04x05 - The Hearing - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x05 - The Hearing - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Harold. Harold,
this is Mrs. Colby.

Call the police.
I've been robbed.

( ominous theme playing)

(knocking on door)


And his old man.

Just dropping by to
thank the pretty lady.

Come on in.

What are you thanking me for?

For what you did for us
today on the witness stand.

Well, you're both very welcome.


The way things went today,

I'm sure now that I
will be keeping my son.

Well, I'm happy for you, Steven.

You don't look so
happy. What's the matter?

Oh, it's just this trial and
what it's doing to the family.

I know. And everybody's
going to get hurt.

Well, Blake's already been.

That testimony Alexis gave,

damning him in
such an unfair way.

He asked for it, Krystle.
He started this whole mess.

And there's a lot of truth in
what my mother accused him of.

Boy, that man hates me.

ADAM: Father, I wanna
thank you for today.

Inviting me to come
and live here with you.

And for tonight, all this.

For the first time,

I feel like a real
member of this family.

Well, if I'd known that you
were this good a pool player,

I'd have invited you to
move in here a long time ago.

But I'm the one who
should thank you

for accepting the invitation.

This moment that we're sharing,

is as special to
me as it is to you.

It's the kind of
father-son relationship

that I could never
achieve with Steven.

You haven't lost him, if
that's what you're thinking.

I've learned a few
things about life,

and one of them is that
nothing is really permanent.

Take you and me for example.

When I got to Denver and
you seemed to reject me,

I thought I'd never
feel close to you.

Only to Alexis? Hm.

But here we are.

I'll tell you something, I
predict that one day soon

Steven's gonna walk back
through your front door.

Well, I appreciate what
you're trying to say, Adam,

but you're wrong.

Steven is a part
of his mother's life.

Alexis made him her hostage
when he was a little boy,

and she is never
going to let him go.

( dramatic theme playing)


( ominous theme playing)

I'll take care of these
right away, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you, Nadine.

Good morning, Mrs.
Colby. Good morning.

Good morning, Mother.

Good morning, darling.
I'm on my way to court,

and I wanted to stop by and
see you and your new office.

And I wanted to
bury the hatchet.

In whom?


Very funny, darling.

I, uh, realize, Adam, that
I've hurt you unintentionally

from time to time,

but that's all in the past now.

Look, I want you to move
back into my apartment.

You don't belong
in Blake's house.

And I do belong with you.

Yes. I need you.

What about Fallon?

She's footloose these days?

Your sister and I are
not on the best of terms.

And your favorite:
Steven and his son.

Steven obviously
prefers to be where he is.

Adam, you don't belong
here, working for Blake,

and I need you back at Colbyco.

Why? You have platoons
of good lawyers over there.

Better than one
who went to Yale.

Something you said to me once

after you'd imbibed a little
bit too much champagne.


Oh, darling, we all say things

that we don't mean occasionally.

Not you, Mother.

You're always very
direct in what you say.

Except for now. Why
are you really here?

Adam, I'm alone.

I'm completely alone in
that enormous penthouse

and last night I could
have been m*rder*d.

The police told me that had I
been there during that robbery,

I could have been k*lled.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Are you? Yes.

Well, then help me.
Come back to me.

I can't. More honestly, I won't.

Oh, Adam.

Please understand
what I'm going through.


Be smart, Adam.
Drop the hostility.



Surely you must
realize that when

the Denver-Carrington-Colbyco
merger goes through

that your father is going
to be working for me,

and so, my dear, will you.

I'll deal with that
problem when it comes up.

Now, I have a meeting to get
to. If you'll excuse me, Mother.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)

DEEGAN: The night your brother
Steven got back from Singapore,

will you tell the court what
happened that night, Mrs. Colby?

My father and Steven
arrived from the airport.

We were all waiting
for him at the house.

It was a beautiful
moment seeing him again.

We kissed and hugged,

and told him how happy
we were that he was alive.

Then my stepmother, Krystle,

Krystle Carrington,

came down the stairs
carrying Steven's son,

and she handed him to him.

Do you remember what
your brother said, if anything,

when he first held
his infant son?

He said, "My son."

He said it twice and
he kissed the baby.

Is there anything else special
you remember about that night?

Yes. It was about
in the morning

and I went into the nursery

to check on the babies,
Steven's and my own,

to see if they were asleep.

And when I walked in, Steven
was standing over Danny's crib

looking down at his son.

DEEGAN: Go on.

FALLON: Well, it
was the way he did it.

