02x04 - Fire Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x04 - Fire Power

Post by bunniefuu »


Good morning.

Billy, not now, O.K.?

I have got a meeting at : ,

casting session at : ,

and two reports due by : .

Come on.

Slow down.

I can't, Billy.

I'm trying to fill
Amanda's shoes.

Which is tough when she still
insists on wearing them.

You sure that you're not...
burying yourself in your work

to get over Keith?

Oh, Billy.

The guy tried to r*pe you.

He committed su1c1de.

Which means it's over, and
I can get on with my life.

Not if you're not ready.

I am ready.

I just want to forget
it ever happened.

Promise me we won't
talk about Keith anymore,

not with each other
or anyone else.


Thank you.

Well, you've topped even my
most outrageous shopping binge.

They're worth twice
what I paid for them.

I mean, I feel kind of bad.

Ed's place goes bankrupt,

and I get a great deal
out of it.

Oh, really, what makes you think

you can sell these
if he couldn't?

Come on, look at them,
they're classics.

All we gotta do is clean them up
a little bit,

we'll make $ , on the deal.

The guy at the auction said...

Auction? You mean
you paid cash for these?

No... I got a cashier's check.

Don't worry about it.

There's plenty of money
in the account.

Yeah, I put it there to pay
our quarterly taxes.

And how am I supposed
to know that?

You keep the books.

You asked me to.

And you keep me in the
dark all the time.

You have to give these back.

I'm sorry. An auction
is not a department store.

They don't take returns.

Well, listen, I sent that I.R.S.
check in this morning.

In big business,
this is what you call

a breakdown in communication.

And in little business,

it's called a major screw-up.

Don't worry about it.

I'll take care of it.

There was a bidding frenzy
at the auction,

I'll find a buyer.

I hope so.

Look, I have a casting session
at D and D for my photo sh**t,

so I'll see you tonight.


Pictures, please.

Thank you.


Great. Thank you.

Thank you.


Excuse me.

Alison, Alison.

Oh, hi.

Where the hell did you get all
these Mickey Rourke wannabes?

There's models out there.

I know, I wanted Amanda
to have a big selection.

Where is that list?

I promised her an
alphabetical cross-reference

of models and agencies.

Oh, and your proofs
were a major hit.

Amanda was very impressed.

Maybe you'll work at
D and D full-time.

Slow down, you're
getting me dizzy here.

Ever thought of
switching to decaf?

It's a natural buzz.

I'm in overdrive,
trying to make up

for being out of it
for three weeks.

O.K., you ready?

Show time.

That'll be fine. I'll hold.

Come in.

All ready out there?

Yeah, I've got the
casting list right here.

I'm on hold
with Lane Photography.

When John picks up, remind him
that he promised us

a decent space this time,
not that cave in Studio C.


So, any luck?

They're all handsome and rugged,

but none are Jake.

Jake does not want to model.

Trust me... you just have to
find someone else.

I know, it's just frustrating,
he's perfect.


I got studio "A"

and Randall Marks.

Randall Marks?

He's the best
lighting technician in town.

He's also booked
months in advance.

Not next Friday.

Friday? Alison, we haven't
even cast this yet.

The story board's
still being revised.

Did you lock in
studio time, too?


We'll have to cancel it.

I'll do it, it's my mistake.

This isn't a typo, Alison.

I'll handle it.

Lane Photography, please.

What am I supposed
to tell the I.R.S.,

that my check bounced

because Jake spent $ ,

on handlebars and wheels?

Sounds like a good idea.

Oh, Jo, I'm sorry.

I've been so distracted lately.

It's PMS.

Post marriage syndrome.

Really, I worried for weeks

I'd made this huge mistake.

Then I worried that I'd never
get the chance to make it again.

No, I'm over being worried.

I'm past being depressed.

Right now I'm mad.

I mean, Michael's life
is so together,

and I have to start all over.

You need a date.

No, thank you.

The last date I had
ended in divorce.

Nothing serious.

Just, you know, a night out with
someone who cares about you

and makes you feel fantastic.

So, what are you doing Saturday?

There's got to be someone...

A friend who makes you
feel comfortable.


There is Sam Towler.

Michael's friend?

The extramarital kiss guy?


Ooh. You liked him.

Mm-hmm, he came over
this morning.

He wanted to make up.

Jo, he even bought
a great bottle of wine.

I know, but I couldn't, really,
there's too much history,

and Michael got so crazy
last time.

