01x24 - Bye Bye Billy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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01x24 - Bye Bye Billy

Post by bunniefuu »

- Breakfast is served.
- Thank you.

But who needs breakfast
when I can make a meal out of you?

First, I'd start with the arm.

Then I'd make my way up
to your long, lovely neck.

And then if I get really hungry...

Let it ring.

- I forgot to turn on my machine.
- They'll call back.

- Hello?
- She's busy.

Hi, Dad.

Nothing, just running out the door.

Oh, you are? Great.

Why don't you come over
and I'll make you dinner

and you can meet Billy.


Yes, Dad, I have mentioned him.

OK. I'll see you at seven.
I love you too. Bye.

- You shouldn't have answered it.
- My dad has business in town,

so he's driving down from Santa Barbara.
He wants to meet you.

I'm dying to meet him too. But Alison
and I have tickets to the play tonight.

No, you don't.

Well, can't you get out of it?

Well, I'll try.

Alison won't mind.
After all, she's got Keith.

I love the beach.

It always makes me feel re-energized.

- Remember the first time we came?
- Keith.

I know, I know.
No pressure, no bringing up the past.

I'm trying to be good. It just
ain't easy, being so close to you.

- You ever think about what it was like?
- Of course I do.

Then what's the problem?
I'm divorced, I'm free.

I never stopped loving you.
I don't see why we can't continue.

- It's just not that easy.
- Why? Why? Why isn't it that easy?

- You want to make it complicated.
- No, because I still don't trust you.

Does that make it simple?

You don't trust me?
Don't believe I'm divorced?

- Want to see the papers?
- No.

What do I have to do to prove myself?
Say the word, and I'll do it.

Can't we just be friends for now?

You bet. The last thing
I want you to feel is pressured.

We're just a couple of old friends
going out to lunch at the beach.

Nothing more.

- Just a couple of old pals.
- Right.

Thought you could use a pizza break.

You wouldn't happen
to have brought a beer?

The lady is a mind reader.

You're really making progress here.
We're gonna be able to open on time.


You know what I mean.

Jake, I think we need a business plan.

Just so we know what we have
and where we're going.

Jo, you're the silent partner, remember?

Yeah, I know.

I just have to protect
my investment, right?

I know you know everything
about motorcycles, but...

But what?
You don't think I can cut it?

- Jake...
- If you don't think I can,

- then why did you invest?
- Jake, calm down.

I know you know the business.

I'm just saying that no one
can do it all on their own.

Just think about getting an accountant
to take care of some books.


- I'll think about it, OK?
- OK.

So, what are we gonna?

You, you.
What are you gonna call this place?

Jake's Bikes.

Jake's Bikes.

Jake's Bikes, that's nice.
That sounds good.

No, Billy, I am not mad,

but when you make
a commitment, you keep it.

I'm in relationship too,
you know. Sort of.

I know, so I thought Keith
could take my ticket.

Keith made other plans.
He has a business dinner.

Truth is I'd rather spend the evening
with you than Amanda's father.

But he's here, and his opinion of me
matters to Amanda,

so if it was up to me...

Look, it's no big deal.

I wouldn't care,
but my car's in the shop.

Oh, God, I forgot.

Don't worry. I'll take a cab.
Have fun, Billy.

- What's the problem?
- Billy's bailing on me.

Hey, I'm a big girl.
I can certainly go to the theatre alone.

I wish I could go with you. It'd be
more fun than discussing my resume

over clam chowder at the Ocean Grill.

I like the idea of going alone.

If I hate the play,
I can leave whenever I want.

- I'll just call a cab.
- Don't take a cab.

You can borrow my car.

The 'Stang?

You'll let me drive it?

Just drop me off at the restaurant,
and it's yours. No big deal.

Why haven't I driven this car before?

Hold off on the clutch.
You don't need to ride it that hard.

OK, it's a little testy in reverse,
so take it easy.

Don't the heater on high
until the engine warms up.

Are you sure you're OK about this?
I can still take a cab.

I'm fine. Really.

Have a wonderful time.
I'll talk to you later.

- Drive carefully.
- Thanks!

- Be careful.
- I will.

Nothing in the world of spirits
has the subtlety or refinement

of a single malt Scotch.

My forebearers are from the Highlands,
where the Scotch is only poured neat.

The idea of a man walking into a bar
and ordering a Scotch on the rocks

- is enough to brand him a heathen.
- I'm a beer man.

