02x02 - A Long Night's Journey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x02 - A Long Night's Journey

Post by bunniefuu »




So sometimes I get
a little jealous.

Like whenever I happen
to mention his name.

Sue me.

I happen to love you.

You make me happy, Alison.

Vice versa.

Vice versa.


So why you still going
out with Keith tonight?

Oh, Billy, don't start this.
You promised.

He's leaving tomorrow.

Great. Let him leave.

You don't have to
give him a sendoff.

It is a dinner to say good-bye.

I owe him at least that.

No, you don't. Look, I'm
worried about your safety.

Keith is not
your bad guy, Billy.

He was here when
the last call came.

He was att*cked, just like you.

Come on. He set that up.

It was too perfect.

He shows up.
Bingo! The phone rings.

You don't believe
anything I'm saying?

No, I don't. I think
you're jealous.

Which would be fine
if you would just admit it

and stop being so childish.

I'm going to take a shower.

♪ I want to go there
when I'm low ♪

♪ I want to go where we play
our music for free ♪

♪ In the basement
out in the streets ♪

♪ In the garage where it's just
me and the b*at ♪

♪ And I know I want to go ♪

♪ I want to go where
it's just you and me ♪

♪ I want to know I want to go ♪

♪ I want to go where
it's just you and me ♪

♪ I know I wanna go ♪

♪ I wanna go where
it's just you and me ♪

♪ I know I wanna go ♪

♪ I wanna go where it's just
you and me ♪

♪ I want to go there
when I'm low... ♪

Well, that's it.

The whole marriage.

Nothing but a pile
of useless crap.

Mind your own business, Jo.

My friends are my
business, Michael.

Why don't you leave her alone?

Hi, Jane.

Hi. Oh, I invited him.
It's all right.

Well, what's all this?

It's everything in the
apartment that's yours

or has anything to do with you.

I'd like you to get it
out of here, please.

My sister's staying for a while.

I'll tell you something, hon.

Having Sydney in your hair

is about the last thing
you need right now.

Oh, look at this.

We bought this
in San Francisco together.

I've divided the wedding
china in half, so

this is your share.

Why would I want that?

Look, keep it. It's yours, okay?

You know, Jane,

I admit I've been bad

and I've hurt you and all that,

but how about we move on, hmm?

I mean, I'll take my stuff

and stay out of your life,

and you call off the
k*ller attorney, okay?


Jane, punishing me isn't
going to solve anything.

Now, can't we stop
acting like a child?

A child, Michael?

Yes, a child, Jane.

I'm a child because
I trusted you?

Jane, would you just...

A child because I cared?

I'm a child because I'm still
blown apart inside?

I hate you for k*lling
the best part of my life.

I am only human, Michael.

I don't know
what the hell you are.

All right. All right. Okay.

Are we calmed down now?

All right, now.

Let's try and talk about it.

Get real, would you?

I'm going to take a shower.

When I'm out, you're gone.

I mean, like, Michael
walking out on you?

Like, is he mental or what?
How could he do that?

He didn't walk out on me, Syd.

I threw him out.

Yeah, well, you know
what I mean.

Mom said, "Sydney, go out there"

"and help your big sister.

She must feel like
she got hit by a truck."

Actually, I'm doing better,
but I'm glad you came.

So, the gory details.

He didn't hit you, did he?

Look, Syd, What I'm
going through with Michael

is very painful.

Now, if you want to be
here and be supportive,

that's great, but I don't
intend to dredge it all out

for your entertainment, okay?

Okay. Sorry.

Can I buy you lunch?


First I have to stop
at my attorney's office

and pick up some papers.

Divorce papers?

So, what do they say,

like, mental cruelty,
physical abuse?


Sorry. I'm just concerned.

I am your sister, you know.

Believe me, I know. I know.

Hey, Matt, if you're looking
for a bigger apartment,

I'm afraid you're going to have
a tough time moving me out.

What's up?

