02x16 - Reunion Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x16 - Reunion Blues

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Arnold Schwarzenegger,

don't give yourself
a heart att*ck...

you just got back from running.

Helps me think.

Got a lot of stuff on my mind.

Work stuff?

Speaking of which,
you're heading in early.

It's not even : .

Yeah. Breakfast with Jo.

See ya.

See you later.

What a pleasant surprise.

Billy Campbell on my doorstep,

all pumped up and sweaty.


Look, I only have a second.

I want to make sure
that we're clear

about what happened
the other night.

Uh, we were kind of impetuous,

and it was great
and everything, but...

It sure was.

I have a chance
with Alison again,

and I just don't
wanna screw it up,

so I really need you to promise

that you'll keep
what happened...

Between us.


Don't worry your pretty
little head about it.

I won't say anything.


You know,

somewhere on my weak side,

I thought there
might be a chance

for something between us again.

But I forgot one important fact.


You're a kid.

It's to my -year
high school reunion

in San Francisco this weekend.

Kind of corny, huh?

Oh, I don't know.
It might be fun.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Then I woke up this
morning, and it hit me.

That high school was four
years of trying to fit in

with a pack of hateful snots.

Come on, Jo.

I don't believe you
didn't have any friends.

Maybe a few.

An old boyfriend or two?

No comment.


the point is,
high school was corny,

but it's a huge part
of growing up.

Forget about your divorce.

Not everybody gets
to go back a success.

You're a professional,
a working photographer.

That'll impress everybody.

Especially the shutterbug club.

Maybe you're right.

And if it's weird, I can leave.

I mean it, Jane.
I didn't deserve it.

But still, you opened up
the apartment to me.

And you made me feel welcome.

I know it was hard on you.

But it made a big difference
to me, so thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, I'm really pumping

at those physical
therapy sessions.

They say I'm gonna make a
breakthrough any day now.

That's great.

You really look
good today, you know.

Those are the earrings I got you
for Christmas, aren't they?


Funny that you're wearing
my gift and not Robert's.

Michael, I like
your earrings fine,

but I keep Robert's pendant
close to my heart.

And don't wait up,
we're going out tonight.



Good morning.

What's this?

An eviction notice.

Oh, afraid to give it
to me to my face?

No, I'm just tired
of your scenes,

and there's nothing
you could say

that would make a difference.

You know this is completely
illegal, don't you?

Just be out by next week.

You pick up some bogus
eviction notice

at a stationery store,

you think that's going
to make me disappear?

Listen to me.

I didn't do anything
to your father.

He did it to himself,
open up your eyes.

Blaming me is not
gonna help anyone.

Get out of here, Jake,
get out of my life.

All right, you guys,
it's looking great.

This looks fantastic.

Listen, Bo, I need this
board to come down.

I need some summer shadows.

Guys, I know it's freezing,

but this next setup,
think Sahara, okay?

You're hot.
You're looking great.

Perfect... just give me
a second, all right?



Sorry to bother you.

Alison told me where you were.

So, you're doing some work
for Carson and Kale?

It's a good agency.

Yeah, well, I'd better
get back to it.

So what can I do for you?

It's about Jake...

neither one of us
trusts the man,

and I want him
out of the building.

If you could write
a letter detailing

the damages he did
to your apartment,

it would be a big help.

No, thank you.



Excuse me,

but didn't this guy
just dump you

without even looking back?

Yes, and you had a hell
of a lot to do with it.

No, it may have
looked like that,

but I swear, I didn't.

Come on, we are both women
who've been taken advantage of.

Don't even try this
sisterhood crap, all right?

You are out for yourself.

That's fine,
just leave me alone.

Okay, come on,
off with the robe.

Let's go, just one more setup.

You guys are looking so good.

God, my damn legs!


Keep going. Weight on your legs.

Don't swing through.

Shut up, will you?

Your arms can't do it all.

Use your feet. Push off!

Look, this is pointless...
get my chair.

Michael, don't give up,

come on, you're gonna be
running by spring, remember?

Look, I can't even
feel my damn feet!

How am I supposed to run?
Michael, come on.

You want to be weak
and helpless, Doctor?

That's the way to do it.

Hey, I thought
I told you to shut up.

Come on over here
and make me, dipwad.

Oh, man...

oh, man, I am so sick of you.

Are you all right?

I feel something.

It's my foot.
I can feel something.

Okay, go again.

Keep walking, doctor.

When you leave today,
you're leaving on crutches.

That chair stays here.

It's open.


Hi. Are you running
away from home?

Heh. High school reunion.

You? You gotta be kidding me.

years, I'm curious.

