02x12 - Detour on a Road Going Nowhere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x12 - Detour on a Road Going Nowhere

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah. Leave him.

He's stays there.

Tod, for heaven's sake.

Be quiet.

Now this man can have
any reasonable comforts

that don't endanger
the rest of us.

Hey, Dad, you're a real tiger.

Stay away from him
until the police arrive.

Is that understood?

Well, you certainly
come on strong.

Maybe you'd be more
comfortable on the bus.

No. I... I think it's kind
of exciting out here.


I could have shot you dead.

I tried to escape
and you stopped me.

Now isn't that
something to be proud of?

I'd like to turn you over alive.

But try another
break and I'll k*ll you.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,

to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Lee Bowman, Elizabeth Allen,

Phyllis Thaxter.


Now, put it back.

It belongs to a friend of mine.

Catch, fink.

Never chase a thief.

Not if your own fear of capture

is probably greater than his.

Even in the
fashionable remoteness

of Indian Lake Lodge,

that fear haunts this clerk,
who calls himself Stu Manning.

In other times, Richard Kimble

might have enjoyed
vacationing here.

But there is no
vacation for a fugitive.

Who is it?

I'm almost afraid to say.

Get out of here, Stu.

I already have a headache.

Can I fix you a cup of coffee?

After last night? No thanks.

You'd probably poison it.

Now, I have no hard
feelings about last night.

To prove that I'll even
fix your tire for you.

My tire?

You've got a flat tire.

Here, lock this up.

Somebody tried to steal it.

But, uh... I've got to
go to Hazelton today.

I... I can't have a flat.

You got a spare?

I don't have a spare anything.

Well, I'm sure
you'll think of a way

to get your friend in
Hazelton to buy you one.

Bob, where's Manning?

He says he's going to check

the heater at
the pool, Mr. Platt

and then go up and
close cottage 12.

Uh, go get him, will you?

Bring him in. I want
to see him right away.

Andy, step in here
a minute, will you?


Yay. We won. We won.

Yeah, I got the prize.

Hey, I'm sorry we
beat you so bad.

You want a return match later?

Well, you got a good forehand

but we ought to do a little
work on your overhand.

Now, don't... What
do you mean "don't"?

I'm going to go
change for a swim.

I'll see you later, doll.

Excuse me, Mrs. Langner, uh,

have you seen Stuart Manning?

No, I haven't.

Are you all right, Mr. Langner?

Ah. Yeah, I, uh...

My, uh... My shoelace was loose.

Yeah, I... I'm fine, thanks.

Hi. We played five sets.

Sit down, Tod.

You look exhausted.

Oh, uh, Mr. Street...

Would you be good
enough to prepare my bill?

I've decided to check out.

Yes, Mrs. Langner, right away.

Mr. Langner.

Enid, why?

We were going to stay two weeks.

For the first time in 16 years
we'd agreed on something.

Are you, uh, going to
swim with your playmates

or do you want to
have some lunch?

I've lost my appetite.

Poor, dear, you tire so easily.

I was going hunting tomorrow.

Hunting or chasing, darling?

What is it, Enid? Jealousy.

Can't you ever say what you
mean without the innuendoes?

It's all right, Tod, you've
reached middle age.

That's not a disease,

it's a fact of nature.

And I can't stay
here and watch you

trying to prove you're
still a rollicking youth.

It's too embarrassing
for both of us.

So I'm leaving.

Oh, but you stay if
you want to, please.

I might take you up on that.

It's your vacation, really.

Only, darling, eat something.

Something with lots of protein.

Hey, Stu, did you see Mr. Platt?

They're looking for you.

Who's looking for me?

Hi, uh, Manning.

Would you, uh,
step inside, please?

You know Sheriff Hornbeck,
don't you, Manning?

Uh, Manning is it?

That's right.

Stu, the safe was
robbed last night.

They got everything.

I think it happened
while you were on duty.

Do you know anything
about this, Mr. Manning?

No, I, uh...

I brought in the
money from the bar

in the restaurant,
uh, in here about 11.

Then, uh, you know
the combination?

No, the safe was open.


Well, uh.

I was in here at that time.

I never leave the safe
open unless I'm in the office.

Did you let anyone
in Mr. Manning?

