08x03 - Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x03 - Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, katie.

What are you doing here?

I told you I was going
to try and stop by.

Andy sipowicz, this is
clara graves, theo’s teacher.

Oh, how’s it going?

We are so thrilled
for you and katie.

About theo getting better.

Are you going to be able
to make it

To the open house
on thursday?

Open house?

I wrote it
on the calendar.

Oh, uh...

Can I have an ice cream?

It’s too early
for that, theo.

After lunch.

Look who’s here.

Hi, daddy.

Sure, you can have
an ice cream.

Andy, the other kids.

What, traumatized?

Well, just make sure
he eats it over there.

All right. Come on.

So, you having some fun
out here?

How come you’re not
at work, daddy?

’Cause i’m your dad
and I want to see you.

[ Siren wailing ]

Whoa. Somebody’s in trouble,
huh, daddy?

Yeah, that’s right.

Here you go. All righty.

I want to be a cop.

What happened
to being a pilot?

And I want to chase
alligators and snakes.

Oh, like that
australian nutcase on tv?


All right, well,
you’re going to get to be

Whatever you want to be,

And i’m going to be there
to back you up.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Whoa. Somebody’s really
in trouble.

Man: all units, be advised.
That’s a confirmed 10‐13.

Officer shot at 2nd and "b."


I’ll you later, sport.

What’s wrong?

We got a cop shot.

Bye, daddy.

Excuse us. Where is he?

Right over there.

Eddie, what happened?

A stationery store was hit
four blocks away.

It came over the air ‐‐
black male, 20s,

Denim jacket, black ’do rag.

We pull up on two guys,
one fitting the description.

Soon as we open our doors,
one books and I chase him.

Guy with the ’do rag

No, the other guy ‐‐
he was wearing a blue shirt.

He’s turning to run up
into this apartment

When I hear the shot.

I mean, she was wearing
a vest, you know, but...

The guy with the ’do rag’s
who shot your partner?

Yeah, I hear the shot,
I turn around,

I see ’do rags stuff the g*n
into his waistband.

He’s a half‐block away,
so I run back,

I get cheryl
into the car and over here.

I was right to chase
the other guy, though.

Nobody’s saying
you weren’t.

Thank you.

Anything else you can give us
on this sh**t?

Not much. I mean,
he jumped off so damn fast.

Real quick, though.

Wait here.

Tell cheryl
i’m right outside.

She’s stable right now,

But keep it
at just a couple questions.


Did anybody notify
my husband?

He’s on his way.

give us the description.

Light‐skinned black guy, 20s.


Like, 5’8", thin.

Uh, shaved head,
hair, goatee?

Where’s my husband?

He’s on his way.
Just hang in there.

Meanwhile, you got
half the cops in this city

Giving you their strength,
okay? Lean on us.

What else can you give us
on the guy who shot you, cheryl?

Oh, get it out.
Get it out.

What did you put in her?

Get it out.
Get the b*llet out.

Okay. All right.

You’ve got to go.
That’s it.

Cheryl: get it out.

Get it out. Get it out.
Get it out.

Eddie, this sh**t ‐‐
you said he fit the description

Came over the air
on the stationery stickup.


So you must have got
a decent look at him

Before you got out of the car
to chase the other guy.

Well, cheryl’s the one
that spotted him,

But, yeah, I saw him
for about half a second.

Could you i. D. Him?

God, I hope so.

Oh, look, this is
cheryl’s husband here.

I was right leaving her
by herself.

Everybody’s clear on that.

what the hell happened?

it jumped off so quick.

You return fire?
I wasn’t there.

Where were you?

In a foot chase
with the second guy.

You don’t abandon
your partner.

Captain, she always told me
to let her handle herself.

Did we not talk
about this, huh?

Did you not give me your word
you’d look out for her?

Captain, this ain’t
doing nobody any good.

Get your hands off me.

Oh, my god.

Andy: what’s going on?

She might be bleeding

We’re going to find out
where it’s coming from.

I’m here, sweetheart.
Everything’s going to be okay.

I didn’t do nothing wrong.

It’s okay. It’s all right.


The partner told danny
he was pursuing one of the perps

Into that building
until he heard the shot.

Uniform secured the building
right after the sh**ting.

According to the super,

The state police came by
last week

Looking for a black male
in apartment 2‐j.

We got the cashier from
the stationery store robbery

When you’re ready.

