02x22 - The Cliff

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x22 - The Cliff

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(clacking sound)

What's that?

I don't know.

(clacking sound continuous)

What the hell is
Alexis up to now?

Come in.

Oh, Blake. Good morning.

What the devil is
going on out there?

Oh, that. That's, uh,
preparations for tomorrow.

Preparations for what, damn it?

For my wedding to Cecil.

The ceremony, of course,
is going to be in church,

but we're going to
have the reception here

instead of the St. Dennis
Club. On the lawn, right here.

Are you insane?

No, I'm just in love.

With Cecil, with life.

Have you no decency at all?

Oh, questions, questions.

Blake, you know I could
never bear answering questions

so early in the
morning, remember?

Oh, I know what's bothering you.

If the music's too loud,

you and Krystle can always
just retire to your boudoir

and close the windows.

Unless, of course,
you'd care to join us.

BLAKE: Understand?

No, I don't understand.

Well, is that all you can do?

Wonderful, wonderful.

That was Laird.

He's talked to three judges.

He's asked each one of
them to issue an injunction

blocking our road
down to her studio.

Each one of them
has turned him down.

Oh, no.

More coffee, darling?

Thank you.

You remember Rashid Ahmed,

that conniver I made the
tanker deal with in Italy?

Yes. Well, he's
due in town today

from London for
a meeting with me.

I don't know what it's about,

but whatever it
is, right after that,

what do you say you
and I go up to Sky Crest

for a couple of days?

I've had my eye on that
dude ranch for some time.

I may want to buy it.

Sounds great.

Anyway, it'll give us a chance
to get away from this farce,

this carnival.

By the time we get back,

my ex-wife will have
folded her little wedding tent

and gone away.

For good, I hope.


What are you doing here, Mother?

Setting up a circus for
underprivileged children?

Oh, darling, haven't you heard?

This is where Cecil and I are
having our wedding reception.


There, you see?
You're surprised.

Well, that's the whole point.

Down with dreary
receptions, up with surprises.

By the way, why
haven't you and Jeffrey

replied to the invitation
that I sent you?

Jeffrey? Who doesn't want
to be within a hundred miles

of his uncle.

Or this wedding.

Is that how you feel too?

Because if it is, it
really upsets me.

Fallon, please try and come.

A lot of your
friends will be there.

Oh, you'd like
that, wouldn't you?

My friends would see me here

and then take that as
my stamp of approval

on your humiliating Daddy.

Your daddy has
nothing to do with this.

Well, neither do I.

I think you're being
outrageously tasteless.

(knock at door)

Come in.

Joseph, come in.

Hello, Dr. Toscanni.

Before you see Mrs. Blaisdel,

there's something I
think I should tell you.

During the drive here,

she seemed to
ramble on a great deal.

Rambling? In what way?

Well, it sounded
almost biblical.

Uh, that life is eternal.

It ends and then
begins all over again.

She, uh... She
wouldn't let go of it.

Said it over and over
again, like a litany.

I see.

I appreciate your telling
me, Joseph. Thank you.


Hi, there.

I thought I told you my
son is not to be left alone.

Mrs. Colby, I was only out of
the room for a few moments.

Please remember
I'm a registered nurse,

not a bonded sl*ve.

Now that you are here,

do you mind if I go
downstairs for a cup of tea?

(baby whimpers)

(cries) Oh, it's okay.

Mommy's back.

And little Blake's got her.


Hi. Did you just
come to say hello?

Yes, to my two treasures.

May I hold him?


He does resemble
Jeff, doesn't he?

Oh, I don't know.
He's got your eyes.

I think he's got your
chin too. Strong chin.


Fallon, why don't you avoid
all this wedding craziness

and take this blessed
little package and his nurse

and come up to Sky
Crest with Krystle and me

for a couple of days?


You don't want to, do you?

Well, it's not that
I don't want to,

but, I don't know,

I was kind of enjoying
settling in here with the baby.

I think I'd like to stay here
with him for a little while.

Of course. I understand.

But I'll miss you, even
for a couple of days.

Have you heard from Steven yet?

No, I haven't.

I don't think we're
gonna hear from him.

Not for a long time.