It was very tender
and with a lot of love.

Paternal love.

Paternal love?


It was there from
those first moments

and it never changed.

Your Honor, everything I've said

about my brother
today is the truth,

but some things have been said

about my father
that aren't and I...

That's all, Mrs.
Colby. Thank you.

Mr. Laird, do you wish to
cross-examine the witness?

No, Your Honor, and I
respectfully request a recess.

All right, Mr. Laird. You
may step down, Mrs. Colby.

This court will
reconvene at : .

All rise.

( ominous theme playing)

My witness should
be at my office by now.

I'll do my briefing in the
car on the way back here.

About the briefing of
that witness, Andrew.

Remember, I don't want my
son degraded or humiliated.

We'll say what
we have to, Blake.

Steven, I just couldn't
stay away again.

I'm glad you came.

Well, I suppose we'd
better go to lunch.


Apparently, Andrew's choosing

not to cross-examine
me. Why is that?

I don't know. You'll
have to ask him.

He's gone.

What are you afraid of?

That I'll reveal more truths
about you in the courtroom?

The day that I'm afraid
of your truths, Alexis,

there will be
snowflakes in hell.

(cameras clicking)

Would you like to have lunch?

I have to get back
to the hotel, I'm sorry.

See you later.

ALEXIS: Fallon.

What is it?

Look, whatever
our differences are,

we're still both on the
right side: Steven's side.

In our own separate fashions.

I want to ask you something.

Your father has
denied me the right

to see Little Blake
under his roof

so he's told me to make a
deal with you. So let's make one.

I want you to bring
the baby to see me.

Well, the baby has a routine
and I'm very busy at the hotel.

Excuse me, Mrs. Colby.

Yes? Yes?

Well, the man just
said, "Mrs. Colby."

The call is from
Billings, Montana.

Oh, that's for me. Thanks.

(phone buzzes)

Yes? NADINE: Mr. Carrington,

your mother is here to see you.

Send her in, Nadine.

Adam... I know how
persistent you are,

but I haven't changed my
mind since this morning.

Well, maybe you should,

because just possibly it's not
healthy living where you are.

You see, I'm aware of the fact

that Fallon has very little
love for her old brother.

Well, she hasn't
booby-trapped my room yet.

Would you like
some wine, Mother?

No, I wouldn't.
And I don't think

this is something
to make jokes about.

I know Fallon a lot
better than you do.

She's very bright and
she can be very nasty.

I can look after myself.

Not if you don't
know what's going on.

Oh, Adam.

Despite our differences,
I'm still your mother.

And I don't want one of my
children hurting the other.

So is there
something in your past

that you haven't told me about?

My past is like the
proverbial open book.

Open and kind of boring.


Well, Fallon isn't bored.

My instincts tell me
that she's prying into it,

trying to find some
way of harming you.

How could Fallon harm me?

I don't know.

Why else would she
receive a phone call

from Billings, Montana,

from someone who couldn't wait

until she got back
into her own office?

It was probably someone
wanting a reservation

at La Mirage.

Well, they have a
reservations clerk at La Mirage.

No, no. This was a call

that your sister was
obviously waiting for

from your hometown.

Ah, yes, of course.

Some absurd notion she got
from a senile doctor from Billings

that I had something
to do with a poison case,

which I did not.


Does this have
anything to do with Jeff?

Only in Fallon's mind.

But not to worry, Mother,

the old man assured
her that he was mistaken.

Well, I hope that's
the whole story, Adam.

I don't want anymore
unpleasant surprises.

The last time you surprised
me, I kept my mouth shut,

even though, thanks to
you, poor Jeff nearly died.

Jeff is alive and well.

Yes, luckily.

Let me warn you
about something, Adam.

Even though I'm your mother,

don't count on my
maternal loyalties twice.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Montana? You wanna
fly up to Billings now?

I've cleared it
with Daddy's pilot.

We can leave now
and fly to Billings,

find the man I'm looking for

and be back home
in time for dinner.

This guy Jud Barrows, you
said he's a foreman there?

He's an ex-foreman
for a chemical plant

that was sued by a worker

who was poisoned
by mercuric oxide.

He's the man who has
all the answers we need.

Well, why don't you
talk to him on the phone?

Because now he's working
on a ranch outside of town.

Ranches have phones.

Okay, I have this gut feeling

that I'm not gonna be able
to get very far with this man

by phone, or even
in person alone.

That doesn't exactly
sound like Fallon.

We both know I can
take care of myself.

