01x09 - Responsibly Yours

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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01x09 - Responsibly Yours

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I lend you a hand?

Yeah, two hands.
Preferably attached to a mechanic.

I may not be certified,
but I've had my share of comatose cars.

Patient's all yours.

Gotta check the water level.

I did. It's full.

Oh, yeah.
I'll take your word for it.

- Transmission fluid looks good.
- Also the oil,

- which is what you're checking.
- Right.

So can I give you a ride
to a gas station, or?

At last, my knight in shining armor.

Dawn. It's a great name.

It makes you think
of sunrises and new beginnings.

Yeah, and Tony Orlando.
Would you mind lowering the noise?

Oh, sorry. Is it too loud?

You're funny.

Don't tell me you're an actress.

Well, you could say that.
I sell shoes and pretend I like it.

You sell shoes? God, what a waste.

Hey, don't knock it.
Calucci slingbacks, wholesale.

I think you're missing a bet.

I mean, you got all the right stuff.
Good looks, brains, wit...

Hey, don't stop now.

I think we should get together
and discuss this.

You can stop now.

There's a service station up ahead.

Gee, it appears
I'm a little short today.

What do you say
we take it out in trade?

Here. Bring some friends.

"Open Mike Night
at the Laugh Connection"?

By day she sells footwear.
By night she makes America laugh.

Try and come. It'd be nice to have
at least one fan in the audience.


You're looking awful spiffy.

Thanks, Jake.
Jane and I are going out for dinner.

After a week of morning sickness,
she's suddenly feeling very romantic.

Who knows?
Maybe I'll even get lucky tonight.

A woman who loves you,
a baby on the way.

Don't kid yourself, you're lucky.

Hey, what are you complaining about?

You've got all the women you want,
freedom to spare.

Oh, yeah. I got it made.
You're right.

Believe me, a relationship is hard work.
It's something you have to be ready for.

- And you gotta want it bad enough.
- Sure.

Even if I did, I'd blow it.
Somehow I always do.

Cry me a river. Aren't you the guy
who wrote the book on getting women?

Getting them is one thing.
Keeping them is something else.

I think I'm missing out.

Well, there is something
to be said for the slow approach.

I mean, take my wife and myself.

We actually dated for a while.
Took the time to get to know each other.

Built a friendship first.

- Friendship first?
- Friendship first.

- Well, there's a novelty.
- And it's worth a try.

Just a matter of controlling
your animal instincts.

She was so awesome. I mean,
she even made me laugh at myself.

Yeah, well, she's got
a lot of material to work with.

- That smells great.
- It does.

- I got bread.
- OK.

Stop talking about this stupid dinner.
You have to see Dawn perform tonight.

This stupid dinner you're referring to
is my spicy crawfish etouffee.

Lust at first sight.
Billy's been down that road before.

OK, I'd be crazy to say
she's not sexy.

I mean, Dawn's a woman.
She's worldly, challenging, mature...

Yeah? So, what does she see in you?

Ouch! That's what you get
for insulting her recipe.

Guys, I'm a lot more mature
than you think.

I have some charm, intelligence.
I'm just not obvious about it.

Mr Maturity, we all pitched in
for dinner.

Put it on my tab.
Better yet, we'll take it out in trade.

I'm in my apartment by myself,
when all of a sudden,

the lights go off, and I freak out.

I think, "Oh, my God,
there is a guy in the basement,

he has flipped the switch, and he's
coming to k*ll me, end of story."

Then I look out the window,
and I notice the entire block is out.

And I am so relieved because I think,

"Maybe he'll start at the other end
of the block."

OK, I'm a little paranoid.

I've only been divorced six months now.

She's divorced.

Hey, have you noticed that guys seem
to get serious a lot quicker these days?

With everything going on out there,
I guess it's a little spooky.

They gotta choose
between marriage and death.

At least with marriage they get fed.

But the joke's on them

because once they get married
they find out we don't cook anymore.

Well, you've been a great audience.
Thank you very much.

Dawn. Dawn Bonds.
Let's hear it for her.

We're gonna take a break
for about five minutes.

You were great. Hilarious.
Wasn't she hilarious?

- Yeah, funny.
- That was very, very funny.

You were great.

"Thank you,"
said the Christian to the lions.

- These are my friends. This is Alison.
- Hi.

- That's Rhonda.
- Hi.

- And Matt.
- What you said about the single's life,

- it couldn't be truer.
- You wanna sit down?