Michael's not around anymore.


I keep forgetting that.

You'll get it.




Hey. Hi.

Do you realize I'm not gonna
get one minute's work

out of these guys
while you're here?

I could leave.

And get me k*lled?
No, thank you.

I'm glad you came by.

I had a meeting out this way.

This way?

O.K., I don't have a meeting,

but I just wanted
to ask you something.


A friend just gave me
a great bottle of chardonnay,

and I was thinking about
serving it at dinner.

Maybe tomorrow night?

I'd love to.


Cool. : ?

I'll be there.

Great. This is great.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!


I'm sorry, I was on
the phone with John Lane.

I wanted to admit my mistake
to him personally

and assure him it
wouldn't happen again.

Good idea.

Now, if we don't hit
a stop light between here

and the Valley, you might make
the meeting on time.

Alison, that file is the
presentation for Lindy Toys.


The meeting is with
Famous Family restaurants.


I'm sorry. It's been
a crazy morning.

I'll be right back.


You sit this meeting out.


I can do this job.


I haven't been able
to rely on you for weeks.

Look, I admit I got off
to a rocky start,

but give me a chance.

How many more
will it take, Alison?

I O.K.'d your absences
during your personal situation,

I covered for you when
you couldn't make

the deadline on your reports,

and then you embarrassed
yourself and the company

by getting drunk
during a client lunch.

Today you booked expensive
studio time without approval.

Now this.

I'm trying.

But you are making mistakes.

You spend your day apologizing,

and I spend mine
doing damage control.



I'm sorry, Alison.

Obviously, something's
going on with you,

and it's affecting your work.

I have to cut back
on your responsibilities.

Hey, you bid on the bikes.

I just thought maybe
you'd be interested

in a deal, that's all.

There's nothing wrong with them.

I just need the cash, you know?

Well, just give me
your last bid,

and I'll take a loss on it.

Come on, man, don't jerk me
around, all right?

Just give me a fair offer

or forget the whole thing.

Maybe if you go to a dealer.

Well, you don't think
that I tried that?

I've been on the phone
for six hours.

We're just going to have to
stop payment on the check,

that's all.

Stop pay...

That's not going to
solve anything.

We still owe the taxes,

and the mortgage
and these invoices.

God, if we don't
make this payment,

I'm going to lose
my whole investment.

You'll lose?

Jake, I didn't mean that.

You're never going to
let me forget this, are ya?

I didn't want your money
to begin with.

I'm just concerned.

Well, don't be concerned,
all right?

And don't tell me
how to run my business.

This is my shop, and whatever
happens, good or bad,

I make it happen.

Good. Then make it happen.

You have a week and a half.

Get the money.

Where's the Famous Family
restaurant file?

It's on the coffee table.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, I get it.

You're running around in circles
because you figure Amanda

can't hit a moving target.

If Amanda thinks demoting me
is going to send me cowering

into a corner, she's got
another thing coming.

I am going to clear my
backlog, do my research,

get all my little marketing
ducks in a row... thank you...

And prove to her
that I can do this job.

Atta girl!

Good morning.

Hi, Billy. Is Alison here?

I'm over here.

I'm proofing the sales stats.

Well, you can stop.

I reworked
the figures last night.

Get this in before the meeting?

No problem.

See ya.

You can put your whip away.

She's off to the sl*ve market.

I'm not asking her to do
anything I didn't do

when I had the job.

Can't you just ease up on her?

I mean, she's doing
the best she can.

I know.

That's what worries me.

Bathroom's all yours.

So, kiddo, what's your schedule?

I'm swamped.
Madonna wants girl talk.

Cher wants to go work out,

but I think I'll go check out
waitress jobs instead.

Waitress jobs?

Yeah, I saw some listed in
the paper yesterday.

Plus, money's tight
for you right now.

You shouldn't have
to support me, too.

Besides, who knows?

Maybe I'll decide
to stay in L.A.

Well, I guess I should be happy

you're taking some initiative.

So, you got any plans
for tonight?

After pounding
the pavement all day,

I'll probably just soak my feet.

Why don't you catch a movie?

Here. My treat.


I remember this routine.

You've got a date.

No, I just thought maybe
you'd want to get out.


I invited Sam to dinner,

and we'd kind of like
to be alone.

A date?

You just split up with
Michael... it's too soon.

Better than too late.

Look, I deserve this
after everything.

Michael's put me through.

You're not even divorced yet.