But I don't know about dealing
with these backwoods types,

which I figure this guy is.

So, Jeff, won't you help me?

We can get to the bottom
of this once and for all.

No, I don't know, Fallon. I
got a desk full of problems.

Jeff, you and I may have gone

in totally different directions,

but the one thing I've never
made any bones about is this:

You, Jeffrey Colby,

are the single nicest man
I've ever known in my entire life.

And ever since this happened,

the thought that
somebody could have

actually done this
to you, poisoned you,

has never gone away.

So won't you help me find out?

Come with me
now, this afternoon.

Well, I've always been a
sucker for a lady in distress.


I'll put my problems on hold.

JUDGE: Mr. Carrington,
I've been very patient

with your request for a delay,

but if your counsel doesn't
arrive in the next five minutes,

I simply have to
proceed without him.

Your Honor, I can only imagine

that there's been a
traffic tie-up somewhere

and that he's on his way.

Judge Kendall, I ask
the court's forgiveness

for my tardiness. I, um...

Let's get on with it, Mr. Laird.
We don't have all day.

All right. I would like
to call my next witness.

Very well.

(clears throat)

I call Samantha Josephine
Carrington to the stand.

(door opens)

(indistinct chattering)
(cameras clicking)

Please state your name.

Samantha Josephine Carrington.

MAN: Place your left hand on
this Bible and raise your right hand.

Do you swear that the testimony
you may give before this court

shall be the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth,

so help you God? I do.

Please be seated.

Oh, God. Blake.


I'm the divorced wife
of Steven Carrington,

and the mother of
Steven Daniel Carrington.


Let's talk about Blake
Carrington for a moment.

It's been intimated by
some people that at one point

he tried to buy your permission
to adopt your son, is that true?

No, it's not.
Mr. Carrington tried to get...

Tried to persuade
me to stay in Denver

and rear the baby myself.

But I didn't wanna do this.

Why not?

Please answer a little
more loudly, Mrs. Carrington.

There's nothing to
be frightened about.

I didn't wanna do this because
of my career as a model.

I felt that Danny
would have a better life

with his grandfather
than with me.

But afterwards, when
Steven turned up alive

and wanting custody
of the baby, I agreed.

And tell us, please,

are you happy that you
came to this agreement?

No, sir, I'm not.

You are not.

Would you please tell
the court why you are not?

Steven violated our bargain.

LAIRD: Please explain that.

The understanding was
that he'd rear our child alone,

not with a gay lover.

Your Honor, the witness
is presuming that...

Proceed with your
direct, Mr. Laird.

Yes, Your Honor.

Mrs. Carrington, when you
were working in Hollywood

for a brief time,

it was as a model, was it not?

SAMMY JO: That's right.

And you worked specifically
for a photographer

named Dante
Messina, is that true?

Yes, Ace Messina.

LAIRD: Would you describe
Mr. Messina for us physically?

That is to say, was
he a handsome man?

DEEGAN: Objection.

This line of questioning is
totally irrelevant, Your Honor.

We will prove to the court
in a moment, Your Honor,

that it is relevant.

Overruled, Mr. Deegan.

The witness will
answer the question.

SAMMY JO: Yes, I'd say Ace

was a handsome man.

A handsome man.

Now, when Steven Carrington
came to visit you in Hollywood,

did he ever meet Mr. Messina?

Yes, he did.

You're frowning.

Was there anything about
that meeting to upset you?


LAIRD: What specifically?

I found out later that
while I was out of the room,

Steven made a pass at Ace.

Lying crap!

Mr. Deegan, would you
have your client refrain

from interrupting
these proceedings?

Now, Mrs. Carrington,

about a year later after
you had had your child,

and after Steven Carrington
had come back from Indonesia,

he came to visit you again.

This time in New
York, is that correct?

Yes, he wanted "to have a
discussion about our future,"

as he put it. I see.

LAIRD: Would you please tell us
where this discussion took place?

restaurant he dragged me to.

LAIRD: Was it a, um,
French restaurant?

Italian? Chinese?

It was a gay restaurant.

LAIRD: A gay restaurant.

Was there anything else about it

that might be of
interest to this court?

Your Honor, Mr. Laird
is leading the witness.

Rephrase the
question, Mr. Laird.

Very well.

A gay restaurant. Now,
why do you say that?

It was very obvious. All you
had to do was look around.

I found out that it was Steven's
hangout with Ted Dinard,

his former lover, when they
were living together in New York.

The whole thing upset me.

