05x05 - It Takes a Village

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x05 - It Takes a Village

Post by bunniefuu »


What do we got?

George lee.
Owns the place.

called it in.

Got witnesses?

One lady saw 2 black kids
runnin' from the scene,

But she didn't see
their faces.

This is
my father's store!
Who's this?

That's probably the son.
He lives in westchester.

He owns an electronic
business in midtown.

Clerk called him
at his showroom.

Get out
of my way!

It's ok. Can we
help you, sir?

I'm simon lee. This is
my father's store!

I'm detective simone.
This is detective

Why don't we take
a second to talk here?

I want to see
my father.

Who, whoa, whoa.
Try to take a breath,
mr. Lee, ok?

What happened?

There was a sh**ting
here this morning.

Your father
was shot, sir.

I'm sorry to have to
tell you this.
He's dead.

Now can I enter?

Let's talk over here.

Whoa, whoa, mr. Lee.

Get your hands off me!
I want to see my father!

You don't want
to see him
like that.

I want to know
who did this.
When, how, everything.

It looks like a robbery
went bad. There was a couple
of guys running away.

They steal his
movado watch? I told him
not to wear it here.

He insisted.
So proud I gave him
a movado watch.

We don't see
a watch on him.

There. See? I begged him.
"Move to westchester."

He said, "poor people
need fresh food, too."

Sold more beer
than oranges!

These people
k*lled my father.

It's too soon
to know exactly
who's responsible.

These people, they want
things, they don't want
to work for 'em.

Animals! You k*lled
my father!

Mr. Lee, I know
that you are upset.

It's not gonna help
for you to start
insulting people.

One way to make 'em talk.
You, boy.

I'll give you $5,000
cash money if you find
my father's k*ller.

You don't know? Find out.
Tell your friends! Go on!

You can't
do that, mr. Lee.
You can't do that.

This is america.
I can do what I want.

$5,000 Reward to find
my father's k*ller!

Cash money!

Good morning.

How's it goin'?
Oh, you're back.
Yes, I am.

Hey, andy.


How was your
doctor's appointment?


Never mind.

Guy's ready
to take a laser ray
to both your corneas,

He don't even want to
give you a couple extra
minutes to collect yourself.

You backed out?

I'm rethinkin'
my options.


Hi, boss.

Um, r*pe‐as*ault
victim at bellevue.

You want to work
with diane?

Why wouldn't i?

9‐Year‐old girl.



What does that say?

"Never mind
the provolone.
Love syl‐‐"

All right.

Hi, jill.



So, uh...how'd it go
at the doctor's?

Guy wants you
actin' like an auto part
on an assembly line.

You're not supposed
to show no skittishness

Getting your eyeballs
burned with some
invisible ray.

So you backed out.

You two ought to
work tag team.

I'll print larger
on your message
slips, detective.

It wouldn't

Wrestling practice

Hey, lieu.

Um, what did you get
on that grocery homicide?

Doa's the store owner‐‐

Place got robbed.

Past the opening money,
the doa's son says

The doa had this
really expensive watch
he always wore.

That's in the wind.

We got a statement
2 black kids left the scene.

No good description.

The clerk that worked
with the doa

Is gonna be comin'
and give us
some more background.

Son give you anything?

He's kind of a pain
in the ass.

This guy, he acts like
the whole neighborhood's

The only way
the case'll make

Is him walkin'
up and down the street
offerin' reward money.

Did you explain to him
if he doesn't let us
field the information,

He's gonna get
ripped off or worse?

Guy's real hard
to talk to.

Any chance he's trying
to draw suspicion
away from himself?

It's more like
he's working off
some kind of guilt.

You'd better
have him come in.

Yeah. Ok.

I'll give him
a call.

Victim‐‐annie watters.
She's 9.

Yeah, we got that.

Says she was walking
near first and tenth

When some guy
dragged her into
an abandoned building,

Beat her up,
and r*ped her.

She got to a deli
after he let her go.