I’ll take that.

We’ll ‐‐ we’ll check out
this apartment.

She’s going
to talk to you, okay?

Mya, right?

Why don’t we, uh,
step over here?

I’m detective russell.

What can you tell me

About the guy
who robbed your store?

He was a black guy
in a red t‐shirt and jeans.

I told the cop already.

I know. I need
a more detailed description.

Then I think
I should talk to my mom.

About what?

About, you know,
getting involved.

Whatever you say
is between us.

Yeah, that’s what
you guys said

To some guy
two streets down

Who testified
against some dealers,

And now he’s got a tombstone
on his forehead, okay?

In my neighborhood,
fools retaliate.

Over at bellevue,
there’s a cop

With a b*llet
in her chest.

You know
how she got it, mya?

When you called 911
asking for help,

That officer responded.

She and her partner
went looking for the guy

Who stuck his g*n
in your face.

She got involved for you.

That same guy is probably
the one who shot her.

Want me to drive you
down to the e. R.

So you can tell her
you’re looking the other way?

Then how about stepping up?

All right,
he’s, like, in his 20s,

Dark skin, and, um,

I guess, like,
6 feet tall.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Dog barking ]

A dog.

As opposed to a goldfish?

I hate dogs.

[ Dog growls ]

Either it’s prone
to laryngitis

Or someone’s holding
its muzzle.

Open up!

[ Dog growls ]

I can take it.

That’s solid core.

Look, we got a cop shot.

Yeah, all the more reason
to do it right.

Let’s try the fire escape.

Keep your eye
on this door here.

Kick out the window
and go in?

What we have
is a super saying

That the state police came
to see this guy.

It’s going to be tough
to justify the search.

We could say
the window was broken.

If it was smaller panes,

Maybe we could knock one out,
unlatch it, but this...

I don’t know
if we can do this.

[ Dog barking ]

Give me the word.

I’ll kick this thing in
right now.

If they were smaller,
we could just kick out one.

Well, they ain’t, greg,
so what’s the call?

Because we’re standing here
like ducks.

I‐i don’t want us
to be the ones

That blow this case
off some illegal search.

Then let’s go.

Hey, uh, do me a favor.
Keep an eye on this window.

All right.

Yeah, tori jamison ‐‐

Black male, 20s,
manhattan address.

Okay, thanks.

Super gave us a heads up
on a black male living in 2‐j.

State police came looking
for him a week ago.

Tori jamison ‐‐
i’m running him through b.c.i.

Anything from that
stationery store cashier?

Detailed description,
but I wouldn’t count on her

For giving much more than that.

Did she say the perp was
light‐skinned, around 5’8"?


10:30 In the morning,
residential street,

Nobody sees nothing.

How’s that cop?

She’s in the o. R.

How’s the partner?

Messed up.

We went up
to the fire escape on 2‐j.

There’s a sheet
covering the window,

But somebody’s in there
with a dog.

A big dog.

Great, thanks.

He’s got a warrant out
for failure to appear.

That’s all we need.
Let’s hit it.

Come on, guys.

Hey, diane, how about getting
tori’s mug shot

And put together
a photo array for that cashier?


If that dog is loose,
i’m taking it out.

Can a dog hold a g*n
in its paw, you think?

No, but they can lock
their jaws onto your calf,

Their sharp teeth sunk
into your flesh.

Worry about the human.

[ Dog barking ]


Let go of the g*n!

Control your dog.

Psycho, stop!

You move your eyeballs
toward that dog, we open up.

You let go of that leash,
we open up.

Please don’t
sh**t my dog, man.

All right,
get up on your knees

And hold the dog by you.

Now secure that dog.

Do it!

How? Tell me how.

What’s in there?

A closet.

All right,
put him in the closet.

Come on, psycho.

Come on. Come on, boy.

Come on. There you go.
He’s in.

Back off. Back off!
Get your hands up there.

Get that stupid thing
off your head.

Danny: what’s up
with the gas mask?

I thought you guys were going
to throw tear gas at me.

We ain’t used tear gas
in new york

Since the first world w*r.

All clear!

Ain’t nobody yet tell me
what the deal is.

Just be happy
you’re still alive

And shut your mouth.

Got crack
and a crack pipe here.

That’s the window
we were at?

My gut told me not to bust
into this place half‐cocked.

I love that gut.