No, I'm sorry, Billy.
I have to get home.

The last downtown bus
stops running in about minutes.

It'd be a lot faster in my cab.

And I know a great pizza place
along the way.

I'll go get my things.

Somebody ought to bottle this guy
for medicinal purposes.

- So how long were you married?
- Eight years.

Rob was gonna be the next
David Lee Roth.

And I totally supported that.
Man, did I support that.

Then I started to have my own dreams,
and he couldn't return the favor.

It's the worst when someone you love
doesn't believe in you.

So now I haunt the amateur shows,
trying to make up for lost time.

Some nights I lie in bed and I think,

"I'm good, I'm really good.
I'm gonna make it."

And then other nights...

I know the feeling.

It's like you're in front
of this freight train,

- and you're running as fast as you can.
- You don't know the half of it.

I know what it's like to doubt yourself.
I wonder if I'll make it as a writer.

But I'm not gonna give up. I'm gonna
b*at that train, and so will you.

Assuming my legs hold up.

Well, sometimes it helps
if there's someone there to catch you.

For a burger after work?
I'm kind of bushed.

I mean "out" out, you know?
Now don't make me do this.

I think we have something going here.
Why should we put the brakes on now?

I can think of several good reasons.
For starters, we tried this once before.

Oh, come on, Sandy. I don't call
a one-night stand really trying.

I was ready for more.

So, what do you say we wipe the slate
clean and start over again?

Only this time, we do it right.
A real first date. Strictly platonic.

- Strictly platonic.
- Why not?

We start out as friends, get to know
each other, see what happens from there.

Without sex.
That's a mighty tall ground rule.

They say abstinence
makes the heart grow fonder.

- I think that's "absence."
- Whatever.

What do you say, huh?

I really like this place.
Gives you a feeling of a bygone era.

Yeah, the Dark Ages.

Thanks for everything, Billy.

All in all, I would say
it was quite a day.

It doesn't have to end. You could
ask me in for another cup of coffee.

No, it's not a good idea.
My place is a mess.

You should see my room.
It looks like a post-nuclear wasteland.

Billy, you're a very sweet guy.

But I have grown out
of one-night stands.

Me too.

Sorry, Dawn. We heard you talking,
and Martin's been waiting up for you.

It's OK, Emma. You can go home,
and I'll just pay you in the morning,

- if it's OK.
- Sure.

- Goodnight, Martin.
- Bye.

Thanks, Emma. Hey, dude.

Martin, this is Billy.
Billy, this is my son, Martin.

Hi, Martin.

Finally, he returns from the wars.

I swear, that's the last time
I do it all night.

Dawn may have something
to say about that.

I left Dawn at her doorstep.
I drove the graveyard shift last night.

I wasn't about to try anything
with Martin there.

- Martin? Who's Martin?
- Her son.

One small thing she left out
of the routine.

There goes Dawn.

Don't get me wrong. Dawn's great.
But a kid, that's a little complicated.

To put it mildly.

You gotta watch what you say,
what you do.

I mean, there's no spontaneity,
no privacy.

What if we want to go away
for a weekend, couldn't find a sitter?

Could happen.

God, it must be really hard
being a single mom.

Guys running away
at the sight of your kid.

In a way, I understand.

It's hard enough committing
to one person, let alone two.

Yeah, I never thought
about it like that.

I mean, maybe I am being selfish.

Dawn and I might have something going.

Why should I let this stand in the way?

Billy, you can't jump
into this half-cocked.

Martin is an -year-old.
I was a kid once. I can relate.

I'll say.

You are dealing with a family here,

a responsibility you
are hardly ready to face.

Come on, Alison. Just because
you're intimated by children...

Who's intimidated? I am not intimidated.

I can teach him soccer,
show him my comic book collection...

I was a wonderful baby-sitter.
Everybody said so.

- Where are you going?
- To call Dawn.

See what she's doing for dinner tonight.

If you think I'm making a mistake here,
just come right out and tell me.

- Who, me? I'm not gonna say a word.
- No, you never do.

When you want me to know
something bad, you leave me to find it.

I just think you're setting
yourself up again.

I mean, yeah, Jake is a great guy.

But remember what he did to you
the last time?

Yeah, I know. But to tell you the truth,

that was just as much my fault
as it was Jake's.

It started out as a regular date.
We were gonna go to the movies.

Then we sat on the couch,

had a drink for the road.