Hi, Amanda, uh, nothing.

I was just, um, just
thinking, that's all.

Are you all right?

Yeah. I just, um...

I just miss Rhonda
a little, that's all.

We could always
talk to each other

when either one of us
was down or whatever.

You could talk to me.

I know we don't know
each other very well,

but maybe that's better.

And I can keep a secret.

Well, it's not earth-shattering
news or anything,

it happens to everybody.

I got laid off today.

State funding got cut back,

so they're gonna close the
halfway house next week,

and I guess I got
to check the want ads.

That's terrible... I'm so sorry,
but you're right.

Just go out there,
hit the bricks,

and you'll get something.

I mean, obviously, you're
bright and personable.

You won't be out of
a job for too long.


One thing, though.

Um, the first of the month
is coming up,

and you do have enough put away

to cover the rent, don't you?

Don't worry.
You'll get your rent.


Thanks for taking the time.

Matt, that's not what I meant.

I'm telling you
it's amazing... amazing!

Yeah, it sounds like it.

Hey, Amanda. Something wrong?

Nothing. I just think sometimes I'm
a little too blunt with people,

And I should work on that.

It couldn't hurt.

So what have you been doing?

Oh, bike racing.

I was trying to explain
to Jo here

how great it was to
be back on the track.

Oh, and you don't approve?

It's just that we have to fit it

into the shop's budget,
that's all.

Well, look at this great design.


Oh, yeah, wonderful promo
for the shop.


I'd love to see you
do this sometime.

Tomorrow. It's my
first race in years.

Really? Would it be okay
if I tagged along?

Sure. I guess.

Yeah. We'll all go together.

I thought you hated racing.

Wonderful. Well, I guess
I'll see you both tomorrow.

Hello? Huh?

You live with me, remember?

Do I? Mm-hmm.

I don't remember.
It's all kind of hazy.

Well, maybe if I take a shower
with you, a nice hot shower,

it will all come rushing back.

I'll bet you it would.

Anyway, the guy from
Cincinnati knew the girl.

He was her ex-boyfriend.

She dumped him,
so he moves to Florida,

gets a job at a sausage plant.

He's still obsessing, you know.

Can't get Linda off his mind.

His co-workers said that
he was mumbling,

"Linda, Linda, Linda,"

while he was packaging
the breakfast links.

Oh, Billy, come on.

The parallels are amazing.

Alison, he comes back to town,
and he seems nice, right?

And he wants to help
protect her.

If it wasn't for
some Florida detective,

she'd probably be...
Stop it. All right?

This isn't funny anymore.

I never thought it was.

I would not be looking into this

if I was not worried about you.

Look, Keith has never done
anything but be nice to me.

Besides, nothing has happened
in a while,

so it looks like whoever was
causing the trouble

has gotten bored and gone away.

These guys don't get bored.

They're obsessed.

You are obsessed!

And I want you to stop it.

I'll be back around .

Be careful.

♪ ♪

Don't get me wrong.

I can hardly wait
to get back to Seattle.

Good air, decent people.

But leaving you here in the city

where all these bad
things have happened,

I don't know,
it makes me uneasy.

Oh, no, don't worry about me.

The police are taking
care of that.

I'll be fine.

Besides, I already have
one protector at home.

I don't think I could
handle another.

Yeah. I guess I can't
get you to drop Billy

and come back up to
Seattle again with me, can I?

Afraid not.

Hold hands for old times' sake?

Why don't we go down
to the beach

and watch the waves,
look for medical waste?

What's wrong?




I lied to you, Alison.

About what?

I told you everything
was fine at my job,

but it isn't.

I'm on probation.

After you left me, I couldn't
concentrate at work.

I got demoted.

This trip to L.A.
was my last chance

to shape up or lose my job.

Oh, that's so terrible.

I'm so sorry.

You meant everything to me.

Don't you understand that?

I know.

I'm going to miss you, Alison.

I'm really going to miss you.