[ Dog growls ]




Tips are coming in
hot and heavy.

Anything legit?

We got anti‐crime
checking a couple out.

That, uh, cashier didn’t
recognize tori from mug sh*ts.

Fancy: liquor store held up
over on house

And we got to deal with them.
Where’s jones and medavoy?

Uh, they should be
right behind us.


Get them on the radio
and have them respond.

Right away.

Any word on that shot cop?

She’s, uh, still in o. R.

Hey, man,
am I not entitled to know

What the hell I got
yanked up in here for,

Or did I wake up
in the soviet damn union?

No, you’re entitled.
Thank you.

Where were you
this morning, tori?

What am I in here for?

You know
what you’re in here for.

Ooh, mind games.


You stop by
a stationery store on "b"?

Nowhere near "b"
this morning.

I walked straight
from my girl’s place on 6th

To my pad on 2nd avenue.

You weren’t walking when
that cop was chasing you

Into your building.

Wrong guy.
Nice try, though.

We bring that cop in here,

He’s not going
to recognize you?

It wouldn’t be
the first time

I got mistaken
for another brother.

So this is you
preparing us

For him picking you out.

Look, it happens to me
all the time.

I got a familiar face.

Not somebody mistaking you
for some dickhead

They sat next to
in the homeroom.

Okay, so this cop says
it was me.

What am I going
to get railroaded for?

So this is you feeling out
what the charge is

Before you decide
to get straight with us.

Look, I just want to know
what this is all about.

That’s what this is.

This cop’s in trouble
and he needs to account

For his activities
this morning,

Which involved him
chasing a guy

That looks a lot
like your skinny ass

Into that building
on 2nd avenue.

Tori, you stop outthinking
yourself and you tell us

About running away
from that cop

Before you make us jump
through hoops proving it,

You just might do
a little good for yourself

In the process.

We should have
started here, guys.

We’re here now.


It was me.

This male cop
and this female cop,

They got out of their car
and you booked.

I got some child support
misunderstandings ‐‐

We don’t care
why you booked.


All right, last thing ‐‐
your buddy

That you’re walking
down the street with

When those two cops
rolled up on you,

The little
light‐skinned black guy

With the ’do rag
and the denim jacket,

What’s his name?

Look, no, no, he ain’t
my buddy, man.

Ow! Look, I came through
with what you guys wanted

So that cop can account
for his whereabouts.

Your buddy,

While you were beating feet
in a different direction,

He shot a female cop!

Whoa, whoa, hey, hey,
I don’t know his name.

I just saw him
around the neighborhood

And he just happened
to walk alongside me

When those cops
pulled up, man.

who are you closer with,

This guy you’re walking with
or your dog?

What does psycho have to do
with this?

Well, you give us
this guy’s name,

And you’ll be scratching
psycho’s belly

The end of business today.
If not,

They got laws on the books
for dogs attacking cops.

Don’t you hurt my dog, man.

Hey, this is
your decision, tori.

Psycho’s fate is squarely
in your paws.

My name got to come up?

You were never here.

You got to call my sister
so she can go get psycho.

We will.

Andre cutler.

Don’t touch my dog, man.

This is gonna be better
than hitting the lottery.

We got him for the stickup
on that stationery store.

You see what these cops
done to my eye?

Name’s mitchell dunn.
He resisted.

I’m suing you guys,
i’m suing the city,

And i’m gonna sue the mayor.
Shut your mouth.

What’s this?

What’s this?

Setbacks to greenbacks,
that’s what this is.

Stationery stickup.

I didn’t stick up no store,
and I didn’t sh**t no cop.

We got a reliable tip
says otherwise.

Put him in interview three
and wait there.


What’s his name,
mitchell something?
Mitchell dunn.

I don’t think
he’s our sh**t.

He fits the description
the cashier gave me to a "t."

This tori
we just talked to

Gave us an andre cutler.

Danny: and we tend
to believe him.

The cops put
a beating on him.

Hey, diane, you want to
go with mitchell

And we’ll go find
this andre?

No. I want the sh**t.
The three of you, get going.

I’ll handle this.

Lieutenant, he resisted.

Who gave you the tip he was
in on the stationery store?

A stool. Said this guy
definitely hit the store

Then shot cheryl.

So this resisting take place
on the street?

Apartment hallway.

Who saw it?
A couple of people,

A couple of his buddies.

