06x07 - Jealous Robert

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond". Aired: September 13, 1996 – May 16, 2005.*
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Ray is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street from him.
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06x07 - Jealous Robert

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, hey, guys.

- Hey, Debra.
- Hi.

Hey, glad you're here.

Either one of you
free tonight?

Debra, this is
a little uncomfortable.

I mean,
right in front of Ray?

No, seriously. Ray and l
are going to a play

with some friends tonight.
We have an extra ticket.

Is there nudity?

Come on!

It's an extra ticket
that's gonna go to waste.

It's just me, Ray,
and Amy.

Robert's Amy?

No, it's just Amy.

She dropped the "Robert"
when they broke up.

All right, forget it.

I'll give the extra ticket
to one of my girlfriends.

Oh, no, three women
and me at a play?

Gianni, please go, come on.
I'll buy you dinner.

All right, I'll go.

- Gianni's going!
- All right.

Good. This is what a true
friend is for. You saved me.

If you get one
with nudity, I'm in!

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are the chances of you
whipping me up an omelet?

Oh, hey!
What are you doing?

Ray, you haven't
even had breakfast yet.

You were laughing.

I thought you were
in a good mood.

Good morning.

- Hey, Robert.
- Hey.

So, what are you doin'?

I'm hoping the prize in here
is an omelet.

So, I heard you went
on a little double date

with Amy and Gianni.

It wasn't a date.

How'd you know
about that anyway?

What, are you forgetting
I'm a cop?

I got eyes
all over the city, baby.

Yeah, any of those eyes watch you
get dressed this morning?

That's funny.
That's a keeper.

Very funny.


did they sit next to each other
in the theater?

Who, Amy and Gianni?

Yeah, those are
the seats we had.

Ah,theassigned seats.

Good for you.
That's the way to go.

Oh, my...

Iookin' like we're gonna
get a little rain today.

Nah, really?

Yeah, a little bit.

Alittle bit.

So, what do they have there,
seats with armrests?


Did they share one?

Did they share an armrest?

Robert, this isn't
bothering you, is it?

'Cause it's been quite a while
since you broke up with Amy,

and you seemed so eager
to date other people.

Yeah-- yeah--
I'm-- I'm--


I just want to make sure
that she's not getting hurt.

Gettin' hurt?

Yeah. You know
what Gianni is like, Raymond,

when it comes to the women.

What are you
talking about?

Oh, you don't have
to play dumb, Raymond.

You're the one
always beggin' him

to tell his latest
erotic escapade.

What are you lyin' for...

Don't drink our coffee
and lie like that.

Nice try.

I know you're concerned
about Amy, Robert,

but she's an adult,

and she's not gonna let anybody
take advantage of her.

Yep, you're right.

You're right.
She can handle herself.

Well, I should be getting out of
here before that rain starts.

That's really
all I was worried about.

She is free to date
whoever she wants,

and if that's a "ladies' man"
like Gianni, so be it.

I hope they're happy.

I really do!


Holy cow!
I've never seen him like this.

All right.
Don't laugh.

Don't laugh.

We're brothers.

I broke my pinky once,
he laughed for three days.

- Hi, Raymond.
- Oh, hi ma.

- Where's Debra, dear?
- She's upstairs,

but she wanted me to ask you
if you could make me some eggs.

Sure, sure.
Sit down.

All right.

I just saw Robert leave.

He looked angry
and upset.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, he's fine. Could you melt
some cheese in there?

Of course.

So what's the matter
with Robert?

Does it have
to do with Amy?

How'd you know that?

Well, he was over at the house
for breakfast,

and I happened to mention
that Gianni went with Amy

to the play last night.

Of course.
That's how he knew.

"Eyes all over the city."

Hi, Marie.

Why'd you tell my mother
about Amy and Gianni?

I don't know.

We took the kids to the dentist,
and we were talking.

- it just came up.
- Oh.

But you took the kids
to the dentist two days ago.

Yeah, so what?

So we didn't know about
Gianni until yesterday.

Yeah. Whatever.
Okay, I'm late.

No, no! Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

How could you tell my mom
two days ago

about Gianni and Amy

when your friend didn't cancel
till yesterday?

I don't know, Ray.
I'm late.

Who cares when I told her?

Oh my God! There was
no canceled ticket, was there?

Huh? You planned
this whole thing!

What thing?

This "Get Robert jealous"

Why would I do that?