Mr. Platt had a
couple of friends in.

Well, yeah, Frank
and George came by.

We went over to Eddie's
house and played a little poker.

Well, there was a-a young kid

in the parking
lot just now, uh...

I chased him off.

He was trying
to rob a car and...

Well, that's a coincidence.

Car thieves and
safe-crackers seldom mix.

Now, whoever did this
wouldn't hang around.

Unless, of course, it,
uh, was an inside job.

We're taking
fingerprints, Mr. Manning.

Whoever did it
probably wiped the prints

off the safe but we might
come up with something.

Do you mind?


Take him outside and
do that, will you, Andy?

We'll get Mr. Platt and
Mr. Street a little later

just for comparison
in case we find

a strange one on the safe.

Jess, did you and the boys
get snockered last night?

Well, I, uh...

I did a little drinking
later on, Carl,

but that has nothing
to do with this.

You know, I, uh...

I could lose my job
over this, you know.

This could finish me.

Mr. Street.

Now, we should get answers back

from Cheyenne on those
prints by say, uh, 5:00.

Now, no one should
leave the hotel

before then without permission.

Mr. Street, when
you're finished here

I'd like you to get
the names of anybody

who checked out
since noon yesterday.

Andy, I'll take over.

Get the equipment
out of the car.

We'll dust the safe.

Put your finger
right down there.

Clean it off. Use this here.

Yes, h-hello, this is Stu
Manning at the Lodge.

Would you send the bus, please?

One of our guests
would like to leave.

A landslide?

How soon can you...

Yes, thank you,
uh, that'll be fine.


Oh, uh, they've reported
some landslides on the road.

Yeah, I know. Who'd you call?

Well, our shuttle
service to Hazelton.

One of our guests, Miss Crowell,

has to get there this afternoon.

Is the bus coming up?

Yes, about 3:00, uh, if
they get the road cleared.

I hope we don't
get stuck up here.

I've got to bowl in a
tournament tonight.

Bye, doll. I'll see
you sometime.

Hold my mail.

I'll be back in a
couple of days.

Yes, ma'am.

Was I supposed to wait for you?

Uh, no, something came up.

Uh, thanks for stopping.

Find yourself a seat in the back

and, uh, fasten
your safety belt.

This road was like an
obstacle course coming up.

Well, you don't always miss
the bus, do you, Galahad?

Well, I got a call.
My sister's sick.

I'm sorry.

Hey, why did that cop search
my bag when I left the hotel?

Did they go through your things?

The, uh, lodge was
robbed last night.

No kidding.

They don't know who?

No, it's anybody's guess.

All kinds of people

coming and going up here.

Do you need an alibi, Galahad?

No, thanks.

I can just hear you telling them

where you were
between, say, uh, 6 and 10.


Louanne, I don't want
to spoil anything for you.

You got my opinion
because you insisted on it.

Now, I'd like to
just forget about it.

All right?


Oh, this is going to
be a lovely little trip.

He said he'd be in
his room, that's all.

In his room, that's all.

Well, he wasn't on the bus.

I was there when it... Sheriff?


Say, something
interesting happened here.

You know Stu Manning, the clerk?

Yeah, well, sheriff,
he's disappeared.

I hate to obligate
myself, but I need a light.

Watch this.

Would you enjoy sitting
further back in the bus, dear?

The older they are,
the younger they wish.

You're different... now.

Wait till you lose
that fatal charm.


Ah, I can see you

married to some tedious matron,

peeking behind her back

at the legs that got away.

What are you looking
forward to, Louanne?

Long skirts.

Would you like to
spend a few days

with Tom and Ethel at Carmel?

Now, why ask
what I'd like to do?

Are you pouting?

No, this is getting to
be par for the course.

I told you you were welcome
to stay at Indian Lake.

I meant it.

Thanks, Enid.

I was waiting for that.

This time I think
I'll take you up on it.

I'm putting you on the train at
Hazelton and I'm going back.

All right, dear.

After all, it is your vacation.

Yeah, you said that before.

You know, you've got
a great routine, Enid.

You deliver these ultimatums,

then you try to cover
up with a nice gesture.

I think I'll go in the
back and have a smoke.

Excuse me.

Hang on.