Syd, no offense, but I don't
need a second opinion

on how to live my life.

Michael, I am on rounds.

So am I.

Oh, no, I am still mad at you.

That's because we
haven't made up yet.

That's because you
came in late last night.

And you left early this morning.

O.K., you win.

Not here, all right?

Ooh, mmm, that's nice.

Tomorrow. I'm off at : .

I'm out at : . Our bed, : .

You got it.


Yes, can I help you?

I'm not sure who I need.

I've been to three
offices already.

Let me see.

Oh, you need me.


This seems like it's in order.

Mrs. Cole will be transferred
to County tomorrow.

That's the problem.

Mrs. Cole is not an invalid.

Any nurse on her floor will
tell you, she's full of life.

If we send her to County,

she'll be in a hospital dorm
with comatose roommates.

Look, I wish there was
something that I could do,

but I can't do anything unless
her doctor comes...

I am her doctor.


Oh, I'm sorry. I'm, uh...

I'm sorry, doctor, doctor, uh...

Dr. Petrova.

Katya Petrova...

intern at large.

Uh, Matt Fielding
at your social service.

Well, Matt Fielding,

Can you find a proper
home for Mrs. Cole?

Oh, God... if you think it's
chaotic in down in Emergency,

you haven't spent a day
here in Social Services.

Let me see what I can do.

Red tape is my specialty.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thanks for meeting me.

We're friends, Billy.

If you call and say
it's important,

you know I'll be there for you.

We have been through
a lot together.

Yes, we have.

Anyway, I want to talk
to you about Alison.

Billy, if I didn't care for her,

she would have
been fired weeks ago.

Under the circumstances,

I'd say I've been
more than fair.

Yeah, well, that's just it.

You don't know all
of the circumstances.

Keith was the one
who was stalking her.

My God.

And it gets worse.

The night before he left L.A.,

he tried to r*pe her.


Thank God Alison
was strong enough.

She fought him off.

He got on the next plane
to Seattle,

and before the police
could even get involved,

he made up this whole
cover story.

And they let him
get away with it?

The police did, but I didn't.

Like an idiot,
I flew up to Seattle

and I basically punched him out.

Always the hero.

Yeah, not this time.

The next day,
he called her at D and D,

pulled her out of
an important meeting,

and while they were
on the telephone together,

he committed su1c1de.

Oh, my God.

I knew Alison was upset,

but she didn't say a word.

She doesn't want
anybody to know.

She blames herself.

She's got her twisted
sense of pride.

She thinks her personal problems

shouldn't interfere with work.

But it is interfering, Billy.

What am I supposed to do?

D and D promoted you

because you were
the best person for the job,

and you promoted Alison
for the same reason.

I just think if you can
give her some space and...

time to recover...

you won't regret it.

Does she know you're here?


If she knew, she'd k*ll me.

Well, I wouldn't
be much of a friend

if I let that happen, would I?

No, no.

Talk about a selective memory.

I did not fall asleep.

You did.

It was the best jazz festival
of the season,

and you slept through Tom Scott.

I... I was just relaxing.

Relaxing? Your snores practically
drowned out the saxophone.

I do remember you whispering
in my ear, though.

I saw your face,
and I thought...

what a beautiful way to wake up.

I almost kissed you that night.

I almost let you.

This is nice.

Yeah, it is.

I thought we were going to
spend this whole night

talking about your divorce.

No way.

I'm not about
to waste good food,

good wine, and good company

on bad memories.

All right.

To making good memories.



If you're not here
to buy a bike,

go away.

We paid Mr. Pittman
$ , for this picture,

and he never left his porch.

That's a hell of a deal.

Do you hate it?

It's O.K.

It's more than O.K.

This picture tells a story
in six words and a setting.

It's a concept,
not jingles and slogans.

If you say so.

This is what I want to do

with the Sagebrush Beer

A concept, a package...

You and the bike shop.

Anybody can make an ad

with spandex bimbos
and strobe lights,

but we want to have real
people, living real life.

I know there are a lot of guys

who would just k*ll
for this job,

but, I don't know, it's just...

it's not me.

Are you kidding?

I spent weeks trying
to find the right model,

but I can't find anyone

who looks like he belongs here,

because no one else
does belong here.

There's no other Jake,
there is no other bike shop.

Oh, come on.

It won't hurt you
to hear my sales pitch.

I'll buy you a beer.

One beer, one pitch.

