02x16 - Brass Ring

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x16 - Brass Ring

Post by bunniefuu »

Norma, I'm wanted
on a m*rder charge.

What kind of a story is that?

It's a true story.

Miss Sessions.

Miss Sessions,
are you all right?

Look, tell him, uh...

Tell him you can't
see him right now.

You're too upset to see him.

You'll go away and
I'll never see you again.

Miss Sessions!

If the police take me,
they'll... execute me.

And look who's
the loser either way.

All right.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Angie Dickinson, Robert Duvall,

John Ericson.

The southern
coast of California,

where the land ends,

and an amusement
pier juts out into the sea.

Ooh, sorry.

A place where strangers meet,

where a new face is not suspect.

The fingerprints
are still Dr. Kimble's,

but the name is now Ben Horton.


By the hour or by the day?

What's that?

You want to rent a pole
by the hour or by the day?

Actually, I'm looking for a job.

It's kind of slow out
here this time of season.

You get that bait
cut and quit gassing.

How bad do you
want a job, mister?

Bad enough.

How good are you at barracuda?

I don't know, but
I'm willing to try.


You go down to
Sessions Gift Shop.

Down there by the
merry-go-round, on the right.

You tell Miss
Sessions Lars sent you.

That's me.

Thank you.

Miss Norma Sessions.

Every tramp comes bumming a job

you send 'em down to Sessions.

Not one of 'em lasts
more than a day.

One of them will.

May I help you?

Um... Miss Sessions?


May I help you with something?

Uh, I'm, uh...

I'm looking for a job. I, uh...

Well, you see a-a
man on the pier,

he said his name was Lars,

thought there
might be a job here.

Well, maybe there is.

Put down your name
and address, please.

Maybe if you moved
it over here a little.

The light's better.

Well, I can, uh,
give you a name.

I'm negotiating for an address.

Now, that I...

I can write my name,
do I get the job?

Ben Horton.

I've got a strong back and
I mind my own business.

I'm not even sure
there is a job. It, uh...

It kind of depends on...

It depends on my brother.

When can I meet him?

Excuse me. I'll be right back.

This one's nice.

Try not to be too nasty to him.

Please, Leslie.


I'm just trying to
help you look neat.

He's good-looking too.

Get him.

If you'd like to
meet my brother.

Mr. Horton, Mr. Sessions.

How do you do?

You see, Leslie was in
an automobile accident.

The job is to care for him.

He has to be
carried from his chair

to his bed and dresser and fed.


I was just telling him.

Get out.

I'm only trying
to help, that's all.

A man doesn't like to hear
himself called vegetable.

Leslie. Get out!

If you'll excuse me.



A little.

She hates me.


Go ahead.


Why do I want the job?

It's the only one I can find.

Is it my sister?

I just met her a
little while ago.

Ben Horton?

That's right.


Well, I travel
around a little, yes.

Anything else?

I'm sober and I'm honest.

I don't know that.

No, you don't.

So we'll just forget about it.

You've got the job.

But I'll be watching you.

You better leave the door open.

Well, he's asleep.


Well, that is something.

Um... If you'd show
me where I could get

some sheets and some towels.

I guess that's all I'll need.

Oh, yes, the sheets, well...

I was just about
to go after them.

They're at my place.


If you want to walk me
home you could pick them up.

Then I won't have to come back.

Uh, sure.

Mind a little music?

Well, no.

It's getting to where I can
hardly go to sleep without it.

Any objection to colored sheets?

That would be fine.

It's a nice mattress
you're gonna sleep on.

I know, because I've
been sleeping on that bed

while there was no one
to take care of my brother.

Well, I guess I forgot to
talk to you about salary.

Would 75 a week be all right?

Well, uh...

Don't worry, it doesn't
come out of the shop.

My brother got $100,000
insurance after the accident.

It comes from that.

Uh, 75 will be plenty.

Oh, I didn't know
how tired I was.

I'd ask you to stay for a
drink or something, but...

Oh, it's all right,
I'm tired too.

Well, good night.

Mr. Horton.

Good night.

Watch out for the hairpins.

Yeah, I will.


Hi, any customers?

I sold an ashtray.

Good morning, Leslie.