How different’s their version
going to be?

Lieutenant, we’re looking
for a cop sh**t.

Got this crack pipe
and rock on him...

And this.

Yeah, toy g*n.

Which, we didn’t know that
at the time.

It’s looking like this guy
wasn’t involved in the sh**ting.

We were told that he was.

Hold off on your paperwork,

And don’t voucher this yet
till you hear from me.

Yes, sir.

This cop cheryl,
she married? Got kids?

Got a husband
on the job.

Captain of the 6‐7.

Don’t know about kids.

How’s he taking it?

He was taking it out
on her partner

When we last left him,
and it don’t appear

The partner did
anything derelict.

Her husband felt the partner
should have stayed with her,

Backed her up.
I know, but perp books,
you go after him.

Partner didn’t do
nothing wrong.

Then everybody should drop it.

If it was a male partner who
got shot, same circumstances,

No one would be
blaming anybody.

A cop went
to apprehend a perp

Who was going to do anything
to avoid it,

And it went bad, period.

Hey, how about this guy?

He looks good.

Here we go ‐‐
’do rag, denim jacket.

Diane, hang back and cover us
in case we lose him.
You hang back.

[ Tires screech ]

All right, I got him.

Gonna have to remind me why

I didn’t sh**t you
right here in the street.
sh**t me now.

Get him out of here.

Come on.

Yeah? What was that
all about back there?

Don’t ever do that again.

What, ask you to cover us?

Both takedowns today
you’ve worked it

So i’m in the background
and away from the action.

Danny, don’t ever
do it again.

All right.

This him?
No, martelli.

This the guy
k*lled cheryl?

Andy: just step aside.

Martelli, clear out.
Come on, move out.

Andre: dude,
I didn’t k*ll nobody.

What’s this
"k*lled cheryl"?
We got word 10 minutes ago.

That’s not very smart,
tipping our suspect.

[ Typing ]

Andy, i’ll be up
in a sec.

[ Typing continues ]

I just heard.

When the time is right,
um, we should talk.

You take off last night,
you don’t come back,

You don’t call.

At what point did I turn
into your punching bag?

I’m sorry, and that’s what
I want to talk to you about.

What makes you think I want
to listen at this point?

I cut you so much slack.
I’m tired of it.

[ Sighs ]

Danny, if you can’t
hold up your end anymore,

Then just be honest with me,
save me some time.


Okay, what?

I can’t hold up
my end anymore.

That’s it?

You’re not even gonna try
and work it out?

You need to move on
without me, mary.

Because you already have?

Certain things
have happened,

Made me realize that
i’m not the guy for you.

Certain things, huh?

Danny, this is the part
where you say,

"Don’t think
what you’re thinking."

I care about you,

And what we shared
meant a lot to me.

What do you want, danny?

Is bouncing from relationship
to relationship enough for you?

That’s what’s gonna happen,
and you’re gonna miss out.

We both know it’s been
half‐assed for a while.

Whose fault is that?

Mary, you asked me
to be honest.

The truth is I can’t
hold up my end anymore.

Can’t or won’t?

I don’t know if there’s a big
difference between the two.

There is.

Then I guess both.

That’s too bad.

Take care of yourself.

For all the stupid
things i’ve done,

Things that may
have hurt you, i’m sorry.


We work together.
Please don’t embarrass me.

You know I wouldn’t
do that.

Hey, man, what are y’all
trying to do,

Keep me out of the view
of the media

Until my wounds heal?

Media? So you’re
still high, I guess.

Don’t even try
this off on me.

I want what happened
to me on the record.

What have I got here?

Why, it’s a civilian
complaint form.

Now, how did that
get in my hand?

I guess I must have
brought it in intentionally

So mitch could get what
happened to him on record.

All right, then.

Maybe I should go back
into the squad,

Put this on the south end
of my to‐do list

So mitch could have a chance
to quit running his mouth.
Chill. Be cool, man.

You know how long
the line is outside

Of cops waiting
to take your damn complaint?

Look, i’m sorry, man,
all right?

Can we just do this?


With the complaint division
or something?

So the buzz is wearing off.
That’s good.

Tell us what happened.

12:30, I’m walking
with three of my boys,

And we was ‐‐
whoa, hold on.

What’s with these
two stickups today?

Man, I don’t know nothing
about that.

They seem to know a hell
of a lot about it.