They called us.

You checked
the building?

No one around.

Locate the parents?

Mother works uptown.
She's on her way in.


How's she doin'?

Cuts and bruises,
possible concussion.

She told the cop
she was r*ped.

Kit's not back,
but that's definitely
how it looks.

Son of a bitch.

She's pretty traumatized.

Annie? I'm diane russell.
I'm a detective.

This is andy,
my partner.

Can you tell us
what happened today,

I don't want
to tell again.

Do you mind if I ask
what happened before?

Were you walking
to school?

'Cause I missed the bus.

Then I got grabbed.


I'm sorry!

Oh! Oh!

Oh! Your face! My god!
Who did this?

We'd just started
talking to annie
about that, ms. Watters.

Ms. Nelson. I went back
to my maiden name.

Ok, ms. Nelson.

Maybe you could sit with
annie while we try to talk
to her about what happened.

It was billy podesky,

Oh, this was just
a question of time.

He needs to be
off the street.

Did the boy
your mom's talking about
do this to you, annie?

He's our super's son.
He's Ret*rded, and he's
into his adolescence,

And you could just
see this comin' on.

Ms. Nelson,
let your daughter talk.

Did you know the boy
who att*cked you
this morning, annie?

[Crying softly]

Annie, tell them
about billy.
Did he do this?

Maybe. He had his hands
over my eyes.

My god!

You think maybe
it could've
been billy, annie,

Or you're pretty sure
it was?

Don't you browbeat her!

It's you doin' that.

It was billy podesky!

We'll go talk to the boy
and his father.

Get some rest, annie.
We'll talk
some more later?

We're really sorry
what happened to you.

You tell his father
I plan civil
and criminal action!

I told him
about this!

I have to listen
to that woman
another 10 minutes,

I'd wind up
in jail.

Appreciate you
comin' in.


Mr. Lee
was a good man.
No race prejudice.

That right?

As many of them
as he had to deal with.

you want some coffee?

No, I'm all right.

So who do you think
it was that might
have k*lled mr. Lee?

Could've been
any of 'em.

"Them" being who?

The blacks.

Half of 'em are
drunks, crackheads,

And the young ones
are all hoodlums.

Any kids
specifically you think
might've done this?

Kids who run
in pairs?
Any of 'em.

She's asking if any
of "them" in particular

Had run‐ins with mr. Lee,
maybe had it in for him.

All of 'em.

Why weren't you at work
today, george?

I was at home
with my kids.

My wife's mother's
in the hospital
havin' heart surgery.

How did mr. Lee
get along with his son?

3 Years I worked
for mr. Lee,

I saw the guy maybe
half a dozen times.

He thought
he was better than
his father, smarter.

Like, mr. Lee
played the numbers.

One time he hits,
and, uh, the runner's
late payin',

And his son
says mr. Lee's stupid,

Expecting them people
to pay off.

But he did get paid,
3 days later.

All right, george.

We have your information
if we need you again.

I'm sorry my wife's
mother got sick.

Cop called,
and I left my kids
to come cooperate.

Mr. Lee
was a good guy.

No race prejudice
towards me.

All right.

[Knock on door]

Excuse me, detectives.
A mr. Simon lee's here

With a woman
he says has information
on your case.

Thanks a lot,

Sir, you have gone
past the catching area
where I asked you to wait.

This woman's
got information.

This about the death
of mr. Lee's father?

That's right.

Sorry about what
happened, mr. Lee.

She's got information.

We appreciate
your help.

what's your name?

Felicia chivers.

I'm detective kirkendall.
This is detective simone.

Why don't you come with me,
felicia, and we'll talk?

I was very emphatic.

My boss would also
like to have a word
with you, mr. Lee.

I ain't givin' up
no information
without that reward.

Look. Look. How
many times do I have
to show this to you?

Showin' me ain't puttin'
nothin' in my pocket.

Come on with me,
felicia. We'll
work all this out.

