02x09 - The Psychiatrist

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x09 - The Psychiatrist

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(woman speaking
French over P.A.)

That's right.

Denver, Colorado. Thank you.

(phone rings)

Good morning.

Good morning, Joseph.

Mr. Carrington's
calling you from Europe.

Would you like me
to have Jeanette

bring out a fresh pot of coffee?

No, thank you. Are you sure?

There's a chill in the air,

and you've been
out here a while.

I'm fine.

Hello, Blake.

Hello, darling, how are you?

Everything all right?


Did I wake you up?

No. I got up early this morning.

Uh, where are you calling from?


My plane for Rome
leaves in an hour.

What time is it there?

There's an eight-hour
time difference.

It's : here.


I just wanted to
call you to tell you

I love you and that I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to snap at
you the way I did before I left.

But this thing that's come up,

well, it's absolutely
vital to the future

of Denver-Carrington.

But believe me
when I tell you that...

it's not more important
than you are to me.

Sure. I understand.

Well, good luck with whatever.

Did you, uh...?

Did you see Dr. Toscanni yet?

Is that why you called?

No, no, of course not. I...

I just want you to...

To get some help just
as soon as possible.

Now, will you call him today?

Will you do that for me?

Blake, I've been upset.

I lost a child, but I
haven't lost my mind.

Don't you understand that?


Yes, I do,

but I want you back
the way you were,

before all this happened.

And you think that
Dr. Toscanni will listen

to whatever it is a
psychiatrist listens to

and say a magic word and
make it all better, is that it?


All right, I'll call him.


Well, darling, I'll, uh...

I'll phone you from Rome.

I love you.



( dramatic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Who is it?


(knocking continues)


How'd you know I was coming?

Look, if it's inconvenient,

I mean, if you're
booked up there,

I can wait until you
finish getting dressed.

Then what? You gonna
offer me a lift to my office?

Thank you, but I don't need one.

I need you, Nick. Your advice.

I need you to help
me solve my problem.

I don't solve problems.

I try to help people
solve their own.

Not this one. I
have to get to work.

It's an emergency.

I thought shrinks
were like firemen.

They always answer an alarm.

I'm a doctor. I answer phones.

Phone me later, okay?

Nick, please.


All right, Fallon,
what's the emergency?

It's Jeff. He found out.

That I'm pregnant.

So, what's the big deal?

Husbands usually find out
about that thing sooner or later.

He knows that I'm booked at
Blandon Clinic for an abortion,

and he'll do
anything to stop me.

What do you expect
me to do about it?

Give me a referral to
a doctor in New York

where he won't
be able to find me.

What's wrong with that?

Fallon, your husband
just might have

some legitimate interest in
not having someone destroy

his potential child.

I mean, you can
understand that, can't you?

As a wife, as a woman,
as a human being.

( dramatic theme playing)

Nick, if it were your baby,
I would wanna have it.

Why? You think I'd win the
Daddy of the Year Award?

As an expression of
the way I feel about you.

That could be a very
permanent expression

for a very temporary feeling.


Look, I know you're
trying not to encourage me

while I'm another man's wife,

but when I'm not with
Jeff... Talk to me, then.

I said it, I have to leave.

I wanna talk to you now.

(door opens)

(phone ringing)

Dr. Toscanni's exchange.

speak to him, please?

I'm sorry, the doctor's
unavailable at the moment.

May I take a message?

Well, tell him Mrs.
Carrington called.

Uh, I'll call back.

(dial tone humming)

(phone hangs up)

(footsteps approaching)

Was that the phone?


Then you answered it?


I see.



who was it?

Take a guess.

Pick a blond, a
very special blond.

What the hell are you
talking about, Fallon?

That was my father's wife.

She couldn't even wait until
his plane landed in Rome.

What did she want?

Take another guess.

You know what you
need around here, doctor,

is a revolving door

for the Carrington women alone.

Or better yet, why don't
you just move in with us?

You could schedule
us around the clock.

Mrs. Carrington
is a patient of mine.

Is she really? Yes.

And you're not entitled
to know even that much.