As much as I love him, I
know how much he hurt you.

I want you to know
that your grandson

is not going to
hurt you, not ever.

He's gonna know what it
means to be a Carrington.

What a privilege it
is to be a Carrington.

Gotta go.

Good morning,
Blake. Morning, Jeff.

I'm going to be getting
to the office late today.

Well, sure. Why don't
you take the day off?

You deserve some
time off anyway.


I want you to tell Miss
Farragut I want the baby dressed

and ready to leave with me
in minutes, understand?

What are you
talking about, Jeff?

The baby's on a schedule.

You can't just take
him away on a whim.

Oh, no? Try me.

( dramatic theme playing)

Claudia, be still.

Good. It's healing nicely.

Except you're gonna
need a little more time

to become totally well.

I know a mountain retreat,

beautiful grounds, good staff.

And I suggest that...

Why don't you use the
correct word, Dr. Toscanni?

"Sanitarium," right?

I'm familiar with the word.

I'm familiar with the places.

Remember, I spent
nearly two years in one.

Claudia, it's important,
your being there.

Now, I can make the
arrangements. Say yes, please.

Yes, please.

Small joke.

All right, I'll go.

Whatever you say.

Joseph should be back in a
few minutes to pick you up.

The visitors' lounge
is down that way.

Mm-hm. I remember.

WOMAN (over intercom):
Nurse McKale, call .

Nurse McKale, call .

A mountain retreat. Liar.

( majestic theme playing)

Are you sure he's warm enough?

I'm sure.

Wait in the car, Miss
Farragut, please.

Of course.

You're Colby, right?

Yes, that's right.

The one who
married a Carrington?

Who are you?

Well, I'm the caretaker here.

Where's Mr. Helmsley?

He's retired now.

But he told me all
about the well-to-do

and famous Denver
people buried here.

That your kid?

Yeah. (caretaker chuckles)

He's gotta be the
richest kid in Colorado.

I bet you keep him under
lock and key in that mansion.

Got guards crawling
all over the place, huh?

Look, just make sure
there are fresh flowers

the way Mr. Helmsley
used to, okay?

Oh, sure, Mr. Colby.

I only work part-time,
but I'll do my best.

Now, you take good care of
that little fella now, you hear?

JEFF: Dad, this
is your grandson,

Blake Carrington Colby.

You see, we named
him for Blake...

because he's Fallon's father

and he's been very good to me.

But I want my son to know
that he has two grandfathers.

That he has Carrington blood

and Colby blood.

Now, he hasn't been
with us very long,

but I love him so very much.

And I'm going to give
him everything I can.

Not in privileges of wealth,

rather in a father's
caring for his son.

Things like being
with him when he's sick

and needs me to hold his hand

and tell him everything's
going to be fine.

Things like playing ball with
him when he wants to play.

Studying with him when he
needs help with his schoolwork.

Simple but
priceless things, Dad.

The kind of things we never
had a chance to share together.

I love you.

And my son will
love you through me.


( suspenseful theme playing)


Fifty, , , , , ...

(knock at door)
Oh, just a minute.

Come in.

I looked all over the hospital
for you. Uh, what happened?

Oh, uh,

I forgot I had to get
something at the drugstore,

so I just took a taxi home.

I'm so sorry, Joseph.

I see.

(door closes)

(car horn honks)

(indistinct chatter)


Would you like some company?


Jeff, do you remember
when I used to follow you

around when we were kids?

For all of about
six months, maybe.

Yes, I remember.

Well, I followed you today.

You what?

I didn't know where
you were taking the baby,

so I followed you
to the cemetery,

and I heard what you said.

And I'm sorry about what I said.

I mean, our son is a Colby.
I didn't mean to hurt you.

Well, I guess I came on
kind of strong too earlier.

And I'm sorry too.

I'd like you to go with
me somewhere today.

Oh, yeah? What
have you got in mind?

Well, are you ready for
this? How about the rectory?

Now, I made an appointment
with the Reverend Carlton

about christening our son.

And I'd like you to go with me.

Oh, Jeff, Reverend
Carlton's such an old stick.

Well, he baptized
the both of us.

I'd like him to baptize our son.

What you would you prefer?

