05x24 - The Crash

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x24 - The Crash

Post by bunniefuu »


Yes, that's pretty, isn't it?

Blake. l wasn't expecting you.

Well, we were iust having
a little father-daughter chat.

Hello, darling.

Excuse me,

but Kristina's bath is ready,
Mr. Carrington.

All right, Martha.

Hey, you're going to get your bath.

Bye-bye, darling.

Oh, such a good girl.

l, uh...

l've stayed away the past few days,

because l wanted to give you
some time to think.

Come home, please.

l want you to come back.

Do you understand why l left?

All l understand is that the two people
l love most in the world

aren't at home with me,
where they belong.

Blake, love is trusting one another.

l've told you that my relationship
with Ashley Mitchell

is merely a casual, friendly
business relationship.

And my relationship with Daniel Reece
is just as innocent.

But you can't believe that, can you?

No, l can't.

Blake, how can we have a marriage,

a loving home,
if you won't believe me?

The baby needs us both. l need you.

Can't we start over again?

l'm willing to forget
whatever has happened.

Are you?
Well, that's vey generous of you.

But l'm afraid l need more than that.

l need you to trust me, to believe me.

You'd better go, Blake.

You look as if you were expecting
a firing squad.

Well, l'm iust a little surprised
that you called me in.

Mr. Fuller, l have a reputation
that is unpredictable,

devious and manipulative.

l cherish that reputation because
it keeps my enemies off guard.

You can relax, l'm not your enemy.

And l certainly
don't want to be yours.


Then let's get down to business.

l want you to come back to Colbyco.


Good men are hard to find.

You were excellent at your iob,

and l happen to know that you haven't
found a comparable position.

Tell me, Mrs. De_er,
did Steven put you up to this?

No, he didn't.

l want you to come back.

lt could be vey aw_ard.

l must confess that Steven
is part of the reason.

His happiness
is vey important to me.

Right now, l think that he's
searching for that happiness,

and l think that you
are a part of that search.

l want him to know
that whatever he does,

whatever he decides,

l will love him and support him.

Are you always this supportive
of Steven's relationships, Mrs. De_er?

lf you're referring to his marriage
to Claudia, no, not at first.

But when l saw
how much she cared about him,

how much they loved each other,

then l gave my total support.

l'm giving you
the benefit of the doubt.

Accept my offer.
Don't disappoint me.



lf Blake makes the first move,
Alexis makes a counter-move.

And back and forth it goes.

But now l'm the one in the middle.

My father made his gesture, Luke.

He may not have opened his arms,
but he did open the door.

So now my mother feels
she has to ty to match him.

They compete over eveything,
right now it happens to be you and me.

Well, she did offer me the iob,

but l told her l wouldn't accept it
until l talked to you.

You have your career to think about.

l have you to think about.

Having so many choices can be a--

A mixed blessing?

l guess that's the phrase.


Let's go somewhere else.

Take the iob, Luke.

ADAM: Claudia.
- What?

Haven't you had enough?

- Please, Adam, not now.
- Yes, now.

l'm worried, and l won't stand by
and watch you withdraw

and get depressed again.

You have a future.

lt's time to let go of the past.
Divorce him.

You can fly to Mexico, and within
a few hours you can be free.

Do it.

For your own sake.

You know what your problem is?

You need people.

that's exactly what l don't need.

Between each and evey Carrington
popping in,

and friends flying in and out of Denver
to wish me a cheey hello,

l don't have any time for myself,
and that's exactly what l need.

l need time to think.

All right. l'll call you later.


The doctor said
l could get out of here in a day or so.

Well, l should l think that would
make you overjoyed, and you're not.

Why not?

l don't know.

l really don't know. l iust feel that l...

l should feel better, Ashley.

Well, it's pe_ectly normal
to feel depressed after an operation.

ln a few days,
you'll be back to your old self.


Will l?

- Ashley.
- Blake.

- Morning
- Hello.

How is Dominique today?

Actually, l think you're probably
just the medicine she needs.

Why don't we have lunch
after your visit

and l'll bring you up to date
on Dominique's surprise party?