You know, it's such a nice day,

it's a shame to be
cooped up here.

Why don't we go
out in the sunshine?


You need a little color.


You haven't been out of
this room since I got here.

Three days.

All right, we won't go outside.

Would you like some
more amm*nit*on?


You've had ten hours.

Such a thing as too much sleep.

Horton. Chair.




I'll be back soon
if you need me.


What for?

Selling the ashtray.

Glad to be of service.


There you go.

Now, let's do the exercises.

The ones we did yesterday.

Come on. No.

Come on, one... No.


Look, I know it's painful
and I know it's hard,

but it's gonna do you good.

I told you about the
hospital I worked in.

Now, I saw fellows with
half your mobility to start with

jet back the use of themselves.

Little by little.

First it was a
toe, and then a...

And then a finger,
and then a hand

and pretty soon they could walk.

Now, that was something to see.

But they had to work for it.

Couldn't start and stop.
Couldn't start and stop.

He shouldn't have
started in the first place.


What's the point of
raising his hopes?

Well, I didn't think there
was anything wrong in trying.

The doctor tried.

Ben, he tried everything.

I know. I didn't think someone
should just give up, you know?

Those exercises are painful.

He's had so much pain.

I pray every night he
won't suffer anymore.

I know, I know, but I...

Well, I know how you feel.



Leslie, you'll only
make yourself worse.

Get her out!

Give me a minute.


Here we go.

One, two.


Three, four.

Now, you control your
breathing like I showed you.

Come on.

One, two.

Don't let her use you.



One, two.


I heard you.

Three, four.

Grab ahold.

One, two.

Three, four.

What's the matter?


What about him?

You should see him with Leslie.

It might sound crazy,
but I wouldn't be surprised

if he had him walking soon.

Yeah, that does sound crazy.

Just forget about it. I tell
you, you should see them.

You're not getting soft
on the guy or something.

Now, that wouldn't fit.

Of course not.

It's just... Well, he...

He just doesn't seem the
kind of drifter you'd expect.

You're the one who told me he
ducked when he saw that cop,

right? I know, I know.

So make your pitch.

There's no telling
what a guy like that

would do for a couple of bucks.

He's not like that.

Well, what is he like?

I don't know.

I don't know, but
don't get angry.

I... I'll... I'll talk
to him. You'll see.

I'll take care of it.

She named my brother
after Leslie Howard

and me after Norma Shearer.

They made a movie,
Romeo and Juliet together.

My mom was in it too.

She was an extra.

That's how she met my father.

He was an
electrician on the set.

Am I going on and on?

No, it's fine.

They opened the shop when
things got bad in Hollywood.

My dad always said that
was the end of the line.

The pier.

You don't like to talk
about yourself, do you?

I find you much
more interesting.

Who, me?

An old maid?


I got the impression that Lars
was going to change all that.

Lars and I?

He's nice.

But he doesn't make waves.

But he, uh...

He looks to me like
he's in love with you.

Little boy stuff.

Norma, I can't make
you any speeches. Uh...

I'm not asking for any.

Or promises.

You talk too much.

Oh! The tide!

Oh, Ben!

Oh, you think that's funny, huh?


Quiet all of a sudden.

It's, uh, kind of a relief.

You get used to that old
merry-go-round music.

Not me. I couldn't.

You could if it meant
a place of your own.

One of these days
Leslie is gonna be able

to take care of himself.

It'll change.

You really think so, Ben?

You know, he ate by
himself this evening.

At least, he picked
up the spoon.

Picked up the spoon.

And I'm gonna be
27 in two months.

He's making good time, Norma.

I hate you.

Why is that?


Because you make me feel like,

right here and now,
and not someday...


Like I'm a woman.


You better get away.

You better get as far
away from me as you can.


Because I'm no good for you.

I'm no good for anybody.

You want an argument?

I'm serious.

You know the kind of
dream I keep having?

It's about a man.

A man who comes into
my life and carries me off.

Sets me free.


You're not the first
woman that ever dreamed

of a knight on a white horse.

He's not a knight or anything.

Just a guy who
comes out of nowhere.

A guy who's had it rough
and can see it in someone else.

That's just a dream, Norma.

But in the dream...

The way he sees
it, I'm in prison,

and Leslie's keeping me there.

