02x21 - Number Twenty-Two

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". Aired: October 2, 1955 – June 26, 1965.*
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American anthology series featuring dramas, thrillers and mysteries.
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02x21 - Number Twenty-Two

Post by bunniefuu »

This is a police lineup.

Here desperate criminals
who have been brought to bay

appear before
the detective force

and are questioned
by the chief detective.


Take your hat off.

Hitchcock, Alfred.

"Height ' ".

"Weight, prisoner refuses
to make a statement. "

Here's his record.

" , picked up
on Suspicion.

" , Spellbound.

" , Notorious.
, Rear Window.

" ,
The Man Who Knew Too Much. "

Anything to say,

Well, sir, I admit
it ain't a good record.

But I'm trying
to do better.


You call this
latest charge
"doing better"?

on television!

I'm sorry, sir.
But my family was hungry.

Now, take him away.

Wait a minute, sir.
You've got the wrong man.

Didn't you want to see
a sample of my work?

Okay. Here's what
we found on him
when we picked him up.

Hold it, kid!

Put up your hands.

Come on down.

And when we caught him
in the alley with it,

Officer Rand
turned it over to me.

It looked like
a. a*t*matic.

But upon examination,
it turned out to be a toy.

This could've been bought
in a five-and-ten.

That's it.

He make a statement?

Wanna make one now?

I didn't know
it was loaded.

Okay. Madden.

Put him away.

Come on, kid. Come on.

I'm sorry.

Come here.

Smart punk.

Nope. Dumb kid.


Okay, fatso.

Hey. Hey!

How long they keep you
in here?

Depends on
what you done.

If it's a felony,
you go to the lineup
in the morning.

Your rap a felony?


What's yours?
Sleeping one-off
on a park bench?

Get smart with me, kid,
and I'll break your arm.

I'm just asking.

You wanna ask, ask.
Don't be a wise guy.

What's your squeal,

Yeah. And as*ault.

Hurt the guy bad?

No, I just slugged him
with a g*n.

I just knocked him down,
that's all.

Take a good look
at the line
in the morning.

Take a good, hard look.
See how you like it.

What do they do to you
after the lineup?

They take you down to get
mugged and fingerprinted,

and enter the criminal courts
building for arraignment.

They take your picture?


All the reporters
gonna be there
from the papers?

You're all charged up,
ain't you, kid?

Oh, boy, I'd like
to be at Cheske's

if it makes the papers.

What's Cheske's?

Oh, it's kind of
a pool hall place,
you know.

Guys hang out there.

They're all such big sh*ts,
they think.

They never cared
for me much.

Once, it was my mother,
you know.

Do this. Don't do that.

She always treated me
like a baby.

Once, when I was a kid,

I cried because another kid
had a nosebleed.

Boy, I was really something.

But you're
not anymore, huh?

Well, there's something
I hope the papers don't say.


About the g*n
not being real.

I swiped it from
a five-and-dime.

But it was good enough,
wasn't it?


It got you in here.


When do we go,
after we eat?

Soon after.

What'll they do to us?

They sh**t
questions at you.

The bull that pinched you
will be there.

Boy, he was the card.

Did you make
a statement?

No. But they caught me
as soon as I left the place.

They knew all about it.

First time?

Yeah, I told you.
First time.

Then no matter
how long you been at it,

don't admit
nothing else.

Tell them you did it,
but you don't know
why you did it,

and you'll
never do it again.

What are you?
You're a chaplain
or something?

Listen, kid,
get out of it
while you can!

It's no picnic
and I'm a guy who knows!

Let go!

Hey, what's going on
in here?


Hey, you.

Now what I do
about a shave?

Rub in some milk
from your cereal.

I'll send a cat in
to lick it off.

Oh, he's a riot.

If they wanna see me
with a beard on,

it's okay with me.

Let's go.

Okay, let's get this show
on the road.

Say, Johnny,
you're the .

All right, let's line up
against the wall now.

Let's go.

Skinner and Morgan.

Your lineup number
is .

Skinner, you're .

Now, let's go
to the head of the line.

That's a neat trick.
No talking.

All right,
let's move ahead,
come on.

All right,
move right down.

Step back behind
the white line and face front.

Number ,
step forward to the center.
Take the circle, please.

Suspicion of robbery.
How old are you?


Where were you arrested?

I don't remember, sir.

I've just been
drinking a little.

Officer Bohlen, you want to
refresh his memory a little?

Tenth Avenue
and th Street.

Were there any weapons
found in connection
with your arrest?

No, sir.

Do you own a car?

No, sir.

Do you have access
to one?

No, sir.

That's all.
Step back, please.

Next man, number ,
take the circle.

Suspicion of robbery
and as*ault.

How old are you?

I'm .

Where were you arrested?

I don't know.
I got lost running.

th Street
and Second Avenue.

Were there any weapons
found in connection
with your arrest?

Yeah, I had a g*n.