Now, get the hell
out of here, Fallon.

And don't you ever pull that
jealousy bit with me again.

Your father's lived with it
since he married Krystle,

that's his problem.

But I don't have
to take it from you.

Especially not from you.

Is that clear?

JEFF: George, what my
friend wants to know is,

what rights, under the law,

does a husband have

to stop his wife

from having an abortion?

Jeff, that's way out of my line.

I know. But could
you check it out?

I guess.



How soon would your...
friend need this information?

Well, it's pretty urgent.

I'll get back to you.
Thanks, George.

Not as hot a route
as corporate taxes,

but I can use the
change of pace.

Keep the excitement down.

Thanks. You bet.

( upbeat theme playing)

(knock on door)

Hello, Blake. Alexis.

Did you have a
good flight? Fine.

Well, you're looking
terribly handsome.

Actually, I haven't had
time to freshen up yet.

I just checked in at my
hotel and came right over.

Well, some champagne
will freshen you up...

No, no, thank you, not for me.

Oh, all right. Well,
why don't you sit down?

I've ordered food. You'd like
something to eat, wouldn't you?

Oh, is your friend
joining us for supper?

Rashid? Uh...

No, not actually. He...

He suddenly had to fly back

for a very important
final meeting

with his head of state,
General Something-or-Other.

Fly back, where?

Back... to his own country.

I thought you said
that this deal was set.

Darling, the deal is set.

But you know how touchy

these Middle Eastern
countries can be.

You don't just slap a vulgar
bundle of cash on the table

and say the deal is set.

It's not Abscam revisited.

And what is the correct
way to pay off a bagman?

Tomorrow we're going
to meet at Rashid's villa.

It's about an hour's
drive from Rome.

He'll send his car for
us. It's all very hush-hush.

Oh, maybe he'd like
us to parachute in

on a foggy night.

Oh, darling, I wish you'd
stop being so irritable.

This is a very
delicate situation.

Now, tomorrow your
precious oil tankers

can all be back in your stable,

providing that not
one word of this

leaks out to anybody.

Not your company.
Not Andrew Laird.

Not even your lovely
wife number two.

I'd like to remind you
that Krystle is number one.

(chuckles lightly)

How could I forget?

And I've told her that I would
be back home by tomorrow night.

I intend to be there then.

Listen, Blake,

those great big ugly
tankers full of foul-smelling oil

represent a significant
part of your wealth

on earth, if not in heaven.

Do you really think
that any of your family,

including your beloved Krystle,

would want you to
throw all of that away

because of some slight delay?


Would you like to have
some of that champagne now?

( sultry theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

(metallic clunking)

What's going on here?

Oh, Steven,

I wanted to surprise you.

I mean, when I get it all
put back together again.

Like Humpty Dumpty.

Are you sure you know how?

Well, come back in
two hours and see.

Well, where'd you get all
the money for this stuff?

Uh, I charged it in your name.

The man said it was okay.

You're not mad at me, are you?

No. But why?

Well, um, I'm souping it up,

for your rematch against Buddy.

What...? What rematch?

Well, I called Buddy.

You're gonna race
Monday afternoon.

Well, what makes you think
that I can take him this time?

'Cause the last time at
the track, they set you up.

And then they
called you a turkey.

Now we get even.

How? Well, it's
just you and Buddy.

A road race on
Coal Creek Canyon.

And with what I'm
doing to this car,

you can't lose.



What did you do?

Stiffened the suspension,

changed carburetion jetting,

put in hotter plugs and
reset the distributor dwell.

I'm impressed.

How impressed?

( romantic theme swells)



Blake? No, thank you.


You're not hungry.

You're not thirsty.

What are you?

Not that either.


And here I bathed
myself, practically drowned,

in Bal A Versailles.

You know, there's
something a little too easy

about this whole thing.

For months now,
I've been trying,

through the State Department,

to pry our tankers
loose from His, uh...

His Excellency.

All I've succeeded in doing

is getting some
lumps on the head

from running into stone walls.

Suddenly, my
ex-wife, of all people,

comes up with the magic key.

Now, is that pure coincidence?