Got to get back to meet Jo.


Oh, can't buy a beer
without my purse.


I can't believe
I'm sitting with you.

I can't believe
that we are here.

Where are we, Sam?

Where we should
have been all along.

You kissed back this time,
I like that.

I... I'm sorry.

Did I do something wrong?

No. No. It's me.

It's too soon, Sam.

Too soon for what, Jane?

We haven't done anything.

Come on, Sam.

We both know
where this is headed,

and... I'm just not ready.

It's not you.

I mean, you know how much
I care about you.

You've always been
such a great friend.

But if we become more than that,

I need to know that
my attraction to you

has nothing to do with Michael.


Being with you would be
the ultimate s*ab at him,

like revenge
or evening the score.

And I need time to know that
I want to be with you for us,

not because I want
to get back at Michael.



You take your time,
and you be sure.

Just for the record,
my attraction to you

has got nothing
to do with Michael.



Oh, my God. Jake! Open up!


Jake! Oh!




What happened?

Oh, my God.

Thank God you're alive.

I thought you were in there.

What happened?

I came by to do the books,
and there were flames.

We were gone for an hour.

Everything was fine.

Jake, if there's
anything I can do...

No. We'll handle this, Amanda.

I ought to deck you.

Excuse me?

Where the hell were you?

I was at sh**t.

Amanda was trying to give me

one last hard sell
on the beer campaign.

I almost took the money
for the...

It doesn't matter now.

The hell it doesn't!

I almost got k*lled
trying to save you.

Hey, sleepyhead.

You got in late last night.

Try early this morning.

Syd, when I asked for privacy,

I didn't mean you had
to stay out all night.

So, how was it?

It was nice.

Your smile says more than nice.

Ha ha ha.

O.K., it was great.

God, I can't remember
the last time

somebody really listened to me.

I mean, somebody cared
about my life.

Well, go on.

I sat through a bad movie
for you twice.

I deserve details.

Let's just say I had more fun
in one night with Sam

than all last year with Michael.

Well, I got to go.

I'll see you tonight.

What do you want?

Michael. Is he home?



What are you doing here?

Next time, call first.

I didn't mean to upset Kimberly.

She's not really upset.

Good. I didn't think
you were the kind of guy

to let a woman decide who
he sees and doesn't see.

Sydney, I don't
like surprises, O.K.?


I thought I'd get some exercise,

skate the bike path?

Well, it's a great day.

Have a good time.

Well, maybe I shouldn't.

I'm so exhausted
from last night.

I spent six hours
in a movie theater

so Jane could have
the place to herself.

Jane had a date?

Yeah, she made a romantic dinner

'cause Sam is so special
to her and everything.



He's in town, working at that
Beverly Canyon shopping center.

Jane is dating Sam?

Yeah. Isn't it great?

Sydney, why are you
telling me this?

Because it's a good thing.

Jane's getting her life
together, so she's happy.

So she won't waste time
making you miserable.

That will make life
easier for you and...

what's her name... Kimberly?

Yeah, Syd.

Her name is Kimberly.

Jo, don't be ridiculous.

There is no reason
for you to come in.

I'll fill you in tonight.

Take care of Jake.



How are they?

Not great.

Jake lost everything.

It was an awful scene.

Poor Jake.

I guess that's why we
carry insurance, right?


Do you have changes
or something?

This is clerical work.

You shouldn't be doing this.

It's all I have left, Amanda.

Alison, I may have been
hasty in my decision.

Obviously, you were overwhelmed
in the new position,

and I want to give you
some more time to adjust,

maybe start you out slowly,

one client at a time.

Yesterday you didn't think
I could spell my own name,

and today you're
giving me a client?

What's going on?

If you're looking for ulterior
motives, I assure you,

there are none.

I'm just being fair.

I know I might have been
rough on you at first

and maybe pushed you too much,

but I've thought about it,

and some things changed.

Like what?

Alison, I am trying to help you.

Jus focus on Famous
Family restaurants.

Learn everything
you can about it,

then you won't think...

Just focus, Alison, O.K.?

I'm sorry, Mr. Hanson.

It looks like a total loss.

But Mr. Harris they'll be able
to settle quickly,

so that's good news, isn't it?

I'll need to see the books...

Profit and loss records,
inventory list,

whatever you haven't
lost in the fire.

It's the only way to judge
the fair value of the business.

I have it right here.


Well, my whole life
is b*rned to a crisp,

but thank God Jo saved
those precious books.