One thing led to another,

and we never got out the door.

Till the next morning.
Then he never called you back.

Yeah, I bitched and I moaned. But maybe
Jake was just more honest than me.

He knew he wasn't ready
for a serious relationship.

- You think he's changed in six months?
- Yeah, I have. Why not him?

Rhonda, listen to me.
This time we're gonna do it right.

We're gonna go out for dinner,
to the movies.

We're gonna communicate
without jumping in the sack.

OK, Sandy. But be straight with me.
Do you trust him?

I think the question here is,
do I trust myself?

I'm a pretty good soccer player.

I could teach you some moves.
You could show your friends.

I hate soccer.

- Martin plays in a Little League.
- The national pastime, huh?

I was the Reggie Jackson
of Granada Hills High.

Reggie who?

Martin loves his comic books.

Well, it so happens that I have every
Silver Surfer comic book from one on.

Silver Surfer? What a wuss.

- Martin, enough of the wise talk.
- Why? I'm not doing anything.

You're being a royal pain in the butt.

You broke our deal. You said
you wouldn't bring guys home for dinner.

Without asking you first,
which I did, did I not?

So, Dawn, what were you saying
about the stand-up gig in Ventura?

A few weeks ago, I played a show,

an amateur show at a comedy club
up there,

and the owner called me
at the shoe store today,

said he had a cancellation
for Saturday night,

and he wanted me to fill in.

- Said it could be permanent.
- God, that's fantastic, a paying gig?

Unfortunately, Ventura's
a million miles away.

How will I get there
with a car that doesn't run?

I can give you a ride.
Martin can ride shotgun.

- I'm not going with him. No way!
- Martin, chill out.

Why can't you just ask Dad?
Get him to pay for the car!

Your dad won't even pay child support,
let alone $ to fix the car!

I can't believe I said that.
I'm sorry.

Honey... Martin...

- We finally made it to the movies.
- So, what if it sucked?

- We had fun, right?
- We sure did.

For two hours we sat together
in the dark and didn't even hold hands.

See? We can have a good time without
ripping each other's clothes off.

- What took us so long to find out?
- That beats the hell out of me.

I used to think you looked at me like
this airhead blonde, willing and easy.

I figured you thought I was
a macho construction worker,

looking to put another notch
in his tool belt.

- Funny how wrong we can be.
- I know.

Maybe we were just being cautious.

Or maybe we were just afraid
of getting too close.

Well, we already are.
With you living upstairs and all.


I can't tell you how many times
I thought about coming up there and...

I know what you mean.

Hey, way cool.
You're a Terminator freak too.

- Where's my mom?
- She's around.

I just... I thought that maybe
you and I could have a little talk.

- Like men.
- No, we can't.

I'm a kid.

Boy, that was some flick, huh?

You know, the way old Arnold
was kicking butt, crashing cars,

turning that evil cyborg
into molten lead.

Steel. He melted him into steel.


But you know what the best part
about it was?

The way he was always there
for the kid and his mother,

protecting them
and bringing them together,

making them realize how much
they love and need each other

and always will.

Yeah, but the Terminator went away
at the end.

Yeah, but that was in the movie.
This is real.

Everything's gonna be OK, Martin.
I promise.

Jake, I'm really glad
that we did this tonight.

Hell of a first date.

I thought it was one of the top five
of all time.

I feel like I got to know you better.

Me too.

So I guess it's time to hit the sheets.

Yeah, I guess.

Good night, Jake.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- I feel like I'm in junior high school.
- I know, isn't that the truth?


Jake, this wasn't supposed to happen.

We were gonna try to talk
and communicate.

- What are we doing here?
- Yeah, we do that so well.

OK, all right. Wait, wait.

OK, we were supposed
to be taking this slow.

Wasn't that the whole point of tonight?

Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. We just
got a little carried away, that's all.

We got carried away?
No, you got carried away.

This is all you ever wanted!

What? You're wrong. I just...

When you started hugging me, I...

Oh, don't try to turn this around.
That out there was just a friendly hug.

A friendly hug? Come on,
my aunt gives me a friendly hug.

- That was not a friendly hug.
- So this is all my fault?

You were enjoying this as much as I did.

Yeah, I did. You bet I did, Jake.

Yeah, why not? Sex is all
we've got going for us, isn't it?

- Not true!
- It is.

We use it as an escape,
a way of avoiding what we feel.

- And that's not me! Not anymore.
- We made a mistake.