Would you like me to
meet you at the house

or, uh, meet you
over at the church?

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: Last time we
did business together,

Rashid Ahmed kept me
sitting in Italy for three days.

Well, I'm not gonna
sit still for it this time.

When he shows up, will
you find out what he wants

and then call me?

Sure, Blake.

(phone buzzes)

Yes? MARCIA: Mr. Carrington.

Mr. Ahmed has just arrived.

Send him in, please.

Well, I'd better leave
the two of you alone.

BLAKE: Who are you?

I am Farouk Ahmed,
Rashid's brother,

here as his emissary.

Why didn't he come here?

Reasons, Mr. Carrington.
But we are very close.

And I have brought with
me the necessary documents

and the power to handle
this extremely attractive deal

that I have come to
offer Denver-Carrington.

Now, what is this
very attractive deal?

Perhaps when we talk of
price, you will be more interested.

One million dollars in cash
for what is worth million.

All right. Tell
me, in specifics,

exactly what this deal is about.

It's a way for both
parties to make profits.

Large profits.

One of those parties
being your brother, hm?

Tell me, why is he suddenly

sweetening the pot
so nicely for me?

He respects you, Mr. Carrington.

Your intelligence,
your business acumen.

Mr. Ahmed, what kind of a
bind is your brother really in?

I mean, how deep is the sweat?

What did he do?

I'm afraid I don't
understand you.

You don't? Well, perhaps
I'll be able to help you.

Maybe, just maybe,

he didn't give the
general his half of the deal

that we made in
Italy. Possibility?

Maybe he didn't pay the
general all those Swiss francs

that he was supposed to pay him.


So now he's trying
to shake me down

for the money he
needs to save his skin.

Mr. Carrington, listen to me.

No, I will not.

I think we've talked enough.

Mr. Carrington, please.

I love my brother.

I'm touched by your story.

Would you mind getting out?

I could lose my brother
because of you, Mr. Carrington.

How would you feel to
lose someone close to you?

Get out of here.

This I promise:

The day you find
out how it feels,

I will smile at your agony.

(door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

NICK: One word from you
could have saved my brother's life.

One word.

Yes, hello. This
is Dr. Toscanni.

Are you still expecting
Mr. Ahmed today?

He just checked in? Thank you.

MAN: Dr. Toscanni has arrived

to see you, Farouk, effendi.

(speaks in foreign dialect)

Where's your brother?

He's not here, doctor.
He's still abroad.

I see.

Well, I guess I'll have
to deal with you, won't I?

Seeing as I've been given the
runaround by the both of you.

You shouldn't get
angry with me, doctor.

When you visited my country,

I was the one who allowed
you to visit your brother

at the prison.

To find him dead.

No one knew it had
happened at the time.



Now, you listen to me.

Nobody can bring
my brother back to life,

but I can bring his
body home now, damn it!

I've been cabling and
writing for over a year.

Now, why wasn't his body
returned the way I had arranged

when I was there? Why?

Well, at that time, there
was a coup in progress.

And, uh... And what?

And the body was buried.


In a grave with other bodies.

You scum! You k*lled him!

And you wouldn't
give me the right

to give him a decent
burial, you scum!

You... You scum!

(guards speaking
in foreign dialect)

You scum.


if anybody k*lled your brother,

it was the man who
was in my country

when your brother was arrested.

The plunderer.

The thief who ripped
my country apart.

The liar. I don't know
what he told you.

Who the hell are
you talking about?


Your brother's employer,
Mr. Blake Carrington,

that's who.

Your brother was
arrested smuggling dr*gs.

We told Mr. Carrington about it.

We made it very clear to him
that a certain sum of money

could erase the documents

that had those
charges written on them.

He didn't reach
for his checkbook.

And there are more
things I can tell you

about Mr. Blake Carrington.

And your brother.

Ugly things.

( majestic theme playing)

(horses whinnying)


Well, darling, this is it.

Buy it.

Just like that?

Okay, let's change into our
riding clothes, take a look,

and then buy it.

You know something? You'd
make a great businesswoman.

Almost as great as
you are in the kitchen.

No, I love your Spanish omelets.


( dramatic theme playing)

Where's Blake?