Well, what do you figure it is?

A landslide?

Wasn't here when I, uh, come up.

Huh. Well, what do we do now?

I don't know.

Uh, looks like somebody's

already gone to make a report.

Well, now, look,

I've got to get to Hazelton.

Get back in the bus

and let me get us out of here.

Hey, champ.

That your car?

Yeah, what's left of it.

Hey, what's the chances
of me bumming a ride, huh?

All right.

You want to help
me guide this thing

while I turn it around?

You got yourself a deal.

How's your golf game, fink?

You can take one of
the canyon roads, driver.

Well, I don't know.

They're pretty rough.

You called the cops, didn't you?


Well, isn't that strange.

The hills are full of them.

Somebody robbed the hotel safe.

All right, that wasn't
me, but this is.

Now, I've got to get to Hazelton

and blow this scene.

So you keep your
mouth shut, you dig?

Yes, sir.

Yes, I will.

No, sir.


Well, how was I to know or...

Or you either, for that matter.

Well, I don't know.

We've searched all over here.

Well, it depends if he's
on foot or how he's moving.

Yes, sir.

Yes, all right. I'll tell them.

Wait a minute. I'll
talk to... He rung off.

I should've talked to him.

I found the money.

You what?

You see, I remember it now.

Uh, although I don't exactly.

You see, uh, Frank and George
came by here, picked me up

but I guess we had
a few drinks here

before we went over
to Eddie's house.

It, uh, was in the desk.

I've never put it
in there before.

You sure it's all there?

Well, I'll... I'll
count it, sure.

Isn't that funny?

I mean, here I was

thinking Stu
Manning, you know...

That's a hot one.



Sheriff Hornbeck got an answer

from those prints
we sent to Cheyenne.

It seems your Mr. Stuart Manning

is somebody else entirely.

Driver, don't you
think we should

go back to the Lodge
and report the slide?

No, we can make it, lady.

The canyon roads
are rough, but...

Look, I've got to
get to Hazelton.

Well, we could make
telephone calls from the Lodge.

Better make up our
mind pretty quick.

Mrs. Langner.

We're all in a hurry.

Driver, if you feel the roads

aren't that dangerous...

No, I'm game
to try it if you are.

Better all keep
our seats, though.

Don't want anyone hurt.

Tod, please speak to the driver.

We might all go over
a cliff and be k*lled.

Enid, the boy wants to
go through the canyon

and he's carrying a g*n.

Know what you are, Mom?

You're the prettiest
girl on the bus.

But you been outvoted this time.

Slide it over, baby doll.

You I'll sit beside.

Beat it, punk.

You see what I mean?

That's your seat.

Where's your golf clubs, fink?

You don't want any
more trouble, do you, kid?

Oh, what a wise guy you are.

Well, I have met all the types.

I can now safely say it.

All types.

Punks like him I can
handle ten days a week

but you are something else.

What are you, a
compulsive rover boy?

Well, maybe I was
saving him from you.

He's safe.

Unless, of course, you think

he'd be willing to
pay my hotel bill.

Back to the music
in five minutes.

Now the hourly newsbreak
with Wes Haritage.

First, a report from the
Legal Conference in London.

Word from General
Milton B. Hanson...

Can you change that station?
Get some music or something.

And to the United States,
whose security is dependent

upon the system of
Western Alliances.

If control of the seas
is added to the vast

Soviet land powers, says
the General, the problem

of deterrence becomes
impossible, even with our

great nuclear
delivery capability.

In the National News,
Senator Gormley announced

today in Cheyenne
that he is petitioning

the Senate Appropriations
Committee for two percent...

Well, we just busted
the axle on that rock.

Ugh. Can it be fixed?

No, lady, not here.

Well, can we get help?

Well, there's a ranger station
in this canyon somewhere

And emergency telephones
up along the road...

I'll, uh.

I'll go down the canyon,
you hike up the road.

If we find a phone
we'll call for help.

You stay with the women.

That a clerk who worked

at Indian Lake Lodge under
the name of Stuart Manning

is in truth convicted
wife-slayer Richard Kimble,

former Indiana doctor.

Kimble disappeared
from the lodge

some time this afternoon,
during investigation

of a robbery which
was later solved.