You bet we did. Without sex,
there's nothing between us!

OK, fine, fine.

If that's the way you want it,
then we're nothing.

That's not the way I want it, Jake.
That's just the way it is.

- Hey.
- What are you doing up so late?

Caffeine overdose. Nothing like
a crossword puzzle to put you to sleep.

What is a four-letter word for behemoth?

I don't know. I don't have the solution
to anybody's problems.

- Is there anything I can do to help?
- No.

Not unless you can lend me $ .

Three hundred dollars?

God, I only have in the bank.

I swear I'll pay you back every cent,
with interest.

Oh, Billy, you can't be serious.

You're already behind
in apartment expenses.

I'd ask my parents, but you know
what the situation is there.

I really need it, Alison.
I wouldn't ask you otherwise.

For what? Can I at least ask that?

I had an accident in my cab.

What happened?

I banged into this lady's car,
and my boss won't cover the damages.

If I don't pay for the repairs,
then I'm out of a job.

Besides, I feel really bad for her.

Because she just got this new job,
and she needs the car to go to work.

I'm just trying to be responsible.

Well, I was gonna get Betsy
a new transmission.

- But I guess she'll have to wait.
- I don't know.

- There's gotta be another way.
- Hey, you'd do the same for me, right?

I mean, it is your job.


Did you hold up a mini-mart?

Never mind. It's yours.
Now you can get your car fixed.

This is crazy. I have to be
up in Ventura tonight.

They'll never have my car by then.

So they'll give you a loaner.
They always do.

You don't understand.
I'm not prepared for this.

Listen, this is all going
too fast for me.

I appreciate what you're doing, but...

I know, you told me.
You hate to be in debt.

Just pay me back
by knocking 'em dead tonight.

I mean, I don't even have
a baby-sitter for Martin.

I'll watch Martin.
Assuming it's OK with him.

Billy, it's more than that.


What you're trying to do is wonderful,
but I have to admit, it's really scary.

For me too. Look, what can I say?
I think you're the greatest.

I took your advice,
tried the slow approach.

Don't lay this on me. I only told you
what happened in my case.

And it was working out.

We were talking, laughing,
really expressing how we felt.

Nothing sexual, and then...

Every so often she would smile at me,
or her hand would brush mine

with that look in her eye.
By the time we got home...

He was all over me like a cheap suit.

Well, I don't want to be the one
to say "I told you so."

Then don't.

I should have my head examined
for thinking it could work between us.

He is a selfish, irresponsible,

Sarcastic, conceited, immature.

The last thing she wants
is a commitment.

No way is he ready
for a serious relationship.

It's over between Jake and I,
and I mean it this time.

The only way to deal with Jake
is not deal with him at all.

You can't be serious.

As far as I'm concerned,
the woman doesn't exist anymore, period.

This is it, Marty.
Casa Campbell in all it's splendor.

Hey, Alison, I want you to meet
my bud, Martin. Martin, this is Alison.

Hi, Martin.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

Afraid you've taken me a bit
by surprise.

Nobody told me I was expecting company.

We're spending the day together.

- Well, isn't that wonderful for you?
- Yeah.

Martin, would you like
some Fruit Doodles?

- They're Billy's favorite.
- Wait a second, Alison.

We should be nutrition-conscious.

- Maybe some granola would be better.
- I'm not hungry.

Is she your girlfriend?

'Course not.

- We just live together.
- Roommates.

- Yeah, like in camp.
- Or the Army.


So I'm sure you two have lots of guy
stuff you wanna do, so I'll let you...

Wait a second. I got a great idea.
You wanna go to Magic Mountain?

What do you think?

Come on, it'll be great.
Come on, we're gonna go!

Man, that was something else!

- Come on, Billy!
- Take it easy.

- Billy, he's gonna get lost.
- It's cool. I've got an eye on him.

- Admit you're having a great time.
- I'm having an OK time.

- You're having a wonderful time.
- All right, it's wonderful.

I'm having a ball with Martin.

Come on, Billy.

- It's not all amusement parks.
- Tell me something I don't know.

It's giving up your freedom
when you're just getting a taste of it.

Being responsible every minute
for another human being.

- I don't know how people handle it.
- Well, you'll find out someday.

- I don't want to have kids.
- Are you kidding?

Come on, every woman
wants to be a mom.

Just because I can produce them doesn't
mean I'm duty-bound to have them.

Maybe I don't want to be tied down.