Have you given a statement
on either of these?
No, man.

Look, i’m here to talk
about the physical as*ault

I took on my person this morning
at the hand of two cops.

Your complaint
don’t mean d*ck

If you committed
two felonies before lunch.

Mitchell, they got witnesses
picked you out

Of a stationery store robbery
and a liquor store robbery.

They’re moving on you
with these.

Look, i’ll deal
with those things,

Which I did not do, later.

I want my brutality case
on the record

So I can see
financial repercussions.

Financial repercussions,
the media ‐‐

Maybe we should just wheel
a chalkboard in here

So he can map out
his parade route.

Getting bounced around
by those cops is definitely

A positive for you, mitchell,
but only in terms

Of getting some rhythm
on these two felony stickups.

That’s what your bumps
and bruises are worth.

How much are they worth?

And I ain’t saying
I did, either.

We’ll check it out with
the detectives who caught it

With the d. A.

Look, how about you make
both those robberies go away,

Neither of which
i’m gonna discuss,

And i’ll back off
the brutality thing?


Make ’em both go away ‐‐
this guy.


Did it work?

Yeah. He’s open
for business.

The suspect we got for
your stationery store,

Turns out he’s also our guy
for the liquor store stickup.

Cashier picked him
out of a photo.

But the cashier at
the stationery store, mya,

She’s a scratch.

Her mother called
a while ago and said

Her daughter’s not going
to testify, no matter what.

So what do you need?

Well, to get this guy
off the beating he took,

We’re pretty sure he’d deal

If we’d drop
the stationery stickup,

Make him go for liquor store
only plus resisting.

I’m okay with it.

Get someone from the d. A.’S
office down here to sign off.

When you’re done, have the two
uniforms who collared him

Do their paperwork,
voucher the evidence.

Leon. The cop who died,
that’s her husband.


I’m sorry what happened.

What’s going on?

Well, we’re following up
and ‐‐
heard you got the sh**t.

We have a suspect we like.
Where is he?

My detectives who caught it
are talking to him right now.

I’d like to be in on it.
We can look in if you want.

Fine. Let’s go.

Come on.

Is there
a language problem here?

Hey, this suits us fine,

We got witness who put you
at that crime scene.

So you go ahead, you stick
to saying you weren’t there.

That shows you’re a liar,
you got something to hide,

And we’re done.
I’m not saying
I wasn’t there there.

I’m saying I wasn’t there
when no cop was shot.

So when were you
there there?

Before it went down,

Look, two cops roll up,
and I had a brief conversation

With this cute
little female cop.

About what?

She asked me
to stay put.

I told her
I had places to be,

I walked away.

And she stood there
waving at you.

Okay, okay,
maybe I ran away.

Look, I gotta warn her.
I’m not gonna lie about that.

But, I mean, come on, man.

It’s a lady cop,
acting all bad‐ass.

So i’m thinking if she wants to
take me in, then earn it.

Now as far as to who shot her
after I split,

You’re the experts.

Again, captain, i’m sorry.

I’m gonna cut out.

Yeah, i’ll page you
when things firm up.

Thanks, arthur.

I appreciate it.

Hey, let me talk
to this guy.

That’s probably not
a good idea, captain.

Come on.

I want him alone.

Yeah, I know you do.

Two minutes
off the books.

You little punk,
come here!

Come here! Look at me!

Remember me!
I will get you, boy!

Who the hell was that?

Shut up. Come here.
Get in there.

Like I said,
who the hell was that?

That’s the husband
of the dead cop.

You let him
roam the hallways?

He’s a captain. He can do
whatever he damn well wants to.

You don’t want
to do this, okay?

You can’t give me that much,
after what he took from me?

You want this assh*le to take
your job away, too?

You think I give a damn
about my job right now?

You break this guy’s jaw,
you blow the case.

We know you give a damn
about that.

Come on.

Hi. A. D. A. Valerie haywood.

Diane russell.
We spoke on the phone.

Got a couple things here
for you.

I’m sorry to hear
about the police officer.

Yeah, that’s one
of the things we’ve got.

Greg medavoy,
baldwin jones,

A.d.a. Valerie ‐‐
i’m sorry.


When you’re done,
we need her for the lineup.


We got a guy
did two stickups today.

Used a toy g*n.

Both cashiers
thought it was real.