Beer is not a writer's drink.

Well, it is if you make a living
as a cab driver.

I'm pouring you
a single malt Scotch before dinner.

Great. I hate Scotch.

He's wonderful, isn't he?

He's not for you.

Why, because he's good-looking,

intelligent with a sense of humor,
or because I like him so much?

No, because he's so
incredibly successful.

Dad, Billy is a very talented writer.

I've read his stories,
and they're wonderful.

We'll see how long it lasts.

- Give me the keys.
- OK, OK.

Pick them up.
Hand 'em over, bitch. Let's go!


- Don't you move, you understand?
- Let's go!

Oh, God!

- It's this city. It's out of control.
- He has my purse.

He knows where I am,
he knows where I live.

All they wanted was the car and money.
Your purse is probably in a dumpster.

He held a g*n right up to my face.
I've never even seen a real g*n before.

It was... so real.

I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

He could've, and all I kept thinking
was, "Why did I park on the street?"

It was so stupid.

They were gonna take that car
one way or another.

This way you're here to tell about it.

I was on my knees,

staring at the pavement,
and I kept thinking,

"Is this the last thing
I'm ever gonna see?"

I don't know what I would've done
if I couldn't have reached you.

I was so afraid.

You need some sleep.

Don't go.

Please, I really don't wanna be alone.

Would you just stay and hold me?

Just hold me.

Yeah, it was stolen last night.

I don't know what the last charge was.
I guess lunch yesterday.

No, I don't have a receipt.
My whole purse was stolen.

I know, a week?
So you'll send it to me? Thank you.

How's it going?


Thank you for being there for me
last night.

I can't tell you how terrible I feel
about your car.

Stop worrying about my car.

Are you gonna be OK today?
Maybe you should take the day off.

So I can relive the incident all day?
No, thank you.

I think work will be a nice distraction.

Good morning, Alison.

Keith, what a nice surprise.

- So how was the play?
- I don't remember.

It all slipped my mind
once I got carjacked.

What? Are you OK?

Seem to be in one piece.

Look, Jane said she'd drop you off
on the way to pick up my car, so...

- Let's go.
- Great.

I can't believe you're not
gonna tell me what's going on.

- Why didn't you call?
- I tried.

Hear for yourself.

Billy, I called you at Amanda's,
and nobody answered.

If you're there, Billy,
please pick up.

Something really bad
happened to me tonight.

I guess you're not there.

OK and exhale.

Now give yourselves a great big hug.

And you're guilt free
for the rest of the weekend.

- Hey, what are you doing here?
- Well, I got a surprise for you.

Terrence, what are you up to?

You know that house that we looked at?
The one you thought was too big for us?

Well, it's mine.
They accepted my offer.

Congratulations, that's great!

- But I need your help.
- For what?

I want you to help me decorate it.

Terrence, I don't know
anything about decorating.

But I love your taste.
I want the place to have your touch.

Leave it to me, I'll end up
with a TV and a treadmill.

And besides, I'm color blind.

- OK, OK.
- Great.

By the way, I hired a decorator.
I want you two to get acquainted.

You hired a decorator?
Then what do you need me for?

To make sure she takes care of me.

Otherwise, she's gonna run over me
with those color samples

and fabric swatches
and who knows what else.

I figured the two of you could get
together this afternoon at about . .

- You are so arrogant.
- And you are beautiful.

I have to run back to the restaurant.
But we'll talk tomorrow night at dinner.


Terrence, you didn't tell me her name!


Billy told me what happened.
Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's horrible.
But you're lucky to be alive.

I've heard stories where people
are k*lled or...

Amanda, will you excuse me
for a moment?

I think I'm going home.


- Rhonda, is that you?
- Carrie? What are you doing here?

I was about to ask the same question.

I'm up here to meet with a designer.

You're kidding.

After I moved out, my life
went through the most amazing changes.

Rhonda, I found myself.

I was organizing somebody's closet
when it just hit me.

I should be doing the whole house.

And as soon as I made that decision,
my cosmic puzzle fell right into place.

That's wonderful, Carrie.

I'm much more centered and less high
strung than when we lived together.

Well, that's good to hear.

So are you Terrence's personal trainer?

No. I'm his girlfriend.

Oh, fabulous.

But of course, it was only a matter
of time before you'd find Mr Perfect.

