how we got these

but I would like
to apologize.

If this is some
tabloid set-up,

you'll spend the rest
of your life in court.

No, no, no, no,
it's just a friendly gesture.

We know how to keep
hot-water secrets.

Thank you very much.

I'll remember that.

We just want to help.

Julie, you know you can
trust your biggest fan.

I've been in this
business long enough,

Mr. Campbell, to know
who I can trust.

Well, it's a shame the way
people take advantage.

Your contract,
for example,

I happened to
notice that it stinks.

And I will say
that you are worth

a lot more than
they're paying.

What they're paying
and what I'm worth

has nothing to do with
my salary, thank you very much,

Let's cut
to the chase.

I will triple this offer
if you sign with us.

We will do twice
as good a job,

and we are very discreet
with our own clients.

Well, you certainly know

all the pressure points,
don't you?

Yes, I just want to do
what's best for everybody.

For someone
so young and charming,

you're very cold.

I suppose that's considered
a plus in your business,

but I don't like it,
Mr. Campbell.

However, I'd rather have you
with me than against me,

and have all these extra
zeros in my salary.


I'll sign it.

How did you pull
that one off?

Looks a lot
like blackmail to me.

No, just good
salesmanship, Alison.

Close call, Amanda.

If Alison is implicated
in this theft,

it's gonna be a huge
exposure problem for D&D.

I didn't steal
those pictures.

Especially embarrassing

if she's giving
the talk on ethics.

What are you saying?

I think you should bow out
on the keynote address.

Say you got sick.

But I didn't
do anything!

Alison, I know
you didn't steal them,

but Billy may have
a point politically.

I'm pulling
you off the speech.

Just to cover our bases.

Billy, can you handle it
on such short notice?

Sure, anything
for the firm.

You planted those
contracts, didn't you?

You arranged
this whole thing.

Yeah, let's see.

I drugged you
to sleep last night,

I snuck out on the balcony,
slipped into Julie's room--

He set me up!
Don't you get it?

Yes, I get it.

But D&D owns Julie Newmar
now, because of Billy.

What have you done
for the company?

A hell of a lot!

And I stayed
honest doing it.

Well, that's
terrific, Alison.

And I'm sure you'll get
recognized someday for it.

Recognize this.

Billy made me look guilty,
and he's holding it
over both our heads.

I just saved
your bacon, Alison.

A little thanks
would be nice.


I guess that's
my cue to leave.

Join me for a drink,

♪ ♪

You know, at D&D,
we won an award

for our Goldenrod
Shampoo campaign.


Oh, thank you
very much.

But is there really
any difference between shampoos?

Now we make people think
that one is better.

They buy the illusion
that we've hyped.

The illusion of glamour
and the promise of sex

because sex is what sells,
my friends.

Sex is our best lie.

And, of course, lying
is what we really do best.

I know I do.

I'm-- I'm a liar.

And a--
And a thief.

And an empty shell.

I've... I've...

I've stolen accounts.

I've plagiarized

I've lost every friend.

I've lost every
human impulse.

But then
I'm a huge success.

So it's all worth it.

Because it doesn't

if you're alone.

Because when we're hot,
we're always alone.

So say it loud!

I lie!

And I'm proud!

[sparse applause]

[loud applause]

You're the man.


Everything I am
I owe to you, Amanda.

And don't you
forget it.

Come here, I want
to show you something.

Show me what?

♪ ♪

And what do you
expect in return?

I just want to see
all your great moves.

You've seen them before.

I want to know
what I'm buying.

Buy now...

pay later.

Give me a hand with
this one, will you?

You were right.

Sex sells.

[knock on door]


Well, you're
looking relaxed.

Hey, a journey
of a thousand miles

begins with a good cigar.

Michael told me about

the motorcycle ride
you took him on.

He's concerned
you're getting

a little too

Yeah, well, Mike is just
overreacting, as usual.

I'm becoming exactly
who I want to be.

As long as you don't
lose your real self
along the way.

Kimberly, you're not only
a patient of mine,

you're important to me.

I know, I know, you told me
all about your sister.

It's very touching.

And I've got everything
under control.

don't worry about me.

Well, I must say,

I'm more than
a little concerned

by your mood swings.

Oh, well, then.

Maybe you need a session.

Shall I start
the meter ticking?

Listen to me.

I'm very concerned that
this facade of strength

is hiding an enormous
amount of boiling fear

and the lid's
about to blow.

Ooh, look out,
she's gonna blow.