Now, on the night in question,

did anything else
in particular happen

to upset you?

Yes. Steven began
to ogle another man.


LAIRD: And finally, what?

He sent me home by taxi,

so he could stay and, like
he said, "do his own thing."

Liar. You're lying!

(gavel bangs)

Sit down and be
quiet, Mr. Carrington,

or I'll have you held in
contempt of this court,

is that understood?

I have no further questions
of this witness, Your Honor.

Thank you, Mrs. Carrington.

Cross, Mr. Deegan?

Damn it, Andrew. I warned
you not to go this far.

And I warned you
when this started,

that your priority had to be

either your son
or your grandson,

and that you couldn't
have it both ways.


Mrs. Carrington,

why are you lying to this court?

I'm not lying.

Are you saying these things,

these vile untruths,

simply to revenge yourself
on your ex-husband?

I want nothing from
him, including revenge.

You want nothing from him?

Isn't it true that
you divorced Steven

because he wasn't
wealthy in his own right?

Look, if you're calling me
a gold digger, you've got...

I'm asking you a question. I
want an answer. Yes or no?

All right, I'll give it to you.

It's no.

I left Steven

because all I ever wanted
was a man I could love,

and who would love me back.

And only me.

Those are tears you're wiping
from your eyes, I assume?

Invisible as they
are to the naked eye?

Tell me, are you trying to paint
yourself as the wounded party?

What does that mean?

DEEGAN: Are you going to tell
us how you lay alone in bed at night

while your husband
was out with other men?

If so, you possibly know the
names of these men? Do you?

I don't know.


You didn't phone
him on occasion?

You didn't answer the
phone on occasion?

You didn't listen in on occasion
to their assignation-making?

Mrs. Garrett?

What is he trying to do to me?

Mr. Deegan, you will
stop harassing this witness.

Harassing this witness?

I have no more questions.

The witness will step down.

Let's call for recess
for minutes.

BAILIFF: All rise.

( dramatic theme playing)


About Sammy Jo.

I just wanted you
to know that I...

I already know more
than I want to, Blake.

( majestic theme playing)

Good afternoon.

(piano being played)

Mr. Carrington.


You shouldn't be cooped up
in the house on a day like this.

Beethoven wouldn't be.

That's why he called that
"The Moonlight Sonata."

On a day like this, Beethoven
would be outside taking a walk.

If it's any of your
business, which it isn't,

I don't feel like walking.

A drive then. How about it?

I had a light day, thought
I'd wanna have a swim,

but I'd rather drive you
into town for some fresh air

and an ice-cream soda.

Or a dill pickle.
Mother-to-be's choice.

Kirby, I meant what I said
when I moved in yesterday.

You've got nothing to be
afraid of from me anymore.

I'm happy for you
about the baby,

I only want you to be happy too.

Excuse me, Miss Kirby?

Your husband's on the
telephone, long distance.

Long distance? From where?

He said Billings, Montana.
He's with Miss Fallon.

Thank you, Marie.


I'm all right.

Well, if I don't sound it,

it's because I'm wondering
what you're doing with Fallon.

Oh, I see.

No, I under... I understand.


As the expression goes, I
couldn't help overhearing.

What's the problem?

Um, the plane... I... I don't
know, something technical.

They can't fly
back till tomorrow.

That's strange.

I mean, why couldn't they
just take a commercial flight?

Apparently, they're not finished

with the business
they went there for.

Something about a
chemical company.

( ominous theme playing)

( mysterious theme playing)

Oh, yes, I did make an advance
toward Ace Messina in Hollywood.

Would you tell us about it?

The creep was
photographing my wife

who was almost nude
when I walked in on them

and I picked him up bodily
and flung him out of his studio

so I could try to persuade
her to return with me.

Return to my life
and our marriage.

That was the extent
of my advance.

Now, let's go back to New
York and your ex-wife's account

of the restaurant where
you allegedly dragged her.

Will you tell the court the true
circumstances of her leaving?

It wasn't because I
was ogling another man.

JUDGE: That was
not the question.

Just answer the question.

She left... Or I should
say, she walked out on me,

when she learned
that if we did reconcile

she would have to
return with me to Denver

and live on my income
and not my father's fortune.

I see. One last question.

Tell us about your son,

and whether you consider
yourself a good father to him.

I would never have
returned to Denver,

to my life as a Carrington,

if my father hadn't
informed me in Singapore

that I had fathered a son.