Hey! Hey, Alison.

What's going on? You all right?

What's going on?

Yes, I'm all right, Billy.

What are you doing here?

Can't we at least say good-bye?

Sorry. I was...

He's only trying
to protect you, Alison.

After all, you think I'm some
kind of nut, don't you, Billy?

Come on.
I'd better get you home.



I missed you last night.

I'm getting used
to sleeping together.

Sorry about last night. I was...

I know. You were worried.

Are you finally convinced?

He's not an a* m*rder*r.
He's an ecologist.

A pretty wimpy one at that.

Maybe you're right.

I'm taking him
to the airport tonight.

He's leaving.

Is it okay if I go
without you, inspector?


I really do appreciate
that you care so much,

but I can take care
of myself a little bit.

I'm a big girl.

Right now I'm going
to go pound out three miles.



Jake's doing great.

Yeah. He loves
all this macho crap.

This is Superbike racing
at its finest, folks,

and at our halfway point
in heat three,

this is shaping up
to be a showdown

between two-time state champion
Garvey, on ,

and his teammate Newman, on ,
and newcomer Hanson on .

As they go over the hill,
has edged into the front

and is holding the lead
throughout the straightaway.

He's ahead. I don't believe it.

I can't believe what
great sh*ts I'm getting.

Listen, I need a setting for this
beer campaign I'm working on.

Why don't you bring the photos
by my office tomorrow morning.

Well, if you're serious, I will.

I'm serious.

Nice move by the newcomer
on turn three.

is closing on the back
in last.

And they're around the last
turn and heading home.

And holds and takes the lead.

Did he win? I think he won.

I don't know.

Third heat qualifiers...
Number ,

Jake's Bikes, sponsor...

number , Mountainside Bikes...

and number ...

Dr. Starr to OR .
Dr. Starr to OR .

Oh, excuse me. Excuse me.

Oh, Matt.

What are you doing here?

Nothing. I was, um...

I was dropping off
a resume, that's it.

Wait. You don't actually
want to work

in a hospital, do you?

Most of us here
are indentured servants.

Well, actually right now,
I'd take just about any job.

I'm, um... unemployed
as of yesterday.

Oh, that's terrible,
man, I'm sorry.

No, it's no big deal.
It happens to everybody, right?

I just... I wish
the prospects were better.

The clerk in there said
that they probably

won't even interview me.

Said there's too many social
service applicants.

Wait a minute, you forget.

You know a doctor.

I'll get you in.

You could do that?

Around here, doctors
walk on water.

Oh, Michael, that is...
That would be great.

Of course my reputation
back at the homestead

isn't that great, is it?

Because of the divorce?

Because of shoe size.

No, I mean, you know...

Jane has everybody on her side.

You're all her friends.
It's understandable.

Michael, um,
nobody's taken a poll,

but can I tell you what I think?

Go ahead.

I think that there are
two sides to every story.

I think that whatever happened
in your marriage

isn't any of my business.

Hmm... I never knew you were

so reasonable before, Matt.

Well, you never got me
a job interview before.

I mean it. I meant what I said.

Look, I'll let you know what
I hear from Social Services.

Thank you. Thank you.


That way. That way.

I know the last time I was here

I really got on your nerves.

That's all right. We're sisters.

I wouldn't hold a grudge.

Anyway, now I just
really want to do

anything I can to help you
get through this.

You know, it's funny.

I think my wedding

is still the most perfect
day in my memory.

I remember standing
on this hillside

in a white, beautiful dress

right out of a romance novel,

not a cloud in the sky,

everybody that I loved
around me.

Yeah. You know, I think I
was even a little jealous.


You had the Barbie wedding, Ken,

and you were heading off

for your perfect life
in California,

except you couldn't stop crying.

Yeah, and you tried to hide
a bunch of tissue

in the train of my dress.

I was terrified, Syd.

Turns out there was
a lot to be afraid of.

I tried. I tried so hard.