First stickup cashier
gave me a description,

But now she don’t want
to testify.

Second stickup ‐‐
the cashier picked our guy

Out of a photo array.

And that cashier
is good to go.

We’re looking to drop
the first one.

Why are you looking
to deal with him?

He was originally snatched up
as a suspect in a cop k*lling,

Maybe he got leaned on
a little bit.

Anything else
I need to know?
That’s it.

Almost all drug offenses,
no history of v*olence,

And still they’re felonies.

I take it you don’t
want to push

For a persistent felony


We’re probably
not giving anything up,

Even if you got
both stickups.

They happened
so close together,

They’re same plan,
continuous action.

He’d most likely get
concurrent sentencing.

The first cashier,
did she make a statement?

Verbal only.


You know,
there’s no guarantee

He doesn’t turn around
and get a lawyer anyway

For maybe
getting leaned on.

We’re going to fold in
a resisting charge, too.

We like our chances.

I’m not going to try
and talk you out of it.

Appreciate it.

Good luck.

I’m all yours.

Great. This way.

When did you start?

Spent the last two years

In the narcotics bureau
in brooklyn.

Now here you are
in the big city.

Here I am.

Cheryl’s husband’s
a real hooked‐up captain.

Could have got her off patrol
in a second,

But she wanted to be
on the street.

A.d.a. Haywood.
Lieutenant fancy,

Detectives sipowicz
and sorenson,

Officer verdicana.

Where’s our witness?

Right here.

Don’t worry. We haven’t
been talking to him.

Such a quick look I got
before I chased the other guy.

Quit psyching
yourself out, eddie.

Okay, here we go.

Do you recognize
the sh**t?


Take your time, eddie.

It was so quick.

[ Coughs ]

Number 2.

You’re positive.

Number 2 is the son of a bitch
who k*lled my partner.


You guys relax
in here a minute.

What was that?


If our suspect doesn’t give

A voluntary admission
of guilt ‐‐ voluntary ‐‐

That i. D. Never happened.

I’ll see what I can do.

I’m sure you will.

We spent two hours
in shouting matches

With the detective
on the stationery robbery

Getting her to drop
the charge, mitchell,

And another hour in here
back and forth with you.

Now, you want
to keep sitting there,

You’ll get rung up
for both robberies,

And then fill out
the complaint form

And we’ll toss it
in the stack

They use as a doorstop

We’re handing you
a break here.

[ Sighs ] so I go
for the liquor store only

And resisting arrest
and the other one goes away?


Mitchell, listen, man.

You’re not getting
screwed here.

I don’t even know which way
is up anymore, man.

You got knocked around
by those cops,

And that ain’t right.

But a cop got k*lled today,
and it all got wrong

Because of that
stationery store you robbed.

But I thought you said
I didn’t do that one.

We agreed on that because
you got knocked around, okay?

Those smacks you took,

You are using them
to your advantage

By making sure you don’t get
charged with two felonies

And risk serving both
sentences consecutively.

Do you understand that?


I just want you to know

That this is a mutually
beneficial transaction,

And you’re not
getting screwed here

Because we’re not
those kind of cops.

I got it.

The husband of the cop
you k*lled ‐‐

The one looking
to rip your throat out

A little while ago ‐‐

Don’t worry about him.

Sit down.

He’s at a bar
down on the corner.

Now that you’re boxed in,

He doesn’t want to do
anything to screw it up.

’Cause guess who that was
picked you out, andre.


The dead cop’s partner.

That’s what you call
a star witness.

And when he gets
up on that stand

In his uniform,
starched and pressed,

Hat on, medals gleaming,

Pointing his finger at you,

Your legal aid attorney

Is going to crawl
under the table.

Well, that cop can say
whatever he wants.

He’s saying
that you shot his partner,

You stuck the g*n
in your waistband,

You hightailed it
up 2nd avenue ‐‐ you.

The only thing her partner
isn’t saying is why.

He don’t know, and we’re
kind of wondering ourselves.

Now, you can
keep your mouth shut

And you can let the d.a.
Fill the words in for you.

They’ll say you woke up
looking to k*ll a cop today.

Or you can tell us
what went down,

Try and help yourself out
a little, ’cause, andre,

You can use all the help
you can get right now.

You got picked out
by a cop.

It ain’t right.

It just ain’t right

Having no female cops
out there.

Look, I got adrenaline, okay?