Anyway, before I left,
I just wanted to tell you

that I never cashed that check

that you gave me for the , .

And since things are a little
rough for you right now...

Haven't we been through
this enough times already?

You know I can't
take that money.

You can just use some of it,

like a loan.

I don't mean to be a jerk,

and I appreciate what
you're trying to do,

but I can't change the way I am.

You know, I just, I got to
take care of things on my own,

no matter what happens.

Look, I gotta get
back to the want ads.

I got a tough day

of hitting the
pavement tomorrow.

All right.

Can I just ask you one question?


Why in God's name did you
get involved with Amanda?

I mean, no matter how much
you hated me at the time,

you should've known better
than to get involved

with a bitch like that.

You know me, I love a challenge.

And you and me are,
um, still friends?

That's two questions.

Yes, of course we are.


See you later.

I'll see you.

God, this is so great, you're
out of the wheelchair.

Pretty soon you'll be back at
the hospital and everything.

You know what, we should
go out to the beach again.

Give me the beer, would you?

You know, it's kind
of slow tonight.

Is it okay if I join you?

You live in the building,

and I hardly ever see you.

Just leave me alone, all right?

Come on, Michael, I'm just
trying to cheer you up.

What are you, deaf?

You're the waitress,
not my friend, okay?

I've seen the way you suck
up to Jane lately, Michael.

It's sickening.

You really think she
would take you back

after you ran off with Kimberly

and then turned around and
did her little sister?

Grow up.

Sydney, I am not interested

in your opinion.

You know what,
I'm not interested in you.

You're a joke, Michael!

The whole apartment
building is a joke!

I'm saving up my money,
and I'm moving out.

I am sick of all
you over-the-hill,

oversexed jerk-offs. Great. Go.

And I'm gonna get
myself a nice apartment

in the Marina and a good job

where I won't have to
look at your face!

Fine, I don't care.

Now, would you just shut up

and bring my friend a beer?

What was that all about?

God, have you noticed that women

have no sense of proportion?

Everything in their life is

a national emergency
or a personal insult.

Yeah, yeah, I have noticed.

You know, you cross a woman,

she cannot go on
with her little life

until she's tacked up
your skin in her bathroom

with all her other crap.

Wait a minute.

You mean, you and her?

Yeah, a couple of times.

It was a while ago. What?

Well, you may not be God's gift,

but you sure are God's
revenge on women.


Yeah, I guess I am.



Oh, God, Jane.



Shh! Be quiet.

Okay, okay.

She's probably already asleep.


Oh, God, you're so beautiful.

I love you.

Hey, uh... you want
to crash at my place?

You can take the couch.

Oh, no, I'm fine.

I'll be fine.

Okay, I'll see you.

Oh, Robert,

I love you.

Good morning.

Hey, we don't have
to be enemies.

Can't we, like...

Forgive and forget?

Forget it, Billy.

You going to miss me next week?

I'll be in San Diego
four whole days.

Of course I will.

This is so weird.

Your ex-husband in bed
in the living room,

and the two of us
in love in the kitchen.

Well, he won't
be here much longer.

I hope not.


I better get going.

See you tonight?

Mm-hmm. Call me.



Oh, good morning, Jane.

Good morning, Michael.

Hey, you notice anything
missing in here?


My wheelchair.

Oh... aah.

I told you I was
making progress.

That's wonderful, Michael!


You think I could get a
little congratulatory kiss?


I didn't think so.

But I'm very proud of you.

Well, guess I'll be out
of your way pretty soon.


That'll be good for the
both of us, I think.

Well, I got to get
ready for work.

There's coffee if you want some.

You wanted to see me, Amanda?

Yes. Come in. Sit down.

Uh, I have something
to tell you.

I think it'll be a little tough
for you to hear at first,

a little tough to take,
but in the long run,

I think it'll be
to your benefit.

What is it? Unfortunately,

it has something to do with
your personal life as well.

Due to your romantic relationship
with Steve McMillan,

and other
unprofessional behavior,

you are removed from
the microcomp account

as of this morning.

But that's my account.

I brought it in.

I came up with the campaign.

This attitude is
part of the problem.

We all worked on the campaign,

we're a team around here.

Which apparently you forgot
when you slept with the client.

I did not sleep with him.

I am not stupid, Alison.

I got reports on you and
Steve in San Francisco.

It was hard to miss the
jeep with the bow around it

in front of the building.

Amanda, this is completely
unfair, and you know it.

You're welcome to contest
it upstairs, if you want,

but I doubt
you'll want to do that.

Now, I want all your
microcomp records and files

on my desk immediately.

That means now, Alison.

medium rare, fries.