I mean, I took him back,
and he promised.

I mean, just like he promised

when we got married.

It'll be okay, Jane.

It'll just take time.

I wanted it to last.

I wanted to be his wife.

I wanted children.

I wanted everything.

Why didn't he want me?

Come here. Oh.

God, this hurts.

Nurse Williams
to physical therapy.

Nurse Williams to physical

Thank you. Dr. Shaw, I presume.

I was just about to page you.
Come... Excuse us.

Aren't you glad
I saved you the trouble?

I'm not in the mood
for games, Michael.

I need to talk to you.

Dr. Neal, . Dr. Neal, .

I got subpoenaed today,
Michael, by your wife's lawyer

in the middle of surgery clinic.

Yeah, but that's just legal
maneuvering, that's all.

Don't take it so seriously.

Michael, I was named
as the other woman.

Don't you get it?

This is all going
to be very public.

It's not going to do either
of our reputations any good.

Look, Kimberly, calm down.
I'll take care of it.

How, Michael?

This whole thing has gotten
way out of hand and ugly.

I don't know if I can
take it anymore.

What whole thing?
Our relationship?

You know what I'm talking about.

I'm asking you.

Are you talking about us?

I don't know. Partly, yeah.

I mean, this isn't exactly
what I wished for

when I was a little girl.

Sneaking around,
lawsuits, adultery.

I mean, is that what you wanted?

No. I was looking for
an intelligent woman,

but I guess I didn't luck out.

And I was looking for a
knight on a white horse,

not a moody intern with a
crazy wife on his back.

Fine. I'll move out.

Oh... Your problem is solved.

Oh. Oh.


You forgot your towel,

Yeah, well,

I'm not going to be
trailing you tonight

because I'm wet and I'm tired

and there's a Dodger game on.

Good. See you later.

Make sure he gets on that plane.

'Cause I'm going to be waiting
here for you in that bed.

If that's okay with you. Yeah.

Just make sure you
don't have anything on.


Bye. Bye.

Did you see the guy
on the Suzuki

kept trying to cut me off
on that first hairpin?

Hey, guys. Hey, how you doing?

He kept trying to cut me off
at the first hairpin.

So I just waited till
the third time around,

I pulled back a little bit,
let him drop in...

Ooh, and I waxed him.

It's amazing you won.

Well, I didn't win, I qualified.

I took fifth overall.

I think that's pretty good
for the first time out.

That's what she meant.
Don't get so technical.

We're your cheering section.

Listen, how about
if we go to my place,

order in some Chinese
food, a pizza?

We can celebrate. Yeah. Sure.

Well, uh, we're gonna have
to take a rain check

if you want these photos

Oh, that's right.

All right, well,
I'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, um, Jo, if you're
in the darkroom

and you're on your own,
why don't you...

He has to help me. Really?

You never needed my help before.

I do tonight.

Okay. Sure.

All right, then, um, uh,

good luck with the pictures,

and thanks for
bringing me along.

I had a great time.

Bye, Amanda. Bye.

So, what am I going
to help you with?

You're going to stay out
of Amanda's apartment.



Can't tell you how great it is
to open the door

and see you standing there.

Am I running late?

No. Not at all. Come on in.


What's this?

Where are your bags?

Keith, we're going
to miss your flight.

Don't worry.
I've taken care of all that.

Look, I don't like surprises.

Let's just get your stuff
and go to the airport.

We need to talk, Alison.

I think we need to understand
each other better.

No. You need to understand.

I am not here to eat dinner.

Now, if you're ready
to leave, fine.

But if you're not, I'll
come back when you are.

Ah! Shh!

Keith, stop it. Calm down.

I just want you to listen,
that's all.

Then let go.
Please, listen to me!

It's really very simple, Alison.

I love you. I never
stopped loving you.

And I know that you
love me, too.

We belong together.

Keith, I know you don't mean to,

but you're hurting me.

Please let go. Let go!