Yeah, he's quite wonderful.

Wonderful? Wonderful?

Excuse me, Rhonda, but that
does not do the man justice.

He's poetic.

How well do you know Terrence?

We had a couple of meetings
at my office,

but that's all I need
to capture someone's essence.

I guess he sent you up here
to keep an eye on me.

Make sure I don't go too crazy.

Something like that.

You don't have anything to worry about.
Everything is under control.

How did I know she was alone?
She was gonna find somebody else.

It's not your fault.
I understand you're upset.

She's your friend.
It was a horrible thing.

- But you had no control over it.
- I did. I was supposed to be there.

I didn't give her enough time
to find somebody else.

I didn't know my father was coming
until Saturday.

- Two please.
- I'm not blaming you.

- I just wish I could've stopped it.
- I know.

I'm sure Keith's
having a ball with this.

Now that she's vulnerable,
he's riding in like a knight.

You've got to stop obsessing.

You're not the American Red Cross,
and you're not Alison's boyfriend.

You're right. She'll be OK.
She's tough.

She doesn't let things get to her.

Still, I should have been there.


- Keith.
- Alison, are you OK?

I'm so scared. I'm just so scared.

Come on. I'm taking you out of here.

It's all right.

- Keith, this is so extravagant.
- Forget about it.

What's another charge on the credit
card? I should be working soon enough.

You've been so great about everything.

I feel like I've been
pretty unfair to you.

No, you're right. Trust is the most
important part of a relationship.

And maybe I don't have the greatest
track record in that area,

but I want you to believe in me,
to feel safe...

...however long that takes.
I'm a patient guy.

You know, I like to think of myself
as strong and independent,

but I would have been a basket case
if it wasn't for you.

Just relax. All you need
is a good night's sleep.

Don't worry about being strong,
about being brave.

Let me be all those things for you.

At least for tonight.

What were you saying
about a good night's sleep?

- I don't believe it.
- You mean us?

In a weird way, I feel closer to you
than before because of what happened.

Maybe something good
came out of this disaster.

Well, it's over now.

It's so great out here,
I can almost forget.

I can't stop thinking about every person
on the street as a potential thr*at.

I feel like I've lost whatever
small amount of courage it takes

to live and work in the city.

You're with me now, Alison.
You're safe.

I break away from my family,
come out here on my own,

and then, just when I'm really starting
to get it together, this happens.

All I want to do is hide.

You won't always feel that way.

Keith, this is wrong.

Because of me,
you have to rent a car

and you shouldn't have to spend
more money on a room out here.

Why don't you stay with me?

Billy's almost never there anymore
and there's plenty of room.

I'd love to.

I must say, a Tudor house
certainly fits a man like you.

It's strong, but understated.
It doesn't have anything to prove.

- It's just there, you know?
- Yeah, I think so.

The approach that I presented to Rhonda
fits your personality perfectly.

Dark colors, offset by chintzes
in a manly floral.

I don't think I've ever heard
of manly florals.

Well, you'll love it, believe me.
Every real man has a gentle side.

Carrie, I think I told you
Terrence wouldn't respond to chintz.

- I was just trying to add some color.
- Wait, I think Carrie's right.

I mean, after all,
I do have a softer side.

- Let's do it.
- Thank you, Terry,

for the vote of confidence.
I can call you Terry?

Yeah, sure, why not?

Let's go talk bedroom, shall we?


This is why I brought you here.
It's my favorite piece.

Look at the line of her body.
That neck.

The way the weight shifts the shoulder.

The curve of her torso.

She makes me see the beauty
in the ordinary.

What do you think?

- Yeah, it's great.
- Billy, what's going on?

You've been somewhere else.
What are you thinking about?

Just thinking...

...that you should start
painting again.

- Really?
- Yeah. Why not? You love art.

I'm starving.
Let's go get some pasta?

I'd love to, but I have something
I have to take care of.

- Alison?
- Yeah.

- I want to check on her.
- That's what you were thinking of.

Not about me or whether I should
paint or not or anything.

I don't believe this.

It's a beautiful day,
we're in a gorgeous place,

you're with someone who loves you,
and you can't stop thinking of her.

No, it's just because of
everything that's happened.

This is nuts. I introduce you
to my dad, I fight with him over you,

and you're really in love
with someone else.

Look, I'll come over later and...

No, you won't.

I don't want to see you again
until you know what you want.