I'll be in there
in just a second.

She knows the 2 boys who
k*lled my father, and she
knows where to find them.

We're gonna be
right in here.

This is simon lee.

How do you do,
mr. Lee?

I'm sorry
for your loss.

I find a woman that knows
my father's K*llers while
you people sit on your ass.

Is that the woman
I saw you with
in the catching area?

I'm gonna talk to her
right now, boss.

All right.

Don't waste my time.

I gather this woman
came forward

Because of the reward
money you're offering
in your father's case.

Money's all
these people understand.

As you say,
the prospect of a payday

Generates attention
from all kinds of people.

I hope this woman's
information is productive,

But if we have to continue
our investigation,

Your letting our office
handle the reward process

Would help sift out
the hustlers, the cranks,
and the con artists.

I'll sift out
the useless information
and bring you the rest.

Mr. Lee.

Were you listening
to what I just said?

Let us handle
the investigation,

And give yourself some
time to absorb the shock
of your father's death.

My shock is
none of your business.

This woman knows
my father's K*llers,

And I stay
with the money until
those boys are arrested.

No, you don't, mr. Lee.

Now, you stop shouting,
you turn around,
you leave this building,

And if we feel
you're needed back here,
we'll get in touch.

I'm sorry
for your loss.

She knows who k*lled
my father.

If she knows, my detectives
will find that out.

I got a child comin',
and I got to
look out for myself.

Now, I made mistakes.
Don't think I'm the onliest
one who's done that.

But this is where I am,
and I got responsibilities
to myself,

My future,
and my baby.

Well, you see
how I'm beat up.

I'm 7‐months pregnant,
and I'm beat up like this.

I got a right
to some compensation,

And I got a right
to a future.

The boys you lookin' for
are named gerard and antwan.

They done that robbery,
done for that chinaman,

And they beat me up, too.
Gimme that pen.

Here's where you
can pick 'em up.

Whose place is this?

Her name's angela.
And they're gonna have
a .25 p*stol,

So you better
be careful.

What's angela
to you?

She's my mother.

And they my sons.

Sipowicz: excuse me.

You the super?

Sam podesky.

Detective sipowicz.
This is detective

This your son?

Billy. Yeah.

Russell: how's
it goin', billy?
How's it going?

What's goin' on?

One of your tenants
was beaten on her way
to school this morning.

Annie watters?

No. Is she all right?

Where you been
this morning?

Workin' in the building.
Is the little girl
all right?

She should be
all right, yeah.

What about
your boy there?
Where's he been?

Doin' my chores
with me.

People see you together,
tenants we could ask?

I couldn't say.
But it wasn't like
we were hidin'.

I'd like to ask billy
a few questions now.

He's slow.
You understand.

Billy, what did you
do this morning?

We had breakfast.

We had our cereal,

And we d‐did our trash
and daddy fixed
the buzzers.

Did you see
annie watters
today, billy?


Annie says you
beat her up.

What? He did
no such thing.

why do you think
annie would say

You beat her up
if it wasn't

He's not gonna be able
to answer a question
like that.

Take it easy.

Billy's a good boy.
He wouldn't
hurt anyone.

This girl's mother
might've put her
up to this.

Why do you think
she'd do that?

Off my occasion

Saying she had me
keeping an eye on her
little one too often.

Having you keep
an eye on annie?

I don't mind,
but if we're doin' chores,

Sometimes she can get
in harm's way.

So, since I said that,

Her mother's agitated
against me and billy.

to the tenants...

The owner.

Um...time to put
in the trash, right?

Just a second, son.

All right,
mr. Podesky.

If the neighbors confirm
your story, we won't
trouble you any further.

Annie wouldn't say
nothin' against billy

Unless her mother
made her.
This a good boy.

You ask the tenants.


All right, thanks.

A junkie will
tell you anything.

And she did
take a beating,

So I guess that could
piss her off enough

To jam her sons up.

But you do
believe her?

I bought it.