I loved you once,
but that's over.

I'm with Billy now,
and you know that.

I mean it when I say
I want to be friends.

Real friends.

I want to be close to
you, just not that way.

What a bunch of crap, Alison.

What do you think
this is, seventh grade?

Maybe it sounds stupid,
but I mean it.

I really mean it.

Romance lasts so much
longer than friendship,

but we can be close
for a really long time.

Don't patronize me, bitch.

Keith, come on.

I'm in control now. You got it?

Not you,
not your little boyfriend.

Just you and me,
just the way it was.

Now, come here.

'Cause we're going to make love.

Oh, no, Keith.

Just think about
what you're doing.

Oh, I've been
thinking about this

from the day you left me.

You never stopped
wanting me. Never!

No! No!

Don't make me hurt you,
'cause I will.

I'll hurt you bad.

Just relax and enjoy it
like you used to.

Now, you love me, don't you?

Say it.

I love you.

Undo your blouse.

Oh, God. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Okay, okay, okay.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.



You're back early.

I didn't have a chance
to get in your bed

and, you know, get naked yet.

He didn't change his mind,
did he?

He got on the plane, didn't he?

No, he didn't.

What happened?

Hey, what's going on?

What happened? Talk to me.


Nothing happened.

I just want to
be alone for a while.




I said I wanted to be alone.

I know.

And I'll leave you alone

if you really want me to, but...

you can tell me
anything, you know?

I... I love you.

You can tell me anything.


You were right all along.

He att*cked me.

He tried to r*pe me.

What? Wh...

Are you all right?
What did he do?

Wh-where is he?

I don't know where he is.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Oh, God. I hate him.

I hate him so much,

and I hate myself
for going over there.

God, I wish I could k*ll him!

I wish I could k*ll him!

Oh, God. Oh, God.

This is ridiculous, Michael.

Where are you going to stay?

A hotel, what do you think?

The same place you went to
after you left Jane?

I don't know. Look,
what does it matter?

It matters to me.

Look, I'll be fine.

No, you won't.

You'll be lonely.

So will I.

Kimberly, you said some
things at the hospital that...

So what? So did you.

So we fight all the time.

So that's our destiny.

Look, okay, um...

I'm sorry. Okay?

I know this divorce...
Oh, shut up.

I hate a sensitive man.

And then I managed
to unlock the door

and I got in the elevator
and I went home.

Did Mr. Gray follow you?

No, he didn't.
Can you arrest him?

Yes, we'll find him
and question him.

Don't worry.

Now, I want to go over
some of the details

to make sure I have everything
down correctly, okay?

Now, did Mr. Gray tear
any of your clothing?


Did he use a w*apon?


Did he strike you?

No, but...

he grabbed me a number of times,

and he undid his belt,

and he said he would hurt me
if I didn't...

I see.

And you knew
this man previously?

I dated him.

Are you dating him now?

No, I'm not.

Whoa, what's going on here?

What, do you think that
she's making this up?

I don't think anything, sir.

I'm trying to find out
what happened.

She just told you that
he tried to r*pe her,

for God's sake.

He's been terrorizing her
for weeks,

and if you don't get out there
and arrest him,

he's gonna be in back in Seattle
laughing about it, okay?

You're not helping,
Mr. Campbell.


Now, let's go over this
one more time.

I mean, does it make
any sense to you?

I'm the one who went
through medical school,

studied and worked my ass off
day and night, not her.

What right does she have
to any of the money

I'm gonna make in the future?

None, doctor.

That's damn right.

I don't see her
doing -hour shifts.

Being a doctor's hard work.

That's why the financial
rewards are there.

Mmm. I've never understood women

who soak their husbands.

I always thought everybody
should make it on their own.

Hmm. That's why you and I
are such a perfect pair.

I just have to make sure those
depositions to Jane's lawyer

don't hurt us.

Michael... Hmm?

There's not going to be
any way to avoid that.