I was mugged once at knifepoint.
I know what you're going through.

You don't feel safe, nightmares,
you're afraid to be alone.

Don't worry. That false sense
of security will come back.

- We'll see.
- So where'd you go last night?

Keith took me to the beach.
He thought it might do me some good.

- And did it?
- I'd say so.

I'd say it was pretty amazing.

He's gonna be staying
with me for a while.

Well, is this love or a bodyguard?

Jo, he's been there for me
since this whole thing happened,

and I'm seeing
how special he is again.

But I am no Whitney Houston,
and he's not Kevin Costner.

- Do you have any plans right now?
- No, I am laying low for a while,

taking a few days off work
until I feel more secure.

All right, let's go.

Oh, Jo.

It's important. It's something I did
after my ex-husband's last visit.

Here. This is a mm Sig Sauer.

Last time my husband slapped me
around, I said, "No more victim."

I got down here, bought this,
took some lessons.

Pull down on target and just squeeze.

- Try it again. You'll get used to it.
- No, I won't.

You keep that in your apartment?

Yeah. For protection.

Does anybody know?

This is dangerous. One accident,
and somebody could die.

It's no one's business.
I know what I'm doing.

Jo, this doesn't sound like you.

It sure isn't me. I don't want
anything to do with g*ns.

What if someone breaks in
who isn't as squeamish?

What about that guy that att*cked you?

You're in a big city.
You've gotta protect yourself.

If this is what it takes to live here,
then I'll move back to Wisconsin.

You stay and finish
your target practice.

I'm gonna go wait in the car.

... local news, another case
of random g*nf*re

took the life of a six-year-old girl
in the Compton area.

- Who is it?
- It's me, Keith.

- Sorry I'm late. Are you OK?
- I'm fine, just a little on edge.

- How was your meeting?
- It was a disaster.

They're a bunch of pompous jerks.

- What's going on?
- How do you feel about salmon?

For dinner?

How do you feel about walks in the rain
and old Victorian houses?

- What are you talking about?
- Seattle.

They offered me the environmental
consultant position at Marine Oil.

- I thought you interviewed in LA.
- I've talked with Marine for months.

But I didn't think anything
was going to come of it.

Well, great.

You'll love Seattle.
It's clean, beautiful.

Slow down, Keith.

I can't just move to Seattle.
I have a life here. I have a job.

I just got a promotion.

There are ad agencies
all over the Pacific Northwest.

This is what you need. Go where
it's safe, and we'll be together.

- What about?
- You don't have to decide now.

We still have a little time.

Just do this for me, make a list
of all the pros and cons,

and we'll talk about it.

Can you at least do that?

All right. But will you pull
back from the hard sell?

I promise.

But first let's go out and celebrate.
I'm sure you haven't been out all day.

I was, but I was driven
back by a hail of b*ll*ts.


Nothing too serious,
I'll explain over dinner.

A hail of b*ll*ts?

Alison and I spent
the afternoon together.

So yeah, she seems pretty OK.
She seems a little jumpy, but...

I'd be jumpy too,
if someone held me up at gunpoint.

Yeah. She really lost it
when I showed her my handgun.

I was just trying to show her options,
you know?

Wait a minute. You have a handgun?

Yeah, for protection.

In your apartment where I sleep?
Are you nuts?

No! The next time my ex-husband
or anyone else att*cks me,

I'm going to protect myself.

You should get one.
What if someone sticks this place up?

- I'll give 'em the money.
- What if it's not enough?

What if you have to protect yourself?

A g*n can make you safe, Jake.

I knew guys in Washington who had g*ns.

Had them in their houses,
glove compartments,

they had them for protection
from all the crazy people in the world.

But they only sh*t each other.

I found a friend
bleeding to death behind a bar,

holding the Browning a*t*matic
that was supposed to save his life.

He d*ed there on the asphalt.

I didn't want to have anything
to do with g*ns then,

and I don't want to have
anything to do with them now.

Thanks for the lecture.
I have to go.

Get rid of it, Jo, you don't need it.

I'm sorry I brought it up.


- Can I speak to you alone?
- If you have something to say, say it.

Why don't you?

OK, what is it?

I'm sorry about what happened.
You don't know how sorry I am.

- Are you gonna hold this against me?
- What are you talking about?

Your attitude. You're mad at me,
and I don't know what I've done wrong.

I am not mad at you.