Says she's been
holding the g*n
for her boyfriend.

She's out the last
couple of nights.

7 Months pregnant.

7 Months pregnant
and using.

She comes home
this morning,
the g*n's gone.

A couple of hours later,
the boys show up.

She asks them
about the g*n,

The older one
punches her out.

How's she know they're
at her mother's?

Says the younger one
was scared.

That's where they hide out
when they're in trouble.

All right. Get some help
and pick them up.


So, uh, what'd you say
to the doa's son?

Go home and shut up.

Greg, james,

You guys ok
to give us a hand?

Yeah, sure.

What do you like
to drink, annie?

Do you have
apple juice?

You bet.

You got
cranberry juice?

I'll have to look.

Cranberry juice.

How'd it go with
the super's son?

He didn't
r*pe nobody.

We're gonna

What's your grocery
homicide look like?

I got a couple of kids
to look at.

Mother's a junkie.

She's just gonna
give her kids up
for the reward.

And they say no good
comes of dope.

I'll talk to you
in a while, boss.


Whatever. Then I'll have
apple juice, too.

So we wanted
to tell you and annie

How things are going
on our investigation.

We talked to
billy podesky
and his dad.

They both say he was
with his father
all morning.

Well, what do you think
they're gonna say?

to detective russell.

All right, miss nelson?

We also talked
to your neighbors.

There isn't more
than a 10 or
15‐minute interval

Between one
or another of them

Seeing billy.

Well, between me
and the super
of their building,

Whose side do you think
they're gonna take?

Be still now.

Gloria, we're
pretty well convinced

Billy wasn't involved.

That happens
all the time, annie.

People get confused,

Or they just
make a mistake.

make mistakes, too.

But it's not something

That you should feel
embarrassed about

Or feel like
you can't say.

So the first thing
I'd like to ask is

If you think‐‐

With everything going on
at the hospital‐‐

Maybe what you said
back then

Could have been wrong?


It wasn't billy.

Ok, sweetheart.

Do you want some
of my apple juice?

Could I have some?

Thank you.


Can you tell us
anything at all

That might help us
catch the person
who did this?

A man...

Said he lost his kitty

And if I could
help him look.

He said it ran into
a boarded‐up building.

So I went there
with him to look.

So then he did
all his bad things.

He wasn't too tall,

And he was losing
some of his hair.

And I scratched him here...

On his cheek.

Ok, annie. That's
gonna help us.

Good for you.

That's when
he hit me a lot.

Ok, sweetheart.


You don't know
what it's like,

A single mother
in this kind of city.

All right, baby.

You all set up
on the fire‐escape?

Officer on walkie‐talkie:
all set up outside.

Woman: who is it?

Neighborhood watch.

I'd like to show you a picture
of a missing child.

I don't know
nothin' about it.

Well, could I just
show you the picture?

[Locks opening]

Where's your grandchildren,
miss chivers?

Leave 'em alone!
I'm sick.

Don't move! Don't move,
or you will get hurt.

Hey! What‐‐
what we done?

Just lie still.

Bathroom's clear.

I got a g*n.

What are they doing?

There's nothing you
can do for them now.


Just relax.

We got them.

Let's go.


Gerard: don't say
nothin', 'twan.

Yeah, you keep listening
to your brother, 'twan.

Look how much good he's
done for you so far.

What you say they done?

15 Squad to central,

Be advised we're transporting
2 juveniles under arrest.

I am sorry,

You don't have anything
to be sorry about.

I checked her purse.

She's not a prisoner.
I couldn't do
a body search.

Maxine, it's all right.

What's going on,

The mother's high
in the bathroom.

She had her dope kit
stuck up in her privates.

Where are the boys?

James and greg
got them in holding

Till we saw
what was what.

See where the mother's at
before you bring them up.

You all right?

Yeah. I hurt my ankle
getting her out
of the stall,

But at least I didn't
get stuck with her needle.

You want hank
to take you to er?