Maybe I want more out of life.

Maybe I don't think I can handle it.

I know plenty of parents who can't.

Like yours?

You can't rush these things.

It takes a while to get used
to the idea.

And then you fall in love with it.


Like it?

I got it, I got it!

How does he keep going?
Where's he get the steam?

- Which one, Billy or Martin?
- Both.

I guess Martin just brings out
the child in Billy.

You mean that carefree, immature
side he's been keeping under wraps?

All right, champ. It's late.
We gotta get you dry.

He's actually better at this
than you'd think.

It's the first time I've seen Billy
act like an adult.

I guess some people are
just natural-born parents.


I love kids, you know. I really do.

But sometimes I wonder
whether I'm ready for the job.

Or if I ever will be.

You're not alone there.

Hey, guys, I wasn't exactly ready
for this miracle baby of mine.

I don't think anyone really ever is.

But you'd be surprised
how much you change.

He's so cute.

Oh, that's probably Dawn.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hey, Alison.
How's my big boy doing?

Oh, he's out like a light.
He had a very exciting day.

Took him to Magic Mountain.
Piece of cake, right?

That's fantastic, Billy.
I guess we all had a great day.

- Knock 'em dead?
- Slaughtered is more like it.

I had them laughing so hard
they were coughing up Coronas.


Tomorrow is my swan song
at the Laugh Connection,

then it is goodbye amateur night.
And I owe it all to you, Billy.

- All I did was believe in you.
- Don't be so damn modest.

If you hadn't loaned me the money for
my car, I wouldn't have made this gig.

How nice.

I better go get Martin.
We gotta boogie home.

- He's in the back room on your right.
- Thanks.

You lied to me. You sat right there,
and you lied to me.

- Alison, please, not so loud.
- I'm such an idiot. I believed you.

Try and understand.
They needed my help, OK?

It's not like I was being selfish here.

No. No, you were being very unselfish,

very responsible, at my expense.

We're out of here.

- Thanks for everything.
- Let me walk you to the car.

It's OK, Billy.
You've done enough for one day.

Thank you, Sir Galahad.


- See you later.
- Come on, kiddo.

See you, Martin.

You do this every time.

You jump into a relationship
without a moment's thought.

You and I are different, OK?

When I meet somebody I like,
I don't hold back my feelings.

Feelings? Billy, you are a child
play-acting as an adult.

OK, you made your point.

Oh, he forgot his hat.

It is like you are living
in a dream world.


How can you take care of somebody else?
You can barely take care of yourself.

- That's my problem, not yours.
- No, Billy, it's mine.

Thanks to you.

I'm sorry, Alison, OK?
I am sorry, I am sorry.

I will work day and night
to pay you back in full.

You can't pay me back in full.

I don't think I can ever
trust you again.

- I'm sure that made him feel better.
- You care so much about Marty?

All you care about is your comedy,
and you're not even funny!

You don't send a dime for weeks
and just show up!

The hell with you. He's my son too!

- Billy!
- Are you all right?

Well, who the hell is this?

- Someone who cares more than you.
- Stay out of it.

Yeah, this is none
of your business, so b*at it.

Since when has it been your business?
You're a lousy husband,

- an even lousier father...
- Billy, stop it!

Is this your new boyfriend, Dawn, huh?

Does Marty get to watch
when you guys are doing it?

Oh, you're an ass.

For God's sake, you guys, stop it!

Will you get out of here?

I'll be back at noon.
Make sure Martin's ready.

Are you satisfied?

Do you feel like a real man now?

I'm sorry. I thought you were
in trouble. I was trying to help.

By throwing out Martin's father
in front of his face?

Who gave you the right?

I hardly know you, and you barge in
acting like you own this family.

Making promises to my kid
you're never gonna keep?

- Everything you said about Rob...
- It doesn't matter!

Rob is the father of my child.

Listen, just try and understand
how I feel...

How do you feel, Billy?

You're a -year-old cabby.
You are free as a bird.

Do you feel like stepping
into Rob's shoes?

Do you feel like taking on
the obligations of a family?

Well, come on, Billy.
I'm ready if you are. Yes or no?

That's what I thought.

Three hundred dollars.

Rob's child-support money.
He just dropped it off.

That's right, Billy.
Things aren't always black-and-white.

- It's OK. Really.
- Just take the money and go.

Take it easy.
You nearly took the door off.

At least your door opens, which is
more than I can say for my closet.