From that moment on, and then...

from the moment when I
took him from my stepmother,

and held him in my
arms, my son, Danny,

became the focal
point of my life.

The most important part
of my entire existence

is the love and the
nurturing of my son.

Thank you.

I have no more questions.

Mr. Laird, cross?

It's interesting.
Very interesting.

We have all been sitting
here for two days now,

listening to witness
after witness.

Some of them hostile
to Steven Carrington

and others warmly...


oh, so warmly
singing his praises

as God's young gift
to total goodness.

But the one distinctive
area missing,

intentional or otherwise,

has been testimony
shedding any light whatsoever

on the one key
issue in this case.

And that is the
sexual preferences

of Steven Carrington.

Now, we all know that he
had a male lover in New York.

And we know, uh, that he, uh,

lives with a male

in an apartment here in Denver.

And that male happens
to be his attorney,

Mr. Christopher Deegan,

who is representing
him in this case.

Now, Steven, would you tell us,

is Mr. Deegan
your present lover?

I refuse to answer that.

That's nobody's
business but my own.

JUDGE: Please answer
the question, Mr. Carrington.

Will you repeat the
question, Mr. Laird?

Yes, Your Honor.

Is Mr. Deegan your
present lover or isn't he?

I won't answer that.

What he's asking, in essence,
is if I'm guilty of being gay.

Well, nobody, not
my father's lawyer,

not you, not anybody in
this courtroom or outside it

has the right to ask this

because there is
no guilt in that issue.

Everybody in this
state and in this country

has the right to live his
own life the way he wants.

Provided he's a decent
human, isn't a man entitled

to raise his own child whether
he's h*m* or not?

I am, and will always
be, Danny's father.

And a good one, no
matter what my lifestyle is.

JUDGE: Mr. Carrington,

this court is trying to decide

what's in the best
interest of your son.

So will you please give us an
answer to Mr. Laird's question?

You just got it.

JUDGE: Don't be impudent.

Now, is that all
you have to say?

That's my final answer.

JUDGE: This court is in recess

until tomorrow morning at : ,

in which time it is very likely

that in the light of today's
illuminating testimony,

I will have a judgment
to render in this case.

You may you step
down, Mr. Carrington.

All rise.

(gavel bangs)

( dramatic theme playing)

You just made a big mistake.
A very big mistake, Steven.

Why? Why for God's
sake did you do it?

( majestic theme playing)


Hello? Mother.

Oh, hello, Adam.
What can I do for you?

I'm calling from
my office, Mother.

I've just heard from my contact

in the China Sea
offshore leases,

the negotiations I was
handling for Colbyco,

and there are some routine
papers that need signing.

May I bring them
around in the morning?

Bring them around?

Well, that's extremely
conscientious of you, Adam,

considering that you've just
changed horses, as it were.

(laughing): Mother.

Mother, no matter
what horse I'm riding,

I haven't forgotten
the point you made,

and so pointedly, this morning.

As soon as the
merger is finalized,

you are going to
be the ringmaster

of this megabuck circus.

Be here at : , Adam.

I will.

Good night, Mother.


( suspenseful theme playing)

DEEGAN: I'll say
it one more time,

only because it's
that important, Steven.

Go back on the stand tomorrow
and answer the man's question.

Yes, please. No way, Chris.

You heard what I said today.

My feelings haven't changed
over two glasses of wine.

Look, I completely support you.

But we're not lovers.
We're friends, that's all.

And I can't bear to see you
lose your son for a principle.

Can't. Well, what kind of a
father am I gonna make for Danny

if I don't have any
principles to teach him

and I'm not true to
my own convictions?

You're not going to
make any kind of father

if Danny's taken away from you.

And unless I can come up with a
powerhouse summation tomorrow,

that's probably the
way it's going to be.

Where are you going?

Back to my small
office for a few hours

to try and devise a big miracle.

Night. Night.

(door opens)

No. He's right, Steven.


He's not right, damn it.

I'm sorry.

But don't you see?

I tried to tell my father
and he wouldn't listen to me.

That's why we're in court.

I've gotta win this thing
on an honest principle

that a man's entitled to live
his own life the way he chooses.

Otherwise, every time
some guy walks in my door

my father can make
a federal case out of it.

I've gotta stand on
my own principles,

or else what kind of a man am I?

I know.

It's so good to
be here with you.


God, I need you.

Will you stay with
me tonight, Claudia?

I really want to, Steven,

but there's something
that I have to do.

( tender theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(indistinct chattering)

That call was from
the owner of the ranch.