Well, uh, I'm finished here.

I'll come by your
apartment this afternoon.

We'll work out the details.

Come on. Let me
take you to lunch.

Let's get out of here.

Well, at least I'm
consistent, you know.

It's just too bad my
old man couldn't be here

to see me fail... again.

You didn't fail.

It was an accident.

The only thing you
can do now is move on.

You make a hell of a
cheerleader, you know that?

You don't need a cheerleader.

You need a reality check.

Look, there was a fire,
you lost your shop.

Now you have choices,

and whatever you do with that
insurance check is up to you.

I told you what I'm going to do
with that insurance check.

I'm going to give you
your money back.

Why? So you can feel
sorry for yourself

for the rest of your life?

Look, Jake,
I made an investment.

I thought I had a partner who
wanted to be in business,

no matter what.

You don't get it, do you?

This is not a setback.

This is a total disaster.

So do something about it.

Take that check
and find a new shop

and start over.



But this time,

I'm not going to drag
anyone down with me.

I'm going to do it my way,
without a partner.

Place it over here and...

Oh, man.

Uh, hold this.

Michael, long time no see.

Who the hell do you think
you are, dating my wife?

How long has this
been going on, Sam?

Huh? Hey.

That's all right, I got it.

You go take care of that,
go take care of that.

You sleeping with her?

We had dinner, Michael,
that's it.

Give me a break, Towler,

I know what dinner means to you.

I told you to
stay away from my wife.

You left her, Michael,
Jane's not your wife anymore.

One more time.

Stay away from her, O.K.?

Not if she wants to be with me.

Oh! Uhh!

Now, you back off.

It's tough to do surgery
with busted hands.

We've got a problem.

A problem? What? With the books?

I have receipts and invoices
for everything.

No, no, no, the books
are very clear.

Your bike shop was in financial
trouble, Mr. Hanson.

Tell me about it.

We had one misunderstanding

about a tax check,

but other than that,
it should be fine.

Miss Reynolds, I understand
you're a partner in business.

I'm, uh, an investor,
not a partner.

Still, you're a concerned party.

We received a preliminary report

from the fire department.

They're listing the fire
as suspicious.


Because of your current financial
situation, Mr. Hanson,

we are going to conduct
an arson investigation.

You think I b*rned down
my own business?

I just bought new bikes.

I was fixing one up last night.

These books indicate that the
purchase of the new bikes

was part of
the financial problem.

So you're accusing me?

No, he's not blaming you
for anything,

are you, Mr. Harris?

The purpose of an investigation
is to find answers,

not to accuse...
or dismiss anyone of guilt.

I spent thousands of dollars
paying for insurance

hoping I'd never have to use it.

Now, all of a sudden,
I need help,

and the people that
I paid to protect me

you want out of the deal?

What kind of crap is that?

Jake, calm down.

Hey, I want to tell you

I am not the crook here.

You guys are the crooks.

Regardless of what
you think, Mr. Hanson,

our decision will be based
on the investigation.

There you go.


I was worried.

You didn't come home.

I needed to relax,
sort some things out.

Problems at work?

None, thanks to you.

Tell me,

when exactly did you
decide to betray me?

Amanda told you we talked.

No. I figured it out.

You had no right, Billy.

That was my secret.

You promised not to tell.

You promised,

and I trusted you.

I had to, you're throwing
away your career.

I just need time.

I'm fine.

You are not fine.

You're in pain.

Oh, great.

Now you're a psychologist.

Stop it.

Look at you,
you're sitting in a bar,

and you're up to
your eyeballs in vodka.

Big deal.

I just came here
to have a drink,

like everybody else here.

Yeah, well, you're not
like everybody else.

You drink every night,
you drink alone.

What, you think I don't notice?

You don't think I see
the glass in the dish drain

and the bottles in the trash?

Now you're a psychologist
and Sherlock Holmes.

You know, you think you're
in this whole thing by yourself,

but you're not, all right?

It's k*lling me
to see you like this,

and I love you, and
I'm trying to help you,

but you're just
sabotaging yourself...

all right?

Now, I know you're hurt

and you're... You're angry,

and you've every right to be.

What Keith did to you is...

is unforgivable.

But you got to fight back.

If you don't start pulling
yourself together

and fight for it,

you're going to lose
everything you love.



Don't get up.

Sam, I thought you
were going back

to Dallas this morning.

Yeah, I am.