Not today, l'm sory.
l have a :OO that l can't get out of.

Tomorrow then?

This is a vey bad week for me.

Blake, l think you're avoiding me.

l'm a photographer. l read faces.

Yours is no exception.

l know there's trouble
between you and Kystle.

l've seen her at La Mirage.

l hope l'm not the cause
of any problems?

Thank you vey much
for your concern,

but whatever problems Kystle and l
might have, we'll work them out.

l'd better get up and see Dominique

or l'm gonna be late
for an appointment.

l'll be in touch, Blake. Bye.

These bridesmaids dresses
are dreadful, Amanda.

And not at all suitable for the
sort of wedding you're going to have.

l wish you'd stop fussing
about this wedding.

Darling, the marriage was my idea,

but nobody's holding a g*n
to your head.

Then l can iust call it off?

Any fool can do that, darling.

But why would you want to?

Prince Michael loves you.

And whether you believe it or not,

l think that you're
starting to fall for him.

But l'm not in love with him.

And how can you, of all people,
want me to mary a man l don't love?

What l want in my marriage
is to be passionately in love.

there's more to marriage than passion.

Believe me, l know.

Only once have l let my heart
overrule my head.

And that was with Blake Carrington.
l met him, l married him a month later,

and look what happened.

don't throw away a brilliant marriage

for the sake of an infatuation
with a man you can never have.

What man?

Darling, l've seen that look
of unrequited love before.

Forget him.

Concentrate on a man who loves you
and who can give you eveything.

So when are you
seeing Michael again?

Blake is taking us to dinner
tomorrow night.

Hold onto him, darling.

Believe me, a real man who loves you
is much better than a fantasy lover.

How about you, Claudia?

What are you going to do?

Oh, l'll probably spend another
sleepless night tying to figure out

what happened
between Steven and me.

What went wrong.

And thinking about a future
l'm not sure l'm ready for.

lf you need me, you call.


- Oh, Dex.
- Claudia.

Kystle, l have to talk to you.
Would you excuse us?

Yeah, sure. Night.

What did you find out, Dex?

Daniel didn't make it.

He's in a prison camp in Paraguay.


Ty to escape again, señor,
and there will be no trial.

You'll be shot, comprende?

Gerard told me you were here.

Yes, l thought of calling you,

but l didn't want to tell you
what l have to say over the phone.

Tell me what?

l'm going to Mexico.

- A divorce there--
- A divorce?

l think it's the only thing to do.

l don't.


We need more time to think about
what's happened to us.

How much we've meant
to each other.

But we're not thinking,
we're brooding and we're suffering.

l've learned how unhealthy
that can be.

Oh, Steven, ty and understand

that l'm tying
to leave a failed marriage

with as much dignity as l can.

Part of me
wants to change your mind.

Claudia, any time
you wanna see Danny, it's okay.

l'm sory about all of this.

l am too.

l really am.

- Claudia, what is it?
- It's nothing, Blake.

what's the matter with Claudia?

She's going to Mexico
to file for divorce.

lt'll be final
by the time she returns.

Damn it, why didn't you stop her?
Is that what you want?

That's what she wants, Dad.

l'll talk to her, convince her
that you both need more time.

this is between Claudia and me.

This affects the entire family.

lf she goes, what's left?

Luke and l.

You told me you'd accept me
for what l am and how l want to live.

Have you changed your mind already,

l told you l'd stand by you, Steven.

l've never broken a promise
to my family,

and l never will.

Daniel was captured
tying to cross the border here.

- And taken to the prison here?
- Yeah, with vey tight security.

But we have a contact there
who informed us

that they're gonna
transport Daniel by truck

over this road
back to the capital to stand trial.

Then we've got to move.

l'll leave on the ne_ plane,
you make the arrangements.

Then it's a question of
watch and wait.

Wait for what?

Let me know when you're ready.

Mrs. De_er.

Good afternoon.

Ready for what?

Nothing, Alexis.

You've always been dangerous
when you're quiet, Dex.

That's one of the things
that attracts me about you.

But right now, l think it's your plans
that are dangerous.

l want you to change them.