So it's like it's

either my life or his. Leslie's.

You understand?

That's not a dream,
Norma, that's a nightmare.

That's what
makes it so horrible.

Whenever it happens,
I wake up happy

thinking something
wonderful is about to happen.

Well, you can't blame
yourself for a dream.


I had that dream again.

The night before
you came to the shop.

Norma, people have
all sorts of dreams.

It's a way of getting rid of
our anger or frustrations.

There's nothing
wrong with dreaming.

You can dream about
anything you want.

Just don't get it
mixed up with reality.

I better go check on Leslie.


You're not mad
at me or anything?

Sure I am, can't you tell?

You wanna tell me about it?

I got soaked on the beach.

I know.

He was up here for over an hour.

It's not what you think.

Lars, it's not.

How do you know what I think?

I talked to him about Leslie.


It didn't work, that's all.

Listen, Norma, up to now
it's been just you and me.

No games, no secrets, right?

You've had enough proof of that.

Okay, so if he doesn't play
by the rules, we change them.

Lars. No, we change the rules.

We waited a long
time to land this one.

I know.

And don't start thinking
about throwing him back.

Or me neither.

You've got it all wrong, Lars.

No, I've got it all right.

I just want to make sure you do.

That's it.

The receipts.

How much?

A hundred... You
count 'em, Horton.

Call me when you're finished.

I've been watching you and
her lately, like I said I would.

And after I told you
how she hates me.

Ah, you don't know that, Leslie.

I do know that, I
see it in her eyes,

so don't try and
tell me different.

It's like a w*r, Horton,

and I wanna know
whose side you're on.

A hundred and
twenty-five dollars.


Horton, you talk
about helping me!

Horton? Ben?

Oh. I-I sat up.

I sat up, Ben.

By myself.

Without any help.

You. It was you.

No, you just got mad, Leslie.

You just got mad.

Where's your father?

Made a couple of
dollars yesterday

and he's out boozing it up.

My brother went to the bank.

Ben took him.

What are you talking about?

He hasn't been outside
since the accident.

He sat up today. By himself.

You're kidding.

It was Ben.

I told you, the
exercise and all.

Lars, it's almost spooky.

He got to you, didn't he?



Norma, how many chances
do you think we're gonna get?

You want to spend the rest
of your life on this stinking pier

playing nursemaid to Leslie?

You think I wanna stay
here with my dad stinkin' up

the place with his dirty booze?

I gotta get out of here.

And so do you.

I know.

Okay, now, let's
look at the facts.

Why do you think
he went to the bank?

To deposit the receipts.


Leslie would've made
you do that, same as usual.

We gotta find out.

That money is ours, Norma.

Awarded for injuries.

I always thought that
was some kind of bad joke.

Awarded. I
couldn't even hold it.

But now, look!

Take as much as
you need, Horton!

This money ought to
go back in the bank vault.

It's been there
too long, like me.

Here, now, take as
much as you want.

Look, um, Leslie...

You can pay me by
learning to walk, all right?

If you won't take it, will
you help me spend it?

I'm going to be moving on soon.

I told you, I like to travel.

Then let me travel with you.

We'll leave any time you say.

Even tomorrow.

My sweet little sister
can have this shop.

Now, we'll go someplace
lazy, maybe like an island.

With girls and, uh,
gin in coconut shells.

Gin in a coconut shell.

I have to think about that.

You get some rest.

We'll talk about it later.

It's getting late, I guess
we better get back.

What time is it?

About 11.

Let's not.


Go back.

Let's just stay right here

and go someplace where
everything's happy all the time.

Norma. What have we got?

You and me, I mean.

Something good right now.

Right now.

Nothing more?

I told you... But
things can change.

Not by themselves maybe,

but if you sort of
give them a little help.


Maybe we'd better
be getting back.

I'm getting cold.


Lars was supposed to
meet me here at 11:00.

You seen him?

No, I haven't, I'm sorry.

Never mind.

Hello, I'm back.

No, Ben! No, Ben, please!

Let me in!

Come on.

Come on, let me in!

Open the door!

Come on, let me in!


Let me in!

Hey, open up!


Open the door.

Get... Get the police.




Norma, he k*lled your brother.