Any word on Jud Barrows?

He's moving cattle
down to a lower range

early in the morning.

He'll be able to meet with
us tomorrow around noon.

By that time, Paul should
have the plane back in shape

so we'll be able to
take off for home.

It's gonna be a
relief to find out,

finally, one way or the other.

A very welcome relief.

Well, no matter
which way it turns out,

I'm really impressed with
the way you've turned out.

A lot different from the
girl-woman I married.

Are you gonna tell me about her?

Not all, just some of the
more childlike moments,

like when, uh, she'd
creep out of our bed

when something was troubling her

and climb a tree
out in the front

and did nothing but brood.

But that girl-woman has turned
out to be a lot more woman.

She takes action.

As a matter of fact, she does.

Tell me, Fallon, are you happy
with the way it's turned out?

You answer me first. Are you?

Before you do, I'll let
you in on something.

I saw your look
after you hung up

from talking with
Kirby this afternoon.

Is she upset that you're
marooned here with me?

With Kirby's moods these days,

it's hard to tell
what she's feeling.

What's so funny?

We're both evading the issue.

Here's to time-out.

Happy evasion.

( mellow theme playing)

I'd better order
another bottle of wine.

The night is young.


Your key, madam.

Thank you.

And your luggage.


Thank you very much, kind sir.

You know, about
your question at dinner,

yes, I am happy right now.

I think, happier than I've been
for a long time. How about you?

I'm happy too, Jeff.

Can I repeat a confession
I made to you once?

Depends on the confession.

There's a part of me that's
never going to stop loving you.

Oh, Jeff. Never.

(door closes)

You're the first girl I ever
loved, do you know that?

Yes, I know that.

What are you thinking right
now? What are you feeling?

How this moment...

This moment what?

I want you just as much
as you want me but...

No buts.

We're alone and we
both want each other

and the rest of the world
is a million miles away.

( tender theme playing)

(light jazz music playing)

Well, what did you wanna
see me about, Blake?

I had to come here. I had to
try to make you understand

what you wouldn't let me
explain to you today in court.

When I agreed, reluctantly,

to let Andrew question
Sammy Jo on the stand,

it was only to prove that
Alexis' testimony was a lie.

(sighs): That...

That I bought little
Danny for adoption.

But I had no idea that
Sammy Jo would go that far.

That she would hurl all
that... That poison at Steven.

I see.

I believe you.

Is that it?

No. No, not quite.

I know you, Krystle.

You're not a woman
to say, "I told you so."

So I'll say it for you.

You did tell me so.

You told me that if I went to
court with this custody thing

that it would bring nothing
but heartache to everyone.

Including myself.

Chris Deegan seems
to think you've won.

That the judge will rule
in your favor tomorrow.

Yeah, and Andrew
thinks the same. But...

if I do win,

it'ill be a hollow
victory that I won.

A desperately hollow victory.

Thank you for coming downstairs.

Thank you for hearing me out.

( majestic theme playing)

Who is it?

Claudia Blaisdel.

You obviously have
something you wanna talk about.

Well, it's late and I
can't see you now.

Well, that's too bad

because I'm going to see you.

What do you want?

I want you to go back
to that hearing tomorrow,

and retract those vicious
lies that you told in court today.

Lies? Who the hell
are you to call me a liar?

Someone who knows the truth.

You painted a picture
of Steven as not a man.

And I know for
a fact that he is.

Oh, that's right. The woman
who taught Steven about sex,

but obviously wasn't good
enough at it to land him.

Well, I did and
I live to regret it.

So you're welcome to him.

And as for me taking back
one word of what I said,

you really are
a crazy lady still,

in or out of that place where
they had you locked up.

Sammy Jo, what you think
of me doesn't mean a thing.

I couldn't care less.

But I am going to ask you
now to think about your child.

How what happens
in that court tomorrow

could affect Danny
for the rest of his life.

Which is none of
your business, lady.

And Steven sure
is a gutless wonder

to send you here
to fight his battles.

( dramatic theme playing)

(doorbell rings)

(doorbell ringing persistently)

I know it's late and I
know I should have called.

But what I have to say I...

I just couldn't handle
over the phone.

There's no time
to waste, Steven.

Do you mind telling me
what you're talking about?

If you've ever believed in me,

if you've ever trusted me,

you've got to do so now
and agree with what I say.

I'm not going to let you
lose your son, Steven.

I'm not gonna let anyone
ever take Danny away from you.

I can stop Blake.

I've got the answer.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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