04x10 - The Proposal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x10 - The Proposal

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)



Kirby, wait.

For God's sakes,
give me a chance.

Let... Let go of me.

I don't want you to follow me.

I don't want you
anywhere near me.

( dramatic theme playing)

KRYSTLE: A full-page ad

in every major
newspaper in the country.

Not a sales pitch but...

But information.

I like it. It's good.
I'm proud of you.

Blake, what was discussed
at the Los Angeles conference

should be shared
with the public.

Now, anyone who drives a car

knows that the oil
companies are making money.

What about the
risks that you take?

The cost for new oil leases,

development, expansion.

The public should
know about that.

Well, I have a feeling
that when you are through,

they will know about it.

Look, we have an hour
before we arrive in Denver.

I could start the
campaign right now.

Uh... Uh, no,
not... Not right now.

I mean, we're ,
feet above the clouds.

We're alone.

Now, the last thing
on my mind right now

is public relations.

Well, I don't need
a full-page ad

to know what's on your mind.

Oh, how I've missed that.


That little vein right
there on your neck

that throbs when
you get excited.

You think it does
that on purpose?

I'm gonna have to do
something about that.

Don't you dare.

I'm very fond of that.

( upbeat theme playing)

ALEXIS: I'll be at the
airport in an hour, Eric.

As soon as I arrive,
be ready to take off.

No delays, all right?

(door opens)

Should I take a photograph

or are you planning on
standing like that indefinitely?

Actually, I'm
always on the move.


Then you can just move
right on out the door

and I'll have my secretary
explain how you got in.

Oh, I waited for him
to leave his desk.

I felt that this
should be private.


We have nothing
to say to each other.

On the contrary.

You have managed to say no

every time we've met.

You said no to Tar Sands,

you said no to dinner.

Well, you seem to
thrive on rejection.

Well, we all thrive on
something, don't we?

With your eyes

and your incredible body,

you would absolutely
thrive in New Mexico.

Oh, New Mexico? Mm-hm.

I have a ranch there.

I know a narrow dirt road

that winds itself like a snake

through Navajo country.

Through orange maizes.

To a spot where the turquoise

seems to float to the surface.

You should be draped in
strands and strands of it.

Do I hear a no to that?

Turquoise is a semiprecious
stone, Mr. Dexter.

Again, you underestimate me.

Well, next to you,

any stone would be semiprecious.

I really think you ought to go.

Excuse me, Mrs. Colby.

What is it, Perry?

It's Terry.

Yes, of course, Terry.

Jack Hobson's here with the
data you wanted for your trip.

Shall he come in?

No, I'll, uh, I'll see
him in his office.

Oh, and, Terry. Yes?

You're new here.

If you want to continue
working for me,

I suggest that you knock
or announce yourself

before you come
into this office.

(clears throat):
Right, Mrs. Colby.

(door closes)

I appreciate your
tenacity, Mr. Dexter,

but I assure you that I
have no interest whatsoever

in Tar Sands, dinner

or whatever it is that you
wanted to drape me in.

Now, was that all
you had in mind?

Oh, I'll try to think
of something else

by the time you get back

and after I fix myself a drink.

A drink?

( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)

Mrs. Colby should only be
a few minutes, Mr. Dexter.

Aren't you going to wait?

Oh, I'll be waiting,

but at the right time

and the right place.

(door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

Did you forget something?

Where do you think you're
going? You let me go.

Where to? Adam?

That isn't fair.

What is fair?

How many times have
you run away from me

and thrown Fallon in my face?

How many times have I had
to soothe your wounded pride?

And all the time there was Adam.

Not like you think.

Tell me something.

Did he r*pe you or is
this just a sick little game?

If you're so damn
fascinated with him,

why did you marry me?

Because you asked me.

I loved you. Enough
to believe me?

Adam r*ped me.

My God, you don't
think I wanted it?

Well, if he did r*pe
you, why did you insist

on going to that conference?

Why did you end up at
that motel alone with him?

I didn't want to be there.

He tricked me.
Don't you remember?

I was terrified.

I called you. I asked
you to come and get me.

Well, you could have locked
the door to keep him out.

I asked you not to go.

Did I see something you
wanted me to see? Is that it?

You saw nothing.

I loved you.