Fingerprints of possible
suspects were taken,

and his among them.

Kimble is thought
to be somewhere

between Indian
Lake and Hazelton.

Police have blocked
the canyon roads

and are conducting
a thorough search.

His capture is expected soon.


Car 6. Calling car
6, come in, please.

Car 6. Calling car
6, come in, please.

Andy here.

Well, they started
work on the slide now.

No sign of Kimble.

Guess I'll take a ride down
some canyon roads, okay?


Roger, Andy.

Over and listening out.

How long will it
take to find help?

I don't know, uh. Two,
three hours. Maybe longer.

Your wife wants to talk to you.


See what's wrong with his leg.

I know what's wrong with it.

That lousy fink twisted my knee.


Go talk to her, bwana.

She's really shook up.

I'll handle this.

With fiendish delight.

Well, sing out if
he starts to run.

I'll keep the g*n.

Stu, you'll never know how
much I've wanted to hurt you.

Take me out of here, Tod.

That's all I'm asking.

You can go with the driver.


"Please", Enid?

Isn't that my word?

Let the driver stay here.

It's his bus.

But he's my prisoner.

But you know nothing
about g*ns and hoodlums.

g*ns fire b*ll*ts,

b*ll*ts k*ll.

Everybody knows that.

He can't walk.

Hold it.

I'll walk on it.

Just give me a
little time, will you?

Ah, never mind.

Enid, the driver is leaving.

Do you want to go with him?

Better off alone, uh.

I'll make it twice as fast.

Let him go.

Call the sheriff as soon

as you find a phone.

Man, you never know...

I mean, you don't look
the type, you know.

I hate to disappoint you,

but I didn't k*ll anyone.

Sure. The radio told a
little white lie, that's all.

Let's forget it.

Hey, uh, when did this happen?

I mean, when did you do it?

What difference does it make?

Hey, man. I'm on your side.

I mean, you're
on the run, right?

Hey, I bet you've been giving

the heat a real cute time, huh?

I've stayed alive.

Hey, you know, uh,
you're the one and only guy

that's ever caught me stealing.

Isn't that a laugh?

My boy, he's an
unpredictable man.

I don't want anyone to get
hurt so stay away from him.

Yeah, you caught
yourself a real big one, Dad.

Dead or alive,
he's a real monster.

Car 6. Calling car
6. Come in, please.

Andy here. Car
6 to headquarters.

Andy, that shuttle bus from
the lodge has never come back.

They just reported it missing.

You sure Kimble wasn't on it?


Yes, sheriff, I'm sure.

And I've checked
all but three roads.

I just don't see any bus.

Keep looking, Andy,

and keep a close check with me.


Is that all the wood
you could find?

I could've got more, Dad,

if my knee wasn't all loused up.

Do you know what I've
been doing for over an hour?

Trying to figure out
why I hit you like that.

I've never hit a man
before in my life.

What does that mean?

It means you don't
need any practice.

You do pretty well.

Sure, uh, when
your hands are tied.

Well, am I supposed
to believe that, uh,

you'd be afraid of me
if they weren't tied?

Why don't you try
believing I'm sorry?

For... For hitting me?

Forget it.


I was really thinking
about last night.

I started that fight.


I chased you out because,

in the first place,

I can't risk a poor man.

In the second place, if you
had stayed and walked out...

I can't risk a
broken heart, either.

Why didn't you
say that last night?

Maybe... I was scared.

And now you're not?


Now I'm protected by the law.

From a convicted k*ller.

From the gentlest
man I ever knew.

You weren't kidding last night.

You know what kind
of woman you need

and you were
reaching out for her.

Part of what hurt me was
that I'm not that woman.

That wife of yours may have
given you some headaches

but you didn't
k*ll her, Galahad.

You loved her.


Miss Crowell, it's
warmer over here.

He stays there.

Ah. Leave him.

He stays there.

Tod, for heaven's sake.

Be quiet.

Now, this man can have
any reasonable comforts

that don't endanger
the rest of us.

Hey, Dad, you're a real tiger.

Stay away from him
until the police arrive.

Is that understood?

You're not a bully.

Stop behaving like
one just because

you have a g*n in your hand.

Shut up, Enid.

Please respect me

just like the others are doing.