He's on his way up to Sky Crest.

Hang on a second, Dr. Toscanni.

I want you to know
that Fallon and I

are gonna take a s*ab at
making our marriage work.


So take this as a warning:

Stay out of our lives.

Is that it?

No, that's not all of it.

The last time I
took a swing at you,

you said, "One
punch per customer."

Well, if I catch you
near my wife again,

I'm only gonna need one.

Come off it, pal.

You don't have a wife.

You got yourself a Carrington.

And about your baby,

does it really belong to you

or is it like everything
else in that mansion,

in this building,

and practically
everywhere you look?

Is it another possession
of Blake Carrington's?

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

You know, I'm very impressed

with what I've
seen of this place.

Darling, that, uh... That
trail up to that top there

looks kind of tough.

Why don't you go back down?

I think I can make it
easier by myself up there.

Are you sure you
wanna go up there?

It gets dark early
this time of the year.

I'll be back long before that.

Besides, I wouldn't
consider buying this place

without seeing it all.

Darling, it's getting
cold up here.

Why don't you go
back down to the lodge,

order some hot buttered rum,

and tell the barman to
keep one warm for me.

And if you get very lonely,

just give me a holler
on the walkie-talkie.

I'll gallop right back down.



( ominous theme playing)

Do you honestly believe
that I'd be stupid enough

to tell you any of this if
my hands weren't clean?

Yeah. Yeah.


Thank you.


What are you doing here?

Looking for your husband.

Why? Has something
happened to Claudia or the baby?

Oh, no, they're fine. I
just have to talk to Blake.

I can reach him by radio.

He's up riding Scorpio Trail.

Oh, that's all
right, never mind.

I'll catch up to him.

He's on his way
to see you, Blake.

What'd you say?

Blake, Nick Toscanni's
on his way up to see you.

Nick Toscanni? Why?

I don't know, darling.

But whatever it is,
don't be too long.

I miss you.


(radio static)


(horse whinnies)

Oh, such a tiny little bundle,

and worth so very, very much.

It hardly seems fair, does it?

Miss Farragut, would you
come downstairs and help me?

What's the matter, Joseph?

Mrs. Gunnerson
just cut her finger

and I can't seem
to stop the bleeding.

(door closes)

Hey, Al, what are
you doing here today?

Mind your own business, Frank.


Now, make sure
you order plenty of ice

to keep the caviar chilled.

Darling, Mr. Jensen's been in
the catering business for years.

Come on, let's go
back to the studio.

I want you to see
my wedding dress.

I've already seen it, Alexis.

Well, I know you've
seen it on me.

Now I want you to see it off me.

(both giggle)

Oh, is that fun.



How are you feeling?

Oh, I'm fine.

You're home early.

Well, I'm here
to pick Fallon up.


You're here to
pick up your wife,

the way I picked you up.

Claudia, I didn't exactly
turn you down, did I?

And I want you to know that...

I know. We're still friends.

Well, that and I wish you well.

Please don't pity me.

I never expected
any future with you.

I'm not pitying you, Claudia.

I just hope you
find someone soon

so you won't have
to be alone anymore.

Alone? Well, I won't be alone.

But thank you.
That's sweet of you.

Really. You're a sweet Colby.

There are some.

ALEXIS: Mark Jennings?

You found Mark Jennings?

Are you absolutely
positive, Mr. Hess?

Why would I lie to you?

He's here in New
York, all right.

Oh, splendid. That is...
That is splendid news.

Is he living there permanently?

I mean, he's not on
the run or anything?

I can reach him if I want to?

Absolutely. I have his address.

Do you want me to talk to him?

No, no, no, no, no.
I'll... I'll handle him.

You just get back to
Denver as fast as you can.

I'm going to double
your fee, Mr. Hess.

There's going to be a large
fat check waiting for you.

Well, thank you.

(phone clicks)
(dial tone buzzes)

I have such a lovely
surprise for Krystle and Blake.

I have finally located

Krystle's one and only
and current husband.


And now, darling, back to us.

How about a little prenuptial
rehearsal, as they say?

( suspenseful theme playing)

(horse whinnying)

Wow, Nick, this is a surprise.

Must be pretty important

to get you all the way
up here from Denver.