Amanda asked me to meet her father.
What was I supposed to do?

You didn't remind me about the tickets
until the night before.

- That is not the point.
- What's the point?

I don't blame you for anything,

but I've been going through
a lot lately.

I was almost k*lled, been
freaked out and unable to work.

I considered buying a g*n.
Through it all, I needed a friend.

- I know.
- As it turns out, I didn't need you.

Keith was there for me.
And he's been wonderful.

And I'm feeling better, so you
don't have to feel guilty anymore.

This guy? He's your hero?

This is me, Alison, I was here
when he broke your heart.

Good night, Billy.

Good night, pal.

Can you believe my former roommate
from hell is Terrence's new designer?

It's a small, ugly world.
Have you warned him?

Warned him? He loves her.

She called him Terry,
and it was fine with him.

Everything she says or does
is fine with him.

"Terry, I think we should burn
the whole place down

and put up a mohair tepee."

"Oh, sure, why not, Carrie?

I mean, after all,
it'd go along with my softer side."

Oh, he just eats it up.

This isn't about the house, is it?
You care about him. You're jealous.

Well, so what if I am?

I don't know. Maybe you
should do something about it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Are you busy?

No. I was just getting ready for work.

- Do you want to come in?
- Thanks.

Listen, you were right.

I haven't slept all night.

I was stuck in the past, you know,

and there wasn't anything
back there to be stuck in.

But that wasn't why
I couldn't sleep,

it was because of you.

I know what I want.
I want you,

us or whatever we're doing here.


It was just weird.

I was lying in my bed
in my apartment,

and I didn't feel
like I belonged there anymore.

You don't. You belong here.

I think you should move in with me.

Don't you?

I think that is a great idea.

I have to get ready for work.
I don't have much time.

You've never accused me
of taking too long.

No, higher. It has to be exact.

- Carrie?
- Yes?

Can I talk to you?

I hope it's important.
We have a lot to cover here today.

Yeah, it is.


I want you to keep
your hands off Terrence.

- What are you talking about?
- I'm not blind, OK?

You're pushing up on him.
You're coming on like a Mack truck.

He's my boyfriend, so stay away.

Designers do have to talk
to their clients, Rhonda.

- Don't play with me.
- What are you gonna do about it?

The way I see it, Terrence is single.

And in my book, a single man
is fair game,

especially one as special as Terrence.

- You mean as rich as Terrence.
- You said it, I didn't.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to go measure the master bath.

I spoke to Terry, and we're thinking
of doing something softer with the tile.

Come, Rick.

Hey, how's it going?

OK, I guess. What's that?

M- ?

Come on, Jake.

- Just curious.
- We have to talk.


You were probably right about that g*n.
That's why I got rid of it.

I bought that when I was alone
and scared.

Maybe I'm not so alone anymore,
but neither are you.

- You know what I'm saying?
- I think so.

I don't wanna control you and your
business, I just wanna be a part of it.

I want you to have
the best bike shop in town.


Take care of the money stuff.

You're better at math
than I am, anyway,

and I was just being bull-headed.

You put up the money, I felt like
I should take care of the shop.

Just kind of a male ego thing.

You? No.

So, what's in the plain brown wrapper?

Something else I have to run by you.

- Where's the outlet?
- Electrical outlet?

- End of the counter.
- k*ll the lights.

No firearms here, all right?
No cattle prods.

Turn them off.


Thanks, Jo.

It's kind of a rush job,

and all these letters
are from different signs,

but I kind of like it that way,
don't you?

You know what it is?

It's a dream come true.

But it's not really accurate.

It's our shop.

- Should I change it?
- Don't you dare.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna be moving out.

It's silly to pay rent
when I'm never here.

Are you moving in with Amanda?

Yeah, yeah.
I think it's gonna be great.

I've paid up to the end
of next month,

so you should be all set.

Billy, about the other night,

I am so sorry that things
have been tense between us.

Forget about the other night.

This started out
as a temporary arrangement.

It's not as if we thought we'd spend
the rest of our lives together.

I think we did pretty well,

Yeah, we did.

I guess I just didn't expect
it to end so suddenly.

We're still friends, right?


You never did learn
how to fold a shirt properly.

I'll be back later to pick up
the rest of my stuff.

What about...

...your coffeemaker?

You can keep it.

Amanda has one of those German ones

that does everything but pull you
out of bed in the morning.
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