But there was always Fallon.

I'd watched you
pass by in the hallway.

I'd watch you come
and go from the house

unaware that I was even alive.

I was alone all the time.

Except there was Adam.
He was there, wasn't he?

Yes, and that's why I
accepted his invitation to dinner.

I needed someone to be with.

To treat me like a woman.

I swear,

I never gave myself to him.

He took.

And then he tried to
take over and over again.

And there was no
one I could turn to.

My God, there still isn't.

I'm going to see Adam.

(door slams)

( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

ALEXIS: Have the car brought
around immediately, will you?

I'm on my way down.

Let me guess,

fur-trimmed cape,


Can't be Palm Springs,

so it's Switzerland
or the North Pole.

Do I need a tux?

You won't need anything,
Mark. You're not going.

Wait a minute, I'm
your bodyguard.

Oh, well, I don't
need you on this trip.

Why don't you just
consider this a, um,

paid holiday?

Off to do something
dirty, Alexis?

Just put the luggage
in the elevator, will you?

I'm late.

When I want you to know
about my affairs, Mark,

you'll know.

And when I don't
want you to know,

you won't.

Oh, won't I?

( dramatic theme playing)

(jackhammer drilling)

Adam Carrington,
where can I find him?

Last I saw, he was still at
the top with the contractor.


Still climbing to the top.

Where you're concerned
I've had to lower myself.

You should have
been here yesterday.

Where you're standing right now

there was nothing
but a -foot drop.

You r*ped her.

Did I?

You damn near destroyed her.

She's a strong girl.

She has a mind of her own.

You forced yourself on her

the way you forced
yourself on all of us.

Unlike the rest of you,

Kirby welcomed
me with open arms.


If that was a blow for honor,

you're too late.

She didn't have
any to begin with.


And this...

(grunts) is for Kirby.

She's too good to be
your second choice.


Is this what it was like? Hm?

Was she scared for her life?


( suspenseful theme playing)

(both grunting)


No! No!




If Kirby's child is a
girl and I hope to God

she never has to meet
scum like her father.

I didn't know.

Oh, my God.


I didn't know.

I didn't know it was my baby.

I didn't know.

That's it, crawl.

That's how you'll get
through the rest of your life.

( harrowing theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Now, that was a super
workout, Mr. De Vilbis.

He worked five-eighths
of a mile in and three.

Good, Charlie. Very good.

He's beautiful.

I'm gonna take him
a couple of turns.


Just like his father.

Beg your pardon?

Poor Dex.

Just under million in purses?

Just over.

And still commanding the
largest stud fee in South America.

Runs in the family.


Fallon, I thought you said

you've never heard of Allegree.

I lied.

It's not uncommon when
strange men come on to me.

A stranger, perhaps.

But strange?

I like what most men like.

And what is that?

Power, strength, speed,

and of course, beauty.

In which animal?

All animals.

Especially, young,

lithe creatures from
Denver, Colorado.

Do you flatter all the
women you meet?

Or are you as
demanding in your choices

as you are with
your thoroughbreds?

I'm interested only

in thoroughbreds.

( romantic theme playing)


Your profile is
very aristocratic.

Well, my mother is
an Austrian baroness.

I knew it.

And I bet your
father is a count.

Spanish or Portuguese?


But not a count.

You know, I went to
school in Europe. I loved it.

Why on earth would
you leave it for Brazil?



( majestic theme playing)


Hi, darling. Hi.

Did you get a promotion already?


No. No promotion.

Mother had to go to
Canada so I'm filling in for her

at a meeting this afternoon.

Oh, no.

Wanted to steal you
away from this glass prison.

I have a momentous
decision to make

and I wanted you
to help me make it.

Well, you know, I do
charge a consulting fee.

What's the decision?

It's either pink or blue

or maybe a shimmering red.


Shimmering. The
color doesn't matter.

Now, what are we talking about?

It's the Carousel Ball.

You know, we're
sitting at Alexis' table.

I don't want her to think
I'm one of the waitresses.


You are going to look terrific

no matter what you wear.

Well, your mother's tastes

are a little more
demanding than yours.

Claudia, Mother's
very fond of you.

She's only trying to help.

No, she's not.

She's trying to fix up my image.

Your image is fine.