He k...

He did it.

No, I didn't.

He was here.

Are you trying to
say that Lars...?

I'm trying to say
I didn't k*ll him.

Well, go on, ask
him. He was here.

Why don't you ask me yourself?
I haven't been here all night.

Isn't that right, Norma?

Well, go on, tell him.

Tell him.

Lars and I have been
together all evening.

I'm gonna get the police.

All persons not residents
or in business on this pier

are ordered to leave at once.

This is by order of
the police department.

Let's go, folks.

Move on, please.

Let's move.

There's the guy I
told the whole story to.

Well, a good story
bears repeating.

All right, like I said, Miss
Sessions and I were walking

down at the beach... Hold it.

When you finish getting
those pictures in there

get some out here
for me, will you?

Now, you were down by the beach.

That's right, and then
we came back here

to meet my pop for coffee.

Yeah, that's right. And
before I forget here,

Horton comes right in here,

and the next thing I knew

that poor cr*pple's
screaming his lungs out.

"Ben don't!" he keeps yellin'.

I heard him a couple of times.

Very convenient.

What's that mean?

I understand you
recommended Horton for this job.

Was he a friend of yours?


I felt sorry for him.

Got the pier locked
in tight, lieutenant.

What about Horton?

Look, I'm after a man,
not a tactical exercise.

Get going.

Yes, sir.

Now, didn't you tell Officer
Scheer that when Horton

ran out of here he had an
overnight case with him?

Yes, sir.

And that was Leslie's
bag, and it was open.

I could see it
was full of money.

How much? You have any idea?

How would I know?

What do you think, I counted it?

About 25,000?

I told you, I don't know.

That's right, that's
what you told me.

That's right, that's
what I told you.


Yeah. OFFICER: We got him.

You got the wrong
fish, lieutenant.

He's gotta be around
here somewhere.

Wagner, Nicholson, round
up all the men you can

and bring 'em down
this end of the pier.

We'll ring the whole area.

Come with me.


We may be here for a while.

I think you owe me that much.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't help it.

Couldn't you?

Lars made me do it, I swear.

The other night?
That dream of yours?

Now we both know what
it is you wanted me to do.

No, I wanted us to...

You wanted what, Norma?

I don't know, I just
wanted to get away.

And it didn't matter
with whom, did it?

Just whoever to k*ll your
brother and give you the money.

It didn't matter if
it was Lars or me

or some man walking
down the... No, no.

It wasn't like that, it wasn't.

I love you, Ben.

It's been a long night, Norma.

It's true. Forget about it.

You know what you want, you
got the money, you got Lars.

You can buy yourself a pier.

Or go to that place
you talked about

where everyone's always happy.

Lars would have k*lled me,
you don't know what he's like.

I got a good idea.


As soon as I get away from Lars,

I can write to the police
and tell them the whole story.


They'll let you go and then
I can meet you someplace.

No, thank you.

I can tell them Lars
threatened to k*ll me

and that's why I lied.

They'll believe me because
he'll still have the money.

Norma, I'm wanted
on a m*rder charge.

Oh, that's just plain crazy.

You don't have it in you
to k*ll anyone, I know that.

I didn't k*ll anyone but
a jury convicted me.

What kind of a story is that?

It's a true story.

Miss Sessions?

Miss Sessions, you all right?

Look, tell him, uh...

Tell him you can't
see him right now.

You're too upset to see him.

You'll go away and
I'll never see you again.

Miss Sessions!

If the police take me,
they'll... execute me.

And look who's
the loser either way.

All right.

Did he hurt you?

No, he didn't hurt me.

Take him away.

I'm sorry you had to go
through this, Miss Sessions.


Lieutenant, he's not the
one who k*lled my brother.

Lars and I planned it together.

What I said upstairs...

I guess I meant it.

You may be required to
make another statement.

Where can you be reached?


Piece of advice, fella.

Next time you get mixed
up in something you didn't do,

don't run away, no
matter how bad it looks.

I'll remember that.

Save up a lot of loneliness

and you're apt to
spend it somewhere.

This time on a lonely pier,

livened only by the sound
of an ancient calliope.

And the brass ring
caught by a fugitive

can only give him another
brief ride to nowhere.
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