I mean, it may be
true love to us,

but to everybody else
it's adultery.

Not if it didn't happen.

What do you mean?

There's no evidence
that I know of.

It's just her word against ours.

So if you and I have
the same stories,

well, then, it's
two respectable doctors

against one crazed,
jealous wife.

That's very interesting.

Hmm. A united front
to save your funds.

Yeah. Hmm.

I'm partial
to helping you, doctor,

but I'm going to need
to be persuaded.

Oh, I don't know, Kimberly.

Twice in one day?

Oh, that's a lot to ask

of a struggling young physician.

Oh, don't you worry,
Dr. Mancini.

I'll do all the work.

I always do.

United Airlines Flight is
now available for boarding...

Hi. I called earlier
to change my flight.


Yes, Mr. Gray, I have it here.

Your seat is confirmed,

and we'll begin boarding
in about five minutes.


Keith Gray?

Yes. What can I do for you?

We have a warrant
for your arrest.

What is this some kind of joke?

Afraid not.

You're going to have
to come with us.

Honestly, we were going out
for a while,

but I'm no good at
long-distance relationships,

so I decided to break it off.

I was getting on a plane
home tonight,

and she called up and she said

she wanted to come over
to say good-bye.

When she got there,
it turned into an argument.

She said she wanted
to work things out.

But I've been through
the mill with this woman,

and I didn't want to
go through it again.

The hotel said that you had
dinner for two in your room.

Who was that for?

For her and me.

Hey, I'm not a bastard.

I wanted to let her down easy,

but she didn't want
to let go, period.

Did she tell you we lived in
Seattle together for a while?

She was way too possessive.

So I told her she had
to move out.

This whole thing is sad.

You're very friendly, Mr. Gray.

Well, I try to be.

Generally, when someone
is being accused

of something they didn't do,
they get all mad.

They're not friendly at all.

You better get yourself
a lawyer, Mr. Gray,

because you tried
to r*pe her, didn't you?

No, I didn't.

And I don't need an attorney

because I have nothing to hide.

You've been great
through this whole thing.

You haven't backed down.

You came to the police.
You toughed it out.

Thanks for saying that,

but none of this
would have happened

if I'd listened to you
in the first place.

I don't know why
I didn't trust you.

It doesn't matter.

The important thing
is the creep's going away,

and you and I get
to start again.


Listen, I just got off the phone
with the DA's office,

and I'm sorry,
but they don't think

there's enough here
to do anything with.

If it makes any difference,

I'm inclined to believe you,
but unfortunately,

we're gonna have to let him go.

You're just going to let
this guy walk out of here?

He's been terrorizing her,
and that's okay with you?

I mean, the guy is
dangerous, all right?

He goes back to Seattle tonight.

If he ever bothers you again,

I want you to call me,
and we'll pick him up.




I'm finally off
to Seattle, Alison.

I'm sorry you felt you had to
go through with this charade,

but there's
no hard feelings, okay?

See you, Sport.


Hi, Michael.

It's Sydney, your sister-in-law.

Oh, hi, Syd. This is a surprise.

How's Chicago?

Actually, I'm here
in town visiting Jane.

I was thinking of you.

I mean, I just can't believe
that this happened.

Is there anything I can do?

I mean, I know that this
must be very hard for you, too.

Jane's sister.

Um, does Jane know
you're calling me?

No, of course not.
She would k*ll me.

I see. Um. Look,
why don't you meet me

at the hospital tomorrow and
I'll take you out to lunch.

Cool. Hey, listen,
I got to go. Later!


Who was on the phone?

Just a friend in Chicago.

Listen, don't run up
the phone bill too big.

Money's tight these days.

I won't.


Thanks for being here
with me, it means a lot.

You're welcome.



Sleep good.

This is like some kind
of nightmare.

I mean, the thing is
is we gotta figure out

what we're going to do,
all right?

We gotta do something.

Because I refuse
to sit around here

and wait for the sick
bastard to decide what...