Listen, instead of fighting her,

why don't you take
advantage of her interest?

When it come to clothes,

she does know what
she's talking about.

Yeah, it's true.

I mean, the best-dressed
list two years in a row.

It's tough competition.

I didn't realize you two

were competing
against one another.

You're right, darling.
I mean, after all,

I am married to Denver's
most attractive executive,

so I may as well dress
like I deserve to be.

In or out of clothes, the
role suits you just fine.


Well, you're gonna be sorry

you didn't come with me.

Because this little revamp's
gonna cost you a fortune.

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

Bennett, I want you to
go straight to my office

and give this to my secretary.


What a coincidence.

And, Krystle,
you're doing so well.

Do you have an extra
copy of your press release?

Which one? There
have been several.

The one that appeared

in the financial section
of this morning's paper.

(laughs): I must say,

it was the best fiction
I've read in months.

I'd love you to
autograph a copy for me.

Goodbye, Alexis.

Just a minute, Blake.

I'm so glad you
enjoyed it, Alexis.

I had you in mind
when I wrote it.


Tell me, um, how
long did it take you

to come up with the fantasy

that Denver-Carrington's
growth outstrips Colbyco?

Or did you and Blake come
up with that late at night

when you had
nothing better to do?

It's all fact and you know it.

And now so does everyone else.

Have a nice flight.

Are you taking a plane?

Oh, Krystle,

what a wicked sense of humor.

I'm almost beginning
to find you interesting.

It's a shame that Fallon

decided to stay in Los Angeles.

The real entertainment
is right here in Denver.

I'm here to pick up some papers.

Ruled or unruled.

We have all types of papers,

all types of rules.

You mind?

I've never minded in my life.

Which is one of the reasons
I am where I am today.

Aren't you gonna at
least ask where it is I am?

I couldn't care less, Mark.

Well, you should, because
we have a lot in common.

Like that piranha we
both work for, sonny boy.

The name is Steven,

and if you don't like
working for my mother,

then get the hell out of here.

Before I'm nothing
but a heap of bones

at the, uh, bottom of her t*nk.


Let me tell you something.

My mother has accomplished more,

lost more

and fought back harder
than anyone I know.

And I'm sick and tired
of her being att*cked

by the likes of you.

What you think about her on
your own time is your business,

but she's my mother

and I love her,
so don't you ever,

ever talk to me about
her like that again.


I'm sorry.

Too much Scotch, I guess.

Forget what I said, huh?

( mellow theme playing)

Mark can get out of line
when he's been drinking.

He definitely had
too much to drink.

And I tried to
excuse him for it,

but there's more, Krystle.

He hates Alexis.

It goes back a long
time and it's building.

If it weren't for
Joseph's letter

and, uh, your defending him,

I'd swear he tried to
start that fire to k*ll Mother.


I'm not defending him.

But when he rescued us,

there wasn't a
moment's hesitation

before he dragged
Alexis from that fire.

Now, that's a
fact, not a defense.

Then what is it?

What is he holding onto

that makes him hate her so much?

Well, I can't answer that.

Alexis is a very complex woman

who seems to inspire
passion in people.

Now, you either love
her or you hate her.

And she seems to
enjoy it either way.

( majestic theme playing)

Good evening. Mrs. Colby.

Yes, I'm here to
see Angus Stewart.

You're expected.

Thank you.

Well, you must've
had strong headwinds.

I've been twiddling my thumbs
for an hour waiting for you.

Well, you can just go on
twiddling them for another hour

as far as I'm
concerned, Mr. Dexter,

because I'm here to
see Angus Stewart.

Yes, he did say you'd called

and he was very sorry
he couldn't wait for you.

Couldn't wait for me?

Where is he?

Angus retired

about an hour ago.

Well, that's impossible.

I've flown all the way
up here to see him.

Yeah, to make the deal

for Northwest Tar Sand leases.

Well, deal.

With you?

That's right. I own them.

I'll be damned if
I'll deal with you.

Sure you will and
we both know it.

You didn't fly all
the way up here

to turn around on your pride.

Now, you are more
than just interested.

You are as hungry as I am.

And there's more
than enough here

to satisfy both our appetites.

Now, just to show
there's no hard feelings,

if you still want in,
as the new owner,

I'm willing to
alter my last offer

of / to / .