Keep your face
to the front, please.

It was a toy g*n,
wasn't it?

It was good enough to keep
that bull way behind me.

Do you own
an automobile?


Do you have access
to one?

I guess I could get one,
if I wanted to.

That's all.
Step back, please.

Go on, kid,
step back in the line.

Next man.
That's you, Tyrone.

Do you own an automobile?

No, sir.

Do you have access to one?

No, sir.

Take off your hat,

Turn to the left,

To your left.

Now walk a few steps.
That's enough.

Put your hat back on.
Face the front.

That's all.
Step back, please.

Hold out . Anyone else?


and ,
step forward, please.

All right,
everybody, step right.

Come on, move along.

Fall in at
the end of the line.

Hold them, Charlie.

Right, Chief.


Hold and .

That was the lineup.
Big deal.

I thought we got printed
and mugged next.

What are we...
What are we in here for?

Because they ain't
through with us.

You mean we go back?

We go back.

They picked me
out special?

Yeah. You happy?

Well, they didn't pick out
those other guys.

What's your squeal?

Look, bud,
I don't know you
and I don't want to.

So shove off,
will you?

What they got you on?

Can't you tell
by looking at him?

I spotted you
for a lush, didn't I?

Didn't I?

I am just asking for kicks.

You're having a ball,
ain't you?

Well, what are they gonna
ask us this next time?

The story of our lives.

More than
the last time, huh?

Yeah, a lot more.
You ain't gonna learn,
are you?

You wanna come back,
don't you?

If I do, I won't be
looking like you.

This ain't gonna be
such a bore.

Sure. You know
all about it, don't you?

I been around a little.

Yeah, on park benches
all over the country.

Now you're the kind of guy
that's afraid of cops.

They don't scare me none.

I hate them. Dumb jerks.

I hate them all.

All right, boys, on your feet.
They're about ready for you.



'Cause I'm ready for them.

Step behind the white line
and face front.

Number ,
take the circle, please.

You wanna change
anything you said before
when you were out here?

Like the part about
whether or not you had a g*n?

When I picked him up,
he was carrying
a. a*t*matic.

What about then?

So I was carrying a g*n.


In my pocket.

What were you doing
with a g*n?

I was just carrying it.


Look, I got a permit for it.
That's all I'm telling you.

Well, if you've got
a permit for it,

we haven't been able
to find it.

This is a Navy g*n, isn't it?


Come on, speak up!

Yeah, yeah, it's a Navy g*n.

Well, what were you
doing with it?

Why were you
carrying it around?

I don't know.

Well, you certainly
must have a reason

for carrying around
a loaded. .

It was loaded,
wasn't it?

Yeah, it was loaded.

Look, I was just carrying.
I didn't sh**t anybody, did I?

I don't know.

Were you planning
on sh**ting somebody?

Yeah, sure.
Now you got it just right.


Anybody, all right?
Everybody, all right?

I was... I was planning on
wholesale m*rder, all right?

All right,
not m*rder,

maybe just
a little larceny, huh?

No, m*rder!

I was gonna sh**t
the whole town!

You happy now? Okay?

Where did you
get this g*n?

In the Navy.

Oh, so you admit
stealing government property,
is that it?

ASSISSl: I found it.

All right.

Why did you leave the Navy?

Don't you wanna tell us?

I've got a photostatic copy
of your discharge here.

What does it say?

Come on, tell us.
What does it say?


Does that make everything
okay, now?

Any other questions?

That's all.
Step back, please.

Number .

Nice going.

No talking,
and face front.

Oh, so this is
the man that appears
to have the bad memory.

Officer Bohlen,
you wanna tell him about it.

He threw a garbage can

through the window
of a clothing store.

I found him inside the place
with a bundle of overcoats.

Is that right?

I don't remember, sir.

Well, is it
or isn't it?

All I remember is waking up
in the jail this morning, sir.

And you don't remember
throwing anything
through a window?

No, sir.

And you don't remember
taking those overcoats?

No, sir.

But you did do it,
didn't you?

A detective found you
inside the store

with the coats
in your arms.

I got only his word
for that, sir.

His word is pretty good,
isn't it?

Considering the way
he found you?

Well, is his word good
or isn't it?

I just don't remember, sir.

You've been here before,
haven't you?

I don't remember, sir.

What do you do
for a living?

Oh, I'm unemployed, sir.

When's the last time
you've worked?


When's the last time
you've worked?

I don't remember, sir.

You don't remember much
of anything, do you?

I have a very
bad memory, sir.

Well, it just so happens that

I've got a copy
of your record here.

Maybe this will jog
your memory.

as*ault and robbery.

, statutory offense.

, burglary.

, as*ault
and robbery, again.

You're quite a guy,
aren't you?

If you say so, sir.

Not exactly
a desirable citizen.

Why did you break
into that store?

I don't remember
breaking into any store, sir.

Hey, what's this?