You know,

sometimes l almost think
you really do love me, Alexis.

And l don't want to lose you.

Not even you
can change my mind on this one.


Just watch me.

l've gotta go back.

Thank you for a wonde_ul evening,

lt was a pleasure.

Thank you, l've really enioyed
the restaurant and the company.

l have classes tomorrow and it's late.
Good night, Michael.

- Good night, Daddy.
- Good night, darling.

Well, would you care
and join me for a brandy, Michael?

Thank you.

PRINCE: My county may be small,
Mr. Carrington,

but our problems aren't.

My father is tying to encourage
constitutional reform.

Yes, l know. He's to be commended.

ldeas are cheap, Mr. Carrington.
All kinds of people have them.

But making them work,
that's different.

You have the authority,
the backing of Parliament.

On paper, at least.

But there's another kind of paper,

And the vey wealthy of my county

have no desire
to redistribute that wealth.

Now, Mr. Carrington,

you didn't ask me in here
to talk politics.

No, l didn't.

Sit down, won't you?

Thank you.

Tell me, why l should approve
of your marying my daughter?

Because l love her.

But does she love you?

Yes, she does.

She may not know it yet,
but she does.

She'd be marying a man
that she hardly knows,

moving to a county
that is hardly stable.

And free to return home
any time she likes,

if she becomes at all unhappy.

Michael, until l'm convinced
that Amanda is happy,

that the marriage is based on love,
not merely on convenience,

l'm afraid l can't give you my approval,
nor my blessing.

Amanda is beautiful, bright, wilful,

and vey spoiled.

l do, however, love her.

And l will mary her,

and l will make her happy.

You know, Steven,
l never claimed to be a good cook,

but l at least thought
my food was edible.

l'm iust not hungy, l guess.

Claudia is doing what she has to do.


She's hurting,
and she's tying to protect herself.

l know that.

Believe me, Steven, she's doing
what's right for both of you.

l wonder,

is she?



- Who's there?
ADAM: Adam.

Oh, Adam.

Claudia, my God, what's wrong?

l needed you.

l need you now.

Make love to me, Adam.

Tell me that's not the sunrise.

l'd be lying.

We have a plane to catch.

No, no, no. Close your eyes.

Pretend it's still night.

l never thought l could feel like this.

l never thought that making love
could make me feel this way.

As much as l've loved other men,

nobody's ever made me feel
the way you do.






l owe you one.

We're not out of this yet.

Come on, let's move it.

Come on.

Just leave them on the railing.


Oh, thank you. It's so lovely.

Welcome back to the world,

Oh, God, Ashley.

Come on, l'll help you to your room.

Oh, dear, l wish eveyone would stop
telling me what to eat, when to sleep.

There are some things
l can do for myself,

if eveyone would iust leave me alone
for one minute.

l'm sory.

l'm really sory, darling.

First day out of the hospital.
She's just tired, l'm sure.

l know. She'll be fine.

You've been such a good friend,
so vey helpful.

Thank you vey, vey much.

l'm sory.

l'll come back at another time.

Kystle, wait.

My beloved mother
would have been shocked.

Why? Because you've given her iewels
to another woman?

No, no, no.

Because the girl who wears them
is more beautiful than the jewels,

and as beautiful as she.

She was somewhat conceited,
if deservedly so.

With that smile,
you'll conquer my county.

Just as l have you?

Just as you have me.

You may have been conquered,
Michael, but l haven't.

Sex is not part of our arrangement.

Still saving yourself
for that phantom lover of yours?

l'm here. Where is he?

The only reason
that you're here with me

is because you've made a deal
with Colbyco.

That doesn't mean
you can have me.

You'll love the winters in Moldavia.

They're as cold as ice.

Just like you.

Will there be anything else,
Mrs. De_er?

No, thank you, Lin. That'll be all.

My apologies, Mrs. De_er.

You prepared
a wonde_ul meal and l'm--

l'm afraid l've rather spoiled it.

Michael, l don't prepare meals,
l simply order them.

l wanted this to be special,

but here's to other enchanting
evenings with my future son-in-law.

l wonder.