For this, I would have come
all the way back from hell.

What are you talking about?

About you and my brother Gianni.

Farouk Ahmed told me.

He told me, Blake,

that you were in that
miserable country

when my brother was arrested

and that my brother sent
you a personal plea for help

which you ignored.

Don't you understand?
Ahmed is lying.

You ignored him, you m*rder*r!

(horses whinnying)

You ignored it

because it would have
jeopardized your lousy oil deal.

I told you.

Everything I told
you was the truth.

I was in Indonesia
when that cable arrived

about your brother dying.

I was in the country
when he was arrested.

And you didn't lift a finger
to help him, you lying...

Now, I couldn't
help your brother.

I had no power to intervene.

I did call our State Department

to try to get them to
reduce the sentence.

I had no way of knowing that
he was gonna hang himself.

You lie.

Now, you listen to me.

I'm sick and tired
of your insane need

to blame somebody else
for your brother's death.

Face the fact.

He was no innocent victim.
He was involved with dr*gs.

Now, you listen to
me once and for all,

you leave me and
my family alone.


(rattling, hissing)

(horse whinnies)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Wait till this kid of ours

hears about the kind
of christening party

he's going to have.

Little Blake, your debut
into Denver's high society,

very gala.

You'll have to learn how
to yell for Reverend Carlton.


What's the matter?

Well, where is she
now with the baby?

Well, they gotta be here
someplace. Let's go take a look.

Joseph, have you seen Susan?

Yeah, she was in the kitchen.

When? Not too long ago.

Let's go check.

I'd say it was about
minutes ago.

And she took care of my finger.

How long was she down here?

No more than five, six minutes.

I'm sure she's back
in the nursery by now.

Susan? Susan?

Where are they?

Honey, there are
rooms in this place.

They've gotta be in one of them.

Well, this is the baby's room.

Why aren't they
in the baby's room?

I'm getting scared. I'm
really getting scared.

We'll go find them. Come on.

Before I left town, I
told you what to do.

Now, you go get what I
want and bring it to my house

and keep your mouth shut.



You're hurt. What
happened to you?

I took a fall.

Well, I'm not as good a rider
as I thought I was, I guess.

Did you see Blake?

No, I didn't. I looked for him.
I couldn't find him, Krystle.

But I talked to him.

He... He knew you were coming.

Yes, well, it's...
It's a big mountain.

Well, I don't see how you
could have missed him.

Do you think something
happened to him?

(starts engine)

Goodbye, Krystle.

ALEXIS: Mark Jennings.


And all the Colby
wealth and power.

I finally got everything
that I've wanted.

Everything I've
been planning for.

And it's all going
to be ours, darling.

The whole world
is going to be ours.

( romantic theme playing)



I... I can't breathe.

I can't breathe...

(short gasps)

Cecil. Cecil.

Cecil, don't you
dare die on me. Cecil!

You can't die on me! We're
getting married tomorrow!

You can't die on me, Cecil.

I need you. My chest...

Don't you die on me!

I need you to get
Blake. Cecil! Cecil!

(breathing peters out)

(radio static) KRYSTLE: Blake?


(radio static)

Blake, it'll be dark soon now.

They say a storm's coming.

Blake, can you hear me?

Blake? Where are you? Blake?

Blake, please answer me. Please.


(thunder rumbles)

(crying): Oh, Blake,

please answer me.



Claudia. Have you seen
Susan with my baby?

Oh, Jeff, here are the
keys to your Mercedes.

I borrowed them. I hope
you don't mind, but I...

Claudia, I'm asking you
a very important question.

Have you seen Susan
with my baby, my son?

No, no, I've just been
driving around the grounds.

I hope you don't mind, but...

Did you see anybody?

Well, I did see a
foreign-looking man

with a dark beard
by the greenhouse,

but I didn't recognize him.

Is anything the matter?

Oh, my God. Has somebody taken
him? I'm gonna phone the police.

Jeff. Oh, no. Somebody
stole my baby.

Oh, God, where is he?

Oh, God. Daddy!

FALLON: Daddy?




(thunder crashes)

walkie-talkie): Blake? Blake?

(majestic theme playing)
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