Is there anything else
I can do for you?

As a matter of fact, there is.


I was wondering whether
you'd go out with me.

That's very nice,
but I don't think so.

Sydney, right?

Lauren gave me your name.

Said a date with you
was something that

I would remember
for a long time.

I don't do that anymore.

I, uh...

got a weakness for redheads.

Worth a lot of money to me.

Listen, mister, you don't
have enough money.



Just to let you know,

I do have the money,

and I'm willing to spend
a whole lot of it.

Are you willing
to spend two grand?

♪ ♪

Well, welcome, bulldog!

And you are...

Jo. Jo Reynolds.

Jo Reynolds...

Of course. Of course.

How are you, Jo?

Now I recognize you.

I'm Betty Benson,
but you'd probably

remember me as Betty Chappel.

But what's the dif, right?

Well, see, now,
here's your button

with your name and picture

as it appeared in the yearbook.

Name and face together
equal recognition.


Now, weren't you big in...


or something?

Uh, photography.

Of course!

Of course.

And, uh...

you were...

you can't place me?

Well, actually, we didn't
run in the same circles.

I was president
of the senior class.

Oh, of course.

Well... here's your button.

Put it on and go mingle.

And, Jo...

it is great...

great to see you again.

Are you guys having a good time?

Good. Good.

Oh, man.

Jo... it isyou.

I was just about to come over
and tap you on the shoulder.

Reed Carter.

Wow! What a nice surprise.

It is, isn't it?

I was looking for you tonight,

but I really didn't
expect to see you.

Yeah, well, I didn't
expect to come either,

but then I thought maybe
I'd meet some old friends.

And... then I realized I
don't have any old friends

I mean, except...

Betty Chappel, senior
class president, right?

Right, that's it.

We're buds,
me and the prez. Yeah.

Everyone... Bulldogs...

listen up a second, now.
Dinner will be served soon,

but right now,

how about we form two pep lines

and welcome the '
state champs! Yeah!

Get me out of here, quick.

My thoughts exactly. Come on.

I didn't stand you up.

I just didn't want
to go to the prom.

Wait a minute,
I came by your house.

You weren't there.
That is stood up.

I mean, where
did you go, anyway?

In a tree in the backyard.

A tree?

Yeah, a tree, I was sitting
up there with my dress,

smoking cigarettes
and staring at the stars,

wondering what anything means.

I used to have these
relevance att*cks,

like... what means anything?

What's real?

What matters?

You always pissed me off

because you always
had it figured out.

You knew what you wanted.

Oh, sure. Everything.

Yeah. You and everybody else

knew that Reed Carter was
going to be a combination

of Jacques Cousteau
and Luke Skywalker.

Yeah, but that didn't
impress you, did it?

No, but I liked your style.

You know, I liked
your style, too,

even though it was hell trying
to make you my girlfriend.

I mean, maybe you were
confused about your life,

but I wasn't.

I had that figured out, too.

Oh, you did, did you?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I knew you'd be whatever the
hell you wanted to be, Jo.

Nothing was going to stop you.

You're too smart,
too strong to fail


go steady with me.

I always did want a fiery
romance, you know.


I didn't know.

I have an idea.

Why don't you come
up to my hotel room?

And we'll have a nightcap.

I have a better idea.

How about we meet for
breakfast tomorrow instead?

Ha ha ha!

All right.


sounds great.

There's always something going
on in that head of yours.

You know, I mean, you're
a deep person, Jo.

Cut the crap, Reed.

You're not going
to get me in bed.

You never were easy.

No, never was.

Think I should come
with a warning sign?

Yeah, like what?

Like, caution,
contents under pressure.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
That sounds good.


Sorry I'm late!


Hey, we got reservations
at Patrino's.

Hey, what's going on?

I know this looks bad,

but at least I'm not throwing
back a bottle of vodka.

So what's the TV doing in here?

I'm working on kind
of a cocoon thing...

Wrapping up in bed, hiding
from the big, ugly world,

and Breakfast at Tiffany's
was on.

Looks like we're not
going out, huh?

Oh, I can't.

If I go out that door,
I'm just gonna go up

to Amanda's apartment
and k*ll her.

Besides, there's a pint of
fudge swirl in the freezer,

and you can have
some of this pizza.

Double cheese.

I'm proud of you, Alison.

The one thing I can't
figure out is, why now?

It's like Amanda
woke up this morning

and decided to hate me... I don't
know what her problem is.

Come here.

What the hell is this?

That's it.




Get your ass down here!

Keep this up, Jake,
and I'll have you

arrested for
disturbing the peace.

You can't just change
the lock on my door.