Don't talk about it, all right?

Alison, we have
to talk about it.

We have to figure out
how we're gonna...

How we're gonna
take the power back.

We're not going to be
victims... all right?

I'm going to call
the Seattle police.

How about that?

Maybe he's done
something up there.

I'm going to bed.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry you had
to go through all this.

I hate seeing you hurt.

Yeah. Well, it happened,

and I'm going to
do my best to forget it.

Why don't you forget the drink?

It's only going to
make you feel worse.

No, it won't.

Oh, um, I want to
sleep alone tonight,

so I'll see you in the morning.

Come on, boy. Come on, King,
let's go, come on.

Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Look at you.

I don't think I've ever seen
you wearing a tie before.

Well, actually, I'm off
to a job interview,

thanks to Michael.


Yeah, he pulled some strings
and got me an interview

for a job in Social Services
over at the hospital.

It pays a lot more
than the halfway house,

so I have to dress
for the job...

if I... if I get it.

Oh, come on, you'll get it.
Don't worry about it.

Just turn on a little bit of
that white-hot sincerity.

Uh, Jake,
I'll see you later, buddy.

Hey, good luck. Thank you.


I'm sorry about
the other evening.

I'm sorry about your job

and I didn't mean
to sound insensitive.

It's just that sometimes I am.

Insensitive, I mean.

Well, it's okay.
Don't worry about it.

And if you need a little
grace time on the rent,

that's okay too.

Thank you, but hopefully...

Hopefully I won't be needing it.

I'm late. I got to go
to this job interview.

Uh, I'll see you.

Good luck.

That was... that
was very nice of you.

Well, I try to keep that part
of my personality hidden.

Anyway, I've got to get going
or I'm going to be late.

This is an incredible
piece of machinery.

It's pretty powerful.

How's it handle?

Tight steering,
really feel the road?

Well, if you really
want to know,

why don't you drive me to work?

Oh, yeah, I can't do that.

I mean, how would I get back?

And, you know, I got to
get to the shop.

Well, um, you could
pick me up from work tonight

and drive the car all day.

How's that?

Let me put my bike away.

Thanks for inviting
me to lunch, Michael.

No problem.

It seems so strange
to being staying with Jane

and you're not around.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

And you know, I realize
that last time you visited,

things got a little
tense between us,

but you know, I was doing a lot
of hours at the hospital and...

You were tired. I realize that.

My problems were more
with Jane then anyway.

So, uh, is Jane doing
any better?

The last time I saw her,
she was, like, throwing things.

Yeah. I heard about the china.

It must have been quite a scene.

It was. It was.

Listen, can I ask you
a big favor?

Sure. Anything.

This is kind of delicate.

Could you talk to Jane for me?

I mean, don't mention this
comes from me exactly,

but, well, if you could get her

to lower the stakes
of the divorce,

just a little, maybe...

Well, maybe it wouldn't
be so hard on both of us.

She's really giving it
to you, huh?

I'm sure she told you.

You know, she's going after

future earnings
and some damages.

I don't know. It's a mess.

But you know how
Jane gets sometimes,

and she's got this sleazy lawyer

that's, you know,
making her all crazy.

So could you just talk to her?

Well, yeah.

She doesn't talk to me
about the legal stuff,

but maybe I could find a way
to bring it up.

Thanks a lot, Sydney.


You know, I'm thinking
of everyone here.

I mean, no matter what,
I'll always love Jane.

Hell, I love the whole family.

But, you know, I never meant
to cause anybody any pain.

I know you didn't, Michael.

I know.

American Airlines Flight
is now arriving at gate...

Listen, Cameron, tell Nancy
that I'm taking

a couple personal days.

Yes, I know you're not
my messenger boy.

I'm asking a favor.

Okay. Deal.

I'll be back on Wednesday.

It's just a family thing
I got to take care of.

Thank you. Bye.

Hi. Hi.

Round trip to Seattle, please.
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