I got survival instincts,

And if a cop
that’s going to search me

Is going to find my g*n

And is going to put me
back in jail

And is a threat to me...

Then it’s on.

Look, I didn’t even
realize what had happened

Until I was
half a block away!

She shouldn’t
have been no cop,

Not around me.

I didn’t wake up
wanting to k*ll nobody.

He gave it up voluntarily.

Great work, detective.

Listen, this guy just
admitted k*lling a cop, okay?

So do whatever you want to
with the i. D.

Nothing’s a lock
until he pleads.

And if he doesn’t,

I have to go to trial
with a tainted i. D.

Maybe we should have this
conversation some other time.

I see how broken up you are
about us losing a cop today.

Don’t use that as an excuse
for your behavior

And don’t imply
that I am insensitive

To that police officer’s

Then what do you want,
hmm, an apology?

Okay. I’m sorry,
bottom of my heart.

How’s that, hmm?
Can I get back to work now?

I heard you were married

To someone
in the d. A.’S office.

Yeah. What about it?

I also heard she was
an excellent prosecutor

Who respected the system.

I have a hard time believing
she’d tolerate you trying

To steamroll her like you’re
trying to steamroll me.

What do you want
from me, counselor?

I want good evidence.
That’s all I want.

You don’t have to invite me
out for beers after work.

I don’t have to be
on your weekend softball team.

Just give me good evidence
and i’ll get you convictions.


Yeah, agreed.

I’ll get a video team up here
to record his statement.

Have a good night.

Hey, lou.

I just need to know
what’s going on.

The sh**t ‐‐
eddie picked him out.

He’s confessing. My partner’s
taking his statement.

Thank you.
That’s a comfort to me.

And I apologize
for losing my cool.

We’re all devastated
over this, eric.


She always wanted
to be a cop.

That’s what made her happy.

I wish, uh...

You wouldn’t have
pulled this

Before we started
sleeping together.

Probably not.

You know, I went through
this same thing with bobby.

As long as it takes for
a female cop to earn respect,

You can lose it in a second
by hesitating, backing down,

Having a fellow detective
treat you like a kid sister,

And don’t think the other
cops don’t notice it.

I don’t want it, danny,

And i’m not the kind
of cop who needs it,

And you’ve got to come
to terms with that

I already have.
Sooner than later.

You don’t need to say
another word about it.

Not to mention if we get
into a situation

And you’re looking over your
shoulder worrying about me,

You’ll get your head blown off.

Done. Now just to clarify,

Having embraced the separation
of church and state here,

If we go out to dinner

And I hold the door open
for you,

Are you going to
kick me in the shin?

I’m not kidding
about this, danny.

And i’m not, either.

I have tied a bow
on job conduct.

Now we’re talking about
when we clock out.

Would you kick me
in the shin

If I opened the door
for you?

I just want to know
so I can stay on my toes.

You’ve embraced the rules
of job conduct?

Bear‐hugged them.

Well, then I think that
if I was with someone

Who did know how
to do it right on the job,

Then I suppose I would
encourage that someone

To feel free and do it right
when we’ve clocked out,

Like opening a door
if he wanted

Or whatever else
inspired him.

Danny, if you’ve got things
you need to work out,

I don’t want to
get in the way.

I tied a bow on that, too.


How’s theo?

Oh, he’s asleep.
He’s fine.

Where are you going?

What’s this?

I’m going back to sleeping
at my place, andy.

Why? What’s wrong?

Nothing’s wrong.

I just don’t need
to be spending nights

Like I have been.

Why not?

Because it’s confusing.

Theo’s fine with it.

It’s confusing to me.

Today in the park I could
see that you’re ready

To be in theo’s life fully
now that he’s better.

This is great.

This is just what I needed
to cap the day off.

I’m sorry, andy,
but I don’t want to wait

Until you tell me
I need to go.

I’m not about to.

Come on, katie.

We got a nice system
going on here.

I love theo
and I love you,

But i’m not going to go
from being your wife,

Which I was, andy,
for 11 years,

To being your live‐in
housekeeper and babysitter.

Theo needs you.

And i’ll be there
for him.

I need you.

For what?

For how long?

I mean,
what are we doing?

I don’t know.

Then I have to
go home, andy.

I’ll be by tomorrow
to get him to school.

You’re one
of my blessings, katie.

You, too, andy.
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