Now, give me the key.
I tried to be patient,

but your rent check bounced.

Now gather up
your stuff and leave,

before I call the police.

Eviction is a legal proceeding,

not some bimbo's whim.
Now give me the damn key.

Forget it. Fine.

I don't need one.



This is destruction of property!

You are in big, big trouble.

Stop it. You're scaring me.

You have a history of this.

I've got another witness.

Jo wrote a complaint about the
damage you did at her place.

That's crap.

'Fraid not. If I were you,

I'd make sure I was
gone by the morning.


Hi, how you doing?


So, how much is this?

Come on.
Don't play games with me.

It's two grand, and you know it.

So, uh...

what do I get for that?

Anything you want, Roy.

The best sex you ever had, okay?

Now let's see the money.

Why don't we get started?



You are under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,

one will be hired
to represent you.

No. You have the right

to exercise these rights

at any time during questioning.

Sydney, do you
understand these rights

as I have read them to you?


I'm so grateful
for this, Michael.

You don't know.

The cop said pandering, Sydney.

It's a mistake.
A misunderstanding.

They were doing
some kind of sweep.

I was on the street.

Look, why don't you just
give it to me straight?

I just dropped down
bucks for you.

Honest, Michael. I'm sure
they're gonna throw it out.


I just kind of fell into it.

I met this woman,

and she introduced me
to some guys.

I thought it was just...

you know, dates...

at first.

And then the money.

I can't believe this.

You're a whore.

Not anymore.

Never again, I promise.

Just one thing, Michael...

swear you won't tell anybody,

especially Jane.

Last night you were screaming
at me in sh**t,

and tonight you're
begging for favors.

All right. Look...

I'll try to keep my mouth shut,

but you remember this.

You owe me big.

When it comes time to collect,

I don't want any crap.


Whatever you say.


Now get the door.

All right, so now you know

about my rotten, failed marriage

and my bad business decisions

and my crazy ex-boyfriend,

and I know nothing about
your last years.

There's nothing to tell, really.

Come on. Spill.

I just got out of the
federal penitentiary.

Are you serious?


I did two years
on a plea bargain

for the possession of narcotics

with the intent to sell.

Eat your pancakes... they're
gonna get cold, kiddo.


Listen, I was innocent.

It's simple, really.

I owned this fishing boat,

chartered it off
the Florida Keys.

I got this group
that wanted to fish

way off in the Carolinas.

When we were putting
it in at Wilmington,

we got surrounded
by the Coast Guard.

Turned out they were smugglers.

I didn't know.

I, uh...

I lost my boat.

I lost my business.

I lost two years of my life.

And, uh...

I just...

I just want to start over.

Are you going to run,
screaming from the table?

It took you a lot of
courage to tell me that.

Yeah, well...

whatever the feds say,

I've always been
a straight-up guy.

Yeah, you have.

Jo, it's crazy that
we had to wait years

for us to really talk.

Don't you suppose

you could spend
another night here,

and maybe we can drive
into the wine country

and talk some more?

I have work.

I have a plane I have to catch.

I just...
I really can't.


Is it, um...

the jail thing?


No, it's a Jo thing.

All right. All right.


another time maybe.


Another time.


I can't believe you actually
found the old boyfriend.

Yeah, well, it wasn't
exactly all luck.

I mean, it turns out
he was looking for me, too.

So is he charming

and handsome... and single?

Yes, he's...

he's all of those things,

plus he's something else.


He just got out of prison.


That puts a spin on things.

Thing is, he explained how
this drug bust thing happened,

and how he's innocent,
and, I got to tell you,

I believe him.

He just got caught in the net.

Do I sound naive?

No. No, not really.

Those kind of things do happen.

You just have to...

trust the person, I guess.

Yeah, I don't know...
There's something about him.

I do trust him.

Where's he living?

Oh, up in the Bay area.

Richmond. Richmond, I think.

He was talking about
coming down to visit,

but I don't think he will.

I mean, he has to get
his life together first.


Probably a good thing,

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Oh, no!


Jake, the faucet in my
kitchen just exploded!

You gotta help me.

Aww. Call a plumber.

I did. I'm on hold with
the answering service.

It's the weekend. Please?
Everything is getting soaked.

Oh, I'd love to help you,

but I have this little problem...

You see, I'm being evicted.

What's going on, the water
just turned off

in the shower,
and the ceiling's leaking.

Do you know anything
about plumbing?

No, and, Amanda, it's really
coming down in there.

Jake, please?

Well, I'd be glad to help you,

if I get to keep my apartment.

Oh... all right.

Witness? I heard everything.

Come on!