Because... because
Amy's your friend,

and Robert broke up
with her,

and this will make him
run back to her,

and men are bad, and women have
to stick together

so one day
they can be president!

Let me tell you something.

The fact that Robert
got jealous only means

he still has
feelings for her.

You did do it.

And the genius part
of it all was

Ieaking it to my mother.

Because you knew,

oh, you knew
that telling her

was just like whispering it
into Robert's ear.


You believe that, Ma?

She played you.
She played you like a fiddle!



Your eggs are ready,

Oh my God!
You're in on it!

This is-- it's sick!

Who else is in on it?

Amy and Gianni in
on the whole thing, too?

All I neededwas Debra.

It was your idea?!

Yes, it was,
and it's a good one.

Robert needed this to happen
to him so he could realize

what Amy meant to him
before it's too late.

But you can't do this.

You're trying to create...

You can't create fate.

Then it's not fate.

Then it's like voodoo.

This is unbelievable.

The two of you are
finally working together.


I'm telling Robert.

Wait a minute.
Let me ask you something.

You want Robert to be alone
for the rest of his life?

- No, but still--
- Don't you think

Robert deserves to be happy
and to have a family?

Yes, but...

it's just supposed
to happen.

You're evil.
I'm telling Robert.

You hold it right there,

Years ago I gave birth
to two beautiful boys...

and I wanted nothing more
than to see them grow up,

get married,
and give me grandchildren.

Now, if you want to take
that dream away from me,

by all means, you go
and tell that to Robert.

And I'll just be back
across the street

Iiving out
the rest of my life

as best I can...

with a hole in my heart.

So you've made me
an accomplice.

Your soul
is as black as night.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Gianni.

Hey, listen.
We're going golfing tomorrow.

I'm taking you
to make up for last night.

We'd better golf.
That play was brutal.

I just stopped by real quick
to ask if you guys want

to have dinner again tonight
with me and Amy.


We really hit it off.
She's great.

We're going out again tonight.
You guys want to come?

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, that would be nice.

Iook at what you did.

- Hello, Raymond.
- Hey.

- Where's Debra, dear?
- Upstairs.

What, are you
working on plan "B"?

Don't be silly.

So what the hell
happened here?

Robert found out
Amy went to a play with Gianni,

and he pulled off
the doorknob.

Poor bastard.

He gets that from me.

- What?
- The jealousy.

You know,
this knob is nothing.

I was once so jealous
over your mother

that I put my fist
through a DeSoto.

You punched a car?

Yeah. Your mother and l
were still dating

when she started
to turn the screws on me

to get engaged.

But there was still
plenty of fish in the sea,

and I wasn't ready
to hang up my tackle box.

Then I hear
through the grapevine

she's gonna make dinner
for Chuck Pecorella.

Long story short,

I spent the night
in the hospital

trying to pull his headlight
out of my knuckle.

You got that way
over mom?

Yeah. I don't know.

When your mother cooks,
it's something...

what do you call it?


I didn't want her doing that
for some other guy.

They stitched up my hand.

I went straight
to her house...

and from then on,
she cooks only for me.

Wow. I didn't know
that's how it all started.

That's a nice story, Dad.

I don't like to tell it

'cause it doesn't
have a happy ending.

I got it.

- Hey, you two.
- Hi.

Hey, Gianni.

Ray's in the kitchen
with his father.

Let me go say hello
to Mr. B.

Isn't that cute how Gianni
calls frank "Mr. B"?


So, anyway...

Amy, I don't know why
I was wondering this,

but have you heard
from Robert lately?

Robert? No, not in a while.
But it's okay.

I never knew that Gianni and Ray
delivered futons together.

Oh, yeah.

That's back when they were
swingin' bachelors.

Not much has changed
for Gianni.

He's still swingin'.

I gotta tell ya,

I can see why he's popular
with the girls.

- He's so cute.
- Yeah.

Hello, Amy.

Oh, Marie.

You look great!

Thank you.

You're not wearing heels?

Do you miss that?

What do you mean?

Well, I mean,
Gianni is so...

Hey, Mrs. B.

Hello, little Gianni.

All right.

Let's go.
All aboard the love train.

No, wait, Raymond.

I barely had a chance
to visit with Amy.

Actually, we have
an 8:00 reservation,

- so we probably should get going.
- Let's go.

Can't you wait
just two minutes more?