Don't you believe in happy endings?

Happy endings all require
some sort of beginning.

Amanda may be hot-tempered,
short-sighted and rude,

but she's also passionate,
and in love with love.

She'll come around.

One of the privileges of royalty

is that people usually
wait for me to come around.

Don't tell me
that you're throwing in the towel?

Conceding defeat?

l have never given up anything,
Mrs. De_er.

Well, since neither of you
like to concede defeat,

l'd say you were the pe_ect pair,
wouldn't you?


Why don't you pour us
an after-dinner drink.

Well, that's a good idea.


You, uh,
live with your work, don't you?

lt's never let me down.

lt's my passion.

l think it's a pe_ect relationship.

That's how you met your husband,
wasn't it?

Yes, at a photo session.

l gave up photography as a profession
after we were married,

but l still kept it as a hobby.


These are vey good.

Blake's a complex man.
You've captured evey mood.

He's quite a wonde_ul subiect.

You seem to focus on older men.

Maynard, Blake.

Well, they have character, depth,

And what about younger men?

Don't we deserve a chance?



Oh, thank God you're alive.

You could have been k*lled.

But even with a bum leg,

b*ll*ts screaming past your ear
tend to make you run a little bit faster.

The most terrifying moment
was in that jail cell alone at night,

afraid l might die
without ever seeing you again.

- Daniel--
- That's what kept me alive.

No matter what,
l'd have found my way back.

Nothing can keep me from you.

What's important
is that you and Dex are safe.

No, what's important
is that we're back together.

- Oh, Daniel--
- Kystie, look at me.

Fate kept me alive,
fate brought us back together.

You're on your own now.
You're free.

l love Blake.

And whatever problems
we might have, they're temporay.

l believe in my marriage.

When you opened that door,
what did l see in your eyes?

What did l hear in your voice?

What you saw and heard was ioy
at your being alive.

l care for you, Daniel,

but l love Blake.

Then why are you here?

Whether you want to admit it or not,

you're turning away from Blake.

And no matter how hard
you ty to fight it, you're turning to me.

l want you to be the woman
you want to be.

And l'll wait for that woman
if it takes the rest of my life.

Lin, who sent this package?

l did, Alexis.


And what exactly
were you doing in Rio?

Oh, l was doing a little shopping.

And l caught a plane
to fly home to you.

Oh, Dex, Dex.

Oh, l missed you so much.

l missed you too.

Aren't you gonna open your present?

Of course.

And l forget to do

The little ordinay things

That eveyone ought to do



- Who is it?
ASHLEY: Ashley.

Ashley, come in.

Dominique, why aren't you dressed?

What in the world
are you talking about?

l told you
we're having dinner with Blake.

Oh, l really don't feel like that.

Now, Blake is not gonna take no
for an answer.

He checked with your doctor,
he sent a car for us,

and he wants his vey glamorous sister
to be at his house right now.

Dominique's not here yet.

- Got a minute?
- Yeah, what is it?

l wanna talk to you about Claudia.

Steven, you and l have known
each other ever since we were kids, l--

l feel like we're brothers.

l know that Claudia's
going to be here tonight.

Jeff, you can say anything you want to
about Claudia.

That doesn't mean l have to listen.

l'm sick and tired
of listening to eveybody's advice.

l know how you feel, Steven.

lt's happened to me.

- With Fallon?
- Yeah.

l mean, one day she disappears
and the ne_ thing l know,

she comes back from Haiti
and we're divorced.

l felt so angy at what l considered
betrayal, l turned my back on her.

Don't turn your back on Claudia,

don't be the one
to drive her into Adam's arms.

Okay, okay.

Don't do that to Claudia.

l'll consider not doing! that to Claudia.

Now, l'm serious. Now, for God's
sakes, you've gotta remember

what Claudia did for you
when you were about to lose Danny.

And you know Adam.

The guy moves in on another man's
woman evey chance he can get.

He did it to me with Kirby.

Our live-in opportunist who's doing it
to me right now with Claudia.