You really mean that?

Of course.

My , your .

Oh, I'll never take
a lesser percentage.

Unless we make a deal
now, in another five minutes

the offer goes to / .

If I were you, I would take
advantage of the sale price.

No, I never buy anything
on sale, Mr. Dexter.

However, I am, uh, intrigued.

It's a deal.

I'm staying at the
Wellington overnight.

I'll be here at the
crack of dawn.

Have the papers drawn up

and ready for me
to sign, Mr. Dexter.

Otherwise, I'll walk
right out of this door.

(door slams)

( intense jazzy theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(soft piano music plays)


What happened?

I went for a walk,

but every time I turned a corner

I met a brick wall.

Sorry, lame joke.

No. No jokes. What happened?

In a way it isn't.

Whichever way
I turn, there it is.

I, uh, can't get around it
and it's too high to climb.

Well, take it from
one who's been there.

You can always get around it.

And where does it lead you?

I'm sick and tired of detours.


Good guess.

It's no guess. I've
seen that look before

only last time it was Fallon.

Nick Toscanni just
crossed my mind.

You need to talk
it through, Jeff.

Last time, you didn't.

But whatever it is
about you and Kirby,

you need to talk about it.

Do you ever think about going
back and being a kid again?

You had two choices in life:

What you wanted to do
and what you ought to do.

Wanted usually won out.

It's not so simple now.

You have to do
what's best for you.

I don't know what's best for me.

I don't know what's
best for anyone anymore.

( dramatic theme playing)


We've gotta talk.

"Flight to Chicago.

Air Nord Atlantique

Uh, the number for
Sentinel Airlines, please.

Thank you.

Uh, what time does
Flight take off, please?

Okay, thank you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Saw the light on in your office.

I didn't know you were like me,

working late.

Well, I am.

Oh, my God, Adam, what happened?

You rejected me.

I threw myself off a skyscraper.

(sighs): Adam.

Tell me what's wrong, please.

Okay, look, you suggested
going out to dinner

and I said no.

But maybe...

Maybe we ought to
go out and have a bite.

I have something
else on my mind, Tracy.

Yeah. Whatever it
is I'm sure it can wait.

Maybe it'd be a good idea
for us to have a drink or two.


I know what you're
trying to do and thank you.

But tonight is just not my night

to be Prince Charming, okay?

Okay, Adam.

Good night. Good night.

(door opens)

(door closes)

( upbeat theme playing)

(woman over speaker):
Sentinel Airlines, Flight...

Flight ?

Oh, I'm sorry, it just left.

Oh, we do have
another flight in hours.

What happened to you?

We'll talk about that later.

Let's talk about now.

Did you miss your flight

or did you decide not to leave?

To where?

It seems like my whole life,

I've been running from
one place to another.

I never arrived anywhere.

Kirby, what happened to
us wasn't your fault or mine.

You don't have to run anymore.

It was my fault.

My father was right.

As soon as I started pretending
to be something that I'm not,

I lost the person
that I need most: me.

Well, it's not a question
of you or me anymore.

There's another
life involved here.

And no matter what
we may want to do,

there's a responsibility
to that child.

I have the
responsibility, not you.

Did you think I was gonna
let you run off like this now?

I'm your husband.

And that's not going to change.

Not until after
that child is born.

A sense of duty?

I can't live like that anymore.

What do you want from me?

To face the truth.

We never really
belonged to each other.

Should've known that
right from the beginning.

The first time you kissed me,

you closed your eyes
and called me Fallon.

I was being poisoned.

I was sick, remember?

I know that, but that
was our beginning.

Don't you see?

Right from the start, I
came to you knowing

that you were
vulnerable and hurt.

And I'd loved you for so long,

it didn't matter to me

if your heart was
still with Fallon.

The fact that you held me

and said you loved
me was enough.

But it isn't anymore.

I'm through running,

through pretending.

(woman over speaker):
Sentinel Airlines,

paging Mr. Patrick Beatty.

Mr. Patrick Beatty, please
use the white courtesy phone.

The baby deserves a name.

There's nothing wrong with mine.

I'll stay in Denver just
long enough to end

what I never should have begun:

our life together.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

(both laughing)

I don't think I've
had so much fun

in a long, long time.