Jake, would you hurry up?
This is an emergency!

Come on.


How did this happen?

Faucets generally don't
explode on their own.

I was trying to fix a leak.

It wasn't my fault.

Where's the turn-off valve?

It broke off in my hand.

You really screwed things
up this time, didn't you?

I'm gonna have to go downstairs
and find the shut-off valve.

Thanks. I owe you.

No, you don't.

Hi. There's a problem I
need to talk to you about.

Yeah, come on in.

Yeah, I bet I know
what this is about.


Yeah, sure.

Check bounced, didn't it?

Yeah, there was a phone message

from the bank when I got home.

So what'd you do, buy
another bike or something?

Not funny.

If I don't straighten
things out,

I'm gonna have to
sell the one I have.

I'm good for it,
it's just that...

The feds have frozen the
money Palmer paid me.

I'm gonna have to get a lawyer
to straighten it all out,

and that's gonna take time.

So, anyway, I'm sorry.

It's all right...
Listen, I'm sorry

that you have
to go through all of this.

I'll survive, and
you'll get your money.

It doesn't matter.

But it matters to you,

So, good, I'll be glad
to get it whenever.

Thank you.

By the way,

Amanda said that
you wrote a letter

about what I did
to your apartment.

That woman is... such a liar.

Jake, you know that
I would never do that.

That's what I figured.

She was pretty pissed
at me when she said it.

I hope you're keeping
your distance from her.

I mean, she is not good for you.

With everything that
you're going through,

you need someone who
cares about you.

Come on, Jo.


It's just, you and me, we're
not gonna get back together.

It just wouldn't work.

That's not what I'm saying.

That's not what I want, either.

Okay, I just didn't want there
to be any misunderstanding.

You're amazing.

I mean, what kind of ego
you must have to think that,

just because
I'm being nice to you,

you assume I want to
jump back into your bed?

Jo, I didn't...

Believe me,

that is the last thing
on my mind.

So I want heavy-duty
shut-off valves

throughout the apartment.

All the fixtures,
everything first class.

So that would be the entire
complex... you want everything

to be up to code, right?

No, just my apartment, for now.

I'm not sure when I'll get
to the others exactly.

Thank you.

Thank you.



What's wrong?

Sure, sure, where do
you want to meet?


you sounded terrible.
What's wrong?

Come on.
Come on, let's sit down.

What is it?

Something about the case?

Yeah, yeah, it is.

I've been talking to my lawyers,

and, uh...

it doesn't look good
at all for our side.

It looks real bad,
as a matter of fact.

Well, the important thing
is that you're innocent.

That's all that really matters.

And if these lawyers
can't do the job, then...

That's just it. I'm not.


I'm not innocent.

I did everything
they said I did.

All of it.

I needed cash, and a lot of it,

so I kind of sweetened
the business.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now.

Daddy, no.

I know you don't
understand this,

but I did what
I felt I had to do,

and I'm sorry I had
to lie to you.

You see...

I've done this kind
of thing before.

I had some close calls...

but this time they
caught up with me.

And that's supposed
to make a difference?

You lied to me.

You're a criminal.

Yeah, I guess I am.

But now I have to go.

You see, I can't go to jail.

I wouldn't last.

So I'm gonna disappear

for a very long time.

This can't be happening.

It can't be.

I'm sorry, sweetheart, it is,

but you're an adult,
a big girl now.

You'll be fine.

And I will make it
up to you, I promise.


Michael, come in.
Do you need any help?

No, no, I'm fine.

It's so nice to have you
in my apartment again.

It's been a while. Potato chip?


Now, Sydney,
I told you you owe me?

Well, now I got a way
for you to pay me back.

Anything you want, Michael.

Look, just get your hands
off me and listen.

I want you to find
the most beautiful,

drop-dead gorgeous woman

that ever worked for Lauren.

I want her to go
to San Diego this week,

get Jane's boyfriend into bed,

and I want it on videotape.

God, Michael.

Arrange it, Sydney.

It'll never work.

Robert will never fall for it.

He's too straight-arrow.

No, we find the right woman,

and Robert will
snap like a twig.

That's how men are.

You ought to know that by now,

especially in the
business you're in.

Jo! Aah!

Who's there?

Relax, it's me, Reed.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to scare you.

My God, I lost
a year of my life.

I was at your apartment.

No one was there,
so I was just waiting.



I need to talk to you.

Look, if this is about the lock,

I'll have a key made.

No, it's about my father.

I don't think we should
talk about that.

That never works out.

You were right.

You were right all along.


My dad lied to me.

He did it all,
just like you said.

He did all of it.

Oh, hey...

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

♪ ♪
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