Give me the p*stol, and
then ask for my respect.

This man is a
convicted m*rder*r.

Isn't that enough?

You're gloating
like an evil little boy.

I don't want your approval.

Just don't interfere.

Well, you certainly
come on strong.

Maybe you'd be more
comfortable on the bus.

Oh, no, I...

I think it's kind of
exciting out here.


I could have shot you dead.

I tried to escape
And you stopped me.

Now, isn't that
something to be proud of?

I'd like to turn you over alive.

Try another break
and I'll k*ll you.


Hello! Hello.

Yeah, hello, hello, hello.

Well, this is the driver
of the shuttle bus

from Hazelton that
went to Indian Lake.

I want to report an emergency.

I want to get a sweater, okay?

You sure quit fast
when that g*n went off.

Louanne, I have to stay alive.

There's someone I have to find.

Untie me.

I can't. He's watching.

Maybe I can get him
to give me the g*n.

No, forget it.

I don't want him to hurt you.

Why did you have
to be a nice guy?

Miss Crowell?

In a second.

There must be some way.

Try to get that kid
to come in here.

I think I know enough about
him to make some kind of a deal.

Louanne... Hmm?

Be careful of Langner.

Galahad, any chance I take

is for the only good
reason I've ever had.

I can't figure that Kimble out.

I don't even know
why I bothered to try.

He's smooth, baby.
He keeps his cool.

Would you help
me with this, please?

Kimble wants to talk to you.

Go on inside.

Sweetheart, Big
Daddy's not going

to let nobody get on that bus.


How much longer do you
think we're going to be here?

Ah, not much, I hope.

The police should be here soon.

Here you are.

Egh. I'm still chilly.

Ohh. Oh!


I don't want anyone
on the bus with him.

I'm quite
uncomfortable out here.

We all are.

Now, please sit down.

I don't know,
it's not really fun,

but it's not as
bad as it might be.

Got a cigarette?

Mrs. Langner, why don't
you put a stop to that.

Anything I do
will make it worse.

Well, he is your husband.

This isn't new.

He's just a little angrier
at me than usual.

And she's in love with you.

Well, I think I'll go out
and get some wood

for the fire before it goes out.

Want to come?

I won't go far.

Man, here I am, young and eager.


She goes for you, man.

I guess it's true, huh?

They feel safer with older men.

If he tries to make a break,
sh**t him, do you hear?

Don't take any chances.

sh**t him.

You're the boss, Dad.

I'll, uh, help Miss Crowell.

Untie me. I'll bring them back.

Isn't that what you planned?

I didn't plan for
this to happen.

I asked you to stop
them and you wouldn't.

Hi, Kemo Sabe.

Tonto get message.

My husband
pretends to be a hero.

I know your girl is out
there laughing at him now.

Laughing at me.

All right, Mom. No.

I think I have a laugh
or two coming myself.

When she gets back
she's going to find

out her little
scheme didn't work.

Come on.

Man, I never
counted on that chick.

Now, go, man.

All right, Mom, now,
when Big Daddy gets back

you tell him what happened

and you let him...

Now, drop the knife.

Man, what's wrong with you?

I waited an hour
to do you a favor.

I'm on your side.

I don't want you on my side.

Why you lousy...

Now, drop the knife
or I'll pull the trigger.

Go on.

Now, get out of here.

Here. If he comes back, use it.

Go on.

And you don't have
any idea where he went?

He ran that way.
That's all I know.

All right.

Now, there's two
more cars coming.

I'll radio one and have

him pick up your passengers.

Come on, Andy.

He'll stay clear of the roads.

Oh, darkness will hold him up.

I'll have every officer
in the area out there

with their flashlight
inside of 20 minutes.

You didn't put up
much of a battle,

did you, Mrs. Langner?

You didn't let my
husband find you,

did you, Miss Crowell?


But what if I had?

I think you can answer that.

Richard Kimble got
away. That's my answer.

And he wasn't even
in love with you.


the driver says the police
are coming back to pick us up.

We better get our stuff
together and be ready.

Yes, dear.

The difference
between good and bad,

between love and
hate, is often elusive.

The difference between life
and death for Richard Kimble

is always simply his
freedom to remain a fugitive.
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