How about... impure coincidence?

Just what is your connection

with, uh, Rashid Ahmed?

What connection is there ever

between powerful, attractive men

and lonely, divorced women?

Come on now, you
can do better than that.


Well, a few years ago in Capri,

Rashid and I were what
the gossip columnists

were calling an item.

In the end, like all
naughty little Arab boys,

he had to run back
home to daddy,

but he still owed me a favor.

So when I heard
you talking to Andrew

about your frozen oil and...

And I heard that
Rashid was in Rome,

as a friend to both parties,

there was only one
thing that I could do.

I rushed right over
and called in my marker.

And is that all
there is to this?

Blake, you don't think
that I'm in some sort

of conspiracy with
him against you.

Well, I think you
have strong loyalties.

It's just that I'm not
always sure to whom.

To myself and to my children.

Besides, even if I
did still hate you,

which I don't,

you don't think I'd do anything
to hurt Steven, do you?

What about Fallon?

Yes, her too.

I wish I could believe that.

Look, if you don't believe it,

why don't you just
pack up your suspicions

and fly on back to Denver?

( ominous theme playing)

I'll see you tomorrow.

To tomorrow.

( upbeat theme playing)

Morning, Aunt Krystle.

I hope you don't
mind me being here.

Of course not.

I borrowed your negligee again.

Well, you can borrow it
seven days a week if you'd like.

Like my hair this way?

Does it make me
look a little older?

Well, you look pretty.

Sammy Jo, I got a
letter from your father.


What does he want?

He told me he'd
said goodbye to you

and that he wasn't coming back.

Why didn't you tell me?

'Cause I knew how wiped out
you'd been from losing the baby.

You didn't need another problem.


You're family.

I love you.

I always will.


Aunt Krystle, what
am I gonna do now?

I don't know anything.

Maybe we can
send you to a school

and you can
train for a job, uh...

Maybe a secretarial job.

A secretary?

There's nothing wrong
with being a secretary. I was.

That's right. I'd forgotten.

Aunt Krystle,
I'll think about it.

And we can talk again. Okay?

Okay. See you at lunch.


( mellow theme playing)

(door opens)

"Nothing wrong with
being a secretary.

"That's how every
girl gets a rich husband

and lives in a big house."



What do you want me to say?
The abortion's your decision.

Yeah, and mine alone.

Jeff hasn't even talked
to me in five days.

Is that good or bad?
I can't tell with you.


This morning when
he left for work,

he was just staring at me

like I was some kind of monster.

Am I a monster, Steven?
No, you're not a monster,

you're just in a tough spot.

I mean, no matter which way
you go, somebody gets hurt.

But I can see
Jeff's side of it too.

That's all he can
see is his side.

Not what it's doing to me.

Forcing me to be a mother
when I don't even know

how to be a wife.

What do I know about mothering?

I sure never had
one to learn from.

Jeff said something
to me the other day

about another guy.

There isn't another guy, Steven.

There isn't.


Oh, God,

what am I gonna tell Daddy?

He knows I was
trying to get pregnant.

He wanted to have
a grandchild so much.

Fallon, whatever you decide,

don't do it for Dad.

Where you're concerned,
he doesn't count.

Doesn't count?

Steven, this is the second time

I'm getting these vibes
from you about me and him.

What are you trying to tell me?

Is there something I
should know about Daddy?

Or about me?

It just kills me to see
you so damned unhappy.

All right.

When you clam up, earthquakes
won't loosen your tongue.

Sorry if I busted in on you.

Hey, what are you
doing home anyway?

You quit the refinery again?

I took a day off. I'm allowed.

My dad owns the company.

( upbeat theme playing)

(door slams)

You mean to tell me, you
took all this time to find out

that a man whose
wife wants an abortion

has no legal rights at all?

Oh, he could try to fight it,

but I assure you, Jeff,
it'd be uphill all the way.


That's the only kind of advice

pays me to give.

Legal advice.

I'm sorry.


Thanks, George.

Tell your friend, I hope
things work out all right for him.


(knock on door)


Got some papers
for you to initial, Jeff.