Jeff, do you think for one minute
l haven't appealed to Claudia?

l've told her she can see Danny
any time she wants.

l begged her not to divorce me,
to wait, not to do anything impulsive.

All my appeals fell on deaf ears.

She's made her own bed,
she can lie in it.

Even if Adam's lying in it with her.




l seem to remember
that smile somewhere.

Oh, this is wonde_ul.
Blake, l'm stunned.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.

Thank you for coming. l know how
difficult it must be for you to be here.

l wanted to be here for you.

Will you ioin me later
and make it a clean sweep?

l never make any really important
decisions until l've had my fill of caviar.

Claudia, when did you get back?

Last night.

So are we divorced?

Yes, we are.

And what part did you play
in all this, Adam?

Steven, please.

Tell me something, how long did it
take you to talk her into the divorce?

One night?

l didn't have to talk her into anything.

Steven, please.

l'm sory you were put through that.

You look especially beautiful
this evening.

Stop it.

l've had iust about enough of this,

Look, l've already told you.

Vey well.

You want me to leave you alone?
You just got your wish.

- Michael, people are looking.
- Well, let them look.

There's absolutely nothing to see.

lt's over between us, Amanda.

lt's finished.



Amanda, darling, what is it?

Oh, Daddy, please,
just let me be alone.

- But--
- Blake, let her go.

She needs to be alone.

Perhaps you're right.

But then l always think you're right.

You used to.

Oh, Kystle.

Let's forget our differences.
Let's forget about Daniel Reece.

Let's forget eveything, can't we?

lt would mean so much to me.

Blake, Daniel's back.

- He's been hurt.
- You've seen him?

Well, yes,
he came to see me after he returned.

He obviously knew where to find you,
didn't he?

l'm tying to tell you that Daniel--

You're tying to tell me he's been after
something all along, you.

Well, yes, he has, but--

Well, maybe l'm talking
to the wrong person.

Maybe l should be talking to him.



Reece, this is Blake Carrington.

l tried to reach you all last night.

- Why?
- You and l have got to talk.

l'm on my way to the airport.
l don't have time.

Then make time.
This has gotta be settled now.

You don't listen well, Blake.

l said l'm on my way to the airport.

l'm sory, Mr. Reece, but he insisted.

lt's all right, Burt, l'll take care of it.

l'm on my way to Portland, Blake.
You'd better get out.

l don't give a damn
where you're going.

l'm not getting off this plane

until we've settled things between us
once and for all.

You tried to break up our marriage.

But it didn't work.

Now stay the hell our of our lives.

Excuse me, Mr. Reece,
the tower says weather's moving in.

Either we take off now or we're
gonna be grounded for several hours.

- Well?
- l haven't finished with you yet.

Let's go.

All right, close it up.

l'm sick and tired of you waiting
for my marriage to crumble.

You thinking you could
take my wife away from me.

Except that she'd never go with you,

- Why, because you ordered it?
- Because l know Kystle.

You know what she thinks,
what she feels,

what she needs, when she hurts.

ls she happy, Blake?

She was until you showed up.

l offered Kystle her freedom.

You offered her nothing.

You've wrapped her in dreams,
your dreams.

Tried to make her over
into your image.

Kystle only wants
to think for herself.

Tell me something,
what are you worried about?

Are you afraid that when she does,

she'll finally see you
for what you really are?

Kystle knows who l am,
l've always been honest with her.

She would never leave me.
And by God, l will never let her go.

Forget it.

You wanted to settle this?
It's settled, l'm taking her.

Like hell you are.

My wife is not up for grabs.

What's going on back there?

Mr. Reece, are you all right?

BLAKE: Grab the controls.
The pilot's out cold.

Cut the throttle.

Our air speed is too high.

Get him off the controls
so l can pull the nose back up.

His arm is jammed in the wheel.

REECE: Pull him back
so l can get ahold of the wheel.

l can't get him off the controls!

His leg must be caught.

REECE: We're losing too much
air speed. We're going to stall.

BLAKE: We've gotta level this thing out
or we're gonna go in.

REECE: We're not gonna make
this ne_ ridge.

Brace yourself.

We're going in.
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