I got to talk to you first.

Oh, come in.

Look, for somebody who wants
to keep Michael out of her life,

why are you dragging
him back in?

What are you talking about?

Michael came
to the site yesterday,

dukes up, ranting and raving
about our dinner date.

Michael knew about our date?

Yeah, look, I figured
maybe you did just want

to rub his nose in it,
which is fine.

You gotta warn me next time.

Sam, I haven't seen
Michael in weeks.

Somebody told him.

I think I know what happened.

Look, I'm sorry I got you
stuck in the middle of this.

O.K., I'm just
worried about you.

Don't be.

I'll take care of it.

So, you'll keep in touch?





Oh, no. Don't blame me.

I didn't tell Michael.

Don't lie to me, Sydney.

Why do you always blame me?

Because it's usually your fault.

Oh, like last year, you and Mike
were having problems,

so you accused me,

like his affair with Kimberly
was my fault.

It had to be you.

Other than Jo, no one
else knew I was seeing Sam.

Maybe Michael knew.

You sicked a big-time
divorce lawyer on him.

Who'd blame him for hiring
someone to spy on you?

Michael, just relax.

Damn it.

Oh, baby, it's O.K.

You know, it happens to all men.

Not all men, and never to me.

Sweetheart, you're just tense.

Do not patronize me.

This is not my fault.

Of course it's not your fault.

My God, Michael, you're
going through a divorce.

You're dealing with your ex-best
friend dating your ex-wife.

Oh, Sam and Jane have
nothing to do with this.

Fine. I'm just saying

it's perfectly understandable.

Here we go.

Now we have to analyze
the situation.

Everything's got to be
sterilized and starched.

You know, if I didn't have to
dig through your lab coat

to get to your lace,

this never would have happened.

What is that supposed to mean?

I means it wouldn't hurt

if you put out
a little bit of effort.

You know, think about
what makes me happy.

Michael, stop it,
this is not about me.

This is about Jane...
It's always about Jane!

You can deny it all you want,

but you're still
in love with her.

Hi, I've been looking for you.

Listen, a single room
just opened at Glen Acres.

It's perfect for Mrs. Cole.

Except that the waiting list
at Glen Acres is a year long.

Yes, but look at how nicely.

Mrs. Cole's name appears
at the top of the list.

You got her in?

Well, I showed her case
to the board of directors

and they agreed that
her needs were urgent,

so they accepted her.

It didn't hurt that
I used to work

with one of the directors
at Social Services, but...

You went out of your way.

No, it was no big deal.

It is to Mrs. Cole.

You did a wonderful thing
for a beautiful woman.

I think you deserve
a Katya Petrova gourmet dinner.

Uh, gourmet?

Don't worry.

Russian cuisine is not all
borscht and stale bread.

Okay, you're on.

Tomorrow night? Yeah.

: ?


It's a date.

Uh, a date?

So, I was surprised you called.

After my speech last night,

I thought I'd find
my bags on the porch.

You know me better than that.

You know I'd never pack for you.

Yeah, I'm sorry
I came on so strong.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

It's just supposed
to be tough love.

It was.

Ah, finally, fresh air.

I feel like I've been
cooped up for months...

in the apartment,
in the office...


And you have been.

I was afraid to come out...

and of Keith.

Afraid of everything.

I thought if I didn't go out,

I'd be safe and nothing
would hurt me.

Turns out, it was worse inside.

Keith is gone.

You're free.

It's not that simple, Billy.

I am not free.

Keith stole the part of me

that thought I
could handle anything.

He made me doubt my ability...

my judgment.

But he couldn't take away
what I feel for you.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

I miss the way our lives
were before.

So, we can get it back.

I have to get myself back first.

What do you mean?

I got to make some changes.

I need to stop drinking.

I thought it would
make me feel better,

but when the vodka
wore off, it just...

it hurt like hell.

So, what can I do?

Just be there for me.

I'm not going anywhere.

Well, you missed one
hell of a demolition.

Everything I'm worth...

was worth...

fit into one dump truck.

I... I had work to do.

You know, um...

Amanda's deadline
for the ad campaign.

I know for a fact

she hasn't even cast that yet.

Do you want to
tell me the truth?

I'm not sure I know
the truth anymore.


What's going on, Jo?

I'm confused, O.K.?

After what Mr. Harris said.

What does my insurance agent
got to do with anything?

You think I torched the place.

I have to go to bed.

Good night, Jake.
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