No, no. I'm all right,
lieutenant. Thanks.

All right.

How you feeling,


You messed up?

Lucky these days
I can cop enough

To keep
from getting sick.

Course, that might
change now, huh?

Oh, you're not gonna be
getting no reward money

If the boys don't
confess, felicia.

Well, bring them on.

You'll get
your confession.

Now, how you gonna
talk to them?

Gonna tell me how to talk
to my own children?

One of your children

Nearly k*lled you
this morning, felicia.

Maybe, uh...

Letting them know
you love them.

You're sorry how
things worked out,

And that you want
the best for them

From a bad

We can play that, sure.

Let's just do it.

All right?

Yeah, all right.

[Knock on door]


Andy and me found a guy
in the 2‐50s‐‐

Glenn farley.

Drunk 2 weeks ago

A block from where
annie was att*cked.

He fits her description
of the attacker.

Parole violator
from oregon.

2 Convictions
for molestation.

Oregon didn't move
to extradite?

Only owed a month
on his parole.

They didn't want to spring
for a plane ticket.

Last known's an s.r.o.
In midtown.

All right. Get him in
for a lineup.

Hooray for oregon, huh?

That's how they keep
their air so pure.

Man, what's she
doing here?

just calm down,

You need an adult
guardian here
'cause of your ages.

We don't want her
up in here.

Antwan: we want
our grandma.

You worried about me
being pissed off,

Behind you nearly
p*stol‐whip me
to death?

all right,

Medavoy: all set?
Simone: we're good.

Now, we wanted
your moms here...

So that she could
tell you first‐hand

That she's not
looking to bring

Any charges
against you

For what happened
between you and her.

That's right.

Your mom also
wants you to know

How badly she feels
about the problems

And hard times
in your family.

That's right.

Her using dr*gs
and so forth.

I realize that a lot
of y'all going hungry

And being pissed off

About not having
school clothes
and whatnot,

That's on me.

My habit sometime‐‐


Your moms also realizes
that you and antwan

Sometimes going
out there and robbing,

That came off
of her problems.

Sometime she send us
out stealing.

And I always gotta
watch burrell
in my kicks.

Selling his sneakers
while he was sleeping.

Those were stole sneakers.

She's sorry
about that,

And we realize that
you weren't looking
to hurt anybody

At that grocery.

Grocery? What grocery?

Don't you lie, gerard.

What grocery?
We wasn't in no grocery.

You always trying
to put us into trouble.

'Twan, gerard stand
in that kitchen
this morning

Say he k*lled
that chinaman

Just before he like
to break my jaw?

You want to put that money
in your arm, mama.

So he just admit
he confessed.

Man, she ain't here
to apologize.

Hell if I ain't!

Antwan, gerard,

We got witnesses put you
sh**ting the grocer.

We got the g*n you used

And your own mother's

That you confessed.

Now what's left here
for you to explain

Is how all that
came to happen.

'Cause I don't think
that you woke up
this morning

Meaning to k*ll anybody.

[Knock on door]

You listen
to what he say.

The grandmother's

Says if she doesn't
talk to a detective,

She's gonna
lawyer the kids up.

So, we got anything
back from ballistics?

Where they at?

We're talking to the boys
upstairs, mrs. Chivers.

Ma'am, you should know

That we've connected them
pretty conclusively

To a homicide that was
committed this morning.

Connected them? How?

Well, we've got
witness statements,

ballistic reports

Off that g*n that we found
in your apartment.

I didn't have
nothin' to do
with that g*n.

Well, we know that.

We know that you
didn't realize

The boys had committed
any crimes.

But that's how
it lays out, mrs. Chivers.

They used that g*n
to commit a robbery,

And, unfortunately,
there was a man
who was k*lled.

So, do they need
a lawyer?

I don't mind
spending the money
if I have to.

Ma'am, your grandsons'
best chance

Not to have to spend
the rest of their lives
in jail right now

Is explaining
that this was not
a premeditated m*rder.