Ooh! Guess my safety
valve is working.

When did you start
this nasty little habit?

When I gave up
chewing gum.

Kimberly, I insist

you start seeing me
everyday again.


Your Rorschach or mine?

And go back on
your medication.

Uh-uh, don't need it.
I'm a miracle cure.

This is not
a negotiation!

All right, all right, Pete.
Whatever you say.

Tomorrow morning,
we're gonna start.
9:00 sharp.

If you're not there,

we're gonna consider

Got it?
Got it.

♪ ♪

[door closes]

♪ All I want to do
is be your lover ♪

♪ All I want to do is be
your friend ♪

Hey, how's it going?

I um...

a blouse order

and signed for
the wrong fabrics.

I guess something's
putting you off your game.


It's just hard to manage
the business part

when I'm concentrating
so hard on the design part.

Where's a jerk like Richard
when you need him?

Probably out setting
his sights on you.

I'm not such
an easy target anymore.

I could run interference
for you if you want.

I'm not so sure
I can trust you either.

Well, same here.

I took you to
that fashion show,

and then I find out that
you set off the sprinklers?

Come on, Jake, I admit
that was a mistake.

A mistake?
He deserved it.

Well, I deserve
the truth.

I don't even know
who you are anymore.

Who am I?

I am someone who hurts

when my lover
sleeps with a stranger.

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

I know I'm partly
to blame.

No, just because we were
fighting at the hotel,

doesn't give me
a reason to act like...

well, so juvenile.

I know I've done some
nasty things lately.

But you forgave me.

So why shouldn't
I forgive you, I wonder?

I don't know. Why?

I don't know.

I don't know why I do
the things that I do.

I just don't think.

It's like
I'm on auto pilot.

But you've gotta
believe me when I tell you

that it's about you.

Only you.

You're the one.

Richard Hart, down and out
in Beverly Hills.

You just love
watching someone

with breeding go under,
don't you, Jake?

Is that the reason
you came?

No, I came 'cause

Jane's not having
a great time either.

Not that you care about
anyone but yourself.

Oh, I care a lot
about her.

I just wish she'd dump
your sorry ass.

Now, what the hell
are you doing here?

Proposing a deal.

I want you to go back
into business with Jane.

What's the catch,

Do you want to,
I don't know,

photograph my books,
call the IRS?

No, I just want
what's best for Jane.

No hard feelings, she can
come back to work for me.

That's not the deal.

The deal is you're
partners, 50/50.

But you take
orders from her

and stay out of
her personal life.

You must really
have it bad for her, Jake.

Like I said, that's none
of your business.

I think now it's half
my business.


♪ ♪

Last night was
quite a coup, Billy.

Water cooler material.

Thank you very much,
Mr. Field.

Public speaking is usually
not my cup of tea.

No, no, no, no,
not the speech.

Oh, you mean getting
Julie Newmar to sign on with us.

Yeah, I feel really
good about that.

No, Billy,
the real conquest.

What was Amanda Woodward
like in the sack?

Well, we didn't

Oh, come on, Billy,

everybody at the convention
was talking about it.

Now, come clean.

How did the ice queen melt?

And I want
all the details, Campbell.

This is
the information age.

Well, whatever you
gentlemen can dream up,

it was better.


Well, I didn't expect

to see you here
this late.

You left the convention
a little early,

from where
I was sitting.

Yeah, well, Billy's speech
pretty much capped off

the weekend for me.

So, what are you
doing here now?

Getting a jump
on the competition?

That's what
you do, isn't it?

Jump the competition.

The whole company heard you two
in your bedroom last night.

I do what I have to
to get ahead.

I intend to be
the last one standing

at the end of the game.

Ah, must be pretty hard
to stand at all,

you spend so much
time on your back.

So this isn't about
the keynote speech,

this is jealousy
over Billy?

I have no claim
on Billy.

This is about
choices, Amanda.

I choose to win.

You can't do it alone.

We should be pulling
each other up, not down.

I tried with you, Alison,

I handed you
the keynote address.

You gave it to me
to hold Billy back.

That wasn't for me,
it was against him,

so that you
could climb higher.

I'm just hanging on.

This is as high as
the old boys' club
let's us get,

just enough to see
the top of our heads.

Well, I'm through

I just came
to get my things.

Oh, don't tell me.

You're not
quitting again?

Watch me.

I will.

From the top floor.

You think you're gonna
sneak into the big room

inside Billy's pocket?

Billy, my dear,
is snugly in mine.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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