Oh, uh, come on in, Claudia.

Right there.


Claudia. Yeah?

I need a woman's angle.

Would you sit down
a minute? Sure.

This friend of mine
dumped this on me and I...

I don't know quite
what to tell him.

About what?

Well, speaking as a mother,

is it possible to be a
normal, healthy woman

and be pregnant and
not want the child?


I suppose

if the woman has real fears,

I mean real insecurities
about herself,

or about her
husband's love for her,

then pregnancy
could be hard. It could.

It wasn't that way
with you, though,

when you were carrying Lindsay.

I was just a kid then.

I was scared out of my head.

I had one thing
I could count on:

Matthew's love.

At least, I could
count on it then.

Is that it?

Yes, thank you, Claudia. Sure.

(door opens)

(door opens)

( peaceful theme playing)

when will you be back?

I can't tell just yet.

I just arrived from Paris.

I'm at the villa of this man
that I absolutely must see

and he's not even here yet.

Well, then who is there?

Just... Just the staff.

Now, Krystle, I'll be back
just as quickly as I can.

I don't understand
why I can't be with you

for a day or two?

Because it's not
practical, darling.

I'm constantly moving around.

You just said you
were at this villa.

Now, Krystle, are you
cross-examining me?

I told you it's business

and there are problems.

Which I will try to settle
just as quickly as I can

and I'll be home
as soon as possible.

Yes. Yes.

Goodbye, darling.

(dial tone humming)



Would you mind putting
a little of this suntan oil

on my back, please?

( sultry theme playing)

(camera clicking)

And the front, on my shoulders.

(dogs barking)

(man shouting in
foreign language)

What was that all about?

Well, I speak French,
Spanish, Italian

and a little bit of German,

but, uh, Arabic, I'm sorry.

Mr. Carrington, sir.
Madam. What is it, Majeed?

I trust you were not bothered
by the noise, the dogs.

There was someone
on the property in a tree,

but we chased him off.

A man in a tree?

Yes, a man. But he is gone now.

We will keep a closer
eye on your privacy.

Thank you.

I hope it wasn't one of those
damned photographers, you know.



Who do you think
you are, a movie star?

Well, like it or not, I am news.

Well, maybe on the
financial pages, darling.

Nowadays, that's the kind of
thing that people wanna read,

that kind of gossip.

About the men who run the world.

Listen to the
conceit of the man.

It was probably just some
love-starved Italian bachelor

who was dying to get
a closer look at me.

( mysterious theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

Grazie, Mario.
Molto, molto bene.

Thank you.

( dramatic theme playing)

WOMAN (on TV):
No, Joe, it was my time.


Oh, are we actually talking
after five fun-filled days

of the silent treatment?

Why quit while you're ahead?

MAN (on TV): It just happened.

MAN : I'm sorry, I didn't mean
for you to think that I was angry.

I didn't mean to give
you that impression.

WOMAN: Well, after last night...

I'm sorry.

Fallon, can we stop this?

Stop what? Speaking? I
thought we already had.

Damn it.

We didn't do anything
wrong. You've gotta stop...

I feel like a father whose
child has hours left to live.

There is no child, Jeff.
Can't you understand that?

The doctors at the clinic
will take care of it tomorrow.

Fallon, I'm begging you.

To save our marriage?

It was a mistake from the start.

Having a child would
just double the mistake.

You know, you were right.

The only reason I got pregnant
was to compete with Krystle.

Compete for my father's love.

Well, Krystle lost the baby.

The competition's over.

All right.

So you got pregnant
for the wrong reason.

But we can still make it work.

With what? Love?

Where would a child
of ours learn about love?

From watching us
cut each other up?

Well, then, we'll change,

for the child's sake.

You really believe that?

We've had good moments.

We can again. More
than just moments.

I don't love you, Jeff.

I never loved you.

It was all part of the deal.

Come on.

You admitted once
you made that up.

You believed me
because you wanted to.

I lied to you.

I sold myself to your uncle

so that Blake Carrington
could make that loan.

I lied to you then,
but I'm not lying now.

I gotta get out of
here before I k*ll you.


( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)

( elegant theme playing)

(dogs bark)

That must be Rashid.

Mr. Carrington.

Mr. Ahmed.

I am so sorry, but it simply
couldn't be helped this delay.

But I trust you were well
entertained these past few days.

(speaks in Arabic)

I'll leave you two alone.


what are we to talk about?

Your government has
kidnapped five of my tankers.

I'm here to discuss the ransom.

Then let us talk about
that and without anger.

Without anger?

You've deliberately kept me
waiting here for three days.

Now, I've stored up some
things to get off my chest.

For one, I strongly resent

being forced to buy
back my own property.

But, sir, surely no one is
forcing you to do anything.

And as for your property,

from whom did you plunder
the oil in the first place?

From my country,
from my people, no?

You forget who risked his money

to get that oil
out of the ground

without your people so
much as lifting a finger.

Now, Mr. Ahmed,

shall we discuss numbers?

(snaps fingers)

We are agreed on
the value of the oil,

as of : this morning,

on the spot market in...


Mr. Carrington, sir,

of that sum, percent
will be deposited

in His Excellency's
account in Zurich.

And percent in my account.

A multi-million
dollar commission

just to pull a few strings, huh?

Some of those strings
could easily get caught

around my neck.

I want the money in
Zurich tomorrow morning.

Not until those
tankers are released.


I'm afraid His Excellency

could not possibly
agree to that.

Commissions are paid, Mr. Ahmed,

only when the
transaction is completed.

I want this thing
settled by tonight.

You've got five tankers full
of oil you can't sell without me.

Meanwhile, those giant ships

are blocking the only
outlet you have to the sea.

I'd say that you need
me more than I need you.


I've done my homework.

Not only has your boss'
hijacking of my tankers

ruined his international credit,

but your own
personal cash position,

despite all this window
dressing, pretty shaky.

I'd say very shaky.

Sir, did you come
here to make a deal

or to discuss my credit rating?


Because the financial
bind that you're in,

allows me to offer you exactly
half of what you're asking.


Not one penny more than that.

That's preposterous.

I'd say under the circumstances,
that I'm being pretty generous.

You don't like it, Mr. Ahmed?

Then you can take my oil and,

and pump it back
into the ground.

( suspenseful theme playing)


I can't make the decision
without His Excellency.

I will have to phone him.

( majestic theme playing)

(knock on door)

KRYSTLE: Come in.

Hi, Krystle.

Have you spoken
with Daddy recently?

Well, he phoned twice
in the past few days.

Is he all right over there?

He seemed all right.

You know, things have
been kind of strange

between Steven and me recently.

He keeps intimating that
there's something dark

between my father and me.

I thought maybe you'd know.

All that I know

is that your father loves
you very much, Fallon.

Yeah, well, you know how
Steven can be sometimes,

very misterioso.

I just thought maybe you'd
know something I don't know.

Can I ask you
something personal?


What do you think
of Nick Toscanni?

Well, how is that a
personal question?

I don't know him any
better than you do.

Oh, I think you do.

I mean, it's no secret.
Word gets around.

Word gets around about what?

Oh, about how Blake
arranged for you to see him.

About how you've been
feeling since you lost the baby.


I have some problems of my own,

emotional problems, and, uh,

I thought maybe I'd set up
an appointment to see him too.

So I was just wondering.

If he's a good psychiatrist?


Blake hired him. He
only hires the best.

Is that it?

Yes. Thanks.

(door closes)

( pleasant theme playing)

Mrs. Carrington? Yes.

Dr. Toscanni's running
just a little bit late.

If you'll just have a seat,

he'll be with you
in a few minutes.


I'll call you back.

Lovely weekend, wasn't it?


( ominous theme playing)

They're there together.

Mrs. Carrington?

Mrs. Carrington?
Are you all right?



NICK: Peg, would you
send Mrs. Carrington in?

Uh, she just left, doctor.

She seemed upset suddenly.

What happened,
Peg? I don't know.

She sat down over there,
started to look at one of the...

Or this?

Maybe. I wasn't really
watching her, doctor.