No, Ma, we got
a hot double date.

What's the rush, Ray?
Your mom and Amy were chatting.

And I'm sure it was fascinating.
Let's go.

Hello, Robert.


Hey, man.


What are you doing here?

Ma called,
told me to come over,

said she smelled gas.

No one else smells it?

Listen, Robert,
this is a little weird for me.

No, no reason for you
to feel weird.

You're not the one
watching your girlfriend

go out with one
of his buddies.

Wait a minute, Robert.
I'm not your girlfriend.

I never thought
you were like this, Amy.

What does that mean?

Sounds like someone
still cares for you.

If you're interested,

I got a lot of single buddies
at the precinct I'm close to.

You want their
phone numbers, too?

Robert, I didn't know--

No, Gianni.
It's okay.

You don't have
to explain anything.

Deb, we'll meet you
at the car.

- Maybe we should just--
- No no! It's okay.

I'll be out in a minute.
Go ahead, Gianni, please.

Did you want
to say anything else?


I didn't think so.

What did I do?

Don't be so hard on yourself,
Robert, okay?

The truth is,
these two--


Believe me, Robert, I know
exactly how you're feeling.

I was just
such a jerk to Amy.

No, you weren't.

I think she knows
you were joking.

What is wrong with me?
Why did I do that?

You love her?

Hey, whoa whoa whoa.

Hold on, you maniac!

No guy wants to see his ex
go out with a friend.

Just 'cause he freaked out
doesn't mean he loves her!

Okay? Don't you two
think you've done enough?

Robert, let me tell you
what they did--


I think this is proof that you
and Amy belong together.

I know you weren't trying
to hurt her feelings.

You just couldn't
contain your passion.

You may have said
the wrong thing,

but there's a way
to fix this.

It's not too late
for you to go after Amy

and tell her
what is truly in your heart.

Wait a minute!

They set this whole thing up,
Robert, to get you jealous.

They put Amy
and Gianni together.

It was a big scheme.

Don't you go back out with Amy
because of what just happened.

You think about how you feel

and not how they say
you feel.

They're throwin'
the voodoo at you!

And look at what happened.
People are starting to get hurt.

Let me tell you something,

you're not going to stop me
from doing what's right,

because you cannot
manufacture love!


Ma, is this true?

- It was Debra's idea.
- It was not!

Oh my God,
I can't believe this.

You set me up?

We were just trying
to help you, Robbie.

Help me?

All right.
What did I miss?

I think I blacked out
for a minute.

Yes, just help you,

We thought this was
what you needed.

Yeah, because they know
what every guy needs.

- Shut up, Ray!
- What are you gonna do to me?

I'm numb from here down!

How can this help out
any relationship?

This is sick!
It's sick!

Sorry, Robert.

We didn't mean it
to go this far.

Oh, really?
How was it supposed to go, huh?

Well, I'll tell you...

back when your father
and I were seeing each other,

he found out
that I had a date

with a man called
Chuck Pecorella.

and Frank came
running back to me.

It was so sweet.

It was the first time he ever
expressed his true emotions.

Yeah, Ma, those were
his true emotions

'cause it wasn't a scheme.
It just happened.

Don't be naive, Raymond.

What do you mean?

Chuck Pecorella was gay.

- What?
- your father didn't need to know that.

All he needed to know
was what he was feeling.

All right.
The knob's fixed.

But go easy on it,
'cause it ain't giant-proof.

I think I'm going to go home

and work my way through
a carton of Ho-Hos.

You know what, dear?

Tomorrow maybe you and l
can pick up Amy

and drop by
Robert's apartment,

and then the four of us
can work this whole thing out.

You stay away from me...


I'm starting to think
maybe Chuck Pecorella

has the right idea.

Chuck Pecorella?

Never mind, Frank.

That guy owes me.
I'm serving his life sentence!

Excellent work.

Come on. They're out there.
We gotta go.

Are you coming?

You never listen to me,
can ya?

Boy, Amy and Gianni really got
something going, don't they?

All right, Ray.
I saw.

I'm just sayin'
they were really

- diggin' each other.
- Okay, Ray.

You were right.

I was right.

Should've learned my
lesson the first time.

What do you mean,
first time?

Oh, it was nothing.

I had this boyfriend
in college,

and he was
really something.

When he broke up with me,

I had this whole plan
to get him back.

What did you do?

I married you.
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