I'm sorry. Michael's on call
at the hospital.

No way.

But I'm sure there's somebody
around here handy enough to help.

Come on.

Go on.

The problem is you got a nut loose.
Needs a good tightening.

No pun intended.

- Where's my Allen wrench?
- I really do appreciate this.

See, I've got a hot date tonight,
and I need to get to my dressy clothes.

Well, one more screw,
and I'll have it locked in.

Are you OK?

So much for my closet.

So much for your hot date.

Last night was the worst
first date of my life.

Of the entire universe.
Let's just face it.

- As a romantic item, we're a bust.
- A total wipe-out.

- We're too much alike.
- We have no self-control.

Especially when it comes to each other.

You know, last night you said
without sex we were nothing.

I think you're wrong.

I think we have something
very solid between us.

Something more lasting
than a roll in the hay.

- Friendship.
- Exactly.

So let's just keep what we have
and forget the rest

- cos life's already too tough.
- That's right.

And if that someone special
comes along,

- that'll just be the icing on the cake.
- Well, you've already found him.

You know, your hot date?

I'm going to the movies with Rhonda.

You left early this morning.

I didn't mean to wake you.

It's OK. I wasn't very sleepy.


What's this?

Three hundred dollars.

I'll have Betsy write you
a thank-you note.

Look, Alison, I'm sorry
for screwing things up.

I didn't mean to jeopardize
what we have here.

And I don't want you
to stop trusting me.

Billy, I know your heart
was in the right place...

...and you were just trying to be noble,
but not very realistic.

You know, sometimes I just feel like
my whole life's on cruise-control.

Everybody's always been there for me
and always caring for me.

You know, my mom and my sister.
Even you.

And then along comes Dawn,
and for once in my life,

finally I find somebody who needs me.

You know, really needs me.

And it felt great.

And I just don't wanna lose that.

I've gotta talk to her again.

Yeah, my life is one big search
for that pirate prince

to come and steal my heart,
with or without a pierced ear.

No, no, no, really.

To me, a pierced ear could mean a guy
is ready for a relationship.

It shows he has chosen pain.

I don't know, I guess it's my fault

for always falling for guys
who are just living out a fantasy.

It's really easy to spot them.

They're dressed like superheroes
with the little capes and the leotards.

"Hello, I'd like to rescue you."

Now, if I could just say, "I'm sorry,
but I'm really looking for someone

who isn't wearing
their underwear on the outside."

But there are guys that are just
into this damsel-in-distress thing,

like it is their favorite game.

"Stand back, I will rescue you
from that villain."

"Lighten up, it's just the guy
trying to deliver the pizza."

I think we need a new superhero.

Commitment Man.

He may not be able to leap
tall buildings in a single bound,

but damn it, he'll be there for you.

Thank you very much. Good night.

Dawn Bonds. Dawn Bonds.

- Thank you. Thank you very much.
- Hey, that was really cool.

Oh, thank you, Barney.
Do you got a light?

I thought you were gonna start
protecting those lungs.

I told you before. I have no character.

Wrong. I'm the one that seems
to be lacking in that area.

Billy, let's just leave it alone.

I don't want to leave it alone.

Look, Dawn, I'm not saying
that I wanna move in with you

or be the father to your son.

I'm just enjoying spending time
with you, OK?

And I don't want that to stop.

Billy, this isn't about you.
This is about me.

I'm the one who isn't ready.

I got married young.
I've never really been independent.

And now I have a sh*t at getting
on my feet and making it on my own.

Well, then why are you
shutting me out?

Don't you understand

that, between my career and my son,
there's no room?

I'm sorry, Billy.

Can I at least say goodbye to Martin?

I don't think it's a good idea
for either of you.

Just tell him that I said,
"Hasta la vista, baby."

- He'll understand.
- OK.

A geologist in Parma claims
that the Leaning Tower of Pisa

is leaning faster than ever and
is destined to topple by the year .

- I've never even seen the thing.
- You better book your flight.

Maybe I should travel more.

You know, the Orient, South America,
maybe Africa.

Lot of places I haven't been to.

I mean, I'm young.
I have no ties to hold me back.

It's great to have the freedom
to take off and go.

God, that was something.

I mean, for a little while there,
I had my own family.

I know.

Gives you something to look forward to.

Yeah, someday.


You never know.

Any idea who with?

You never know.

- Have a good day, Billy.
- Bye, Alison.
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