The best thing
you can do is let them.

Can I trust you?


Yes. Yes, you can.

Old man wouldn't give me
the cash money

Out of the register.

And he wouldn't show me
how to open it.

Antwan scared, crying,

Like here.

And now he try
to take my g*n.

That's what I told you.

So I gotta k*ll him.

All right, gerard.

[Antwan sobbing]


All right, baby.

You got to tell it
to them now
straight through

So they can
write it down.

Yeah, ok.


Hey. What'd gina
have to say?

Good report. Doc says
she's doing real good.

Yeah? I knew she was
seeing him today.

That's great, james.

Her only problem
is she's going
a little stir‐crazy.

Oh, yeah.

Enforced bed rest.
She's cooped up all day.

How's things with abby?

Well, there, too,

You're describing
a process.

The baby's
being expected,

And abby's recovery
from the shock
of kathy's death.


Abby's lucky she's
got you looking out.

Yeah. Well, truthfully,
james, I'm grateful
for the chance,

You know, to keep care
of someone a little,

And a future arrival.

It's the luckiest thing
you ever get to do.


Andy's hubbub over
this eye operation,

I'm noticing
my own sight's

Well, it's, uh,

It's the wrong side
of 40, greg.

I had the same reaction
when he had prostrate

All right.

What's it about?

Sit down, glenn.

I've done absolutely
nothing wrong
since I moved here.

From oregon, right?


You got a cat?


You told
that little girl

You were looking
for your lost cat.

What is this about?

I was wondering...

Once you were done
beating that little girl
and raping her,

If that cat turned up.

My problems in oregon
are coming back
to haunt me again, huh?

I don't do that anymore.

You mean not since
this morning?

I didn't‐‐

I am rehabilitated.

Say you're rehabilitated
again, I'm breaking
your jaw.

Russell: glenn...

Were you at tenth
and first this morning
around 8:00?


That part's possible.

This could be mistaken i. D.,
Where I was in the area,

But not doing
something wrong.

when we picked you up,

I smelled alcohol
on your breath.

Is it possible
you black out,

You do things
you don't remember

And aren't responsible for?

I did nothing
involving whatever crime
you're alleging.

And I swear to god,
I am rehabilitated.

Get out of the room.

Hold on, andy.

Get out of here.

No, give him a minute.

Ok, ok. I was
at the park
this morning,

And then I was
in the neighborhood
of tenth and first.

So...if someone saw me
and then this incident‐‐
and my record‐‐

I can see you
putting things together,

But I know
better than anyone

If I relapse
the mess I'll be in.

That's how I know
I didn't!

If there's confusion,

Will you agree
to stand in a lineup

So we can clear it up?

You want me on a bus?
I'll go. I'll get out
of town!


Will you stand
the lineup?

All right.

All right.

Why won't you
leave me alone?

Maybe some future point.
I don't want to commit
at this juncture.

No, you only think
you got a policy
against refunds.

Because if you don't,
I'll come down there,

And your patients
will need flashlights
reading their eye charts,

'Cause they'll all be
shoved up your ass.

To my home is good.

Thanks very much.

I believe
they're waiting for you

In the observation room,

Got a policy
against refunds.

You're going to see 6 men
through the mirror, annie,

But none of them
can see you.

If you recognize anyone,

Just tell us what number,


It's number one.

He should
be ex*cuted.

Be quiet.

Where have you seen
number one before?

He said on the street
he lost his cat.

Then he took me
into the building
and hurt me.

Hold number one.

Is she going to have
to testify?

We're going to see
if that's necessary.

You did real good,

You going
to confess?


You're i. D.'D
for the r*pe
and beating.

You write
your statement out,
what you did.

You never heard
of a mistaken i. D.?

Don't give me
that crap.

I didn't do her.


Don't get me started,

I was in the neighborhood,
but I never touched that girl.

I'm rehabilitated.

So you want me
to k*ll you?