From now on, keep
this rag out of my office.

( melancholy theme playing)

Krystle, wait a minute. Krystle.


Hey, come on.

This is getting to
be a habit with you,

canceling appointments.

I just didn't feel I could
handle talking to you right now.

That's honest. That's worth
the whole minutes. Come on.


You 're my last and
favorite appointment.

Okay, you stood me up.
Now, I've got to get even.

What does that mean?

I'm gonna force you
to watch me cook.

How about that? Believe
me, there's nothing like it.

Well, almost nothing.

( exciting theme playing)

(all chattering & laughing)

Bet you $ Buddy
beats him again.

I wouldn't wanna take advantage.

(all cheering)

All right, Steven!

How about that?

Steven, you did it.

We did it! We beat him!

We did it. We beat him.

No, you did it.

No, we both did it, as a team.

But you're a winner,
Steven. A born winner.

And if I helped
just a little bit...

Sammy Jo, are you kidding?

You made it
possible for me to win.

Then, I'm proud.

Let's celebrate.


My cabin.

( romantic theme playing)

( exotic theme playing)

Rashid, did you make the deal?

Your former husband
was quite an adversary.

A real instinct for the jugular.

You should have warned me.

It was Blake or you.

And you made your choice.

It wasn't a contest.

His wife, what will she think
when she hears of all of this?


I don't give a damn.

I must be leaving
in a few hours.

Enjoy the villa, for
as long as you like.

Thank you, Rashid.
For everything.


I thought sure I could get
you to watch me in action.


Maybe I shouldn't
offer you any more wine.

I'd much rather
talk to you sober.


you're not the first
woman who's lost her baby.


but I'm married to a man
who has everything else.

Everything but the one
thing I could have given him.

A child.

Still blaming yourself, huh?

He was so desperate for a son,

one day to take over all
he'd worked so hard for.

To resurrect his
crumbling dynasty.

I k*lled his dream.

And with it,

maybe his only reason
for having married me.

Go on.

Are you enjoying this?

I like to see you get it out.

Please, go on.

What are you feeling right now?

What can I feel?

I can already see how he's
begun to close me out of his life.

Business trips that are
none of my business.

And I'm not even
sure I can blame him.

Are you saying your husband
can do whatever he wants?

It doesn't matter
anymore what I think.

( melancholy theme playing)


(crickets chirping)

( romantic theme playing)

Couldn't you sleep either?


You're not worried
about anything, are you?

No, no. I'm elated.

All of a sudden,

it seems like the whole
world is young again.

All thanks to you.

Oh, Blake.

No, no, no. Really.

I do appreciate so much
everything you've done,

despite my ungraciousness.

Well, you really did
have an awful lot to lose.

This brings back
such happy memories

of other victories,

other triumphs.

A long time ago when
you were first starting out,

ready to take over the world,

a young wildcatter,

my young, handsome,
hungry husband

who shouted out to the
world, "I'll show them."

And you did.


( sweeping theme playing)

That shouldn't have happened.

Why not?

Some people celebrate
a victory with champagne.

Why shouldn't we
celebrate with a happy kiss?


That's something that I haven't
had much practice at lately.

I think I'd better
be heading home.

Rashid said that we
could have the villa

for as long as we wanted.

It's a tempting thought, but...

Got to get back
to the real world.

Blake Carrington's world.

You know something?

You look more
beautiful than ever.

Wouldn't you like
to take a closer look?

You don't like it.

No, it's great.

No, you're just saying that.

Really, it's just like my
grandmother used to make.

Your grandmother?

Yeah, Grandma Grant.

Back in Dayton, Ohio?




Why don't you throw my
jacket on? I'll light a fire.

( romantic theme playing)

There, that should
make you feel...

You knew about this
all the time, didn't you?

I knew it was painful.

I figured you'd deal with
it when you got ready.

How do you deal with betrayal?

No wonder he couldn't
tell me where he was going

or why I couldn't go with him.



He's not worth your tears.

You don't need tears.

You don't owe him
anything anymore.

I have to go.


If I stay, I know
where it'll end up,

and I can't.

( sweeping theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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