Maybe I should've started
looking back into the record
a little further.

, homicide.

Sentenced to
life imprisonment.

What happened there?

I don't know
what you mean, sir.

Well, how come
you're on the loose?

It was
mistaken identity, sir.

The case was appealed.

And never retried?

No, sir.

There was
insufficient evidence, sir.

Well, this time
there is sufficient evidence.

That makes you
a four-time loser.

You know that, don't you?

All I know is if you wanna
get the police on you,

all you gotta do is
buy a cheap bottle of hooch

and drink it quiet,
minding your own business.

And that's all
you did?

That's all I did, sir.
I don't remember
anything else.

All right, step back.
Next man.

Well, don't you
want your hat?

Number .

Take the circle, please.

Oh, this is your boy, Kelly.

I spotted him running out
of a candy store.

He robbed
and slugged the owner.

This your first offense,

Don't you know?

Well, we don't have
a record on you,
that's why I'm asking.

it's my first offense.

You wanna tell us
about it?

What's there to tell?
You know it all anyway.

Come on,
just tell us your story.

What are you making
a big federal case

out of a lousy
stickup for?

Ain't you got nothing better
to do with your time?

We got plenty of time.

You're not going
anywhere for a while.

Why don't you just
tell us about it.

What's there to tell?
There was a candy store
that was stuck up, that's all.

You mean a candy store
you stuck up, don't you?

Well, that's for me to know
and you to prove.

Oh, we know you did it.

I ran out of butts.

Shut up.
Why did you do it?

Look, I told you.
What more do you want?

We wanna hear
what you've got to say.

Why you picked
this particular candy store?

Okay, I'll tell you why.

I put slips in a hat
and picked it.

Oh, you're much
smarter than that.


I picked it because
this old crumb that runs it

looks like he's a pushover.

Makes sense.

Look, I'm up here, so you can
take a good look at me, okay.

Look, see me.
Take a good look.

Did you have a g*n?

Just a toy.

You pulled a stickup
with a toy g*n?

Yeah, that's right.

How do you scare a man
with a toy w*apon?

Well, I used a dirty look.

I got a real mean look
when I use it.

So you did use a g*n?

Well, if I use my dirty look,
it wouldn't have made
much sense

to use a toy g*n,
now, would it?

Didn't you tell that old man
to open up that cash register,

or you'd give him the barrel
of that g*n over his head?

Is that what you said,
or isn't it?

I didn't make a tape recording
of what I said.

But you did force him
to open that cash register

while you were holding the g*n
on him, now, didn't you?

I suppose...

And how much money
did you get?

I don't know. Your cops
took it. Can't they count?

$ . Is that right?

Yeah. I cleaned out
that register,
and I blew, period.

You mean,
you cleaned out the register

and hit that old man,
don't you?

I never hit nobody in my life.

Why did you hit him?

I didn't.
Where did you hit him?

I told you,
I didn't hit him.

He started yelling,
that's why you hit him,
isn't it?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, we know, you hit him.
We just wanna know why.

Maybe somebody else
hit him after I left.

Oh, you were picked up just
as you were leaving the store.

Now why did you
hit him?

I told you, I didn't hit him.

Right after you robbed
that old man,

he was taken to the hospital
with a gash in his scalp.

Now, what about that?

You save your questions
for the trial.

I'm not gonna say
another word.

You already had your money,
why did you have to hit him?

Were you afraid?

Is that it?
Were you afraid?

Afraid of what? An old man?

Afraid he'd tell
who held him up?

Afraid he'd start yelling?

What were you afraid of?
I wasn't afraid of nothing.

I told that old crumb
to keep his mouth shut.

Now, he should have
listened to me.

Then he did
start yelling?

You ask him!

We're asking you.

All right then, he yelled.

I just came in there.

And I cleaned out the register
and I took lousy bucks.

He should have
listened to me.

Then what did you do?

I told him to shut up.

But he... He wouldn't.

He just kept yelling
and yelling.

He shouldn't have yelled!

You ask him, if I ever did him
any harm before that!

Go ahead, ask him!

I... I never even
touched him before that,

before he opened his mouth.

Now, you go and ask him!
Go to the hospital
and ask him!

We can't ask him, Steve.

Why? Why can't you ask him?

He died this morning.
His skull was fractured.

I didn't mean him to die.

What? What did you say?

I didn't mean for him to die.

Speak up, I can't hear you.

He says, "He didn't
mean for him to die. "

Well, just the same, he did,
didn't he?

All right, step back.

Well, step back.
You're through.

You've picked a good one
for your first time,
didn't you, kid?

Number ,
take the circle, please.

Occasionally, in our series,

we touch on a subject

that is far too real
to be made the butt

of my usual flippant remarks.

Tonight's story
of juvenile delinquency

is certainly a case in point.

And we have presented it
with a hope

that it might,
in some small way,

throw a little light
on what has become

a serious national problem.
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