Beating me
won't change my story.

Saying you're rehabilitated
when I told you not to.

You must want to die
off the beating.

What is it, you don't
want to go through
the trial?

You leave me alone.

You want to die here

So that you don't
have to think how
it happened again?

You're sick garbage.

You can't stop yourself
from hurting a helpless
little child.

You want to die now?

Go to hell.

Burn in hell!
Burn your soul in hell!

The furnace next to yours,
you sick twitch, right?

Huh? You want me
to burn next to you?

Burn your sick mind
and giving people beatings!

Like you beat that girl?

I couldn't help myself!
Your sick mind
doesn't have to!

That's right!

That's right! You do it
'cause you want to!

I r*ped her from
a monstrous force!

I'm a monstrous force!

You want to, but I'm
a helpless force.


Yeah, I want to.

Mr. Lee.

Thanks for coming in.

You pick up the boys?

we picked them up.

They've confessed.

We've moved them
into the coffee room,

And now they're in
the process of completing
their statements.

You want me
to pay that woman?

She claims
you said you'd pay
once an arrest was made.

She's not lying.

If that's the case, yes,
we have made an arrest.

How did she know
those boys?

They're her sons.


The mother, too.

She sent them out
to m*rder?

At the proper time,
you can read
the statements.

'Cause if she sent them
for the m*rder,
I don't give her 10 cents.

She didn't send them
for the m*rder.

Is she giving you
part of the reward?

They said your father
was a nice guy.

Is that why
they k*lled him?

Maybe that was
part of it.

Probably most merchants
would have had a g*n
of their own.

He didn't.

He just tried
to take theirs away.

So maybe being a good guy
was part of why he died.

On the other hand,
I've seen a lot of pricks
that have been m*rder*d, too,

So maybe being good or bad
doesn't enter into
why we die.

What you can count on,
mr. Lee, is being nice

Helped your dad
be a little bit happy
while he was alive.

So why don't you
go bury him now?

how's it going?

God, I just had
a good time.

r*pist turns out innocent

Off being controlled
by a monstrous force.

as a sadist,

I could bring that out.

Sorry. You forgot
to lock it.

No, it's ok.

You speak for yourself.

I intended
to fail to urinate.

Why would you want
to wash your hands
before you piss?

I wash before
and after,

Because cleanliness
is next to godliness,

Particularly in someone

Who secures the majority
of his confessions
by beating.

You want me
to split, andy?

No. No.

You had to tune
your guy up, huh?

Ah, 2 smacks
to the back of his head

And one good open slap
to his cheek

Is how he knew that
both of us were sick.

I'm taking my boys
to rent.

That right?


A friend got us
some tickets, and I'm‐‐

I'm going to take my boys.

You see ads
all over the place
for that.

I guess it must be
a big hit, huh?

You mind doing
the fives, bobby?

No. Uh‐uh.

I appreciate it.

Simone: hey...

You did some
good work today.

You go and enjoy yourself.


Sipowicz: let me know
how you liked it,

'Cause, uh,
my theater club's going
in several weeks.

Good night.

[Opens door]

[Closes door]

That junkie
gave up her kids.

How'd that come out?

Well, you know,
we had to set it up.

Mother leading them
to slaughter.

Don't sound like
she took much convincing.

Hell, no.
She wanted that reward.

The, uh,

The younger kid,
though, he was...

He was trying
to reach out there
to her, you know?

Just trying
to reach out.

He was...

He was just some kid
in there, trying to...

Reach out to his mom.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


No, what the hell.

Don't you worry
about nothing.

Mr. Podesky.

Hi, billy.


Billy's worried
you think bad of him.

No. Did you explain
to billy

We found the person
who did attack annie?

But we taught him so much
the police are his friends

And to trust them
if he's lost or so forth,

And so now he's worried
you don't like him.

No, billy.

We like you a lot.

Do you trust me?

We like you,

And we trust you.

I like you.

I trust you.

We just made a baby.

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