That movie was terrific.

Oh, yes, it was.

I thought you would
never stop laughing.


And the popcorn was good too.


Close your eyes.

Why? I don't want to.

I wanna look at
you. Do you mind?

Come on, close your eyes.


All right.

What do you hear?

Not a thing.

Neither do I.

If I didn't know better,

I'd say we were
alarmingly alone.

Well, since you're alarmingly
beautiful this evening,

maybe that's the
way it should be.

I gave the staff the night off.

Oh, then there's no one
to answer my calls for help.

Then why bother to call?

Do you know that you
remind me of someone?

Really? Mm-hm.

A surprisingly attractive chef

that I once knew.

I can't remember where,

but I seem to remember
that she specialized

in a certain regional cuisine.

Late at night,
when all was still,

and just the crack of
an egg could be heard

through the dark,
abandoned hallways.

I remember.

Region: Spanish.

Eggs: omelet.

Place: kitchen.

Chef: dazzling.

And if I know you,
Blake Carrington,

onions, mushrooms, tomatoes

are all keeping a lonely vigil

on the kitchen counter.

BLAKE: And there's
nothing lonelier

than a lonely tomato.

( lighthearted theme playing)

I'll put this in your room

and move my
things down the hall.

Well, it's your room.

I can move.

Please, let's just leave
it the way it is, all right?



What the hell do you want?

We have to talk.

No, we don't.

Listen to me.


I didn't know.

I didn't know it was my baby.

I didn't know.

We have unfinished business.

Oh, no, we don't. It's finished.

I should have k*lled you
when I had the chance.

That was my mistake.

You may live here and you
may work in the same office,

but as far as I'm
concerned, you don't exist.

( dramatic theme playing)

Well, you haven't
lost your touch.

With omelets?

I confess, that
omelet was a trick

to keep you here.

I confess,

I knew that.

Krystle, how many times

have the two of us sat together,

not even speaking,

because we both knew so well

what the other one was thinking?

I wonder if we know now.

Perhaps not.

Maybe that's the
way it should be.

A sense of mystery.

Isn't that what
keeps romance alive?

You are a mystery to me.

I discover more
about you every day.

You always said you
could look in my eyes

and know exactly
what I was feeling.

Well, I'm looking a little
deeper now than I used to.

And what do you see?

A woman changing.

A woman who shares
every day of my life.

My joy and my pain,

my frustrations, my challenges.


She's my friend,

my partner

and my love.

Well, this new woman
has a job to report to

in the morning so... Krystle.

Don't make me say
goodbye to you again.

Not tonight.

Stay with me.


( majestic theme playing)


(snaps fingers)

Sorry I'm late. I had to change.

Well, I see that you
haven't bothered to.

But I won't let that bother me.


Hm. Well.

Sealed with a kiss, partner.

No grudge?



Grudges are for children.

After all, we are
consenting adults.

Anyway, with those
flowers in my suite

and that wonderful
invitation to dinner,

what woman in her right
mind wouldn't succumb

to such a gallant as you?

Could I have some champagne now?

You know, Dex,

I really admire you.

Not only for your
business sense,

but, uh, for your charm as well.

(cork pops)

Oh, but charm does come easy

when there's a woman
like you close by.

Well, thank you.

As far as business
is concerned...

that I learned at my
grandfather's knee.

Ah, yes. Farnsworth Dexter,

the mining giant.

Yeah, I knew you'd
do your homework.


Uranium, I believe.


He's rather a legend in Wyoming.


the legend continues.

As does yours.


I adore poached salmon.

I hear it's wonderful here.

Only the best...

to celebrate our joint venture.

I ordered a cold supper

just in case we
choose to eat later.


After we've, uh,
worked up an appetite?

Admirable foresight.

( romantic theme playing)

Would you, uh, hold this for me?

Where are you going?


Nobody takes me to the cleaners

and to bed in the
same day, Mr. Dexter.

Good night.

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

To this night

and to us.

To this night

and to us.

I ordered these
flowers in the hopes

that you would
stay with me tonight.

I set the candles in the hopes
that you would stay with me.

I had this made

in the hopes that
you'd marry me.

Will you?


Yes, I'll marry you.

( romantic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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